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Chapter 461 Robbery Camp

Chapter 461 Robbery Camp
Deep in the clear water forest, the windows of the originally destroyed Buddhist hall have been replaced and the tile roof has been rebuilt, but there are still many battle scars inside.

The golden Buddha that was knocked open still stood on the left side of the temple. Several Qianjimen craftsmen were repairing the slide rails under the floor.

There is a small case in the middle of the Buddhist hall. Zhongsun Jin is sitting on the floor, using a ruler to draw a sketch of Hudong Fort on the paper; opposite is Eunuch Xu, who is responsible for assisting in defense.

Hudong Fort is located on the east bank of Tianlang Lake, which is the pass where Xie Jianlan's ancestors were stationed. After the annexation of the Northwest Royal Court, the border line moved forward, and Hudong Fort was replaced by the West Sea Protectorate.

However, with the remnants of King Tianlang appearing, there is a risk of losing control in Western Xinjiang. A year ago, a project was started to repair Hudong Fort, which can be regarded as a second line of defense in the west.

Zhongsun Jin was a man of both civil and military skills in the true sense. Not only did he have a transcendent status in the world of martial arts, but he was also a master in terms of city attack and defense, construction and water conservancy. He also led his disciples and disciples to study materials, metallurgy, equipment, medicine, etc. It can be said that he was involved in all aspects.

But it is a pity that the Jianghu players in the Northern and Southern Dynasties were too young and their abilities were not small. Qianjimen had just developed the telescope and gradually equipped it with the Beiliang army. Honghualou had already taken it and started running. The technical level of both sides was basically Synchronously updated.

Otherwise, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Qianjimen, as a family, opened up the technological gap between the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Because the imperial court was too shaky in terms of technical confidentiality, Qianjimen was actually quite criticized.

At this time, Song Yi, the old protector of Qianji Sect, was standing next to the Golden Buddha, supervising the disciples in repairing the mechanism, and kept chattering to Eunuch Xu:
"A small difference is enough to determine the outcome of a war. In ancient times, the First Emperor was able to dominate the world within a few years not because of his literary skills and military strategy, but because of his skillful craftsmen who developed the 'stirrup'.

"With the stirrups, the cavalry's hands were free, and they became more powerful than the enemy. By the time the enemy noticed it, the First Emperor had already arrived at the city, and there was no time to train the cavalry to adapt to the stirrups, and they were already defeated.

"We, Qianjimen, have worked hard for decades and have built more than one important weapon for the imperial court. If we wait until the two countries go to war to reveal it, attacking the Southern Dynasty will be the same as attacking uncivilized barbarians.

"But what's the result? The disciples who went to Yun'an to study this year were specially taken to Yun'an's weapons inspection to observe the new warships of the Southern Dynasties. My apprentice took a look inside and outside, from the shape of the keel, to the layout of the cabin, and the Hudong Fort. The shipyard is parked exactly the same.

"In order to build a new type of warship, Qianjimen spent eight years from design to material selection, consuming countless manpower and material resources. However, the Southern Dynasty stole it from the Ministry of War, and it probably only took a few quarters of an hour. Speaking of which, it is related to quantity. What is the difference between the material strength of the beam and the happiness of the knot and the country?"

Xu Gonggong is in charge of the anti-theft office and does not interfere in espionage work, but he is still a member of the Twelve Waiters. Faced with Qianjimen's complaints, he sighed:
"Song protector's words are serious. The Southern Dynasty stole a lot of things from our Dynasty. Didn't our Dynasty also get the manufacturing methods of black vine bricks, molten oil and other things? There is no airtight wall in the world. Since both sides regard each other as strong enemies, these It's impossible to hide things completely.

"It is useless to say more about this matter. At present, the matter of the elixir is the most important thing. The Ming Shen Diagram has been stolen. If the elixir falls into the hands of Ye Jingtang again, I am afraid that there will be only one person left in the world who can suppress him. Fengguan City. Protector Song is sure that the trap set outside is foolproof?"

Protector Song specializes in mechanism formations in Qianji Sect. He is helping the Patriarch to handle things like directing his disciples to deploy defenses. At this time, he signaled outside:

"From the river bank to this Buddhist hall, a total of nine formations were laid out, starting with the Seven Ultimate Formation and ending with the Three Immortals Formation. There are a total of [-] mechanisms, interlocking with each other, and one move can move the whole body. Not to mention the night The alarm is coming, even if Master takes action on his own and walks from the river bank to the wall, he still has to..."

At this point, there was a sudden pause.

Protector Song's ears twitched slightly, sensing something was wrong, and turned to look at the front of the manor.

Zhongsun Jin and Eunuch Xu, who were sitting on both sides of the small case, also turned their heads and looked out at the garden where the night wind was howling.

clap clap...

The subtle sound of iron tools rubbing stone bricks came with the night wind. Although it was extremely far away, it was not concealed at all. It was even deliberately meant to be heard by people inside, so that everyone present clearly felt that a "mountain rain is coming" The ominous atmosphere of "Fengmanlou".


"Watch out..."

As the abnormal sound came, the experts patrolling the periphery of the manor immediately realized that something was wrong. They jumped up to a high place to look outside and yelled.

When Protector Song and Eunuch Xu saw this, they wanted to take a look. Unexpectedly, before Eunuch Xu got up, they heard a voice coming from outside:
boom -

Amidst the explosion, the originally dark and silent night exploded into a huge fire, followed immediately by the noisy sound of flying knives and hidden weapons and the breaking of bricks and tiles.

Eunuch Xu looked intently and saw that very far away from the front of the Buddhist hall, a fierce dragon with billowing smoke suddenly appeared. In an instant, it rushed from the far bank to the white high wall, directly smashing the wall, and the aftermath of its energy rushed straight towards it. He even blew out the candlelight in the Buddhist hall.

The guard of Bishui Forest, who originally jumped up to check, was so shocked when he saw this scene that he retreated to the Buddhist hall almost at the same time.

Several people who were too far forward were unable to dodge and were directly involved in the earth dragon that carried countless hidden weapons, branches, leaves and broken tiles. They only made a short sound and were buried in the billowing dust mist.

clap la la la-

When Eunuch Xu and Protector Song saw this scene, their expressions suddenly changed and they took a step back.

As the flames in the Buddhist hall returned to a straight line, the billowing dust and mist outside the clear water forest was quickly blown away by the night wind, revealing the gap in the wall and the landscape forest behind the gap that was almost flattened.

The landscape forest was originally planted with countless flowers and trees. At this time, the lawn had been destroyed, exposing the loess soil below, and turned into a straight loess road more than ten feet wide.

At the end of the road, there was a white stone road by the river. A figure in black robe wearing a bamboo hat, holding a spear in his right hand, strode towards the gap. The bamboo hat was slightly lowered and only his chin covered by a black scarf could be seen, but The frightening aura like black clouds looming over the city instantly made everyone in the clear water forest understand who was coming.

"Night...Night Terror Hall?"

"Go quickly and call father-in-law and the others over..."

The countless guards who were originally restrained knew that something was wrong when they saw the black-robed figure strolling outside. They didn't even have the courage to block the way, so they all retreated.

The three eunuchs who were guarding the clear water forest were now wearing brocade robes and leaping to the top of the building complex, looking as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Eunuch Xu originally wanted to scold him, but he estimated that Night Demon would not listen, so he said urgently to his colleagues:
"The fireworks sent everyone to come to the rescue..."


As soon as he finished speaking, two beams of fireworks shot into the sky and exploded in the air.


Ye Jingtang carried a nine-foot spear and stepped on the yellow mud road, turning a blind eye to the fireworks rising into the sky. After all, Bingtuotuo had been surveying for a day, and there were no masters hiding in the surrounding area. Others came from twenty miles away. When the capital came, it was enough time for him to go in and out three or five times.

Seeing that everyone was facing a formidable enemy, but Zhongsun Jin did not show up, Ye Jingtang did not want to rush in. He walked slowly to the gap in the wall and looked at the Buddhist hall in the distance:

"There was a fight two days ago. Mr. Zhongsun didn't show up. Could it be that he was unsure and wanted to let these stinky fish rot before trying Ye Xingxing?"

Facing the uninvited visitor to the Night Terror Hall, Zhongsun Jin did not panic. He stood up slowly and picked up the black-sheathed sword from in front of the Buddha statue:
"Ye Shaoxia is really brave. He went deep into Longyou Shoal behind enemy lines and dared to come back to kill him. However, Ye Shaoxia had already showed up two days ago. I have been preparing here for two days in advance just in case. You Are you sure you are safe and sound?"

If Ye Jingtang single-handedly charged into the formation set up by Zhongsun Jin, he would definitely have no chance of escaping unscathed. However, he did not come alone, so he did not have much fear for this. He responded from a distance:

"Whether we can escape unscathed will only be known after we fight. If Mr. Zhongsun only prepared these bells and whistles outside, Ye Mou still advises you to hand over the elixir as soon as possible, so that you can take care of yourself at your old age." There is no need to risk your life by doing things for the imperial court." "Ah... Ye Shaoxia is quite young and energetic."

Zhong Sunjin walked along the cobblestone walkway with his sword in hand and came to the outside of the dragon and phoenix screen wall of the manor. He looked at the black-robed figure standing at the wall. He turned his left hand lightly and took out a small medicine box from his waist:

"The elixir is right here. If you want it, just come and get it."

stomping on...

Seeing this, the surrounding guards all retreated to the outside.

This move was not about advocating martial virtue and letting Ye Jingtang and Zhong Sunjin fight in a duel, but the entire manor was like a 'Demon Slayer Array', and their group of miscellaneous fishes were just a hindrance inside.

As for Eunuch Xu, Protector Song and others, they disappeared into the darkness and became silent again. They were obviously in place according to Zhongsun Jin's arrangements.

But in an instant, the vast cloud forest fell silent, leaving only the faint sound of flags and torches blown by the night wind.

Ye Jingtang stood at the gap in the wall, holding a nine-foot spear in his hand. After looking at Zhongsun Jin, he strode onto the white stone ground behind the wall.

tread, tread...

After walking no more than three steps forward, bursts of white smoke appeared from the houses and buildings on the left and right sides. The wind gradually obscured the view, and the figure of Zhongsun Jin under the shadow wall in the distance also blurred.

Ye Jingtang looked calm and composed. After looking at it for a while, he said:

"You only know these tricks?"

Zhongsun Jin in the distance did not respond, but not far away there was the sound of the door being broken open.


Then there was the muffled sound of a giant stepping on the earth:

thump, thump...

Ye Jingtang frowned and looked into the depths of the smoke through the firelight, only to see the outlines of two more figures in the white mist.

The figure is one size larger than a normal person, about the same size as Xuanyuan Chao, who is just over two meters tall, and his waistline is comparable to that of Tu Jiuji. At a glance, he looks like a hill. He is walking towards him with heavy steps. One is holding a hook and sickle gun that is more than ten feet long. , the other holds a long-handled copper hammer.

At this moment, Zhong Sunjin’s rich voice sounded from inside the manor:
"Daliang has studied Tianlang beads for a while, and he has come up with more than just this one formula, and there are also many useless products. I am a man of the world, and I don't like these unethical and unethical methods, but serving the country is also a good idea. Don't stick to trivial matters.

"These two righteous men, named Chen Chao and Feng Yu, were Duan Shengji's classmates when they were young. However, they failed to survive after taking medicine and became what they are now. If I can keep you here today, I might die of love. Hands, they have all fulfilled their righteousness and are free."

dong dong...

As the two figures approached, Ye Jingtang also saw their outlines.

The two figures were covered in thick iron armor, and the cold iron helmets covered their entire heads. There were no eye holes, and only ferocious faces were engraved on the front of the helmets. From a distance, they looked like two steel giants.

The two soldiers wrapped in heavy armor seemed to be unconscious. After walking to the left and right sides of the Night Terror Hall, they stopped and stood silently holding their weapons.

Ye Jingtang held up his spear, glanced briefly, and then looked around Bai Wu:
"Just these two iron lumps, I'm afraid they can't stop me."

There was no response from Zhongsun Jin in the mist, but instead there was the sound of a flute:


At almost the same moment as the flute sounded, the soldiers standing on the left and right sides pulled up without any warning and stepped on a circular pit in the ground.

One person held a hook and sickle gun that was more than ten feet long and stabbed Ye Jingtang's waist and abdomen; the other held a copper hammer high and smashed it directly on Ye Jingtang's head!

Ye Jingtang just glanced at this and realized that the person wrapped in the armor was no longer a human being. After all, judging from the size, this explosive power was completely beyond the limit that an ordinary human body could bear. If Xuanyuan Chao or Tu Jiuji were to do this, It could probably rupture the tendon on the spot.

boom -

Two behemoths landed at the same time, and the hook and sickle gun passed through the standing position of the Night Terror Hall. Two heavy hammers also fell on the floor tiles, tearing the bricks apart instantly, and the aftermath directly shook a ring on Baishi Avenue. wave.

However, Ye Jingtang, who was originally standing with a gun, had no intention of arguing with these two stupid giants. He stepped to the side first, stepped on the tree trunk with both feet, slid a black fold line in the air, and rushed directly to the center, mid-air. Spin around with a gun.

call out--

The spear stirred up the night wind, and poured out with surging energy, instantly blowing away the smoke in the surrounding area, and pushed out a huge ring in the manor, revealing the original building complex.

But Zhongsun Jin, who was originally standing under the screen wall, has disappeared.

Ye Jingtang frowned and quickly searched for traces of his opponent in the building complex. Unexpectedly, the next moment there was a loudspeaker sound coming from the building below:



Then the tiled roof of the house exploded, spewing out a waist-thick fire dragon, and thick burning liquid scattered around. It was obviously special fire oil.

Night Terror Hall didn't need to think about it to know that this thing was stuck to his body and he had to shed several layers of skin. Facing the sudden heat wave, he immediately shot downwards, splitting the fire dragon and the house into two, and at the same time, the tip of the spear hit the broken wall. , flashing to the side.

The two armored soldiers who missed the attack turned around and chased after Ye Jingtang at the same time, and the heavy hammers directly hit the impact point of Night Jingtang.

As soon as Ye Jingtang's footsteps landed, his double hammers were already pressing forward, and he immediately raised his flaming spear to block.


Ye Jingtang's figure did not seem to be shaking amidst the loud sound of gold and iron clashing, but the spear that Bing Tuo Tuo bought for 700 taels of silver was like a bamboo pole, bending instantly under the tyrannical force of both parties, and smashed into Ye Jingtang together with the hammer. The chest and abdomen, hooks, sickles and spears also came one after another, pouring into the chest and abdomen again.

And just as the two of them locked their bodies with a combined attack, a sword light quietly lit up behind Ye Jingtang. Without any prelude to the move, it silently came ten feet away...

(End of this chapter)

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