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Chapter 510

Chapter 510

The yellow sand has fallen away, leaving only a mess.

Monk Shenchen walked away with his brass Zen staff, and everyone in the black office was speechless. Only Luo Ning sat on the sand, holding the Qingfeng sword in his hand, with only confusion in his eyes.


Ye Jingtang stood beside him, wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth with his sleeve. Seeing this distracted look, he actually understood Ning'er's current state of mind.

Last year he saw the letter left by his adoptive father. When he came out of Liangzhou, although he looked sunny and cheerful, the grace of 18 years of upbringing was ahead of him, and the burden of revenge for his adoptive father was always pressing in his heart. In front of the Dengjun Mountain Platform, He has always been thinking about how to defeat Xuanyuan Dynasty.

But when he finally defeated the Xuanyuan Dynasty and fulfilled his adoptive father's last wish, he felt no joy and joy, but only felt a sense of loss from the bottom of his heart.

After all, before that, he was still fighting for his adoptive father and walking on the road of revenge; but on the day when the great revenge was avenged, his adoptive father truly became a thing of the past. Relatives no longer matter.

Sanniang and Dongfang Liren both came to him, squatted down and comforted her softly.

Jiang Zahu, who was relieved, came to the Night Terror Hall and asked with a frown:

"How's your injury? Can you hold on?"

Although Ye Jingtang's face turned red and white, obviously suffering from serious internal injuries, his expression was very calm:
"It's just a minor injury, nothing serious."

Jiang Zahu was stunned when he heard this:
"You call this a minor injury?"

In order to avoid suspicion, Bian Yuanlie still stood far away near the poplar tree, and then continued:
"The limbs and limbs are all injured, and the emptiness is flowing on the surface of the body. It's hard for you to stand up now. If this can be considered a minor injury...injury..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Bian Yuanlie raised his eyes and saw bulging veins all over Ye Jingtang's body. The morbid flush on his face began to slowly subside. The bloodshot eyes gradually turned clear. Even his tired breathing slowed down with a deep breath.

? !
Jiang Zahurao was an old man in the martial arts world. When he saw this scene, he showed the same disbelief as Bian Yuanlie had just seen.

But Bian Yuanlie opened his mouth. He had seen too many fairy arts. At this time, he was not surprised at all, and just said in surprise:

"Is Bathing on Fire so overbearing?"

The bathing in fire diagram alone is naturally not so overbearing. After all, the bathing in fire diagram consumes a huge amount of energy. If you forcefully restore your body during a fight, you will only lose strength faster.

But Ye Jingtang was not without other preparations. When he was kicked out by Monk Shenchen in their first fight, he realized that Monk Shenchen was stronger than expected. Without his physical superiority at all, he was likely to become Fight hard.

For this reason, when he stepped forward again, he imitated Huang Liansheng and swallowed a green white lotus seed with the weakest medicinal effect, and kept the still controllable medicinal power in his belly in case of emergency.

Unfortunately, before he could take the medicine and show off the second blood bar to scare Shen Chen, he took the initiative, and Jiang Zahu then arrived and started to start a fight.

The lotus seeds have been swallowed. Even though Ye Jingtang knows that overdoing the effect of the medicine will cause extreme pain, he is reluctant to waste and vomit out only a few green lotus seeds. At present, he can only use them to show his holiness in front of people.

Seeing the expressions of Jiang Zahu and Bian Yuanlie looking at the gods, Ye Jingtang did not explain these details, but just said:
"I told you that Monk Shenchen is no match for me. Do you think I'm joking?"

Bian Yuanlie watched helplessly as Ye Jingtang defeated the enemy Baizhang and recovered from his injuries in an instant, like a living god. He was filled with wonder in his heart. Just when he was about to sigh, a discordant voice suddenly came from not far away:

"The great avenue of heaven and earth is vast and boundless. Being too crazy is not a good thing."

The sound was vague and traceless, and the source could not be distinguished, but it still seemed to be ringing from my ears.

Everyone whose eyes were focused on Ye Jingtang's face changed slightly when they saw this, and they quickly looked around. As a result, they discovered that a Taoist priest had appeared on the sand dunes in the distance.

The Taoist wore a black and white Tai Chi robe, a purple gold hibiscus crown on his head, and a sword engraved with yin and yang fish hung on his waist. Although his figure was motionless, the wide Taoist robe fluttering in the wind gave people the feeling of being entrenched like a dragon. .

Ye Jingtang turned around and saw the Taoist who had appeared at an unknown time. He was slightly stunned. Although he had never seen him before, he still recognized him from his appearance.

Bian Yuanlie wanted to ask which green onion it was, but he immediately realized it and said unexpectedly:

"Lu Taiqing? You have a little nose..."


Before he finished speaking, the sea of ​​sand that had just been silent suddenly heard the sound of swords again!
Bian Yuanlie's pupils shrank, and he saw a bright sword light, like a white thunder in the night, pointing directly at the door. When he reacted, it was already a short distance away, and he was so shocked that his face turned pale for an instant.

Before Ye Jingtang had time to say hello, he discovered that his uncle had an extremely bad temper. He would draw his sword and kill people at any disagreement, and instinctively raised his left hand.

The famous soldier 'Hedao' from Yuxu Mountain stopped in the air in front of Bian Yuanlie's eyebrows.

But what Ye Jingtang didn't expect was that after the Qingfeng sword was stopped, it still had an indescribable impact. During the shock of the sword, it suddenly changed direction and came straight towards him!

call out--

? !
Ye Jingtang's expression suddenly changed, and he raised his hands as if holding the moon, forcefully stopping the Qingfeng Sword that was blinking into his arms, but he could not hold back the violent vibration of the sword's body.

tread, tread...

Lu Taiqing's robes were fluttering in the wind, and his expression was stern, like a teacher slapping down his juniors, as he walked slowly down the sand dune:
"I just got a glimpse of the great way of heaven and earth, but I am arrogant and arrogant. Do you know how I was beaten by Fengguancheng when I thought I was invincible in the world?"


Ye Jingtang's body didn't move at all, but he was slowly pushed back by the sword:

"that's it?"


Lu Taiqing stepped forward with a calm voice:

"Back then, I thought that if I learned the Minglong Diagram, I would become an immortal and attain the Tao. But Fengguancheng told me back then that the Minglong Diagram was the 'Tao of Wu Taizu'. Even if I learned it, I would still follow the path of others. I know what is going on. , I don’t know why.

"Without Wu Taizu's understanding of heaven and earth, I would not understand why the Minglong Diagram has such magical effects, let alone Wu Taizu. With nine pictures beside me, it is just like Wu Taizu. Such a person can even start a sect in the world. If you are not worthy of establishing a sect, how can you use it to obtain the great avenue of heaven and earth?"

Ye Jingtang gave a soft drink, stopped the long sword in place, and then pressed forward with all his strength:

"Makes sense!"

Lu Taiqing then stopped where he was and continued to step forward:

"Three thousand avenues lead to the same goal through different paths. If future generations of warriors want to be on par with Wu Taizu, they cannot take shortcuts. They must start from the basics, work step by step, and 'know why' at every step, so that they can find their own avenue."

"And you have learned the Minglong Diagram and have the power to understand the mysteries, but you don't know the principles of heaven behind it. You think you are invincible, and you use all your determination and strength. The effect of your attack is like a general's embroidery. So lame.

"I have been cultivating this Tao for a few years, but I have not learned as much as you have learned, let alone the great power of the Minglong Diagram.

"But I know why every energy channel is like this. I can use it to communicate with the enemy and bring this sword to you. It is as light as eating and drinking water. You, a layman who has no power to understand the mysteries, what can you do to stop me?! "


At the last word, the three-foot Qingfeng suddenly rushed forward half an inch and reached Ye Jingtang's eyes!

Ye Jingtang's whole body exploded, and his back and robes exploded, but his expression did not change much. After a moment of silence, his mind changed rapidly, and he began to adjust the direction of his energy veins according to the six diagrams he had pondered.

At this moment, the violent vibration of the Qingfeng Sword stopped abruptly!

From a distance, it seems as if it is being clamped by illusory gods and Buddhas, and it is difficult to struggle even half a minute!

Lu Taiqing paused in his steps, his solemn and majestic expression disappeared, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, Ye Jingtang's whole body exploded, and the three-foot green blade immediately turned over and turned into a sword light, which went straight into the scabbard on Lu Taiqing's waist.

The sword's edge returned to its sheath, and the power rising to the sky in the sea of ​​sand immediately disappeared.

Ye Jingtang stood up straight, took a few breaths to suppress his boiling breath, and bowed his hands:
"I just told Monk Shenchen that I really didn't just get a glimpse of it, I'm just relatively stable and don't want to risk my life before I'm [-]% sure. Thank you, Senior Lu, for your advice."


Lu Taiqing lowered his head and looked at the sword retracted from his waist, but was made silent. After thinking about it for a long time, he nodded slightly:
"You boy, you do have crazy capital. No wonder Master Xiang Han retreated when he saw the difficulty."

Dongfang Liren did not expect that the Imperial Master could really know Taoism and was always on tenterhooks. At this time, the two of them collected their magical powers and came back to their senses, saying anxiously:

"Uncle Lu, you deduced the Minglong Diagram on your own?!"

Lu Taiqing stood between the sea of ​​sand and kept looking at the Night Terror Hall. When he heard the inquiry, he calmly responded:

"I am a Taoist, so why should I learn from other people's ways? It is recorded in "Tai Shang Spirit Summoning Chapter" that Taoism is divided into five realms. The first level is 'body refining and foundation building', which corresponds to the muscles, bones and skin of the Minglong Diagram. , the second level of 'refining essence and transforming into qi' corresponds to the essence, energy and spirit. I have reached the third level of cultivation, which is 'refining qi and transforming into spirit'."

Dongfang Liren blinked, a little confused.

Lu Taiqing looked at the Night Terror Hall and continued:
"Although the way of heaven and earth that I have understood by myself is not as good as Wu Taizu's great success, I have been able to do it step by step until today, and I am not affected by it. But the Minglong Tu is not the same. I don't have Wu Taizu's ancient and profound understanding of heaven and earth, so I arbitrarily deduce it. , without exception, everything went wrong and died.

"Your understanding is as bright as ever, and you may have made the right move so far, but life and death are only a matter of one step. Your journey to this day is equivalent to gambling your life every step of the way.

"If you can't find the last three pictures, and you don't have the foundation to 'know why', you'd better not touch this taboo in the future. The 'Tao' cannot be cultivated by taking shortcuts and seeking quick success."

Ye Jingtang finally recovered his body, but was defeated by his uncle in the blink of an eye. He was not angry. After all, these words did benefit him a lot. He nodded:
"Teach me. Is Master Xiang Han as powerful as Senior Lu?"

Mrs. Lu put her hands behind her hands and shook her head:

"There are wrong names in the world, but there are very few wrong seats. Since Monk Shenchen can catch a glimpse of the great avenue of heaven and earth, those who go up will surely be able to see more.

"I don't have as many opportunities and adventures as you in this way. I still became a master after I came out of the mountain. I became a martial arts master in three years and became a saint in five years. Master Xiang Han's talent and understanding are not worse than this way. Unfortunately, he didn't have a good teacher. He started ten years later than this way. Now you should have just touched the threshold of 'cultivating Qi to transform into God', but you haven't mastered it yet, otherwise you wouldn't be forced to retreat.

"When it comes to each other's level, each other's basic attainments are already at a very high level. It only takes one day to achieve enlightenment. It's hard to tell clearly without a fight."

Ye Jingtang heard his uncle's words and said he was confident, but in actual combat, it was hard to say whether he would win or lose.

Dongfang Liren heard this and whispered:

"What about Master Lu and Ye Jingtang going together?"

Lu Taiqing turned around, as if looking at a stupid girl:
"There are also Zhongsun Jin and Beiyun Bian in Beiliang. Let's go up together and let the Holy One personally defend ourselves?"


Dongfang Liren blinked and thought so.

Lu Taiqing turned his attention to Ye Jingtang again and continued:
"Mountains and mountains are two concepts. Among the tens of millions of people from the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the people who can defeat the martial saint on the top of the mountain, except for Li Kuai who made up the numbers, none of the other five people are just cheating.

"Although Zhongsun Jin is weak, he has devoted his whole life to studying the magic skills of Mohism. His contribution to the people of the world is far greater than that of a martial artist who only seeks one person to achieve enlightenment. Among the martial saints, he is the only one worthy of the title of 'saint'.

"And Beiyun Bian of Shuofeng City, who is only 36 years old, is ranked above Li Chi, Zhong Sun Jin, and his momentum is too strong, so he must have another chance.

"You and Xue Baijin are both juniors who have just come up to the mountain. You can look down on your opponents openly, but you still have to be in awe in your heart."

Ye Jingtang raised his hands and said, "Junior understands."

After Lu Taiqing finished speaking, he didn't stay long, turned around and said:
"The army has already marched towards Pingyi City. Your Highness will lead the team back as soon as possible. Pindao bids farewell."

Dongfang Liren respected Lu Taiqing very much and saluted quickly:
"Uncle Lu, walk slowly."

Bian Yuanlie was almost stabbed to death by Lu Taiqing's sword. He was still in shock at first, but recalling that he came here for a beginning and an end, he ran over again and asked:

"Daozhang Lu, when you came to Beijing and looked around outside the Marquis Wu'an Mansion, I remember you were only eleven or twelve years old. I didn't expect that this difference was the difference between immortals and mortals... By the way, what kind of Taoist methods did you use just now? I don’t steal from teachers, I just wholeheartedly follow the Tao and want to hear it.”

"You should ask Fengguancheng." "Well, back then I didn't understand my husband's righteousness and scolded him as ungrateful and not loyal to the country. Now I really have no shame to see Mr. Feng. As the saying goes, you will die in the morning after hearing the truth. Otherwise, Taoist Lu said Kill me after all and give me a ride? This way I can have a beginning and an end..."


Jiang Zahu's goal has always been to challenge Fengguan City, but until today, he realized that in the eyes of the "Three Immortals on the Mountain", he is probably no different from the gangsters at the bottom of the mountain. They are all mortal ants.

Although Ye Jingtang also knew the magic of immortality, he 'didn't know why', and he probably couldn't explain it clearly to him. Jiang Zahu quickly ran behind Lu Taiqing and began to bow to him, humbly asking for advice.

And the sand sea that had been tossing in the middle of the night completely calmed down after the three people and the storyteller left...
A moment later, Crescent Bay.

It was late at night, and the Banyue Lakeside became quiet.

Although they dug up the stone tablet and no longer had to work hard to explore, She Long and other detectives could not calm down for a long time after seeing the extraordinary state of the Three Saints on the mountain. In addition, the Night Terror Hall did not restrict them from studying the stone tablet. After returning, they He ran into the stone hall and, like Uncle Hua, started to face the wall and think about his mistakes.

Although Ye Jingtang ate white lotus seeds, which are the least effective, and took two rounds of injections to reduce the potency, they were still not completely digested. After his body fully recovered, bruises began to appear on his body, and then quickly subsided. .

However, Ye Jingtang was able to resist this painful pain. After changing into his robe, he came to the tent carrying a teapot and cup.

In the tent, Sanniang had been accompanying Ning'er. When she saw Ye Jingtang come in, she stood up, winked at Ye Jingtang, and then closed the curtain.

Luo Ning sat on the blanket with her hands on her knees, her appearance was still stunning, but she lost the aura of the cold and charming heroine in the past, and she was just in a daze.

Ye Jingtang sat down next to him and handed the tea cup to Ning'er:

"Come on, have a drink."

Luo Ning's eyes moved, and then she leaned into Ye Jingtang's arms. She found that his body was hot and his breath was not stable, so he sat up again and asked:

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it just hurts a little after taking the medicine. It'll be fine after a while."

"Do you want me to help you get better?"

Ye Jingtang actually wanted it, but seeing that Ning'er was in a bad mood, he still shook his head, put his arms around his shoulders and said:
"Don't bother me. Just smile and I won't feel any pain."


Luo Ning pursed her red lips and smiled, then rested her cheek on her shoulder again and asked:
"Little thief, where do you think people will go if they leave?"

Ye Jingtang thought about it carefully:

"It should be reincarnation. I have been reincarnated before, but unfortunately I don't remember the process. Well... did you see the scene today? There are gods in this world. If there are gods, there are five elements, three realms, and six reincarnations. It's just that we, Tao Xingtai It's shallow, you can't even see it.

"My uncle and aunt are all good people. They must have been reincarnated and are now living a good life in other worlds..."

Luo Ning had just seen those magical arts, but she had been thinking about them. When she heard Ye Jingtang say this, she raised her eyes:
"Little thief, my martial arts skills are low, please don't coax me."

Ye Jingtang was a little helpless and hugged him a little tighter:

"Why did I lie to you? When you become a Martial Saint in the future, you will naturally understand how big the world is. In the future, when we become immortals, I will take you to find your father-in-law and mother-in-law outside the mountain. We will go as far as the sky is... "


Luo Ning was the eldest sister. She felt a little embarrassed to be coaxed by Ye Jingtang like a little girl, and the worries in her heart were gradually blown away by the soft words.

After Luo Ning was silent for a moment, she gathered her thoughts, pushed Ye Jingtang down on the blanket, and looked down at the handsome face close at hand:
"You helped me get revenge, and I have to repay you. Just now, Sanniang was here, and I was afraid that she would get angry, so I didn't say anything. Now tell me, what do you want me to repay you for?"

Ye Jingtang leaned on the pillow and blinked:

"Sanniang went out before you dared to ask me for repayment. If I really want it, are you sure you won't beat me?"

Luo Ning narrowed her eyes slightly, but did not hit Ye Jingtang, and continued softly:

"Can I help you give birth to a baby?"

"You should have given birth to my baby in the first place. This is not repayment."


Luo Ning took a gentle breath, and after a moment of silence, she turned over and lay on her side, tilted her head to face the outside, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Seeing this familiar little face, Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled. He also closed his eyes and began to suppress the ubiquitous pain in his body.


There was silence in the tent for a moment.

Luo Ning fluttered her eyelashes and noticed that the little thief didn't turn over and rubbed him hard. She opened her eyes and looked back, then turned around and slapped her shoulder lightly:
"Don't push yourself too far. I'll let you pick me up and do whatever you want. Face the mirror, okay?"

This should be the most embarrassing and indignant posture Luo Ning has ever experienced, and she obviously spent a lot of money on it.

But Ye Jingtang did not agree, closing his eyes and showing a little helplessness:

"I can't stand up straight in the tent, and there's no mirror. How can I hold it and act around?"


Luo Ning thought about it. Seeing the little thief's tough attitude, she thought about it for a moment, gritted her teeth secretly, imitated Shui'er's coquettish look, leaned into Ye Jingtang's ear, and breathed like a blue:
"Xiang Gong~"


Ye Jingtang's neck went numb for a moment. He coughed lightly and opened his eyes:

"Will you always be this good from now on?"

Luo Ning did not respond, her red lips lightly touched her earlobe and rubbed slowly:

? !
How could Ye Jingtang withstand this? In the end, he was defeated and moved Ning'er to his body:
"I do feel a little sore and don't really want to move."

Seeing this, Luo Ning didn't say anything. She sat up on her waist, untied her long blue skirt, and exposed her tulle bellyband. Then she leaned down, and Tuan'er slowly rubbed against Ye Jingtang's body, although she rarely took the initiative. , but biting her lower lip and closing her eyes, she still couldn't let go.

All about it~

Ye Jingtang raised his eyes to look at Ning'er, his eyebrows were curved with a smile. Seeing that Ning'er was holding the villain and adjusting it, he suddenly raised his hand to support his lower back and pressed it down.


Luo Ning was caught off guard and sat down straight to the bottom. She didn't take a breath for a long time. After she recovered, she raised her hand in embarrassment:

"You little thief..."

"Don't be angry. Children of the world cannot repay kindness with enmity..."


Luo Ning gritted her silver teeth secretly. After holding it in for a moment, she finally chose to swallow her anger. She lifted the silver moon and slowly reversed the ups and downs...
At the same time, in the stone palace.

She Long and other black police officers sat cross-legged in front of the black stone tablet. Although they were fascinated by the "Four Immortals on the Mountain", they were helpless that these immortals were not cultivated by ordinary people.

After studying the stone tablet for half a day, everyone felt like "pig brain overload", and some even started to snore.

Pei Xiangjun had already learned the Singing Dragon Diagram and naturally had little interest in the stone tablets. After glancing at the entrance of the cave, he returned to the camp and waited for Ning'er, a useless girl, to ask for help.

And in the aisle behind the stone hall.

Dongfang Liren found that studying the stone tablets was a bit self-defeating. At this time, he had changed the direction of the archaeological expedition, holding the Emperor's Sword in his hand to ward off evil spirits, and walked slowly through the aisles.

Hua Qingzhi, who had nothing to do, was supported by the Queen Mother, holding a lantern in her hand, and followed Dongfang Liren carefully, both of them looking a little scared.

Perhaps because they felt that the three of them were too timid, Niaoniao, who was acting as a scout in front, also acted like a coward and slowly moved forward. After walking a certain distance, he suddenly stopped.

Dongfang Liren couldn't see clearly what was going on deep in the corridor, and was about to ask, but he saw the bird suddenly jumped up with a "chirp!", reaching half a person's height, and then turned around and ran away!


In an instant, three screams came from the corridor.

The Queen Mother and Hua Qingzhi were already nervous, and they hugged each other unprepared. Dongfang Liren also lost her beauty, and quickly retreated to the two of them, holding swords in both hands as if facing a powerful enemy:

"What... what?!"


The bird ran up to it, spread its wings and gestured, meaning - Oh no! Forgot to have dinner!

? ?
Although the three of them are not very familiar with bird language, they still understand the most common meaning of 'eating' in seconds.

Dongfang Liren was so frightened that his heart was pounding, and he almost couldn't breathe when he saw this, but he couldn't blame the fat concubine who was like a bird or a bird, so he could only coax:
"Explore the route carefully and eat later. When you return to Shazhou City, I will reward you for keeping your mouth shut for three days."


The bird was finally satisfied and jumped to the front again.

The three people screamed, obviously alerting the black yamen who were meditating in the stone palace.

She Long was afraid that King Jing and the Queen Mother would run too far, so he followed behind for safety reasons. After walking for a long time, the group passed through the aisle and arrived at the center of the underground palace.

Although it is a useless imperial mausoleum, given the historical status of the First Emperor, the size of the underground palace is definitely not that different. In addition to the central chamber where the coffin is placed, there are various majestic buildings around it, as well as countless burial slips and gold and silver. bronze.

Because no one was buried, it was just an underground palace, so everyone was not very scared and started to visit nearby with great interest.

Bird's eyesight in the dark is amazing. He was flying around the underground palace and suddenly discovered that there was a room inside the underground palace. Different from other tombs, there was a wooden door outside. It was obviously not a product of the same era as other places.


Niaoniao tilted her head and looked around, then knocked on the door, seemingly asking politely - Is there anyone there?

But if someone really lived in a ghost place like this, it would probably scare people outside to death.

The Queen Mother was standing nearby with a lantern. Since she didn't dare to open the door, she called She Long over and opened the door to take a look.

As a result, She Long and others bravely opened the door. The dim light shone in, and what appeared in front of them was a bedroom.

There are tables and chairs and other furniture in the bedroom, as well as a wooden bed in the corner. It has been stored in a closed space for an unknown number of years and has turned black, but the texture is extremely good and has not been damaged. There are even pens, inks, paper, and inkstones on the desk. Stacks of yellowed paper.


The Queen Mother's eyes were full of surprise, Dongfang Liren also came to Jinqian. After checking to make sure there was no danger, he came to the room, put the lantern on the table, and looked at the handwriting on the paper...


Let’s name it again:
I recommend a book called "Tokyo: My Career Refreshed Every Month". If you are interested, you can see how long it lasts~

(End of this chapter)

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