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Chapter 505: Who is the Night Terror Hall?

Chapter 505: Who is the Night Terror Hall?
I don’t know how many days later, the east has turned slightly white, but the number of teams going back and forth in the town has not decreased, and the sound of horse or camel bells can be heard from time to time.

In the room on the second floor of the inn, Ye Jingtang stood up and put on his robe quietly, his eyes full of smiles.

On the bed next to them, Benben and Ning'er were exhausted, leaning against each other like sisters in distress, breathing softly with their eyes closed.

Sanniang's situation was better, but she was lying on her side with her cheeks flushed, a thin blanket covering her chest, looking at the two useless girls next to her, and teasing softly:

"Just now, one was competing against the other, and now he's lying down?"

Ning'er's face darkened slightly and she clenched her fists, but she didn't dare to argue with Sanniang at this time. She just snorted Ruoyouruowu and pretended not to hear.

Dongfang Liren, on the other hand, did not care about the teasing tone because Sanniang had just helped to resist the output, and just pretended to respond calmly:
"I've been busy all night. I have important things to do during the day. Let's spare him this time and talk about it next time."

The Night Terror Hall had already ceased operations, so when it heard Benben's words, it was naturally unhappy, and immediately turned around, wanting to pamper Benben again.

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren's heart tightened, and he quickly made a calm and intimidating look, and raised his arms to hug Fat Dragon.

Ye Jingtang was amused by Benben's nervous look. He lowered his head and raised his chin in a condescending manner:


Dongfang Liren felt that Ye Jingtang was really presumptuous, but the good prince did not suffer the immediate loss, so he still raised his head and smacked Ye Jingtang on the face.

Only then was Ye Jingtang satisfied, and after a few more mouthfuls, he raised his hand to help cover the thin quilt and quietly left the room.

It was almost dawn at this time, and the police officers on duty inside and outside the inn had already changed their shifts. Several police officers could be seen resting on the floor in the lobby.

She Long had already slept, and was sitting at the table with a teapot and melon seeds and peanuts in front of him, chatting with Lord Bird:
"So, Master Ye was really bitten by a divine dog in the Wuma Department?"


Bird squatted on the table, nodding like pecking at rice.

Ye Jingtang raised his lips when he saw this scene. He did not go down to disturb him, but first patrolled the corridor.

Because it was still early, Hua Qingzhi had not yet woken up, and she could hear even breathing at the door.

Ye Jingtang listened at the door for a while, and after finding nothing unusual, he came outside the hand warmer's room.

He originally thought that Huaiyan wouldn't wake up at such an early hour, but when he came to the door, he vaguely noticed that there was light in the room, and after a while he could hear the "rustling~" sound of paper turning.


Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, then silently opened the door a crack and peeked inside.

As a result, the first thing I saw was that the curtain that was put down on the bed in the room had dim light coming from the gaps, and a round and round silhouette could be seen on the curtain.

As someone who has been to Ye Jingtang, he naturally understood what Huaiyan was doing. He shook his head secretly, walked quietly into the house, came to the window, and opened the curtain slightly.

The Queen Mother has a distinguished status. Although the bed in the inn has not been changed, the bedding is brought by the team. The fabric is excellent and embroidered with golden cloud patterns. It looks ordinary on the outside, but it is magnificent on the inside.

At this time, there was a small copper lamp with a glass cover hanging above the pillow. It was only the size of a fist. Judging from the shape, it was specially made by the Queen Mother in private. It burned not lamp oil, but special fuel. Although the light was It's not strong, but there's no smoke, and it still has a light fragrance. It should be specially prepared for hiding and reading secretly at night.

It was midsummer, and it was far from cool at night. Huaiyan only wore a light silk quilt around her waist, and a dark red colorful phoenix bellyband on her upper body. The style was relatively conservative, but it couldn't stand up to her extraordinary proportions. When lying on her side, You can see the full half arc on the side of the bellyband, the white shoulders and the mature cheeks, which also look breakable under the light.

Ye Jingtang looked carefully and saw that Huaiyan's face was slightly red and he was very fascinated. He didn't notice that he was behind him, so he lowered his body and got closer, and they read Xianshu together...

The Empress Dowager was lying on the pillow, holding a book in her hand, watching the Empress Dowager Yan listen to politics behind the curtain, but was sneaked around by her treacherous lover. Suddenly, an immersive feeling came from her waist, and she was shocked. shake:

Ye Jingtang quickly covered his mouth and whispered:
"Shhhh~ It's me."


The Queen Mother saw clearly that the dirty thing that suddenly appeared was her lover, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Then she raised her hand and slapped Ye Jingtang on the shoulder:

"I'm scared to death..."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles. He sat down next to him and pinched his cheeks:
"Why are you hiding and reading again? This is not good for your eyes."

The Queen Mother had been practicing bathing in fire for so many years, so how could she worry about this? However, her lover was concerned, so she still closed the book obediently:

"I woke up just now and couldn't sleep, so I just took it out and looked at it."

"Anything on your mind?"

"I don't have anything to worry about. I just feel empty and have random thoughts..."

"Is the spring girl impatient?"


The Queen Mother raised her hand and lightly slapped Ye Jingtang, her face turned away:

"You are so impatient."

"Ha ha……"

Seeing that the hand warmer was very energetic and had no intention of going back to sleep, Ye Jingtang took off his shoes, sat on the bed, and lifted the quilt.


The Queen Mother was stunned, her hands curled up to her chest, her eyes became tense:

"You...what are you doing?"

Seeing this cowardly look, Ye Jingtang pretended to be strong:
"What do you say?"

The Queen Mother blinked her eyes, her face turned red quickly, and she was a little afraid to speak. After a while, she muttered like a mosquito:
"This...this palace is nothing, it's just this place..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, turned the Queen Mother over to lie on her stomach, took the skin care frost cream from the bedside, and applied it on the palm of her hand:
"I lie down all day and don't exercise. I have nowhere to vent my energy. I'm sure I won't be able to sleep well at night. I'll give you a massage to relax your muscles and bones, and you won't have insomnia anymore."

When the Queen Mother heard this, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she was also a little doubtful and looked back:
"You still do this?"

"Martial people are good at it. I gave Shui'er a massage before, and Shui'er was full of praise."


The Queen Mother lay flat on the pillow, with both sides naturally lying flat. Feeling the temperature in her palms, she found that it was really comfortable to be neither light nor heavy. The tension in her heart gradually disappeared. She closed her eyes and thought for a moment, then whispered:

"Time flies and we have known each other for more than a year..."

"Yes, I remember that I first met the Queen Mother under the Mingyu Tower. At that time, Benben wanted to give you Mr. Jiao. You said that you are a yellow flower girl, how could you want such a thing..."

The Queen Mother was stunned for a moment, then turned around and said shyly:

"Were you eavesdropping outside?"

"It's not eavesdropping. I was just passing by downstairs. I just heard a few words and was caught by Mr. Meng..."

"I have never used anything like that before. I am just a young lady... eh?"

The Queen Mother had just relaxed for a few moments when she noticed that Ye Jingtang had pulled down his thin pants, causing the full moon like a shelled egg to appear in the candlelight. She quickly raised her hand to cover it:


Ye Jingtang opened his little hand and admired the moonlight through the light:

"If you are ill and don't deserve medical treatment, just treat me as a doctor. I won't do anything random."

"Are you still messing around?"

The Queen Mother put her legs together, and when she saw that Ye Jingtang didn't spread them apart, she took a step back:
"This is the only way. If you keep messing around again, what will you do if you can't help it..."

Ye Jingtang lowered his head and could vaguely see a glimpse of the beautiful scenery. In fact, he couldn't help it now, but in order to leave a perfect memory for Huaiyan, he didn't rush it and just said softly:
"I came down from the snow-capped mountains before, and I agreed to go to the palace to accompany you every day, so that you don't have to live alone in the empty boudoir. But now you can't see me for months, and you can't sleep well at night... …”

The Queen Mother tilted her head and interrupted:

"What are you talking about? You are serving the country. If it were not forced by the situation, you would like to stay at home every day. How could I not even understand this... In fact, I am pretty good. The Qin family is a general. I have seen Many wives of generals have husbands who have gone to other places as soon as they join the family. It is common for them to wait for several years, and some even never return. Therefore, women from general families focus on their children..."

"Why, do you want to give birth to me again?"

"Sigh~ You think so beautifully..."


The two of them were chatting so casually that the sky turned brighter unconsciously.

Under the gentle and meticulous techniques, the Queen Mother relaxed her whole body and almost fell asleep due to the pressure, and her words became inconsistent.

Ye Jingtang saw that the hand warmer had relaxed, his legs were no longer tightly together, and he turned his head to carefully admire the delicate flowers under the moon for a moment, and then raised his hand and patted it:

"It's dawn, it's time to go."


The Queen Mother woke up with a start and quickly pulled up the quilt:
"Get out quickly, what if you are seen..."

After a while, the team of Hei Yamen gathered outside the inn, and the charcoal-red horse was also led over. Ye Jingtang, She Long and others gave instructions for the next trip.

The Queen Mother and Sanniang Ning'er were both a little uncomfortable because of the chaos at night, so they got into the carriage without saying a word after going out.

After Dongfang Liren recovered, his clumsy and clumsy aura returned with his head held high and his chest high. He stood waiting in the corridor on the second floor with his hands behind his back.

In the room, Hua Qingzhi was the slowest to tidy up due to her inconvenience in her legs and feet, and because she didn't have Luzhu by her side to serve her.After washing up, Hua Qingzhi held the door and walked out. She found the Queen standing outside the door, nodding and saluting:
"Your Highness."

Dongfang Liren turned around and his expression was not fierce at all. He just came to the front and held Hua Qingzhi's arm very considerately:
"Let's go. He has already told me about Miss Hua and Night Terror Hall..."

"Huh?" Hua Qingzhi originally maintained her elegant and generous demeanor. When she heard these words, her expression froze slightly:
"What did Young Master Ye say to His Highness?"


Dongfang Liren kicked Ye Jingtang down early in the morning to sort out the team. She was waiting here just to make excuses. Seeing Hua Qingzhi's nervous and embarrassed expression, she knew she had taken the bait.

She didn't know what happened between the two of them, so she glanced at Hua Qingzhi:
"Miss Hua doesn't know what he said? Miss Hua doesn't need to be embarrassed. I am not a jealous person..."

"Your Highness."

Seeing that the Queen had misunderstood and even wanted to accept her as a child, Hua Qingzhi quickly explained:
"Your Highness must have misunderstood. I was in Panlong Cave and saw Mr. Ye was about to drown, so I helped him..."

Dongfang Liren was stunned:
"Transfer Qi?"


Hua Qingzhi was not stupid. Seeing the Queen's confused expression, she instantly understood that she had been deceived.

Seeing that the queen had tricked her, Hua Qingzhi's expression froze slightly again. However, in order to bring the situation back to normal, she reacted very quickly and turned against the guest. She said half-jokingly:
"Is His Highness jealous?"

Dongfang Liren really didn't expect that this little girl would dare to fight against her. He stood up straight and frowned and said:
"What are you talking about? How can I, the mighty Prince Wei, be jealous because of such a trivial matter? Now that we have skin-to-skin contact, from now on..."

Hua Qingzhi raised her hand slightly: "Your Highness misunderstood. Mr. Ye took the wrong medicine at that time, fell into the water with a pale face, and saw no movement. I was afraid that something would happen to him, so I went into the water to help him. This move was just to save people, and there was no Other thoughts.”

Seeing that both of them had kissed, Dongfang Liren didn't believe the unintentional words at all.However, when Hua Qingzhi said this, she still asked:

"Miss Hua's innocence has been destroyed in order to save Ye Jingtang, and she cannot return home. If she has no other intentions, what should she do in the future?"

Hua Qingzhi hesitated for a moment and sighed:
"I'm just a weak woman. I can't help myself, and I don't know where to go. My only thought at the moment is to talk to Xue Baijin to talk reason and vent my anger."

Dongfang Liren said inexplicably:
"What does this have to do with Xue Baijin?"

Hua Qingzhi said softly: "It's all Xue Baijin's fault that I'm in this situation. Naturally, I have to talk to her to reason..."

Dongfang Liren is actually quite sensitive to Xue Baijin. After all, this aunt has been ranked No. 1 on the black government bounty list all year round. Not to mention her, even her sister dares to beat her. If she really gets in in the future, she is afraid she will have to change. Cheng——She can only be called the boss when Xue Baijin is not at home...

Isn't that a monkey...

No, with my sister here, what should I be afraid of?
Hua Qingzhi already has a skin-to-skin relationship, and there is a high probability that she will not be able to escape from her in the future. Now there are difficulties. As the eldest daughter, she naturally has to show her proper aura...

After Dongfang Liren thought about it for a while, he patted Hua Qingzhi on the shoulder like a eldest sister:

"Don't worry, I will make the decision for you regarding Xue Baijin."


Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes, but she didn't really believe that the Queen could be Xue Baijin's master. For the empress, this was pretty much the same.

But there are many comrades who have been beaten together, and there are many opponents who have been acting as her rival.

"Then thank you, Your Highness."

Shazhou, Thousand Buddha Temple.

The distant bells in the early morning reflected the thousand-year-old Bodhi tree in the water on the smooth, mirror-like water surface.

Zen Master Shenchen was dressed in cassock, sitting cross-legged under the bodhi tree, spinning rosary beads in his hand, closing his eyes and tapping the wooden fish in front of him:
dong dong dong...

Eight futons, three in front and five in back, were placed in two rows outside Zen Master Shenchen.

Some of the people sitting on it have shaved scars, and some have long hair and messy beards. However, their postures are consistent. They all maintain a meditative posture and meditate seriously.

In other places in Jianghu, if you can practice with the leader of a sect, you should be the direct disciple of the leader, but it is obviously different in Qianfo Temple.

This place is called the Repentance Pond, and Jianghu people usually call it the Thunder Pond, because if you enter it, you will be beyond redemption.There are precedents for peripheral servants to escape, but no one who comes here has ever been able to leave, and only these people are qualified to be persuaded by Zen Master Shenchen personally.

The eight people present were of different ages, some were once famous heroes, and some were little people who had been thrown into the void before they had even emerged. There was almost no overlap in identity and age, but without exception, they were all extremely talented.

If all these eight people go smoothly and keep wandering in the world, even the list of Wu Kui in the Northern and Southern Dynasties may be rewritten.

For example, the old man with colorful hair in the center in the front is named Bian Yuanlie, nicknamed "Nine-turn Tianluo". He is ninety-four years old. He was once a confidant of Emperor Yan Gong. He studied in Yun'an when he was young. Among the people who taught him were those at that time. 'Wu'anhou' Fengguan City.

It's a pity that Bian Yuanlie was just 30 years old and his wings hadn't fully hardened yet when he encountered the destruction of the Yan Kingdom. Kuang Yazi, Sun Wuji, King Tianlang and other heroes gathered in Yun'an and launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against the remaining members of the imperial court.

Bian Yuanlie was one of the warriors who stood on the side of Dayan at that time. He killed more than a hundred rebels and countless knights in the rivers and lakes. However, he was still defeated by the general trend. After Emperor Yan Gong fled south, he broke out of the siege and fled to the northwest, where he defected to Huang Liansheng's grandfather. , that is, the prefect of Shazhou who proclaimed himself the 'King of Shatuo'.

It's a pity that after the founding of the Wei Dynasty, before the army came, King Shatuo was frightened and led his troops to escape into the desert, which evolved into the Shatuo tribe today.

Bian Yuanlie tried to help the Shatuo tribe and planned to retake Shazhou, but he was not very lucky. When he came to Shazhou to put pressure on him and forced Qianfo Temple to switch sides, he ran into a little bald donkey who had just left the mountain. He was removed from the world. Guan, that is more than fifty years!

For more than 50 years, Bian Yuanlie has not been imprisoned in chains, nor has he been restricted from eating, sleeping, or practicing martial arts. He even asked Monk Shen Chen for advice when he had something he couldn't figure out in martial arts. Monk Shen Chen answered all his questions but would not let him go. Walk.

Bian Yuanlie knew that there was only one way to leave Thousand Buddhas Temple - to kill the bald donkey in front of him.

But he couldn't do it. No matter how hard he practiced, pushed himself to the limit, or even thought he was invincible, he couldn't shake this monk at all!

dong dong dong...

Amidst the tapping of the wooden fish, everyone sat motionless in meditation, but the lake next to them suddenly started to ripple slightly.

Zen Master Shenchen paused, opened his eyes, looked at a monk sitting in the corner behind, and asked softly:

"Wu Nian, why is your heart not calm?"

Those present who have not yet been ordained are stubborn and want to go away; while those who have been ordained do not want to leave or have given up struggling. Just like Monk Jingkong, they will be given the 'Dharma Name'.

The monk who was called Wu Nian opened his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he responded:
"A few days ago, while I was copying scriptures at a pagoda, I happened to see a woman in green clothes in the town outside the temple who looked like an old friend."

"You still haven't let go of what happened back then?"

Wu Nian bowed and said: "If there is a cause, there will be an effect, and if there is evil deeds, there will be retribution. How can I let go of this with peace of mind before my retribution comes? I hope the master can allow me to leave the temple and resolve this cause and effect."

Zen Master Shenchen shook his head and sighed:
"My teacher is not an eminent monk, but a layman. I don't have the Buddha's heart like you. If you leave this door, you are destined not to come back alive. My teacher will not agree; but I will not let you go. If your heart is not peaceful, you will not be able to cultivate this way." Buddha. Let me accompany you as my master. Life or death depends on your destiny."

Wu Nian nodded deeply and then stood up.

Bian Yuanlie, who was sitting in front, saw that Monk Shenchen was leaving and said;
"Little bald donkey, I've been listening to you knocking on wooden fish for 50 years. Now I'm ninety-nine and my life is not long. Can you be kind to me outside the law and let me untie my knot and have a beginning and an end?"

Monk Shenchen turned to Bian Yuanlie and nodded slightly:

"Donor Bian, please speak."

Bian Yuanlie touched the white hair hanging down from his temples:
"I, Bian Yuanlie, come from a wealthy family in Yun'an. I have been cultivated by the Holy Master since I was a child. I hold important positions and have touched countless lives. I am not a good person. But from the beginning to the end, I have been Dayan's eagle dog. I have been ordered to do things and have never betrayed my master.

"If I had known that I would be imprisoned here for 50 years and live like a nameless wild dog, I would never have escaped from Yun'an back then. I would have died under Sun Wuji's sword in a dignified manner. I would have been loyal in this life.

"Now that my life is long gone, there is no hope of restoring the country, and dominating the world has become an empty talk. If I continue to endure it, I will die in depression. Can you let me out and fight for the court again as a warrior of Dayan? In this way, when I die, my life will be considered to have a beginning and an end. When I get under the Nine Springs, my colleagues will be able to explain what I did while living for more than fifty years."

Monk Shenchen said: "If I agree, wouldn't I become a sinner who lets you bring harm to the world?"

Bian Yuanlie knew that the bald donkey would not agree, so he turned around and said:

"Then you tell the court and ask them to take me back and execute me as a remnant of the Great Yan Dynasty. Dying under the sword of the Great Wei Dynasty can be considered as atonement for the past. It is better than dying here."

Monk Shenchen Ruoyouruowu nodded:

"Although Donor Bian has no Buddha heart, he can say this, which means he has seen the past clearly. I will take you to meet someone so that you can get what you want."

When Bian Yuanlie heard this, he was obviously stunned for a moment and couldn't believe it at all. After hesitating for a long time, he asked:

"Are you sure? I am the wooden stake for you to practice martial arts. You know the depth of my martial arts. If I accidentally kill someone, you will be implicated in the cause and effect."

Monk Shenchen also spoke directly:
"I'm watching from the side. You can kill me but you can't."


When Bian Yuanlie heard this, he almost spat at the bald donkey. After all, he could kill the opponent but he couldn't, so it was not obvious that he was biased.

However, after being imprisoned in the temple for more than 50 years, this bald donkey would not kill him, and it would be hard to die even if he wanted to.

As long as he is willing to let him out, even if he can only be beaten to death, if he can show what he has learned throughout his life before he dies, it will not be in vain to spend his whole life in this hellish place.

For this reason, Bian Yuanlie said happily:

"Okay, who should we deal with? Lu Taiqing's calf nose?"

"No, Night Terror Hall."

"Who is Night Terror Hall? I've never heard of it."

"A new talent in the world of martial arts. He is nineteen this year and only emerged last year."


Bian Yuanlie was already eager to get started, but when he heard these words, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him:
"You're a bald 19-year-old brat who doesn't have all his hair. You let me deal with it? You can only be beaten to death? If you don't want me to go, just say so. Why bother to deliberately humiliate..."

"Donor Bian has not been interested in worldly affairs for many years. He will understand it when he goes out to ask a few questions. If you don't dare to go, just pretend that I didn't say anything about it, and from now on you can live your life in peace in the temple."

"I don't dare to go?! I want to die, what else can he do? Don't leave the whole body for me?"

Zen Master Shenchen smiled and said nothing, just stood up, held his Zen staff and walked out...

(End of this chapter)

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