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Chapter 521 The next day

Chapter 521 The next day

Tick, tick...

In July, the snowfield begins to cool down rapidly. It usually rains for days and days, and the weather gets colder day by day.

In the guest room of the inn, Ye Jingtang was leaning on the pillow, sleeping peacefully; while Hua Qingzhi was lying on the inside, with the quilt covering Xue Ni Tuan'er, next to Ye Jingtang, and their sleeping posture was extremely upright, the two of them She looks like a well-educated husband and a virtuous and reserved wife.

The reason why she slept so formally was not because Ye Jingtang didn't want to hold her to sleep, but because Qingzhi was too sensible.

When the two of them first started, Qingzhi was very cooperative, doing whatever she was asked to do, even hugging her by the legs to bully her, but she didn't resist, she just hugged her neck and hummed softly.

Because Qingzhi is just a frail and scholarly young lady, Ye Jingtang doesn't dare to harm her, but just caress her with warmth and water. When Qingzhi is satisfied, he will just taste her and prepare to hold her and rest.

But after Qingzhi was in a state of confusion, she slowly came to her senses and remembered that she was the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, so she had to pay attention to being a wife and be classy in her words and deeds.

And Ni Ni Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai sleeping curled up in her husband's arms obviously does not fit the image of a 'dignified and reserved' lady, and more like a coquettish and coquettish side chick.

For this reason, Qingzhi began to become virtuous. When Ye Jingtang hugged her, she worked hard without complaining and continued to serve her unsatisfied husband. If she stopped, she would just lie down in front of her and not disturb her husband's rest, and so on.

At first, Ye Jingtang thought Qingzhi was strong in combat, but Qingzhi even trembled and gritted her teeth to continue. Only then did he realize that she was being sensible and trying her best to satisfy his husband.

It was also the first time for Ye Jingtang to encounter this kind of situation. In the end, he was forced to stop moving. He became a rare gentleman and stayed with her on the couch.

As the sky gradually grew brighter, the temperature in the room also dropped to its lowest point.

Ye Jingtang was not afraid of the cold or heat, but was afraid that Qingzhi, who was weak and could not bear the wind, would catch a cold. So he raised his hands lightly, took a robe from the bedside, and wanted to cover Qingzhi.

Hua Qingzhi slept with her husband for the first time, and she didn't sleep deeply. She opened her eyes when she had a night terror, her cheeks slowly turned red, and her eyes flickered:

"Ye... Young Master Ye..."

Ye Jingtang lowered his head and kissed his lips:

"Also called son?"

Hua Qingzhi pinched the thin quilt on her chest, not daring to look at Ye Jingtang, and lowered her eyes:

"Ms. sir~"


Ye Jingtang lay on his side in front of him and raised his hand to brush the hair beside his ear:


Hua Qingzhi was filled with embarrassment, but she still nodded softly. After waking up for a moment, she remembered important things again and raised her hand to touch her belly:

"If we do this, we can... get pregnant, right?"

Hua Qingzhi is not good at martial arts, so naturally she doesn't know how to use contraception, so her chances of winning are not low.

However, Ye Jingtang couldn't say for sure about this kind of thing. He just said:

"According to the doctor, you need to relax, don't be anxious, and do more to improve your chances."

Do more…

Hua Qingzhi almost lost half of her life yesterday. She must have been a little timid when she heard that she had to do more. However, in order to get the baby home on time, she hesitated for a moment and asked softly:

"Are you okay now?"


If Ye Jingtang heard this at other times, he would have to let his wife understand what it means to be a tired cow. However, Qingzhi was too weak and did not dare to mess around. She just said:

"It's already dawn, let's talk at night. You need to rest first and I'll get you something to eat."


Hua Qingzhi bit her lower lip lightly, then thought about it and said:

"Thank you for your hard work."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and laughed, then bowed his head again, then stood up and put on his robe.

Hua Qingzhi was lying on the pillow upright. After the night terror left, she touched her belly again, but soon the scene and feeling of last night's humiliation came to mind. She quickly pulled up the quilt and covered her face. Covered...


The door was closed, Ye Jingtang still pressed against the door and listened for a while. After finding Qingzhi rolling around with her face covered, she stretched out contentedly. She wanted to turn around and go downstairs, but after walking a few steps, she turned back to Bingtuo. In front of Tuo and Yunli's door.

Bingtuotuo ran away with Niaoniao last night, and now he's hiding somewhere. He hasn't come back yet, and there's only a sound of breathing in the room.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang raised his hand and knocked:

dong dong~

After a while, a sound of "Hmm~~" was heard in the room. At that time, he sat up and stretched, and then he walked from far to near.

dong dong dong~

Ye Jingtang knew that Bingtuotuo had put Yunli Dian to sleep again, and felt embarrassed and asked:

"Yunli, what do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you."


Zhe Yunli opened the door and leaned sleepily between the two doors, still a little confused:

"Cousin Jing got up so early... Where is the master?"

Ye Jingtang wanted to say something vague, but before the words came out, he realized something was wrong.

Zhe Yunli stayed at the inn. Although he was not relaxed enough to wear a bellyband to sleep, he only put on a white pajamas outside the bellyband.

Because the white pajamas are relatively loose, so sandwiched between the two doors, the skirts are obviously squeezed together. The bellyband is a traditional style, and the fixing effect is not obvious. You can feel the softness through the fabric...

Although Zhe Yunli was a little confused when she just woke up, she was not blind. When she saw her cousin Jing who was sunny outside the door, her eyes suddenly glanced down. She also lowered her head and then raised her eyes:

"Cousin Jing, what are you looking at?!"

Ye Jingtang had already turned away his eyes and said slightly seriously:

"You're already a big girl, why are you so reckless? You have to put on your clothes first when you get up in the morning."

"I covered it tightly because my cousin Jing's eyes were wrong..."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and pack up. We will set off after dinner and take you to Shuofeng City to do errands."

When Zhe Yunli heard that he was doing something, he naturally became energetic and stopped caring about what he had just done. He closed the door and started to tidy up.

After Ye Jingtang shook his head to clear away his distracting thoughts, he came to the backyard of the inn.

No strangers are allowed to enter the inn, and it seems that the shopkeeper will not dare to come back unless he moves out.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang first put Zhang Beiliang's official ticket on the counter as money to rent the inn, and then went to the kitchen, thinking about killing a chicken and making soup.

But when he was heating hot water in the kitchen, he suddenly found that the door was a little darker, and a chill came from behind.


Ye Jingtang looked back and saw Bing Tuo Tuo's figure standing upright in front of the door, holding the dead sleeping bird in his hand, his expression as serious as ever.

Ye Jingtang's expression froze slightly, and then he said with a smile:

"You're back? What did you do last night?"

"I went to Shuofeng City to collect some information."

"Yeah, what is that..."

"You don't need to say anything."

Xue Baijin put the bird on the window sill and came to take the water scoop:

"I offended you once last night, you offended me once, let's make it even."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said:

"Okay, as long as you don't get angry."

After Xue Baijin poured the water into the pot and burned it, he turned to look at Ye Jingtang and asked:

"When you used the 'Hundred-Step Flying Sword' against Monk Shenchen, did you use the seventh picture again?"

"Yeah, but I'm sensible, there's nothing strange about it so far."

"Life is at stake. If you don't feel anything strange, is there nothing strange?"

Xue Baijin's expression was quite serious, he came forward and held Ye Jingtang's wrist, and began to use the muscle-splitting hand:

"Let me check it for you."


When Ye Jingtang heard these words of concern, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly evacuated his hands:

"No, no, no, last night was my fault, I promise I won't do it again...hiss~"

Xue Baijin was caring about Ye Jingtang, not punishing him. How could he listen to this? He immediately grabbed his arm and massaged it slowly from bottom to top.

Ye Jingtang was pinched and secretly gasped, knowing that Bing Tuo Tuo was seeking revenge. After a moment of apologizing to no avail, he quickly broke away and ran out of the door while someone was not paying attention:

"I'm going to kill a chicken, you rest first..."

Seeing the night scare, Xue Baijin ran away, and the anger from last night was gone. He stopped and started working, making breakfast...

And upstairs.

"Uh huh huh~..."

Zhe Yunli tidied up the room neatly. She also imitated Aunt Fan and braided a few pigtails, dressed up as a spirited little chivalrous girl, and went out humming a tune.

Zhe Yunli wanted to go downstairs to wash up, but when she walked to Hua Qingzhi's door, she paused. Perhaps thinking of her childhood sweetheart and Tiansheng, she hesitated for a moment, quietly opened the door, and looked inside:

"Miss Hua?"

In the room, Hua Qingzhi had already put on her clothes and was sitting in front of the dressing table putting on makeup.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Hua Qingzhi quickly put down the rouge box and turned around:

"Miss Yunli, are you awake?"

Zhe Yunli didn't know why, but she felt that Hua Qingzhi looked a little radiant, but she didn't think about it. She came to the dressing table, took a comb to help comb her hair, and asked:

"Miss Hua, did you hear a cat meowing in the middle of the night last night?" "A cat meows?"

Because Hua Qingzhi had heard Qinghe meow like a cat before, she naturally understood the meaning and her face turned red:

"No? I...I slept soundly last night."

"Really? Maybe I heard it wrong. Why did you follow Cousin Jing here?"

Hua Qingzhi was just dissatisfied with Xue Baijin and was extremely friendly to other girls. She thought that Miss Yunli was jealous, so she smiled and said:

"There was something going on at home, Mr. Ye brought me out by the way. I'm very sorry about what happened last night. I hope Miss Yunli won't worry too much."

"Why am I worried? Cousin Jing and I are innocent..."

Speaking of this, Zhe Yunli suddenly felt like a Muggle, and said tactfully:

"But Master and Master, I do intend to betroth me to Cousin Jing. If Master's order cannot be violated, one day, I will protect you from now on. If Cousin Jing has wronged you, I will tell him for you. Me and Jing My cousins ​​were the first to know each other, and we lived together in Yun'an..."

Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes and wanted to ask Yun Li if she dared to deal with her master, but it was obviously not good to ask randomly, so she could only nod slightly:


"Oh, it should be."


On the other side, deep in the snowfield.

A city stands on the ground, with black mountains behind it. Groups of Jianghus and businessmen enter and exit under the city wall. The city gate guards are all warriors with sword hilts hanging on their waists; and the flag on the city head is not The flag of the King of Beiliang is just the word "北".

As a territory ruled by Jianghu people, the City Lord's Mansion, located halfway up the mountain, is equivalent to the royal palace in the entire snowfield. Although it is located in a bitterly cold place, it has been built on a large scale by successive generations of city lords. The buildings are layered on top of each other. It stretches from the square at the foot of the mountain to Yunge halfway up the mountain.

In the early morning, masters from all over the world sat in the hall below the Cloud Pavilion. The second in command, Fang Xinggu, held two iron walnuts in his hands and chatted politely with everyone at the main seat.

And deep in the Cloud Pavilion above, there is a dark room.

The brass lampstand illuminated the dim hall. There were tea couches, tables, chairs and books in the hall, and a white screen stood in the deepest part.

Beiyun Bian, who is the Lord of Shuofeng City, is sitting cross-legged behind the white screen, wearing a white robe and a silver crown on his head. Although he is in his thirties, he looks like a young man with a relatively calm temperament.

On the table in front of Bei Yunbian, there are maps of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, with several villains on them. There are characters carved on the chests of the villains, namely Feng, Lu, Xiang, Shenchen, Dongfang, etc. The locations are also in their respective places.

In the wooden frame next to it, some wooden figures have been thrown in, with the words "Xuanyuan", "Lu" and so on, only a few of them.

The dead Duan Shengji, Li Kai and others were still placed on the map. They had not been moved for a long time and even collected a little dust.

The reason why these people are not removed is not that Beiyunbian is unaware of the changes in the outside world, but that the life and death of these people has nothing to do with him.

Just like the rumors in the world, Beiyunbian was born in a seaside fishing village. His family has made a living by fishing for generations. He cannot practice martial arts or study. Normally, he will have no contact with the outside world in his life.

But luckily, when he was six years old, he met an old man.

He didn't know the old man's name, but he met him by chance when he was drying fish in a fishing village. When they met, he asked him if he wanted to practice martial arts.

He knew nothing about the outside world, but knew that people who knew martial arts were very powerful, so he agreed. He became a disciple on the spot and was taken out to sea to an island.

There is a big tree on the island with fruits hanging on it, and the master lives there in seclusion.

Relying on his astonishing understanding, he quickly learned all kinds of profound skills that he had never dared to think of before. Gradually, as he got along with him, he learned why his master accepted him as his disciple.

The master said that the end of martial arts is the path of immortality, but since Wu Taizu, no one has been able to take that last step, so he wants to cultivate such a person.

He was very confused, why not ask Fengguan City? The master said that no one in the world could match Wu Taizu, but Fengguancheng had a slight chance of getting there. He was extremely talented and had a chance, so he chose to accept him as his apprentice.

As for why he didn't accept Feng Guancheng as his apprentice, he didn't ask. After all, he felt in his heart that the master might not be worthy, and it would hurt his face to say so.

He was born in poverty and had nothing, so he was naturally flattered that his master valued him so much. He determined to fulfill his master's wish, surpass Fengguan City, and become the third person to ascend to immortality after Wu Taizu.

He stayed on the island for more than ten years, learned various cultural and martial arts, and then left the mountain and returned to Beiliang. Because he heard that the strongest man in the snowfield was named Mu Yunsheng, he gave himself the pseudonym "Beiyunbian". In just one battle, he became the youngest city lord in the history of Shuofeng City.

At the same time, he also took over the command of some people from his master - the "Green Bandits" in the mouth of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

The Green Bandit was an intelligence network developed by Master. He didn't know its purpose clearly, but he speculated that it was to discover the third person after Wu Taizu.

As the saying goes, "In troubled times, heroes emerge." The Green Bandits are everywhere causing trouble and provoking conflicts, and those with outstanding abilities will stand out.

After he took over, he did the same thing. For example, when he saw that the Southern Dynasty Empress had the capital to conquer the world, he sent people to assassinate her from time to time to create pressure on the Empress. He recruited Cao Aning and others, secretly incited King Wu and the Crown Prince of Yan to rebel, etc., and inspired others. His fighting spirit makes him dare not relax.

If the empress cannot secure the throne, she will definitely have to find ways to climb up; and if she secures the throne, the pressure will naturally come to Beiliang.

To put it bluntly, they were used as a stir-up to fan the flames, so that the masters from both the North and the South did not dare to slack off and had to do their best to improve.

Originally, Beiyunbian had things going smoothly. He was the master's top seed. While concentrating on practicing martial arts, he fanned the flames of fighting for the master.

If the 'Cricket King' does not show up in the end, then when he reaches the top of martial arts and defeats Fengguan City, he will naturally fulfill his master's wish, and his master has always been very satisfied with his performance.

But this situation completely changed after a name appeared.

At the beginning of last year, Beiyunbian was secretly planning to incite King Wu to rob and depose the emperor. At the same time, he sent the 'Blood Bodhi' to assist the Crown Prince of Yan to assassinate the emperor and apply eye medicine to the female emperor.

As a result, a young man named "Ye Jingtang" suddenly appeared in Yun'an and directly destroyed the Blood Bodhi.

Because his Taoism was too low, Beiyunbian didn't pay much attention to it, but he never thought that since then, information would come back every three days, saying that so-and-so had died at the hands of Ye Jingtang again.

At first, there were various small roles, and then there were King Wu, Xuanyuan Chao, Lu Jieyun...

It was probably the first time for Master to see such a fierce cricket, not to mention Beiyunbian. At first, he wanted to create some pressure on Night Terror Hall to force him to move forward, but before he had time to plan, the other party put the pressure on him. On his head!

In September last year, after Sima Yue died, Beiyunbian ran back to the overseas islands and wanted to ask his master how to deal with Night Terror Hall.

But a scene that made him despair came - his master, who had been living in seclusion on the island, disappeared, and no trace could be found again.

After helping his master for so long, Beiyunbian understood what this meant - he went from being a direct disciple who helped raise crickets to becoming a cricket in a jar.

Master has found a more suitable candidate. He is no longer the number one seed in Master's eyes. If he doesn't work hard to climb up, he will become a stepping stone for others on the way to the top like those crickets that have been bitten to death!

As he expected, when he returned to Shuofeng City, he lost contact with the Green Bandits, and it was difficult to mobilize the intelligence network that spread across the north and south.

Beiyunbian knew that he had no time to blame others. Only if he had the strength to defeat the opponent before Ye Jingtang arrived, could he survive to the end in this man-eating cricket jar...



After an unknown amount of time in the dark room, the straight flame of the candlestick trembled slightly.

Beiyunbian, who was sitting cross-legged behind the screen, retracted his thoughts and turned his head to look behind him.


The door of the hall was also pushed open at this time. Through the screen, a figure in a brocade robe could be seen walking in from the outside and bowing:

"Lord of the North City."

Beiyunbian did not turn around and continued to look at the map in front of him:

"Master Yin, please take a seat."

Outside the screen, Yin Shicheng, the head of Juntian Mansion, did not mind Beiyunbian's arrogance. After all, Wu Sheng already had this capital.

Yin Shicheng came to the tea table and sat down, gently rubbed his fingers and asked:

"Although the possibility of Ye Jing Tang coming to Xueyuan is very slim, we must be on guard against others. King Zuo Xian, Monk Shenchen, and Mr. Zhongsun all suffered losses at the hands of Ye Jing Tang. If they came to Shuofeng City, they would be The North City Lord alone..."

Yin Shicheng is in his fifties, and he was originally ranked last among the great masters of Beiliang. He is good at trap poison techniques. If he encounters the Night Terror Hall, he will basically die.

So many masters from the north and south have died. Yin Shicheng doesn't think he will be an exception. This time he doesn't think of Xueyuan at all.

But the court had no one available, so it gave him another elixir, and it wouldn't work if he didn't come. What he was most afraid of at this time was that there would be too much noise, and the King of Hell would be attracted, and then he would be scratched to death.

Beiyunbian could hear Yin Shicheng's fear and responded:

"It's a good thing that Ye Jingtang is here. I'm not Huang Liansheng. If I work for Daliang, I can be sure to keep Ye Jingtang."

Yin Shicheng knew that Beiyunbian was not a waste like Huang Liansheng, but Ye Jingtang was Ye Jingtang!

Monk Shenchen's undefeatable golden body is broken, why should Beiyunbian boast about this Haikou?

Yin Shicheng knew that it was not appropriate to ask for the truth, but he hesitated and said:

"Yin is an orthodox warrior from the Northern Dynasties. He pays attention to the 'Thirty-Six Strategies, and the Best Strategy'. If you are not sure, something strange will happen at that time, and you may not be able to cooperate with the Lord of the North City. I wonder if the Lord of the North City can... cough..."

Before Yin Shicheng finished speaking, he suddenly found that his chest was tight, as if the breath was stuck in his throat.

He wanted to raise his energy and suppress it, but found that the energy and blood all over his body seemed to be pulled by invisible hands, scurrying around. After only a few moments, his face turned red and his whole body trembled, and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground:

"Cough cough..."


The teacup fell apart.

Behind the screen, Beiyun Bian stood up at some point, raising his left hand slightly, his eyes as if looking at an ant struggling in vain between his fingers:

"The only person in the world who can defeat me is Fengguancheng. Does Master Yin feel confident now?"

"Cough cough..."

Yin Shicheng trembled all over, his eyes were full of shock and horror. He wanted to suppress the disordered energy and blood, but it was like using his mortal body to resist a mountain. He was unable to resist. After struggling for a moment, he slipped directly from the chair and fell to his knees on the ground. :

"Yes... it's Yin who is disrespectful."

Beiyunbian put his hands behind him and tilted his head to indicate the door:


Yin Shicheng didn't dare to say more, so he quickly got up, clutched his chest and walked out quickly.


click -

After the door closed, the hall became quiet again...

(End of this chapter)

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