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Chapter 519 Just give it a try

Chapter 519 Just give it a try

Drizzle fell on the quiet town, and two shadows running in both directions collided on the roof.

Zhe Yunli had not seen Fat Bird Bird for a long time. When he heard the greeting as soon as he arrived in the town, his mood suddenly turned into an impatient surprise. He landed on the roof, caught the Fat Bird Bird who bumped into him, raised his hand and rubbed it. :

"Oh~ I'm afraid I've gained two pounds, how can I eat~"

When Bird Bird saw his best friend Poached Egg, he was equally excited. He shook his head wildly in his arms and splashed water on Zhe Yunli's face.

"Eh eh eh..."

Zhe Yunli quickly held Crazy Bird down and looked around to see how much weight he had gained. He found that the master had entered the room first, turned over with a neat kite in the air, and jumped into the house from under the eaves:


The moment Zheyunli fell to the ground, he wanted to call his cousin Jing, whom he had missed for many days, but when he looked up, he found his master standing motionless at the window, looking at the bed not far away.

On the bed, Cousin Jing looked quite embarrassed, holding a quiet and elegant scholarly lady in his arms.

Miss Shuxiang's face turned red, but she was also a bit ashamed and angry, and she stared at her master...

Isn’t this Miss Hua?

Why is she in Cousin Jing's bed?

Zhe Yunli hugged Niaoniao and was obviously stunned. In an instant, he couldn't tell how many details he had made up in his mind.

However, Zheyunli reacted very quickly. He covered Niaoniao's eyes and tilted his head slightly to look out the window:

"Is Brother Jing busy? If I had known this, I wouldn't have come in. I accidentally disturbed Brother Jing's leisure time..."


Seeing Yunli's resentful look, Ye Jingtang came to his senses, pretended to be calm and let go of Qingzhi, and stood up leisurely:

"Don't get me wrong, Qingzhi is practicing the Singing Dragon Diagram. I'm helping her guide her Qi. Bingtuo...cough...Master Xue, you know it. Right, Master Xue?"


Xue Baijin really didn't expect that Ye Jingtang would make such a big fuss, and that he would be thinking about playing with girls. She and Yunli would catch her on the spot, and he dared to ask her to help explain!

However, Xue Baijin was not from Ye Jingtang. He had personally experienced this kind of practice before. Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, he acted naturally:

"There is indeed such a training method. You are talented and smart. The Night Terror Hall has never taught you."

Zhe Yunli didn't think that they were practicing martial arts like this, but both of them were wearing clothes, but their postures were just not right. Master said the same thing, but after thinking about it, he nodded doubtfully:

"Really? This method of practicing is quite unique..."

"Ha ha."

Ye Jingtang laughed aloud, came up to him, and said a different topic:

"Why did you come here suddenly? How did you find me?"

"I heard about the Blue Dragon Society in the north, so I came here to see the situation. Night Jingtang, is it inconvenient for you now? I have something to talk to you about..."


Ye Jingtang wanted to follow Bing Tuo Tuo out, but first turned his head and looked at Qing Zhi behind him.

Hua Qingzhi saw Xue Baijin again. Although old and new hatreds welled up in her heart, she was caught on the bed and it was really difficult to maintain her momentum.

But Xue Baijin single-handedly got her married off and even considered taking the child home next year. He couldn't bear this tone.

After Hua Qingzhi was silent for a moment, she suppressed all the distracting thoughts and sat down by the bed:

"Master Ye, I want to have a few words with Bai Jin first."


Hua Qingzhi was supposed to be a junior, so she called her "Bai Jin" directly, which really confused Ye Jingtang and Zhe Yunli.

Ye Jing Tang feels something is wrong and wants to be a peacemaker, but who is Bing Tuo Tuo?

Realizing that this little girl was looking for trouble, Xue Baijin raised his hand and said:

"Yunli, you go out with your cousin Jing to reminisce about old times, and I will have a few words with Miss Hua."


Zhe Yunli immediately grabbed Ye Jingtang's arm and dragged him out:

"Let's go, let's go..."

"Eh? What is that..."



? ?

When Hua Qingzhi saw her boyfriend running away, she naturally became nervous. Before she could stop Ye Jingtang, the two of them went out. Yunli even closed the door thoughtfully, perhaps because she didn't want Ye Jingtang to feel uncomfortable seeing her being beaten. …

Hua Qingzhi is just a scholarly lady who has no power to restrain a chicken. How bold can she be when the man is not around? She looked at the tall and big Xue Nuxia in front of her with wary eyes.

Xue Baijin was as unsmiling as ever. He sat down at the tea table and poured himself water:

"What do you want to talk about, Miss Hua?"


Although Hua Qingzhi is a little timid, she is not confused.

Xue Baijin's move was obviously a show of force. If she spoke softly and laughed, she would never mention being wronged in the future and just be her younger sister.

As the saying goes, if a person survives for a while, the worst he can do is to get beaten up. Anyway, Mr. Ye will help her teach Xue Baijin afterwards...

Hua Qingzhi thought so, her courage gradually rose again, and she said in a deep voice:

"I'm just trying to be reasonable with you. Do you know how miserable you have caused me by insisting on going your own way and not listening to explanations?"

Xue Baijin picked up the tea cup: "I believe in 'seeing is believing'. When I asked you if you wanted to leave, you said no. But when I went back at night, I went crazy looking at the portrait in Ye Jingtang, saying that..."

Hua Qingzhi's face turned red and her toes were arched in embarrassment, but she still explained seriously:

"I explained that I accidentally took the wrong medicine and my words and actions were out of control..."

"Rumensihuansan is not a secret medicine, but just like drinking alcohol, it evokes people's inner thoughts. The common saying in the world of 'having sex after drinking' is just an excuse made by shameless people to excuse themselves. As long as 'the heart is not lustful' 'No matter how much you drink, you are still a gentleman, how can you do anything promiscuous?"

Hua Qingzhi was already in the wrong, so she couldn't compete with the confident Xue Baijin, but if she couldn't defeat Xue Baijin, if she couldn't even talk her way out, she might as well just hang herself.

Hua Qingzhi gritted her teeth and continued to explain:

"Rumengsihuansan is not wine, it is medicine. You have never taken it. How could you know that it is the same as wine? And the medicine I bought must be top-grade, and it is stronger than ordinary medicine..."


Xue Bai shook his head and blew on the tea cup, pretending not to hear this lame explanation.

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi felt angry and annoyed in her heart. After thinking about it, she took out a small bottle that she carried with her and handed it to Xue Baijin:

"This is the dreamlike powder I use. If you don't believe it, you can try it. If you can calm your mind and not do anything that is not what you want, I will admit that it is my own fault. From now on, when I see you, you will treat me like a sister and take me away. I won’t mention it again.”

Xue Baijin is a peak martial arts saint, how confident is he in his own mind?

Seeing that Hua Qingzhi still couldn't see clearly what she was thinking, he pushed the pot towards her. Xue Baijin didn't hesitate, raised his hand slightly and asked Hua Qingzhi to throw the bottle over, then opened the stopper and smelled it.

Hua Qingzhi became nervous when she saw this scene:

"You are not allowed to cheat by relying on martial arts. Even if I don't see anything wrong, you know what you are thinking. As a top martial artist, you must act with a clear conscience."

The strange fragrance reached the tip of his nose. Xue Baijin didn't notice anything special, so he took two more puffs, then put the medicine bottle down and waited quietly.


Time passed little by little.

Hua Qingzhi stared at Xue Baijin carefully, but found that his eyes were clear and unchanged, like a ruthless and unrighteous old monk.

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi couldn't help but look embarrassed, and muttered in confusion:

How could there be no response? Shouldn't it?

If it is as Xue Baijin said, hallucinations can only occur when the mind is lustful, wouldn't it mean that she had already had thoughts about Mr. Ye when she was abducted, and to this day it is completely her own fault...

Do you have to call me Sister Xue Baijin from now on?


Xue Baijin sat quietly with her teacup in hand. Because she had no distracting thoughts, she naturally couldn't see anything weird. She just felt that the sound of rain outside the window was a bit louder, a bit like in Tianmen Gorge. The night I found it...

Realizing that his thoughts were a little off track, Xue Baijin quickly retracted his thoughts and put down the tea cup:

"This is the last time. If you mess around again next time, don't blame me for bullying the weak. Even the Night Terror Hall won't be able to protect you."


Hua Qingzhi was angry, but speechless, she could only clenched her fists and watched Xue Baijin walk out slowly.

dong dong dong...


After the door was closed, Hua Qingzhi was like a deflated rubber ball. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth secretly. She raised her hand to hammer her knees, then fell back and covered her head with a thin quilt. She looked really depressed. Not light...

The night is dark.

In the kitchen behind the inn, Ye Jingtang was busy in front of and behind the stove, cooking dinner for Bingtuotuo and Yunli. His ears were perked up, listening carefully to what was going on upstairs.

Zhe Yunli dressed up as a knight-errant, holding a big bird in her arms, walking around to help, with a hint of resentment on her spirited cheeks, and whispered:

"I thought that Brother Jing would have no reservations about me, but I didn't expect that Brother Jing would hide his secrets. Coming here in the rain in the middle of the night seemed like wishful thinking on my part..."

Ye Jingtang has long been accustomed to Yunli's style. He holds a kitchen knife and cuts onions and garlic quickly, saying:

"How can this be called hiding one's secrets? You can know the six dragon pictures at a glance, but I have no idea how to teach them. But Miss Hua is different. She has no foundation in martial arts. I was afraid that she would make mistakes in her practice, so I helped guide her with my hands... …”

Zhe Yunli touched the bird's head, his eyes looked worried but not worried, happy but not happy:

"Brother Jing Cang, do you still blame me for being too smart? Children who make trouble get candy. It's really not a joke..."

"Okay, okay, stop joking, let's talk about business."

Ye Jingtang picked up a piece of pickled radish and fed it to Yunli's mouth:

"I am here this time as the Dragon King of the Qinglong Society. When I came here, I had already agreed that the Qinglong Society would collect information. When we get to Shuofeng City, we will go do some work and let you practice..."

Zhe Yunli chewed a sour radish and felt so sour. However, after hearing these words, his eyes lit up and he came closer:

"Or thirty taels of silver each? I'm about to become a mid-level master now, so I need to raise the price of this move, right?"

Ye Jingtang didn't have to save money to buy news this time, so naturally he wouldn't deduct Xiao Yunli's wages. He said proudly:

"I'll double it for you this time. How much you can earn depends on your ability."


Zheyunli's eyes suddenly lit up, and he touched Ye Jingtang's arms with his hands:

"Where's the reward order? I have nothing to do. Now I'm going out with Niaoniao to make money..."


Ye Jingtang was chopping vegetables when Yunli touched her from behind and rubbed her back against Yunli's chest. Suddenly, she realized that this little girl was growing up a bit fast.

The last time we parted from Jingjie City, Yunli was still about the same as Shui'er. It had only been a few months, but she seemed to have grown a whole dimension. She was almost catching up with Ning'er's little watermelon...

Ye Jingtang noticed something was wrong and quickly moved to the side:

"The Qinglong Society still has to collect the reward orders from those customers in Shuofeng City, and we haven't gone there yet? Let's eat and rest first, and we'll talk about it when we get to Shuofeng City tomorrow..."


Only then did Zhe Yunli give up, put the greedy bird on the stove, ran behind the stove to help light the fire, and at the same time talked about his experiences in the past few months:

"If you don't run away, you won't know how big this world is. Master and I ran for so long before we went to a Cape Port. By the way, cousin Jing has never been there, right?"

"I have never been to any of the 'Four Poles of Jianghu', but I have only heard about it. How is it there? Is it like what the storyteller said, with the waves high and dragons and pythons entrenched there?"

"No, it's just a small fishing village, but there are a lot of people there. There is also a 'Yangguan Temple' on the seaside. Cousin Jing, guess what is there?"

"Yang Guan..."

As the name of Night Terror Hall suggests, he pondered:

"The sun rises in the east...could the offering be the three-legged golden crow?"

Zhe Yunli's eyes were a little strange. He wanted to explain, but the little girl said that was obviously inappropriate:

"Anyway, it's something related to Zhigang Zhiyang. If cousin Jing is curious, you can ask Master."

Ye Jingtang saw that Xiao Yunli, who had always been cheerful, was getting nervous. He understood that the thing must be related to "reproduction worship", and shook his head and said:

"What if your master beats me?"

"Cousin Jing is thick-skinned and thick-skinned. Are you still afraid of being beaten? By the way, I was outside and I heard that you were bitten by a dog..."


When Niaoniao heard this, she immediately became energetic, jumped up to Yunli, started dancing and gesticulating, and finally nudged Yunli's calf.

Zhe Yunli quickly retracted his legs and said in disbelief:

"Cousin Jing, have you really been bitten by a dog? Whose dog is so domineering?"

Ye Jingtang estimated that Yun Li would be nagging about this matter for a lifetime, so he would not say it directly. He just changed the topic and talked about the bloody battle with Monk Shen Chen.

But Zhe Yunli was very curious and refused to give up. He even went to the Night Terror Hall to see if there were any teeth marks on his legs.

But unfortunately, Zhe Yunli had just squatted down next to Ye Jingtang and lifted up his robe. Before he could pull down his trouser legs, he heard a voice coming from outside:


Zhe Yunli quickly loosened the hem of his robe, stood up, and looked back outside:

"Master? You came out, Cousin Jing and I were playing around..."

Xue Baijin has always been decent, but he thought Yunli's action of squatting in front of the man and lifting his robe was strange. He didn't think wrongly, walked into the kitchen and said:

"In a daughter's house, your cousin Jing doesn't know how to help with cooking, and he still makes trouble nearby. How did your mistress teach you?"


Zhe Yunli was a little embarrassed, maybe because she was afraid of her master scolding her, so she immediately picked up Niaoniao and walked out:

"Master, you are busy first, I will take it out to find out the news."

"Ji?!" Niaoniao looked at the heavy rain outside, raised his wings and stirred up his nervous poached eggs.

Unfortunately, the protest was ineffective and he was carried out anyway.

Xue Baijin watched Yunli go out, but did not stop him. After one person and one bird ran out of the inn lobby, he turned to look at the Night Terror Hall.

When Ye Jingtang saw Bing Tuo Tuo coming over, his eyes were naturally full of smiles. He wanted to ask about the situation above, but in the blink of an eye, he found that Bing Tuo Tuo was looking straight at him, his eyes were a little special, sparkling...

? ?

Ye Jingtang looked around while chopping vegetables:

"Master Xue?"


Xue Baijin stared at Ye Jingtang's face, but unexpectedly found that Ye Jingtang's face seemed to be glowing, and it was a bit dazzlingly handsome.

When she heard the sound, she came back to her senses, rolled up her sleeves, and took the kitchen knife from Ye Jingtang:

"I haven't seen you for a few months, you look a bit fairer."

"is it?"

Ye Jingtang didn't expect Bing Tuo Tuo to praise a man at all, so he touched his face a little stinkingly:

"Maybe it's because of practicing the Minglongtu, it's good for the skin..."

"Are you here for Beiyunbian?"


Ye Jingtang stepped aside and looked at Bing Tuo Tuo's chopping action:

"Are you...are you sure you can cook?"

As a woman from the world, there is no way that Xue Baijin is not good at cooking. It’s just that the opening and closing of large openings is not so precise. She did not respond to boring questions, but said:

"I have been inquiring about Beiyunbian during this period. Beiyunbian should indeed be related to overseas fairy islands."

"Oh? Is there any definite evidence?"

"There is no evidence, but according to research, Beiyunbian disappears for several months every autumn. There are no rumors about it in the outside world. I guess he went to some unknown place."

Ye Jingtang stood in front of him with his arms folded, thinking:

"Based on this alone, it is too far-fetched to say that it is related to Xiandao. Maybe Beiyunbian, like Jiang Zahu, hides a confidante and goes back to visit relatives at a fixed time every year to prevent disaster from affecting the family..."

"Beiyunbian was only twenty years old when he came out of the mountain. If he has reached this position, if there is a family, he should have taken over..."


Apart from the silent sound of rain, there was no other noise outside the kitchen, only the soft words of men and women.

Xue Baijin was chopping vegetables in front of the chopping board. She was originally discussing various news, but as she was talking, she gradually realized that something was wrong - she always felt like someone behind her was staring at her waist and hips...


Xue Baijin's chopping movements were a little slower, and he looked calmly at the soy sauce dish placed next to him. He could see that the soy sauce dish was as black as ink, and under the candlelight, the figure of a man was reflected.

The man's face was extremely handsome, but his eyes were a little...somewhat obscene. With a somewhat frivolous smile, he looked diagonally downward, at the position of her lower back, and seemed to be raising his hands to make gestures...

What's even more outrageous is that this shameless little thief secretly took off his clothes, revealing his perfect chest and abdominal muscles...

The lower part is invisible outside the reflection, but it is probably not worn either...


In the quiet kitchen, a sharp knife sound suddenly sounded!

"Eh?! Wait a minute, Heroine..."

Ye Jingtang was talking with his arms folded when he suddenly noticed Bing Tuo Tuo who was chopping vegetables. He turned around with the knife in hand. His face was as cold as ice with a hint of shame and anger. He closed his eyes and pressed down on his chest, knocking him right into him. rear cupboard.



Ye Jingtang was caught off guard, and was shocked that his words were incoherent. He quickly raised his hand and pinched the kitchen knife on his neck.

Xue Baijin closed his eyes and held Ye Jingtang down, as if he was preparing to kill the New Year pig:

"You shameless little thief, what do you want to do?!"


Ye Jingtang was stunned. Seeing Bing Tuo Tuo's murderous expression, he was at a loss:

"What can I do? I haven't done anything..."

"You still dare to quibble? Do you think I didn't see what you were doing behind your back?"


Ye Jingtang's eyes were filled with confusion, and he thought about it carefully - could it be that when he was frowning and thinking deeply, he accidentally looked at Bingtuo's butt...

Ye Jingtang was very focused just now, and he wasn't sure if he was watching, but Bingtuotuo never joked, and he didn't dare to say that he didn't, so he could only admit his mistake decisively:

"This was an unintentional mistake. I was thinking about something just now..."

Xue Baijin closed his eyes and laughed angrily at these words:

"Inadvertent mistake? You unintentionally took off your clothes and then... pointed at a woman's place?"


Ye Jingtang blinked and looked down at his neat black robe. Maybe it was the ice lump that made him suspicious, and he even touched it with his hand...

Are you wearing clothes?

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, his eyes full of confusion. He wanted to raise his hand to feel if Bing Tuo Tuo had a fever, but he didn't dare.


The kitchen fell silent, and the two of them fell into silence almost at the same time.

Xue Baijin felt ashamed, angry, and quite disappointed. Seeing that Ye Jingtang stopped making excuses, he wanted to ask a few more questions, but he soon realized that something was not right...

She pressed Ye Jingtang's collar with her hand. The touch on her palm was obviously a collar, but Ye Jingtang probably wasn't wearing it...


Xue Baijin's cold expression froze slightly, maybe because he didn't believe in his own hand, so he carefully opened his eyes to look at it.

As a result, when I looked at it, I found that Ye Jingtang raised his hands and was pressed on the cupboard. His eyes were full of fear and confusion. He was neatly dressed in black robes. He was no different from when he entered the kitchen just now...



Ye Jingtang noticed that Bing Tuo Tuo's expression was slightly stiff and not so fierce anymore, and he shouted softly:

"Miss Xue?"

Xue Baijin was not stupid. He quickly realized the problem. He felt as if he was halfway through an argument and found out that he was wrong. He was confused.

Seeing that Bing Tuo Tuo was silent, Ye Jingtang raised his hand and shook it:

"Did something go wrong again during your practice?"

Xue Baijin's face turned red with embarrassment. He wanted to take the knife back, but felt that it was difficult to explain his behavior. After holding it in for a long time, he said without confidence:

"Did you have evil intentions just now?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were very innocent, he spread his hands and said:

"Even if I have evil intentions, I'm still thinking to myself, why haven't you taken off your clothes? You're standing right in front of me. How can you not notice that I'm taking off my clothes? Do you just want to beat me up to vent your anger? I didn't provoke you either... No, Did Qingzhi say something to you?"

Ye Jing Tang thought about this and looked at Bing Tuo Tuo seriously.

Xue Baijin is straight forward and is not a person who can lie. Faced with this kind of unfair situation, it is obviously difficult to hide her excuses, but she can't explain it truthfully - I took Dreamlike Powder and I had a hallucination just now and saw you naked. Guang, you are still going to touch my butt...

If she said this, wouldn't it mean that she had evil thoughts towards Ye Jingtang?

After a moment of silence, Xue Baijin put away the knife:

"No, Miss Hua and I had a very friendly conversation."

"Then why are you suddenly mean to me?"

"Stop asking."

"How could I not ask this? Bai Jin, are you menstruating..."


Xue Baijin nailed the kitchen knife to the cutting board, glanced at the Night Terror Hall, and said nothing coldly.


Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was so confused that he couldn't ask any more questions, so he raised his hand:

"Okay, okay, it's my fault. I must have offended somewhere. I'll reflect on it myself."

Xue Baijin saw that Ye Jingtang no longer wanted to get to the bottom of the matter. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked out. After taking a few steps, he paused and stopped talking.

It looked like he felt sorry for Ye Jingtang, and wanted to explain a few words, but he couldn't open his mouth, so he finally walked away.

Ye Jingtang knew Bing Tuo Tuo's character and would never do anything shameful. Seeing this, he knew that the problem must have been with Bing Tuo Tuo himself.

But Bingtuotuo was forced to do this, and he was afraid that he would have to go back to Nanxiao Mountain if he asked again. At the moment, he still suppressed his curiosity and acted like nothing happened:

"You go and have a rest first, and prepare to eat later."



At the same time, on the second floor of the inn.

The back window of the wing on the second floor faced the backyard. Although it was not close to the kitchen, the inn was completely silent. Xue Baijin didn't suppress his voice even when he was distracted. It was a bit difficult not to hear.

Hua Qingzhi had her head buried in the thin quilt and was about to cry with shame. Suddenly she heard a messy noise in the backyard, so she sat up and looked around. Then the anxious and angry conversation between the two came to her ears:

"What do you want to do?"

"unintended mistake……"

"Take off all your clothes and treat me..."



Hua Qingzhi was slightly startled when she heard these contents, and then the grievance and anger in her heart disappeared, and her whole body became energetic!

After all, as someone who has experienced it, she naturally understands what Xue Baijin saw and became angry - he must have discovered that Mr. Ye had taken off his clothes and was preparing to humiliate her...

She has seen this scene before!

Although she and Xue Baijin had different reactions, it was because she had no choice but to endure the grievance and let him kiss him; he teased her whether to kiss or not, so she took the initiative to kiss him...

Since Xue Baijin was so skilled in martial arts, his natural reaction was to beat Mr. Ye instead of just accepting the situation.

If they see the same situation, it means that there is nothing wrong with her, and it is indeed a problem with the medicine.

Xue Baijin tied her up for this reason, so naturally Xue Baijin was unreasonable!

After Hua Qingzhi thought about the whole story, she straightened up. When hurried footsteps passed by outside the room, she said:

"Miss Xue, what else do you want to say?"

Xue Baijin, who looked red and white outside the room, paused when he heard the sound, tilted his head and said:

"This drug is indeed hallucinogenic, but people can control their words and actions. You took the initiative to ask for a kiss and begged the Night Terror Hall not to leave. Can you do the same as me?"


Hua Qingzhi really couldn't deny this. After all, enduring the humiliation and taking the initiative to ask for a kiss were two different things.

But seeing that Xue Baijin was still so stubborn, Hua Qingzhi was also dissatisfied and asked:

"You think that I am willing to marry Mr. Ye, what about you?

"If you had no idea, how could you see Mr. Ye taking off his clothes and touching you? Why didn't you see me taking off my clothes and touching you?

"You said you wanted to marry Mr. Ye, so I accepted it. If you said no, then I didn't either..."


There was a cold snort from outside, and then the footsteps gradually moved away.

? !

When Hua Qingzhi saw that the other party couldn't talk to her, she lost her temper and wanted to go to Xue Baijin to argue with her, but she had no choice but to give up because of her inconvenient legs and feet.

Although this debate did not prove her innocence at the time, it did prove that Xue Baijin was just as innocent as she was.

Hua Qingzhi thought about it secretly, but then remembered another thing:

Sister Lu and the empress once said that she should be the big one and Xue Baijin should be the small one...

She thought it was a joke at first, but now she is ready to take her grandson home, and Xue Baijin is not uninterested in Mr. Ye...

Then this matter obviously needs to be fought for!

She was forced by Xue Baijin to marry into a family in the Southern Dynasties and couldn't go back. She couldn't call her sister Xue Baijin in the future, right?

Xue Baijin dared to beat up the female emperor, and her appearance and figure were extraordinary. Regardless of her hard or soft power, she seemed unable to suppress Xue Baijin...

Then we can only follow the rules of the rivers and lakes, whoever enters first will get the upper hand...

Thinking of this, Hua Qingzhi's mind, which had been struggling for many days, finally settled down.

After all, things have come to this. She must take the child back next year, and she must deal with Mr. Ye's affairs. If Xue Baijin hadn't suddenly barged in, she might have... tonight

Life is short, and if Xue Baijin interrupts what she is supposed to do because of hesitation and strikes first, she will deserve to be wronged for the rest of her life!

Thinking of this, Hua Qingzhi clenched her little hands, and her eyes gradually revealed a bit of determination...

And in a room not far away.

Xue Baijin stood at the window, blowing the cold wind, and gently touched his forehead with his hands, suppressing his chaotic thoughts. He didn't know what he was thinking about...

(End of this chapter)

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