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Chapter 493

Chapter 493
Ding dong~……

Ding dong~……

Water drops slid down from the stalactites and fell into the deep pool. A dim yellow light gradually emerged on the sparkling water, and then the reflections of the man and woman were revealed.

Hua Qingzhi lay on the man's back, holding a torch in her hand, with some tears still in the corners of her eyes. She waited until she was far away from the Shatuo tribe's fleeing soldiers, then raised her hand and lightly punched Ye Jingtang on the back. .

Ye Jingtang stood by the water pool with a sword hanging on his waist. Seeing this, he tilted his head slightly:
"Why hit me?"

"How did you beat my father?"

Although Hua Qingzhi's temperament is delicate but not fierce, there is obviously some worry and annoyance in her eyes. After all, she just saw with her own eyes that her father was slapped ten feet away and his clothes exploded. Even if she could move, she thought she would be beaten to death.

Ye Jingtang continued to observe the complex environment of the cave and responded helplessly:
"Uncle Hua won't be able to do business well when he goes back. He has to cooperate in a play. The blow just now wasn't serious. Just go back and lie down for a few days and it will be fine."

Hua Qingzhi didn't think that the blow was not serious, but she was not a martial artist, and she couldn't see the way. Seeing Ye Jingtang say this, she temporarily put aside her distracting thoughts, raised her eyes and scanned the surroundings:

"Where did Huang Liansheng go?"

After Ye Jingtang left the cave where the battle took place, he kept his distance and followed Huang Liansheng.

Because Master Xuanji was 'chasing' Li Si and others, Huang Liansheng did not dare to run along the soldier's path. Instead, he relied on his familiarity with the terrain of the cave and got into the fork in the path not far away.

Although Ye Jingtang didn't understand the terrain of the cave, as long as Huang Liansheng ran at full speed, he could hear the sound and identify his position; but if he kept his voice low and moved slowly, he would not be able to run fast, so he was not in a hurry.

At this time, Ye Jingtang, carrying Hua Qingzhi on his back, stood quietly by the pool and listened:

I could hear the clear heartbeat under my chest behind my back, and it was relatively fast.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang turned around and looked at Hua Qingzhi's pretending to be calm profile:
"You're scared?"

This question is obviously nonsense.

Hua Qingzhi, as a scholarly lady who has been prosperous since childhood, does not know martial arts. It is strange that she can not be afraid when she runs into this bottomless and gloomy cave.

Hua Qingzhi looked calm and composed:

"The sage said that a scholar's body contains so much righteousness that ghosts and gods dare not get close to him, but I am not afraid."

Ye Jingtang retorted: "That's not necessarily true. There are many legends among the people. Scholars go to Beijing to take exams and encounter female ghosts who absorb Yang energy in wild mountain temples or caves... The environment is similar to this... "


Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes, feeling that Mr. Ye was a little too much, talking about the strange gods and ghosts in a place like this. She frowned and said:

"That's because the scholar's heart is not right. If he is upright and not bewitched by ghosts, how can he be killed? Besides, all the books in the book are about men being killed. I have never heard of such a thing happening to a girl's family..."

"Why not? There are rumors in Liangzhou that a woman was washing clothes by the river and was entangled by a water ghost and dragged into the water. When she was fished out, her face turned pale..."

? ?
Hua Qingzhi took a deep breath and subconsciously grasped Ye Jingtang's shoulders and robe. She was just trying to find an excuse to divert from this inappropriate topic, but she didn't expect that there was a sudden movement from the pool next to her:


A shadow emerged from the pool a few feet away and went directly into the cave on the other side.


Hua Qingzhi was already frightened after hearing this, but when she saw this scene, her beauty turned pale, she threw away the torch, and hugged Ye Jingtang's neck.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to catch the torch and chased directly towards the fleeing figure, coaxing along the way:
"Okay, okay, do you want to strangle me to death?"

Hua Qingzhi closed her eyes and hugged Ye Jingtang's neck tightly. When she heard the whistling wind in her ears, she dared to open her eyes and found that there were no water ghosts around. She raised her hand and hit Ye Jingtang again:
"Young Master Ye, did you do this on purpose?"

Ye Jingtang was just bored waiting for Huang Liansheng to show up by the water, so he teased Hua Qingzhi and responded:

"It's just a joke. I am the king of hell in this world. No kid dares to make a mistake in front of me. Stay down, I'm going to speed up."

Hua Qingzhi was angry and annoyed, and wanted to argue a few words, but a strong pulling force came, frightening her so much that she quickly hooked her shoulders, and even the torch was blown out by the strong wind.

It was dark inside the cave. Without the torch, she couldn't see her fingers. She could only hear the sound of strong wind. When she saw this, she could only say nervously:
"Slow down, be careful of hitting the wall..."

Night Terror Hall can't actually see anything in an environment with no light source at all. However, as a martial saint with extraordinary perception, he can judge the nearby environment by echo just like a bat. Walking through the cave is like walking on the ground, and in just a moment, he can After passing through several intersections, Huang Liansheng was more than ten feet away, following Huang Liansheng who was running around.

Huang Liansheng fought with Ye Jingtang for several rounds. Although his body was not seriously damaged with the help of the magical medicine, except for the fact that his recovery ability due to the medicine was slightly stronger than that of Ye Jingtang, he was crushed in all other aspects. Qinggong The same is true.

Ye Jingtang was carrying a big girl on his back, but he could still hold on firmly when chasing from behind. After running for a while, he felt a little bored and asked:
"Huang Liansheng, why is Monk Shenchen looking for you?"

Although Huang Liansheng couldn't beat him, he didn't show any panic in his eyes. He responded coldly while running around in the cave:
"There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. I am afraid that if I start my career, I will ruin the incense of his Thousand Buddha Temple."

Ye Jingtang was quite convinced by this statement, thought about it and said:

"Later, I found out that you were not a tiger, but just a sick cat that had a hard time, so you turned around and left, leaving you to me to deal with?"


Huang Liansheng thought back at this time and felt that it was really possible that the always cautious monk Shen Chen had such thoughts when he left generously.

After all, monks are compassionate and cannot kill. Monk Shenchen cannot completely get rid of him, but Ye Jingtang can.

Faced with the ridicule from Ye Jingtang, Huang Liansheng did not become angry, but said:
"He is afraid. If I didn't have the confidence to deal with Monk Shenchen, how could I have been setting up in Shazhou for so many years."

"You can't even hit me, how can you still break through Monk Shenchen's defense?"

"The tiger on the verge of death still has three points of courage left. I don't want to expose too much, so I don't want to fight with you. If you continue to pursue me, I don't mind letting you understand what 'destined destiny' means!"


Ye Jingtang opened his mouth and was speechless.

Hua Qingzhi was lying on her back, unable to raise her head due to the strong wind. But after hearing this conversation, she couldn't help but lean into Ye Jingtang's ear, cover her lips with her hands and whisper:

"This person doesn't have a mouth, but a beak, right?"


Ye Jingtang felt that Qingzhi's little mouth was so sweet, and whispered:
"Not necessarily, the bird's beak is not that hard."


Huang Liansheng in front was still not angry after hearing these words, and speeded up and ran towards the depths of the cave.

Ye Jingtang was not in a hurry, and even distanced himself a little further, giving Huang Liansheng a chance to escape and see what different things he could do.

The underground cave where we are currently located was formed by the erosion of groundwater. It is not a straight line, but an intertwined network, spreading from the west to the east of Huangming Mountain.

Ye Jingtang followed Huang Liansheng around and around. Although they did not take the military route most of the time, they were still moving westward. After chasing for half an hour, they started to go deeper north.

Ye Jingtang was underground. Although he couldn't tell his direction through starlight, in order to prevent him from getting lost in the intricate caves, he memorized environmental information as markers along the way, and he was not so confused that he couldn't tell the north, south, east, and west.

After discovering that Huang Liansheng was moving to the north, Ye Jingtang knew that the other party was not trying to escape from the desert, so he became a little more cautious and began to pay close attention to the surrounding environment.

Hua Qingzhi was lying on her back. She couldn't see her fingers in front of her eyes. She could only hear the sound of the wind. She felt so safe lying on Ye Jingtang's back. She almost fell asleep after chasing him for a long time.

After enduring in silence for who knows how long, Hua Qingzhi heard something different:

There was movement rushing into the water in front of her, and the next moment, the man in front of her also stopped suddenly, and the strong inertia pressed her on Ye Jingtang's back.

As the sound of the rushing wind disappears, environmental sound effects emerge, and the subtle movement of the underground river can be heard.

Hua Qingzhi raised her head and looked around, but couldn't see anything. Just when she was about to ask, she found that Ye Jingtang put her down and held her waist with only one hand, and then she heard:

The fire was blown, and the dim yellow light illuminated the surrounding area, and the handsome side face of Ye Jingtang was also seen.

Hua Qingzhi had been in the dark environment for a long time, and her eyes were a little uncomfortable. She squinted slightly for a moment, and then she realized that the location of the two of them was at the end of a fork in the cave. There were no holes or cracks in the cave, only the front. A deep pool of water.

The three-foot-wide cave appears to be naturally formed, but someone has obviously been there before. The surrounding rock walls have been flattened, and there are many writings left on them.

The rock wall directly in front of the pool was hollowed out and a Buddha statue was carved out.

The Buddha statue is sitting on a lotus throne, with three heads and four arms behind it, either forming seals or holding swords. The two arms in front are holding a lotus. The face is not solemn with treasure, but with an evil spirit, seeming to be glaring. Looking at the two ordinary people below who dared to break into the Holy Land.


Hua Qingzhi suddenly saw such a scary Buddha statue, she slightly shrunk her neck, pinched the sleeves of Ye Jingtang, and said cautiously:
"What is this place?"

Ye Jingtang obviously didn't know. He wanted to jump into the pool to chase Huang Liansheng, but he heard the sound of water coming from the other side, and then a slightly mocking words came:

"What? Don't you dare to chase me anymore?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was really cautious. He was not in a hurry to get into the water and asked first:
"What's carved on the wall?"

After saying that, he lifted Hua Qingzhi directly, let her sit on the right shoulder, hugged her legs and raised them high, so that she could read the writing on the wall.

This was the first time Hua Qingzhi sat on a man in this posture. Although it was quite stable, she was afraid of falling, so she supported Ye Jingtang's head with her left hand and held up the fire fold to look at the ancient writings on the rock wall:
"The merits of countless generations have been obtained from heaven and earth, and now in my sixtieth year...

"This seems to have been left by the First Emperor in his old age. He said that all his achievements in this life were given by heaven and earth. Now that he has completed the mission given by heaven, he cannot stay in the world for long and is about to leave.

"But through exploration, the First Emperor guessed that after he left, there would be a catastrophe in the world. At that time, the world would be destroyed, the world would be in chaos, and all life would be in ruins. In order to prevent future generations from being able to find a hero and causing the people to fall into eternal disasters, he left all he had learned in his life behind Here, if someone is destined to come and get it, you can once again rule the world."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he said unexpectedly:
"Did the First Emperor foresee the great changes in the Liang Dynasty?"

"It should be, but according to historical records, people at that time did not find this place. It was not until the Wu Dynasty 200 years ago that the world was unified again."

Hua Qingzhi let Ye Jingtang carry her for two steps and continued to look forward:

"The following is a warning, saying that if you cannot hold the things given by heaven and earth, it will become a punishment from heaven. Before entering, you must consider carefully and think about whether you are qualified to be the sword holder of the entire world and whether you can bring great benefits to the world. Stability. If you have any doubts, do not take it by force. Violence cannot last long. The world will eventually be enlightened. Taking it by force is the way to death."

After hearing this, Ye Jingtang nodded slightly:

"No wonder Huang Liansheng is so tough-talking. Does he regard himself as the destined savior?"

"It should be. There must be something very powerful hidden here. Huang Liansheng is guarding the opposite side. Can we get in?"

Ye Jingtang knew that he would be ambushed by Huang Liansheng if he went in, but he had come, and he couldn't let Huang Liansheng go if he didn't go in. He turned around and left, and immediately came to the water pool:
"Are you staying here or not?"


Hua Qingzhi was stunned, raised her eyes to look at the terrifying Buddha statue, and quickly shook her head:


Ye Jingtang knew that Hua Qingzhi must be scared, and he was not worried about leaving Hua Qingzhi here alone, so he immediately put his arms around her waist:

"Close your eyes and pinch your nose, and I'll take you under the skin."

Hua Qingzhi had difficulty with her legs and feet, and she must have never swum. Seeing this, Rouya's cheeks became tense, she pinched her nose and let her hold her, and closed her eyes.

The next moment, Hua Qingzhi felt like the world was spinning and she fell into the cold pool. The surrounding firelight also disappeared, turning into a suffocating darkness.

Hua Qingzhi was just a scholarly young lady. She was diving in a small cave in an underground cave. Her claustrophobia came over right then. She couldn't even care about the coldness, so she kept her eyes closed and didn't dare to move.

Fortunately, this terrifying experience did not last long.

Ye Jingtang held Hua Qingzhi and swam quickly in the dark and lightless waterway. Although he could not see with his eyes, he could feel the surrounding environment through the water flow.

After swimming about a hundred feet quickly, Ye Jingtang noticed a soft white light in front of him, just like the moonlight shining into the bottom of the lake.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't give the opponent time to prepare. He stepped heavily on the rock wall with one foot and rushed out of the light.

boom -

Amidst the flying water, two figures crashed out of the pool.

As soon as Ye Jingtang's head broke out of the water, he scanned quickly with the help of white light, and his eyes showed surprise.

On the other side of the pool, there was a pond that was a hundred feet in diameter. Thousands of lotus-like plants were densely growing inside, but there were no lotus leaves below.

The surroundings of the huge lotus pond have obviously been artificially transformed. A circular lake embankment was built with rocks. The top dome is oval, and a strong man carved a hundred-foot-long dragon with a giant luminous pearl as big as a wheel in its mouth. It emits soft white light, illuminating the entire pool.

Directly ahead, on the shore of Lianhu Lake, there is a square platform, which seems to be a place for meditation. There are soft couches, bookcases, cabinets, futons and other obviously newly purchased furniture on it, but no one is there.


And the moment the two of them showed their heads, a sword light struck from behind!
The moment Ye Jingtang came out of the water, he had already caught Huang Liansheng's aura. At this time, his movements were smooth. He first protected Hua Qingzhi, who was still closing his eyes, in front of him. At the same time, he unsheathed the sword in his left hand and struck in the direction of the sword light. .

But the next moment, Ye Jingtang's eyes darkened!
I saw him slashing back with his sword, and the first thing I saw in my peripheral vision was a golden sword light.

Although it was only a blink of an eye, Ye Jingtang still saw clearly that the sword was one inch wide and three feet long. Its shape was flat with cloud patterns. It was obviously the shape of ancient swords from thousands of years ago. The material was bright gold and it felt harmonious. The dragon picture is exactly the same, even purer than the material of the divine sword he got from Long Zhengqing.

My grass? !
When Ye Jingtang saw this scene from the corner of his eye, he gasped in his heart. He pulled back the Chilong Saber that he was about to touch, and instead forced himself to bend down in mid-air.


The sword light flashed from the top of the back. The golden scales and jade bones that were originally difficult to shake with the sword were like paper under the golden blade. It hardly played any hindrance and stabbed a deep visible bone on the back. Bloody mouth.Huang Liansheng's eyes were so powerful that he immediately lowered his sword, trying to split the Night Terror Hall in two.

But Night Terror Hall is obviously not that easy to kill.

Ye Jingtang held Hua Qingzhi in his arms and pressed down forcefully. At the same time, he stepped back with his left foot, like a scorpion swinging its tail, and directly hit the waist and abdomen of Huang Liansheng who was coming from the air. The whole person suddenly fell into the lotus pond.

dong dong dong~
Although he quickly fell into the water, Ye Jingtang did not sink into the pool. Instead, he pierced the water with the tip of the knife. His whole body bounced up again, and was pulled out dozens of feet like a dragonfly touching the water, landing on the edge of the lotus pond.

Huang Liansheng, on the other hand, was kicked upwards and was about to hit Panlong on the dome before he stopped. He turned over and landed directly on the head of Panlong, holding a sword and looking proudly at the ground.

Hua Qingzhi was held in her arms, not knowing what was going on. When she got out of the water, she felt like the world was spinning. When she opened her eyes, she found that she had landed on the edge of the strange lotus pond, with Ye Jingtang standing beside her with a knife.


Hua Qingzhi was so suffocated that she quickly took a breath and was about to speak when she noticed a warm current coming from the hand holding Ye Jingtang.

She turned around and saw that a piece of Ye Jingtang's robe was torn at the back, revealing his strong shoulders and bloody wounds. Blood was gushing out from almost the vest to his shoulders.


Hua Qingzhi's face instantly turned pale, she screamed, and wanted to raise her hand to help cover it up.

Ye Jingtang's expression did not change. He held down the panicked Hua Qingzhi and just tightened his back muscles. The wounds closed together, and the blood that oozed out gradually decreased.

His eyes were as cold as ever, looking at the golden sword in Huang Liansheng's hand, and said:

"The Emperor's Sword! I thought this sword was lost in the desert, but I didn't expect that the one hidden here seems to be inherited from the Liang Dynasty. It is also a fake."

Huang Liansheng pointed his sword diagonally downward, standing on the head of the hundred-foot dragon, his eyes were domineering:
"The First Emperor is a great lord who cares about the people of the world, not just one family. How could he leave this sacred object in the world and let the world fight for it and kill him like a river of blood? I just said that you should not chase the poor, but now at night The hero didn't regret it until he saw this sword, but it was too late."

Ye Jingtang didn't even look at Huang Liansheng, but just looked at Tianzi Sword:
"How did you find this place?"

Huang Liansheng has been hiding these things in his heart for many years. Now that they have come to light, he can finally talk about them without hiding them:

"When I was young, I was hunting in the desert, chasing a sand fox, and found the entrance to the cave. Then I obtained the Emperor's Sword, and the martial arts, military tactics, and state-governing strategies inherited by the First Emperor. At the same time, I also inherited the mission of bringing peace to the people. heavy responsibility.

"Over the years, I have kept a low profile, traveled between the Northern and Southern Dynasties, figured out the current situation, and raised an elite army in the desert. As soon as the smoke of war breaks out again in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, I will be able to take control of the Western Sea and then compete in the world.

"But I didn't expect you to show up at Night Terror Hall and completely disrupt my plan. But that's not important anymore. As long as you die here today, Xihai will no longer be able to fall to Nanchao, and there will be no other in this world." If a warrior can withstand the sharp edge of this sword, I can still enter the game from the Wuma tribe and aspire to conquer the entire world.

"It's your honor to die at the Emperor's sword and become the first cornerstone for me to conquer the world."

After Ye Jingtang listened quietly, he nodded slightly and asked:
"It is true that no one in this world can withstand the edge of the Emperor's Sword, but have you never killed anyone with this sword before?"

Huang Liansheng said calmly: "Who dares to show something like the Emperor's Sword in front of others without the foundation to unify the world?"

Ye Jingtang raised his eyebrows and gestured to the blade of the Emperor's Sword:
"This sword was left by the First Emperor to kill immortals and demons. Do you know what the consequences will be if it is stained with mortal blood?"


Huang Liansheng frowned when he saw this, and glanced at the Emperor's Sword in his hand out of the corner of his eye. He was shocked to find that the tip of the sword had become a bit darker, and was no longer so shiny, as if the metal had been corroded.

Although the changes were very subtle, he had looked at this sword every day for who knows how many years and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.


Huang Liansheng's expression froze slightly, and he quickly wiped his sword on his pants, and his eyes became cold:

"How do you know this?"

Although the wound on Ye Jingtang's back had not healed, it was no longer bleeding. He slowly put the knife back into its sheath:
"Because I also have one. I snatched it from the green bandit. Doesn't the green bandit know this place?"

Huang Liansheng only accepted funding from the green bandits. How could he tell the green bandits about his life-saving resources? When he saw this, he asked:
"Where's your sword?"

Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly: "After killing Long Zhengqing, the luster will be dim. If you use it again, it will be broken. Otherwise, I would not carry it with me. You only have one chance, so you didn't kill me. It's a pity."


Huang Liansheng looked at the Night Terror Hall and fell silent.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly, telling Hua Qingzhi, whose eyes were full of anxiety and worry, not to worry. She squatted down by the lotus pond and looked at the lightly fragrant white lotus:
"You have been eating sand all day in the desert. It's not easy for you to climb up to this point. I am a person who cherishes talents. From now on, you will be a general under my command. From now on, there will be no problem in becoming a martial saint and a prince. , if you are stubborn and don’t think that you are the son of destiny, then I can only let you see what it means to be so generous."

Ye Jingtang squatted by the lotus pond, carefully appreciating the white lotus, while Hua Qingzhi was frightened, took out a handkerchief from her arms, and tried to help Ye Jingtang wipe the blood on her back.

Huang Liansheng stood alone on the dragon's head, holding the Emperor's Sword, looking at the two people below, his eyes obviously hesitant.

But the hesitation did not last long.

After a moment of silence between the two parties, Huang Lian flew down and stood on top of a lotus in the center of the lotus pond, with a flash of contempt in his eyes:
"Night Terror Hall, do you think I don't know you at all?"

Ye Jingtang raised his eyes: "Oh?"

"Your Ye Jingtang's style of conduct is known to everyone in the north and south. If you can do it, you will never talk nonsense. After all, if you don't convince others, others won't believe it."

Huang Liansheng raised his sword and pointed at Ye Jingtang:

"According to your hero Ye's style, if you were really sure of dealing with me, you should have pressed my head to the ground and asked what I just said."


Ye Jingtang blinked and suddenly felt that his past behavior was too tough, which was not always a good thing. He immediately explained:
"I need this sword and don't want it to break."

"Being an emperor relies on military power. Who cares whether the emperor's sword is real or fake? Ye Jingtang, are you afraid?"

Ye Jingtang just didn't want to fight too hard. Seeing Huang Liansheng so crazy, he didn't get used to it. He stood up and hooked his left hand with his bare hands:
"I've given you a chance. If you want to die, just come here."


Huang Liansheng frowned and to be honest, he was a little worried. After all, the sword had indeed changed. If he went up and the sword broke, he would definitely die.

But if not, is it possible to kneel down and become a dog in the Night Terror Hall?
Between heaven and earth, how can a man live in depression? He got such a great opportunity, which is equivalent to being chased by God to feed him. The only purpose of this life is to be an emperor for eternity. If he can't succeed, then what's the shame of living without death? In the world?

Thinking of this, Huang Liansheng's heart slowly calmed down, and his eyes showed a murderous look, and then:
call out--

The golden light above the lotus pond appears again!

At the same moment, Ye Jingtang ducked to the side and distanced himself.

When Huang Liansheng saw Ye Jingtang hiding, he naturally understood that there was nothing wrong with the sword. His momentum immediately increased, his speed reached the extreme in an instant, and he said angrily:
"Death to me!"

As soon as the sword came out, the clear sword cry suddenly sounded in the cave!

call out--

But it's a pity that Huang Liansheng bet correctly that Ye Jingtang was defrauding him, but he didn't think about why Ye Jingtang didn't take the unparalleled sword with him when he went out!

Seeing a sword attack, Ye Jingtang immediately turned around and flicked his right hand with the force of thunder.

Amidst the trembling sound like a dragon's roar, the Emperor's Sword that was thrust straight away immediately deflected to the side.

Huang Liansheng quickly twisted the sword and wanted to slash Ye Jingtang's right hand, but Ye Jingtang's body was like a flying butterfly, giving him no chance to get involved. He had already withdrawn his hand and moved it to the left. He gathered energy in his left hand to make a sword finger and pointed it at Huang Liansheng. Ajna.


The sudden burst of vigorous energy exploded in a flash, and the aftermath forcefully pushed away the white lotus below.

Huang Liansheng's eyes changed slightly, but even a normal martial saint would be able to react to such a long-distance attack by gathering energy. He immediately turned around to dodge, and at the same time stabbed Ye Jingtang's left hand with a sword.

Unfortunately, Ye Jingtang had already stepped on the white lotus to pull him away, and then lightly tapped the blue wave to attack again!
rustle rustle...

The sound of swords echoed in the lotus pond, and Huang Liansheng's sword swung rapidly, drawing a golden ring around his body.

The Night Jingtang was like a ghost, darting across the body, and from time to time a sword finger would burst out, giving Huang Lian no chance to touch him.

The reason why Night Terror Hall did not bring the dark gold sword was indeed because the sword was special and would be corroded when stained with blood, and they were afraid that it would be useless if needed in the future.

But there is another point. No matter how powerful the weapon is, it depends on who is using it and who it is used against.

His Chilong Sword is already a magic weapon in the world. It can kill mortals such as Zuo Xianwang and Zhongsun Jin who have not practiced the Minglong Diagram. As long as they cut at the right place, the Chilong Sword will kill them in one blow, and the Divine Sword will kill them in one blow. If the sword is dead and the damage is completely overflowed, there is no way it can't be cut.

But the result of the fight was - he couldn't touch King Zuo Xian with short-hand soldiers, and when he encountered Zhongsun Jin, he was immediately disarmed. Not to mention attacking in the right place, he didn't even have a chance to touch anyone.

Because as long as a Martial Saint with a normal mind finds that the damage is too high to bear, he will never let his opponent inflict fatal wounds.

And those who can't be pulled over can still be killed with a single blow using the Chilong Sword. What's the difference between this and using the Divine Sword?
Taken together, this kind of magic weapon, whose damage has completely overflowed into the human world, can only be used to deal with an iron bastard like Eunuch Cao, or to chop down the opponent's weapons. Against a really ruthless person, the effect is better than nothing.

Huang Liansheng couldn't touch the corner of Ye Jingtang's clothes in the first place. Even if he took a sword, he couldn't change the gap in attainments between the two parties.

Ye Jingtang couldn't hold the sword, so he would learn how to fight like Bing Tuo Tuo. If he wasn't worried about Chilong Dao, he was afraid of accidentally breaking his adoptive father's relics, and Huang Liansheng would be seriously injured in just a few blows.

rustling rustling——

But in a moment, both sides pulled hundreds of moves, fought a full circle around the lotus pond, and flew to the dragon head on the dome.

During the battle in Night Terror Hall, you can advance and retreat in a well-grounded manner without giving your opponent any chance. Although the three pictures of 'Tears, Bones, Skin' are useless, the exaggerated battery life brought by the three pictures of Spirit, Qi and Shen is still there.

But Huang Liansheng is obviously not good at it. His only strength is his recovery ability and the unparalleled sword in his hand.

The medicinal effect of lotus seeds is suppressed in the body with internal energy, and can be recovered at any time when injured. However, Ye Jingtang can't hurt him at all now, which is equivalent to useless.

Although the sword in his hand is indestructible, it cannot touch the Night Terror Hall no matter what, so it is useless.

After firing hundreds of swords in a row, Huang Liansheng gradually became aware of his physical weakness and began to struggle to keep up with the rhythm of Nightmare.

In order to prevent himself from being killed instantly by Ye Jingtang's move, Huang Liansheng secretly gritted his teeth and took advantage of the opportunity to force Ye Jingtang to retreat. He used his sword to strike directly at Ye Jingtang's heart:

This move is quite cruel.

Ye Jingtang retreated and distanced himself. His body was still in mid-air and he could not move left and right. He could only catch the flying sword with his bare hands.

Huang Liansheng risked his life with a blow. The Emperor's Sword contains great power and is indestructible. It is impossible to completely stop the two-handed clamp. As long as it touches the body, it will be a hole. Even if it is forcibly removed to avoid the vital point, it will definitely be a penetrating injury.

Huang Liansheng's move was obviously to abandon the Emperor's Sword and seriously injure Ye Jingtang, thereby gaining a chance to escape.

But the next moment, Huang Liansheng's eyes showed shock!

The Emperor's Sword turned into a three-foot golden light and poured into Ye Jingtang's heart at a frightening speed. Seeing that it was about to pierce through the chest and abdomen, Ye Jingtang, who was dressed in mid-air, raised his hands to hug the moon:


As the thunder exploded, Ye Jingtang's face instantly turned blood red, veins popped up on his forehead, and blood spurted out again along with the sword wound on his back that had stopped bleeding.

The extremely swift Emperor's Sword then made a trembling sound in the air, and then stopped in the air between the palms that were not closed, as if nailed to an invisible wall.


The vast energy contained in it exploded, and Huang Liansheng was immediately knocked back and fell towards the lotus pond. An invisible ring also appeared in the huge lotus pond below, pushing the lake water to the shore.

But that indestructible divine sword seemed to be grabbed by an invisible god and Buddha. The sword body trembled violently, but it failed to make an inch forward!
! !
When Huang Liansheng fell upside down and saw this scene, his eyes flashed with confusion and shock from the bottom of his heart. He didn't understand what happened at all, but this emotion only lasted for a moment.

Because in the next moment, Ye Jingtang, who was almost bleeding from all his orifices, pulled his hands horizontally and slapped Huang Liansheng directly.

call out--

The sword light flashed away, drawing a golden line diagonally piercing the lake water in mid-air, causing the water to explode and splash out several feet.

But Huang Liansheng was in the middle of the golden thread and could hardly feel anything. There was a sword hole in his chest and blood arrows spurted out from behind.


Ye Jingtang used this move to kill himself to half ashes. He didn't dare to leave Huang Liansheng, who had incredible resilience, alive. Then he stepped on the dragon and smashed it down in the air. At the same time, the Chilong Sword at his waist was unsheathed and tilted. A ray of silver light came out and passed through Huang Liansheng's neck.

Blood splashes.

Huang Liansheng failed to make any reaction, so he split the air into two parts, his body smashed into Lianhu, and his head spun and flew up.

Before falling into eternal darkness, Huang Liansheng still had consciousness in his eyes. As the scene in front of him was spinning, shock, confusion, and unwillingness flashed through his mind, and he had no idea how he died.

But the last thought was that of what Zen Master Shenchen said before he left.

This damn bald ass is really good at judging people...


dong dong dong...

With the sound of falling into the water, his head hit the ground.

The lotus pond that had just set off a turbulent wave also fell into deathly silence after this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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