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Chapter 491 Counterattack!

Chapter 491 Counterattack!

Under the silvery moon in the sky, more than 5000 Shatuo troops in ragged clothes arrived outside the city wall of Dazhai one after another, standing neatly under the leadership of Wu Zhang Baihu.

And the young men and women near the Wuma tribe, after receiving news of the enemy in danger in Dazhai, also came galloping from all over the grassland, armed with swords and guns and riding strong horses, circling around thousands of unarmed infantry. If it weren't for the clan elders, Hey, I'm afraid I've already rushed up and killed this group of thieves who dared to steal the house.

Ye Jingtang had his back to Silver Moon and always stood on the cliff to prevent the soldiers from rebelling and causing trouble. Next to him were more than a dozen clan elders from the Wuma tribe. After making sure that the fight was over, Fan Qinghe also took Hua with him. Qingzhi and Luzhu fell beside them.

Seeing the tens of thousands of enemies in Ye Jing Hall, Fan Qinghe naturally felt proud, standing like Princess Tianlang.

Hua Qingzhi and Lvzhu were native scholarly ladies who had never seen Shura's purgatory-like scene before. They were obviously a little scared and did not dare to look back at the mountain col where rivers of blood flowed.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang stopped making concave shapes, tilted his head slightly and said:

"Qinghe, please take Miss Hua and the others to Dazhai to rest first."

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe didn't say much, turned around, hugged Hua Qingzhi and Lvzhu, and prepared to jump off the cliff.

Hua Qingzhi hugged Sister Fan's neck and said:

"Daddy, he..."

"Don't worry, let the birds keep an eye on it, nothing will happen."

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi nodded slightly, and then she was carried by Qinghe back and forth from the cliff to the horse farm, heading towards Dazhai.

The clan leader, Yao Cishan, had been standing nearby. He could still maintain his momentum, but as more and more surrendered soldiers came out of the mountain, he began to tremble with fear.

After all, they have come out of the mountains, at least more than 4000, including the corpses, about [-], and they are obviously well-trained soldiers. At this scale, if the sneak attack was successful, it would be enough to massacre tens of thousands of women, children, and elderly people in the entire Dazhai. When he was young, he thought he had escaped a robbery just now, but now he realized that what he had escaped was a catastrophe.

Yao Cishan was full of fear and confusion. Seeing that Ye Jingtang started to speak first, he bowed and asked:

"Where did this foot soldier come from?"

"The Shatuo tribe in the desert somehow got around from Huangming Mountain. We have to investigate later. The Shatuo tribe has less than 10 people in total. These should be all elites."

Ye Jingtang turned to look at Yao Cishan:

"These people will be handed over to Chief Yao first. They will be registered and registered. They will be given clothing and shelter, and they will be organized into the army. The necessary food, grass and weapons will be sent to the Wuma Department as soon as possible."

Yao Cishan said respectfully: "I'll let someone do it now."

Ye Jingtang saw that Yao Cishan had given instructions to the clansmen and watched Qinghe go to Dazhai. As he looked, he found that several frightened women ran back to the yard below and began to take care of the newborn pony. .

The little girl, who was seven or eight years old, led the native dog on a rope and ran down the hillside, raised her head and shouted:
"Brother, you are lying. Mother said you are King Tianlang."

Ye Jingtang smiled: "If I want to be king, I don't need to borrow the name of my ancestors. Just remember that my name is Ye Jingtang."

The little girl tugged on the rope and dragged the native dog over: "Brother, do you want to eat dog meat? It just bit you..."


The only injury suffered by Ye Jingtang in this battle was a sharp bite from this blind dog. Although the skin was not bitten, he was really annoyed.

However, this native dog was also a loyal protector of his master, so Ye Jingtang did not care about it and responded:
"It's a good dog, keep it well."

"Oh...eh? Brother's bird is so big!"


When they heard about eating dog meat, the bird that had just fallen from the sky shook its head in response, and then began to fan the hall with its wings. The meaning is probably - after being busy for half a month, what's wrong with eating dog meat?
Ye Jingtang held down the bird and turned around to look around. It could be seen that Shui'er also ran out from the mountain col. After a few ups and downs, he arrived at the cliff and said:

"There is no one in the mountain anymore. There are more than these people from the Shatuo tribe, and there are also some people in the cave. When Li Si fled back just now, he realized that something was wrong and took the remaining tribe away. I chased for a while and found the cave. It’s bottomless, I don’t know where it leads, and there are writings inside.”

Ye Jingtang didn't see any trace of Huang Liansheng, so he definitely couldn't let it go and said immediately:

"This group of people travels lightly. They don't bring much dry food, so they can't run very far. You order 300 people, bring ropes, and follow me into the mountains to capture the rest."

Yao Cishan immediately accepted the order, and the clan elder behind him hurried down the mountain and ran towards the Wuma tribe members who had gathered outside Dazhai.

Ye Jingtang didn't stop at all. After letting Niaoniao stay to lead the way, he followed Shui'er and walked along the mountain col to the mountains.

Although Master Xuanji did not appear on the frontal battlefield, he had been running around the mountains to guard against Huang Liansheng's sudden attack or other ambush. After running for a long time, he was quite tired. He took a few steps forward among the rugged mountains and raised his hands to wipe. Sweat dropped from forehead.

As a result, before she put down her hand, she found her body lightened, her buttocks sitting on the man's shoulder, and then she was hugged by her calves to resist.

Master Xuanji was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and looked at the cheek on her buttocks:

"What? When Miss Hua is gone, you can't stand it any longer?"

Ye Jingtang held his calf with one hand, rising and falling in the mountains, and said with a smile:
"How could it be? I see you are tired and feel sorry for your wife."

Master Xuanji had been holding it in for many days, and actually couldn't hold it in any longer. Seeing this, he laughed and said:

"It's so uncomfortable to sit like this. How about I ride on your neck?"

Ye Jingtang thought this posture was very manly, but it would definitely be more comfortable to ride a big horse. He nodded slightly and wanted to help Shui'er change his posture.

But what he didn't expect was that Shui'er didn't straddle his neck from behind like a child riding a big horse, but instead held his head and turned slightly, and did a face-mounted ride...


Ye Jingtang paused in his steps, held Shui'er's lower back with both hands, faced his lower abdomen which was close at hand, and raised his eyes to look upward:

"Naughty again, huh?"

Xuanji put her legs on her shoulders and straightened her waist slightly:

"Isn't that what you thought?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was not used to it. He lowered his head and gave the white jade tiger artificial respiration through his skirt:
"Woo woo woo~..."

Master Xuanji was just teasing her, how could she really dare to be lifted up and pouted by Ye Jingtang in this barren mountain? Her whole body was agitated, she quickly turned it down again, fell to the ground, and pulled up her skirt:
"Color Embryo~"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, and he shamelessly hugged his waist again and gave her a few hard pops.

Although the two were fighting and fussing, their speed was not slow. In just a moment, they walked along the mountain col for nearly five miles and came to the bottom of a rock cliff.

The stone cliff is as bare as the outside, and is no different from the outside. However, a hole has been dug out in the ground for two people to pass. There are many stones next to it. Shui'er just cut off the back road and smashed it down. Moved away.

Ye Jingtang came forward, half-crouched down to take a look, and then listened attentively to what was going on inside.

tata tao~
Inside the cave, you can still vaguely hear the sound of footsteps, but the distance is already very far, and it is difficult to judge the distance in the cave.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang took out a fire stick and blew it, and entered the cave entrance with Shui'er. After walking down for less than a few dozen steps, a cave suddenly opened up before his eyes. The rock wall was natural, but the ground was obviously repaired. The impassable areas were paved with stones and turned into a road extending westward.

Master Xuanji had just been here with Niaoniao. Now he was walking in front, and within a moment he came to a relatively large cave.

The cave is about three feet high and more than ten feet in diameter. The ground is relatively flat, and the sound of the underground river flowing can be heard.

Unlike other places, there are some traces and drawings on the rock wall, which are very old and look like graffiti carved by cavemen in ancient times.

Ye Jingtang originally thought they were fossils left by primitive people, but when he came to look at them carefully with the fire folder in hand, he found that the writing on the rock wall was quite fair, like a stone tablet, and did not seem to be a random carving. However, he didn't say a word. know.

Ye Jingtang looked at it carefully for a moment and asked:
"what is this?"

Master Xuanji crossed his arms across his chest, observed carefully for a moment in front of the rock wall, and nodded thoughtfully:
"If I read it correctly, this should be the word."


Ye Jingtang raised his hand and patted the naughty Shui'er's waist, and then started to look at other places. As expected, there were a lot of things written on the wall, but he didn't recognize them all.

After the two of them watched like this for a while, the sound of large groups of footsteps and the light of fire appeared at the entrance.

tata tao~
Soon after, Niaoniao ran over with Yao Cishan and three hundred elite clan members wearing leather armor and holding swords and guns.

Because they learned from the tribesmen that Dazhai was attacked just now and that Ye Jingtang was responsible for resisting thousands of troops, the young and strong men of the Wuma tribe felt grateful and surging in their hearts when they saw Ye Jingtang in black robes. , they all prepared to receive the gift.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly when he saw this: "The remnant soldiers are in front. You guys should chase after them first. I will be there soon."


Three hundred young men immediately followed General Bird and ran quickly to the west side of the cave.

Yao Cishan stopped, stroking his beard and looking up at the writing on the wall, his eyes thoughtful.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang asked, "Does Chief Yao recognize these handwritings?"

Yao Cishan responded carefully and pointed to the two writings on the wall:

"It seems that they are all from before the Liang Dynasty. These two characters should be 'Wu Si'. Wu Si is the name of the First Emperor. You can occasionally see it on the sacrificial vessels passed down from generation to generation in various tribes in the West Sea. The elders have said it. But the others are not acknoledged."

Master Xuanji nodded slightly and asked, "Is there anyone in Xihai who recognizes these words?"

Yao Cishan shook his head and said: "After the unification of the First Emperor, the entire world's scripts have not changed much. How can anyone learn these words? It is estimated that the only people in the world who know these words are the gentlemen from the Northern and Southern Imperial Colleges; both dynasties have preserved many tombs There are people who specialize in studying the slips dug out from inside.”

"The Imperial College..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he noticed that there was a female imperial student from the Imperial College beside him, and he immediately turned around:
"Shui'er, go and bring Miss Hua over and see if she recognizes her."

"it is good."

Master Xuanji turned around and walked towards the entrance, while Ye Jingtang and Yao Cishan continued to study.Because Xuanji's martial arts skills are extremely high, this place is not too far from Dazhai. The two of them had waited less than a quarter of an hour when there was another movement at the entrance.

Ye Jingtang turned around and saw that Hua Qingzhi, who had been running around for several days, had finally changed into fresh clothes. However, her hair was not combed. It was just rolled up and tied behind her head with a wooden hairpin. It was still wet and looked like it had been soaked by water. The child cried out from the bathtub.

Hua Qingzhi was still unable to move easily, so she was hugged by Master Xuanji. When she came close, she landed on her feet, raised her hands to straighten her hair on her temples, and looked at the monuments that Sister Lu mentioned.

Night Terror Hall came forward and asked;
"Do you know him?"

Hua Qingzhi had been a follower for so many days and felt like a waste every moment. But now she finally showed the arrogance of being the most talented woman in Yanjing and said:

"After I heard the young master's poems in Yun'an, I didn't know the source, so I went through the historical materials of the northwest royal court. Finally, I found a gentleman from the Imperial College who was proficient in ancient history. Although I didn't ask about the source, these ancient characters were taught by him. ."

Hua Qingzhi came to the beginning of the trace and pointed to the trace above:
"This is the writing of the ancient Liang Kingdom, where the First Emperor started. Because it was too cumbersome to write, after the First Emperor unified the world, he abolished the old characters and used the writings of other countries as a guide to learn from each other's strengths and create the writing system that is now used in the north and south. Character.

"Well...I have respected heaven as my father and earth as my mother. Fortunately, I have received the destiny of heaven and the nine arts taught by God..."

Ye Jingtang stood in front of him, listening to Hua Qingzhi's gentle voice, and felt that he was a stupid, thick and thick man. After a moment of silence, he asked;
"What do you mean?"

Hua Qingzhi held Ye Jingtang's shoulders and looked from the stone wall one by one:
"This should be written by the first emperor Wu Ji before he sent out troops. The meaning is probably: I, Wu Ji, respect heaven as his father and earth as his mother. I was lucky enough to receive the destiny of heaven and was given nine skills by the gods. Today I will send out troops to attack the country of Li, and give Bringing peace to all..."

Ye Jingtang frowned slightly: "What are the nine arts?"

Yao Wenshan looked at Hua Qingzhi, who was proficient in ancient Chinese, with quite surprised eyes, and then he said:

"'Nine' may be an imaginary number. It means that he was taught many skills by the gods to govern the country and bring peace to the world."

Hua Qingzhi nodded at this and pointed to a piece of writing in the middle:
"The stele and the mouth of the river are to be worshiped by eternity... This means that the skills learned are engraved on the stone tablet and enshrined at the entrance of Liangchuan to be worshiped by incense from eternity to thank heaven and earth..."

"Where is the entrance to Liangchuan?"

Master Xuanji said: "According to records, the Duolan Valley is the Liangchuan where the ancient Liang Kingdom was located, but now it has been renamed Buguiyuan."

Ye Jingtang nodded: "Even if it's hard to find. Is there anything else written about this?"

Hua Qingzhi studied it carefully and pointed to a string of handwriting;
"It seems that the First Emperor had more than one adventure. There is also 'accidentally entered the Northern Wilderness, obtained this military method, and fortunately obtained the Holy Lotus...', which means that the First Emperor could not pass to Huangming Mountain, so he searched everywhere along the mountain, and ended up mistakenly Entering the Northern Wilderness, I accidentally found this military path and got a lotus flower..."

When Master Xuanji heard this, he was a little confused: "Beihuang is behind the Sunset Peaks, and this military path is in Huangming Mountain..."

Yao Cishan stroked his beard and thought about it for a moment, then interjected: "The ancient Liang Kingdom is in Shanxi, and we are the enemy in the east. To the First Emperor, this seems to be the north."


As soon as these words came out, several people fell silent.

Ye Jingtang recalled for a moment and asked tentatively: "Do the various tribes in the Western Sea have a legend that there is a white lotus at the end of the Northern Wasteland?"

"Indeed, there is, but we all thought it was the Northern Wilderness behind the Sunset Peaks. We forgot that in the ancient Liang Kingdom, the Qinchi tribe had not yet gone behind the Sunset Peaks. The reason why Sunset Peak is called Sunset Peak is because our ancestors thought The sun sets there..."

Seeing this, Master Xuanji said thoughtfully: "Huang Liansheng... this name doesn't seem to be chosen casually."

After reading this brief information, Ye Jingtang had a bad idea in his mind. He immediately hugged Hua Qingzhi and turned around to walk deeper into the cave:
"No wonder Huang Liansheng is so loud."

Master Xuanji had obviously heard of such legends, and his expression became serious:

"Be sure to capture Huang Liansheng. This thing should be about the same weight as the Snow Lake Flower."

Yao Cishan explained from behind: "The white lotus in the Northern Wilderness is a divine thing. According to legend, the snow lake flower specializes in healing the inner world, the white lotus can whiten bones and produce flesh, and the longevity fruit can prolong life and summon souls. Together, the three of them can make a magic medicine that can bring the dead back to life... "

Before Hua Qingzhi could react, she was taken away by Ye Jingtang. Listening to the three people chattering, she said blankly:
"Young Master Ye, won't you send me back first?"

"You are the only one who can read, and we don't know these ancient texts. What if we find something again?"


Hua Qingzhi suddenly felt that reading a lot of books was not completely useless. She stopped talking and, like the scholarly lady who was taken away by the bandits, carefully searched the rock walls for writings along the way...
On the other side, more than ten miles away.

Because the scale of the infantry that had just poured into the mountain col was too large, Master Xuanji was afraid that something would go wrong, so as soon as the battle started, he pushed down rocks from the mountain and cut off the continuous path of troops coming out.

The nearly [-] infantrymen who were still in the cave had not yet had time to get out. Before the roadblocks at the entrance of the cave could be cleared, Li Si and others turned back from the mountain col.

As a civil servant, Li Si was a little panicked when he saw that he was being attacked from both sides. However, as a senior official in Beiliang, he still had a basic view of the overall situation.

Although the military road was blocked by the Night Terror Hall and the surprise attack was doomed to fail, the Shatuo tribe still had more than 1 men left, so they could still follow the original plan and attack without returning to the original place to disrupt the Western Xinjiang.

For this reason, after withdrawing from the front line, Li Si rejected Hua Junchen's suggestion of breaking out from the side and returning to the Xihai Protectorate. Instead, he returned to the cave and ordered the remaining troops to retreat, trying to save as many elite soldiers as possible.

As a personal expert, Hua Junchen had to send Li Sihao back to the Xihai Protectorate if he wanted to avoid being punished afterwards. He originally wanted to insist on escorting Li Si away; but Xu Tianying planned to catch them all and kill Huang Liansheng, the bandit leader, and obeyed Li Si's orders. Order, for this reason the three of them ran back.

The infantry in the cave had already heard the earth-shattering commotion outside, and even heard the words of Ye Jingtang persuading them to surrender. Without any delay, they turned around and ran along the road to and from the cave.

Thousands of people lined up in a line, rushing to the west, running for ten miles in one breath. After making sure there was no sound behind the cave, they dared to slow down and take a breath.

Li Si was carried by Hua Junchen and walked among the Shatuo soldiers. He looked back from time to time along the way and said angrily:
"This Night Terror Hall is really an evil star... Isn't he in Duolan Valley? Why did he come to the Wuma Department again?"

Xu Tianying opened his arms to prevent Li Si from being hit, and frowned:

"This surprise attack plan is foolproof. The only way we can be ambushed by Night Terror Hall is that it's a spy."


Li Si immediately became serious after hearing this: "I didn't know about this surprise attack until I returned to the original place. I followed Huang Liansheng here and didn't meet anyone. The spy must be from the Shatuo tribe. This Huang Liansheng didn't cover up the news tightly enough and followed others to play surprise attacks. Where are the others? We agreed to contain Ye Jingtang, but our troops and horses are all gone and he hasn’t shown up yet, so what are we going to do to contain him?"

Hua Junchen's eyes were full of pain: "I told you that taking that pill would delay the fight, but you didn't believe it. He said he could leave the customs in three days, and we marched here in two days. If we listen to God, we will wait until the fourth watch tomorrow If we attack again, why would we do this?”

Li Si recalled this and slapped his thigh angrily:
"This group of people is so muddy that it can't hold up the wall. Unless they are greedy for that hot meal, I would have thought that the person named Chu would know how to fight..."



Before Li Si finished speaking, he suddenly heard the exclamations of infantrymen from the front. He thought that the retreat was also blocked, but he immediately discovered:

In the cave that was no more than two feet high, a strong cross wind suddenly appeared, causing Li Si's cheeks to hurt. It felt like a tyrannical dragon suddenly rushed past silently against his scalp, causing the surrounding infantry to stagger. Lian Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying were both startled and hurriedly put on a posture to defend themselves against the enemy.

The movement passed by in a flash, and when everyone looked up, the top of the cave was empty, with no trace left.

Li Si turned pale and looked around, asking:

"What passed?"

Hua Junchen was already considered an entry-level martial artist, but all he could see clearly was an afterimage flashing from above, and his expression changed slightly:
"It should be Chief Huang who is here..."

Li Si was overjoyed when he saw this. Before he could speak, he noticed another movement in the cave. A figure turned back from behind and landed directly in front of him. He asked coldly:
"what happened?"

When Li Si saw Huang Liansheng in a scholar's robe, he had no time to complain and immediately stated:
"I followed General Chu on a rapid march here. As soon as I left the troop route and before it was fully assembled, I found that the Night Terror Hall was guarded by a man outside, and there was an ambush on the mountain. Hundreds of soldiers were killed and injured, and the remaining people surrendered directly. . This must be because your men were not marching closely and the news leaked..."

In front of the three of them, Huang Liansheng's originally gentle and elegant expression had turned into a murderous coldness.

When Huang Liansheng was young, he went to Yun'an to study as an envoy from a foreign state. He visited many generals in Yun'an and even met Wang Yin, the Duke of Zhenguo. He studied the art of war deeply and conquered various tribes in the desert. Actual combat.

Huang Liansheng had deduced this surprise attack countless times. The only possibility of failure was that the opportunity to steal the family by surprise attack was revealed in advance and was blocked by the various tribes in the West Sea.

For this reason, Huang Liansheng was extremely careful and did everything himself. Before meeting Li Si, he did not even inform his close confidant Monk Jingkong about the matter.

After meeting up with Li Si and others, he did not stop and went directly to the cave. Only because he was not sure of victory against Wu Sheng, he had to hide temporarily before the war started and took the elixir to increase his strength.

But he didn't expect that the [-] elite soldiers who had secretly sent him with all his efforts and effort, had been completely defeated, and only less than [-] were left!

After hearing Li Si's words, Huang Liansheng did not respond immediately. Instead, he turned to look at a deputy general who ran over:
"Have the three of them left the cave in the past two days?"

The lieutenant general came up with sweat profusely and responded:

"Chief, Mr. Li and the others have been staying with General Chu for the past two days. It was not until they were ambushed just now that they escaped back to the military road..."

Li Si was not stupid. When Huang Liansheng asked this question, he understood the meaning:
"Do you suspect that I have leaked the news? Do you want to subjugate the country?! I only found out about your plan when I returned to the original place. All the people I saw along the way were your people. This is obviously due to your poor supervision and leaked military information... …”

Huang Liansheng was suspicious of Li Si and others, so he specially arranged for someone to secretly supervise the movements of the three people. If anything was wrong, he would report it immediately to avoid going wrong.

Hearing Li Si's confident questioning at this time, Huang Liansheng really couldn't find anything wrong. He could only say at the moment:
"The matter has been exposed. It's too late to say anything. Now we should discuss how to make a comeback. My 3000 people are still capable of fighting. Apart from the Night Terror, how many troops are there outside?"

Li Si did not see the ambush, so he blinked and looked at Hua Junchen next to him.

Hua Junchen looked at the deputy general.

The deputy general frowned and thought for a while: "Some people were guarding the mountain at the exit and throwing stones. They cut off the retreat and did not see a large group of troops. However, the Night Terror Hall was guarded by one man and the soldiers could not rush down at all..."

Huang Liansheng frowned and said: "It's probably just the Night Terror Hall that came over first, and didn't bring many troops. We didn't bring any luggage, so we couldn't go back the same way, so we could only try to break out. If we could kill the Night Terror Hall, we could capture the Witch." Mabu Dazhai. If he cannot be killed, I will hold him down while you rescue the captured people and break out from the north to the horse farm controlled by Daliang."

When Li Si heard that he was about to counterattack, his eyes showed a little hesitation, but since he could not take down the stronghold of the Wuma tribe, the Shatuo tribe was useless. He immediately turned to look at Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying:
"Success or failure depends on this, you must help Leader Huang kill the Night Terror Hall!"

Xu Tianying waited for Huang Liansheng to go up and send him off, and immediately handed him over:

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, Xu vows to advance and retreat together with Chief Huang!"

"me too!"


(End of this chapter)

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