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Chapter 465

Chapter 465

It was late at night before I knew it, and the sudden thunderstorm did not slow down, but became stronger and stronger. Even the beacon lighted on the mountain in the distance became looming under the rain curtain.

Xue Baijin carried Ye Jingtang on his back and walked through the rugged mountains and forests. At first, he was still galloping with Qinggong. However, as he ran for half an hour, his body, which had already suffered some internal injuries, finally reached its limit and turned into a small person in the forest. When he ran, the visor on his face had already been taken off, and big beads of sweat could be seen rolling down his chin and dripping on the back of his hands on his chest.

When Ye Jingtang and Zhongsun Jin fought, his whole body was already feeling uncomfortable. But just now he and Master Xiang Han forced their palms to each other, and the arrogant energy entered the body, which directly shocked his internal organs, and his body was also scratched by branches and leaves. Lots of bloodstains.

But these injuries are not serious for Ye Jingtang, who is pregnant with the Bathing in Fire Picture. He can recover as before after ten days of rest. The most serious one at the moment is obviously that he violated a taboo and went to deduce the Minglong Picture on his own. .

Just like the muscles exercised by Minglongtu are too strong, the bones cannot support them, and the bones may be broken.

Ye Jingtang's current state and physique are completely insufficient to control the great avenue of heaven and earth hidden in the above three pictures. Forcibly turning it into his own use is like using his mortal body to lift the mountains and the sky, and his body functions almost collapse.

At this time, Ye Jingtang's whole body was so hot that there was white mist on his shoulders, back and head, and he coughed up some blood foam from time to time.

But even so, Ye Jingtang's eyes were still clear, with a menacing edge, like a dragon python lying on the ground, staring at the night directly in front of him.

If it were an ordinary person, his body would have collapsed long ago, but Ye Jingtang obviously couldn't do it. If Master Xiang Han caught up with him after he fainted, Bing Tuo Tuo would definitely not be able to defeat him, and the two of them would definitely be buried in this unknown place. Wild Ridge.

So he has to be awake.As for whether he could still fend off the enemy in his current state when he encountered Master Xiang Han again, Ye Jingtang didn't even think about it.

After all, even if he could only hold up this side of the world for a moment, and then his body was broken or turned into ashes, he could still hold up this side of the world for a moment before the fate of life and death disappeared.

The brilliance of this moment is the pinnacle of ordinary people who are trapped in the cage of heaven and earth. Throughout their lives, they don't even dare to hope for or even imagine. Why should they compete with him?

Of course, being able to go back alive to accompany your wife is obviously better than being a god for a moment.

Ye Jingtang lay on Bing Tuo Tuo's back, his hands hanging down weakly, falling on the entangled hard chest. After being carried for a hundred miles, there was still no movement around him. Ye Jingtang knew that Master Xiang Han must not have died. After chasing him, he saw that Bing Tuotuo was panting and unstable, and he said hoarsely:
"Find a place to rest...cough..."

Xue Baijin's eyes were as firm as iron, but after hearing these words, he seemed to lose his energy for an instant. He staggered and almost fell to his knees. Then he gritted his teeth and stood firm, walking towards the river bend outside the mountain. Asked:

"How are you? Can you hold on?"

Ye Jingtang rested his chin on his shoulder, closed his eyes and spoke softly:

"I can't die for the time being. But I don't know if it's because my deduction is wrong or because my body can't bear it. I feel like I'm about to fall apart..."

Even if Xue Baijin was carrying Ye Jingtang on his back, he could feel the disorder of Qi and blood in his body, and said anxiously:

"No one has ever deduced the Minglong Diagram correctly. There must be something wrong. You should leave me and run away. Even if I can't defeat you, at least you can help me take care of Yun Li Ning'er and avenge me in the future. Now it's done In this way, something could happen to you at any time, and it could be as serious as losing your martial arts skills. What will Ning'er do in the future?"

Ye Jingtang has always been confident in his understanding. Whether it is a martial arts secret book or a diagram of the dragon, as long as it is different from his inference, he will only think that the diagram is wrong and will never doubt himself.

Seeing that Bingtuotuo was so worried, he comforted him:

"I've never made a mistake in deducing the techniques. There should be no future troubles. It's just that my body can't bear it and I can't die. Besides, if I really left you behind and ran for my life alone, it would be heartbreaking. In this life, I will be heartbroken. If I can no longer hold a knife, I will have no shame in going back to see Ning'er..."

"Life is the most important thing. Why should I be embarrassed to see others? Besides, I am not powerless. If I fight Master Xiang Han for my life, I may not be able to escape..."

Ye Jingtang knows that Bing Tuo Tuo is very powerful, but Master Xiang Han is completely different. He was originally on an equal footing with Lu Taiqing, but now after being reborn, he directly occupies a special place among the martial saints. If it weren't for the pervert Feng Guancheng who was suppressing him. , is already number one in the world.

No matter how good his basic talent is, he can only fight enemies in lower ranks, not higher ranks, and the same goes for him; if not, he would not be forced to deduce the Dragon Crying Diagram on his own.

And even if he deduces the Minglong Diagram on his own, the best result of the fight is exchange. With his current physical condition, Tongxuan's sword will most likely kill him on the spot.

Therefore, no matter how talented Bing Tuo Tuo is, the resource conditions are still here. Without Liu Tu and Tianlang Pearl, he cannot be Xiang Hanshi's opponent in any case.

Hearing Bingtuotuo's chatter, Ye Jingtang knew that she was scared, so he tried his best to show a smile:
"Didn't I die? I also succeeded in scaring Master Xiang Han away. If both of them escaped, it would be better than one of them dying. And even if I deduced it wrong, I only deduced one picture, the Minglong Picture. There is no way to destroy them, so the last three pictures must be somewhere in the world. I have found all six pictures. It will only take more effort to find another one. There is nothing to worry about..."


When Xue Baijin heard this, he suddenly felt that it was right - as long as Ye Jingtang didn't die suddenly on the spot, he would at most be left with a hidden disease. He would only be alive for a few months if his condition was worse. If his condition was good, it would not be a problem to live ten years like the empress.

Although the last three dragon pictures have been lost, the dragon pictures cannot be destroyed. As long as we find a way to find them, all the current worries will naturally be solved.

Thinking of this, Xue Baijin finally suppressed his mood a bit:
"I'll go find it for you. Even if the Singing Dragon Picture is hidden at the end of the Northern Wilderness, on an isolated island overseas, I'll get it back for you."

Ye Jingtang was dizzy from the torment of his body that was about to collapse. Maybe his mind was a little confused. Hearing this promise that was like an oath of eternal love, his heart was moved and he subconsciously hugged him a little tighter:
"You are so kind to me..."


Xue Baijin originally had a firm look in his eyes, but when he noticed that Ye Jingtang's movements and tone were so intimate, he immediately stopped in his steps and said coldly:
"We were in danger together, and you saved my life. Isn't it natural for me to repay your kindness? If you feel motivated, just go on your own. If you don't feel motivated, just lie down."


When Ye Jingtang heard the cold voice, he remembered that the person he was holding was not his wife, but his ex-girlfriend, and his hand immediately dropped:
"Sorry, I'm a little confused...cough..."

Xue Baijin knew how bad the situation in Ye Jingtang was, so he didn't care about it. He started running quickly again and soon arrived at the river bend outside the mountain.

There is a small pier in the river bend, which should belong to a nearby town, because the beacon tower suddenly moved, and several people dressed as boat gang thugs could be seen talking at the door of a house in the rain, probably inquiring for news.

Xue Baijin quietly came to the river, jumped onto a small ferry, and under the cover of the night rain, untied the anchor rope, and the merchant ship floated downstream along the water rising from the heavy rain.

After Xue Baijin made sure that no one on the dock noticed, he carried Ye Jingtang to the ferry and gently lowered it against the wall.

The Night Terror Hall was leaning against the corner of the cabin and had a roof to cover it. It was not exposed to the wind and rain, so it felt a little comfortable. However, as the guard was lowered, the body became soft and turned into mud, and he collapsed directly on the ground.

Xue Baijin was already injured internally by Master Xiang Han. He was almost exhausted after carrying Ye Jingtang here. When he put down Ye Jingtang, his knees softened and he sat directly in front of Ye Jingtang, leaning his back against the wall to breathe. rapid:


The two of them leaned against the wall and calmed down for a while. Ye Jingtang gathered some strength again and tried to take out the unopened fire certificate from the back of his waist.

Xue Baijin stretched his legs out to his side and didn't even want to move his eyelids. However, when he heard the noise, he forced himself to sit up and took out the fire sickle and the fire seal from the waist of Ye Jingtang.



Because I really didn't have much strength, I rubbed it several times before the fire was ignited, and the dim yellow light came on, illuminating the slightly old cabin.

Xue Baijin placed the fire seal in front of the two of them, then continued to lie down, looking around, and remembered something:
"Where are the birds?"

"I found that I couldn't beat them, so I sent reinforcements. Birds are very smart and know how to advance and retreat. Don't worry."

Ye Jingtang turned to look at Bing Tuo Tuo next to her by the candlelight. It could be seen that the brocade robe she was wearing had a lot of blood stains all over her body. She didn't know who belonged to each other, but there was basically no external injury, but it was very laborious to breathe.

Ye Jingtang naturally knew the reason and turned his head to the other side:
"Untie your chest. You've already suffered internal injuries. Don't hold it in... cough..."

Xue Baijin's chest was almost flat. Normally, the long internal breath would have no effect, but at this time, he was close to losing strength and his breathing was rising and falling rapidly. It was really stuffy and he was already a little dizzy.

Hearing Ye Jingtang's words, Xue Baijin hesitated for a moment, but no longer worried about it. He sat up slightly and turned around, with his back to Ye Jingtang, and put his hands behind his back to untie them from the gap behind his back.

But she wrapped her breasts tightly and couldn't fall apart even with all her strength. You can imagine how tight they were. She tried it twice but failed.

Ye Jingtang originally turned his head to look inside, but found that Bing Tuo Tuo had not taken off his clothes, so he turned his eyes back. It can be seen that Fei Ye cut two horizontal slits on the back shoulder of the brocade robe, about the length of a palm. .

At this time, Xue Baijin pulled open the rips in his robe, revealing the outline of his fair skin and black chest. Because he had practiced bathing in fire, the slight scratches on his back shoulders had stopped bleeding and scabbed.

Seeing that the ice lump was too weak to be opened, Ye Jingtang gritted his teeth and raised his hand, pinched the buckle at the back of the chest wrap, and pulled hard with the intention of helping others.

Although he was half dead, Ye Jingtang still had the ability to untie his underwear. The brocade robe immediately bounced, and his chest was fully stretched.

Xue Baijin was caught off guard and immediately sat up straighter. Just as he was about to speak, he heard several muffled coughs:
"Cough cough..."

Xue Baijin's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly turned around to support Ye Jingtang:

"Who asked you to move?! You..."

Ye Jingtang suddenly exerted force, and his face immediately turned red. He wanted to say that he was fine, but Bingtuotuo suddenly turned around. Because the men's brocade robe was loose and did not bind the chest, the round skirt of the clothes visibly swayed left and right a few times. .

And after loosening the chest wrap but not fastening it, the wrap naturally turned into a black strip of cloth. With such a flick, it slid directly into the depths of the clothes, and the collar also spread out, revealing a line of canyons inside...

"Cough cough..."

How could Ye Jingtang withstand such a combo? His energy and blood surged up and almost spurted out from his seven orifices. He quickly closed his eyes:
"It's okay, it's okay... I just need to rest..."

Xue Baijin felt that Ye Jingtang was about to explode. He didn't notice these details. He held his shoulders and helped to smooth his chest:
"Don't move around and regulate your energy and blood. I don't have medical skills. If something goes wrong, no one here can save you."

Ye Jingtang didn't dare to open his eyes at all, he just nodded lightly:

"Don't move around, just sit like this and have a good rest."

"I can bear it..."

"Don't move if you can handle it. Be careful of sailing the ten thousand year ship."

Xue Baijin obviously didn't understand how harmful it was to a man if a woman moved around with a loose collar without wearing any small clothes. However, she didn't want to move very much, so she naturally didn't say anything more, and leaned forward and held Ye Jingtang's hand. Take the pulse on your wrist and carefully check your Qi and blood status.

After a quiet moment, because both of them were soaked by the rain, Xue Baijin suddenly found that his chest was a little cold. After feeling it for a while, he realized that the chest wrap had slipped down...


Xue Baijin's eyelashes fluttered, and she looked at Ye Jingtang from the corner of her eye. She found that he had his eyes closed and was not paying attention, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and tried to pull up the chest wrap.

But the bra wrap fell to her waist. How could she wear it through her clothes? After trying it calmly, she gave up. She just closed the collar, closed her eyes, and pretended that the matter did not exist.Crackling...

Raindrops hit the roof, accompanied by the soft sound of waves hitting the hull.

Night Terror Hall rose and fell with the boat. Because his body was really exhausted, he moved his fingers, trying to take out the dried meat prepared for Birds from his waist.

Seeing this, Xue Baijin quickly picked up the pouch, took out a piece of dried meat and handed it to Ye Jingtang's mouth.

Ye Jingtang opened his eyes and showed a faint smile when he saw this. He opened his mouth to catch it and said:
"Thank you...you can eat some too..."

Xue Baijin was almost out of strength, so he naturally did not refuse. He took one from the pouch and threw it into his mouth, and continued to feed Ye Jingtang, slowly replenishing their strength.

Maybe it was too boring to sit like this, and he didn't dare to sleep easily for fear of someone chasing him. After eating for a while, Xue Baijin said:

"We've finished eating, what will happen when the birds come back?"

"Don't worry, it will catch the fish by itself."


It was midnight.

The messy battlefield in the mountains and forests has long been empty of people. The rain falling from the sky gradually washed away the broken leaves and blood stains on the ground.


After an unknown length of silence, a rapid cry came from high in the sky again, and then there was an astonishing aura approaching quickly. The strong wind shattered the grass and trees wherever it passed. It passed through several mountains and forests in an instant, and landed with a crash in the messy battlefield.


As the shaken rain fell to the ground, a figure in black military uniform appeared in the mountains and forests, holding a horse with a weight of more than ten feet, and wearing a unicorn mask on his face. Although he was as still as a mountain, his clothes and clothes were undulating violently. The steaming mist still shows the urgency of the long-distance attack.

"The Nightmare Hall?"

The woman's call came out, but there was no response in the silent mountain forest. The birds hovering high in the sky also fell down at this time, stood on the treetops, and began to look around anxiously, looking for traces of the two of them.

After receiving the exact news two days ago that the Night Terror Hall had obtained the Ringing Dragon Picture and was in danger, the Empress had already made preparations.

With the Ming Shen Tu, she doesn't have to worry about dying midway and can freely go on the northern expedition.

As long as the war starts, the focus of Beiliang's top management will inevitably be on the border war. It will be difficult to deal with Ye Jingtang wholeheartedly, and the pressure on Ye Jingtang will be reduced.

And she also recruited many experts to stand ready at the border, ready to respond at any time. Lu Taiqing went straight in and rushed to Yanjing for reinforcements.

Originally, the Empress's plan was very complete. She had been preparing for the Northern Expedition since she ascended the throne and deployed it very quickly. However, she did not expect that Ye Jingtang was so anxious. She sneaked into the imperial city the day before yesterday and took action again tonight.

The starting point of the Northern Expedition of the Wei Dynasty was Heishiguan. The purpose was to first stop the tribes in the West Sea after the snow melted in Tianlang Lake.

Lu Taiqing was originally helping King Liang at Heishiguan. After receiving the order, he set off from Heishiguan and rushed to Yanjing. It is estimated that he has just passed Tianlang Lake. The empress was supervising the army in Tianmen Gorge to prevent the Northern Liang from counterattacking southward. As a result, the border was in flames. Not long after it was lit, the birds flew back directly.

Niaoniao is very smart, and there is no use calling Ning'er Qinghe back to someone who can't be beaten by Night Terror Hall. For this reason, he immediately found Da Meiliang.

When the empress saw that the birds were in great distress, she secretly thought something was wrong, so she crossed the Tianmen Gorge with her men and galloped towards this place.

Originally, the empress had brought more than a dozen masters, but with the six dragon pictures nearby and her eagerness to save her husband, Meng Jiao and others could not catch up. When they arrived here after a long journey, she was the only one left.

At this time, the empress was carrying a horse that was only ten feet tall. She saw that there was not much movement on the battlefield and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, with the martial arts skills of Ye Jingtang and Xue Baijin, if they were really beaten to death, it would definitely be earth-shattering, and it would be impossible to leave just a trace of sliding out on the ground.

She followed the traces of sliding out to the end and carefully checked the ground. She soon discovered that there were footprints and traces of falls on the ground, and then disappeared without a trace.

The empress frowned slightly and raised her eyes to the south. Knowing that the two of them must be running towards the border, she didn't stop for a moment, letting the birds conduct reconnaissance at high altitude, and chased towards the south...

It was late at night, and the heavy rain gradually turned into soft spring rain.

The ferry boat was drifting on the broad river. The lights had long been extinguished and it had drifted no matter how far away it was.

It was quiet inside the cabin, and only two inaudible breaths could be heard.

Ye Jingtang's body was indeed overloaded, and he didn't know when he fell asleep. When his consciousness woke up again, he was shocked to realize that he had fallen asleep just now.

The first time he regained consciousness, he felt his physical condition first.

His body, which was already on the verge of collapse, recovered a little after eating something and sleeping for a while, but the energy and blood were still disordered, and the internal and external injuries had not disappeared. He could only barely move his hands and feet.

Ye Jingtang didn't know whether it was because he was physically unable to bear it or whether it was a flaw caused by the incorrect deduction of the Minglong Diagram, but with his current physical condition, he would definitely not die in the next few days.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, opened his heavy eyelids, and began to observe his surroundings.

After burning for a long time, the special fire folding tube has become very weak and only shows a little red light, but the nearby scenery can still be seen clearly.

The whole body is the same as when I came in, there is no difference, but the difference is that my arms are warmer than before...

Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he was holding someone in his arms, his head was close to the other person, and his hand seemed to be touching something soft. It was warm, and he could clearly feel the delicacy and fullness coming from the palm of his hand, and even The small bumps are all obvious to the touch...

? !
Ye Jingtang's mind suddenly cleared up. He looked down and saw that Bing Tuo Tuo was leaning on his arms. The loose robe was torn at the back, causing the collar to be loose, and the inside could be seen through the gap in the collar.

He was disobedient and had some sense of propriety. He didn't tuck it into the skirt of his clothes. He just put his arms around his shoulders and put it on the skirt of his clothes. But the key is that Bing Tuo Tuo didn't wear anything underneath.

Because the chest wrap slid down to the waist, and there was a vacuum under the skirt, Ye Jingtang could clearly see two white semicircles of astonishing size, as well as a bottomless canyon.


Ye Jingtang's energy and blood were confused again, and he coughed lightly. At the same time, he thought carefully about what he had done before going to bed.

That was probably when he was asleep, the two of them were leaning against each other, and his arms were wrapped around them subconsciously.

The night terror was not his intention. When he saw Bingtuo's eyelashes twitching slightly, as if he had been awakened by a cough, he wanted to quietly remove his hand.

But it was okay if he pressed his hand on his chest, and the loose skirt of his clothes at least stuck to Bingtuotuo's body; but as soon as he took his hand away, the gap in the collar obviously became a bit wider.

Then the white and traceless perfect semicircle was completely displayed in the eyes, with tender drops of water, and you could even see the red cherry blossoms on the top of the mountain...


Ye Jingtang coughed twice. In desperation, he didn't know if it was a short-circuit in his brain. He immediately put his hands back, trying to return to his original position and cover the things he shouldn't look at, and then...

My hand was caught!

Although Xue Baijin's injuries were not as serious as Ye Jingtang's, she still suffered some internal injuries after being rescued by Master Xiang Han. She also walked a long way to lose strength. After eating something, she saw Ye Jingtang fell asleep leaning against him. I don’t know when I fell asleep.

Suddenly she heard a muffled cough, and she was awakened. As a result, she immediately felt a big hand pressing directly on the right side of her chest.

? !
Xue Baijin's whole body trembled, and he immediately grabbed the thief's hand and raised it, raising his right hand at the same time, preparing for an elbow strike.

But a violent coughing sound came, and she remembered who the person next to her was and her current situation. Her face turned pale with shock, and she quickly put Ye Jingtang's hand back on her chest, turned around and said:
"What’s wrong with you?!"

"Cough cough..."

Ye Jingtang's hand was pressed back again, and he was holding the soft ball again. He was stunned, and he almost coughed out his lungs as his energy and blood surged.

Seeing Bing Tuo Tuo's face turned pale, Ye Jingtang tried his best to suppress his breath and spoke hoarsely:
"I'm fine. It's just that your clothes are loose. I want to help you close them... I'm sorry..."

Seeing Ye Jingtang coughing up blood, Xue Baijin couldn't care less about all this mess. He quickly sat up straight and helped Ye Jingtang rub his back:
"I told you not to move. I thought you still wanted to take advantage of women..."

Ye Jingtang just saw Bing Tuo Tuo instinctively push the thief's hand away, and when he heard him coughing uncomfortably, he quickly put his hand back. He didn't know what to say, but he felt that Bing Tuo Tuo was indeed a kind-hearted person.

Ye Jingtang was indeed unintentional. Although Bingtuotuo's clothes were still open and Doudou could still be seen when he turned his head, he still turned his eyes elsewhere and reluctantly explained:

"Am I that kind of person...your clothes are scattered."

Xue Baijin looked down when he heard this and found that the door was open. As he stood up and sat up straight, he almost slipped out of his clothes. The Nanxiao Mountain Grand Canyon faced the man...

Xue Baijin quickly let go and closed his clothes, and his cold and handsome face, which was originally full of majesty, also showed some strange colors.

Realizing that his mind was wandering, Xue Baijin quickly brushed away the distracting thoughts and said calmly:

"Close your eyes, take a good rest, and don't get angry. I will take you back to the customs when my strength is almost restored."

There was something wrong with Ye Jingtang's body. After coughing a few times, his chest felt like needles pricking him. He didn't say anything at that moment and leaned against the corner to nurse himself back to health.

Xue Baijin's mind was very confused, but this was not the first time he had been seen and touched. After taking a few deep breaths, he still suppressed the turmoil in his heart and wanted to quietly pull up his chest.

But before she could figure out how to avoid attracting the attention of the Night Terror Hall, she heard a faint cry in the distance between the drizzle:



(End of this chapter)

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