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Chapter 508 Are you Bei Junchen?

Chapter 508 Are you Bei Junchen?

The silvery moon is like a hook, and everything is silent in the sea of ​​sand. Under a few dead poplar trees, there is an uncharacteristically soft sound of three-stringed strings, and the old-fashioned words of the storyteller:

"...The flowers fly and the leaves fall, the prodigal son arrives, and the wind blows the golden feathers! The generation of genius Hua Ling comes to an end. Not more than a month later, Ye Jingtang came to Jiangzhou again, and bumped into Long Zhengqing, the first ranger of the Southern Dynasty. .

"This Long Zhengqing is not simple. There is a poem in the world - there are thousands of dragon worship platforms in the green mountains, and the righteousness reaches the sky with a sword..."


On the sand near the poplar tree, there are more than ten weapons, including swords, spears, halberds, axes, axes and hooks, stuck in the sand, forming a half-moon shape on the sand.

Bian Yuanlie, with his white hair tied up, was wearing a black military uniform and an old waistband hanging on his waist with the word "capture" written on it. It was a Dayan style that had long been invisible to the world.

Because he has been imprisoned for more than fifty years, Bian Yuanlie, who was once known as the "Nine Transformations of Heaven", knows everything about today's world from the inmates who were arrested.

The least one of these strong men who could talk to Bian Yuanlie came in more than ten years ago. For this reason, his understanding of the world was still at the level of more than ten years ago.

More than ten years ago, the leader of the spear was the Red God of Wealth, and Duan Shengji had not yet emerged; Jiang Zahu had just risen, and Liu Qiansheng had just bowed out; the leader of Pingtian had not left the mountain, and Long Zhengqing was the No. 1 under the mountain.

After Bian Yuanlie was released, he found that the contemporary world had been turned upside down. In order to understand the current situation, he hired a storyteller from the town and listened to his explanation while rushing to Crescent Bay.

The result was incredible.

At first, the stories told by the storyteller were normal. Bian Yuanlie listened to them with interest, such as "The Goddess of Toad Palace traveled to Yunmengze at night," "The leader of Pingtian asked Jian Guancheng," and "Unparalleled benevolence and righteousness and hatred for Tianhe were captured."

But since April last year, when the name "Night Terror Hall" appeared in the world, the style of this story suddenly changed.

Bian Yuanlie didn't know how to describe it. Anyway, it sounded like the process was:

In order to avenge his father, Ye Jingtang took the eight-step mad sword to Junshantai and challenged Xuanyuan Chao, the sword leader who had been in power for 30 years. After the war, Xuanyuan Chao was crippled and withdrew from the world.

In order to protect the current empress, Ye Jingtang fought a bloody battle with the overlord of Yanzhou, Lu Jieyun, at Yutan Villa. After the battle, Lu Jieyun died suddenly.

In order to avenge the annihilation of their clan, Ye Jingtang engaged Chen King Sima Yue in a decisive battle in Langxuan City. After the war, Sima Yue committed suicide.

Ye Jingtang avenged Honghualou and fought a bloody battle in Jinyang City with gun leader Duan Shengji. After the war, Duan Shengji died suddenly.


In addition, top "miscellaneous fish" such as Xu Bailin and Zhou Huaili will not be elaborated; Liu Qiansheng, Linghu Guanzhi and other veteran military leaders will not be elaborated; Xi Tianshang and other people who have no doubts about the battle will not be elaborated...

Bian Yuanlie listened and was immediately confused. It felt like listening to the Lord of Hell's roll call one by one.

Wu Kui was okay, but for a ruthless person like Zhong Sunjin, the Jianghu ancestor he knew was still seriously injured and wanted to retire.

If any of these achievements were achieved in a lifetime, Bian Yuanlie would understand that there were many such ruthless people in history.

But this is the record from April last year to today. In just over a year, the North and South rivers and lakes have been almost wiped out for generations. It is no wonder that this Night Terror Hall is dubbed the 'Living King of Hell'.

When Bian Yuanlie heard these shocking achievements, he could only think of one person, a person who is still alive today and is still 'the best in the world'.

When that person was around, no one in the north or south dared to call himself a master, and anyone who mentioned his name would call him "senior."

When that person was there, no one in Dayan dared to step into Yun'an even though everyone in Dayan had rebelled and abandoned their relatives. Not even the rebels dared to enter Yunzhou without permission.

As soon as that person left, the country of Dayan was immediately destroyed. Although the land was a prison that could not be born, to this day, the emperor of the Southern Dynasties still defaulted to Tiannan as his territory and did not set foot in it.

There have been many "number one in the world" throughout the ages, but there is only one martial artist in Fengguan City who has such strong dominance. I can't find anyone else in the history books.

In Bian Yuanlie's heart, he always felt that Fengguan City would be so invincible that the world could not accommodate him. He never thought that anyone could compare with him.

But now, the Night Terror Hall has a worse record than Fengguan City did back then. The talents of both sides are obviously at the same level. In the future, they will definitely be qualified to become the opponent that Fengguan City has been waiting for for 100 years.

And now, Monk Shenchen came to him:
"You go deal with the Night Terror Hall."

Bian Yuanlie's reaction was naturally:
"Ah I?"

Isn't this a joke?

When he heard about the impressive achievements of the Night Terror Hall, Bian Yuanlie was a little bit hesitant to come. After all, the Night Terror Hall had not kept many whole corpses, and not many corpses could be put together completely afterwards.

But when he thought that he was already ninety-four and had only a few more years to live, meeting the future 'number one in the world' before his death was indeed the most perfect ending in his life.

For this reason, Bian Yuanlie came anyway, sitting here, waiting for the last stage of his life.


Amidst the crisp melody of the three-stringed instrument, the old storyteller was still telling allusions about the Night Terror Hall. Maybe he was out of work, so he started making up random stories, saying that the Night Terror Hall was bitten by a dog.

Bian Yuanlie listened indifferently, picked up the wine bottle and took a sip, interrupting the storyteller:
"After talking so much, it's all about crushing. Is there anyone in today's world who can compete with the Night Terror Hall?"

The storyteller stopped talking, picked up the teapot next to him and took a sip:
"Yejingtang has recently become a Martial Saint. Master Xiang Han and Beiyun Bian should still be able to suppress them."

Bian Yuanlie waved his hand and said: "There is no chance of any of this. His talent is far inferior to that of Ye Jingtang, it's just better than his age."

The storyteller thought for a while, shook his head and said:
"That's not necessarily the case. In addition to the extraordinary talents, there are also 'late bloomers' in this world. Who can accurately predict the future variables?

"If you don't talk about it far away, let's talk about that Hua Junchen of Beiliang. He was born in a noble family and did nothing until he was 50 or [-] years old. No one in the world would regard him as a person.

"But in recent years, Hua Junchen suddenly had an epiphany. In just a few months, he went from an ordinary young master to a 'Chengtian Mansion Sword Immortal', and also ranked as the 'Beiliang Sword Saint'. He encountered the Night Terror Hall He survived several times, and there was even a saying in Beiliang, 'Nanjingtang, Beijunchen'..."

"Nan Jingtang, Bei Junchen..."

Bian Yuanlie frowned, feeling that the high evaluation was a bit outrageous, and asked;

"Is this Hua Junchen really that powerful?"

The storyteller thought about it:

"Every storyteller in Jianghu has some exaggerations, but there is no real person under the reputation. There must be a reason for the people of Beiliang to praise him so much."

Bian Yuanlie nodded slightly and took another sip of wine:
"The world is still so interesting. It's a pity that I was imprisoned in the temple by that bald donkey for 50 years. It's a pity that I no longer have a place in the world..."

"Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory. If I really wandered around the world, I would probably not be alive today, and I wouldn't be able to hear these stories. If you think about it this way, wouldn't it be less regretful?"

"That's true. In this case, Monk Shenchen actually helped me..."

Bian Yuanlie drank a strong drink that he had not drunk in 50 years, and chatted about the world with the storyteller. Although he did not even have the peanuts to drink, he felt that his life was more fulfilling than the 50 years combined.

After chatting with each other for an unknown amount of time, a loud bang in the distance broke the tranquility under the poplar tree.


Bian Yuanlie raised his eyes to look at Crescent Bay. Although he couldn't see clearly, he heard the sound of breaking wind coming from far away.

Bian Yuanlie didn't know who was coming, but Monk Shenchen asked him to wait here. The person waiting should be the person he wanted to see most at the moment.

"Excuse me, please play one more song. If nothing happens, I'll see you in the next life."

The storyteller is a professional in the world of martial arts. Seeing this, he didn’t say much. He just held his Sanxian and sang a minor tune:


"From Liangzhou to Yunzhou~Alang left his hometown at the age of sixteen~Looking back at the mountainous road~My mother looked at the top of the mountain... Knives and swords flowed in and out of Yunzhou~Alang walked to the bank of Yunhu Lake~Looked up to see the waves hitting the sky~Today Not returning home..."


Bian Yuanlie listened to the tune hummed by the storyteller, and probably recalled the day when he first set foot on the road of rivers and lakes, with a bit of a wry smile on his face.

After all, once you enter the world, life and death are at stake. When you suddenly wake up and want to look back, there will be no chance to look back.

Bian Yuanlie sighed softly, stood up and patted the gravel on his robe. The emotions in his eyes gradually subsided, leaving only the composure of a warrior. He raised his eyes and looked at the sand dunes in the distance, waiting for the person who would give him a lift to arrive.

But God often does not grant what people wish for.

Bian Yuanlie had already prepared his emotions and even thought about what to say in his opening remarks when he saw the contemporary living King of Hell.

As a result, while waiting, I found three figures emerging from the sand dunes.

The leader is a middle-aged swordsman with a scholar under his arm. He seems to have a good foundation, but his age is not suitable for the Night Terror Hall.

Next to him was a young man in his 20s. His Qinggong skills were outstanding, but the way he looked while running and looking back could not be compared to the heroes who traveled north and south.

Bian Yuanlie frowned and looked back, wanting to ask Monk Shen Chen what these three crooked melons and dates were, but unfortunately, Monk Shen Chen did not show up.

And the other side.

Hua Junchen fled with Li Si in his arms. Relying on his knowledge of Wu Kui's level, he had already left She Long and others several miles away, including Eunuch Yin and others. Along the way, he pretended to observe the pursuers behind him. , I really didn’t pay attention to the previous situation.

It wasn't until I crossed the sand dunes that I noticed something was wrong with my peripheral vision, and I was shocked to find a few cold lights in the Populus euphratica forest in front of me. After a closer look, I discovered that there were more than a dozen weapons inserted outside the Populus euphratica tree, and a storyteller playing the three-stringed string was sitting there.

In front of the weapon, there is an old man with white hair. He has a very heroic figure. He does not show any signs of weakness, but he does not show any momentum. He only has a pair of eyes, as sharp as an eagle in the sky, even if he is far away. The distance still made the hairs on Hua Junchen's heart stand on end.


Hua Junchen sensed something was wrong and hurriedly stopped Xu Tianying who was still observing behind him.

Rub it...

The two of them rubbed their feet into a long groove in the sand and stopped in place for an instant.

But Li Si didn't know why and found that there were people blocking the road ahead, so he urged:


"Can't run away."

The first time Xu Tianying saw the old man, he knew he had hit a monster. At this distance, he could run unless the opponent didn't chase him, otherwise he would die if he showed his back.

Hua Junchen had backers in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Normally, no matter whether it was the Southern or Northern Dynasties, it was impossible to embarrass him. In order to prevent being accidentally killed by friendly forces, he reported his family status as soon as possible:
"Hua Junchen of Chengtian Mansion, who are you?"


Bian Yuanlie originally wanted these three little brats to go away, but he was obviously startled when he heard these words, and then he pulled out a Qingfeng sword from behind:

"Are you Hua Junchen, the Sword Saint of Beiliang?"


Hua Junchen realized that the atmosphere seemed not right. It was obviously too late to deny it, so he could only bite the bullet and said:
"Exactly. May I ask who your senior is?"

Bian Yuanlie wiped the blade of the sword with his fingers and said calmly:

"Nine Transformations Heavenly Luo Bian Yuanlie, but you kid has probably never heard of it."

Hua Junchen frowned slightly, he really had never heard of this person before, and looked at Xu Tianying out of the corner of his eye.

But when the Yan Kingdom was destroyed, Bian Yuanlie was only 30 years old and was not at the level of Wu Kui. In that era when heroes were competing for power, it was difficult for anyone to remember him, and Xu Tianying naturally didn't know either.

Hua Junchen couldn't figure out which road the other party was on, so he could only ask again:

"Are you from the Southern Dynasties?"

"So, but he's not from the Wei Dynasty."

Bian Yuanlie pointed his sword pointed at the ground. He didn't want to say so much nonsense, so he stepped forward slowly:

"If I don't kill you, you can take my sword and show me how powerful the geniuses of the north and south are now, and let you go afterwards."

The genius of the north and the south?

I deserve it too?
Hua Junchen was a little confused. Faced with such a master who didn't know his position, he dared to go up and send him off. At that moment, he secretly gritted his teeth and raised his steps to break out from the side.


At this moment, a sword cry came from the sea of ​​sand!
Hua Junchen looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a line of dust suddenly rising from the sand, passing through three feet away in an instant.


When the sand layer dispersed, a straight groove two fingers wide was left on the ground, blocking the three of them like a divine punishment!
Hua Junchen was horrified when he saw this scene. Xu Tianyingrao was a master of lightness skills. Seeing this, he gave up the idea of ​​​​escape and looked as if he was facing a formidable enemy.
Hua Junchen was not blind. He could reach him with a sword from such a distance, so it would only take a few blows to kill him. If he tried to run away, he would be completely humiliating himself.

Hua Junchen gritted his teeth and finally let go of Li Si. He raised his sword and stood facing the wind, gradually revealing the aura of a peak swordsman:

"With the national crisis facing us, Hua has no choice but to hope that his seniors will keep their word and not bully the young."

Bian Yuanlie has not been out of the martial arts for 50 years, but he knows that martial arts in martial arts has been iterating, and he does not dare to underestimate the top contemporary martial arts. His eyes became solemn at the moment, and he raised his left hand slightly and made a hook.


The next moment, there was an explosion in the sea of ​​sand.Where Hua Junchen stood, a circular crater instantly exploded in the sand, and a bright sword light cut through the night, cutting out a long groove in the sand. From a distance, it looked like a yellow dragon that suddenly appeared, heading towards the black-clothed man in front of him. Old man!
This kind of momentum is indeed the power of a martial arts leader. He has practiced the "Wandering Bee Sword" for decades and is flawless.

But unfortunately, this cannot change the fact that he has no actual combat experience and does not know how to adapt to the enemy.

When Bian Yuanlie saw the sword coming, his eyes were shocked. After all, from his perspective - Hua Junchen was full of flaws, just like his mother who rushed to him to die!
Bian Yuanlie lived to be more than 90 years old. He had never seen a 'Sword Master' whose sword skills were so poor. His first reaction was that it was a scam. He must not have seen through this sword.

According to the common sense of the world, if you fail to see through your opponent, you will definitely be at a huge disadvantage. You must avoid his edge and continue to observe.

But when Bian Yuanlie came on this trip, he never thought about returning alive. If he found such a "bizarre" swordsmanship and couldn't understand it, he would naturally have to try it. If he died, he would die.

For this reason, the moment the sword edge struck, Bian Yuanlie had already raised the sword, and his body was like a flying shuttle. He instantly pressed down against the sand, avoiding the sharp edge of the Wandering Bee Sword. Then he raised the sword with his right hand and pointed it at Hua Junchen's heart. .

This sword does not seem to have any momentum, but if it is extremely tricky, it will save it. Hua Junchen will definitely die if he cannot catch it. Logically speaking, the last move should come out.

But Bian Yuanlie was on guard and ready to sheath his sword at any time, only to find that Hua Junchen, who was so close at hand, looked ashen and seemed to have begun to reminisce about his life in the world...

ha? !


Bian Yuanlie tapped the sand with his left palm, heaved his sword and spun around. He swept Hua Junchen's shoulder with his whip, sweeping Hua Junchen three feet away before he landed, and hit him on the sand.

bang bang bang...

Hua Junchen flew out and bounced twice in a row before standing up in a hurry, stepping back and touching his chest with his hands.


Xu Tianying took a deep breath when he saw this scene, his eyes full of shock.

Bian Yuanlie turned around and landed on the ground, pointing his sword pointed at the ground. His face was also full of shock. He held it in for a long time and cursed:
"How dare you call yourself a swordsman with a green onion like yours? Are you still the 'Nanjingtang Beijunchen'? Are you the only one with your level in Yejingtang?"

Hua Junchen was so frightened that he didn't dare to talk back even though he was scolded all over the place. He quickly explained:
"Senior, where did you hear this statement? I am being hunted by the Night Terror Hall. How can He De dare to claim this name?"

Bian Yuanlie was stunned and asked again:
"The Night Terror Hall can't even catch up with a green onion like you?"

"There is someone who is the queen, and Night Terror Hall is particularly powerful. How about Senior go find him?"

While the two were fighting, Eunuch Yin and others had already arrived nearby, but they stopped where they found the momentum was wrong.

Later, She Long found that such a big Beiliang Sword Master was kicked three feet away. How could he dare to come over? He just watched from a distance to judge the identity of the old man.

The purpose of Bian Yuanlie's trip was for Night Terror Hall. Seeing the mess, he ignored the mess and turned to look in the direction of Crescent Bay:

"Go and have a rest. I'll help you stop the night terror. If you can't stop it, you don't have to run away. You can still die happily by committing suicide."

Hua Junchen really couldn't figure out which lunatic the old man was over, so he didn't dare to ask at this time and immediately stepped back. Xu Tianying also pulled Li Si to the side.

On the sand dunes in the distance, several figures had already appeared.

Ye Jingtang saw Uncle Hua directly hitting the opponent's sword. To be honest, he was shocked. It wasn't until the unknown old man pointed it out that he breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down and walked forward.

Pei Xiangjun has now become one of the top masters, but he is still far from the old monster at the top of the world. Just by looking at his aura, you can feel that this old man is unfathomable, but you don't know him at all, so he asked:

"Who is this?"

Dongfang Liren, Luo Ning, and even the Queen Mother followed behind, all shaking their heads.

Ye Jingtang couldn't figure out the details of this person, so he raised his hand to stop everyone where they were, and walked forward alone.

This time, Bian Yuanlie's eyes felt much more comfortable. After all, whether he was a master or not, his aura could be seen clearly. No matter how hard the Jianghu people pretended to be, they could not pretend to be oppressed by the impending rain.

As Ye Jingtang walked thirty feet away, Bian Yuanlie lightly threw the long sword, and firmly dropped it into the scabbard inserted behind him. He changed it to holding the sword with one hand:

"Are you the Night Terror Hall? In the past two days, I have been paying homage to your name for a long time."

Ye Jingtang stood still in front, his expression calm:

"Where is your holiness?"

Bian Yuanlie took off the sign from his waist and revealed the word 'capture' on it:

"Dayan Bian Yuanlie, nicknamed 'Nine Turns of Heaven', which means there is no way to escape from the net. In previous years, your power and position were similar, but you probably haven't heard of me."

It is true that Ye Jingtang had never heard of it. Suddenly he bumped into an official from the former Dynasty Dayan, and he was inevitably confused.

Behind, Dongfang Liren was moved when he heard these words.

Bian Yuanlie was a remnant of the previous dynasty and was involved in the restoration of the previous dynasty in Shazhou. He was wanted since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and then disappeared. The Ministry of Punishments did not confirm his death, so he was naturally listed in the case library.

Dongfang Liren was in charge of the black office and arrested these people. He had seen Bian Yuanlie's case file, but he didn't expect that this man was still alive and his martial arts had improved to such an extent.

After Dongfang Liren thought about it carefully, he spoke from afar:
"Your Excellency, you are Bian Yuanlie, who was promoted to the fourth rank of the Ministry of Punishment of the previous dynasty and once blocked our rebel army outside Chengtian Gate?"


Bian Yuanlie really didn't expect that after missing for more than 50 years, someone in the current generation would actually know his identity. He looked at Dongfang Liren in a blink of an eye:

"The little girl's martial arts skills are mediocre, but she is very knowledgeable. She should have read a lot of history books in the past years."

? ?
Dongfang Liren's eyes turned cold when he heard this, and he thought to himself: He is indeed a remnant of the previous dynasty, and his words are indeed unpleasant...

However, it was not easy for Dongfang Liren to refute these words, so he asked:

"Your Excellency disappeared in the desert more than 50 years ago. Why did you show up today?"

When Bian Yuanlie heard this, he sighed softly:
"When I was young, I was unlucky. I went to Thousand Buddha Temple to look for trouble, and I met Shen Chen Bald Donkey who had just left the mountain."


After saying this, everyone onlookers fell silent. As for "What happens next?", there was no need to ask. People in the world would know the result.

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he frowned slightly, even showing a bit of sadness:
"Then Your Excellency, you have been imprisoned for more than 50 years, until now?"

Bian Yuanlie nodded: "Yes, but I'm a tough guy. I haven't become a monk yet, so I still have my hair."

"Then Monk Shenchen, why did you let Your Excellency come out?"

"I'm getting old and I won't live long. I beg God Chen Bald Donkey to let me out to fulfill my wish."

When Bian Yuanlie said this, he looked at Ye Jingtang:
"I am a remnant of the Yan Dynasty. Although I am not benevolent and righteous, I am at least a bit loyal. In life, there must be a beginning and an end. You are the pillar of the Wei Dynasty. As a Yan minister, I am here to fight with you to the death, no matter success or failure. It can be considered as doing my last bit for Dayan.”

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, finally understanding what the old man meant, and shook his head:
"Dayan has long since become a thing of the past, and you and I have no grievances. You are so old and have been imprisoned for more than 50 years. Before you die, go back to your hometown and have a look. Only when fallen leaves return to their roots can there be a beginning and an end."

Bian Yuanlie actually wanted to return to his roots, but he still shook his head and said:

"My roots are in Yun'an, and my family property belongs to the Wei Dynasty. I can't go back. If you are afraid of me and don't dare to take action, and I don't use old men to bully young men, you can go find Lu Taiqing's calf nose."


Seeing this, Ye Jingtang had nothing to say. He raised his eyes and looked at the row of weapons inserted behind:
"What do you want to compare?"

Bian Yuanlie turned around and pulled out a single sword:

"You are a disciple of Kuangya. I have met Kuangya. You are good at swordsmanship. I heard that you are better than your master and I want to see you."

Ye Jingtang nodded. Although he felt that the other party was old, he was not careless or contemptuous. After observing Bian Yuanlie for a moment, his left hand moved slightly!

In the dead sea of ​​sand, the clear sound of swords suddenly came out!
All the masters from far and near only saw a blur in front of their eyes. They never saw the Chilong Saber coming out of its sheath, and a cold light flashed across the sea of ​​sand.

What no one expected was that Bian Yuanlie, standing with his sword hanging, was like the mirror image of Ye Jingtang. At almost the same moment, he drew the sword with his left hand, and his body was as fast as thunder. He used the eight-step mad sword attack to slash Ye. Shocking!
There was a deafening explosion as gold and iron mingled among the sand dunes.

After Ye Jingtang's sword was struck, his figure instantly retreated and flew to the spot.

Bian Yuanlie fell back to the original position in almost the same posture, holding the knife across his side in his left hand, his eyes quite approving:
"Good skill."

Ye Jingtang stood up straight and pointed the Chilong knife diagonally at the ground, looking a little surprised:
"You also know how to use the Eight-Step Crazy Sword?"

Bian Yuanlie put away his sword and stood upright:

"Shen Chen's bald donkey is not a good person. As a monk, he cannot travel around the world, but a warrior cannot lack training, so he detained an unlucky guy like me with good talent in Qianfo Temple and persuaded me to put it down. Butcher's knife converted to Buddhism.

"I'm definitely not willing to try my best to practice martial arts in order to get out alive. He didn't stop me from dealing with that bald donkey, and even gave me advice on everything. As long as it's martial arts that I've seen before, I've already figured it out in the past 50 years. It's a pity that I beat Monk Shenchen thousands of times and never won once."

Ye Jingtang naturally frowned when he heard this.

If a warrior does not experience life and death actual combat, it will be difficult for him to improve his technical skills, even for Bing Tuo Tuo.

Monk Shenchen has not been around for many years and has never killed anyone. He originally thought that he only had profound skills and was not superb in technique.

But he never expected that Monk Shenchen would imprison a group of evil people and let them try every means to escape from prison.

If he had a challenger with perseverance and good talent who spent all day thinking about chores to find work for him, he would be able to reach the sky in just a few months with his technical skills.

And Monk Shenchen has been practicing like this for decades. I am afraid that Monk Shenchen has seen all kinds of tricks that people can think of. His technical attainments and combat experience should have been polished to perfection long ago.

After a moment of silence, Ye Jingtang said:

"I see. But this knife is outdated. I have a faster one. I just wanted to kill you and you were already dead."

Bian Yuanlie was not without eyesight. He put away his sword and pulled out his spear from the ground:

"The Eight-Step Crazy Sword, advance without retreating, pay attention to defeating the enemy with one sword. I tried my best, but you can control it freely, so naturally you win this round, let's fight again."

Ye Jingtang was not in a hurry to chase Uncle Hua. He did not refuse immediately and raised his hand. She Long behind him immediately threw the dragon-screaming gun far away.

Ye Jingtang caught it in the air, holding the nine-foot spear behind him:

"My marksmanship is domineering. I can't stop you with your skills. You should strike first."

Seeing this, Bian Yuanlie was highly concentrated. He held a nine-foot spear in both hands and shook the gun a few times:

Then he suddenly rushed forward, with the spear in his hand like a nine-foot dragon, bringing out countless afterimages in front of him, pointing at all parts of Ye Jingtang's body, using Yazhou's famous dragon spear.

Ye Jingtang held the gun with one hand without moving, until the rain-like gun point reached more than ten feet away, then he raised the gun forward, hit the gun point accurately, and at the same time pushed the gun forward to stab.

With just a crisp sound, the actions of both parties came to an abrupt halt.
Bian Yuanlie held the gun with both hands and his whole body went stiff. He lowered his eyes and looked at the gun point in front of his throat. His eyes were full of surprise:
"Good work! What kind of marksmanship is this?"

"A noise. Just figured it out."

"A ring...a good name."

Ye Jingtang took back his spear and sighed:
"Your Excellency is very good with swords and guns, but you are all following the path of others. If you don't have anything of your own, you can't be my opponent. No matter how many times we fight, it will be the same."

Bian Yuanlie inserted his spear into the ground, with a hint of sadness on his face:
"If I had something of my own and could be on par with you, how could I be imprisoned until today? A wooden stake is a wooden stake. I will be content to meet the geniuses of our generation before I die. Let's do it, If I die at the hands of the Wei Dynasty, I can be regarded as having a beginning and an end."

If Ye Jingtang wanted to kill him, he would have killed him long ago. The reason why he didn't kill him was because the old man who had been imprisoned for more than 50 years showed some martial ethics, and it really had nothing to do with him, so there was no reason to kill him.

Seeing that Bian Yuanlie wanted to die, Ye Jingtang did not refuse directly. Instead, he touched his arms, quietly took out a sign, and shook it.

Bian Yuanlie raised his neck and waited for death, but when he looked up, he saw eight large characters written on the black sign in Ye Jingtang's hand:

The soul of the swallow is immortal, and the strong will is equal to the sky!

Bian Yuanlie's expression of generous sacrifice was obviously stunned for a moment. As a remnant of the Yan Dynasty who once tried to restore the country, he knew very well that these eight words were the slogan of the remnant parties everywhere to "anti-Wei and restore Yan."

He lowered his head to look at his waistband, and found that it was almost the same. They were obviously the Dayan standard...

? ?
Bian Yuanlie raised his eyes to look at the Night Terror Hall, his eyes visibly turned blank, as if the world view he had just established had collapsed.

Thousands of thoughts in my mind turned into one sentence, probably - with thick eyebrows and big eyes like you, how can you be just as much a remnant of the Great Yan as I am?

Isn't this outrageous?

Ye Jingtang calmly put away his waist badge and waved his hand quietly:

"Let's go, let's go. If you want to die, go find Lu Taiqing. Don't ruin my big event."


Bian Yuanlie was obviously a little confused, but if Ye Jingtang really had something to do with Dayan, if he killed someone again, he would die at the hands of his own people, and he was obviously a bit unwilling to die in peace.

Bian Yuanlie originally wanted to ask a few questions, but there were so many people around, so it was obviously not appropriate to ask such a thing. ,
After being silent for a moment, Bian Yuanlie scratched his white hair and turned to leave. After taking a few steps, he looked back, his face full of hesitation and hesitation...

(End of this chapter)

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