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Chapter 474

Chapter 474
Time flew by and it was three days later before I knew it.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties suddenly went to war. After the initial panic, the people in the border towns found that the flames of war could not ignite the Wei Dynasty for the time being. Their emotions gradually stabilized and the atmosphere in the streets and alleys gradually recovered.

"steamed stuffed bun……"

"Candied haws..."

Amidst the noise in the street, a small carriage drove from the street and headed towards the carriage row in the west of the city.

The curtains and windows of the carriage were all lowered, and the inside could not be seen. Outside, sitting a half-grown female warrior, with a bamboo hat on her head and a saber in her arms, looking casually at the street, there was a big fat bird squatting next to her.

Outside the carriage, there were three people walking on foot.

The leader is a tall and thin figure dressed in ordinary Chinese clothes, with a hat on his head, and his face cannot be seen clearly; and behind him are two chivalrous women, one with a slender and cold figure, the other with a plump and bumpy figure. .

Because you can tell by his appearance that he is a gangster, and no one dares to look at him arbitrarily. Occasionally, when an official passing by wants to come forward and question him, the woman in green will take out a token, and then the official will disappear like a ghost, without even farting. net.

As the carriage got closer and closer to its destination, Luo Ning, who was walking beside the carriage, breathed a sigh of relief and asked:
"Now there's a war at the border. When you come back this time, can you still get out?"

Xue Baijin led his people to travel long distances for several days, avoiding all the eyes of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. He was still a little tired when he heard this and responded:
"This is not our territory, so we have to leave."

Luo Ning followed Bai Jin around for more than half a year, and she felt a little tired. She really wanted to go back to her new home in Tianshuiqiao and play with the flowers and plants she had raised. When she heard this, she sighed softly:
"Where are you going?"

Xue Baijin did not say this clearly. After all, she had promised to find the last three pictures for Night Terror Hall to save her life. This trip may be to the Arctic or an isolated island overseas. If she is not lucky, it may happen in three to five years. There is no way to come back.

She thought about it carefully and just said: "I will go out alone this time. You stay here and take good care of Ye Jingtang and Yunli."

Luo Ning really wanted to stay, but after so many years as a sister, Bai Jin was left alone to go out and explore the world. She felt very owed, so she thought for a while and said:
"You are reckless and straightforward, and you are not as lucky as Night Terror Hall. How can I trust you when you go out alone?"

Fan Qinghe's thoughts were all on Ye Jingtang, and he wanted to run back to take a look first, but after hearing these words, he came back to his senses and said inexplicably:
"Ning'er, even if you follow Master Xue, what effect will you have?"

This is not a mockery, but a serious question.

Luo Ning took a breath and explained calmly:

"When people are concerned, they will naturally think twice about doing things. If I don't follow, she will become arrogant and dare to go to any dangerous place; but if I follow, she will naturally consider an escape route..."

Fan Qinghe nodded thoughtfully: "Really?"

Zhe Yunli felt that what the master's wife said was very reasonable, so he continued:
"How about I go out with Master this time? I can also be a burden... bah... a burden to make Master think twice."


Luo Ning paused for a moment, looking like she wanted to spank Yunli, but Yunli was already a grown girl, so it was a bit inappropriate to do so, so she frowned and said:

"You are more reckless than your master. I would be even more worried if you followed him out."

"How could it be possible? I'm smarter than Cousin Jing..."

Xue Baijin actually wanted to take Xiao Yunli, who was about to grow up, around, but he was worried about her personal relationship issues, so he said:
"Let's go back first."

The four of them drove the carriage forward, and it took them two quarters of an hour to arrive at the southbound street where the escort agencies were gathered.

Xue Baijin was walking in front, and before he reached the entrance of the carriage house, he saw a lot of black policemen watching on the street. One of the six evil spirits, Iron Arm Wuchang She Long, was sitting on the tea couch and saw a group of them coming. He was about to stand up to check, but after seeing Ning'er, he quickly sat back down.

When Xue Baijin saw this, he knew that Ye Jingtang was among them. Worried about his injury, he quickened his pace and came to the door. Then he looked up and saw Sanniang's maid, Xiuhe, coming out of the side yard and walking towards the back house with a fruit plate.


Niao Niao was so excited that she finally came home. She jumped out of the carriage, ran to Xiu He and started begging for food. Luo Ning and others also took off their hats.

Xiuhe was slightly startled when he saw a few people, and quickly ran over:
"Miss Luo, you are back!"

Fan Qinghe was worried about Ye Jingtang's health, so he quickly came to him and asked:
"How's the Night Terror Hall going?"

Xiuhe's eyes looked a little strange, and she opened her mouth to speak, but hesitated...

Xue Baijin's heart sank when he saw Xiuhe's hesitant look. He flew up with a tap of his toes, but in the blink of an eye he arrived at the back house and landed in front of the main house.

The main room is Sanniang's room, which is quite elegantly decorated and incense is lit inside.

At this time, Ye Jingtang was resting on the soft couch in front of the window, dressed in home clothes, and raised his head when he heard the movement outside.

The charming Sanniang knelt down on the couch, using her knees as a pillow for Ye Jingtang to lean on, and was feeding Ye Jingtang fruits.

Seeing the lump of ice suddenly falling outside the window, Ye Jingtang immediately sat up like a carp, but was immediately pushed back by Sanniang:

"Don't move, be careful with yourself..."

"I'm really fine..."


Xue Baijin didn't expect that after three or four days, she was almost back to her old self. Ye Jingtang, who had practiced the bathing in fire diagram, was still lying down. In her hurry, she didn't bother to be polite and went directly to the room, holding Ye Jingtang's hand. Jingtang's wrist:
"How is your health?"

Ye Jingtang's health must be fine. It's just that he couldn't hold it back a few nights ago and ran to the bathtub to take a mandarin duck bath. Originally, Yuhu meant to help him take a bath together, so a little reward would be enough.

But as a man, he either doesn't do it, or he has to do it all. He just does it all in the water, and everyone is served beautifully.

In this way, although the four daughters-in-law were satisfied with the rain and dew, it was obvious that he had not lost a drop, and the daughters-in-law carried him back to sleep.

Although the empress wanted to fulfill Ye Jingtang's every wish, she also saw that if he was rewarded again, Ye Jingtang would become a drug dregs, so she immediately began to make him abstinent and lie down at home with a nourishing diet, specially for Sanniang to keep an eye on him. He was not allowed to leave the door, and the fox demon of Yuxu Mountain was not allowed to come over to collect yang and replenish yin.

Ye Jingtang has been lying at home for three days, and the energy lost due to internal and external injuries has basically recovered. Now he can fight against six, but Sanniang feels that he should be taken care of, so she still doesn't let him move around.

Seeing Bing Tuo Tuo's concerned eyes, Ye Jingtang couldn't explain clearly the causes and consequences, so he smiled and said:

"It's nothing serious anymore. I just recovered from my injury. Sanniang asked me to take good care of myself and not move around. Are you okay?"

Xue Baijin checked his pulse carefully and found that there was nothing strange about Ye Jingtang's body. He even felt a little strong in energy and blood. Then he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He found that Ning'er and the others also ran in, so he let go:
"I'm fine. Don't be impatient. Take good care of her for a few months. I've brought Ning'er and the others back, and I have a surprise for you."

Ye Jingtang turned over and stood up, slightly surprised:

"What's the surprise? You brought Master Xiang Han's head back?"

Xue Baijin didn't say much at the moment, turned around and walked out of the room.Sanniang ran to prepare hot water for several people to wash away the dust.

As soon as Ye Jingtang walked out of the room, Fan Qinghe came to him and held his wrist to feel his pulse; Luo Ning held her right hand and pinched her shoulder, checking up and down:
"Are you okay?"

"It's okay now. You freshen up first and I'll go out and take a look."

Fan Qinghe found that there was indeed nothing strange about Ye Jingtang, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at Ye Jingtang and wanted to say something, but in the end he forgot it and ran to the backyard; Luo Ning, whose eyes were a little strange, followed silently. gone.

Ye Jingtang was a little confused when he saw this scene. He felt that this surprise might not be right, so he asked:

"Miss Xue, is it possible that you captured the Emperor of Beiliang?"

"You'll know when you see it."

Xue Baijin walked slowly to the courtyard outside and motioned to the small carriage parked in the yard.

Zhe Yunli, who was standing next to the carriage, saw Ye Jingtang and waved: "Brother Jingtang~" After saying that, he turned around and ran away, as if he was afraid of being picked up. Only birds flew over. , rub it on your neck to look cute.

When Ye Jingtang saw this scene and heard two breathing sounds in the carriage, he felt a little foreboding. After rubbing the bird, he came to the carriage and opened the curtain slightly.


Two whines suddenly sounded in the carriage.

I saw Miss Jiaojiao in a skirt, her hands tied behind her back with a rope, leaning against the corner of the carriage. When she saw him, her demure eyes were full of anger and shame.

The scholarly maid next to her brightened up and nodded quickly to say hello to Ye Jingtang.


Ye Jingtang held the car curtain with his right hand and stared blankly at the two people in the car, unable to regain his consciousness for a long time.

Xue Baijin came to the front and asked:
"Why don't you speak?"

Ye Jingtang held it in for a long time, then raised his hand to touch his face and looked at the kind-hearted Da Bingtuotuo who was around him:
"Master Xue, why did you kidnap Miss Hua here?"

Xue Baijin said confidently: "She won't leave and is making trouble, so of course I have to tie her up."

"No, I didn't say to pick up Miss Hua..."

"You didn't say you wouldn't accept it, so how could I leave your confidante behind on my own initiative?"

"You misunderstood, Miss Hua is not my confidante..."

"It's not your confidante. She went crazy looking at your portrait and said, 'Young Master Ye~ I knew you wouldn't leave~'?"


Ye Jingtang's expression froze.

In the carriage, when Hua Qingzhi heard this, she was so ashamed that she went crazy, and said "woo woo~" twice more.

Xue Baijin was very organized and did not tie her up directly. Instead, she followed his wife's suggestion and sneaked into Washington DC at night to see how Hua Qingzhi would react to being separated from Ye Jingtang.

The result was great. As soon as she arrived at Hua Qingzhi's study, she saw Hua Qingzhi going crazy in front of the portrait of Night Terror Hall, pushing her wheelchair in circles asking for a kiss, and saying some shy and boring words. She was covered in goosebumps. pimple!
Xue Baijin saw that Hua Qingzhi was going crazy thinking about the night terror, so he definitely didn't need to ask anymore, so he knocked Hua Qingzhi out and asked the maid to write a letter, saying that she had eloped with the guard, and told the government not to read it. Then they took Hua Qingzhi away.

Afraid that Hua Qingzhi's legs would be inconvenient and no one would take care of her, she even brought along an extra maid who was reluctant to leave her.After Hua Qingzhi regained consciousness, she refused to admit that she had gone crazy and strongly demanded that she be sent back.

Xue Baijin was rushing through the customs. He didn't have the time to deal with this duplicitous young lady, so he tied him up directly and carried her back to the customs.

At this time, Xue Baijin had already sent the person there, but he didn't care about the love between the two of them, so he turned around and said:
"You can talk to her yourself and I'll take a rest."

With that said, he took the melon-eating bird away.

Ye Jingtang was really a little confused. After watching Tuotuo leave, he heard the whining sound and quickly jumped on the carriage and pulled the cloth from Hua Qingzhi's mouth:
"Miss Hua, you..."

"Cough cough..."

Hua Qingzhi's face turned red, and the cloth that was used to gag her mouth was taken out. Instead of talking to Ye Jingtang at the first moment, she scolded outside for the first time:
"You unreasonable shrew...wuwu~"

Ye Jingtang was startled, and quickly covered Hua Qingzhi's mouth, and said kindly:

"Misunderstanding, she definitely didn't mean it. It's my fault that I didn't make it clear..."

While speaking, he also took out Luzhu's gag cloth.

Lu Zhu's reaction was surprisingly calm. After she could speak, she helped to persuade:

"Miss, you'll be in peace now that you've come. If you don't secretly use 'Dream Like Huan San', Miss Xue won't misunderstand..."

"Shut up!"

After Hua Qingzhi returned home, she felt a little regretful because she had not seen Ye Jingtang for the last time, so she thought of saying goodbye to Ye Jingtang in a dream-like way.

The result was great. Every time she closed and opened her eyes, she was almost reaching the cliff!

She was an innocent scholarly lady who was born into a wealthy family and had a prominent position. She had everything she wanted. However, she was inexplicably kidnapped to an enemy country that was at war, and she even left a letter from her family stating that she had eloped.

If she really eloped, that would be fine. The key point is that she has nothing to do with Ye Jingtang. Not to mention the reputation of elopement, she is still helpless in the Southern Dynasties and has to rely on others to watch the Queen's face. Isn't this evil? !
Seeing that Lu Zhu dared to pour the beans into the bamboo tube and uncover the shortcomings, Hua Qingzhi's face turned red and she looked at Ye Jingtang again:

"Mr. Ye, don't believe that woman. I was kidnapped by her. Ask her to send me back..."

Ye Jingtang estimated that with Bing Tuo Tuo's temperament, he would definitely not make a second trip, so he quickly said:
"Don't get excited yet. You'll be a guest for two days when you come here. When I recover, I'll take you back to Beiliang..."

"I won't let you give it away!"

Hua Qingzhi knew the current situation. What was the difference between returning to Ye Jingtang and throwing herself into a trap?She frowned and said:

"Whoever did it is responsible for it, just let her send it away!"

"She is the leader of Pingtian. She is my equal. I can't control her."

Ye Jingtang was helpless: "Don't worry, I will definitely send you back safely to reunite with Uncle Hua. Come on, untie the rope first..."

Hua Qingzhi had never been so wronged since she was a child, but seeing Ye Jingtang again made her feel more at ease. It was better than being tied up by that woman.

She turned sideways and asked Ye Jingtang to help untie her hands, and then wanted to run to argue with the woman, but her legs were inconvenient and she didn't have a wheelchair with her, so this was indeed a bit difficult.

Ye Jingtang untied Lu Zhu's hands, and then helped Hua Qingzhi get out of the carriage:

"Calm down, just think you're here to play. Slow down, be careful if you fall..."

Hua Qingzhi got off the carriage with the help of Ye Jingtang. Because walking was difficult, she held Ye Jingtang's arm and continued to recite Xue Baijin's atrocities along the way:

"I woke up and explained to her, but she was just like Meng Hulu. She didn't talk to me. Later she thought I was noisy and blocked my mouth. I was obviously trying to reason with her..."

"What a misunderstanding..."

Ye Jingtang patiently explained his comfort. Before he could say a few words, he suddenly stopped and looked towards the courtyard door...
The luxurious carriage with four horses driving side by side drove through the streets and stopped outside the carriage house. The black police officers on duty nearby all bowed and waited quietly.

On the carriage, Dongfang Liren stood up in a silver python robe, holding a food box in his hand, which contained a large tonic soup made by himself.

The Night Terror Hall was brought down a few days ago. In the past two days, Dongfang Liren has not even stepped out of the palace gate. He is keeping an eye on his master and sister to prevent them from taking advantage of others and sneaking away to collect Yang. Negative.

Because she had nothing to do in the palace, she also asked her sister how she hooked up with Ye Jingtang, and her sister said her bottom was delicious.

Dongfang Liren grew up with his sister since he was a child, so he naturally knew that his sister's vagina tasted very good, but she had never touched Yangchun water since she was a child, and she didn't know how to cook at all.

Realizing her shortcomings, Dongfang Liren naturally felt pressured, so she called the royal chef in the palace to teach her how to cook. After three days of training, she had already gained some cooking skills. Today, when she was making soup, she suddenly heard a report from the police. , saying that the wife of Ye Jingtang seemed to be back, she naturally took it and gave it to Ye Jingtang to try.

Before the carriage had stopped, Dongfang Liren stooped and walked out of the carriage. He was about to tell the accompanying guards to get down and wait, but before he could speak, his expression froze slightly.

Dongfang Liren's carriage was very wide and he was tall. Standing outside the carriage door, he could clearly see beyond the wall of the carriage and horses and could see directly into the compound.

A carriage was parked alone in the middle of the yard, with three figures not far away.

The handsome young man in black robe in front was obviously her princess, who was holding the arm of a scholarly lady.

The scholarly lady looked weak, and she was wearing a gradient-colored skirt with white top and purple bottom. The style was very familiar, and her eyes that coexisted with elegance and agility were also looking at her.

Behind the two of them, there was a gentle little maid, who seemed to be in a panic...

? ?
Dongfang Liren's whole body was shocked, as if he was struck by a bolt of thunder on a sunny day. His eyes were stunned at first, then turned into suspicion, and then turned into erect eyebrows!

Hua Qingzhi, who was complaining about Xue Baijin's rudeness and rudeness, saw the Queen who was very fierce to her, her expression was stunned, and she quickly pulled away the arm that was being held by Ye Jingtang - this move was a guilty conscience no matter what. , trying to cover up...

Ye Jingtang found that Benben suddenly came over, and he was naturally confused. He wanted to explain a few words, but...

How the hell do you explain this?

After a moment of silence, Dongfang Liren tapped his toes over the wall and landed in the courtyard. The Chief Hei Yamen outside noticed that Lord Ye seemed to have a fire in the backyard, so he voluntarily resigned and even closed the door thoughtfully.

Ye Jingtang felt bad, and said pleasantly:
"Your Highness, why are you here? Well..."

"Um what?"

Dongfang Liren looked at the talented and beautiful two people and thought of so many things in his heart.

When she left the Ye Jing Hall, she had been worried about Beiliang Hu Meizi's problem. The Ye Jing Hall didn't mention it when she came back. She was relieved at first, but the result was good. It happened faster than she thought. It was all over. Followed back to the house!
A scholarly lady like Hua Qingzhi could run away with a man and defect to an enemy country regardless of her family reputation. She didn't dare to think about what those two people went through in Beiliang. It was possible that she was already pregnant...

And since we've reached this point, why don't you tell her?Afraid that she, a grown-up woman, would be jealous and prepare to hide her beauty in a golden house?

Although Dongfang Liren's mind was spinning a thousand times in an instant, as the prince of a country and the future housewife, he still maintained his basic manners and looked at Hua Qingzhi with a smile:
"When Miss Hua came over, Ye Jingtang didn't even say hello to me or greet me in person. It's really rude."

Hua Qingzhi had something wrong with her legs but not her eyes. Seeing that the Queen had misunderstood, she quickly explained:

"Your Highness, don't get me wrong, the little girl was kidnapped..."


Dongfang Liren was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Hua Qingzhi. He found that she was really a little aggrieved by being raped as a civilian girl, so he looked at Ye Jingtang, and his eyes probably meant - how capable!You've learned how to rob civilian girls, so if you can't get them, use force, right?
Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand: "I didn't tie him up, it was Master Xue. I asked her to help pick up Ning'er and the others, and she conveniently brought Miss Hua..."


Dongfang Liren didn't believe this at all: "How dangerous is it to cross the border between the two countries? Without your permission, the leader of Pingtian would kidnap Miss Hua back for no reason and even take the maid with him?"

"It sounds a bit outrageous, but it is true. If you don't believe me, let's ask Master Xue."

Ye Jingtang felt very innocent, and immediately wanted to take Benben to Bingtuotuo to clarify the cause and effect.

Hua Qingzhi also wanted to question the female master, so she wanted to turn around and follow, but she completely overestimated her own mobility.

Hua Qingzhi's legs and feet were not fully healed yet, so she was fine standing up, but no one was supporting her when she walked. When she moved, her knees gave out, and she fell straight back.


Ye Jingtang had quick eyesight and quick hands. He quickly raised his hand and grabbed Hua Qingzhi's lower back, supporting her...

The courtyard suddenly fell silent.

Hua Qingzhi subconsciously put her arm around Ye Jingtang's shoulders, leaned into her arms and looked at the handsome young man who was so close, her face quickly turned red.

Dongfang Liren originally wanted to help, but when he saw this scene, he took a deep breath and looked away, just pretending that he was out of sight.

Ye Jingtang noticed that her movements were wrong and wanted to pull out her hand, but was afraid that Hua Qingzhi would fall, so she could only say:

"Lvzhu! Why are you standing there stupidly?"

"Oh, miss..."

Green beady eyes looked at his nose and heart, not daring to get close at all. When he heard the call, he quickly ran over to help.

Dongfang Liren turned around and saw Hua Qingzhi supporting the maid, her face flushed, her eyes evasive and she hesitated to speak, she waved her hand and said:

"That's all. It's not easy for Miss Hua to travel and travel. Let's send Miss Hua back to her room to rest first."

Hua Qingzhi still wanted to explain a few words, but Luzhu was afraid that the young lady would steal from the Prince Consort and be beaten by the Queen, so she quickly helped Hua Qingzhi and ran to the backyard:
"As ordered. Miss, let's go, let's go..."

"Alas...this matter has nothing to do with Mr. Ye. Your Highness, please don't punish Mr. Ye..."

Name it again:

I recommend a book called "Young Hero, Please Stay". The author has completed a high-quality book with multiple female protagonists, and the quality is guaranteed ~
(End of this chapter)

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