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Chapter 522 The Killer Group of Two

Chapter 522 The Killer Duo

After breakfast, Ye Jingtang did not stop in Cangdong Town, but set off with the three girls towards Shuofeng City.

There are many people on the road, but Ye Jingtang is not dressed as a mysterious killer of the Blue Dragon Society, but just an ordinary knight errant.

Although Hua Qingzhi bravely took a step last night, with the arrival of two teammates, she naturally couldn't continue to huddle in Ye Jingtang's arms, so she sat on Yunli's horse when they set off.

hooves, hoofs...

The three horses were rushing through the rain. Ye Jingtang noticed Bing Tuo Tuo beside him. He kept looking at Xiao Yunli who was walking around in front of him and asked curiously:

"what happened?"

Xue Baijin was dressed like an ordinary ranger. The bamboo hat was worn very low, covering half of his face. Hearing this, he calmed down and said calmly:

"When I first came out of the martial arts world, Ning'er wasn't good at martial arts and I didn't have much spare money, so the two of us would ride around on a horse..."

Ye Jingtang raised his eyes and saw that Hua Qingzhi was more gentle and reserved, while Zhe Yunli was highly skilled in martial arts. The two of them rode a horse together and galloped in the wilderness. It really looked a bit like the combination of Ning'er and Bai Jin. He smiled and said :

"You were like this back then. Ning'er was gentle and quiet, but you were lively and active, dragging her around?"

Xue Baijin thought of the past with a bit of nostalgia in his heart:

"Ning'er likes to be chivalrous and righteous, but she can't defeat anyone. She draws her sword to help her when there's injustice all day long, and then gets chased. I'm the one who cleans up the aftermath for her every time.

"Later, she got married in Nanxiao Mountain and asked her to take Yunli with her, and she gradually became like a leader's wife. However, she still didn't change her past problems. Last year, she even sneaked out with Yunli.

"I have told her before to be careful of the dangers in the world, but in the end she still fell into trouble and was taken advantage of by you, a little thief..."

Ye Jingtang was naturally unhappy with this and said seriously:

"Ning'er and I are in love. Even if you and Ning'er came to the capital together, there would be no difference in the final result."

When Xue Baijin heard this, he frowned and deduced secretly - if she and Ning'er secretly ran to the capital last year, and by chance, the house was occupied by Ye Jingtang, then it is very likely that she accepted Ye Jingtang as his disciple and betrothed her. Become Yunli's husband.

And Ning'er, the master's wife, spends day and night together taking care of Ye Jingtang. Ye Jingtang is also lustful and might fall in love over time, so he secretly goes behind her back...

It doesn't really make any difference...

Xue Baijin blinked his eyes and turned his head:

"Is it reasonable for you to spy on Ning'er's beauty? If I were here last year, how dare you be scornful of Ning'er..."

"Then I'll probably have to take a few beatings, but Ning'er is soft-hearted and will definitely protect me when she sees me getting beaten..."


Xue Baijin frowned slightly, stopped talking about these boring topics, and walked to the front lightly holding the horse's belly.

hooves, hoofs...

Three fast horses were galloping in the wilderness, and on the road they could occasionally meet people from the Jianghu who were driving to Shuofeng City.

Although the snowy plains are usually smoky, now the leader of the martial arts alliance holds a hero's banquet and invites all the heroes in the world. The major gangs still have to give them the face they deserve. The four of them did not encounter any conflicts on the road. Even the road was quite clean. Basically, The snowfield is more beautiful when no one's head falls to the ground. The hidden weapon needs to be recovered, and the harmonious scene left in the moral heart also proves how strong Beiyunbian's dominance over the snowfield is.

At dusk, the three of them gradually arrived at the foot of Chong'a Mountain in the eastern part of the snowfield.

Chong'a Mountain is a large mountain range in the northeast of Beiliang. Climb over it and you will reach the east coast. Shuofeng City was built on the mountain. It was originally a city built by the rebels of the Northern Dynasty hundreds of years ago and wanted to use it as a stronghold. , to resist the Northern Dynasty's encirclement and suppression.

However, the snowfields were too bitter and cold, and the Northern Wasteland was a barren land. There was no capital to separate one party from another. In the end, it failed due to food problems, and gradually evolved into a lawless place ruled by Jianghu people.

When Ye Jingtang entered the city with the 'North' flag, it could be seen that the streets were full of Jianghu people and businessmen carrying swords, and most of the things sold on the streets were various medicinal materials dug from Chong'a Mountain, and It’s a large black market for contraband, stolen goods, etc.

Night Terror Hall walked along the street for a while, and even saw a vendor hawking:

"Books banned from the north and the south, secret and unique books, there is no shop like this in this village, if you read it, you won't buy it, and you won't be charged..."

Xue Baijin, Yunli and Qingzhi who were walking next to them all looked a little strange when they heard the sound, and turned to look at the Night Jing Hall next to them.

Ye Jingtang had already stopped on the street and looked at the bookstall under the eaves. He found three girls looking over and coughed slightly:

"Just take a look, let's go, let's go."

How could Zhe Yunli not understand Ye Jingtang's preferences? When he saw this, he immediately got off his horse and came to the bookstall:

"Shopkeeper, what books do you have here?"

"Hey, the heroine has just come to Shuofeng City, right? As long as the outside world dare not sell it, I have it here. Take a look..."

""The Old Queen of Zhongsun Shengsanhui" and "The Mystery of Emperor Liang's Father"... Oh my God, you dare to sell these?!"

"Isn't it awesome? I also have the secret history of Wu Kui and Wu Sheng, as well as the Great Demon of Night in the Southern Dynasty. For just one coin, you can be as good as a child..."

"It's all covered, I'll go back and think about it..."

"The heroine is so heroic! I also have a secret copy of "Shuofeng City General Records". The doorways of the major sects in Shuofeng City and even the Snowfield are clearly written. With it, you can travel unimpeded in Shuofeng City. It has been in high demand recently. There is only one copy left, and it only costs twenty taels of silver..."

"Twenty taels?! This is enough to kill a grandmaster..."


"It's just a joke. Can I sell the two pieces of silver?"

"make a deal……"


Ye Jingtang looked at Xiao Yunli from the horse and was quite pleased to see that Xiao Yunli was so sensible. After waiting for a while, Zhe Yunli came back with a large bag of books. He smiled and said:

"I heard from outside that the bear paws in Shuofeng City are a famous dish. Let's find a place to have a meal."


Birdy immediately became energetic.

The three girls had been hungry for a long time after running all the way, so they naturally had no objection to this. Together they looked for a restaurant to eat bear paws in the city.

The "Shuofeng City Tonglu" bought by Yunli is not just a money-making object. The content is quite detailed. It records the locations of major sects, even places to eat, drink and have fun, and even the brothels, with comments and comments from girls. With detailed price tags, it can be regarded as a very complete service and travel guide.

Ye Jingtang relied on the guidance in the book and soon found a restaurant selling bear paws in the city. Because there were a lot of outsiders coming to Shuofeng City recently, the business was quite prosperous, and he had to queue for a long time to eat it.

After having enough wine and food, Ye Jingtang stayed at a nearby inn.

The hero's banquet is tomorrow night. Although the city lord's palace is in the city, Ye Jingtang doesn't know the details and location of Beiyunbian. The current work is to collect intelligence in the city first and take Yunli to experience it.

On the way here, Ye Jingtang had been in contact with the Qinglong Society and knew the meeting place in Shuofeng City. After packing up and dressing up, he and Yunli set off for today's trip...

It's nighttime in the blink of an eye, behind an old blacksmith shop in the corner of the city.



The crisp sound of forging came from the old shop, and was obscured by the sound of rain. From time to time, warriors in raincoats would come in and out of the blacksmith shop carrying weapons.

Ye Jingtang took a brick and placed it in the aisle on the side of the blacksmith shop, and then waited in the back alley, carefully reading the book he just bought in his hands by the firelight from the back window of the shop.

Because he had to do things at night, Ye Jingtang put on a cyan cloak again, with the wheel sword hanging on his waist, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

And Zhe Yunli came out as a teammate, and naturally he "does what he does and loves what he does". He put on the cloak prepared for Qingzhi, with a face towel on his face, and stood in front of him with a five-foot-long knife in both hands, as if he was serious about words. Professional killer.

However, after waiting for a while and no contact person came over, Zhe Yunli still couldn't hold it back and approached Ye Jingtang:

"Cousin Jing, do you look good?"

Ye Jingtang looked calm and calm as he turned the page of the book:

"It's far worse than what Wu Shengxie wrote, but I can barely read it."

"Really? Let me see...eh~"

Zhe Yunli looked up while he was talking, and saw that there were illustrations in the book. The content was of a man and a woman hugging each other and pouting. He quickly turned his head away, thought about it for a while, and then asked:

"Cousin Jing, have you ever kissed a girl?"


Ye Jingtang blinked and looked at Xiao Yunli:

"Uh... do you believe me if I say no?"

"If you don't believe it, you must have kissed the Queen and Aunt Pei..."

Zheyunli shook his long knife and said curiously:

"I see those storytellers often talk about 'eating rouge' and the like. What does that feel like? Is it interesting?"

Ye Jingtang was a little funny: "Actually, I don't feel anything. You will know when you get married."


Seeing that Ye Jingtang didn't say anything or ask, Zhe Yunli turned his attention to the sword on Ye Jingtang's waist and turned the wheel to pass the time.

Ka Ka Ka ~

After the two waited for nearly two-quarters of an hour, there was finally movement in the alley, but the contact person did not show up. Instead, a small package was thrown directly from behind the wall and landed in the alley far away.


Zhe Yunli frowned, came to him with a long knife, picked up the package on the ground, and looked around, and found that the person had left, and he was a little confused:

"He left without showing up?"

In fact, Ye Jingtang had never met Old Liu before meeting him in Pingyi City. He was already accustomed to this kind of connection method. He took the package from Yunli's hand:

"This is Shuofeng City, and Beiyunbian's spies are everywhere. It's good to stay anonymous. Just send the information."

While talking, Ye Jingtang opened the package and looked through it. It was seen that there were several pieces of paper inside, recording the contents he had inquired about during the last contact, including:

Beiyunbian rarely showed up. All affairs in Shuofeng City were handled by the second-in-command Fang Xinggu. It was not clear whether Beiyunbian was in the city lord's palace.

Yin Shicheng had arrived a few days ago, accompanied by officials from Beiliang. He had been staying in the city lord's mansion and had never gone out.

Huo Zhiyun was focused on and had been living in Fengchen Building. However, after the news of Yao Shangqing's sudden death came, Huo Zhiyun must have been on guard and contacted the City Lord's Mansion in the afternoon.

Finally, there are two target customers of the Blue Dragon Society, because they know that he will only kill the people who deserve to be killed, and their past evil deeds are written in detail on the back.

After Ye Jingtang glanced briefly, he put the paper away, turned and walked into the dark alley:

"Let's go."

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli quickly followed behind and asked:

"Who should we deal with first?" "Fengchenlou, Huo Zhiyun, is also a fellow assassin. Remember to be professional when the time comes, so as not to be laughed at..."



At the same time, the four people settled in the inn.

Because so many people have come to Shuofeng City recently, almost every inn is full and even the lobby is full of people.

In the wing upstairs, the overfed Bird used his bamboo hat as a cradle and lay rocking in it, humming an unknown ditty:


Hua Qingzhi was confused and confused by the torment last night, and she is slowly recovering now. Because Ye Jingtang went out, staying in the inn was a bit boring, so she naturally set her sights on Xue Baijin.

After sitting in the room for a while, Hua Qingzhi thought secretly in her heart, stood up holding the table, slowly came to the next room, raised her hand and knocked.

dong dong~

"Is something wrong?"


Hua Qingzhi gently pushed the door open and looked inside.

The inn room is simply furnished, with candles lit on the table and a pile of books next to it.

Xue Baijin was wearing a white robe and was sitting upright at the table, flipping through a book in his hand, his eyes serious and quiet, as if he were the head of the company reviewing this year's account books.

Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes, came over and took a look, and found that Xue Baijin was reading "Shuofeng City Tonglu", she smiled and said:

"Is Miss Xue still literate?"


Xue Baijin took a gentle breath and felt that this little girl, who was about the same age as Yunli, was really a bit needy. She frowned and said:

"Can you still walk?"

Hua Qingzhi sat down next to her, holding her face with her hands:

"It's just a joke. I thought about it last night. It was my fault before. Miss Xue took me away from home. I really can't blame Miss Xue."

Xue Baijin's eyes were full of surprise, but seeing that this girl understood the truth, he nodded slightly:

"Just think about it clearly..."

But what a pity, before she finished speaking, she saw Miss Hua next to her and continued:

"Although I took medicine at the time, it was because I had thoughts about Mr. Ye that I had such hallucinations. Miss Xue is the same as me, which means that I also have Mr. Ye in my heart. From now on, we will all be sisters..."

Xue Baijin frowned and said seriously:

"I have seen through Ye Jingtang's character, and I feel that his nature is unchangeable, and he may have thoughts about me, which is why he has such hallucinations. I have no interest in him, so don't think too much."

Hua Qingzhi didn't believe it at all, but she didn't refute it, but said:

"Really? I have already entered Ye's house. Anyone who enters first before me must be called sister, and those who enter later must naturally be treated as sisters.

"If Miss Xue really has no intentions towards Young Master Ye, I will naturally regard you as my senior from now on, and I should apologize for the previous misunderstanding.

"But if Miss Xue is still like me in the future, when you enter Ye's house, I'll call you Sister Xue. Isn't it too much?"

After Hua Qingzhi finished speaking, she looked into Xue Baijin's eyes and waited for the other party's answer.

If Xue Baijin agrees with this statement, then when Xue Baijin comes in, she will be the sister.

And if she doesn't agree with it, it means she is being ulterior and duplicitous. The initiative is still on her side, and she can be said to be in an invincible position.

But it's a pity that Hua Qingzhi, a scholarly young lady, still doesn't understand what it means to be an overlord.

When Xue Baijin faced this problem, he didn't even think about it. Instead, he raised his left hand, clenched it into a fist, and held it upright in front of Hua Qingzhi:

"what is this?"


Hua Qingzhi's heart tightened and she blinked:


Xue Baijin shook his head and said seriously:

"This is status. There is no first-come-first-serve in the world, only 'the strong is respected'. No matter what my status is, to you, I am a senior who cannot be offended, not only you, but also the empress and queen.

"It's only three things. If you mention these nonsense again, don't blame me for bullying the younger ones and teaching them disrespect."

When Hua Qingzhi heard this, she sat up a little straighter:

"Miss Xue, are you planning to be unreasonable? Eh?!"

dong dong~

Xue Baijin raised his hand and tapped Hua Qingzhi's chest twice. Before Hua Qingzhi could react, she fell softly onto the table.

Xue Baijin raised her hand to support Hua Qingzhi, picked her up and threw her on the bed.

Hua Qingzhi was completely numb and unconscious, and she was naturally annoyed in her heart:

"You can't do it without saying anything, right? Wait until Mr. Ye comes back..."


The curtain closed and all vision was lost.

Xue Baijin returned to the table and sat down, picked up the book, and continued reading.

Hua Qingzhi had no power to resist. Seeing that Xue Baijin ignored her, she spoke again:

"Do you have any interest in Night Terror Hall? Do you know it in your heart and think you can get away with it if you don't admit it?

"Whether you like it or not, it's your own business. Rich families are all about first come, first served. Whether you admit it or not, you have to call me sister from now on. Even if you don't...

"Hello? If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence..."

Angry and annoyed words kept coming from inside the curtain.

Xue Baijin's heart was still as she turned over the book, as if she didn't hear anything...

In the middle of the night, on the roof of Fengchen Building.

Night Terror Hall was wearing a cloak and half-crouched on the ridge of the roof, listening to the movement below.

Zhe Yunli, on the other hand, had a strange expression and his face was a little red. He was looking for traces of the target customer through the chaotic movements below:


"Clap clap clap..."


As the name suggests, Fengchen Tower is a romantic place in Shuofeng City. Most of the people who come here are powerful and powerful people. At night, the scene in the building speaks for itself.

Zhe Yunli was just a little girl. She had never seen such a big scene before. However, seeing the cold and serious eyes of her cousin Jing, she didn't dare to act unconcerned. After listening for a while, she just asked:

"Cousin Jing, why do I feel that this voice is a bit familiar? It seems like last night... ouch~"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and flicked Yunli's head to signal her to be more serious. Then he used Mingshentu's extraordinary perception to carefully distinguish the words of everyone around him.

A place where top heroes like Huo Zhiyun can come to have fun, the level is naturally not low. Fengchen Building is quite large. The main building plus the buildings behind it have no less than 300 people. Judging from the movement, there are probably two or three people working there. There are more than ten couples, and others are drinking flower wine.

Night Terror Hall rarely faced such a big disturbance, but in the end, subtle movements were captured from a courtyard at the back:

Step, step, step...

The sound of pacing back and forth.

There was only one person in the room. His breath was long and his steps were very light. He seemed to be extremely skilled in martial arts.

From the information obtained by Ye Jingtang, it was confirmed that Huo Zhiyun had settled in Fengchen Tower, and there were no other warriors above the Grand Master in the brothel. Naturally, they were sure that they were inseparable, and raised their hands to signal to the Yayuan behind them.

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli straightened his cloak first, then imitated his master, put on a frosty look, and landed in the corridor with Ye Jingtang, heading towards the Yayuan.

At the same time, in the Yayuan.

There were no lights on in the gorgeously decorated room, and the doors and windows were closed. Thin wires were tied to the cracks in the windows and doors to link up with the hidden weapons on the roof.

Huo Zhiyun, who was over fifty years old, was wearing a brocade robe and a sword hanging from his waist. He was pacing back and forth on the carpet, occasionally glancing at the doors and windows to make sure there was nothing strange outside.

Huo Zhiyun is different from Tian Wuliang and others. He is a lone wolf in the world. He makes a living by killing people, and his reputation is as good as that of Twelfth Floor.

The conflict started two years ago because the imperial court offered a reward for a gangster who killed an official, and many people were looking for him. In the end, he and the Qinglong Society collided, and he was a step too late.

Ordinary assassins would definitely give way to Qinglong when encountering such a situation, but Huo Zhiyun relied on his martial arts skills and did not want to go in vain, so he even killed the people of the Qinglong Society together.

Originally, he had been silenced and this matter would not be spread out, but the Qinglong Society was too stubborn and spent a lot of money to get through the relationship with the court. By following the clues, they found out that he had taken the silver reward, and then began to pursue him.

Although Huo Zhiyun was not the opponent of the entire Qinglong Society, as a lone wolf, he came and went without a trace, and he was not afraid of anyone in a single fight, so he did not take this matter seriously.

A few years later, he thought that this matter had ended, but he never expected that when he was invited to Shuofeng City as a guest this time, a 'Dragon King' appeared in Cangdong Town and killed Yao Shangqing with a sword.

Yao Shangqing was the overlord of the Hai Gang, and he had already half-stepped into the role of Grand Master. However, he was suddenly killed by one move. He didn't need to think about it to know that he couldn't beat him. If he encountered this, he would definitely not be able to get out of the snowfield.

But this time Shuofeng City holds a hero's banquet, it is obviously to prepare for recruiting troops. Beiyunbian has become a feudal official. With Huo Zhiyun's martial arts, he can take the opportunity to clear his name and go ashore. In the future, it is unlikely that he will be able to become an official. If he hears about it, But if he escapes, his future and even the reputation he has accumulated over the years will be completely ruined.

For this reason, after Huo Zhiyun received the news from Cangdong Town, he hesitated and contacted the City Lord's Mansion, hoping to ask Shuofeng City to act as an intermediary and resolve the matter peacefully.

At this time, Huo Zhiyun was pacing back and forth in the room, waiting for Hua Mianhu, the deacon of the City Lord's Mansion, to come over to discuss countermeasures.

In order to prevent the people from the city lord's palace from coming, the killers from the Qinglong Society arrived quickly. Huo Zhiyun had already set up a trap in the room, and kept his knife by his side at all times.

After pacing back and forth like this for a long time, footsteps finally sounded in the corridor outside:


Huo Zhiyun's heart moved, he stopped and looked at the door...


Transition Chapter or 2

(End of this chapter)

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