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Chapter 492 How dare you? !

Chapter 492 How dare you? !

stomping on...

Ye Jingtang held Hua Qingzhi in his arms and walked through the cave with complex terrain. Zhenren Xuanji and Yao Cishan followed beside him. In just a moment, he caught up with the three hundred Wuma tribesmen and birds who had set off first.

The caves inside the mountain are not artificial passages, but underground rivers from ancient times, running through the east and west of Huangming Mountain. The internal environment is quite harsh, with many forks and underground river cliffs with large drops.

In order to launch surprise attacks, Huang Liansheng rebuilt military roads, cleared roadblocks in places that were difficult to cross, and built rope ladders, rope bridges and other facilities.

But the remnants of the Shatuo tribe were obviously not stupid. In order to prevent being caught up by the Wuma tribe, they had already cut the rope when retreating.

Although the three hundred young men of the Wuma tribe pursued with all their strength, their progress was obviously hindered. After chasing for a long time, the distance was gradually lost, and they only caught a few unlucky ones who fell and were left behind.

Yao Cishan walked in front of the tribe and came to a natural cave more than ten feet high. He found that there was a knee-deep underground river below, so he jumped into it first to explore the way.

Master Xuanji stopped by the dark river and said:

"Chasing like this is not an option. Why don't you go ahead and block the road first?"

Ye Jingtang also had this intention, and immediately handed Hua Qingzhi to Shui'er to take care of him, hoping to rush into the formation alone to block the way.

But as soon as Ye Jingtang put Hua Qingzhi down, he suddenly frowned and raised his left hand:

The young and strong Wuma tribe who were jumping into the underground river stopped when they saw this, holding up the torch and looking around.

The current location where everyone is located is a large underground cave with a height of more than ten feet. There are stalactites hanging above and there are many waterways and gaps around it. The water flows through the underground river under the left rock wall and goes deep into the ground in an unknown direction. There, the passage for the remaining soldiers to escape was a stone staircase dug on top of the opposite rock wall.

Hua Qingzhi saw that everyone suddenly became quiet and even the birds landed on the stalactites. She couldn't help but feel a little confused and asked in a low voice:

"what happened?"

Ye Jingtang's ears twitched slightly and he listened carefully to the surrounding movements. The next moment, he heard a muffled sound coming from inside the mountain:

Then in a water channel on the right, the water flow suddenly increased, and the original stream turned into a torrent, rushing towards the people in the underground river.

Dozens of young men from the Wuma tribe who had already entered the river saw a sudden change in their expressions. They immediately turned around and wanted to go up the bank along the cliff, but it was obviously too late.

If everyone gets into the water and then crosses halfway to attack it, at least half of the 300 people will be lost.

But fortunately, not many people came down at this time. Ye Jingtang saw that something was wrong, and immediately made a circular crater in the underground river, and his shoulder directly hit the top of the waterway gushing out the torrent.

boom -

With a deafening explosion, the top of the waterway collapsed instantly, and countless rocks fell down, reducing the torrent in the waterway and knocking down many stalactites from the top of the cave.

clap clap clap...

Master Xuanji hugged Hua Qingzhi and waved to the Wuma tribe man who was still in the river:

"Come on up!"

Dozens of young men quickly climbed up the stone wall by the river.

After Ye Jingtang collided with the water channel, he flew up and landed in the middle of the cave. With his feet in knee-deep river water, he held the knife in his left hand and looked towards the entrance of the soldier channel on the opposite side.

Although Yao Cishan was not very skilled in martial arts, he still heard that someone was breaking rocks to release the water flow. At this time, he retreated to the top of the cliff and looked around as if facing a formidable enemy.

stomping on...

As the earth-shattering movement stopped, footsteps could be heard from all the holes around the cave.

At the entrance of the military road opposite the underground river, the sounds were the densest. First there was fire, and then a figure wearing a Confucian shirt walked out slowly from the corner.

Ye Jingtang squinted his eyes and saw that the person walking in the front was a gentle middle-aged man. His face was neither happy nor angry. He could not feel his breath at all as he walked forward. He was most likely in a state of returning to his original nature.

Those in the rear were all acquaintances, Li Si, Xu Tianying, Hua Junchen...

Huang Liansheng had never seen Night Terror Hall before, but as soon as he showed up, his eyes were attracted to the black-clothed swordsman standing in the dark river, and he could hardly look away.

After all, he has been walking in the desert for so many years, and he has seen Monk Shenchen, Jiang Zahu and others before, but this is the first time he has met such a powerful warrior.

Although that stern face has no expression and his eyes are not filled with emotions, it feels like a death sentence weighing on top of his head!
Huang Liansheng and Ye Jingtang looked at each other from a distance, and he led his men to the edge of the dark river without haste. He wanted to say hello, but before he opened his mouth, he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind:
"Hua Qingzhi?"

Because both sides were facing a formidable enemy and were silent, this voice was so obvious that everyone turned their attention to Li Si who spoke.

Li Siben was a great scholar in Yanjing. Last year, he was entrusted by the old master to take Hua Qingzhi to Yun'an for treatment, so he naturally recognized Huafu's granddaughter.

Seeing Hua Qingzhi standing behind the Night Terror Hall, being held by a woman in white, Li Si frowned and immediately wanted to question Hua Junchen.

But what Li Si didn't expect was that before he could turn his head away, he saw a figure jumping out from beside him.

In fact, Hua Junchen had been worried about the sudden collision with his son-in-law and daughter. At this time, he reacted very quickly. The moment he saw his daughter, he was shocked all over, and then ran forward anxiously and happily:

Hua Qingzhi knew that her father was inside, but she was still startled when she saw her. Fortunately, she had been smart since she was a child. When she realized that her father was rushing in regardless of her, she quickly rushed forward with excitement:





The sudden roar, not to mention the soldiers confronting each other, even the birds were startled!
Master Xuanji quickly pulled Hua Qingzhi, who had difficulty with her legs and feet.

But Xu Tianying, with quick eyesight and quick hands, stopped Hua Junchen and scolded:
"Are you crazy? That's Night Terror Hall!"

After Huang Liansheng held it with one hand, he was obviously a little suspicious and asked Li Si:

"Is this his daughter?"

Li Si was also very suspicious and asked:
"Hua Junchen, didn't your daughter run away with someone? Could it be possible..."

Hua Qingzhi's face turned red, but luckily she couldn't see it due to her pretending to be excited. After hearing this, she said with grief and anger:
"Dad, my daughter did not elope. She was kidnapped by people from the Southern Dynasty. My daughter has been taught by my husband since she was a child. Li Shilang also taught me. How could my daughter elope..."

When Hua Junchen heard this, he was naturally furious and looked at the Night Terror Hall:
"Night Terror Hall! What did you do to my daughter?!"


But in an instant, hundreds of pairs of eyes turned to Ye Jingtang, who was standing in the center.

Ye Jingtang, on the other hand, was a little confused. Although no one said anything, the meaning in their eyes was very clear - they thought he was a pervert who kidnapped an enemy beauty.

If this is not explained clearly, the character will completely collapse.

Although Ye Jingtang's expression remained unchanged, his mind was racing. He thought for a while and said:
"I'm just asking Miss Hua to be a guest in the Southern Dynasty. The Hua family is the leader of Hudong Road. The reputation of Master Hua is well-known in Yun'an. Mr. Hua is the eldest son of the Hua family. As long as he is willing to help us persuade Master Hua, …”


Hua Junchen had veins popping out on his forehead, and he raised his sword and pointed it at the Night Terror Hall:
"You, after being a gang of criminals in the Southern Dynasties who kidnapped wives and daughters, are you worthy enough to let me, who has been practicing table debating for thousands of years, be that unfaithful and unjust person? Give me back my daughter!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Junchen pushed Xu Tianying away with his shoulder, and flew forward with his sword in hand. With the sharp sound of the sword, ripples separated from the left and right along with the underground river below.

call out! !

Ye Jingtang was originally acting, but when he saw this terrifying sword, he was really shocked from the bottom of his heart.

After all, Uncle Hua's martial arts skills have indeed skyrocketed a lot, and the power of this sword is definitely the real power of a swordsman, not comparable to the likes of others.

Moreover, Uncle Hua's hateful eyes made it feel like he really wanted to kill him and had no intention of holding back.

The battle was about to break out, and the expressions of the soldiers on both sides changed under the sword light. Even Huang Liansheng's eyes showed a little surprise.

However, when Ye Jingtang faced the indestructible sword, he did not draw his sword. Instead, he lightly raised his left hand, clamped the sword body with two fingers, twisted his left hand, and made a direct punch with his right hand.


Hua Junchen didn't expect that his son-in-law wouldn't hold back his hand at all. He rushed to him and before he could react, he was already in his arms.

But in an instant, Hua Junchen's brocade robe suddenly bulged, a circular hole exploded in his back, his hair crown exploded, and even the underground river behind him created a huge fan-shaped wave.



Hua Junchen let out a muffled cough and instantly flew backwards, hitting Huang Liansheng and others. Xu Tianying caught him in the air as he flew out.


When Hua Qingzhi saw this scene, she really let out a heart-rending scream.

In order for Ye Jingtang to let Uncle Hua get out of the battle and return to the meeting, he naturally had to bear the pain and focus on the key points. After the slap, he put one hand behind his back and threw the captured sword back:
"I know that Mr. Hua has a strong bone. This slap is a greeting gift. Mr. Hua will take it back and think about it carefully. As for Ling's daughter, I will take good care of him. If one day Mr. Hua figures it out, Ye will personally send Ling's daughter back home and give it to Hua." The husband and the old teacher apologized in person."

"You...ahem...you're dreaming!"

Hua Junchen has grown so old, when has he ever received such a severe beating?At this time, he almost lost his breath after being slapped. He really wanted to beat this unfilial son-in-law, so he cursed and got up again.

When Li Si saw this scene, he naturally saw the situation clearly. He quickly held down Hua Junchen who was trying to fight for his life, and looked up at Huang Liansheng:
"Huang Liansheng, can't you watch the show?!"

Huang Liansheng didn't take action, he just doubted Hua Junchen's position. However, after this fight, his doubts were naturally dispelled. He took a step forward and said calmly:
"Xia Ye is a good calculator, but if you want to kidnap someone's wife and daughter to persuade him to surrender, you have to get out of here alive first."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he raised his hand slightly and asked Shui'er to pull the crying Hua Qingzhi away:

"After traveling around the world for a year and a half, you are the craziest person I have ever met. I really want to see where you got your confidence."

Huang Liansheng walked forward slowly, a long golden whip slipped out of his sleeve, and his voice was tepid:

"You are not the only person in the world who is favored by heaven. A few days ago, I might not have been sure of meeting you, but now..."


Before he finished speaking, a cold light flashed in the cave!
Ye Jingtang was not in the mood to listen to nonsense. When he stepped hard with his feet, the knee-deep underground river was suddenly shaken out into a large circular wave, exposing the rocky river bed below.

The figure disappeared directly on the spot, and only a ray of silver light could be seen, like a white thunder that suddenly appeared in the cave!
Although Huang Liansheng's words were arrogant, he was not underestimated in the slightest. The moment he made a move in the Night Terror Hall, he had already flashed to the side of the cave. The three-foot-long golden whip was like a full-moon scimitar, splitting the water waves in the air, and whipping it towards something that ordinary people could not see. Clear black afterimage.


There was a deafening explosion in the cave!

Then a three-foot-long knife flew out of the waves and penetrated the side rock wall.

Experts such as Xu Tianying, Hua Junchen, and even Yao Cishan, the real person of Xuanji, felt their hearts sinking when they saw this scene, but the next moment, a string of firecrackers exploded in the cave:
嗙 嗙 嗙 嗙——

Ye Jingtang's sword missed, and he turned around, no longer caring about the sword entangled in the golden whip. He was like a ghost, crashing into Huang Liansheng's body, and punched directly in the chest and abdomen.

Huang Liansheng's reaction was astonishing, and he raised his left hand to intercept his fist, but the strength tempered by Long Xiangtu was not something that an ordinary person could easily contend with.

As soon as the heavy punch came in, Huang Liansheng's left arm was pressed to his chest, making a muffled sound. Vast energy exploded in a few inches. The scholar's shirt immediately shattered, and the whole person flew back and hit the rock wall, smashing A cobweb-like pit came out.Boom——

But it's not over yet.

Ye Jingtang's attack was like a tidal wave, not giving Huang Liansheng even the slightest chance. His body was already attached to him like a shadow, and his fists were like two heavy hammers, hitting Huang Liansheng's chest and abdomen with twelve punches in a row.

dong dong dong...

Faced with a close fight, Huang Liansheng threw away the long whip that could not be used, and blocked with both hands.

Although he was able to intercept every time, he was completely unable to withstand the brute force contained in the fist and could only be reduced.

Even with his palms apart, twelve dimples appeared in Huang Liansheng's strong chest. The rock wall behind was directly blown into pieces, and it penetrated more than ten feet inward, smashing Huang Liansheng's entire body into it.

As the last punch fell, Huang Liansheng's chest made a cracking sound, a mouthful of black blood spurted out from his mouth, and his eyes instantly turned blood red.

boom -

With the last punch, Ye Jingtang flew forward and jumped back, landing on the spot where he started, standing still.

clap la la...

But up to this point, the exploding ring-shaped waves had not completely landed, and the water flow could barely close at the feet.


There was a moment of dead silence in the cave.

Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying opened their mouths, their eyes full of astonishment.

But Li Si didn't see what was going on at all. After the explosion of water fell, he found that the Night Terror Hall did not seem to be moving, but a hole appeared on the side of the rock wall. Huang Liansheng, who had been arrogant just now, was wearing a robe. The tattered body was leaning deep, its mouth was full of blood, and it looked like it was going to die.

? !!

Li Si opened his mouth wide and was stunned, his eyes were extremely complicated. To describe it in words, he would probably say:

That's it?

How dare you?
Are you fucking mentally retarded? !


Ye Jingtang stood in the middle of the cave, his eyes a little speechless. After a moment of silence, he commented:
"I may not be the only person favored by heaven in the world, but it probably has nothing to do with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around the cave came to their senses. The soldiers of the Shatuo tribe all turned pale and all retreated.

The admiration in the eyes of everyone in the Wuma tribe became a little stronger, and a few young people even cheered:
"it is good!"



But what everyone didn't expect was that just as the atmosphere in the cave became weird, a sneer suddenly came out:

Everyone fell silent immediately, and when they looked around, they saw that the person laughing was actually Huang Liansheng, who was almost killed by Yama King Ye.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang naturally frowned and looked into the depths of the hole.

In the hole created by the force, Huang Liansheng stood up using the stone and took off his torn robe. As his muscles bulged, the redness in his face and the bruises on his chest faded away visibly, and his eyes showed arrogance:

"It's just a test of how strong Ye Daxia's fist is. Now it seems that it's nothing more than that."


Seeing this, Master Xuanji and Yao Cishan frowned.

Li Si, on the other hand, had a look of surprise in his eyes. He originally wanted to quietly protect the soldiers in front of him, but now he stood up again.

Speaking of it, this was not the first time Ye Jingtang had seen such a scene. When he faced Lu Jieyun before, Lu Jieyun had shown him the magical power of instantly stopping bleeding and restoring injuries.

However, Lu Jieyun recovered from his injuries by relying on the self-deduced diagram of bathing in flames. The effect was outstanding and the energy consumption was astonishing. After a few blows, his hair turned white, and there was no follow-up power at all.

Huang Liansheng's condition was a bit severe. Not only did he recover very quickly from his injuries, his complexion had not changed much.

According to the law of conservation, if one's own energy and energy are not consumed, then it must be borrowing foreign substances to take drugs.

Ye Jingtang thought for a moment and said, "Beihuang White Lotus, is the medicine so overbearing?"

Huang Liansheng was not surprised that Ye Jingtang found out the details. After all, as long as you study history well, it is easy to make the connection.He twisted his neck and made a soft noise:
"Snow Lake Flower and White Lotus are both ancient gods. They can cure both internal and external diseases. However, the thousand-year-old Snow Lake Flower and the lotus seeds of White Lotus became highly poisonous because no one could withstand the potency of the medicine. , Fortunately, I have been soaking in the lotus pond since I was a child, so I can withstand the strength of the medicine.

"I took a lotus seed before I came here, and it was able to withstand Ye DaXia's fists and kicks. When the effect of the medicine is gone, I can take a few more, but I don't know how long Ye DaXia's energy can last?"

Ye Jingtang suddenly nodded, thought for a while and asked:

"You didn't bring much with you, and the medicine that killed you half-dead is gone. Do you have to go back to replenish it?"


Huang Liansheng narrowed his eyes slightly and was about to speak when a muffled thunder burst out from the cave again:
boom -

Without any warning, Ye Jingtang's body transformed into black thunder again, he rushed forward and slid his feet away, launching a heavy cannon into the city.

Although Huang Liansheng spoke harshly, he clearly had an estimate of Ye Jingtang's strength in his heart. He did not dare to fight head-on. Instead, he pulled diagonally to avoid the edge, punched with a deflection with his right hand, and hit Ye Jingtang with a heavy elbow with his left arm. face door

But it was a pity that instead of hiding when faced with the heavy elbow, Ye Jingtang turned his head and hit Huang Liansheng's elbow directly. The upper body was lifted up due to the impact, and then:

Ye Jingtang took advantage of the situation and hit Huang Liansheng with an uppercut, which was trying to protect his chin. Huang Liansheng turned into a flying monkey and instantly smashed into the cave dome.

boom -

The next moment, Ye Jingtang appeared in the air like a shadow, and struck down with his hands like a god beating a drum, hitting Huang Liansheng's raised arms, smashing them into the river bed, and then landed more than ten punches in a row again.

dong dong dong...

Amidst the series of explosions, the water in the underground river flew up, and the water mist that was shaken out almost poured onto the faces of everyone around.

But a moment later, Ye Jingtang flew back to the original place again and resumed his posture with one hand behind his back.

clap la la...

As the water mist fell, everyone looked again and saw that Huang Liansheng was exactly the same as before - lying in the big hole created by the river bed, his mouth full of blood, and he was about to die.


The cave became dead silent again.

Ye Jingtang didn't even take a breath. After Huang Liansheng stood up, he said:

"Is this medicine really overbearing?"

Huang Liansheng stood up straight, the bruise on his chest quickly recovered, and wiped the corners of his mouth:
"How many more punches do you think you can throw?"

"With this style of fighting, I can fight with you all day long, can you last all day?"


Although the martial arts soldiers present were not as accomplished as Night Jingtang, they were not blind.

Twice in a row, he was beaten while facing each other, with no chance to fight back. This was no longer a matter of physical strength, but purely a matter of skill, and his attainments and skills were crushed.

Huang Liansheng has been keeping a low profile these years and has no reputation in the Central Plains. The good thing is that no one knows his depth and will not attract the attention of the court.

The disadvantage is obviously that he hides it too deeply. He is similar to Hua Junchen. He has a lot of theoretical knowledge but lacks practical experience, so he can only rely on his state to overwhelm others with strength versus weakness.

Actual combat is a martial artist's best teacher. With this level, how can he compete with Ye Jingtang, who fought from the bottom with real swords and guns?
And even if Huang Liansheng can really resist for a whole day, he is just a special version of Eunuch Cao.

Ye Jingtang, as the suppressing party, can move forward and retreat freely before exhaustion, and can leave after being exhausted; while Huang Liansheng, as the beaten party, has only two choices: being beaten to death or being unable to catch up, so what else can he do?
Even though Li Si was a layman, he could see the current situation. Without saying a word, he pulled Hua Junchen back into the army and said:


In order to complete the trick, Hua Junchen was still looking at his daughter with grief and anger, but Xu Tianying forced him to move back.

In order to cooperate, Master Xuanji naturally could not let them leave so easily. He immediately rushed towards the opposite side like a white crane soaring into the sky:
"Go away!"


The dumbfounded soldiers on the sandbank immediately started to commotion and quickly moved aside to avoid it.

Ye Jingtang stood there, waiting for Shui'er to rush over from behind, then raised his hand and raised his hand to Huang Liansheng:


Huang Liansheng stood on the opposite side. The injuries from the hard beating had basically recovered. After a moment of silence, he snorted and took a step forward.

boom -

This time, Huang Liansheng took the lead and struck Ye Jingtang directly in the chest and abdomen with a punch.

However, Ye Jingtang did not choose to release the force with four ounces of force, but blocked the fist with his palm, and used Zhongsun Jin's internal magical power to instantly release the energy that penetrated his body, and at the same time, he used an inch of force to collapse his palm.


Just like Ye Jingtang who encountered this move for the first time, Huang Liansheng flew out again, followed by a series of explosions in the air:
bang bang bang bang...

The strong fist wind echoed in the empty cave, forcefully knocking many surrounding soldiers to the ground.

Ye Jingtang knocked down Huang Liansheng several times, but Huang Liansheng quickly launched a counterattack in the blink of an eye. This way, you and I were going back and forth, and soon the cave wall was riddled with holes.

Although the scene seemed earth-shattering, the situation was clearly one-sided.

Huang Liansheng tried several times. Regardless of the active or passive moves, he was completely suppressed with one move. He gradually realized that there was an absolute gap in their attainments and that continuing to fight would be self-inflicted.

After being repelled once, Huang Liansheng knew that he had no chance of winning, so he immediately found the right opportunity and rushed into the rear route.

Ye Jingtang was not in a hurry to intercept him. After all, he had to follow the seriously injured prey back to the lair to find Bai Lian. At the moment, he just looked at the soldiers of the Shatuo tribe who were still standing stupidly in the soldiers' corridor.


Many Shazhou soldiers were horrified by this battle and their faces turned pale. The moment they looked over, several were frightened. The rest dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground, not daring to show their anger.

Ye Jingtang nodded slowly, then turned around, picked up Hua Qingzhi, who was still heartbroken, and chased Huang Liansheng in the direction of his escape...

(End of this chapter)

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