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Chapter 507 Is it over?

Chapter 507 Is it over?
The moon and stars are rare.

Around the lakeside camp, a team of two black yamen workers, armed with probe poles and shovels, dug into the yellow sand, looking for traces of stone tablets.

As the Night Terror Hall left, several girls lost interest in enjoying the scenery and each entered their tents to rest.

Because it was not yet time to go to bed, Hua Qingzhi did not go to bed. She just sat in the small triangular tent, secretly took out her purse, and took out a jade article to play with.

The jade object is a small jasper turtle. Ye Jingtang bought it when he was in Yun'an as a small ornament for birds. Later, Hua Qingzhi came to deliver a pen, and Ye Jingtang took this object as a return gift and gave it to Hua Qing. Zhi.

Hua Qingzhi took advantage of the moonlight and gently rubbed the little turtle, which symbolized longevity, and recalled every moment since they met.

It's a pity that she just started to get up this time, and before she could think about it for a long time, she suddenly noticed a gust of night wind blowing into the tent:
Call ~
Then the light suddenly dimmed, and a handsome young man in black robe appeared right in front of her, almost directly in her face.

? !
Hua Qingzhi was caught off guard and almost screamed, but after reacting, she hurriedly hid her hands behind her waist. Before she could speak, she felt her body light up, and then she felt a strong push on her back, forcing her down. The man's chest and the surrounding scenery were instantly blurred under the acceleration.

"Eh eh?"

Hua Qingzhi's eyes were blurry, she hugged Ye Jingtang's waist tightly and said at a loss;

"Mr. Ye, what are you doing?"

Night Jingtang was afraid that the people in the big tomb would come out and find something strange, so he went back and forth very quickly. At this time, he held Hua Qingzhi's waist with one hand and walked quickly in the sea of ​​​​sand, and responded:
"I found an ancient tomb with a stone tablet inside. Please help me read the inscription."

"Ancient tomb?"

Hua Qingzhi heard this and looked back at the camp that was quickly moving away:


"just in front."

The distance to Bali Di is not that close, but for a warrior of Ye Jingtang's level, the round trip only takes an instant.

Ye Jingtang hugged Hua Qingzhi and quickly returned to the entrance of the cave. The two guards and horses were in their original positions, while Niaoniao squatted on the sand dune and watched. When she noticed him coming, she shook her head to indicate that no one was coming out.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang jumped directly from the entrance of the cave and returned to the underground tomb passage again.

After Hua Qingzhi encountered Ye Jingtang, it was honestly an eye-opener.

She is the eldest daughter of a wealthy family. She stays at home all day long, spending time with poetry, and has never even seen a chicken being killed.

As a result, after encountering the Night Terror Hall, he either watched the Night Terror Hall chop people like chopping vegetables, or went to explore underground in Jiuyou, kicked me in the head, and stayed in an inn where others were killed.

And that's not enough, now I'm taking her to rob the tomb!

Hua Qingzhi had no ability to protect herself and was timid at first. She didn't dare to crawl into the tomb of the dead. After falling into the hole, she closed her eyes and hugged Ye Jingtang's arm tightly, not daring to look around:
"Young Master Ye..."


Ye Jingtang knew that she was scared, so he hugged her around the waist and walked deeper into the tomb passage:
"There are other people here, so try not to make any noise."

other people?
When Hua Qingzhi heard this, she naturally misunderstood it. She hugged Ye Jingtang's neck and didn't dare to breathe.

Ye Jingtang was suddenly pressed tightly against the girl, and he could even feel the soft touch of the skirt of his clothes. However, the identity of his opponent was not yet clear, and he did not dare to be distracted at this time. He just paid careful attention to the disturbances in the tomb and walked deeper. go.

This large tomb buried underground obviously does not belong to ordinary people. It is quite large in scale. Strictly speaking, it is an 'underground palace'.

Ye Jingtang hugged Hua Qingzhi and walked around for a while, then came to the stone chamber with the stone tablet. According to the structure, this should only be the tomb door, and they had not yet entered the inside.

As the light appeared, Hua Qingzhi also opened her eyes. After making sure that there was nothing dirty around, she carefully looked at the stone tablet with dense writing.

Night Terror Hall paid attention to the tunnel behind it. After waiting for a while, he asked:
"Written what?"

Hua Qingzhi read it from beginning to end and whispered:
"This is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. It was probably erected after his death. It records the merits and demerits of the First Emperor Wu Ji in his life and warns future generations not to disturb the First Emperor's mausoleum."

Ye Jingtang frowned: "Didn't the First Emperor climb the last mountain? Why was he buried here again?"

Hua Qingzhi was familiar with history books, thought about this and said:

"Historical records clearly record that the First Emperor died at the age of 63 and was buried in the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

"Generally after an emperor ascends the throne, he will arrange for the Ministry of Industry to build the imperial mausoleum for him. It will take at least ten years to build such a large underground palace.

"I estimate that the construction of this imperial mausoleum had been completed before the First Emperor sought immortality. After the First Emperor attained enlightenment, he did not want future generations to know this, and the imperial mausoleum that happened to be built was no longer needed, so he buried the stone tablet in the He came here and let the world think he was dead."

After listening to it, Ye Jingtang felt that this statement made sense, so he put his arms around Hua Qingzhi and entered the tomb passage at the back.

Because someone had been here before, all the dragon-breaking stones, mechanisms, etc. along the way were eliminated, making the journey smooth and smooth.

After walking for a while, Ye Jingtang came to a palace in the deepest part of the underground palace. There was a large golden coffin in the center. It has not lost its luster after thousands of years. You can see the Buddha statue and the coiled dragon pattern on the surface.

The golden coffin had been opened at this time. Ye Jingtang and Hua Qingzhi came to it and looked inside. Sure enough, they found that there were no corpses inside, but a downward staircase that led to nowhere.

Hua Qingzhi stood inside the tomb, feeling a little scared and whispered:

"Are we still going into the coffin?"

I have come to the Night Terror Hall, how could I not go in? I hugged Hua Qingzhi and silently fell into the golden coffin, walked down the stairs, and then continued forward.

This road obviously does not belong to the tomb. It is a long journey. There seems to be light at the other end, but the distance is at least a few miles, and even the Night Terror Hall cannot see it clearly.

After walking for a long time, the light spot on the other end gradually became clearer. Ye Jingtang slowed down and covered Hua Qingzhi's mouth.

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi's heart suddenly reached her throat, and she carefully held her breath.

As we continue to go deeper, the speed of Night Terror Hall becomes slower and slower, and the light in the distance of the tunnel gradually becomes clearer.

Ye Jingtang looked inside carefully and was stunned.

At the end of the tunnel, there was a rather solemn and solemn hall, surrounded by various murals and texts, and in the center stood a black stone tablet with a section cut off.

In front of the stone monument, 14 people sat in a neat cross-legged position, staring straight ahead. There was no movement except breathing. The scene was a little strange, and it looked like an unknown cult ritual.

Most of the 14 people were familiar faces. In addition to Cao Aning, Xu Tianying, Uncle Hua, there were also Li Si, Eunuch Yin, Eunuch Xu, and the four Beiliang masters whom they had met in Duolan Valley.

Ye Jingtang was a little embarrassed to see so many acquaintances. After all, many of them were his hidden targets, and he obviously couldn't cut through the mess with a quick knife.

But with so many of Beiliang's main forces blocked, he couldn't let them all go and leave. He had to kill two of them.

While Ye Jingtang was thinking secretly, he looked at the stone tablet that these people were observing.

The black stone tablet is engraved with a Buddha statue. Judging from the shape of the six arms, it is the three-faced and six-armed Buddha statue outside Panlong Cave, but the head has been chopped off and the whole thing cannot be seen.

The carving of the Buddha statue is so delicate that you can even see fingerprints. Ye Jingtang frowned and observed secretly, and soon discovered that the Buddha statue had another mystery.

Because of the experience of studying the Ming Dragon Picture, Ye Jingtang discovered that the way this Buddha statue conveys information has the same origin as the Ming Dragon Picture. Wu Taizu should have referred to this method when he created the Ming Dragon Picture.

However, the recording methods are the same, but the contents recorded are quite different.

Ye Jingtang carefully studied the Buddha statue and found that the hidden context was consistent with the Singing Dragon Picture, but the route was different.

To put it simply, they are like two exercises from different sources. Although the purpose is to "train the muscles, bones and skin externally and the breath internally", the training methods are completely different.

In addition, Wu Taizu taught everything in detail. It can be said that he chewed it up and fed it into his mouth. Even a miscellaneous fish like the 'wingless owl' can be learned by studying it carefully with the Singing Dragon Picture.

And this stone tablet is obviously a bit obscure. It is a pure stream of consciousness, as if it only tells the answer without solving the problem. Whether you can learn it depends on your own understanding.

Ye Jingtang has experience in practicing the Minglongtu, has a profound sense of martial arts, and has a good talent and understanding. But in this case, after looking at it for half a quarter of an hour, he could not figure out the exact veins of the first arm. He could only see This arm and the dragon-elephant figure have the same destination.

He is like this. The warriors below Wu Kui basically read the heavenly book. It is no wonder that these dozen people are sitting here thinking about their mistakes.

Ye Jingtang is also a martial artist. When he found something so difficult, he was naturally more focused on it and didn't pay attention to the time.

And just when both parties were seriously comprehending and Hua Qingzhi was on tenterhooks, two voices suddenly came from above the hall:
Ye Jingtang suddenly came back to his senses, looked up, and then secretly thought that something was wrong - judging from the distance of the tunnel, this place was near Crescent Bay, which was under the former Tiantan; the sound came from the surface, and it should be that it was being explored. The black man's hand accidentally poked a stone under the sand layer.

Ye Jingtang accidentally blocked Uncle Hua's retreat. As long as these people ran out, he would obviously not be able to get out of the way. He immediately wanted to retreat quietly and wait until they were out before taking action, so as to give Uncle Hua a chance to escape.

But he obviously underestimated his general Aning!
In the stone hall, Eunuch Ziliang heard the sound of digging sand above, frowned and whispered:
"There's someone up there."

The dozen or so people present frowned and became wary after hearing this.

Li Si had already had a psychological shadow since the Wuma tribe and his party. He raised his head, looked at it, and whispered:
"Isn't the Night Terror Hall showing up again?"

Cao Aning sat behind Eunuch Yin, listened to the movement for a while, shook his head and said:
"Ye Da Yama is not a god, so how could he appear above our heads for no reason? And with the way Ye Da Yama behaves, if he comes, he will not dig out the sand slowly. He should be standing behind... behind...?! "

The stone palace suddenly fell silent.

Cao Aning instinctively turned around while speaking, but in a blink of an eye, she discovered that deep in the straight aisle behind her, there was a vague shadow without any movement or sound. She didn't know when she appeared there, and she didn't know how long she had been staring at them.

! !
Cao Aning was almost used to it, but he was still shocked by the sight of such casual words.

Eunuch Ziliang and others noticed that Cao Aning's reaction was wrong, and immediately stood up and looked behind.

Because the distance was quite far and there was no light, no one could tell who the shadow in the depths of the tunnel was, or even whether it was a human or a ghost.

Hua Junchen swallowed and spoke first:


tread, tread...

As the sound came out, the sound of Ruowuowuowu footsteps sounded from deep in the corridor.

Eunuch Ziliang lowered his hands and squinted his eyes to observe carefully. After a moment, he saw the outline of a man, and then the black robe that frightened the people in the north and south gradually appeared in front of his eyes!


"It's over..."

The dozen or so people who originally seemed to be facing a formidable enemy suddenly became confused!
Eunuch Yin and the other four Beiliang masters were filled with despair the moment they saw the hem of the black robe. They even lost their will to fight and turned pale and stepped back.

Although Eunuch Ziliang and others were able to maintain their momentum, their hearts jumped suddenly!

The slow and unhurried footsteps came from far to near in the corridor. To everyone's ears, it was like a life-seeking Yama walking from endless purgatory.

Hua Junchen discovered that his son-in-law had trapped him in a trap, and an unknown fire suddenly surged in his heart. How could he escape so naturally?

He can't fight out, can he?
Hua Junchen held the sword, gritted his teeth and took a step forward:
"I'm going to stop him, you guys go first!"

Eunuch Ziliang and others were impressed when they saw Hua Junchen's bravery and loyalty, but this method obviously didn't work.

After all, this hall is completely airtight, with ambushes above and Yama in front of them. Even if Hua Junchen sacrifices his life to block the Night Terror Hall, where can they escape?
And with Hua Junchen's strength, can he block the sword of Demon Ye?

Step, step.

While everyone was silent, the black-clothed King of Hell, who was about to cross off everyone's names in the book of life and death at any time, suddenly stopped.

Ye Jingtang stood in the darkness, with only the tips of his shoes illuminated by the firelight coming from the hall. His right hand was behind his back, pulling Hua Qingzhi who was too scared to take even half a step away from him.Aning was so sharp-eyed that Ye Jingtang was actually helpless. In order to create a reasonable opportunity for a few people to escape, he naturally would not rush in, but pretended to be cautious and said:

"Eunuch Ziliang, Hua Junchen, Xu Tianying...the twelve servants and even the masters from the Beiliang Jianghu all came out. It was such a big battle."


Everyone in the stone hall suddenly reacted when they heard Ye Jingtang's words - a dozen of their masters, as well as the three Wu Kui-level heroes, Ziliang Gonggong, Hua Junchen, and Xu Tianying, pressed forward and fought with all their strength. It was not that they didn't get out. Opportunity.

Ye Jingtang didn't rush in directly now, so he was obviously still afraid of them...

Thinking of this, Eunuch Yin and others, who had already begun to reminisce about the world of Jianghu, maintained their momentum and acted as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Eunuch Ziliang is the head of the twelve servants of Yandu. He has also taken the elixir made by Beiliang. His strength is outstanding among a group of people, but he obviously has not reached the threshold of a martial saint.

In this kind of terrain and fighting in the Night Terror Hall, the only chance is to be killed one by one by the opponent. After a little consideration, Eunuch Ziliang stepped forward slowly:

"You break out from above, and we'll hold him back for a while."

Without any hesitation, Eunuch Yin and others immediately flew away and jumped onto the stone monument. Then they hit the dome of the stone palace with heavy fists, trying to escape through the top.


Ye Jingtang naturally did not stop this, quietly waving her hand, asking Hua Qingzhi, who was carefully sizing up her father, to step back a little, and raised her eyes to look at the approaching old eunuch:
"Eunuch Ziliang is brave and brave, but unfortunately he lives in two dynasties with me, so he has no mercy as long as he takes action. If you abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side now, I can leave you a way to survive. Otherwise, I can only leave your body intact."

Eunuch Ziliang walked into the tunnel entrance with his hands in his sleeves and a calm expression:
"The two countries are conquering each other, and each is his own master. Our family has dedicated our lives to the Holy One. It is a great blessing to sacrifice our lives for the country when we are old. There is no reason to surrender in the face of battle. If Duke Ye can take away this old life from our family , just come over."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much. When the bombardment sounded again in the hall, his feet moved!

In the narrow aisle, a sudden crosswind blew up.

Ye Jingtang, who was originally motionless, appeared under the fire without any warning. Holding a ray of sword light in his left hand, he pressed himself in front of Eunuch Ziliang.

When Eunuch Ziliang walked into the tunnel, he was actually prepared to not be able to catch any of his moves, but when Ye Jingtang rushed towards him, he found that he could barely keep up with Ye Jingtang's movements.

Since he could keep up with the movements, his strength was not beyond his limit.

Seeing this, Eunuch Ziliang reacted very quickly. He immediately pulled away his hands, pulled out several golden threads with his right hand, like a golden whip of dragons dancing around, wrapped it around the saber that was coming in the blink of an eye, and blasted it out with the palm of his left hand at the same time.

huh huh~

boom -

Amid the roaring sound, cracks appeared on both sides of the aisle
Ye Jingtang counterattacked with one palm, using Zhongsun Jin's unique skills to neutralize the tyrannical palm force. However, halfway through the swelling of his robe, the fabric on his back suddenly tore.


Ye Jingtang also let out a vague groan from his chest and abdomen. The force could not be completely removed, and the whole person was immediately shaken back.

? !
Eunuch Ziliang was stunned. After just one fight, he could see that Ye Jingtang's background and reactions were flawless, but there seemed to be flaws in his body, which caused the palm technique to go wrong and failed to completely resolve the energy.

People who can defeat the Martial Saint are unlikely to make such low-level mistakes, and there will be no hidden dangers when the Minglong Diagram is close to them. The occurrence of this situation only means one problem - Ye Jingtang deduces the Minglong Diagram on its own. There are indeed flaws in the body!
Thinking of this, Eunuch Ziliang was immediately ecstatic. He didn't give Ye Jingtang the slightest chance to fight back. He pressed forward like a gangrene attached to the bone. With twelve consecutive fingers, he tapped the acupuncture points on Ye Jingtang's chest and abdomen. He wanted to Kill this henchman.

bang bang bang...

Although Ye Jingtang blocked with both hands and was able to parry with ease, he had "hidden ailments" and his fighting style was obviously conservative. He was suppressed in the corridor and retreated step by step. Hua Qingzhi's face turned pale with fright, and she quickly backed up the wall and backed away. .

dong dong dong...

The sound of fists hitting flesh in the corridor made everyone in the hall almost palpitate.

Faced with this little chance of escape, Eunuch Yin and others had squeezed out all their potential and bombarded the dome above frantically.



After everyone bombarded the dome more than ten times in succession, the cracked dome could no longer be supported. As Hua Junchen blasted out with all his strength, the stone wall immediately cracked, and a three-foot-square hole appeared. Countless gravel and yellow sand followed. Press down.


Hua Junchen grabbed Li Si and shouted loudly, then punched him hard with his right hand.

boom -

The pouring sand flow was dispersed by the strong force, and then blasted away the sand behind the dome, and Hua Junchen immediately flew out.

When Eunuch Yin and others saw the way out, their eyes filled with ecstasy, and they quickly followed and rushed to the surface.


At the same time, deep in the aisle.

Eunuch Ziliang went all out, suppressing Ye Jingtang and retreating step by step, but he could no longer break Ye Jingtang's moves. He knew deep down in his heart that even if Ye Jingtang had a secret disease, he would not be able to kill him at his level.

For this reason, after discovering that the way to escape from the rear had been opened, Eunuch Ziliang made a decisive decision and struck Ye Jingtang's chest and abdomen with a palm strike, and at the same time made a gesture of using force to retreat.



Amidst the explosion, a powerful and heavy palm struck Ye Jingtang's right hand directly!

The original feeling of a punch to the flesh disappeared at this time, replaced by an unshakable tenacity, as if by accident, it was directly photographed on the root of the dangerous peak of Wanren Peak!

The unshakable and almost vast energy of the mountains is all reflected back to itself.

Under the palm of Eunuch Ziliang's hand, the sleeve of his right arm was instantly shattered, and the muscles of his arm bulged until it reached his shoulder, making a clicking sound. It was obvious that the force was too strong and there was no place to release the force, which directly injured the muscles and bones.

? !
Eunuch Ziliang's eyes suddenly changed, and his heart suddenly stood on end with horror.

But before he could stop, he found Yama in black who was close at hand, raised his left hand and slapped him.

Eunuch Ziliang had practiced the Ming Shen Tu, and he could still see the trajectory of this palm clearly, but the explosive speed clearly exceeded his physical limit.

I wanted to raise my hand to intercept, but found that my arm movements were useless compared with the opponent's speed.


Eunuch Ziliang's eyes only changed slightly, and a powerful and heavy slap landed directly on his temple.

A terrifying force that was difficult for mortals to contend with came. Eunuch Ziliang's facial muscles were immediately distorted, his eyes were instantly bloodshot, and his body was instantly pulled sideways by his head and hit the wall of the aisle.

boom -

With the sound of masonry shattering, a hole half a man deep appeared in the wall. Eunuch Ziliang plunged half of his body into it, and suddenly there was no movement.

The corridor, which had been roaring all the time, also returned to silence after a slap.

Hua Qingzhi was standing not far behind. She was watching with fear at first, but she found that the enemy who was so fierce just now was suddenly slapped into the wall, and she was obviously stunned for a moment.

Ye Jingtang retracted his hand. He originally wanted to complain a few words, but for the sake of the deceased, he still did not speak. He pulled out the saber stuck in the wall, turned around and said:

"Let's go."

Hua Qingzhi looked at the half-person stuck in the wall and moved her lips:

"Fighting... Finished?"



Hua Qingzhi was obviously a little hard to understand. She hugged Ye Jingtang's arm and carefully walked out against the wall. As she walked, she even looked back...
At the same time, on the surface.

The cold moonlight shone in the sea of ​​sand. Two black policemen holding hoes and long poles stood far away near the violently shaking sand. Their eyes were a little scary, and they shouted loudly into the distance:

"There's something underground! Someone come quickly..."

As the news spread, the men from the Hei Yamen who were exploring the surrounding area, as well as Sanniang and others who were resting in the Crescent Bay camp, all picked up their weapons and flew towards them. Before they could take a few steps, they discovered that the yellow sand on the ground suddenly exploded. , just like a yellow fountain rising into the sky.

boom -

Several figures also sprang out from the ground soon after. They found that there were people coming to kill them. They dared not stop for a moment and flew away at full speed into the depths of the desert.

Dongfang Liren followed Sanniang as he ran past. When he saw this scene, he thought he had dug up a caveman. However, upon closer inspection, he discovered that Eunuch Cao's apprentice Cao Aning was among the crowd.

Cao Aning and Xu Tian should be the secret agents of the Wei Dynasty. Dongfang Liren, the commander-in-chief of the Black Yamen, naturally knew that. Although he didn't understand why these people were buried underground, he quickly grabbed Sanniang and prepared to intercept them, and at the same time shouted in a fake voice:

"He's a traitor from Beiliang, let me chase him!"

But the dozen or so people who desperately rushed out found that there were more than 30 people surrounding them outside. Under the pressure of Yama King Ye who could come out at any time, they dared not turn around and fight back, so they almost ran away risking their lives.

Hua Junchen was a little afraid of being accidentally injured by the masters of the Southern Dynasties. At this time, he and Xu Tianying took Li Si and ran to the front, shouting loudly:
"Protect Mr. Li!"

Li Si was carried by Hua Junchen and ran away. He was so moved in his heart that he wanted to recognize Mr. Hua, who would never leave him, as his adoptive father. As he ran wildly, he shouted loudly:
"Don't love to fight, retreat quickly!"

Because the average level of this group of Beiliang masters was far higher than that of Hei Ya Ba Tou, She Long led his men to chase them, but they really couldn't catch up.

Pei Xiangjun also saw that this group of people was a bit powerful and did not dare to follow them too close. After running near the pothole, he stopped and looked down with Ning'er.

Dongfang Liren came forward and looked down to see a stone hall deep underground. There were also torches inside, illuminating a black stone tablet directly below.

Ye Jingtang, on the other hand, stood in front of the stone monument and looked down as if nothing was wrong. At some point, Hua Qingzhi also ran to Ye Jingtang with her on her back, and was holding Ye Jingtang's arm to study it carefully.


Dongfang Liren was stunned when he saw this scene and shouted:
"The Nightmare Hall?"

In the underground stone hall, Ye Jingtang was studying a few lines of writing on the base of the stone tablet. When he heard the sound, he raised his eyes and looked at the wives who were looking through the hole above:
"Eunuch Ziliang has been dealt with. The rest are just miscellaneous fish. Just give it a chase and let She Long and the others come back. The stone tablet has been found, but it's a pity that it was destroyed."

"is it?"

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren jumped down from the entrance of the cave and landed firmly in front of the stone tablet; Sanniang and Ning'er followed closely behind and studied the stone tablet carefully.

After checking in the Night Terror Hall for a while, I wanted to explain to Benben the secrets of 'different paths lead to the same destination', but before he could formulate the words, his ears twitched slightly and he raised his eyes to look upward.

Pei Xiangjun frowned when he saw Ye Jingtang and asked:

"It seems there are still experts."

When Ye Jingtang heard something was wrong, he immediately flew out from the hole above and chased in the direction where Uncle Hua and others were escaping...

(End of this chapter)

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