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Chapter 504

Chapter 504

The horse galloped across the river valley and arrived at the small town in the center within a short time.

Dongfang Liren dismounted in the street, ignored the guards and soldiers who were looking around, and followed Niaoniao to the outside of the inn where the flag of the Hongshan Gang was hanging.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the charcoal-red horse placed in the stable. Dongfang Li could no longer suppress the longing and eagerness in his heart. Perhaps he wanted to surprise the Night Terror Hall, so he raised his hand to signal that the birds should be silent, and then entered softly. Inn, came to the second floor.

The small town of Wangheya is a gang industry, and most of the people who come and go are escorts or caravans. Not many people are willing to spend money to live in a house. There are six rooms on the second floor, five of which are empty, and only one of the rooms has a light inside the door. With lights on.

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren used his secret skills such as Listening to the Wind Palm and Ming Shen Tu to see what the Night Terror Hall was doing. As soon as he went upstairs, he heard the sound of splashing water coming from the room, but there was another footsteps walking around. .

Two people?
Dongfang Liren realized that something was wrong, frowned slightly, and quietly moved to the door, trying to listen to who was inside.

But her three-legged cat kung fu was no match for the Martial Saint. Before she even got close to the door, a voice came from in front of her:

The wooden door opened directly, and the dim light in the room, as well as the handsome young man in black robe, appeared directly within easy reach.

Ye Jingtang just heard the sound of slight footsteps approaching. When he opened the door, he found a big man in a white scholar's robe. His eyes were naturally surprised:

"Your Highness? Why are you here so soon?"

Dongfang Liren reacted very quickly and quickly stood up straight with his head held high. Although he was not wearing a python skirt, his aura of calmness and self-confidence was still displayed, and he explained casually:
"I met a bird on the road and came over to take a look. I just arrived."

As he spoke, Dongfang Liren pushed away Ye Jingtang's hand holding the door and took a look inside.

The result is incredible.

On the bed at the back of the room, I saw a familiar scholarly beauty sitting upright, with long black hair hanging down her back, her cheeks were moist and shiny, and her white and traceless bare feet were soaked in the basin. He looked like he was getting ready to sleep.

Maybe he didn't expect that she would make a sudden ward check, but the other party's red lips were slightly parted and he looked at her nervously, as if he had been caught in bed.

Hua Qingzhi? !

Dongfang Liren was shocked. Although she had already guessed that there was a high probability that the connection would be broken when Ye Jingtang sent Hua Qingzhi home, but she never expected that Hua Qingzhi would not even leave, but would just turn around and come back. Depending on the situation, they may even live together...

So wouldn't this trip to the West Sea be like traveling with her boyfriend behind her back as the rightful owner?

And you dare to follow me here?
Dongfang Liren's eyes darkened slightly, and he turned to look at his lover who was very close at hand!


Seeing that the situation was not quite right, Ye Jingtang's smile froze. He wanted to open his mouth to explain a few words, but Big Benben raised his hand to stop him.

As a doctor, Dongfang Liren was shocked, but she still had to maintain her proper bearing. After glancing at Ye Jingtang, she slowly came to the table and sat down, looking at Hua Qingzhi who was a little nervous:

"Miss Hua is here too? But Night Terror Hall didn't send you home? If so, just tell me, I will help you take care of him."

Hua Qingzhi was soaking her feet when she found out that the empress of the palace had arrived, so naturally she felt a little panicked.

If it were in the past, Hua Qingzhi would have a clear conscience and not be afraid, but she had been kissed all night and was shocked. The relationship between the two was already ambiguous, and now a man and a woman were alone in the same room...

Isn't this being caught in bed?

Seeing the Queen's tepid questioning, Hua Qingzhi tried her best to keep a calm expression:
"Thanks to His Highness's concern, Mr. Ye sent me to my father, but... Xue Baijin scrawled in a book at home, saying that I had eloped with someone, and the news had spread. My reputation has been ruined, and it is not appropriate to go back now, so my father will Let Mr. Ye take care of me for a while, and then I can choose an opportunity to return to my hometown..."


Dongfang Liren nodded thoughtfully, then looked at the Night Terror Hall:

"Is this how you take care of Miss Hua? Are you running around in the open air in a restaurant, and are you taking care of a girl who is 'unable to restrain a chicken'?"

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi explained:

"I came out this time to serve as an adviser to Mr. Ye. Mr. Ye originally wanted to ask His Highness for advice, but there are some things that His Highness may not understand..."


Ye Jingtang came to the table and sat down. He wanted to help Benben pour tea. He coughed when he heard these words and wanted to remind Hua Qingzhi to speak tactfully, but it was obviously too late.

Dongfang Liren, who had always been arrogant, felt the smell of gunpowder when he heard the words "Your Highness may not understand", and looked at Hua Qingzhi again:
"Really? Although Miss Hua is very knowledgeable, I have read a lot of books. I don't know anything about anything. I can only ask Miss Hua for advice."

"Young Master Ye came here this time to find the stone tablet left by the First Emperor. The stone tablet should be written in ancient Liang script. Does your Highness also know this?"

Ancient Liangwen...

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, and the aura of holding his head high was a little weaker, but after thinking about it, he still said:
"My ancestors from the Dongfang family are Nan Rong, and their ancestral home is more than [-] miles north of Langxuan City. The writing is the same as that of Lang Rong, the ancestor of the Wuma tribe, and has nothing to do with the ancient Liang Dynasty. However, Master Xu from the Imperial Academy is proficient in ancient Liang script. , I have read the classics in the past years and asked for advice several times, so I have a little knowledge. Judging from Miss Hua’s surname, her ancestors should have come from the Li country at that time. Do you also know this? "

Hua Qingzhi guessed that the Queen would not learn such an unfamiliar thing out of nowhere, and she felt at ease and became more energetic:
"I studied at the Imperial Academy before and am familiar with ancient Liang classics. If not for this, Mr. Ye would not have taken me with him."

Dongfang Liren saw that Hua Qingzhi had a reason to be confident, so naturally he didn't know what to say. He picked up the tea cup and drank tea without saying anything.

Ye Jingtang sat in front of him. Seeing Benben stopped talking, he raised his hand and took out a three-foot long strip wrapped in black cloth from the bag he was carrying:



Dongfang Liren felt that the atmosphere was awkward and wanted to get up and go back to the room to ignore Ye Jingtang. When she found that Ye Jingtang handed her something, she frowned slightly:

"what is this?"

"This time I went to Xihai to find a gift for His Highness. Open it and take a look."


When Dongfang Liren heard that it was a gift, and it was obviously a weapon, his unhappy face suddenly changed. He coughed lightly, took it slowly, and looked at it by the candlelight.

As the black cloth of the package was untied, a golden light suddenly appeared in the room, illuminating Dongfang Liren's fair cheeks.

The three-foot sword blade and the ancient cloud patterns caught his eye, and Dongfang Liren's unruffled expression immediately turned into surprise, and he stood up:

"Emperor Sword?!"


Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand and held Benben down:
"Don't be excited. This is the weapon of the First Emperor. It is the most powerful sword in history. If you get it, you can rule the world and unify the world. I don't know how many heroes are greedy. What will they do if people hear it..."

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren quickly stopped talking, sat down again, and looked at it carefully.

Dongfang Liren is very martial, and his greatest hobby in life is to collect famous weapons, but he still wouldn't dare to think about the 'Emperor Sword', which is recognized as the number one magic weapon.

At this time, he suddenly got it in his hand. Dongfang Liren was obviously a little excited. He even thought about how to ask the Ministry of Household Affairs for money to build a large-scale construction project and build a sword-suppressing pavilion in the palace to offer the sword.

I'm afraid I'll have to build a nine-story tower...

Ye Jingtang saw Benben biting his lower lip, as happy as a bird bobbing his head, and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth:

"like or not?"

How could Dongfang Liren not like it? She didn't even want to listen to Ye Jingtang's words. However, it was obviously inappropriate for her lover to give him something and she didn't react at all. Then she turned her head and smacked Ye Jingtang's face twice:

"Assuming you have a conscience..."

Before he finished speaking, the room suddenly fell silent.

Hua Qingzhi sat obediently on the bed, with her feet soaked in the footbath. She watched the noble Queen transform into a little girl who was as if she had found a treasure, and even shyly kissed her in the night. Her eyes were a little embarrassed. , I feel like I shouldn’t be here.

When Dongfang Liren saw the Tianzi Sword, he forgot about Hua Qingzhi. After kissing him twice, he remembered that there was someone next to him. His expression froze slightly, and he quickly regained the Queen's attitude of holding his head high and chest high, but his cheeks were swollen. Hong couldn't hold it back any longer, so in the end she could only quietly wrap up the sword, turn around and leave.

Seeing Benben in Ye Jingtang, he was so happy that he got carried away. Naturally, he also felt a sense of accomplishment. He got up and came to the bed and picked up the basin:

"I'll pour the water. Call me if you need anything."

Hua Qingzhi was actually quite scared to live alone, but now she dared to keep Ye Jingtang and not let her go. The Queen was afraid that she would have to turn around and slash her with a sword, so she nodded lightly at the moment.

Ye Jingtang went out with the basin in hand. When he saw Benben stomping his feet awkwardly outside the door, he couldn't help but laugh:
"Ha ha……"


As a result, I laughed out loud on the spot.

Dongfang Liren had just lost an adult and was feeling ashamed. When he heard Ye Jingtang, he dared to snicker behind his back. He immediately turned around with the Emperor's Sword in his hand and pointed sideways at Ye Jingtang behind him. His eyes were domineering, like a peerless female swordswoman.


Ye Jingtang's smile immediately faded and he threw the water out of the window:

"Ahem...I haven't seen you for a few months, but His Highness's martial arts have improved quite a bit."


Only then was Dongfang Liren satisfied. He held a sword flower and held the Emperor's Sword behind his back. His temperament was quite Shui'er's serious demeanor:
"For the sake of your willingness to present the treasure, I won't argue with you this time, and I won't do it again."

Ye Jingtang came to the front, lowered his head and kissed his lips:
"Aren't you happy?"


Dongfang Liren really wanted to say "Watch it!", but with such a heavy gift, he wanted to let his lover handle it. He couldn't maintain his momentum. After holding it in for a long time, he finally gave Ye Jingtang a gentle push with his hand:
"Okay, you go downstairs to pick someone up. I'm tired and want to have some quiet time."

Ye Jingtang knew that Benben wanted to appreciate the sword seriously, so he hugged it again and mouthed:
"This sword is more powerful than the swords found in Xiaoshan Castle. Remember to pay attention to safety and don't hurt yourself."

No matter how weak Dongfang Liren was, he was already ranked as a grand master. How could he scratch himself with a sword? Seeing Ye Jingtang, he pushed forward and hugged the fat dragon dragon, his eyes darkened:
"Would you like to touch it again?"

Ye Jingtang just gave it a try, kneading and flattening it for a long time, until Benben wanted to beat him, and then he stopped...
goo goo goo...

A convoy of more than thirty people drove in from the entrance of the town and slowly walked towards the door of the inn.

Because the Night Terror Hall had to protect the two girls upstairs, he couldn't stay away from the town. He just waited on the street. When he saw the team coming, he quickly stepped forward and greeted:
"Master She got tanned even after going out. It's really hard work."

She Long quickly got off his horse and asked the black yamen to maintain the surrounding security: "Oh, Duke Ye is joking. Your humble position is just to bask in the sun in Shazhou, but you are fighting in the north and south outside the pass. In terms of hard work, it is not as good as yours." . I heard about the Wuma Department on the road. The storyteller was talking nonsense and even accused you of being bitten by a dog..."


Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, and finally just laughed. After a few words of condolences, he asked She Long to go to the inn to find a place to rest, then turned around and came to the carriage.

Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning knew that Ye Jingtang was coming and had already come out of the carriage. They even dressed up carefully, but in order not to attract attention, they wore curtains on their heads.

Pei Xiangjun was most concerned about Ye Jingtang. After the entertainment at Ye Jingtang was over, he came closer. He first looked at his body to see if there were any injuries, and then asked:
"Didn't you just finish fighting in the Wuma Department? Why are you here so quickly?"

Luo Ning missed Sanniang no less in her heart, but due to her personality she refused to show it openly. She just stood beside her with her back straight and said indifferently:
"What else can he do? He just misses the Queen."

When Ye Jingtang saw the two little daughters-in-law, the corners of their mouths curled up to the base of their ears, but they certainly couldn't kiss and touch them on the street, so they could only raise their hands to protect the two of them as they walked in:

"I still have to go to Shazhou to do some errands, so I came here. The rooms upstairs have been tidied up, and hot water is boiled in the back. You go up first, and I will bring the water up later."

When Luo Ning heard that she was going to Shazhou, she slowed down a bit and took a look at the Night Terror Hall:
"Go to Thousand Buddhas Temple?"

Ye Jingtang has always kept Ning'er's matter in mind and said:

"You're already here, why don't you go to Thousand Buddha Temple to see it? But after explaining the truth to Monk Shenchen, I will most likely have to rest for a while, so I have to go to Crescent Bay first."

Seeing this, Luo Ning was a little hesitant and wanted to speak, but Pei Xiangjun pulled her sleeve and said:
"Okay, if there's anything we can't talk about back inside? Let's go in first."

Seeing this, Luo Ning stopped talking and entered the inn with Sanniang.

Ye Jingtang watched at the door. After the two went upstairs, he turned around and came to the carriage.

The Queen Mother did not get out of the carriage immediately after the carriage stopped. She waited until the Night Terror Hall came over, then opened the curtain and walked out.

Although the Empress Dowager was also pleasantly surprised, she could not go up and make out in front of the guards of the black office, and she always maintained the dignified demeanor of a mother who respects the world.

Ye Jingtang glanced at the carriage, then raised his hand to help the Queen Mother get out of the car, and asked:
"Hongyu didn't come?"

The Queen Mother raised her left hand, as if supporting Sayoko, and responded softly:

"This trip is a long way, and we have to go deep into the desert. We brought too many people with us and did not provide adequate protection. Hongyu and Xiuhe are staying in Honghe Town. I just heard you say that you still want to go to Crescent Bay?"

Ye Jingtang didn't have much to say outside. After entering the inn that had been vacated, he whispered:

"Yes. Your Majesty has been there already?"

The empress dowager's mother-in-law restrained her manners, and her grievances and resentments emerged. She handed the box in her hand to Ye Jingtang:
"Alas, I ran for so long and almost died from the heat on the way. When I arrived, I found that there was nothing but water and sand. I originally wanted to bring you something, but I ended up digging a box of sand."

Ye Jingtang saw that the hand warmer was disappointed and comforted:
"Whether the scenery is good or not depends on the people who accompany you to see the scenery. If I accompany you there, it will naturally be different."

The Queen Mother actually thought so too, but after a moment's hesitation, she sighed softly:

"There really isn't much scenery there, and the road is difficult to walk. If you just want to accompany me, you'd better not suffer this. Let's just go hiking on the snow-capped mountains. It's close to here."

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "If I had never been to the place written in the book, I would regret it in retrospect. And when I go there, I need to find something. There should be a stone tablet buried under the Crescent Bay. I have to find a way to dig it out. .”

Seeing this, the Queen Mother naturally said no more. When she walked upstairs and saw no one in the hallway, she bit her lower lip and secretly stood on tiptoes...

As a result, she is too petite and delicate to be kissed.

Ye Jingtang was a little funny. He lowered his head and kissed the hand warmer on the lips, then entered the house hand in hand, and then began to fetch water, serve food, and take care of several daughters-in-law who had been running around for many days...
In the dead of night, there were still caravans moving in and out of the town, but the inn had quieted down, leaving only the black police officers in plainclothes walking around.

In the room on the second floor, Hua Qingzhi had already laid down. Because she was surrounded by acquaintances and there were dozens of guards below, there was no need to be afraid. She slept very sweetly.

Dongfang Liren was soaking in the bathtub. He couldn't bear to put down the Emperor's Sword while taking a bath. He even got a magnifying glass and carefully studied the details of the Emperor's Sword. He didn't even notice when the water was cold.

Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning, on the other hand, had washed themselves clean, put on fresh clothes, and sat at the table to wait.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the Queen Mother and Hua Qingzhi gradually fell asleep. Ye Jingtang, who was chatting with She Long and others downstairs, also ran to the backyard of the inn, and then the sound of water splashing was heard.

Pei Xiangjun, who was drinking tea, got up and slowly walked to the back window, opened a crack and looked down secretly.

Luo Ning sat upright with her back straight, her eyes narrowed slightly when she saw this:
"Are you ashamed? You even peeked at a man taking a shower."

Pei Xiangjun leaned against the window and sipped tea:

"Come here if you want to see it, what are you pretending to be?"


Luo Ning was not interested in watching Ye Jingtang take a bath, but knowing what would happen after the bath, it was inevitable that the lake would be unstable. After a moment of silence, she added:
"You'd better pay more attention later. The Queen Mother and Miss Hua are nearby. Don't mess with those things that are there..."

"If you can't afford it, just find a room to sleep by yourself. I won't leave you alone."


Luo Ning took a deep breath, causing the little watermelon to bulge, then turned her head away and ignored Sanniang.

clap la la...

After a while, the sounds in the backyard stopped, followed by footsteps in the corridor, and then Ye Jingtang opened the door and walked in quietly.

Luo Ning's heart tightened, and before Ye Jingtang came to hug her, she spoke first:

"Little thief, come here and sit down."

Ye Jingtang was not in a hurry. He sat down in front of him and asked with a serious expression:
"what happened?"

Luo Ning had been thinking about what she just said. She thought about it for a moment and said softly:
"My family feud must indeed be avenged, but I have been waiting for so many years, so I am not in a hurry these days. If you are not sure, you may get injured, so don't go to Qianfo Temple now. Wait a few years before talking..."

Pei Xiangjun came back with a tea cup, his plump buttocks sat directly on Ye Jingtang's lap, and he raised his neck to feed Ye Jingtang to drink tea:

"Monk Shenchen is the Second Saint. If Jingtang can be dealt with unscathed, do you still need to say this? Now we should discuss whether we can beat him."

Ye Jingtang hugged Sanniang, took a sip of tea, and responded:

"Judging from the rumors, Lu Taiqing is good at attacking, and can wipe out all the monsters in the world with a Qingming Sword; while Monk Shenchen is good at defense, and his golden body is invincible and difficult to defeat. I guess Monk Shenchen should belong to the iron-skinned bastard class... …”

Although Luo Ning wanted revenge, she didn't want anything to happen to Ye Jingtang. She thought about it and shook her head:
"If Monk Shenchen was just as rough-skinned and fleshy as Eunuch Cao, Bai Jin wouldn't have hesitated for so many years. I don't think it's that simple."

Pei Xiangjun unbuttoned his collar and let Ye Jingtang play with the plumpness that could not be grasped with one hand. He looked very serious:
"My master once analyzed that people in the world say that Monk Shenchen is invincible, probably because they have never seen Monk Shenchen with an angry look on his face.

"Shenchen is a monk, he never violates the precepts by killing, and he won't kill him even if he is beaten. Naturally, people in the world think that he is just rough-skinned and thick-skinned and cannot be beaten.

"The same goes for Lu Taiqing. Lu Taiqing doesn't care about mercy. He will send people away with a slap when something happens. There are not many people who can make him draw his sword.

"No one can touch the hem of Lu Taiqing's clothes, so naturally no one knows whether he is also rough-skinned and thick-bodied, leaving only the impression of attacking Wushuang.

"In fact, how many people who can be ranked as Martial Saints and have been sitting there for so many years have unbalanced offense and defense? Not to mention others, even King Zuo Xian, who is at the bottom, can withstand the joint attack of Jingtang and Master Xue; and Zhongsun Jin He is an old man, but he still works in a different way, and he still fights you back and forth. Monk Shenchen has a higher ranking than these two people."

Ye Jingtang thought about it carefully and felt that it made sense - Wu Kui may be seriously partial to science, but Wu Sheng basically has no shortcomings. To say that Monk Shenchen is only good at getting beaten is indeed a bit underestimated. Four words.

Luo Ning thought about it for a moment and then said:
"Among the Northern and Southern Martial Saints, the saying 'one Lu, two items, and three Shenchen' has been circulating for many years. Now Master Xiang Han should be ranked first. Beiyunbian also has a tendency to catch up from behind, but Monk Shenchen has not declined. Putting aside whether you can win the battle or not, are you sure you will escape unscathed?"

Ye Jingtang tapped his fingers on the table and thought about it for a while:

"As long as I risk my life, I will even dare to touch Fengguan City, just to see if it's worth it. Let's go to Crescent Bay to get down to business first, and then... ugh~?"

Pei Xiangjun picked up the ball and blocked Ye Jingtang's mouth:
"Don't be so crazy. I know you can't beat me, so I want to deduce the Minglong Picture. The nine pictures are invincible in the world, but if you make a mistake, you will die or not. Now you haven't even found the Mountain Moving Picture, how can you dare to gamble your life again? ? If you're not sure, let's talk about it later..."


Ye Jingtang sucked twice, and his thoughts were disrupted. He couldn't bear to let go of his mouth, so he could only hold it honestly.

Luo Ning didn't know what to say when she saw this. She wanted to turn a blind eye, but unfortunately she was immediately pulled over by Sanniang and hugged her together.


Luo Ning struggled symbolically for a moment, then gave up her resistance, pretending to be helpless, and allowed Ye Jingtang to bully her.

Ye Jingtang picked them up and put them on the bed. Just as he was about to lick from left to right, he looked up again:

"Where's Benben?"

Sanniang helped Menghulu Ning'er unbutton her clothes and responded:

"I guess I forgot to look at the sword. Go and ask her to come over."

Ye Jingtang didn't expect Benben to be so focused that he could even forget about serious matters, so he stood up and walked out the door.

Luo Ning waited until Ye Jingtang left, then opened her eyes, raised her hand and slapped Sanniang's buttocks, her eyes slightly fierce:

"Why do you let him do everything you want?"

Sanniang was not used to it, so she got up and started looking for the magic weapon for subduing demons. However, Ning'er got scared and quickly held her hand down.

And in the next room, a soft whisper soon came:

"Sex embryo! Who let you in?"

"It's getting late, Your Highness, it's time to go to bed."

"My king...Oh~ I put the sword away...don't touch it..."

"Ha ha……"


(End of this chapter)

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