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Chapter 517 Fortune Dial

Chapter 517 Fortune Dial
As soon as July entered, an autumn rain fell east of Cangshan Mountain.

The bleak autumn wind was blowing the wine flags in the small town. People from all walks of life were taking shelter under the eaves. However, the atmosphere was no longer as lively as the previous few days. Instead, it was a bit tense and depressed. Everyone's mood was tense. They all looked at the Yangchen Inn in the center of the town.

Outside the old inn, several groups of warriors were standing in front of the door. Judging from their appearances, they belonged to multiple gangs. Their eyes met each other, but no one spoke to them.


The quiet in the lobby of the inn could be heard. There were seven warriors in different costumes sitting in various places in the lobby, with two or three disciples standing behind them.

Among the seven people are Boyi, the new head of Canglongdong, Guo Shubao, the head of Bai Gang in Liaobei Prefecture, Xi Tianlu, the new head of Longhe Villa in Langzhou Prefecture, Lu Wuniang, the owner of Black Eagle Building in Ya'an Prefecture, and Cao Beibu. Help Zhang Ke.

Sitting on the two tables in the middle were Yao Shangqing, the leader of the Chongadaohai Gang, and Tian Wuliang, the leader of the Leigong Island in Tianmu Dao.

This No. [-] figure, in last year's Beiliang Jianghu, can only be regarded as the middle and upper reaches. After all, there are still ten grandmasters on top.

But now Xi Tianshang, King Gouchen, Hua Ling, Shi Daoyu, and King Zuo Xian are all dead. According to the rules of progression, these people have actually already stepped half way into the top ranks.

If they were outside, it would be impossible for these seven people who were entangled with each other to meet at the same time, and they would have started fighting halfway.

But Cangdong Town is the boundary of Xueyuan, and the overlord here is called Beiyunbian.

Beiyunbian invited them to the Heroes' Banquet. Even if they have huge grudges, they have to put them aside and finish the meal honestly. Otherwise, someone will teach them what the "rules of the rivers and lakes" are for those who have already dominated one party. .

For this reason, although the atmosphere in the inn was tense, no one touched weapons at all, they were just looking at each other and watching each other.

Tian Wuliang was originally the island owner of Leigong Island. He had more than 2000 disciples under his command, and his size was almost the same as that of Juntian Mansion. Unfortunately, he was killed by Yin Shicheng as a 'pirate' and disappeared for several years. He only reappeared recently.

Yao Shangqing, who was sitting across from him, was the overlord of the northern sea area, and he was an old acquaintance with Tian Wuliang.

Yao Shangqing was unable to reap the benefits of smuggling in the northern seas. His main business was hijacking ships for extortion. He was a serious pirate and often clashed with Tian Wuliang, a smuggler.

After Tian Wuliang was wiped out, Yao Shangqing took advantage of the situation and ate up all the properties on Leigong Island, becoming the largest sea gang leader in Beiliang today.

Now that Tian Wuliang was back, he definitely wanted to get back what he had lost, but Yao Shangqing naturally wouldn't let him.

In the case of obvious conflicts of interest, when two people were in the same room, the atmosphere was naturally not good, and their eyes never separated from the beginning to the end.

Guo Shubao, the leader of the Bai Gang, was a sociable man who was over six years old and had some friendship with all the leaders present. He naturally became the peacemaker at this time. Seeing that something was wrong in the atmosphere, he was the first to speak:
"Now there is a hero's banquet in Shuofeng City, and I have been invited to be guests. It is really against the rules for me to start a fight in front of the host's door. It's not a big deal to just sit and stare at each other after we finally get together. Why don't we take this opportunity to reminisce about the past? , we can wait until we leave to discuss the grudges?"

Tian Wuliang had just entered the union of heaven and man. Before the fight, he was not sure whether he could beat Yao Shangqing. When he saw someone making peace, he turned his eyes away:

"I have been anonymous for more than ten years. There are no old stories to talk about. Let's talk about it."

Yao Shangqing also didn't know how deep Tian Wuliang's background was in making a comeback. Seeing that Tian Wuliang had restrained his momentum, he naturally stopped looking at him and turned to look at the only woman in the lobby:
"Yao remembered that the head of Black Eagle Tower was Chen Dingkang. Why did he come here this time and become Lady Lu?"

Lu Wuniang was in her forties, and her speech and behavior revealed a certain air of romance. There was a black hawk squatting on the table. At this time, she was feeding the black hawk meat sticks and said casually:

"You are not a kind person. That old man Chen Dingkang took advantage of the funeral in Canglong Cave to find out about the widow of the hero Heshi. He broke the rules of the world and I cleaned up the family..."


Master Boyi, the master of Canglong Cave, slapped the table when he heard this:
"Lu Wuniang, don't involve me in Canglongdong for your own scandal. Who in the Beiliang Jianghu doesn't know your virtues? You are just a scum who killed his husband to seize power, and you still make up such nonsense to excuse yourself..."

Lu Wuniang replied:

"What I said is true or false, and everyone here knows it. According to the rules, the position of head of Canglong Cave should be given to your eldest nephew, but in the end, you, your younger brother, was inexplicably chosen to succeed you.

"Tell me yourself, what is the reason for this? Is it because you deceived your master and destroyed your ancestors and took away the eldest son's family property, or is it because your eldest nephew's bloodline is hard to figure out, and I don't know if it is your brother's seed..."

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

Master Boyi was furious and wanted to get up immediately.

Guo Shubao and Xi Tianlu realized something was wrong and quickly raised their hands to start a fight. Tian Wuliang and Yao Shangqing, who were originally at odds with each other, picked up their wine bowls and watched the joke.

However, the farce in the restaurant did not last long. Everyone present heard the sound of horse hooves in the dense autumn rain outside:

Hoof hoof hoof...

The sound is from far to near.

The seven heads present here took their disciples to Cangdong Town to rest for a while because it suddenly started raining and the road was difficult to walk. When they discovered that there was a sworn enemy in the town, it was too late to turn around and they left in despair. If you think you are inferior to the opponent, you can only bite the bullet and come in to show off.

Because it was only a few days before the Heroes' Banquet in Shuofeng City, there were a lot of heroes passing by the town, but after seeing the battle in Yangchen Inn, no one with the skills of a mid-level master would dare to come in.

The sound of horse hooves approaching from far away stopped outside the Yangchen Inn and attracted the attention of everyone in the lobby.

Shi Boyi stopped talking and turned to look outside the door. He saw the disciples from various families gathered outside the door separated from each other to make way for the road, and also showed the horses parked at the door.

There is only one horse. Judging from the coat color, it is an ordinary horse commonly seen in the world, but the person on it is unusual.

The person driving the horse was a man wearing a green cloak, and his face under the hood was also covered with a green scarf. It was difficult to see clearly. The only accessory on his body was a sword hanging from his waist.

The sword is two feet nine long, and the guard is unusually shaped into a wheel, with a dragon's head pointing to the twelve o'clock position.

In front of the man in the cloak, there was a thin woman sitting sideways, dressed similarly, and her face was covered. All she could see was a pair of extremely smart eyes, looking left and right, holding a long robe wrapped in black cloth in her arms. Weapons.

After the two arrived outside the inn, the man held the woman and got off the horse, then walked into the inn with his hands on her. It seemed that the woman's legs and feet were not convenient.


Many people in the world inside and outside the inn were naturally wary when they saw the two people being so mysterious and unable to figure out the details. The disciples moved further to the left and right so as not to block the way.

Guo Shubao, the most knowledgeable person, first looked at the man's appearance, then looked at the familiar sword at his waist. After a long silence, he asked:
"Dare to ask your Excellency?"

The man in the cloak turned a blind eye to the seven masters in the inn, but walked slowly to Yao Shangqing's table and helped the woman to sit down opposite.

Yao Shangqing frowned when he saw this, secretly thinking something was wrong.

The disciple behind him asked directly:
"Didn't you see that there is an owner here? Which path are you on?"

The man in a green cloak didn't react much to this. After sitting down next to the woman, he took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, unfolded it, and compared it with Yao Shangqing's face.

Because of the generous movements, Tian Wuliang, Guo Shubao and others around him could actually see the content clearly:

In the center of the paper is a portrait, with tiger-like eyes and hawk-like brows that are calm and intimidating. There is a black mole on the left cheek, which is very similar to Yao Shangqing sitting opposite.

The content next to it is also quite concise - Yao Shangqing, leader of the Chong'adaohai Gang, 56 years old, unknown skill, unknown address, good at using the Heaven-turning Sword and Golden Winged Sword, with a reward of 3 taels for killing.

? ?
The atmosphere in the inn suddenly became strange.

The leaders of the Beiliang Jianghu were all present, and they were quite familiar with this format. This was obviously an assassination message sent by Qinglong to the killer!
Everyone here knows that Yao Shangqing is the assassination target of the Qinglong Society, but how can any assassin come so openly and openly?

He also took the information and compared it with the face of the target customer. This really shows that he does not regard Yao Shangqing as a human being!

Yao Shangqing was sitting across from him. At first he couldn't figure out where the other party was coming from, but after seeing through the reflection on the back of the paper that it was a reward order, his face turned cold:
"Are you from the Blue Dragon Society?"

After the cloaked man confirmed that he was the target customer, he folded the paper and put away his sleeves:

"Yes. Someone spends money to buy your life. What else do you have to say?"


Everyone inside and outside the Yangchen Inn saw that the killer didn't seem to be joking, so they all fell silent, leaving only the sound of rustling rain.

Yao Shangqing lightly touched the table with his fingers, looking into the calm eyes under the cloak without saying anything.

Guo Shubao noticed that Qinglonghui seemed to really want to assassinate him, so he stood up and said:
"Brother, this is the territory of Shuofeng City. If you want to do something, it's best to wait until the hero's banquet is over..."

The cloaked man threw an invitation on the table and turned his head to look at the many heads:

"This Heroes' Banquet is because Shuofeng City is preparing to recruit troops. I think the heroes of Beiyun Bianbei don't need trash or dead people to come and waste food. If you want to interfere with our Qinglong Club's affairs, you can come and talk."


The invitation was thrown on the table and spread out, and a few lines of writing with iron paintings and silver hooks appeared in front of everyone.

The other contents are similar to those received by the heads, but the contents of the guests are - Your Excellency the 'Dragon King' of your sect is sincerely invited to attend the meeting...

"Dragon King..."

The seven heads present, including Yao Shangqing, were secretly shocked when they saw the word 'Dragon King'.

The Qinglong Society are all killers. They don't show their faces at all on weekdays. Their names are also pseudonyms throughout the Beiliang Jianghu. There are not even many people who have seen the true face of the 'Twelfth Floor', let alone the strongest assassin ranked first.

After the Qinglong Society became successful, the Dragon King rarely took action in person. Because he didn't know the depth, he was not included in the list of great masters. However, the title of "Qingfeng pointed out the clouds and fell, and the thousand-machine poison technique cut off the brocade dragon" spread throughout the Beiliang world. But no one dares to underestimate him.

It was discovered that the strongest assassin from the north and the south had appeared. How could the masters in the inn dare to be careless? Almost everyone got up at the same time and retreated to the vicinity of the lobby to show that they were not nosy.


The man in the cloak nodded slightly when he saw this, and turned to look at Yao Shangqing, while slowly sliding the wheel on the hilt of the sword.

Ka Ka Ka ~
After the dragon's head pointed to 'zi', he let go of his hand, and then there was a soft sound of gears turning in the inn, and soon a sound was heard:
click -

The dragon's head jumped and pointed at the word 'ugly'!

Many sect leaders present felt their hair stand on end when they heard this movement, and they suddenly realized why this sword seemed so familiar - it was rumored in the world that the 'Dragon King' of the Blue Dragon Society could hear a clicking sound before taking action. It is said that as long as it lasts twelve times, , the Dragon King will leave.

But no one has confirmed it so far because no one has survived.

And this sword is obviously the famous weapon passed down from ancient times that the Qinglong Society specially ordered from Qianjimen - the Life Dial!

The dragon's head on the wheel beats again.

There was no sound of breathing in the lobby, and the overwhelming pressure reached its peak. It seemed that even the wind and rain outside the inn had stopped. The corners of Yao Shangqing's eyes were obviously beating slightly, and the first reaction in his heart was to delay for more time until the last two calls.

After all, as long as the opponent doesn't kill him after twelve shots, then if he pursues him relentlessly, he will be pretending to be a big-tailed wolf and get a bad reputation.

But once you have this idea, it is obvious that you are timid before fighting. If you are timid, you will be timid and unreasonable. There is no need to fight this fight at all.

After all, Yao Shangqing was a powerful man in the world. Seeing that this was the "scheme" of the Qinglong Society, he quickly suppressed his distracting thoughts, his eyes calmed down, he stood up unhurriedly, and took the sword from his apprentice.

The man in the cloak had a strong sense of martial ethics. He stood up with his sword in hand and came to the center of the lobby, looking at Yao Shangqing without moving.


The wheel made three sounds again, and it was almost halfway through.

Yao Shangqing tried his best to calm down, but the sound of the wheel was like a death sentence, and he could hardly breathe.

After glaring at the cloaked man angrily for a moment, Yao Shangqing finally reached the limit of his endurance and moved the fingers of his right hand.

A bright sword light suddenly appeared in the lobby!
The pupils of the six masters shrank, and when they raised their eyes, they saw another sword light shining from the cloaked man's waist.

Yao Shangqing is not an ordinary person. The sword was struck with great force. As soon as the sword was unsheathed, it deflected the drizzle outside the window.

But before the unsheathed sword could be fully straightened, the cloaked man opposite had already drawn the sword with his left hand, accurately hitting the seventh point of the sword head, cutting off the sword move that had not yet exploded.


Yao Shangqing's long sword deflected the wheel sword and stabbed forward, touching his throat like a dragonfly!


Blood spattered and fell on the black floor.

There was no cross wind sweeping across the hall or overflowing with energy, there was just a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing.

Then the whole town fell silent, leaving only the sound of the wheel that was already continuing in the lobby:

Everyone was horrified. They turned around and saw the cloaked man standing in front of the pillar with a sword, carving in an orderly manner - Qing Feng pointed at the clouds and the smoke fell...

Not far away from him, Yao Shangqing's eyes were like copper bells, and his left hand was covering his bleeding throat. He wanted to speak but couldn't. He just looked at the figure not far away in disbelief. He wanted to lift the sword again, but the sword fell from his hand.

ding ding dong~

Then the whole person knelt on the ground, blood gushing from his mouth and nose.

"Help Master!"

The two apprentices at the back were filled with shock and anger when they saw this. They immediately drew their swords and rushed towards the cloaked man with his back turned to the carving.

When Guo Shubao saw this, he wanted to stop him, but before he could speak, he saw that the man in the cloak didn't even look back. He flipped his wrist slightly and pointed behind him:


The two disciples who rushed up did not react at all. Two bloody holes appeared in their throats. Before the swords in their hands were pierced, they fell to the ground and became silent on the spot.

It was completely silent inside and outside the inn, except for the slight sound of carving.

After the fourteen bloody handwritings were carved, the cloaked man stopped spinning the wheel, and it could be seen that he jumped nine times.

He wiped his finger across the wheel to reset it, and in a blink of an eye he looked at the six heads who were facing a formidable enemy:
"Yao Shangqing is a pirate who made his fortune by killing people and selling goods at sea. If I kill the two people behind me, doesn't it count as killing innocent people indiscriminately?"


The six sect leaders were all stunned. They knew that Yao Shangqing was probably not the strongest assassin opponent in the north and south, but they never expected that he would be killed with just one move.

Even if the assassins of the Azure Dragon Society specialize in killing with one hit, this is too outrageous.

Seeing the other party asking, how could the leaders dare to say anything wrong, Guo Shubao directly raised his hand and said:
"Good kill. Guo has always wanted to do something for the people, but due to Yao Shangqing's strong martial arts, he really didn't dare to do it..."

"Yes, Qinglong Club will do justice for heaven, and the court will not pursue it. I will not have any objections..."


The cloaked man raised his sword and gestured to the door:

"It's unlucky for a dead person to live in an inn. Would you like to stay somewhere else, please?"

"it is good."

The six masters were relieved and bowed quickly, then helped carry the body out and went out to find another place to stay.

When Tian Wuliang saw that his enemy was dead, he was extremely happy, but he did not dare to say anything and was ready to follow him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved his steps, he saw the life-seeking ghost of the Qinglong Society, and took out another piece of paper and looked at it:

"Chief Tian, ​​wait."


Tian Wuliang's steps froze, he secretly took a breath, and his mind began to recall the journey of this life.

After all, Yao Shangqing could not withstand one sword blow, and he could only handle two or three sword blows at most.

The other heads didn't even look back, they just pretended that they didn't hear anything and walked out of the inn.

Tian Wuliang's two disciples turned pale and hesitated.

Fortunately, Tian Wuliang was not blind, so it was completely free for him to keep his disciple. After recalling his journey in the world in an instant, he still suppressed his fear, pretended to be calm and waved his hand, letting his disciple leave with the gang outside, and then turned around and handed over his hand. :

"But someone also bought Tian's head?"

The man in the cloak came to the table and sat down. He put the paper on the table and raised his hand.

Although Tian Wuliang was a great hero, at this moment, his legs were shaking uncontrollably, for fear that the Dragon Lord would start spinning the clock again.

After a moment of silence, Tian Wuliang forced himself to regain his composure, walked quietly to the table, and lowered his head to look at the paper.

As a result, when he looked at it, he discovered that the paper was not a reward order, but Yin Shicheng's facial features, general information, and interpersonal relationships, etc., and his name was on it.


Tian Wuliang breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he raised his head, he saw the man in the bamboo hat lifting the cloak on his head after the rest of the crowd had retreated, revealing a pair of stern eyes like the Nine Netherworld Yama...

? !
Tian Wuliang's knees softened and he knelt down beside the bench, his eyes filled with astonishment:


Ye Jingtang raised his hand to help: "Get up. I have something to ask you."

Tian Wuliang held it in for a long time and refused to get up. He just said:
"Sir, you're scared to death. Why don't you just ask this question? My legs are so weak now that I really can't stand up..."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and grabbed Tian Wuliang's shoulders, lifted him up and sat down at the table, and asked:

"Yin Shicheng also came to Xueyuan?"

Tian Wuliang and Yin Shicheng had a blood feud that wiped out their entire family. Naturally, they would inquire about this and said:
"I have been here a few days ago, and now I have arrived at Shuofeng City. I was ordered to intercept King Zuoxian's men at Tianlang Lake. After that, I went to Heishiguan and got the Snow Lake Flower. I was supposed to go to the Southern Dynasties and serve as a dog and horse for the Lord. Lao, but I have the revenge of destroying my family and I have to avenge it, so..."

Ye Jingtang knew Tian Wuliang's background, so naturally he didn't mind this:

"Whether you develop in Beiliang, you can also contribute to the court in the future. But remember not to do anything wrong. You should know my reputation..."

"Alas, my lord's words are serious. I have something to do with Lord Ye, and Tian is still doing evil things, even if he thinks his life is too long..."

"Do you know where Huo Zhiyun is?"

Tian Wuliang thought carefully:

"Huo Zhiyun is also a top killer. He travels thousands of miles alone and cannot trace his whereabouts. But judging from the news in the town, he should have arrived at Shuofeng City. Are you planning to kill these people?"

"If I don't kill them, why should I name these people?"


Tian Wuliang thought about it. He must be here to seduce the souls who were named by the King of Hell. This question was a bit idiotic. He thought for a while and tentatively said:

"Yin Shicheng killed two thousand of my brothers on Leigong Island. Can you let me kill this person?"

Ye Jingtang took the tea bowl handed by Qingzhi, thought for a while and said:

"You may not be able to fight, but I will definitely give it to you if I have the chance. By the way, have you ever heard of two people, one big and one small, passing through the town? The older one is male or female, and the younger one is ten. A girl from Wuliu, holding a five-foot-long knife, likes to look around and listen to news from the world..."

When Tian Wuliang heard this, he frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and shook his head:
"There are too many people coming and going recently. It is difficult to notice people who are not well-known. But the characteristics are so obvious, and there must be clues. How about Tian going to ask?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly:
"Don't make any noise, just treat me as the Dragon King of the Blue Dragon Club from now on."


Tian Wuliang didn't dare to say more than a word and immediately accepted the order. After running out of the inn door, he patted his chest with his hand, as if he had really walked in the Palace of Hell...


(End of this chapter)

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