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Chapter 516 What Can I Do?

Chapter 516 What to do...

A moment later, the main hall of Washington.

Hua Junchen held a tea cup in his hand and waited for any movement in the back house. As a result, the doctor had not come out yet. Instead, he heard footsteps coming from outside the door:

stomping on...

Hua Junchen raised his eyes and saw that Xu Tianying had walked in from outside, hesitating and hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Li Si was puzzled and said, "Why does Xu Shaoxia look so troubled? We are all close friends, so you can just say it clearly."


Seeing Li Si and others looking over, Xu Tianying sighed softly:
"I do have a solution for Mrs. Hua's condition, but I don't know if it can be used."


Hua Junchen's eyes were originally full of sorrow, but when he heard these words, his eyes lit up a little, and he stood up and came to him:
"any solution?"

"As you all know, my master Lu Jieyun once deduced the Singing Dragon Diagram on his own, but something went wrong. Afterwards, my master was able to survive for so many years only because he visited a famous doctor and got a secret method to extend his life..."

When everyone heard this, they naturally became interested and wanted to listen attentively.

But Xu Tianying looked embarrassed and apologized:
"This method is a life-saving method taught by my master. I told you not to teach it to outsiders. I didn't want to show it, but Brother Hua and I have been friends for a lifetime. I really can't bear to see Brother Hua so haggard..."

When everyone in the hall heard this, they understood the meaning - no matter the life-saving or killing skills in the world, they are priceless treasures. There is no reason to tell outsiders. Xu Tianying can say it, and he has regarded the people present as brothers. If they listen again Obviously forcing others to do something difficult.

Although he was not sure whether Xu Tianying's method would work, the old master's time was approaching and it would be better to try something than to wait to die.

Hua Junchen didn't say much at the moment. He took Xu Tianying's arm and walked back:

"Brother Xu can use such secret skills, and he already treats me as a brother of life and death. No matter whether he succeeds or not, Brother Xu is the benefactor of my Hua family. Please come in quickly..."

Xu Tianying didn't want to reveal his secrets at this time. He just made a solemn look and followed Hua Junchen to the rear owner's house. He said in front of the door:

"Master's order comes first. I hope Brother Hua can stand aside. Brother Hua can just follow me in."

Seeing this, Hua Junchen quickly told the Hua family members outside to stay away, and invited the old imperial doctor to the living room. He originally wanted to go out, but Xu Tianying held him back.

After Hua Junchen entered the room, he closed the door and bowed to the old master:
"Dad, this is Young Hero Xu Tianyuan, my brother who lives and dies together. He has a trick that he can show dad..."

Mrs. Hua was lying on the hospital bed. Seeing her son excited and nervous, she was quite relieved and sighed softly:
"Let's see if there's a way. I'm an old man and I'm not afraid of trouble anymore. If I send him off early, I can just meet your mother early. It's my fate, so don't blame Xu Xiaoyou."


Hua Junchen's eyes were full of confusion, but he still raised his hand to signal.

Xu Tianying didn't have any medical skills, so he couldn't go up to check the pulse, so he turned around and went to the back window.

Hua Junchen looked confused when he saw this. Before he could say anything, he heard a 'whoosh' sound, and a figure jumped in from outside, followed by an anxious voice:



Mrs. Hua, who was leaning on the hospital bed, was originally watching what kind of fun this little friend Xu was going to do, but in the end, he was directly transformed into a living person, and the one who was transformed was his precious granddaughter. She was very energetic. Actually, he wanted to sit up in shock while dying of illness.

Hua Qingzhi was so anxious that she didn't even bother to look at her father, so she staggered to the bedside:

"Grandpa, don't move! Just lie down..."

"Qingzhi, didn't you elope with Hua An? Why are you back again?"

"I...I brought people back to treat grandpa..."


Seeing this, Xu Tianying quietly came to the door to let out the wind, lest anyone come closer and notice something strange.

When Hua Junchen saw his daughter suddenly appear, he was stunned, but he quickly came to his senses and looked at the virtuous son-in-law at the window. He was so moved that he wished he could call his adoptive father on the spot.

Because of the incident between Qingzhi and Ye Jingtang, Hua Junchen did not dare to tell the old man, and he did not dare to call him by his name. He just came to him and hugged Ye Jingtang:

"Hua'an, with you as my son-in-law, my Hua family's ancestral graves are really smoking. I never expected that you would come back with Qingzhi at this time..."

Ye Jingtang was hugged by Uncle Hua and punched his vest. It was hard to resist his kindness, so he took out the picture of bathing in fire and the pill box:
"Treatment is the most important thing, we'll talk about the rest later."


When Hua Junchen saw the Minglong Picture, he was so excited that he was afraid it would be damaged. He quickly took it to the hospital bed:

"Dad, this can cure your disease, please take a look..."

But Mrs. Hua's brain is not sick, how could she not see the problem?

Master Hua leaned on the hospital bed, raised his hand to interrupt Hua Junchen's words, raised his eyes to examine the Night Terror Hall for a moment, and then waved slightly:

"Junchen, you and Hua An go out first, and Qingzhi and I will have a chat."


Hua Junchen blinked, a little confused, and Hua Qingzhi also looked confused.

Looking at Master Hua's eyes, Ye Jingtang knew that the other party had guessed his identity. Without saying anything at the moment, he bowed his hands and turned around and walked out the door.

Hua Junchen hesitated, but finally followed him out so as not to neglect his precious son-in-law.

The door quickly closed and the room became quiet.

Hua Qingzhi knelt down in front of the hospital bed, picked up the picture of the singing dragon, and handed it to the old master:
"Grandpa, this is a picture of bathing in fire. It can cure any disease. Take a look."

Mrs. Hua raised her hand and pushed Minglong Tu aside. Looking at her granddaughter's eager face, she said earnestly:
"Grandpa knows who Hua An is. Grandpa cannot accept his things."

Hua Qingzhi suddenly became nervous when she heard this, her eyes a little helpless.

Master Hua sighed and continued:
"The change of dynasties and the division and reunification of the world are the general trend. Good ministers choose their masters and serve. It is not that the ancestors of the Hua family have never served as surrender ministers.

"But scholars must pay attention to their integrity. Grandpa, I was born as a Liang Chen, and I will die as a Liang ghost. This life will be considered complete. As for whether the Hua family will amend their records and submit to the throne in the future, it is your father's business to be the Duke of Wei. .

"Your marriage to the Southern Dynasty was all arranged by your father. He didn't ask what grandpa wanted. He is the future head of the family. He shouldn't ask me, an old man, how to arrange it. A hundred years later, the Hua family is still in full swing and is the head of the Hudong Dao family. , that is also the achievement of your father, the ancestor of ZTE.

"Grandpa, at your age, if you want to take advantage of the Southern Dynasty to take advantage of the Southern Dynasty before dying, take away the credit of your father, not to mention your father's achievements, and help your father take the blame in the history books for taking the lead in asking for surrender, you Do you think this is worth it?"

Hua Qingzhi has been studying since she was a child, so she naturally understands her grandfather's thoughts, but as a granddaughter, she can't give up even if there is a chance to save her, and watch her grandfather die of old age, right?
"Grandpa, don't think about this now, your health is important..."


The old master shook his head and said with a smile:
"Grandpa is satisfied to see you and your grandson-in-law running back in such a hurry and using this treasure to treat an old man like me. At least my Qingzhi did not marry the wrong person, and Hua'an is indeed a reliable and good match.

"After you marry in the Southern Dynasty, don't forget your grandfather's teachings. This world belongs to the people, not to the family.

"Your husband has a high position and controls the lives and deaths of thousands of people. You must be a good wife and advise him to know and employ people wisely, commit less unprovoked killings and do more good deeds that benefit the people. If you can do this, Grandpa, I will die with no regrets in my life, and I will have a clear conscience when I see the late emperor.

"Well, the only regret is that I didn't get to see you get married..."

Hua Qingzhi was speechless as she listened to her grandfather's words. It wasn't until her grandfather mentioned this that she had an idea and spoke quickly:
"Grandpa, Mr. Ye and I will get married soon. Maybe this time next year, we will... just...

"If you lose your integrity now, wouldn't it mean that you won't be able to see your great grandson? I still expect you to give me a name. How can I get a good name if my father is ignorant and ignorant? The same goes for Young Master Ye..."


Mrs. Hua's eyes moved, and she was obviously a little moved by the words of the four generations who were so close to her.

But Mrs. Hua has been the prime minister for many years and has a very clear view of the general trend of the world. After thinking about it, she still sighed:
"In less than two months, the entire Xihai Protectorate will be in your husband's pocket. It will already be September by then. By the time Tianlang Lake is frozen in October, the Southern Dynasty will have enough power to attack the east of Hudong with the current losses.

"As soon as the barrier is broken, the major families in Hudong Province will definitely write words of praise and encouragement before their new emperor arrives, and then nominate a leader to send it to them.

"If grandpa hadn't died at that time, it wouldn't have been a matter of whether he wanted to be the Duke of Wei or not. If he didn't, he would have to be granted the title..."

Hua Qingzhi seriously retorted:

"The conquest between the two countries cannot be so fast. No matter how unsuccessful it is, it will take three to five years. Grandpa will be able to see his great-grandson next year.

"Furthermore, if the war lasts for too long, famine and plague will usually occur, and the refugees will be everywhere. If the first battle is successful, it will definitely be a particularly smooth battle. The people and soldiers of the two countries have suffered countless military disasters. This It is a great good thing for the whole world.

"Grandpa waited an extra year to see his great-grandson, and ended up becoming the Duke of Wei. It's a bit late for you.

"But if there was a choice, would grandpa choose to save his name and let the world fight for a few more years; or would he succeed in the first battle and lose his integrity, but the world would be spared from unreasonable disaster?"

This method of debate is quite clever, but Mrs. Hua is not Hua Junchen, so there is no way he will get involved. He shook his head:

"Grandpa, if you leave now, won't you preserve your integrity and save the world from disaster?"

"Then you won't see your great-grandson."

Seeing that she couldn't coax her grandfather, Hua Qingzhi was so anxious that she could only secretly grit her teeth and take the strong medicine:
"I...I'm actually pregnant!"


Mrs. Hua was obviously stunned for a moment. She looked at her granddaughter whose face turned red, hesitated for a long time, and asked:


In order to give her grandfather the confidence to live, Hua Qingzhi even risked her life:
"Really, at this time next year, grandpa will definitely hold his great-grandson in his arms. If my son and daughter are born, but you are not here...I...I...'

After all, Mrs. Hua is an old man. She has retired and returned to her hometown for many years, and she no longer holds power in the court. She has already exhausted all her loyalty in this life. Now she wants to die in compliance with destiny, just to make the words left in the history books more beautiful. , not to steal the limelight from his son, nor to help his son take the blame for surrendering.

But the granddaughter is pregnant. If you wait eight or nine months, you can hold your great-grandson and see your granddaughter as your mother. This is really too tempting for an old man...

Moreover, unless Ye Jingtang gets the help of heavenly soldiers to capture the entire Beiliang territory in one year, the chances of this are slim to none.

As long as he sees his great-grandson born and the barrier is not broken, then it won't be too late for him to die...

After thinking about it for a long time, Mrs. Hua finally couldn't resist her granddaughter's expectant eyes and words, and sighed quietly:
"Forget it, grandpa made a bet with you. If the world is unified in one year, grandpa will have no regrets if he fails to protect himself at the end of the year. At least there will be less trouble in the world, and I will also see the birth of my great-grandson.

"But we agreed in advance that if you lie to grandpa and fail to bring your great-grandson over, grandpa will immediately hang himself and die for his country."

Hua Qingzhi sat up a little straighter and said seriously:
"Grandpa, what are you talking about? I'm already pregnant. I will definitely bring the baby back next year to visit you and your parents. Grandpa can think of a name first, lest dad get the upper hand and choose something like 'Ye Zhuangzhuang'... …”

"Haha..." Mrs. Hua was also amused by these words. She immediately picked up the picture of Bathing in Fire and looked at it carefully.

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi began to explain the methods of enlightenment to Mrs. Hua.

Comprehension of the Minglong Diagram mainly depends on understanding. Mrs. Hua was born in a wealthy family. In fact, like all the family members, they all pay attention to "both civil and military", but the focus is on the official career, not as specialized as Hua Junchen. , the understanding is not bad.

Under Hua Qingzhi's explanation, Mrs. Hua studied it for half an hour and memorized the bathing in fire diagram. Then she gave it back to Hua Qingzhi and started practicing with her eyes closed.

The bathing in fire diagram is a method that is useful once you learn it. The difference is only fast and slow, and there are no injuries that cannot be cured.

Mrs. Hua is nearly eighty years old and has not yet reached the limit of her lifespan. Although she does not have an evergreen picture and will continue to age, she can still live out her expected lifespan as long as she practices slowly.

Hua Qingzhi watched her grandfather calm down and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she was panicking in her heart.

She said that she was pregnant. If she couldn't hold a baby in ten months, her grandfather would probably end up in despair...

She can't just pick up a baby and lie to grandpa...

Then I can only give birth to one as soon as possible...

But how can it be so fast?

What should I do...

After struggling for a long time, Hua Qingzhi did not dare to confess to her grandfather, so she finally got up and walked out of the room...
Outside the room, in the viewing pavilion in the corner of the courtyard.

Ye Jingtang sat down at the stone table with a teacup in his hand. He didn't deliberately listen to the words outside the window, but just tapped his fingers on the table and waited quietly.

Hua Junchen was sitting next to him. Although he knew that with the Minglong Tu, the old man could definitely be saved, he was still afraid that the old man would be stubborn. At the moment, he was quite confused. After waiting for a while, he simply changed the topic and asked:

"Jingtang, why did you come here suddenly?"

"I received news about the heroes meeting in the snowy field. I also learned that the old master was in poor health, so I brought Qingzhi back to have a look."


Hua Junchen nodded slightly, then frowned and said:

"Are you going to the snowfield?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "Go over and see what's going on. Is there any news about Uncle Hua?"

Hua Junchen rubbed his fingers and thought about it for a moment:
"There is no specific information, but I just heard from Li Si that the imperial court is planning to make Beiyunbian the Duke of Chongguo, and the elixir has been sent to Beiyunbian.

"The snowfield is in the north, separated from the Southern Dynasty by thousands of miles. You must be extremely careful during this trip. If something happens, the Imperial Master, Mr. Zhongsun, and even the masters from all over Daliang will not let you go back..."

Before Ye Jingtang came over, he thought about all this and said:
"I know what I'm doing. As long as I'm careful, no one can stop me. When the old master is well, what are Uncle Hua going to do? Go to the snowfield to attend the Heroes Meeting?"

"I can't catch up. I heard that the imperial court has sent Yin Shicheng. The West Sea Protectorate will definitely not be saved. The imperial court asked me to wait and withdraw. I guess I am planning to take charge in the east of Hudong in the second half of the year."

"It's quite close. I can go there and visit from time to time."

"Oh, you'd better not come. This time, uncle, I will have to act in fear for a long time. The great master is not sure what to do, and he is almost becoming an actor..."

"Ha ha……"

Weng and son-in-law chatted like this. After waiting for a long time, the door of the main room opened and Hua Qingzhi walked out.

Hua Junchen came to help him. He wanted to ask about his daughter's condition, but Hua Qingzhi raised her finger, walked past the Night Jing Hall, and whispered:
"Grandpa has already learned the Minglong Diagram. He should be fine. Just don't worry, daddy."

Hua Junchen was relieved when he heard this. After nodding, he turned and looked outside:
"The family is very messy, and your mother has it written all over her face, so she doesn't dare to let you go to see her, so why don't you stay in another courtyard first..."

Hua Qingzhi was satisfied to be able to go home and see her parents and grandfather. She knew that Ye Jingtang had something important going on, and if she stayed to visit relatives, her whereabouts would be revealed, which would put Ye Jingtang in danger. After thinking for a moment, she said softly:

"Young Master Ye still has something to do. He has to leave soon, so I won't stay any longer. Dad should pay more attention to his health in the future. I will come back to visit whenever I have a chance..."

Hua Junchen faced his married daughter. No matter how reluctant he was to let go, he could only hold it in. He immediately showed an open-minded look and waved his hand:

"Go ahead. Listen to Jingtang's words when you go out, and don't cause trouble for others with your petty temper..."

Hua Qingzhi pursed her lips and did not refute. After looking back, she looked towards the Night Terror Hall.

There are still some masters in Washington, and it is not easy to reminisce about the past in the Night Terror Hall for too long. After bowing and saying goodbye, he hugged Hua Qingzhi, flew up to the ridge of the roof, and walked outside under the cover of night.

Hua Qingzhi leaned in her arms and looked at her mother who was walking in the yard and her father who was watching from behind. She really felt like she was already married.

After Hua Qingzhi was silent for a moment, she raised her eyes to look at the Night Terror Hall, her expression a little more complicated:
"Master Ye, thank you. If you hadn't brought me back and brought out such a treasure as the Bathing in Fire Picture, grandpa probably wouldn't have been able to survive this month..."

"Shh, don't say such unlucky things. You and Uncle Hua have helped me so much. This is just a small effort. Is there anything I can say thank you for?"

Hua Qingzhi didn't think it was a piece of cake. If there hadn't been a picture of "Dynasty in Fire" and the Night Terror Hall wouldn't have rushed back so hurriedly, she and her grandfather would have been separated forever. To put it more seriously, it would have been a life-saving effort without reward. kindness……

Hua Qingzhi glanced at Ye Jingtang's side face, feeling a little confused for some reason. She bit her lower lip lightly to calm down, but then she remembered the lie just now...

Ye Jingtang landed outside the manor and took out the horse that An Ning secretly put down from the woods. He found that Hua Qingzhi had her head down and said nothing. She seemed to have something on her mind and asked:

"what happened?"

Hua Qingzhi's eyelashes fluttered, thinking about giving birth to a child, and her expression looked a little unnatural.

But she was just a young girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. She couldn't say what she just said directly. She asked Ye Jingtang to help her give birth to a child to cover up her lie. She bit her lower lip and remained silent for a moment, then whispered:

"Grandpa...he misunderstood my relationship with you, and asked me to marry you as soon as possible. What should I do..."

Ye Jingtang was a little funny, leading the horse to the front:
"You didn't explain?"

"I was afraid that grandpa would be hurt if he got angry, so I didn't dare to explain..."

Hua Qingzhi's heartbeat was very fast. After saying a few words, she added:

"Oh, Mr. Ye saved grandpa. I don't know how to repay such a great kindness..."

Ye Jingtang put Hua Qingzhi on the horse, stood up and sat behind him, and joked:
"As long as you think about it, it's not easy to repay."


Hua Qingzhi's face turned red instantly, but she couldn't explain clearly, so she just asked vaguely:

"You... Mr. Ye, how do you want me to repay you?"

Ye Jingtang rode his horse towards the official road and said with a smile:
"I want it myself, so this move has some other purpose. If you haven't thought about how to repay me, you can talk about it later."

Hua Qingzhi wanted to talk about it later, but how could she have time to wait?
The pregnancy lasted ten months, and she even said she was pregnant. If she didn't tell the lie as soon as possible, she might have to hang herself in disappointment next year...

Hua Qingzhi didn't know how to say this. After struggling for a long time, she turned back from her arms, pouted her lips, and turned back with a red face.


Ye Jingtang was stunned. Seeing that Qingzhi wanted to kiss him in return, he naturally accepted it happily. He raised his hand to turn Hua Qingzhi's face back, lowered his head and put her red lips in her mouth.


Hua Qingzhi shrank obviously, but this time she didn't resist at all. After a moment of pause, she secretly gritted her teeth and slightly opened her red lips, letting her cousin Ye Jing go deeper.


But Hua Qingzhi obviously doesn't know Ye Jingtang's aggressive nature.

The two rode a horse together and galloped down the official road. After kissing for only a moment, Hua Qingzhi discovered that something was wrong with her chest - a big hand slipped in, slipped into her belly pocket, and covered it tightly...


Hua Qingzhi opened her eyes, but the distance was too close to see clearly. After struggling for a moment, she still pretended not to notice and did not push away.

But Young Master Ye, who was so close at hand, seemed not to be finished yet. After rubbing it for a while, it actually slid down his waist and abdomen, slowly... just...

Hoof hoof hoof...

Ye Jingtang's eyes were focused on the road, and his hands slipped and fell on the delicate points.

As a result, I unexpectedly discovered that Qingzhi, a delicate young lady, was indeed about the same age as Yunli, but she didn’t have the same features...

A soft and delicate touch came from his fingertips. Before Ye Jingtang could fully appreciate it, he noticed that the man in his arms was shaking, and then he turned his head away and held his hand down. His face turned red and angry, and he raised his eyes and looked up. He held it in for a long time before whispering:

"Mr. Ye, you...you have gone too far."


Ye Jingtang took out his hands, put them around his waist again, and made a stern expression:
"Sorry, can't help it."

Hua Qingzhi's heart was pounding. She really didn't expect Ye Jingtang to be so ungentlemanly...

It's not going well yet, but you dare to put your hands in that place. If we really get together, you won't have to sleep together every day and do such shameful things...

Hua Qingzhi originally wanted to be angry, but looking at the current situation, if she were to accept it, Mr. Ye might be able to do something to her on horseback...

No matter how bold Hua Qingzhi was, she was still a young lady from a scholarly family. There was no way she could do such a thing. She could only calm down her thoughts for the time being, lean into her arms, and pretend to enjoy the night view.

As a result, she hadn't run very far when Master Ye, who was behind her, tilted his head towards her face.

"Oh~ Mr. Ye..."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and keep practicing. If you don't understand, I'll teach you."

"I know how to practice, no pointers are needed. If you do this again, I will go back and file a complaint with the Queen."

"Ha ha……"


Hoof hoof hoof...

While talking and laughing, the two of them galloped towards the north with the bird on their horse, but disappeared at the end of the official road in a moment...
1 words, which is equivalent to three large chapters of 2 words, or six small chapters. It can be regarded as paying back two days of leave or [-]
By the way, name it again:

I recommend a book called "Don't Look Back, Your Majesty, Your Majesty". There is something interesting about the title of this book. I don't know how long it can be~
(End of this chapter)

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