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Chapter 524 Boldness!

Chapter 524 Boldness!

Apart from Huo Zhiyun, the other two men on the list were murderers and gangsters in the Xueyuan area. Their skills were barely enough to reach the threshold of a grandmaster, but their martial arts attainments could only be described as rubbish.

Yunli himself is the young master of the Pingtian Sect, not to mention the resources. Except for the Tianlang Pearl, Yunli has all the other members of the Night Terror Hall. Now he has become a middle-ranking master. Killing these miscellaneous fish is just a matter of one blow. , from leaving the house to finishing the work, it only takes half an hour in total.

Yunli was in a good mood because he was eliminating harm for the people and could earn money by the way. After finishing the errand, he took off his disguise and headed back together. Along the way, he jumped on the back of Ye Jingtang, muttering:

"It's gone now? Beiliang is full of small children, even more outrageous than Liangzhou. This is not the only evil that can be eliminated, right?"

"This is Shuofeng City. At least one-third of the people in the city are unclean. If they really go on a killing spree, it won't turn into a massacre of the city. Business is more important..."


Seeing this, Zhe Yunli had no choice but to give up. When he reached the inn where he was staying, he was afraid of being seen by his master, so he got off his back and called out from a distance:

"Guji Guji?"


Niaoniao was squatting under the eaves. When he saw the two of them, he jumped down and landed on Yunli's arm, looking around to see if he had brought something delicious for him.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and touched Niao Niao's head, and then came upstairs. He found that the lights in Qingzhi's room were dim, and he seemed to be asleep. He went to Bing Tuo Tuo's room first, raised his hand and knocked:

dong dong~

"come in."

On the table in the room, a candle was lit, and various books were neatly placed next to it.

Xue Baijin was sitting at the table, holding a book in his hand. He was dressed in a snow-white robe, with his hair tied up with a hairband. His face was cold and arrogant, with a hint of heroism. At first glance, he looked like a big ice lump, but his eyebrows were slender. , the nose bridge is high, and the eyes are still fox eyes with extremely beautiful lines, so that the overall temperament becomes soft and strong. If you look closely, you can feel the agility and softness that is unique to women.

However, Ye Jingtang was afraid of being pushed and massaged by Bing Tuo Tuo to open the dragon's spine, so he couldn't stare at the profile carefully, so he came to the table and put down the weapon:

"What are you looking at?"

Xue Baijin has always been an upright character, so naturally he would not secretly read miscellaneous books. After hearing this, he laid the book flat and pointed to the records in "Shuofeng City Tonglu":

"Beiyunbian seems to be very interested in the strange alchemy. No matter whether it is a Taoist Buddhist or a magician, as long as he knows these, he can go to the city lord's mansion to eat and drink, even if praying for rain or gods does not work, it will not work. Being punished..."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang sat side by side on the bench, lowered their heads and looked carefully. It can be seen that there are many stories written in the book about Qimen alchemists who came to the city lord's mansion as guests. After thinking about it for a moment, he recalled that Qinghe performed a great dance for him. Things:

"Whether it is Taoism, Buddhism, or the witchcraft lineage, they should all be strange alchemy techniques that have been figured out by experts in ancient times. The Minglongtu and even the Nine Techniques of the First Emperor are the culmination of these things.

"People today are not using them effectively, maybe because they have not understood the essence behind these things. Beiyunbian probably understands these principles, and is studying the principles behind them by collecting the strange alchemy passed down from the folk, well... also It is to comprehend the ultimate principles of heaven.”

Seeing that Ye Jingtang knew how to keep a punch distance, Xue Baijin didn't care about him approaching him and asked seriously:

"You mean, legends like praying to clouds for rain and moving mountains and seas, do they really exist?"

"There should be, but to be as strong as the legend says, I guess you still have to look at the 'Dao Xing'. I've only just touched the threshold."

After Xue Baijin entered the Martial Sainthood, he had actually begun to dabble in the realm of 'refining qi and transforming into a god', but he had not yet figured it out and had not mastered the mysteries. When he heard this, he asked curiously:

"Besides the Hundred-step Flying Sword and the guidance of Qi and blood, what other magical powers do you have?"

Ye Jingtang has actually been secretly exploring the use of the 'Moving Mountain Picture', but they just don't dare to use it easily until necessary.

Seeing Bing Tuo Tuo's curious inquiry, he naturally wanted to pretend, so he raised his right hand slightly, trying to interfere with Bing Tuo Tuo's breath through the air.

But people are not dead things, and their physical conditions change at any time. If Ye Jingtang puts his hand on his body, he can feel the direction of the Qi pulse in the other person's body, so it is not difficult to guide and interfere; but in the case of air separation, he cannot use touch to detect. He had no idea where the energy was in his body, so he couldn't guide it.

Ye Jingtang frowned and tried seriously, trying to capture the flow of energy in Bing Tuo Tuo's body, but after trying for a long time...


Xue Baijin looked at Ye Jingtang's movements and thought he was going to perform a magic trick like 'Palm Fire'. However, after waiting for a moment, he suddenly found that his chest felt numb, and then his clothes seemed to be shaken by something. Tuan'er swayed in the candlelight, causing trembling waves...

? ?

The room fell silent for a moment!

Xue Baijin looked down, and then his expression became focused, and then gradually became colder, and his eyes gradually revealed a murderous look!

Ye Jingtang's expression was stiff, and he secretly thought something was wrong, and he quickly raised his hand:

"Mistake, mistake...eh?!"


Xue Baijin grabbed Ye Jingtang's left hand and pressed the pervert directly on the table, his eyes as cold as ice:

"It's so shameless that you could use such a mysterious magic to do such a dirty thing..."

Ye Jingtang pressed his face against the book and quickly apologized:

"What a mistake. I can't touch it with my hands. How could I use this method to take advantage of you..."

"You still dare to quibble?

Xue Baijin raised his left hand and clenched his fist with the force of Wu Song fighting a tiger. However, after shaking it twice, he still couldn't beat Ye Jingtang, so he turned to question:

"Did you use the seventh picture again?"


Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, then understood what Bing Tuo Tuo meant, and shook his head like a bird:

"No, no, absolutely not..."

Xue Baijin is not a stupid girl. He can touch her breasts from a distance. This is obviously the same as the method of controlling swords. His eyes darkened slightly at the moment:

"I told you the taboos, don't touch them at will. What should you do if you hurt your body? I'll check you out..."

"Eh?! It's really no need. I'm fine. I'm fine..."

How could Xue Baijin listen to this explanation? He pulled Ye Jingtang up and pushed him onto the bed, then pressed on him, trying to rub his shoulders and back to open the dragon's spine.

How could Ye Jingtang bear this kind of service? He was pushed down on the quilt, quickly grabbed Bing Tuo Tuo's wrist, and tried his best to be pleasant:

"Okay, okay, I apologize. I have a long memory. I won't do it again..."

Xue Baijin remained condescending without saying a word, and grabbed Ye Jingtang's wrist with both hands, trying to capture him.

But Ye Jingtang definitely didn't dare to let go. He struggled with Bingtuotuo for a while, and saw that she was about to catch the lute bone, so he could only pull his wrists to both sides, and the result...


Ye Jingtang fell on the bed and was held down by Xue Baijin. The two sides grabbed each other. Xue Baijin's body leaned forward greatly, with the support point on his arms.

At this time, in order to resist, Ye Jingtang suddenly came and parted the mane of a wild horse and pulled Xue Baijin's arms to both sides. The result is self-evident.

Xue Baijin's strength was not as strong as Ye Jingtang's. He spread his arms to the left and right, losing his support point. Naturally, his body hit Ye Jingtang's chest. The two people instantly became face to face. Under the action of inertia, Xue Baijin also bumped into Ye Jingtang's cheek.


! !

The room fell into dead silence again.

Xue Baijin's eyes widened with disbelief, and his cheeks were visibly crimson, and then gradually turned into soaring shame and anger!

Ye Jingtang was just self-defense and not intentional. He felt the moist touch on his cheeks and the two soft buns on his chest, and his body visibly stiffened.

Seeing Bing Tuo Tuo's murderous eyes, Ye Jingtang let go for fear of being beaten to death. It would be wrong not to let go, so he could only bite the bullet and said awkwardly:

"Then what... I'm just protecting myself, I didn't do it on purpose. How about I don't move and let you clean it up?"

"let go!"

Xue Baijin's eyelashes were trembling, which showed how angry she was.

Ye Jingtang felt that my life was at risk, but he still gritted his teeth and let go of his wrist.


Xue Baijin quickly got up from his body, raised his hand and wiped his lips. After glaring at Ye Jingtang for a moment, he stepped forward and grabbed Ye Jingtang's wrist and started to clock.

Ye Jingtang didn't dare to hide this time. He still pressed Bing Tuo Tuo's knees on his lower back, pulled his upper body back, and said kindly:

"Slow down, slow down, or your waist will break."

"I'm helping you stretch your muscles and bones, but you can't bear this little pain? Did you practice the Jade Bone Diagram in vain?"



Ye Jingtang's golden scales and jade bones are indeed powerful, but his touch will not degrade. All he can practice is endurance.

If it is a life-and-death fight, the heartstrings will be highly tense, and the body will temporarily ignore the pain, and it will not hurt after being slashed several times.

But at this time, I was being massaged by Bingtuo Tuo, which would trigger a stress state. The night terror hall felt like I was back when I was a child and my adoptive father pressed and stretched my legs.

Fortunately, not long after the two of them were playing around on the bed, Xiao Yunli ran up and looked at her from the door together with Niaoniao:


Xue Baijin knelt on the waist of Ye Jingtang, held his hands and leaned back. When he saw his apprentice coming, he gritted his teeth and stopped his hands, saying in a deep voice:

"Are you feeling better?!"

Ye Jingtang was already in the wrong, so how could he dare to say that Bing Tuo Tuo was not the right one? He quickly stood up and said:

"I feel much more comfortable. You've worked hard. It's already getting late. I'll go back to my room to practice. You guys should go to bed early."

After saying that, he quickly left the room, pushed Yunli in, and closed the intimate door.

When Yunli entered the door, he saw his master cleaning up his surprised cousin. He was obviously a little timid and asked in a low voice:

"Master, what's wrong with Cousin Jing?"

After Xue Baijin calmed down a little, he straightened his clothes:

"He was doing random exercises just now, let him pay attention later."


Zhe Yunli didn't dare to ask any more questions. She sat down at the table obediently with Niaoniao in her arms, pretending to be a good girl who was reading seriously...


After Ye Jingtang walked out of the door, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Bing Tuotuo didn't chase him, and then raised his hand to touch his cheek.

Because it was indeed an unintentional mistake, Ye Jingtang didn't think too much. After calming down for a moment, he quietly walked to the opposite room and raised his hand to knock.

dong dong~

After waiting for a while, Qingzhi, who was sleeping soundly, did not wake up.

Ye Jingtang frowned slightly and gently pushed the door open. He came to the bed and opened the curtain. He saw Miss Qingzhi dressed as a scholar, lying on the pillow in her dress. She looked like she was sound asleep, and her eyes seemed to be moving slightly. Having a nightmare.

Ye Jingtang wanted to leave quietly, but he felt that Qingzhi was too asleep. After a little hesitation, he sat in front of him and raised his hand to shake Tuan'er:


After shaking for several times, Qing Zhicai frowned slightly and slowly opened her eyes, her eyes full of confusion.

Ye Jingtang came forward and said curiously:

"Why are you sleeping so soundly? Are you feeling unwell?"


Hua Qingzhi wanted to respond, but as her mind cleared, things that happened before she fell asleep came flooding into her mind. Anger gradually appeared in her eyes, and she turned her head:

"Xue Baijin, you...wuwu~"

Ye Jingtang had just been offended by Bing Tuo Tuo, but he didn't want to do it again, so he quickly covered Qing Zhi's mouth and coaxed:

"What's wrong? Did she make you fall asleep?" Hua Qingzhi just ran to Xue Baijin and argued about who was older and who was younger in the future, but Xue Baijin couldn't argue with her, so he dozed her and threw her on the bed.

She didn't know martial arts and couldn't get away, but naturally she couldn't give in, so she said that Xue Baijin was arrogant and weak, and she dared to like him but not admit it.

As a result, Xue Baijin became impatient and made two "dong dong" sounds, and then his eyes went black.

Xue Baijin took action just as he said, and Hua Qingzhi was naturally unconvinced, but Ye Jingtang had already returned, and it would not be good for her secret jealousy to be known. She suppressed her thoughts at the moment and said softly:

"It's nothing. I just said something to her, but she can't speak to me. Don't worry about it. If I bully her in the future, you are not allowed to interfere."


Ye Jingtang estimated that Qingzhi had no chance to bully Bingtuotuo, but obviously she couldn't say that, so she still caressed her back with her hand:

"Okay, if you make her cry in the future, I won't say anything..."

Hua Qingzhi was confused when she woke up. She wanted to say a few sweet words to Ye Jingtang, but she couldn't summon up the emotion.

Perhaps to anger Xue Baijin, Hua Qingzhi was silent for a moment, then turned around and pressed Ye Jingtang down:

"Ms. sir, you said you have to do more to get pregnant. It's already so late. Let's get down to business."


Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, pressed back against the pillow, and said hesitantly:

"Master Xue and the others haven't slept yet..."

What Hua Qingzhi wanted was for Xue Baijin to be unable to sleep and to make that fierce woman angry to death.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was looking forward and backward, Hua Qingzhi didn't care so much. She raised her legs and sat on Ye Jingtang's waist, lowered her head and moved towards her mouth.


Ye Jingtang estimated that Bing Tuo Tuo would have to beat him tomorrow, but he couldn't push Qing Zhi away. Thinking about it, he could only die under the peony flowers. Being a ghost is also romantic. He put his hand on his waist and slid towards the moon gently. Knead...


At the same time, in the opposite room.

Zhe Yunli held the book in his hand and read anecdotes and allusions with Niao Niao. Because the writing was quite interesting, everyone and Niao Niao read it with gusto.

Xue Baijin, on the other hand, was confused because of the episode just now. He meditated on the bed, his cheeks as cold as ice.

But unfortunately, before Xue Baijin could calm down the turmoil in his heart, he faintly heard strange noises coming from the room opposite.


It starts again!

Isn’t it possible that this pervert only thinks about women?

Xue Baijin hadn't suppressed the wanton offense just now, but he was so tormented. He couldn't make up his mind and wished he could go to Ye Jingtang for another massage.

But Hua Qingzhi, this damn girl, obviously wanted to make her angry in this way. If she was really angry about this, wouldn't it just happen?

For this reason, Xue Baijin took a few deep breaths, suppressed the waves in his heart, opened his eyes, stood up and said:

"Yunli, are you hungry?"


The bird raised its head and shook its head, probably saying - she is hungry, let's go, let's go...

When Zhe Yunli saw that his master was going to eat, he didn't refuse. He put down his book and looked at the door:

"I'm going to scare my cousin and Miss Hua?"

"No, I'm just going out for a quick lunch."

After Xue Baijin finished speaking, he opened the window and jumped out, and the birds followed him.

Zhe Yunli was a little hesitant, but after thinking about it he followed...


Silent all night.

At noon the next day, thick clouds gathered above the Black Mountain. The City Lord's Mansion located halfway up the mountain and even the majestic city below all turned black and blue in the gloomy weather.

Ye Jingtang walked out of the inn and looked at the bluestone square below the city lord's palace. He saw a sea of ​​people and there was only one road left in the middle of the huge place.

People can still be seen in small and large groups on the streets. As they are walking towards that direction, they can hear noisy conversations everywhere:

"Guo Shubao, Lu Wuniang and other heads of wealthy families are here, and they will probably come over soon..."

"Is the Dragon King coming?"

"The Dragon King and Shenlong have not seen their tail, how could they be discovered by ordinary people, but they will definitely show up later..."

"Several people died in the city last night, and Huo Zhiyun was among them. I guess it was the Dragon King who did it..."

"Those who were not present, even if they didn't come, Shuofengcheng didn't say anything. What do we care about? If you ask questions, you may get into trouble..."


Although the Heroes' Banquet will only start in the evening, there will definitely be scenes from major factions in front of it. Ninety-nine percent of the Jianghu people who came from all over the world did not have invitations, and wanted to see with their own eyes those top heroes who were once famous from north to south. We can only get to the front and find a way to get a good position first.

The Night Terror Hall had the invitation with them, so there was no need to rush to the city lord's palace early to get a seat, but there was no harm in going there in advance to investigate. After looking at it for a few times, he turned back and looked behind him.

In the lobby of the inn, three girls were sitting around the table and eating.

Qingzhi was so angry at Bing Tuo Tuo last night. It was not enough to push down Ye Jingtang once last night. At this time, she was sitting at the table and glanced at the opposite side from time to time.

Bingtuotuo was offended twice by Ye Jingtang last night, and was tormented by Qingzhi later. He was obviously not in a good mood. He sat across from him and didn't say anything, just eating quietly.

Xiao Yunli was the same as before, she had finished her meal, hugging the bird who had just laid down after eating, secretly listening to the chatter of the people passing by.

After getting up this morning, although Bingtuotuo's eyes were very unkind, Ye Jingtang still explained the next arrangements to the three of them.

The current plan of the few people is that after the Heroes' Banquet begins and Beiyunbian appears, Xue Baijin will sneak into the city lord's mansion to search for secret treasures such as the longevity fruit.

Ye Jingtang arrived as the Dragon King and found excuses to hold Beiyunbian down. If he couldn't be held back, he would go crazy. If he could kill Beiyunbian, it would be best. If he couldn't kill him, then wait for Xue Baijin to come and join forces. If he couldn't be killed, they would retreat together.

As for Zhe Yunli, who was unable to participate in the battle of martial saints because of his lack of moral integrity, he was responsible for being a commoner, protecting Hua Qingzhi, and was ready to retreat at any time.

The plan has been drawn up, now comes execution.

After Ye Jingtang and others finished eating, they left the inn together and came to the square below the city lord's palace to check out the situation first.

This hero's banquet was a banquet for Beiyunbian to be publicly named the Duke of Beiliang. The scene was quite grand.

Various colorful flags have been hung outside the city lord's mansion with layers of buildings. On the steps at the end of the bluestone square directly below, there are tea tables, Taishi chairs and other items. Servants are clearing them away. The big nanmu chair in the middle is obviously from the north. The location at the edge of the cloud is obviously more impressive than the other seats.

There are dozens of celebrities invited this time. They are all famous sect leaders or heroes, and they are accompanied by followers. There will definitely not be enough room to sit on the steps. For this reason, the positions are arranged on the left and right sides of the square, and are designated according to their respective sects. Dozens of areas.

The nearly 10,000 people watching were blocked in the back half of the square. There was an aisle in the middle of the crowd, and the Shuofeng City disciples with swords hanging on their waists stood on both sides as a guard of honor.

Hua Qingzhi followed and looked behind the dense crowd. Because she had never participated in such a grand event before, she was a little confused when she saw the battle:

"Isn't it a hero's banquet? Can't we eat out?"

Zhe Yunli stood beside him wearing a bamboo hat and explained:

"Not everyone is qualified to eat the meal. If nothing else happens, what will happen later will be - the major heads will enter and take their seats, Beiyun Bian will show up and say a few words, and then the people from the Beiliang court will come out and read out the imperial edict. Kind of reward.

"After Beiyunbian expresses his gratitude, he will make an impassioned speech and invite the major imperial courts to contribute to jointly resist the invasion of enemy countries. Those who agree will be rewarded by the imperial court. Those who do not agree will naturally kill chickens and scare monkeys. Wait until no one sings the opposite, Then go to the hall of the City Lord’s Mansion for dinner.”

Hua Qingzhi nodded thoughtfully:

"If Young Master Ye hadn't come, I'm afraid no one would dare not agree today."

Zhe Yunli nodded:

"That's natural. It's just like Cousin Jing calling the heads of the Southern Dynasty to come to the banquet one by one. The posts are all delivered to you, who dares not to keep the appointment and sing the opposite tune?

"There are actually many people who don't want to come, such as the Qinglong Society, but they have to find a backer first, otherwise Beiyun will retaliate afterwards and they will not be able to withstand it."

Hua Qingzhi asked doubtfully: "Young Master Ye is not a member of the Qinglong Club. If he left after that, what will the Qinglong Club do?"

Zhe Yunli folded his arms, looking like an old Jianghu:

"It doesn't matter whether Cousin Jing is a member of the Qinglong Club. As long as he borrows the identity of the Qinglong Club, then in the eyes of people in the world, the Qinglong Club has something to do with Cousin Jing.

"Beiyunbian knew this and went to take revenge on the Qinglong Society. That is not to give face to Cousin Jing. According to the rules of the world, outsiders cannot beat his own watchdog. Cousin Jing must come to deal with Beiyunbian. , otherwise in the future, who of the following sects would dare to pay tribute to Cousin Jing, run errands, and serve as his younger brother?

"Of course, if Cousin Jing can't beat Beiyunbian, then the Qinglong Club made the wrong bet..."


Ye Jingtang stood beside him, listening to the two chatting without interrupting. He was just observing the crowd in the square to see if there were any hidden masters.

After scanning for a moment, he unexpectedly discovered that among the crowd in front, there were four people traveling together.

One of them was a couple, and the other two were an old man and a young man. The old man was a swordsman, and he was slowly pushing forward with the little girl riding on his shoulders.


Ye Jingtang was stunned and immediately pulled Bing Tuo Tuo's sleeves.

Xue Baijin twitched his arm to prevent Ye Jingtang from touching him. His eyes followed the sea of ​​people, and then he looked surprised:

"Qiu Tianhe? Why are they here too?"

"I went over to say hello..."


(End of this chapter)

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