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Chapter 473

Chapter 473
On the other side, Chengtian Mansion.

At dusk, at the intersection of the official road more than ten miles away from Washington, a carriage and a horse stopped in the middle of the road.

Hua Ning and other escort maids were waiting by the roadside, while Luo Ningyun, Li Fan, Qinghe and the other three had already packed their gear and were standing on a hill in the distance.

After Xue Baijin and Ning'er met, they galloped towards the south. At this time, they had put on a guard outfit and stood beside the carriage, persuading Hua Qingzhi who was unwilling to go together.

Niaoniao, on the other hand, squatted behind Sister Bingtuotuo and said to the car window, "Cuckoo, chirp, chirp...", looking like they were persuading each other together.

In the car window, Hua Qingzhi looked towards the south, about to leave. There was obviously a hint of loneliness in her eyes, but she still responded:

"The little girl appreciates Miss Xue's kindness, but the little girl and Mr. Ye just met by chance and have no romantic feelings for each other. If you leave home without saying goodbye and follow the girl to the Southern Dynasties, how can you live up to the kindness of your parents' upbringing?"

Xue Baijin has persuaded Hua Qingzhi many times since just now. It has nothing to do with Ye Jingtang and Hua Qingzhi's death. He refused to leave with her. After thinking about it, she could only say:

"Miss Hua has thought carefully. Now that the two countries are at war, there will be no contact between the north and the south for three to five years or for decades. The Night Terror Hall is so powerful that it is impossible to come to Beiliang again. If you don't follow now, neither will the South. I promised Ye Jingtang to risk my life alone and come to Beiliang to find you. If I leave, I will probably say goodbye forever."

Hua Qingzhi knew that Xue Baijin was telling the truth, and felt disappointed in her heart, but she was not too entangled.

After all, she was the legitimate daughter of a distinguished family, and she was not even close to Ye Jingtang. She ran away from home and went to the Southern Dynasties. It was no different than elopement. How could she explain it to her family?

And if she really left, she would have no one to rely on in the Southern Dynasties. Basically, she could only live in the house behind the Night Terror Hall and be her aunt. Even if they were somewhat destined, it couldn't be so fast, right?
Moreover, even if they were separated, she would regret it when she went back. As Lu Zhu said, with Ye Jingtang's ability, it would take more than ten years for the army to reach the city. It might be over in two or three years. It's not like she couldn't afford to wait. Now The monkey ran over in a hurry, saying what?

Although Hua Qingzhi was very hesitant about this, she still opposed the elopement and responded:

"If we don't have a chance to see each other again, it would be a good thing for Mr. Ye and I to say goodbye. After Miss Xue goes back, please give me a message, so that Mr. Ye should not worry about my safety and think more about the people in the north and the south. I am looking forward to the world. After peace, I will renew my relationship with Mr. Ye and the Queen."

Seeing that Xue Baijin had already talked about this, Hua Qingzhi still didn't leave, so she stopped talking and bowed her hands, then turned her horse's head and walked towards the south.

Hua Qingzhi sat by the car window, facing the big bird waving its wings to say goodbye, there was actually a moment of regret and hesitation in her eyes.

But fate is destiny and cannot be forced. She and Ye Jingtang really did not have the intention to get married. It was just a misunderstanding. Now she has gone to the Southern Dynasties, which has disgraced her family. She has to look after her daughter. The prince’s eyes.

After hesitating for a long time, Hua Qingzhi sighed sadly, lowered the curtain, and let the carriage drive towards Washington.

After Xue Baijin walked less than half a mile, he came to the three companions.

Fan Qinghe, who had lived in Washington for so long, felt a little sad at this time and asked:
"She really won't leave?"

Xue Baijin sat on the horse and thought for a moment: "It feels like she doesn't want to go to the Southern Dynasty, but I'm not sure about her daughter's family's thoughts. Do you think she has any affection for Ye Jingtang?"

Zhe Yunli crossed his arms and thought about it for a while:
"There is no girl who has met my shocking cousin without being haunted by him. I think there must be some."

Luo Ning's views were actually similar to Yun Li's. Even if Hua Qingzhi didn't, with the little thief's caring and cherishing temperament, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to let go of such a crippled lady who is the most powerful person in the country. She thought for a while and said:

"If you have a lover, you can't bear the pain of separation. Wait until it gets dark and go and see her again. If she doesn't respond, it means there is no love in her heart; if she is in a daze, there must be something in her heart. Even if she doesn't take her away, , we also need to let Ye Jingtang understand the attitude of this young lady, and don’t become a betrayer without knowing it.”

Xue Baijin felt that what Ning'er said made sense, so he didn't say anything more at the moment. He first found a place to stay nearby and waited until dark before going to see Hua Qingzhi's reaction...
Before you know it, the sky is getting dark.

There were only a few people on the street, and a few black police officers were patrolling the streets and alleys with their knives pressed.

At the tea stall at the street corner, She Long, who served as the guard commander, sat on a bench with lake tea in front of him. Facing the two deputies at the same table, he talked about the glorious past of last year:
"At that time, Mr. Shang and I, together with Yang Guan from the Qinglian Gang, were blocking the alley near Tianshui Bridge. Duke Ye actually came in. I took a quick look and knew that this young hero was no ordinary person..."

"Master She is not an ordinary person. There are not many people in this world who can take a blow from Duke Ye without dying..."

"Well, have you seen this scar? It weighs more than the official robe I am wearing. But I act in a low-key manner and don't usually show off. How can I be like that kid Yang Guan? It is said that in the cold winter, I have to roll up my sleeves to my arms. Limb socket, for fear that outsiders will not see the scar..."


The three chief arrests were chatting in a tea shop, and it was dusk inadvertently.

She Long found out that Duke Ye had gone back to visit and hadn't come out for so long. He was a little doubtful in his heart. After thinking about it, he pretended to be patrolling the streets. He stood up and walked through the door of the carriage house and glanced inside.

It turned out that it was better not to look at it. When I looked at it, I found that Duke Ye Daguo, who was wearing a black robe and had a handsome profile, was standing next to the stable on the side of the compound. He was holding the pillar of the stable with his left hand and his right hand on his waist, looking at The fat and strong black horse he raised, his posture has a little... a little charm that everyone who has been here will understand...

? ?
She Long and Ye Jingtang are also old acquaintances. No matter when they met in the past, Ye Jingtang always exuded "cold, masculine, and strong" in his bones. His whole person was like a steel gun. When did he show such fatigue? ?
She Long was startled and quickly turned around and entered the courtyard:
"Master Ye, you..."


Ye Jingtang, who was holding the pillar and thinking about national affairs, heard the sound and quickly straightened up. With one hand behind his back, it was like a sharp sword with a hidden edge. He turned around and said with a smile:
"Master She, why are you here? But there is news from the palace?"

She Long quickly came to the front and glanced up and down:

"I'm just passing by. Is Mr. Ye feeling unwell? How about I go pick up Dr. Wang..."

Ye Jingtang didn't feel any discomfort at all. He simply came over at noon and wanted to pamper Sanniang, but Sanniang put him down.

Originally, he slept well last night and took Dabu Decoction in the morning. He had recuperated a lot, but he couldn't resist Sanniang's strong fighting ability.

Because they were reunited after a long absence, Sanniang pampered him very much. She washed herself clean and waited for him. She kissed and touched the watermelon and pushed it back, then let him sit on a chair, moved her back to him, and let him play all night. Xiangjun picked up the white jade radish with many white hairs, and then pulled the radish to experience the unique style of picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence...

How could he withstand such a full set of combos? He really couldn't defeat Sanniang, so he finally gave in and used the excuse that he was a little hungry.Sanniang naturally protected him, and when she saw this, she stopped serving him and quickly got up to cook for him.

After finishing his meal, he was afraid that sitting together and chatting would spark another scene, so he went to the stables alone to visit the big black horse to calm down.

As a contemporary Martial Saint, Ye Jingtang naturally found it hard to express these things, so he changed the subject and said:
"I'm not feeling uncomfortable, I'm just thinking about something. During the time I left, there weren't any big cases in the Yamen, right?"

She Long waved his hand and said: "Master Ye personally serves as the commander of the black yamen. Who in the whole world dares not to give him face? Not to mention the bandits, even the gangs and lakes do not dare to use weapons in fights. The head catchers in the yamen cannot earn the reward, and now they have already I ran to the south and northwest. There seems to be some banditry over the sandbank. I don’t know if it’s too far away..."

Ye Jingtang nodded and said: "It's strange that Liangzhou and Shazhou are not troubled by banditry. This has to be done slowly. The Central Plains are currently stable. By the way, this time I went to Beiliang and killed several wanted criminals, including the skinned scholar and the There was the one who killed senior brother and his whole family, I forgot his name..."

When She Long heard this, he felt deeply ashamed: "Master Ye went deep behind enemy lines alone, but he did not forget to eliminate thieves for the country. She's admiration is like a torrential river..."

"Alright, alright."

Ye Jingtang waved his hand, interrupting She Long's flattery:

"It's getting late, let's go back to the palace."

"As ordered."

Seeing this, She Long quickly turned around and went out, asking his men to pull the carriage...
goo goo goo...

After a while, the sky turned completely dark, and more than thirty black officers escorted the carriage to the palace in the city.

On the carriage, Pei Xiangjun dressed up as a dignified and elegant young woman. She sat next to Ye Jingtang, holding her arms and leaning on her shoulders. Because she had been in love for most of the day, she still had no energy left, and there was a flash of light on her cheeks from time to time. flush.

In front of his wife, Ye Jingtang naturally sat with his back straight and a strong posture, because he didn't dare to take advantage. At this time, he was saying thoughtfully:

"The two countries are at war, and I don't know how the situation on the front line is going to be. The new hall on the Liangzhou side has to be suspended for a while, and Uncle Song and the others have to pay attention to their safety..."

Pei Xiangjun held his arm with a watermelon, and his eyes were full of the charm of a young woman's rejuvenation. Hearing Ye Jingtang say that there was something wrong with this, he said softly:
"These gangs are thinking about it, so there is no need for you, young master, to worry about it. You should have a good rest after you have been working for so long..."

Ye Jingtang laughed and stopped talking nonsense, but the two of them were sitting in the carriage without talking, and they were holding a charming and beautiful wife in their arms. After all, it couldn't be justified not to do something.

Ye Jingtang held it in for a moment, feeling that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, and started looking for something to say again:
"By the way, can I beat Monk Shenchen now?"

Pei Xiangjun knew that Ye Jingtang wanted to give Ning'er an explanation, so he said:
"Monk Shenchen is a monk. He rarely goes out to others and does not commit any killings, but he is not temperamental. In the past, those who came to the house to stir up trouble were all imprisoned as monks in the Thousand Buddhas Cave. No one has been able to escape.

"Pingtian Cult Master has not come to the door for a long time because he is not sure about the depth of Shenchen Monk. He is afraid that he will accidentally lose and become a prisoner in the Thousand Buddhas Cave. If you go, I can't say the chance of winning, but even if you offend the abbot, I probably won’t dare to lock you up…”

Ye Jingtang said: "Then I have time, I'm afraid I have to go meet and agree to Ning'er's matter. If I don't do it, I will feel bad..."

"Well, please stop pampering her and let her use the jade carrot of 'Enter and Safe', otherwise I won't let you do anything wrong in the future..."

"Ha ha……"


The two chatted for only a moment before they arrived outside the palace.

Ye Jingtang got off the carriage and asked She Long and others to rest after get off work, and then Sanniang entered together.

Because it was a war, many officials from Yun'an City also rushed to Jingjie City. They spent the day discussing the situation in the political hall, and did not leave until dark.

Although Ye Jingtang has a high and powerful position, she is not a royal concubine or queen after all. She has no residence in the palace, so naturally she cannot go directly to the palace of the emperor, the queen mother or Prince Jing just like going home.

After being informed, Ye Jingtang was led by the palace servants to the imperial study room in the palace.

Outside the imperial study room is a small garden with many palace lanterns hanging around. More than a dozen palace maids, divided into two waves, with ribbons tied on their arms to distinguish them, are playing sepak takraw on the lawn. There are several substitute palace maids cheering next to them. Cheer.

Although the empress is busy with government affairs, she cannot be busy from getting up to going to bed. She is currently taking a rest after dinner, and she is also wearing a very cool high-slit diagonal skirt, which exposes her long left leg with a belt. When the takraw ball is moving, you can clearly see the ripples trembling on the skirt of the clothes, and the impact is amazing.

Ye Jingtang followed the palace maid into the garden, and found that his eyes were full of beautiful Yingying Yanyan and long legs, and his pace suddenly slowed down a bit; Sanniang also had strange eyes, feeling that the empress was a little too hot for her clothes.

The empress noticed from the corner of her eye that Ye Jingtang and Sanniang were coming, so she stopped moving, took the towel from the palace maid's hand and wiped the sweat on her forehead, then turned and walked towards the study:

"You go down first."


The maid in the garden immediately stopped her work and silently disappeared into the corridor.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang came forward and bowed:
"His Majesty."

Sanniang didn't know that the empress had moved on her own. She was still a little nervous at this moment, so she bowed and said:
"The daughter of the people pays homage to Your Majesty."


The empress looked quite friendly and led the two of them to the study. She sat down behind the desk, took out the Ming Shen Diagram from the box at hand, and handed it to Sanniang:

"Miss Pei, you don't have to be cautious. Just study the Dragon Singing Picture with peace of mind. If there is anything you don't understand, feel free to let Night Terror Hall teach you."

Pei Xiangjun has already learned five pictures, and he definitely doesn't need anyone's guidance. Seeing that the empress seemed to be chatting with Ye Jingtang about something, he didn't say much, took the Mingshen picture, turned around and went to the resting room next door, and closed the door.


As Sanniang went to the side hall, the large study suddenly became quiet, leaving only the bright yellow candlelight and the two people standing across the table.

The empress's demeanor also showed a bit of laziness. She leaned on the back of a large chair, picked up a book and flipped through it casually. She also took off her shoes quite informally and put her legs on the table:
"How was your rest today?"


When Ye Jingtang saw Hu Niuniu, he originally wanted to express some sweet words of concern, but he was immediately restrained before he could say anything.

After all, Yuhu is wearing a cool diagonal skirt that he wears when playing football. To put it simply, he has a piece of red cloth wrapped around his waist, which is not even completely enclosed. The left waist and hips are connected with a gold ring, so that the curve of the waist and abdomen can be fully seen. and long legs.

At this time, Yuhu leaned on the back of the chair and put his legs on the table, forming an incline. The red skirt naturally slipped down, and his long, white and traceless legs and feet were all in front of his eyes. Looking up, you can still see the plump tiger head wrapped in small red cloth, and by the candlelight, you can even see the small crescent moon...

Ye Jingtang stood up straight for a while, held it in for a long time, and said:
"Why aren't you wearing pants?"

The empress looked away from the file and looked at her legs, confidently:

"Why am I not wearing any? It's just a little short."

Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu was still a loser. He was no longer the Ouchi guard he had been before. Seeing that Yuhu dared to tease him like this, he was not polite at the moment. He walked around the table and came to him. He held the armrests of the chair with both hands and looked down at Wumei. Touching cheeks:

"You're playing with fire, right?" Seeing this, the empress slipped down a little, half-lying on the chair, her legs resting on both sides of Ye Jingtang's shoulders, and raised her eyebrows:



Ye Jingtang took a gentle breath, and with a sudden change in his heart, he lowered his head and covered his red lips. He patted the moon with his left hand, making a soft "pop" sound, and then slid it down to the small red fabric and groped around with his right hand. Then start to take off your belt.


After all, the empress had just entered the door. When she saw this, she was frightened. She touched Ye Jingtang's chest and pushed him away:

"Are you sure your body can handle it?"

From yesterday to now, Ye Jingtang has spent more time lying down than standing. He must be a little weak, but he doesn't dare to eat when his wife is riding on his shoulder. How can he maintain a foothold at home in the future?Now he put on a stern expression:

"You worry about yourself first. I thought of you for the first time yesterday, and it was just gentle. If I were serious about it, this chair would collapse."

The empress really didn't believe it, but she didn't let Ye Jingtang try it now. Instead, she said:
"I told you this morning that I will reward you with a big reward tonight. If your body can hold on..."

Ye Jingtang felt that this big reward should not be simple, but since the pure man was already showing off his posture, he couldn't be frightened immediately, so he immediately said:
"What reward?"

"First tell me whether you dare to ask for it. If you don't, then let's not mention it. Let's talk about it next time."

Ye Jingtang took a breath and kissed Yuhu's cheek:

"What am I afraid of? Take it out and show it to me."

Seeing Ye Jingtang's insistence, the empress naturally said no more. She put away her slender legs, stood up and walked to the back of the imperial study room, and said at the same time:

"Miss Pei, we'll see you later. Come here first."

In the next room, Pei Xiangjun had no intention of looking at the picture of the singing dragon. He had been listening to the shocking scene.

Hearing the empress's voice, Pei Xiangjun naturally didn't say anything. He got up and went out, following behind the two of them. He even asked Ye Jingtang with his eyes - when did you hook up with your sister-in-law?

Ye Jingtang didn't say much at this time. He just followed Yu Hu and walked back. Although his expression was calm and composed, he still felt that he was shaking every step of the way.

Behind the Imperial Study Room, there is a specially built large bathing pool, which is similar to the Canyang Pool in the palace. It is a special hall.

At this time, in the hall filled with white mist, Xuanji Zhenren and Dongfang Liren were leaning on the edge of the bathtub. The water was up to their chests. They were holding small wine glasses and whispering to each other.

Although he couldn't hear what the two of them said, looking at Shui'er's strange expression, he knew that it was something ulterior and private.

The Queen Mother was floating in the pool, swimming like white stripes in the waves. When she saw Li and Shuishui whispering, she deliberately did not let her, the Queen Mother, listen. She was obviously a little worried, so she slowly swam to the front and lay down on the edge of the bath. and asked:

"Li Ren, what are you talking about?"

Dongfang Liren was naturally talking about her sister stealing her consort. When she saw the Queen Mother coming, she immediately stopped talking and looked as normal:

"Nothing, just chatting about some government affairs. My sister said she would come over after playing football, why haven't you come yet?"

Master Xuanji brought the wine glass to Huaiyan's red lips and said:
"Maybe there is news from outside. By the way, where is Night Terror Hall today? Why haven't you seen anyone all day?"

Dongfang Liren slid forward, swam in the swimming pool, and responded:

"Of course I went to see Sanniang. Sanniang is very powerful. One of them can stand up to us...ahem..."

Perhaps because he was afraid that his mother would hear all the nonsense, his words stopped abruptly.

Master Xuanji felt a little funny. Seeing Huaiyan's eyes full of curiosity, he raised his hand to cover his lips, wanting to talk to Huaiyan about the current situation.

But after Master Xuanji said a few words, he heard footsteps coming from the door, and then the sound of conversation came:

"Why don't you go?"

"Well... I'm afraid it won't be good if I go in, right?"


The three people in the bathhouse were stunned when they heard the sound.

The Queen Mother's eyes lit up when she heard the sound of the night terror, but she immediately realized that she was taking a bath. She quickly got out of the bath, got dressed in a hurry, and pretended to be calm and reminded:

"Your Majesty, are you here?"

When Dongfang Liren saw that his sister had brought Ye Jingtang, his eyes were a little strange. He quickly got up, wrapped himself in a blanket, and helped the Queen Mother get dressed:
"Night Terror Hall, don't come in yet!"

This is obviously a bit redundant, after all, how dare you come in the Night Terror Hall!
Outside the palace gate, although the Empress knew about the Empress Dowager's underground love affair, she also knew that the Empress Dowager had not yet married her, and just having sex together would be a bit unfair to the Empress Dowager. For this reason, she did not directly bring Ye Jingtang in, but waited at the door and gave her a hand. The time when the Queen Mother puts on her clothes,

When Ye Jingtang heard the movement in the bathhouse, he already understood what today's big reward was. He was flattered and the pressure immediately rose.

After all, even if the Hand Warmer doesn't join the group, it's still four against one...

tata tao~

Soon, the palace door opened from the inside.

The Queen Mother, who had already put on her phoenix skirt, walked out, hugging her clothes, her face turned red and her eyes were evasive. After glancing at the Night Terror Hall, she quickly moved away and asked:

"Your Majesty, why did you bring Night Terror Hall here?"

The empress responded calmly: "He has been traveling for many days and his health is not good. Bring him here to take a bath to recuperate."

"Oh, really."

The Queen Mother did not dare to stay for long. After nodding and saluting Sanniang, she walked out quickly.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang turned around and said, "I will take the Queen Mother back to the palace."

Although the Empress Dowager really wanted to sleep with Ye Jingtang in her arms, Li Ren Shui'er was already there, and she, the Queen Mother, had no nerve to take him away, so she quickly said:
"No, this is the palace, what do you want to give me as a gift?"

As he spoke, he pushed Ye Jingtang back, then turned around and left:

"Ruby! Ruby?... Send it to my palace."

"Good lady..."


After the Empress watched the Queen Mother leave, she led Ye Jingtang to the bathhouse door, opened the door, and said with a slight smile:
"Hmm? Do you want to have a bubble with the three of us, master and apprentice?"

Ye Jingtang staggered when he heard this. Even Sanniang's eyes widened a bit, and she sighed inwardly: After all, like a teacher, there must be a disciple...

Dongfang Liren originally wanted to see what medicine his sister bought in the gourd, but when he heard these outrageous words, his face suddenly turned red:
"Dongfang Yuhu! You...what are you talking about?"

Xuanji, the real person, has a temperament that doesn't mind watching the excitement. Seeing that the Night Terror Hall was a little timid, she got up from the water. The full moon rested on the white jade stone by the pool. Her flawless curves were undoubtedly exposed, and there were a few dots. The water drops slid down from Tuan'er, and he turned sideways and looked back at Ye Jingtang:

"Little Jingtang, come here~"

"Master! You..."


Looking at the flawless Shui'er and the looming big Benben, Ye Jingtang felt that he might not be able to get out of this room alive tonight.

Pei Xiangjun had been playing Jingtang all day today, and felt that Jingtang might not be able to withstand it, so he leaned closer and whispered:
"Jingtang, are you okay? Otherwise..."

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth. He wanted to say boldly, "How could I not do it?", but after holding it in for a long time, it turned into:
"Try it, it's quite tiring after running around for so long..."

After saying that, he put his arms around Sanniang's waist and walked into it.

The empress's eyes were full of smiles, she walked into the bath, locked the door, and walked slowly to the side of the bath:

"There's no need to be brave. Just tell me if you're not feeling well. It's just a bubble bath. It won't really break your body."

As he spoke, he untied his scanty skirt, jumped forward into the bath, and leaned in front of Big Benben.

Although Dongfang Liren had been in a five-person group before, this was the first time for him and his sister. He looked obviously a little reserved. Seeing that his sister dared to come closer, he raised his hand and hit the big white moon a few times:
"You are simply..."

clap clap clap...

Ye Jingtang stood by the large bathing pool, his eyes full of life and fragrance. Although his mind felt very stressed, his body did not obey the command of his mind at all, and he gradually recovered.

Seeing Shui'er sitting in front of her, holding her hands behind her back, looking at him with provocative eyes, Ye Jingtang also took the risk, squatted down and hugged her legs, hugged her and jumped directly into the pool.

Pei Xiangjun bit her red lips. She was actually a little bit frightened. However, Shui'er and Benben had both played together, and there was a new sister Empress present. After thinking about it, she relaxed a little, untied her skirt, and slid into the bathtub. Quietly help Ye Jingtang drink water.

Dongfang Liren, on the other hand, did not dare to act too aggressively in front of his sister at first, and kept a cold stance and stayed away.

But she soon discovered that her sister was a bit inappropriate. Ye Jingtang wanted to reach out and touch her to comfort her, but her sister pulled her hand back and placed it on her fat dragon...


Dongfang Liren took a deep breath when he saw this scene, and then swam to the front. He began to respect the rules like the teacher before, and gave his sister a memory:
"Dongfang Yuhu! You go too far..."

"Li Ren, can you rebel? Yeah..."


There was constant laughter and splashing in the bathtub.

Among the buildings behind, the Queen Mother stopped in the verandah and stood with Hong Yu.

Hongyu, holding the palace lantern, was naturally a little confused about the Queen Mother running out in a hurry, and asked:
"Why aren't you leaving? Do you want me to have someone carry the chariot over?"

The Queen Mother did not leave because she was curious in her heart as to what Yuhu and Ye Jingtang would do after she left.

According to the book, after getting rid of others, you must take a mandarin duck bath in the bathtub...

But Yuhu, Liren, Shui'er, Miss Pei, these are four people...

The Queen Mother did not dare to think about such a thing. After a little hesitation, she saw that all the palace people were dismissed by Yuhu, and then she said:

"Don't move around here. I'll go back and take a look."

After saying that, he turned around and quietly returned to the main hall. He entered from the side hall and came to the door on the side of the bath. He glanced through the crack in the door, then his face turned red again, he picked up his skirt and ran out quickly...


roll call:
I recommend a book called "White Moonlight, which is said to be yellow hair, but turns into a fairy". If you are interested, you can read it ~

(End of this chapter)

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