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Chapter 466 What’s your fever?

Chapter 466 What’s your fever?


The loud cries of eagles spread throughout the mountains and fields, and birds galloping southward flew under the clouds, lowering their heads and scanning the fields dozens of miles around, searching for clues.

Behind the bird, the empress was galloping through the mountains with a horse in hand, sometimes stopping to look around, and then continuing to pursue.

The two martial saints escaped at night, and it was still raining. If they ran away normally, they would not be found again.

After the empress chased for dozens of miles to the south, she no longer had any clues, but luckily she was followed by Niaoniao.

Birds have a wide field of vision at high altitudes, and their night vision is far superior to ordinary people. They also send out signals along the way to attract the attention of the Night Terror Hall. As long as the Night Terror Hall is within a radius of ten or twenty miles, they will definitely be able to detect it.

One person and one bird chased each other for who knows how far. After arriving at the jurisdiction of Chengtian Mansion, the birds in the sky finally made a discovery.

After two eagle cries, a small light spot appeared on the wide river a few miles away.

The empress squinted her eyes and looked carefully. She could see a small ferry floating on the river. There was a figure standing on the bow of the boat. He was holding a fire folder and was drawing circles for the birds in the sky. The birds immediately saw it. Just rushed over.

The empress knew that the Night Terror Hall must be over there, and the big stone in her heart was instantly relieved. When she saw this, she immediately turned around, broke through the drizzle and came to the river, and then chased the ferry with her feet on the blue waves.

On the ferry, Xue Baijin held the lapel of his clothes with his left hand and shook the fire folding piece with his right hand under the eaves of the ferry. He saw a black figure flying towards him with a long spear in his hand, and his eyes suddenly became wary.

However, Xue Baijin had fought with the empress before, and when he saw this aura that moved like angry thunder, he knew who it was and frowned again.


Although the bird is delicious, the important thing is never confused. It is like a white cannonball passing through the drizzle and arriving in front of the cruise ship. It circles around and finds that the Night Terror Hall is not dead. Then it flies to high altitude and hovers as a sentry to prevent the enemy from hiding in the dark. near.

The empress came one after another and landed on the bow of the boat. Because she ran too fast, she stopped at the bow of the boat and made the ferry sink a little.

When she found that Xue Baijin was covered in blood and her face was visibly empty, the empress no longer cared about the old incident of having her skirt torn off. She stepped forward, held her left hand to take her pulse, and asked:
"How are your injuries? How is Night Terror Hall?"

Because she came at full speed from Tianmen Gorge, the Empress also consumed a lot of energy. Sweat was visible on her body and her tone of voice fluctuated.

Xue Baijin suffered internal injuries, but he had a bathing in fire figure nearby. After resting for such a long time, apart from being very weak, there was nothing serious about him.She pulled her wrist away, with a little dissatisfaction in her eyes:

"What's the use of coming here now?"


The empress was scolded by Xue Baijin, and she naturally frowned, but immediately a familiar voice came from the cabin:

"Don't...don't argue, I'm fine...cough..."

The voice is weak and weak, and there is even a feeling of more air coming out and less air coming in.

The empress' heart trembled, she stuck the horse in the bow of the ship, and bent down to enter the cabin, only to see Ye Jingtang, who was in tattered clothes, leaning against the corner of the cabin, with a red face, black forehead, and white lips. Yes, it can be said that there is no right complexion from head to toe.

The empress knew that Ye Jingtang must have been injured, but with the bathing in flames figure, it stands to reason that he would not have died if he had not died on the spot. She really did not expect that he would be so angry that he would be so angry.She took off her visor and threw it aside, then squatted down next to her, raising her hand but not daring to touch it:
"What hurt you?"

Xue Baijin stood at the door. He didn't want to interrupt at first, but looking at Ye Jingtang's smiling expression, he knew that he felt sorry for the woman and didn't want to tell the truth, so he directly interrupted:
"In order to find a picture of the Ming Shen for you, he was blocked by Master Xiang Han, and he desperately deduced the last three pictures..."


Before she finished speaking, the empress' whole body trembled slightly, even her unicorn armor shook.

As someone who had risked her life to deduce the five dragon-crying pictures on her own, the empress knew better than anyone else in the world how serious the consequences would be if she deduced the dragon-crying diagram on her own.

She was extremely talented, and she used to be very confident, thinking that she would never make a mistake, but it turned out that no matter how talented she was, she was [-]% right, but she was still wrong a little bit.

It was this little bit of mistake that made her barely dare to leave the capital for the past ten years. She soaked in the medicine pool every day, and had to lie down for long periods of time in autumn. She would get sick from time to time. She didn't know what tomorrow would be like, or what would happen next. How long can I live? I have been tortured alive for ten years.

As for the bathing in fire diagram, the bathing in fire diagram can indeed cure any injury, but its principle is to restore the body to its original intact state. For example, if a person born with six fingers cuts off one finger, the bathing in fire diagram will still return to six fingers. , instead of becoming the normal five fingers.

The Minglong Diagram is exactly about changing a person's innate foundation. For people who have practiced the Jade Bone Diagram, their bones are as hard as iron stone, and they will become as hard as iron stone when bathed in fire. And if you practice it incorrectly and cause bone hyperplasia, the bones of the Yugu Diagram will also be restored. Osteogenesis hyperplasia causes the body to fall into an endless cycle.

Lu Jieyun had bone spurs all over his body, so he had to cut out his flesh and grind it off, but it would also grow longer. The stronger his body, the faster he would grow, and the faster he would grow, the faster he would die. After countless repeated tortures, , finally suffered a nervous breakdown and chose to come to assassinate him in a desperate fight.

The empress made a mistake in practicing the Dragon Song Diagram, and she was able to use her unparalleled status and connections to collect the Dragon Song Diagram scattered among the aristocratic families to restore her body.

The last three pictures were clearly lost, and there were no clues to find them. If you touched them, you would definitely die without any chance of recovery.

When the empress heard the bad news, her charming cheeks instantly turned pale. But after she realized what she was doing, she quickly suppressed her meaningless complaints and sat down calmly in front of her, showing that she had everything under control. He looked like he was holding Ye Jingtang's left hand and comforted him softly:

"How do you feel? Is there any discomfort? It's okay. I will give the order later and have everyone go out to search for it. They will dig up three feet of the ground in the entire Northern and Southern Dynasties. The last three Singing Dragon Pictures must be in the world. It won't take long. turn up……"

Xue Baijin went to find her alone, and there must be little hope. When she heard the empress say this, she came to the cabin and half-crouched in front of her:

"Those who deduced the Minglong Diagram in history generally had two results. One was that the body collapsed and died suddenly on the spot, and the other was that the body was still functioning but had flaws. Usually, the flaws accumulated over time and led to chronic death.

"Nothing has happened to the Night Terror Hall now, so it should be able to survive for a while. You need to send someone to find it as soon as possible..."

Ye Jingtang leaned against the wall, watching the two most powerful women in the Southern Dynasties panicking and starting to think about how to save him. He raised his finger slightly and said:
"Don't be so worried. I know my body well. It's just that the wear and tear is too great and I can't bear it. As long as I stop exercising, nothing will happen in the future. The diagram of the singing dragon that I deduced is not necessarily wrong. , The Minglong Picture was also created by people. Just because the predecessors couldn’t do it, it doesn’t mean that I can’t do it..."

The Empress and Xue Baijin are both confident and arrogant people. They thought so before, but since they suffered a loss in the Minglong Diagram, they have come to understand the reality and understand that it is not unreasonable for so many geniuses to die in the past dynasties.

They don't believe that Night Terror Hall's deduction is correct, but the situation is at this point. If the deduction is wrong, Night Terror Hall will be almost hopeless. They have to believe it even if they don't believe it.

The empress said softly: "It would be best if there is no problem, but you still have to look for it. It is better to be prepared than to be anxious when something goes wrong. I will arrange these things, you don't have to worry..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head slightly: "You worry about how to destroy Beiliang first. When the two armies fought, not just a few people died, but hundreds of millions of people in both countries were affected. I am really measured. If I say it's okay, it will be okay. You guys do this Anxious...ahem..."

Before he finished speaking, he coughed twice more, bringing out a few drops of blood.

The expressions of Xue Baijin and the Empress, who had just suppressed their expressions, suddenly turned pale again. The Empress quickly supported Ye Jingtang:

"what happened to you?"

Xue Baijin was also supporting him and said in a cold voice: "Stop talking! If you want to find a picture, go find it. You know that he is not in good health, but you are still blabbing. Can't you let him have a good rest?"


The empress was scolded by Xue Baijin as soon as she opened her mouth. She didn't dare to reply. She just held Ye Jingtang's arm and helped support her chest:

"Slow down first, I will take you back right away..."

The two countries are at war. Ye Jingtang is seeking death by staying here. Naturally, he has to leave as soon as possible, but obviously he cannot just leave like this. He said:

"Let's rest until dawn. The border crossing is probably in chaos. It's not safe for Ning'er and the others to go there. Tuotuo you... bah... Bai Jin, when you have recovered your strength, go back and join up with Niaoniao and send them into the border. If anything happens, immediately Let the birds pass the message; Yuhu, you should also take a rest first, quickly learn the Mingshen diagram, and keep it in my arms, and then send me to Tianmen Gorge..."

Xue Baijin has a bathing in fire figure to protect his body. As long as he eats enough and drinks enough, he will be able to fight after a night's rest.She looked at the empress and said:
"If you want me to recover here, you can send him back after you leave..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head slightly: "She ran from Tianmen Gorge and chased her here. How dare I let her go if she doesn't wait a moment. Even urgent matters need to be organized and combined with work and rest to get twice the result with half the effort. Okay, listen to my arrangements and have a good rest." .”

Seeing this, the two of them stopped talking. Xue Baijin leaned against the wall to recuperate.

The empress came to save lives, so she couldn't be empty-handed. Seeing that both of them were very weak, she took off the cloth bag hanging on her waist, took out wound medicine, rations and other items, poured out a warm yellow pill from a small bottle, and wanted to hand it to Xue Baijin .

As a result, when his hand was halfway extended, his eyes moved.

Xue Baijin just heard the commotion and just straightened the skirt of her clothes. She didn't have time to adjust and wrap her chest. Originally, she was fine standing with her back straight, but now she came in and sat on the side of the Night Terror Hall. The skirt of her clothes was a little looser. Looking from the side, A gap appeared, and the fair skin inside could be seen.

The empress had no intention of paying attention to this at first, but Ye Jingtang, who was resting next to her, clearly glanced at the gap, then quickly looked back and acted as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, the empress tilted her head slightly and leaned on Ye Jingtang's shoulder. Looking from his angle, she saw the Nanxiao Mountain Grand Canyon, so round and deep...

Xue Baijin was closing his eyes to recuperate, but when he noticed the empress' movement, he turned around and frowned:
"What are you looking at?"

Seeing that Concubine Ye had sacrificed her life for her, the empress didn't say anything about Ye Jingtang's random glances just now. She just handed the elixir to Xue Baijin:
"The clothes are all torn. I'll find something clean for you to change into later. You eat this."

Xue Baijin closed his clothes again and took the unknown elixir: "What is this?"

The empress took out another one and fed it to Ye Jingtang's mouth, her eyes showing pride:

"Liang Dan, the imperial court spent ten years of hard work to research it. Before today, it was a top secret in the Wei Dynasty. One pill of this pill can last a day and a purse can hold ten days of military rations..."

When Xue Baijin heard this, a strange color flashed through his eyes.

As a general, Xue Baijin naturally knows what is most important in marching and fighting.

Before the soldiers and horses are moved, food and grass go first. Throughout the ages, no matter how strong the army is, it must first eat enough to have combat effectiveness. And it does not eat once, but eats every day, three times a day. A hungry meal will lose a lot of combat effectiveness.

In order to ensure food for the army, the court usually sent a large number of servants to transport grain and grass with the army, but the servants also had to eat. As long as there was a war, the logistical pressure could often drive the grain officials to death.

If the grain elixir that the empress took out was as domineering as she said, it could be said to be even more powerful than the Tianlang Pearl.

After all, the Tianlang Pearl can at most increase one person's combat power. It cannot shake an army of hundreds of thousands, let alone influence the overall situation of the two countries.

And this grain pill allows soldiers to carry a month's rations with them, and they can eat every meal as they go. One box can feed thousands of people. They can travel thousands of miles without heavy baggage, and they can also bury pots for cooking and other logistical operations. The indigenous army who had no food could not defeat them at all.

Even though Ye Jingtang was a layman in the military, he knew how powerful this kind of food was, so he was reluctant to eat it. He gritted his teeth and raised his hand to pick it up and take a look:
"Does the Wei Dynasty still have such a magical object?"

The empress said to this: "Beiliang Jiazi has been imitating Tianlang beads, Daliang beads and other objects in order to build an elite army with ten thousand enemies. How could our court not have some countermeasures? We were also studying the northwest royal court. Tianlang Pearl, but the number of Snow Lake Flowers that fell into the Wei Dynasty was not large, and there was no prescription for it. It could not afford the research cost, and it ended in vain.

"After I took power, I knew that no matter how powerful the warriors were, they had to eat well before they could fight. So I changed my direction and recruited a talented alchemist to secretly research something that could keep the soldiers well fed and portable.

"This requirement is much simpler than the Tianlang Pearl. It actually existed three years ago. But they dare not take it out without a fight, so these people have been locked up under the West City Station, working day and night to make it; It is a lie to hide and guard the deposed emperor, but it is true to guard this, and even Li Ren does not know about it."

When Ye Jingtang was in Honghe Town, he heard about the name of the "Eight-Armed Ksitigarbha", the leader of the Six Evils. However, from the time he entered the capital to now, he has become the boss of the black yamen and has never seen this subordinate. At this time, he Figure out why:

"No wonder there is so much chaos in the capital and Master Qin has never shown up... Is this delicious?"

Xue Baijin took the warm yellow ball and looked at it for a few times, put it in his mouth and tasted it, and then...


Just as Ye Jing Tang was preparing to enter the hall, he noticed the taciturn Bing Tuo Tuo. After a sullen mouth, his cold face changed obviously. He coughed and covered his mouth, looking for a kettle from left to right.

The empress took off the water bag and handed it to Xue Baijin: "There is no such thing as the best of both worlds in the world. This is just emergency military ration. If it tastes good, no one in the world will eat it. It's best to swallow it directly, don't chew it..."

"Ton ton ton..."

Xue Baijin took the water bag, raised his neck and took a big gulp of water. He drank half a bottle of water before he could take a breath, then turned around and gritted his teeth:

"Didn't you tell me earlier?"

The empress shrugged: "You didn't ask."

Ye Jingtang was very curious when he saw Bing Tuo Tuo's reaction. He put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully.


The pills are encapsulated in sugar coating. They are sweet and slowly melt in your mouth. They taste pretty good...

But as the sugar coating dissolves, a richer sweetness pours into the mouth, including salty, sour, sweet, etc. It can be said that the five flavors are mixed and very 'greasy', just like eating raw lard.


As expected, Ye Jingtang also coughed.

Xue Baijin knew this was the case, so he quickly picked up the water bag and brought it to Ye Jingtang's mouth:

"You know it tastes bad but you still eat it?"

The empress held Ye Jingtang's chest with her hand: "Drink slowly, don't choke..."

"Ton ton ton..."

Ye Jingtang was so weak that he sat up in shock even though he was dying. He drank several large sips of water to wash away the five flavors in his mouth. After drinking the water, there was still a lingering fragrance in his throat. Anyway, he regretted it so much that he couldn't say anything. .

Although Xue Baijin was a little annoyed, as the grain pill entered his stomach, he soon felt full and his body became warmer.She put down the water bag and handed it to the empress:

"Although it tastes a bit unpleasant, it is indeed good food. Why don't you let your men improve the taste? If the soldier accidentally bites it and there is no water around him, he may die on the spot."

The empress hugged Ye Jingtang's arm and rested her cheek on her shoulder:
"On the battlefield, if you can eat enough, you can survive. You can even eat the dead, so why bother about the taste. I also want it to taste better, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. The people below really can't make it, so they wrap it in it. Add a layer of sugar.

"Actually, there are some delicious ones. There is an alchemist who made a kind of noodles. He steamed them and dried them first. Then he cooked the meat and vegetables and dried them. When needed, you can eat them by soaking them in hot water. You can also eat them dry. , the taste is quite good. But it is easy to get damp, and it is not as easy to carry as this one..."

Ye Jingtang blinked and felt that the description seemed a bit familiar, so he said:

"Give me a taste when you get back."

The empress smiled and said: "Okay, I sent some to the border as spare army rations, and some in Tianmen Gorge. I will cook them for you when I go back. The food I eat is actually quite delicious..."

"Cough cough..."

Xue Baijin saw the night terror and suddenly coughed twice, his face darkened:
"Stop talking and let him rest."

Seeing this, the empress stopped speaking, closed her eyes and leaned quietly on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, paying attention to the blood and qi in her body.

Ye Jingtang ate the grain pill. Although the taste was indescribable, the caloric and nutritional content was truly amazing. With something in his stomach, his body felt a lot better, but his mind began to wander a little.

After all, Yuhu leaned on his shoulder and hugged his arm. His big arms fell into two soft balls, and his hands were placed directly underneath. The touch was very tempting.

Although Bingtuotuo was not leaning against him, she was sitting beside him. She had made too big a move when drinking water, and her loose robe was scattered. In the blink of an eye, she could see a plump and fair complexion...

The empress held Ye Jingtang's arm and noticed that Concubine Ye was always looking at the woman next to her. She didn't know if she was jealous, so she pulled open her personal military uniform, revealing the red gauze clothes underneath, with a hole in the middle. , a style that deliberately exposes the groove...

Ye Jingtang was stunned when he saw this scene, and didn't know which way to look.

Xue Baijin heard the movement of undressing, opened his eyes, looked over, frowned and said:
"He's already like this, why are you so angry?"

The empress leaned on her shoulders again and said calmly:
"I just feel bored. You don't feel the same."

Xue Baijin was confused. He was about to question him coldly when he suddenly remembered something. He looked down and quickly pulled up his clothes again, moved to the side, and hugged his chest as if he was pretending to sleep.

Ye Jingtang's energy and blood were unstable and he really didn't dare to accept Yuhu's reward. After Bingtuotuo pretended to be asleep, he spoke again:
"The Ming Shen Tu is in my arms, you should learn it quickly."

When the empress heard this, she actually felt very regretful. After all, she had found the Mingshen Map, but Ye Jingtang fell into a dead end. It can be said that Ye Jingtang used the situation exchange to keep her safe, and he was better than her. Danger is even more helpless.

Hearing Ye Jingtang's urging, the empress was even embarrassed to raise her hand to get it, but as the emperor of Wei, she must act rationally.

The empress raised her eyes to look at the Night Terror Hall, then suddenly raised her cheek and held the man's white lips steady.

! !
After all, Xue Baijin has been invincible for many years, and he is not a soft persimmon. Hearing the strange movement behind him, he took a deep breath, looked back at the two people who were quarreling, and raised his hand to point out the door:

"Get out of here! If you dare to disturb his rest again, don't blame me for being unkind!"

The empress kissed Ye Jingtang affectionately. After a long time, she let go of her lips and looked into those slightly embarrassed eyes:
"It's not convenient here. I'll reward you when I get back."

After saying that, Rourou stood up, walked outside the door and sat down. She held the picture of the Ming Shen that Ye Jingtang had exchanged for her life in her hand, and sighed quietly.

Seeing this, Xue Baijin's expression softened a little. He stood up and came to the door, closed the cabin door, then returned to his original position and sat down, continuing to sleep.

Ye Jingtang looked at Bing Tuo Tuo's clothes that were spread out again. He wanted to give a warning, but he was afraid of making Bing Tuo Tuo angry, so he finally closed his eyes and pretended that he didn't see anything...


(End of this chapter)

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