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Chapter 520 Qingzhi

Chapter 520 Qingzhi

Tick ​​tock~

The ribs of the umbrella trembled under the rain. On the quiet street, only by listening carefully could one hear the subtle words spoken in teahouses and restaurants:

"I didn't expect Qinglong to be so hidden. From now on, the Grand Master may have to be careful..."

"Well, the Qinglong Society is famous for its rules. Why should someone kill people if they don't give them money? I heard from Guo Daxia that Tian Wuliang's head is only thirty thousand taels, and the Grand Master's head is not more than one hundred thousand..."


Zhe Yunli stood under the eaves, listened carefully, and secretly wondered in his heart - starting from one hundred thousand taels, is Wu Kui so valuable? If you kill one, wouldn't it be possible to buy the Queen's palace...

Niaoniao, who was forcibly pulled out to walk on the street, was now clamped under the armpit. Her eyes were full of hopelessness. She found that the poached eggs were addictive, so she started to kick her with his claws:


"Oh, I know. If you are so fat and still eat, aren't you afraid of growing into a ball?"


After Zhe Yunli inquired for a while, he found that there was no special news, so he turned back with the birds in his arms. On the way, he began to think about the fact that she, who was a "perfect match, a childhood sweetheart", was caught first by Hua Qingzhi who descended from the sky...

Although she is still young and has not thought about it well, her master and master intend to betroth her to cousin Jing. If she cannot disobey her master's order in the future...

Thinking about it this way, it still feels a bit sour...

With such random thoughts, one person and one bird quickly arrived outside Yangchen Inn.

Because all the shopkeepers and waiters were scared away, there was no one in the lobby, but the aroma of rice could be smelled coming from the backyard.

Birdie was almost going crazy with hunger. He immediately squeezed out from under his armpit, got through the curtain next to the counter, and rushed to the backyard.

Zhe Yunli also recovered his thoughts, put down his umbrella and came outside the backyard door, where he could see that Cousin Jing was putting food on the tray.

"Wow~ Brother Jingtang has cooked so many dishes? You are so virtuous."

"Haha, bring the food over, the birds are going crazy with hunger."

"Okay~ Yaoji, let's go."

Zhe Yunli hurriedly ran forward and picked up the tray full of food. Niaoniao quickly jumped on his shoulder.

Ye Jingtang shook his head and chuckled, then put a few dishes on the tray, walked out of the kitchen, and followed them to the second floor of the inn.

As a result, before he reached the door, he found Yunli in front of him, using his shoulder to open the door. Then he was stunned and said in disbelief:

"Master, you..."

Ye Jingtang noticed something was wrong, and immediately stepped forward and looked into the room.

It turned out that Bing Tuotuo, who had always been serious about his words, was actually standing on the table, with his long hair tied up on his back, holding a feather duster in his hand, and pretending to be an immortal guiding the way...

? ?

Xue Baijin took a few big sips and it was like a dream, and then he had a hallucination. He was dancing a sword on the top of Nanxiao Mountain, and he woke up when he heard the sound of the door opening.

Seeing two people at the door looking at each other, Xue Baijin's expression visibly stiffened. He slowly put away the feather duster, jumped down from the table, and took a rag to wipe the table:

"There are cobwebs in the house. Just clean it up. Come and eat."

"is it?"

Zhe Yunli raised her eyes and looked at the roof. She felt that the master didn't look like he was cleaning. However, since the master explained it like this, she didn't hesitate to ask more questions. She walked into the room with the tray, put it down, and started arranging the dishes.

Ye Jingtang outside the door also felt that something was wrong with Bing Tuo Tuo, but just now Bing Tuo Tuo was holding the knife rest on his neck, so he didn't want to hit the gun, so he just smiled and put the tray down. On the table, he went out to Qingzhi's door again, raised his hand and knocked:

Dong Dong~……

There was no sound in the room, and I didn't know if he was asleep. When there was a knock on the door, a soft and weak voice came:

"Mr. Ye, come in."


Ye Jingtang opened the door and originally called Qingzhi to come over for dinner, but before he could say anything, he was stunned.

At this time, the room was illuminated by dim candlelight. Compared with when he came downstairs just now, it was obviously tidied carefully. The tables, chairs and benches were arranged neatly, and the bed was made meticulously.

Hua Qingzhi, who was originally wearing a nightgown, changed back to a long gradient dress for some reason, white on top and purple on the bottom. She has an elegant and soft temperament. Her long black hair is coiled on her head, with a flower hairpin inserted, and even red dots. Lipstick looks crystal clear under the light...


Ye Jingtang blinked and looked back to make sure he had gone to the wrong door before entering the house:

"You're almost asleep, why are you dressing up again? Are you ready to go out?"

Hua Qingzhi sat beside the bed, her hands clasped around her waist, obviously a little nervous. But in order to save her breath, she still pretended to be calm and said:

"It is etiquette to dress appropriately. Yunli and Master Xue are here, so I naturally have to tidy up. Hmm...does it look good?"

"It looks good, just like the first time we met at Wang's Medical Clinic. It's amazing."

Ye Jingtang came to Hua Qingzhi, lowered his head to look at it carefully, and then secretly tasted the rouge.

This time, Hua Qingzhi did not hide away. She secretly mustered up her courage and responded with her red lips slightly opened. After the kiss was over, she said softly:

"I won't eat, I feel a little uncomfortable..."


Ye Jingtang frowned, sat down in front of him, raised his hand and touched Qingzhi's forehead - her body temperature was normal.

I clasped my wrist to take the pulse again - the pulse, energy and blood were normal, except that my heartbeat was a little fast, there was nothing unusual...

Night Terror Hall was slightly confused:

"Where is it uncomfortable?"

Hua Qingzhi's brows showed weakness, she tilted her head and leaned on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, and said softly:

"I don't know, I just feel a little headache."


When Ye Jingtang heard about this symptom, he naturally frowned. After all, Doctor Wang might not be able to tell the exact cause of headaches even when he came.

Fortunately, the bathing in fire picture is overbearing enough. As long as it is not a heart disease, it can definitely be cured.

Ye Jingtang immediately raised her arms to hug Hua Qingzhi, helped smooth her vest, and comforted her softly:

"It's okay, Yuhuo Tu can cure anything. Just listen to my instructions, stay calm and focused, don't think wildly, and practice seriously according to Yuhuo Tu's method..."

Hua Qingzhi has no intention of practicing martial arts now. She just wants to strike first and make Xue Baijin angry, and at the same time solve the problem of bringing her grandson home next year.

But after all, she is a scholarly lady who is not much different from Yunli. She is naturally conservative and reserved. It is not easy to open her mouth like this. After leaning in her arms and being silent for a while, she whispered again:

"Mr. Ye, I...I'm a little hot..."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and slowly unbuttoned the cloth at the skirt.

? !

Ye Jingtang just felt that Bingtuotuo was not normal, and now he feels that Qingzhi is not normal either.

Originally, he wanted to wait and see what would happen, but when the skirt of his clothes was loosened, he saw through the gap that Qingzhi, who had always been conservative, was actually wearing a sexy little dress given by Shui'er...

The Night Terror Hall is not just a lump of wood, it’s hard to tell who is the hunter and who is the prey now that they are wearing these sexy little clothes!

Ye Jingtang sat up a little straighter, his eyes looked a little strange. After holding it in for a long time, he couldn't help but ask:

"Qingzhi, are you seducing me?"


Hua Qingzhi's dazed expression froze slightly, but her reaction was strange, she frowned and opened her eyes:

"Young Master Ye, what did you say?"

Seeing that Qingzhi refused to admit it, Ye Jingtang held her shoulders and asked her to sit up straight, and said seriously:

"Qingzhi, you are not of this nature. Why did you suddenly change your gender? Is there something you are hiding from me?"

When Hua Qingzhi saw that Ye Jingtang had noticed it, she suddenly panicked. How could she dare to admit it? Her eyes flickered and she said:

"I don't have anything... Why don't you go eat, I'll just rest for a while."

Ye Jingtang knew something was wrong just by looking at his expression. He immediately put his arms around his shoulders and said softly:

"I don't know how to eat people. If you really have something to do, we can discuss it together. What's the use of hiding it from me? Do you think I don't even have this bit of determination and will fall for you as soon as you seduce me?"

Seeing that she couldn't be fooled, Hua Qingzhi secretly gritted her teeth, and in the end she could only hesitantly say:

"My...grandpa refused to learn how to sing the dragon. In order to coax him, I told him that I was pregnant, and he would be able to hold his great-grandson next year..."

Ye Jingtang didn't expect this to happen, but now she understood why Qingzhi became active and shy after returning home. He nodded thoughtfully and asked:

"Then what? What are you going to do?"


Hua Qingzhi now has her grandfather and other grandchildren in front of her, and Xue Baijin in the back who is competing for status, what else can she do.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the Night Terror Hall, feeling aggrieved:

"I'm just a woman, so I don't have any ideas. Anyway, I can't let grandpa rejoice in vain... You said we can discuss it, what can you do?"

What else can be done?

Ye Jingtang hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively:

"Now that we've said it, how about... let's have a baby?"

Hua Qingzhi's face turned red when she heard this, but she still looked helpless, nodded softly, and then fell down with Ye Jingtang:

"Up to now, we can only..."


Ye Jingtang did not expect Qingzhi to be so decisive in killing him, and was ready to deal with him now. He quickly supported Qingzhi and raised his eyes to look in the direction of Yunli and the others:

"Now? I'm afraid..."

When Hua Qingzhi heard this, she immediately felt aggrieved.

After all, her innocent daughter has gone all out to do this, and her sweetheart is still worried about that big ice lump.

If she lets Ye Jingtang go now, Ye Jingtang runs over and drinks a few glasses of wine, Xue Baijin eats like a dream again, the two of them are flirting with each other...

Then won’t she have to regret it for the rest of her life?

Seeing Ye Jingtang's hesitant look, Hua Qingzhi sat up a little straighter, and her eyes became a little brighter:

"If Mr. Ye feels that something is wrong, just let it go. I, Hua Qingzhi, am not a casual woman..."

"Oh, why would I feel wrong? I wish I could."

Ye Jingtang felt that the situation was a bit tricky. After thinking about it, he put his arms around Qingzhi's shoulders and said softly:

"That day in Panlong Cave, you couldn't walk steadily, but you jumped into the water to help me catch my breath. I had already made up my mind that I must marry you..." Hua Qingzhi leaned on her shoulder and responded:

"My parents' destiny has been fulfilled, and my skin-to-skin relationship has also been established. Mr. Ye carried me thousands of miles home and saved my closest grandfather. Mr. Ye wants to marry me. If I don't marry, I will be ignorant."

"Ha ha."

Ye Jingtang heard these sincere words and hugged her a little tighter:

"As long as you are willing to get married, you still have to think carefully about life-long matters. If you just want to have children, there is no need to be in such a hurry. It won't hurt to wait for a while."

Hua Qingzhi pinched Ye Jingtang's sleeves and raised her eyes:

"I've told grandpa that I'm pregnant. How long will it take?"

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth and leaned into Hua Qingzhi's ear:

"At least we have to wait until Master Xue and Yun Li fall asleep, right? They're eating over there. What are we doing? I'm afraid it's a bit..."

Hua Qingzhi nodded softly and leaned into Ye Jingtang's arms:

"Okay, let's wait, you are not allowed to leave."


Ye Jingtang cooked the food for a long time, but he didn't even get a bite!

But Qingzhi was about to reward him, and he couldn't just throw Qingzhi aside. At the moment, he could only hug her and ask softly:

"Did you have a quarrel with Leader Xue just now?"

"No, it's fine."

Hua Qingzhi was so distraught that after she collected her words, she took the initiative to raise her cheek and blocked Ye Jingtang's mouth, telling him to stop talking.



The room fell silent, leaving only a man and a woman embracing each other.

And the other side.

Several side dishes with delicious taste and flavor were neatly placed on the table, and Birdie was already looking forward to them.

Zheyunli served the rice and poured the wine. After waiting for a while, no one came, so he turned around in confusion:

"Where is Cousin Jing? Are you helping Miss Hua get dressed?"

Xue Baijin has been having hallucinations, and even the birds have turned into colorful chickens, but his perception has not been affected. If he listens carefully, he can hear sneaky movements in the distant room.

Xue Baijin shook his head secretly, not knowing what to say, so he picked up the chopsticks:

"Hua Qingzhi is not hungry. Your cousin Jing will chat with you. Let's eat first."


Seeing this, Zhe Yunli didn't say much. He picked up the chopsticks and gave the bird some meat, and then started to eat happily...

Before I knew it, it was late at night.

On the second floor of the inn, the lights in both rooms have been turned off. Birds who have eaten and drank enough are squatting under the eaves and looking at the night rain outside the eaves.

In the room, Zhe Yunli was lying in her pajamas, her eyes closed and moving slightly, not knowing what she was dreaming about.

Xue Baijin was lying in front of him, listening carefully to the movement in the distance. Although he did not open his eyes, a hint of displeasure could be seen between his eyebrows.


There was silence in the room not far away for a long time.

Ye Jingtang fell on the folded quilt and was pressed down by Qingzhi. Because he knew that Bingtuotuo was listening, he didn't dare to move.

Hua Qingzhi lay half-lying in front of Ye Jingtang and kissed her for a long time. She was getting used to it now. When there was no movement in the distance, she raised her cheek and looked at the handsome face close at hand, but stopped talking.

Ye Jingtang was finally able to speak, and after thinking for a while he said:

"How about... ugh~"

Hua Qingzhi raised her finger and pressed it on Ye Jingtang's lips. Although her eyes were very nervous and panicked, she still mustered up her courage and said softly:

"The southern and northern lands are so indistinct. Why bother to ask Xingzang when we meet? At this time, I am only afraid that you will return, and we are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

"Young Master and I are thousands of miles apart, but meeting each other at the Wang Family Medical Center has been our fate for three lifetimes. We have traveled extensively to each other, and have gone through ups and downs to this day. Every day, I worry that after this day, we will not be together again." There will be another day.

"I know this is a bit anxious, not elegant enough, and unpretentious, but I'm more afraid that if I miss today, I won't know when the next time will be, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.

"Young Master did not hesitate to take me thousands of miles away to cure my grandfather's illness. I know that Young Master will not let me wait.

"But the young master treats me like this. I know that the young master is lustful, so how can I not live up to the young master's wishes..."


Ye Jingtang was quite moved when he heard the sincere words at first, and didn't know how to respond.

But when the last sentence came out, his affectionate eyes were suddenly speechless:

"Why am I so horny? I'm just...eh?"

Before she finished speaking, Hua Qingzhi hooked up her legs and pressed on the villain through her robe:

"I am a scholar. Do you really think I don't understand anything?"


Ye Jingtang really didn't expect that Qingzhi, who usually knew Darius and was polite, was quite bold in the boudoir.

He was not a saint or a gentleman, so he could not withstand such teasing. He hesitated for a moment, but when he saw that Bing Tuo Tuo did not move, he still hugged Qing Zhi;

"I'm just afraid that you won't want to have a child with me because you have to do business for the family."

Hua Qingzhi did not dare to stare at Ye Jingtang all the time, and put her cheek against her chest:

"If I didn't want to, I would not go into the water to save the young master in Panlong Cave... Actually, I also want to wait until I am settled before going to the court to get married and have sex in the bridal chamber, but..."

"But what?"


Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes, and said in her heart - But I'm afraid that Xue Baijin will strike first. Women in the world are so decisive. Maybe today will pass, and tomorrow she will become Madam Ye...

However, Hua Qingzhi was really embarrassed to say these jealous words, so she just whispered:

"But I have already told grandpa about the matter. I do like the young master, and the young master also likes me. The matter has come to this, it would be better to do it sooner... earlier than to miss the appointment next year and make grandpa unhappy."

Ye Jingtang had already made up her mind when Hua Qingzhi plucked up the courage to go into the water to help him breathe. He was just afraid that Qingzhi would be inconvenient, so he didn't go too far. Seeing this, he asked:

"Are you sure you've thought it through?"


Ye Jingtang hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't hold it back and carefully opened the laces of her long skirt, revealing her fair and flawless shoulders...

Hua Qingzhi's body was obviously tense, but she did not resist. After a moment, she stood up slightly and asked:

"Why are you so careful, Master? Is it because you are afraid that Miss Xue will be jealous if she hears about it?

Ye Jingtang sat up, put down the curtain, pulled down her skirt facing each other, and looked at the blushing cheeks close at hand:

"How could that happen? Yunli is still young, so it would be bad to hear it."

Hua Qingzhi was only a few months older than Yunli, but she and Yunli really had no grievances, and it was really embarrassing to be heard. She still didn't say anything at the moment, but just waited with gleaming eyes.


Ye Jingtang asked Qingzhi to sit on his lap, facing each other, and put his hands behind his back to untie his gauze coat, then he hugged her waist and bowed her head.


Hua Qingzhi finally showed a bit of childishness at this time. She didn't dare to move, she just raised her neck and closed her eyes to let it be manipulated.

However, after a while, Hua Qingzhi still noticed something was wrong and quietly opened her eyes:

"Mr. Ye, didn't the book say that the daughter should lie down at home? You..."

Ye Jingtang has practiced martial arts all year round and has a strong physique. He hugged the slender Qingzhi as if he were holding a porcelain doll, fearing that she would not be able to breathe.

Seeing Qingzhi say this, Ye Jingtang didn't mess around with her, turned around and let her lean on the pillow.


Hua Qingzhi was filled with nervousness. She closed her eyes and waited for a moment. Her mind gradually became blurred again. She didn't know where she was or where she was about to go. In the end, she even forgot about Xue Baijin's reaction.

"Am I heavy?"

"Huh...it's okay~"


The random whispers came out from the closed window, were suppressed by the rain curtain, and disappeared without a trace.

In the room far away, Xue Baijin relied on the hearing tempered by the Ming Shen Tu to clearly hear the movements and even the current actions of the two people. There was a blush on his cheeks:

This shameless little girl actually took the initiative to hook up with the Night Terror Hall. Does she still want to make me angry? How ridiculous...

The pervert Ye Jingtang really needs to be dealt with. Don't you know Yunli and I are nearby?


Finding that he couldn't suppress his distracting thoughts, Xue Baijin took a breath and began to distract his attention to listen to the birds outside the window.

It turned out that the bird ran to the backyard again and stood on the chicken coop, not knowing what he was looking at...

After being so silent for a long time, a sudden gentle call drew Xue Baijin's attention back.


Xiao Yunli, who was sleeping soundly next to her, trembled slightly, then looked up sleepily at the source of the sound:

"What the hell is going on..."

dong dong~

Two familiar muffled sounds.

Before Zhe Yunli woke up, he was already dizzy again. He lowered his head and looked at the master beside him, then fell down and fell into the Grand Canyon of Nanxiao Mountain.


Xue Baijin helped Yunli lie down, wanting to calm down and concentrate, but she was still a woman after all. No matter how resolute her personality was when she listened to the messy noises, her mind could never be as calm as water.

Xue Baijin wanted to knock on the door twice, but she had no reason to disturb the night terror hall. After enduring it for a while, she finally chose to get up silently, put on her clothes, flew out of the window, and landed in the backyard.

"Guji? Ji——..."

The cry was moving quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. It seemed that he and the birds were going to find out the news...

(End of this chapter)

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