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Chapter 515 There is the King of Hell three feet above the head

Chapter 515 There is the King of Hell at the top of your head

A sudden rainstorm.

Dark clouds covered the sky, bright lightning flashed across the sea of ​​clouds, and raindrops as big as soybeans hit the awning of the boat, making a crackling sound.

Wearing a raincoat, Ye Jingtang braved the violent storm on the deck and lowered the sail that was almost torn to pieces. The two-foot-long small cargo ship was rolling in the waves, and even the hull was creaking.

In the cabin at the rear, Hua Qingzhi, dressed as a scholarly lady, was shaken around. She tried her best to hold on to the door frame to sit firmly, and said anxiously:

"Master Ye, the ship won't sink, right?"

Because the bird was too round, it was thrown around and rolled around in the cabin, constantly saying: "Chi chi chi chi..."

Ye Jingtang tried his best to control the ship, but the wind and waves were too strong. It was difficult to maintain the direction. It was impossible to guarantee comfort. Hearing Hua Qingzhi's call, he turned around and said:

"Don't worry, it won't sink. It's a heavy rain. It will be over in a quarter of an hour at most..."

Hua Qingzhi was dubious, but she couldn't even walk. She couldn't help at this time. She could only hug the rolling birds and wait for the wind and waves to subside. At the same time, she felt very confused.

In the morning, Ye Jingtang took her for a walk, but he left because of something. When he came back, he said he would take Niaoniao to eat bear paws.

Hua Qingzhi didn't know why. She wanted to ask after Ye Jingtang came over, but she never thought that when Ye Jingtang came back from the golden tent, he would already be dressed as a Jianghu guest. He just picked her up and left as if he was robbing a common girl. .

Hua Qingzhi thought she was taking her to a nearby place to eat, and was quite nervous. However, after running for a while, she realized that the direction was not right.

The three cities in Xihai are all built on Tianlang Lake. More than ten miles east of Pingyi City is the shore of Tianlang Lake. After Ye Jingtang carried her to the lake, he found a boat and sailed east.

The current location of the two of them is in the southern part of Tianlang Lake, which is about 300 miles wide from east to west. As long as they cross Tianlang Lake, they will reach the East Lake Road.

Although Hua Qingzhi wanted to go home very much, but now that the 'elopement' was confirmed, she obviously couldn't go back. She stayed up for a long time full of doubts, and waited until the rain subsided before asking:
"Master Ye, are you ready to send me home?"

Ye Jingtang was steering the ship outside and responded:

"I'm going to the snowfield. I happened to pass by Chengtian Mansion. I'll take you back to have a look."

When Hua Qingzhi saw that she was just going back to have a look, and not sending her back to return her, she was secretly relieved, but she was still a little confused:
"I can't help you if I follow Mr. Ye, but just to take me home for a quick look, you go into such a big fight, isn't it..."

The reason why Ye Jingtang took Hua Qingzhi back during this trip was because he received news from the Qinglong Society that Mrs. Hua's time was running out.

He brought the Minglong Picture with him on this trip. If nature can be saved, the reputation of Mrs. Hua will be of great benefit to the unification of the two countries in the future; but if it is already too late, Mrs. Hua is Hua Qingzhi’s grandfather. , this kind of blood relative must be taken back as soon as possible to see him one last time.

However, Mrs. Hua’s condition has not been confirmed yet, and Ye Jingtang cannot directly tell such bad news. At the moment, she just said:
"What's the point of a big fight? It's just a side trip. Besides, you are my staff. If you encounter something you don't understand again, you can also be my adviser."

Hua Qingzhi didn't think she could be of much help, but now that they were out, she had no choice. Seeing that Ye Jingtang was soaked all over, he moved inside:

"How about you take a break too?"

Ye Jingtang wanted to rest in the cabin, but after letting Bird take the helm last time and the ship washed ashore, he gave up the idea of ​​taking a break and responded:
"Someone has to drive the boat. If you are bored, you can try meditating and practicing. The wind is favorable now. As long as the direction is right, you can dock at night."


Hua Qingzhi couldn't help, so she folded her legs and sat cross-legged as instructed, imitating Sister Lu and began to practice slowly...
At the same time, the Northern Wilderness Snowfield.

It was midsummer, and two fast horses, one behind the other, galloped across the dirt road and arrived at Cangdong Town.

Zhe Yunli was riding a tall horse, wearing a bamboo hat and carrying a long sword. She was dressed like an ordinary knight-errant. She looked at the scenery of the North in a blink of an eye and said with some disappointment:
"There's no snow here, how can it be called a snowfield?"

Xue Baijin still disguised herself as a man, dismounted from her horse outside the town where people gathered, and explained:

"It starts snowing here in August and September, and it won't thaw until April next year, so it's called the Snowfield. It's midsummer now, and you can see it in a month or two."


Last time at Haijiao Port, after Xue Baijin heard the news from Jianghu people that Beiyunbian might be hiding something strange, he took Yunli and rushed towards the snowfield, preparing to see what big treasure was hidden in Beiyunbian.

The snowfield is located outside Chongbei Daoguan in Beiliang. It is the only area in the northern wilderness where people can live. The other places are alpine areas where snow does not melt all year round.

Because of its remote location and bitter cold, the snowfield is basically the same as Tiannan, and can be regarded as an enclave within the territory of Beiliang.

However, what is different from Tiannan is that Tiannan has Fengguan City as its governor. Although there is no royal law, no one does not abide by the rules of the rivers and lakes, and the public security is even better than in border areas such as Liangzhou and Yanzhou.

Xue Principle is not the case, because the Northern Liang court is beyond the reach, and there is no decent person like Feng Guancheng in charge. Basically, it is a situation where the heroes are divided. The sects are the princes from all walks of life, holding all the power of life and death. There is no reason or rules. Who can Whoever has the bigger fist is the king.

Cangdong Town, where the two arrived at this time, was the gateway to the snowy plains. It was about 200 miles away from the "Liao Beiguan" in Beiliang. And Master Xiang Han's master, Bo Fenglou, was nailed to Beiliang by King Tianlang. On the top of Guan's city.

Although it has just entered July, Cangdong Town is already quite cool, making it feel like autumn has already entered.

Xue Baijin took Xiao Yunli into the town. It can be seen that Northern Dynasty warriors with weapons can be seen everywhere in the town. Most of them are rough men, but from time to time, some well-dressed warriors can be seen, leading their disciples from the street. Pegasus passed by.

Zhe Yunli was always very curious. He walked beside Xue Baijin with a knife in hand, listening to the news on the street. When he passed by the entrance of the Yangchen Inn in the center, he found a few young bosses who seemed to have some status sitting inside. They were sitting next to each other. Table chat:

"Shuofeng City held a hero's banquet with great fanfare and invited heroes from all walks of life to the meeting, but there was no movement from the court. From what I can see, Shuofeng City may have been recruited..."

"It's no nonsense. If the imperial court didn't nod, when Shuofeng City was at war, suddenly gathering so many people in northern Xinjiang, what's the difference between it and plotting a rebellion? I got some news from Juntian Mansion. It is said that they are preparing to seal off Beiyunbian. The hero is the 'Northern Xian King', who is used to check and balance the Night Demon in the Southern Dynasty..."

"It's impossible. The recruitment is true, but at most it's on an equal footing with the National Preceptor. But it should be true that it's used to check and balance the Night Demon. The imperial court is really short of people now..."

"Speaking of which, there is so much commotion in Shuofeng City. Will it attract the Great Demon of Night?"

"Are you kidding me? This is a snowfield! The Lord of the Night's coming here is no less than our National Master running wild in the south of the world. As long as we dare to show our heads, the Martial Saints of the Southern Dynasty will come to make dumplings. You can't let the Lord of the Night come here to seek death. ?”

"That's a person who even dares to go to Ye Jing Hall in Yanjing..."

"He went to Yanjing by surprise. No one in the world expected him to be so courageous. The imperial master was in seclusion again, so he took advantage of the opportunity. We have to believe in the wisdom from above. The court must be prepared this time. If the Night Demon still dares to come, I will eat the table..."

"It's also..."

After listening quietly for a moment, Zhe Yunli came up to Xue Baijin and whispered;
"Master, do you think Cousin Jing will come over?"

When Xue Baijin heard the name of Ye Jingtang in a foreign country, he inevitably recalled every bit of their past.

Speaking of which, after running away for so long, she didn't notice Yunli's concern, but she was a little worried about the boy's current physical condition...

Hearing Yun Li's question, Xue Baijin came back to his senses and thought about it:
"I heard rumors in the world that Ye Jingtang had just beaten Monk Shenchen in the desert and avenged your master's wife. Now there is another war in the West Sea. By the time he receives the news and comes over, the Heroes' Banquet will have been over."


Zhe Yunli hadn't seen Cousin Jing and Niaoniao for a long time, and he actually missed him very much. He sighed softly and said:

"Then let's make a quick decision. We'll go to Shuofeng City first to see what big treasure is hidden in Beiyun. If not, we'll go west along Beihuang and go around to the various tribes in the West Sea..."

"Beiyunbian cannot be underestimated. We still have to work step by step and find out the details of Shuofeng City first."


Time turned into night in a blink of an eye.

The lights in the Hua family manor were brightly lit, and the Hua family's nephews and nephews who had been scattered all over the place had all rushed back and gathered outside the old master's yard, waiting for the news with sad faces.

The aristocratic families who were also in Chengtian Mansion also sent people to express condolences to the old teacher about his current situation.

As the eldest son of the Hua family, Hua Junchen was sitting in the main hall, entertaining Li Si and other distinguished guests, with a worried look on his face.

After the Battle of Crescent Bay, Hua Junchen had a "lucky" escape with the remnant of his troops. It took him nearly ten days of hiding before he bypassed the various tribes in Xihai and returned to the Xihai Protectorate from the Sunset Peak area.

As a result, the group of people didn't feel hot when they sat down, so they learned from the steward who came over that Mrs. Hua was bedridden and her days were running out.

As the eldest son, Hua Junchen had no choice but to return home when his father was seriously ill. Eunuch Ziliang was dead, and Li Si, Eunuch Yin and others did not want to stay in the Xihai Protectorate for nothing, so they applied to Yanjing for a retreat. After receiving permission, they returned to Hudong Road together.

The reason why Li Si stopped in Washington to visit was not because he was grateful to Sword Immortal Hua for sticking with him all the way, but because Master Hua did have this qualification.

Mrs. Hua is now nearly [-] years old. She has already been an official before the founding of the Wei Dynasty. She has been in the position of prime minister from local official to prime minister for many years. She also served as the teacher of Emperor Liang and succeeded him to the throne. Before, it could be said that Beiliang was controlled by Mrs. Hua.

Later, when he retired and returned to his hometown, it was not because Mrs. Hua was unable to do the job, but because there was a conflict between the monarchy and the power of the prime minister. When Emperor Liang succeeded to the throne, it was still a situation of "the master and the young minister are strong". With the character of Emperor Liang, he would definitely use the knife. .

Mrs. Hua had taught Emperor Liang and had already seen through the officialdom. Before Emperor Liang could take action, she made a clean choice of her own dignity. She resigned and returned home to enjoy her old age. Even her nephews and nephews did not join the officialdom until today.

Although he is no longer in the court, the status of the Hua family has not changed much. After all, he voluntarily resigned and returned to his hometown, which was in line with Emperor Liang's wishes. If necessary, if Master Hua were to rise again, it would be nothing more than Emperor Liang's. A matter of words.

Even if he did not enter the court again until his death, when Mrs. Hua passed away, the Hua family would be in decline and must rely on the monarch to maintain its status. The Fat Prince was from a humble maternal background and could not compete with several princes. He also needed a powerful family to be his right-hand man.

Master Hua is dead and can no longer monopolize the power. The Hua family's thin camel is bigger than a horse, so it is undoubtedly the best choice to take care of the orphan.

It can be said that if Hua Qingzhi had not eloped with someone inexplicably, the choice of the crown princess would not have been possible, and it was inevitable that the Hua family would gain power again.

Li Si was sitting in the main hall, analyzing the situation in Washington, and suddenly understood why Ye Jingtang abducted Hua Qingzhi - this was a big move to drain the firepower!

As long as Hua Qingzhi is kidnapped, the prince will not be able to marry the Hua family.

Without a background from the Hua family, if the prince chooses another princess, he may not be able to compete with the third prince who has a background from the Wang family.

The momentum of the third prince is too strong. As long as Emperor Liang dies, there will inevitably be civil strife over the succession.

The internal struggle to seize the heir is falling into chaos, and the external enemy is facing a formidable enemy. Isn't this a sure sign of the destruction of the country?
The long-term layout of this...

There is an expert behind the Southern Dynasty...

The more Li Si thought about it, the more frightened he became. At the same time, he also thought about who the expert was who gave the Night Jing Hall advice and gave him the clever plan to kidnap Miss Hua...

At the same time, outside the Washington Manor.

stomping on...

Under the stars and moon, a black afterimage flew along the river towards the brightly lit villa, leaving only a string of tiny ripples on the river surface along the way.

Birds flew high in the sky to investigate the situation, while Ye Jingtang carried Hua Qingzhi on his back and rose and landed on the river. He had been running like this for nearly two hours since he landed on the lake in the afternoon.

Hua Qingzhi was lying on her back, and she didn't know how far she had run. Although Ye Jingtang's Qinggong was extremely good and she could hardly feel the bumps, her chest and back were slightly rubbed. After such a long time, she still felt like grandma was numb... …

Finding that Ye Jingtang was already sweating and still had no intention of stopping to rest, Hua Qingzhi also realized something was wrong and asked in her ear:

"Mr. Ye, why are you so anxious? Is there something wrong with my family?"

Seeing that there were only more than ten miles away from Fucheng, Ye Jingtang did not hide anything anymore and said softly:

"It's nothing serious, it's just that Mrs. Hua is old and not in good health..."


Hua Qingzhi immediately panicked when she heard that something happened to her grandfather.

Hua Qingzhi became disabled due to practicing martial arts at a young age, so her relationship with Hua Junchen was not very close. In addition, Hua Junchen was not very good at literary talent. His reading, literacy, playing, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even the way he conducted himself in the world, were basically all Hua's. The old lady Shi Xianfu taught her step by step at home, and the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is very deep.

Seeing Ye Jingtang running thousands of miles regardless of the cost, Hua Qingzhi thought her grandfather had already gone west, and she burst into tears. She wanted to ask but didn't know where to start.

Ye Jingtang felt Hua Qingzhi's emotional changes and quickly said:
"It's okay, it's okay. I'm taking Minglong Tu and An Gongmaru with me. I can definitely save him as long as we get there."

When Hua Qingzhi heard this, she wanted to urge Ye Jingtang to run faster, but Ye Jingtang hurriedly hurried along. Although he didn't tell her the news, he must have tried his best.

After Hua Qingzhi licked her lips a few times, she finally hugged Ye Jingtang's neck and said nothing, just looking in the direction of Washington.

stomping on...

In order to arrive in time, Ye Jingtang cruised at high speed all the way. He didn't slow down until he was still three to five miles away from Washington, so as not to be noticed by nearby experts.

Hua Qingzhi lay on her back, looking at the familiar scenery of her hometown, feeling increasingly nervous in her heart, fearing that she would see people wearing sackcloth and mourning all over the courtyard.

But fortunately, the situation was better than she expected. Although the carriages and horses of various major families were parked outside the Washington Palace, and many literati and officials gathered outside, the housekeepers and servants still kept smiling to entertain the guests and did not change into Mourning clothes.

Hua Qingzhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but pat Ye Jingtang's shoulder:

"Hurry up, hurry up, grandpa lives in Wenzhu Garden in the back house..."

"Shh~ don't talk. There are many masters in the house..."

After Ye Jingtang gave a soft signal, he suppressed all sounds, followed Hua Qingzhi's guidance, jumped in from the wall of the west house, and arrived at the back of the middle house after a few ups and downs.

Hua Qingzhi looked around quietly and saw that her uncles from the side house who rarely came over on weekdays were gathered in the yard, frowning and talking in low voices.
My mother, aunt and others were also sitting in the side room, whispering softly.

Because the doors and windows of the main house were closed and no movement could be seen inside, Ye Jingtang could only carry Hua Qingzhi on his back, landed at the back window, and looked into the bedroom.

For ventilation, the back window facing the small bamboo forest was open. Through the light inside, one could see the gray-haired Mrs. Hua leaning on the hospital bed. She looked dark and weak, but her expression was quite peaceful. She was still chatting with the doctor. Small talk:
"Everyone is subject to birth, old age, illness and death. Even the medical sages can't do anything when they come. You, a little doctor, can't figure it out."

The doctor sitting in front of the bed taking his pulse was an old imperial doctor who retired from Yanjing. He was nearly seventy years old and obviously not a young doctor, but he was still younger than Taishi Hua. At this time, he was stroking his beard with his left hand and responded with a smile:

"Just be open-minded. I remember that when the late Emperor was critically ill, no one in the hospital dared to go in. They all knew it couldn't be cured, but no one dared to say anything. In the end, after pushing and pushing, I was still pushed in.

"Fortunately, the late emperor was enlightened and asked me directly how long I had. I said three days at most, and the late emperor asked me to go out and called the current emperor in. If we encounter an unenlightened monarch, it will be too small to move his head and he will not be able to do anything. All nine good tribes are gone..."

The old master sighed: "The late Emperor was a virtuous man who had neither great achievements nor great faults. Like Emperor Wei Ming, he was a ruler of the world. It's a pity that Emperor Wei Ming was unlucky and gave birth to a stupid son, so that after his death, The new king was unable to secure the throne, and the empress found the country unjust, which directly laid the root of the chaos among the kings.

"The late emperor gave birth to a good son. Today's emperor has great talents and great ambitions. If we wait until the chaos among the kings in the Southern Dynasties, it is not impossible to become an emperor for eternity. But it is a pity..."

When the old imperial doctor heard this, he quickly raised his hand:

"Hey, hey, I still want to live for two more years. If you always need company on the road, you can go to Mr. Wang. He has been fighting with you for half his life. It will be boring if he doesn't accompany you when you leave..."

"Ha ha……"


Hua Qingzhi lay on her back. She could tell from her breath that her grandfather's time was running out, but she felt more relaxed when she saw that her grandfather was still smiling.

Although Ye Jingtang was in front of him, he couldn't just knock out the imperial doctor and turn him in. He immediately carried Hua Qingzhi on his back and came to the ridge of the roof, looking for traces of Uncle or Aunt Hua.

As a result, the father-in-law and mother-in-law were not found. Instead, Xu Tianying and Cao Aning were found in the corridor of the outer house.

When Ye Jingtang saw an acquaintance, he naturally didn't say anything, and immediately walked over quietly...
Li Si and others were guests in the main hall, accompanied by eunuchs and guards. Naturally, they were patrolling and standing guard outside as usual.

At this time, on the side of the pond in the front house, Cao Aning crossed his arms and leaned on the pillar to admire the moon, wondering when his undercover career would end.

Xu Tianying was standing not far away, thinking about the Shuofeng City Heroes' Banquet.

In Xu Tianying's view, it is very likely that Ye Dawang, the King of Hell, will pass the Heroes' Banquet in Shuofeng City.

After all, Beiyunbian made it clear that he was on the side of Beiliang, recruiting troops and horses with great fanfare, preparing to deal with Ye Dayan.

If Ye Dayan Wang received the news and did not come to cause trouble and let Beiyunbian hold the heroes meeting, how could he live up to his current reputation?

Although the snowfield is behind Beiliang, as long as Ye Dayan steps in, he will be in a desperate situation with Beiyun Bian in front, Xiang Hanshi and Zhongsun Jin behind, and countless heroes from Beiliang surrounding him.

But when did Yama, the king of night, consider these things when he was doing things?
The Ye Dayan King's acting style, in Aning's words, is - why should we use our brains when a problem can be solved with a knife? Don't worry about whether things are done roughly or not, just say whether people are dead or not...

While Xu Tianying was thinking secretly, a chill suddenly came over his heart. He felt as if he was being watched from behind, and his spine was getting hairy.

As a top expert, Xu Tian should know that this sudden feeling was not that there was something dirty behind his back, but that someone strong was spying on him in secret, just like a predator secretly watching his prey!

Xu Tianying came to his senses instantly, lowered his hands to make an escape gesture, and turned back calmly.

In the blink of an eye, he saw a familiar figure at the end of the corridor, leaning out from the corner to look at him. When he noticed that he turned his head, he quietly hooked his hand.

? !
Xu Tianying was shocked, and then he reacted and quietly pulled Cao Aning's sleeve.

Seeing this, Cao Aning turned around and found that Ye Dayan was behind him. He was shocked. His first words were:

"No, I didn't say that the King of Hell, Ye Da, wasn't..."

"You probably said it in your heart."

"Ah? The conscience of heaven and earth, I..."


Xu Tianying didn't have the time to explain this, so he immediately ran to the corner of the veranda with Cao Aning, who was blindfolded...

(End of this chapter)

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