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Chapter 460 Carbine

Chapter 460 Back to the Carbine

The next day.

At noon, in the alley outside Wanbao Building.

A simple carriage with the Wanbao Lou brand was parked outside the gate of Washington. Eight guards rode horses and waited quietly around the carriage. Lu Zhu and Yun Li, who was accompanying the maid, moved some of the young lady's personal belongings. Entered the carriage.

Hua Qingzhi was sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed out of the screen wall by Ye Jingtang, whispering along the way:

"Dad is alone in the capital recently. You must pay attention to safety. You have no official status. You are temporarily recruited by the court to help. Daddy must know the right rules..."

Hua Junchen walked forward with his hands behind his back to say goodbye. Naturally, he understood what his daughter meant by letting him fish in troubled waters, so he said:
"As a father, I know my own weight. Besides, Hua An is gone, what else can happen to me..."

Since his trip to Night Terror Hall, Uncle Hua had been blamed a lot, and he felt really ashamed. However, when he arrived at the door, he didn't say much and just said:
"It's important to be on guard against others. Uncle Hua should be more careful in his actions in the future."

Hua Junchen nodded and asked again:

"After you go back to visit your relatives this time, you still can't make it?"

Ye Jingtang knew this was a question to him and smiled:
"I haven't finished my job for a month, so how could I not come over? Maybe I'll come over and bother Uncle Hua again within a few days of staying home."

Hua Junchen felt that after leaving Ye Jingtang, if he wanted to come to Yanjing again, he would at least have to wait until the situation between the two dynasties became clear.The situation between the two dynasties is here, and it is meaningless to talk about these things too much. He stopped talking nonsense, came to the door and waved his hand:

"Okay, let's go. Tell your mother when you get back and tell her not to worry about you."

Hua Qingzhi nodded lightly and then boarded the carriage with Luzhu's help.

Ye Jingtang also loaded the wheelchair onto the carriage, then got on the horse and led the motorcade towards the outskirts of the city.

Ever since they roughly figured out the situation in the Beiliang court yesterday, Ye Jingtang has planned to make a quick decision. Last night, they had asked Bing Tuo Tuo to leave first and go outside the city to collect information and prepare.

As for Qing He and Yun Li, because their identities were originally maids and cooks, they naturally followed Hua Qingzhi and left together, sitting in the small carriage at the back, while Ning'er also secretly hid in it.

As chaos broke out in Bishui Forest and the palace, inspections inside and outside the capital were very strict. Not only were there guard posts every five steps on the streets, but Fangzheng even had to issue documents when entering and leaving the city, clearly stating the origin and destination.

Hua Qingzhirao had a superior status and had a certificate issued by the Imperial College. She was still interrogated when she left the city. However, there was nothing suspicious in the convoy, and there was a big gap between the portraits of the Night Terror Hall and the wanted criminals, so she was eventually released smoothly. OK.

After waiting for the convoy to travel ten miles and gradually move away from the towering city behind, a small town appeared beside the official road. At the tea stall at the entrance of the town, sat a tall female warrior.

Hua Qingzhi kept looking outside with the car curtain open. When she noticed the figure waiting on the roadside, she looked at the Night Terror Hall and whispered:
"Are you going to be busy?"

Ye Jingtang walked by the car window and said with a smile:

"Yeah. You go first, I'll catch up when I'm done."

"how long?"

"Later midnight, no later than tomorrow morning. If you don't come back tomorrow morning, you guys should hurry up and go back to Chengtian Mansion first, don't wait for me."


Hua Qingzhi was quite worried about the safety of Ye Jingtang, but she was a weak woman who really couldn't say anything about men's matters. Thinking about it, she could only nod, and then said:
"Hua An, go back and help me get the paintings from the study. I forgot to get them just now. Hua Ning, let's go first."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang reined in his horse and stopped on the official road, watching the convoy continue moving forward.

Qinghe Yunli and Ning'er both wanted to participate in tonight's action, but with their martial arts skills, they were unable to help Zhongsun Jin at all. At the moment, they just raised the curtain and faced the Night Terror Hall. He waved his hand gently and looked at him to indicate his safety.

Ning'er also signaled to Bai Jin, apparently asking him to protect her ex-husband and prevent Bai Jin from going wrong.

Ye Jingtang couldn't respond, so he just raised his hand and waved goodbye. After the carriage had gone far, he turned his horses and came to the small town.
The town is just a temporary resting place where you can't enter the city at night. There are more than ten houses in two rows on the left and right, all of which are restaurants, inns and tea shops. It is actually more suitable to describe it as a small street; because the government has been strict in checking in the past two days, it is different from closing the city. It's not big, but there are a lot of people staying here.

Ye Jingtang dismounted at the entrance of the town. Xue Baijin, who was sitting at the tea stall, put down three copper coins and got up, walking to a small inn behind.

After Ye Jingtang tied up the horse outside the inn, he came to his side calmly and asked:
"how is the situation?"

Xue Baijin walked forward without squinting, leading Ye Jingtang to the second floor of the inn:
"I watched all night yesterday. There was a lot of construction work in the clear water forest. They must be setting up formations, but there are not many people. They must be protecting the emperor. As soon as it gets dark, let's take action and go over to test the depth..."

Ye Jingtang listened carefully along the way, and soon followed Xue Baijin to a room upstairs.

The room is just an ordinary guest room, but there are a lot of things inside. The table is covered with black cloth, on which are neatly placed snowflake darts, flying needles, fire breakers and other equipment used for sneaking in, as well as two sets of clothes. There are also irons next to it. mace and a spear.

And Niao Niao, who went out with Xue Baijin last night, was still watching in Bishui Forest and had not returned.

After Ye Jingtang closed the door, he came to the table, picked up the nine-foot spear, looked at it, and nodded slightly:
"This gun is pretty good. Where did you get it?"

"I bought it on the black market for 700 taels of silver. I'll put it in your account. Remember to pay me back when you get back."

"It's natural..."

Xue Baijin came to the table and started to prepare. She took the robe over and checked it. Then she was about to take off her belt. When she found Ye Jingtang standing next to her, she looked at Ye Jingtang again.

Ye Jingtang was checking whether the weapon was handy. When he saw Bing Tuo Tuo looking at him, he realized, put down the spear, and turned around and went out:

"I will take the lead later, don't jump out yet, see if there is a chance for a sneak attack..."

After Xue Baijin waited for the door to close, she untied her belt, took off her snow-white dress, and revealed her flawless breast-wrapped thin pants. She responded:

"When I was traveling around the world, you were still playing in the mud in Honghe Town. Do you need to teach me these things?"

Ye Jingtang stood at the door and did not dare to use Mingshen Diagram or Listening to the Wind Palm to observe. He just smiled and said:
"I never played in the mud when I was a child. When I was five or six years old, I was the invincible player in Honghe Town."


Xue Baijin realized something was wrong while chatting with a man while changing clothes, so she stopped talking because she was changing from women's clothes to men's clothes. She also took off her thin pants and bra wrap, then put on black pants and a top quality bra wrap. Wrap your chest flat.

In the past, when Ning'er was around, Ning'er was the one who helped me. She could walk alone, but she was able to tie her up, but her movements were more laborious.

Ye Jingtang stood outside. Even if he didn't want to listen, he finally heard the sound of the fabric being stretched tightly. He secretly clicked his tongue in his heart and felt that Bing Tuo Tuo was really cruel. He couldn't breathe anymore.

But Bingtuotuo didn't say anything, so naturally he couldn't talk about it. After putting on his clothes, "Come in." was heard in the room, and then he turned around and opened the door.

Xue Baijin, who had already changed into a man's brocade robe, had his hair tied up in a men's style with a hairband, and was inserting darts and other objects into his belt and wrist guards.

Ye Jingtang came to the front and saw that Bing Tuo Tuo hadn't finished cleaning up, so he couldn't take it off directly, so he picked up the white mask on the table and looked at it:
"If you wear this, your vision will not be affected?"

As he said this, he wanted to try it on his face.

But Xue Baijin kept the mask on his face all day long and let the man wear it. Wouldn't it be an indirect kiss? Seeing this, he quickly snatched the mask away, turned around and went out:

"Hurry up and change your clothes. We have to get to Bishui Forest before dark."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang shrugged angrily and said nothing. After the door closed, he changed his clothes...
The sky was shrouded in thick dark clouds, and as night fell, the countryside outside the city soon became invisible.

In Ma'anshan, which is more than ten miles away from Yanjing, countless Yanjing Imperial Guards are camped at the foot of the mountain. From time to time, messengers on flying horses come from the south or the capital and run to a government office at the foot of the mountain.

The government office was originally the lieutenant's command post, but as the emperor suddenly came to inspect, the military attachés who were originally on duty had retreated outside, and were replaced by the palace attendants of Emperor Liang.

Outside the meeting hall of the barracks, several eunuchs headed by the twelve servants served as personal guards and were stationed inside and outside the hall; several courtiers who were temporarily summoned from the capital stood outside the door in court uniforms, quietly waiting for Emperor Liang's arrival. arrange.

In the hall, the broad and fat Prince of Beiliang stood obediently in front of the north-south map in the center, looking at his nose and heart, and even breathing very calmly. If he were not standing in the center of the hall, it would be difficult to notice this. Personally, he didn't even look as conspicuous as the eunuch at the back.

Li Liang, the Emperor of the Liang Dynasty, who was over fifty years old, was much more relaxed. He was holding the edge of the long case with both hands, scanning the map on the case, and was listening to the urgent news from the border crossing:

"The Southern Dynasty gathered [-] elite infantrymen and stationed them in the south of Tianmen Gorge in the name of drill. They also prepared thousands of fire boats and countless bamboo rafts..." The hall was empty and quiet. Apart from the reports from the courtiers, there were only a few words left. There was a vague sound of breathing.

After Emperor Liang quietly listened to the report, he did not directly convey the order to the garrison at Tianmen Gorge. Instead, he looked at the fat prince standing next to him:
"Do you think the Empress of the Southern Dynasties is bluffing, or does she really want to fight?"

The fat prince was white and fat, looking a little slow. After thinking for a moment, he responded:

"My son thought it was a bluff. When the Southern Dynasties crossed the Tianmen Gorge, they had to go upstream. There have been only a few times in history when the pass was broken. They all worked together to seize the pass from the inside. There was no precedent of being attacked from the front. Even if the empress wanted to fight, she wouldn't. It’s time to attack Tianmen Gorge head-on.”

Emperor Liang nodded slightly: "Continue."

When the Fat Prince said this, he picked up the wooden pole and pointed to Yanzhou in the east of the map:

"The north and the south have been at peace for a generation. If the empress wants to lead her army north, she must win the first battle, otherwise it will be difficult to block the government and the opposition. King Yan is good at fighting and is brave. As long as the war starts, King Youxian will soon lose the three eastern towns.

"But the Crown Prince of Yan was the first to rebel and assassinate him. If King Yan wins the first battle, he will be guilty and meritorious, regaining the prestige established in the past years. After the war, he will threaten the Empress of the Southern Dynasty; and if the first battle is defeated, King Yan will definitely be afraid that the Empress of the Southern Dynasty will take advantage of her. If we have the opportunity to get rid of him, he may break the pot and surrender to our court. Therefore, the empress will not use King Yan."

With that said, the Fat Prince moved the wooden pole to Heishiguan in Liangzhou:

"Uncle Wang sacrificed his life for the country, and it was difficult for the new king to convince the public when he succeeded, making it difficult for the three cities in Western Xinjiang to be integrated into one; and the empress had no heirs. King Liang wanted to take over Yun'an in a legitimate and justifiable way, so he had to get the credit for opening up and expanding the territory, and he would do his best to do so. Go all out. Judging from my son's opinion, if the empress wanted to fight, it would be Liang Wang who made the first move.

"But it's already mid-March now. By the beginning of April, Tianlang Lake will be completely civilized. In more than ten days, even if King Liang gnaws down the Xihai Protectorate, he won't be able to cross Tianlang Lake without a warship. What he can get is nothing more. The Western Sea is a barren land. But if we abandon the western front and march our troops southward, we can guide our sword to the fertile land in the east.

"With all three troops deployed at a disadvantage, I feel that the empress will not take risks."

Emperor Liang nodded slightly, but did not approve. He just said:

"You understand the overall situation, but you don't understand the person of the Empress of the Southern Dynasty. The Southern Dynasty is the Southern Dynasty, and the empress is the empress. She inherits the rule as a woman. For the Southern Dynasty, it means usurping the throne and seizing the country unfairly. She does not sit on the throne. Stable. In the future, if she wants to pass the throne to her son firmly, she must completely suppress and pacify the kings, so that no one in the world dares to say no again.

"Now is her best chance to consolidate the imperial power. If I were her, I would have to send troops even if I had no advantage. I would have to fight even if I couldn't win. It was not to destroy the powerful enemy in the north, but just to contain the main force of Daliang and let the orphan of King Tianlang take the opportunity to take control. The tribes of the Western Sea.

"As long as the Northwest Royal Court revives and she can control it, the kings of the Southern Dynasties will no longer have a chance to seize power. The next thing she has to do is to give birth to a son and take over the imperial throne of the Southern Dynasty and Northwest Royal Court at the same time, so that the two dynasties can Justifiable and logical, the two become one..."

The Fat Prince frowned: "If this situation really comes to this, with the financial and material resources of the Southern Dynasty and the bravery of the barbarians in the West Sea, our Dynasty may not be able to defend it for many years."

"So, if the Tianlang King's lineage is not eliminated, I will have trouble sleeping and eating..."

Emperor Liang sighed softly, and clasped his hands behind his back, he wanted to teach the prince a few more words. Suddenly, he heard a muffled sound from the distant sky:

The sound was like spring thunder, but it came not from the sky, but from somewhere in the eastern suburbs.

Emperor Liang frowned, turned around and came to the door of the hall. Looking at the dark sky and earth in the distance, he saw a faint light of fire.

The expressions of the several father-in-laws guarding the door also changed at the same time:
"Is it Bishui Forest?"

"Something went wrong over there again..."

The sky is getting dark, and the night wind blows the branches and leaves in the forest, making a delicate sound of rubbing branches and leaves.

The Bishui Forest located along the Yan River has stopped work following the turmoil in the past two days; and the original outposts and hidden posts are no longer hidden. They have all changed into Forbidden Army uniforms and are strictly guarding the surrounding area.

The craftsmen who were originally working there have withdrawn and been replaced by disciples of Qianji Sect, who have arranged various mechanism formations in the corridors and pavilions.

On the river bank in front of the Bishui Forest, Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black robe, with a face scarf on his face, only a pair of bright eyes showing, holding a long gun in his hand, squatting behind the bushes, carefully observing the movements in the garden.

Xue Baijin had two iron maces hanging on his waist, standing in the dark with his back against a tree trunk, and squatting on his shoulders was the bird that had been busy all day.

After observing for a moment, Ye Jingtang frowned and asked:

"Is Zhong Sunjin just laying a trap so openly?"

Xue Baijin actually had this doubt yesterday, and also thought of an explanation, and responded:

"Maybe it's because I'm arrogant and think that we can't understand what we're doing in person, so there's no need to hide it."

Ye Jingtang thought it made sense, so he thought about it and said:

"How large is the scope of the arrangement?"

Xue Baijin turned slightly sideways and gestured to Baishi Avenue outside the manor:

"After crossing the river shoulder, there is a trap rope. It is not clear whether there is a hidden warning thing. With my level of dismantling traps, I can walk more than ten feet in without being noticed by Zhongsun Jin. Are you good at it? Dismantle this?"

Ye Jingtang has seen Qinghe dismantle the mechanism before. Although it seems simple, there is a lot of effort behind it; for example, distinguishing the type by the tightness of the silk thread, or determining the lock position by sound like the flower-faced fox. There is no technical accumulation over the years. , even when Fengguancheng comes, he still has to be caught blind.

Ye Jingtang has never been involved in this area. He must be humiliating himself by competing with Zhong Sunjin on the mechanism formation, but it is not certain that he can't dismantle the mechanism.

Seeing that there were many traps around Bishui Forest, Night Terror Hall stopped trying to judge the locations of various traps and stood up with a gun in hand:

"Let's go."

Seeing Ye Jingtang's confident look, Xue Baijin's eyes flashed with surprise. She raised her hand slightly and asked the scout chicken to take off and pay attention to the surrounding movements. She followed the dark place with her mace and asked:
"Are you sure you can dismantle it?"

Ye Jingtang didn't speak, and he no longer hid his figure. He let the night wind blow his robes and walked to the White Stone Avenue by the river.


The nine-foot long spear in his hand slipped back and hit the white stone floor tiles. The tip of the spear rubbed against the white stone and made a "chacha" sound.

And a terrifying momentum was rising steadily on the river bank, pressing towards the garden ahead.

Seeing this scene, Xue Baijin rolled his eyes slightly:
"I told you that you couldn't understand it. Why don't we just type in directly? Unfortunately, I had to wait for you to think about it for a long time."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were stern, and he held a gun in one hand like the Nine Nether Hells. Hearing Bing Tuo Tuo complain, he whispered:
"I'm not a god, how can I know everything. People are coming out, get in position quickly."

Xue Baijin didn't hesitate, and disappeared into the night in a flash.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang regained his stern and unparalleled aura and strode toward the garden, dragging his spear.

Several figures jumped out of the building complex in front, and scoldings came along with the night wind:


"Report your name..."

Ye Jingtang ignored the gossip. When he came to the shoulder of the road, he clenched the tail of the gun with his right hand, slid forward with his left foot, and then said:

Under the night, thunder suddenly breaks out!
The originally flat floor tiles were shattered by the vast energy the moment the gun bent.

The nine-foot spear tip wrapped around the gravel and grass, and poured forward with an overwhelming force. It instantly brought up a mad dragon and crashed into the dim woods outside the garden.


But in an instant, the vegetation in the forest was washed out of a groove that was more than ten feet wide. It spread forward and came under the high white wall, and forcefully tore a gap in the wall.

And the thousands of mechanisms buried in the forest all set off at the same time. The light of fire and the ringing of silver bells instantly filled the entire garden...

 Don’t worry, everyone, I’m really slow to write because my mind is empty, it’s not that I don’t want to write more or2!

(End of this chapter)

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