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Chapter 525 Kakaka

Chapter 525 Kakaka~

The Qingshi Square was crowded with people. As the time passed noon, there were no fewer than ten thousand people gathered at the foot of the mountain. Short people were squeezed in the middle. They couldn't even see the gate. For this reason, many people were secretly squeezing forward.

Among the crowd, Qiu Tianhe carried his young apprentice and slowly moved towards the front of the square with Xuanyuan Tiangang and his wife.

Last time in Yanjing Bishui Forest, after Qiu Tianhe helped Ye Jingtang, Ye Jingtang was seriously injured and left Beiliang quickly.

After Qiu Tianhe escaped, he did not return with him. Instead, he continued to team up with Gangzi and his wife, and took his young apprentice to travel around the rivers and lakes of Beiliang.

Qiu Tianhe's trip this time was to prepare to visit the "four extremes of mountains and rivers". He had already visited Guancheng and Haijiao Port, so the next place was naturally the Permanently Frozen Lake. Then he crossed the Beihuang and arrived at Tianya Mountain, the hometown of the Qinchi tribe.

After months of traveling around the mountains and rivers, Qiu Tianhe had actually passed the snowfield, but halfway there, he suddenly heard the news of a heroes meeting in Shuofeng City.

Traveling around the rivers and lakes was just about joining in the fun, so Qiu Tianhe naturally ran back when he saw this. Because Beihuang was sparsely populated and there was no news, he only managed to arrive this morning, and by the time everyone came, he was surrounded.

At this time, the intrigues had been squeezing for most of the day, and finally they squeezed to the front. Qiu Tianhe breathed a sigh of relief and sighed:

"As expected of the Martial Saint, he held a hero's banquet and summoned half of the people in Beiliang Jianghu. Compared with this, Wu Kui is really nothing..."

Xuanyuan Tiangang stood with his wife and responded:

"This is no nonsense. The last time the Martial Saint held a heroes' banquet and invited heroes from all walks of life, it was during the uprising of the previous dynasty. The old master of Yuxu Mountain recruited troops for the rebels. This kind of occasion only happens once in a lifetime."

"The old master of Yuxu Mountain was a generation older than Fengguan City. He passed away early. I have never seen him. I don't know who is better than Lu Taiqing."

Xuanyuan Tiangang thought about it carefully: "I was lucky enough to see him when I was young. Anyway, he has a childish face with white hair and a fairy-like spirit. He looks the same as he is in his early fifties when he is over eighty years old. I don't know how high his moral skills are. They say that Lu Taiqing is a young man and should be worse than Lu Taiqing."

Qiu Tianhe nodded thoughtfully, then thought about it and said:

"Sister Meng is not very old, she is less than seventy. If she can cultivate a great path, do you think she will be young again?"

"You didn't have the guts to pursue someone when they were in their prime, in their thirties or forties. It's too late to regret now."

"What are you talking about? I just can't bear to see the beauty turn gray..."

Qiu Tianhe was chatting with tears in his eyes when he suddenly found that his clothes were being torn. He thought someone wanted to push forward, so he said angrily:

"It's still crowded, I didn't see...hey?!"

When he turned around, he found a young ranger standing behind him.

Although the ranger had once disguised himself with a bamboo hat, the face that was much more handsome than him was too familiar.

Qiu Tianhe was stunned for a moment, looked around, then raised his hand to cover the mouth of the young apprentice who was about to say hello:

"Why are you here, kid?!"

It was not easy for Ye Jingtang to show off, so he squeezed through the crowd. To be honest, it took a lot of effort. At this time, he whispered:

"I just came here to join in the fun. I didn't expect Senior Qiu to be here."

When Qiu Tianhe saw Ye Jingtang, he felt that the excitement today might be too great, and whispered:

"Are you going to cause trouble? Do you want my help?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly: "No, if I can't handle it, it would be better for Senior Qiu to leave first."


Qiu Tianhe felt that this was a bit contemptuous, but it was the truth. He didn't care about it at the moment, and instead said:

"You came alone?"

"Yunli and the others are outside, and Bai Jin is also there. How about you go over and stand together? If something happens later, it will be easier for me to take care of you..."

Xuanyuan Tiangang and Qiu Tianhe originally thought that there would be no big scene, so they struggled to squeeze into the front row.

At this time, I found that the Night Terror Hall was coming, so naturally I didn't dare to stop here.

After all, in this small space, the two martial saints cannot perform at all. If they are not careful, they can kill a row.

Hearing Ye Jingtang's words, Qiu Tianhe didn't hesitate at all and immediately followed him out, asking along the way:

"I heard that you killed Monk Shenchen and used the 'Hundred-Step Flying Sword' to destroy Monk Shenchen's golden body of a hundred feet?"

"Oh, it's just a rumor spread by people in the world, how can it be so exaggerated?"

"I also think it's a nonsense, about 'raising your hands and making secrets to cause the sky to thunder, and hundreds of feet of yellow sand to turn into huge waves.' This is not a martial arts competition, it's just a battle of skills..."

"Ha ha……"

As time passed, more and more people gathered under the mountain. In the end, even the clerks and traders in the city came over, turning the rest of Shuofeng City into an empty city.

The Qingshi Square has been decorated, and senior officials from Shuofeng City gradually came out of the villa and took seats in front of the gate. The atmosphere in the square gradually became warmer, shouting loudly:

"Hero Yin!"

"Master Fang..."

As the second master, Fang Xinggu, dressed in a gorgeous brocade robe, led eight disciples through the straight avenue among the crowd, greeting the complimenting Jianghu people along the way.

At this time, the leaders of various factions who had settled in the city also arrived outside the square one after another, and greeted Fang Xinggu, and a roll call was heard in the square:

"Guo Shubao, the leader of the Bai Gang, and Daxia Guo are here!"

"Please, Gang Leader Guo."

"Brother Fang, you're welcome..."

"Master Uncle Master of Canglong Cave, the great hero has arrived!"

"Master Master, please..."


When warriors travel around the world, the most important thing is their 'reputation'. Being able to be shouted out and walked through the sea of ​​​​people in such an empty place to attend the banquet of the Martial Saint is already considered the pinnacle moment of life for Guo Shubao and others. .

The heroes who came to the scene for this purpose, even if they were a little hesitant and apprehensive before coming, after seeing the scenery and dignity provided by Shuofeng City, their hearts were still filled with swells and sighs, and they even felt like they were floating when they walked.

The tens of thousands of ordinary warriors who were watching in the square were naturally filled with envy, feeling that 'this is what a man should do'; the people crowded on both sides of the road felt that they were worthy of being responded to by these unattainable wealthy men. This line.

As the famous celebrities from the past entered the arena one after another, the atmosphere in the square became more and more lively, especially when the widowed Lu Wuniang arrived. The charlatans on both sides were like crazy, eager to show off their sizes in order to win. Her favor soared and she became the head wife of Black Eagle Tower.

This bustling situation lasted for a long time, until a voice sounded from the end of the crowd:

"Master Tian Wuliangtian, the owner of Thunder God Island, has arrived!"

"I haven't seen you for many years, but Daxia Tian is still as charming as ever. Please."

"Hall Master Fang is welcome..."

After the two conversations, the crowd in the square had quieted down, and no one spoke anymore.

This was not because the Jianghu people did not welcome Tian Wuliang, but because there was another guest in the city lord's palace, named Yin Shicheng, who had already taken his seat and sat on the right hand side of Beiyun.

Tian Wuliang was the overlord of the Celestial Clan in the past, but he was turned into a thief by Yin Shi. He wiped out the entire gang and killed nearly 2,000 people. This was a blood feud that was worse than killing his father and seizing his wife.

Tian Wuliang arrived at the scene at this time and met Yin Shicheng face to face. If he didn't do something, he would probably be drowned by the Jianghu people in their spit afterwards.

And the reality is not what everyone expected.

After Tian Wuliang and Fang Xinggu finished their polite greetings, they led more than a dozen disciples from Leigong Island to the front of the square. Their expressions darkened, and the murderous look in their eyes was undisguised.

Right in front of the city lord's palace, Yin Shicheng was dressed in a black brocade robe, with an aura like a looming black eagle, holding a teacup in his hand and standing still.

After discovering that Tian Wuliang, whom he had not seen for many years, had arrived, Yin Shicheng's expression did not change and he spoke calmly:

"Master Tajima, long time no see."

stomping on...

Tian Wuliang's eyelids twitched when he heard this. He stood ten feet outside the city lord's palace and said coldly:

"Yin Shicheng, the grudge between you and me is known to everyone in the world. If the blood feud has not been avenged, there is no reason to sit together at the same table.

"A few days ago, the Qinglong Club made it clear that the North City Lord held a banquet to recruit heroes and heroes, and there was no need for waste and dead people to waste food.

"Except for sneak attacks and plotting, you don't have any real skills. In my opinion, you are just a waste. How can you get the dignity to sit here?"

Yin Shicheng's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes were a little more sinister;

"Master Tiandao is so arrogant, that is to say, Lord Beicheng is the host today. I have to give Lord Beicheng face, so you dare to speak nonsense in front of him. If you really have this ability, why have you been hiding for half a year without even daring to show your head? For the sake of the overall situation, I spared your life today. If you really want to die, you can come here."

There was silence in the square. Everyone looked at Tian Wuliang, waiting for Tian Wuliang to flip the table if he said anything.

However, it is true that Tian Wushen has a blood feud, but he is not without brains. If he can kill Yin Shicheng, he has already done it. Until now, he has been secretly accumulating power simply because he can't defeat him.

Seeing that Yin Shicheng was merciless in his words, Tian Wuliang was not angered and stepped forward to die. Instead, he sneered:

"I'm afraid of young people. I'm old, and I'm really no match for a sinister villain like you. But to avenge a bloody sea of ​​​​blood, there is no way to say that I can only fight alone."


Yin Shicheng raised his eyes and looked at the dozen or so fish behind Tian Wuliang:

"Only with these few crooked melons and cracked dates?"

Tian Wuliang said nothing, but looked at Yin Shicheng with cold eyes.

The warriors in the square were a little confused when they saw this, and were about to discuss it quietly. However, at the next moment, a voice suddenly came from behind the crowd:

"Qing... Qinglong will arrive!"


As soon as he sang loudly, the whole square suddenly became noisy. They ignored the dispute between the two and turned their heads to look at the end of the square. Even Yin Shicheng and the many leaders sitting there looked at it in a blink of an eye.

As a result, when he looked around, he saw a swordsman wearing a blue cloak standing at the end of the straight aisle.

Although he was alone, Ruo Cangsong did not move at all, and his momentum was greater than any of the previous leaders. It felt like a blue steel needle piercing the center of the sea of ​​people.

The chief assassin of the Qinglong Society has never shown his face. The disciples in Shuofeng City don't know their names, so they can only give their sect names.

Fang Xinggu, the second master of Shuofeng City, looked at the cloaked man in front of him. He knew his identity but didn't know how to address him. He hesitated for a moment before handing over:

"Your Excellency, the divine dragon has seen its head but not its tail. This is the first time for Fang. I don't know how to call it..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Xinggu's smile froze.

The cloaked swordsman at the entrance didn't even turn his head or return the greeting. He walked directly onto the avenue in the center of the crowd and headed towards the city lord's palace.


The countless people who were watching were stunned when they saw this scene.

When the disciples of Shuofeng City saw how rude the other party was, they immediately wanted to stop him, but Fang Xinggu raised his hand to block him. He just frowned and watched the other party go away.

Step, step...

The pace was neither fast nor slow, and it was directly transmitted to the ears of many heads present.

Guo Shubao knew that Tian Wuliang and Yin Shicheng couldn't fight. He was originally watching a show, but now he became serious, feeling that the Dragon Prince was going to cause something big again.

When Yin Shicheng saw the people from the Blue Dragon Society coming, he didn't want to interrupt at first, but as the other party approached, he felt the eyes under the cloak staring at him - it felt like a hunter staring at a dying prey.

? Yin Shicheng frowned and turned to look at Tian Wuliang:

"You bought my head at the Qinglong Society?"

The voice was somewhat mocking and playful.

Tian Wuliang knew that it was not his place to speak on this occasion, so he remained silent for this reason.

The cloaked swordsman who came forward also did not speak. He responded to Yin Shicheng and everyone present with a voice:

Ka Ka Ka ~

The sound of a clockwork winding up.


Dozens of leaders in the surrounding area gasped when they saw the Dragon Prince turning around without saying a word, and looked at the Wheel Sword in astonishment.

Even Yin Shicheng, who was motionless as a mountain, heard the voice, and his hand holding the tea cup trembled, and he looked at the cloaked swordsman approaching in disbelief.

The reason why there is such a big reaction is that Jianghu people have to maintain their face, but they must also have a standard. If you don't dare to kill someone, don't show the knife. If you show it, you will see blood, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

The Dragon King of the Qinglong Club is the signature of the Qinglong Club. Every time he makes a move, he will spin the wheel to time it, and no one has ever been able to survive twelve shots.

This reputation has already been established. As long as the wheels are spinning and the enemy is not killed in twelve rounds, the deterrent effect will definitely be reduced by more than half.

But if the wheels are spinning but you don't dare to draw the sword, your reputation will be ruined on the spot, you will become a laughing stock in the world.

Yin Shicheng was the great master of Beiliang, a mere killer of the Qinglong Society. He would spin his wheels and assume a murderous stance when meeting him. Who gave him the confidence?

Ka Ka Ka ~

The wheel rotates with the finger until it stops at 'zi'.

The square fell silent, and everyone's heart strings were so tense that they even held their breath.

Yin Shicheng's status in the world is here, and his mind is quite strong. However, faced with this sudden stupid move, he still felt wary and stared at the opponent's fingers coldly:

"You don't have a great reputation, but your posture is quite good. Do you think that if you act like you have to fire an arrow on the string, the Lord of the North City will come out to smooth things over and give you a step? As long as you relax your fingers, you can draw the sword, otherwise... "


When the fingers were released, there was a soft sound of the pointer beating.

The dead silence in the square was instantly broken, and Yin Shicheng's unfinished words were silenced!

The cloaked swordsman was not sloppy at all. As the pointer began to beat, his pace gradually accelerated, passing Tian Wuliang and approaching Yin Shicheng!

stomping on...

Sensing whether the Qinglong Club was joking, the whole square was in an uproar. Even Yin Shicheng, who was motionless as a mountain, his eyelids twitched, stood up directly, and grabbed the two swords from the hands of the disciples behind him.


At this moment, a sword flashed outside the city lord's palace!

The cloaked swordsman was ten feet away when his figure suddenly exploded and turned into a cyan afterimage.

The sharp green edge in his hand was like a three-foot dragon, with a 'click-click' sound like a death sentence, and he was almost in front of Yin Shicheng in the blink of an eye.

Yin Shicheng is the great master after all. No matter how bad his skills are, he is still much more solid than Yao Shangqing and his like.

Just by looking at the opponent's momentum, Yin Shicheng knew that the opponent had also entered the 'unity of man and nature'. Facing the sword that suddenly approached, he intercepted with his left hand sword and pointed at the opponent's chest and abdomen with the right sword.

ding ding-

In front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, two sparks suddenly burst out.

The cloaked swordsman relied on the assassin's unparalleled explosive power to flick away his swords continuously, then took advantage of the opportunity and stabbed his throat, the speed was outrageous!

Yin Shicheng's eyes were filled with astonishment, but his movements were not slow at all. He jumped directly to the top of the porch without wind, jumped again, and flew up to the layered buildings of the City Lord's Mansion.

But the cloaked swordsman so close at hand was like an emotionless killing machine, following him with his sword like a shadow!

Ding ding ding ding~…

Click, click, click...

A series of sparks exploded from the top of the building complex, but in an instant, Yin Shicheng retreated steadily and was chased halfway up the mountainside of the city lord's palace. The wheel also sounded for the eighth time.

Yin Shicheng is good at hidden weapons and poisons. Fighting against assassins from the same realm head-on is tantamount to seeking death.

Realizing that he couldn't close the distance and the momentum was not good, Yin Shicheng immediately swelled his brocade robes, erupted a burst of black mist and enveloped the surrounding area, and flew back at the same time.


But also at the same moment!


A piercing sword cry suddenly came from above the city lord's palace!

The black mist that had just spread was suddenly stirred up into a whirlpool hole by the powerful sword energy.

The cloaked swordsman holding the wheel sword was in the middle of the whirlpool, and without any hindrance, he directly sent the tip of the sword to Yin Shicheng's throat!

The speed was so fast that many of the leaders could not see it clearly before the muffled sound of metal piercing flesh could already be heard.


Under the gaze of tens of thousands of people, blood and water spattered above the building complex.

The three-foot Qingfeng directly penetrated Yin Shicheng's shoulder, and penetrated more than a foot directly from the back shoulder!

Yin Shicheng's face was ashen, and he was stabbed through the shoulder by a sword. He just had time to thrust forward with both swords and force back the opponent who was close at hand.

The cloaked swordsman missed the target with his sword, and was not interested in fighting at the moment. He flew back and landed on the mid-mountain corridor, and raised his finger to hold down the wheel.


The wheel stopped at the ninth sound.

Yin Shicheng, who was still in shock, fell to the roof with a line of blood, quickly bounced up, and retreated a very long distance after flying. If tens of thousands of people weren't watching, he might have retreated directly to the mountains behind the city lord's palace.


The entire square was completely silent. Not only Tian Wuliang and the other leaders, but also Qiu Tianhe and Xue Baijin didn't quite understand what was going on.

Everyone looked at Yin Shicheng, who was bleeding profusely on his shoulder, and then at the swordsman on the corridor halfway up the mountain. After a while, a low voice came out:

"Mother, is the Qinglong Club serious?"

"It's not nonsense, Yin Shicheng almost had his throat sealed with a sword!"

"Why did you keep it?"

"Instead of holding back, Beiyunbian stepped in to start a fight..."


As the noise spread, everyone in the square looked away from the two fighting men and looked at the Yunge Pavilion at the top of the City Lord's Mansion.

Black clouds rolled over the city, and the entire city lord's palace took on a black and blue hue.

And a figure in a white robe stood on the top of the Cloud Pavilion at some point, looking down at the cloaked swordsman on the corridor below, with a bit of surprise on his elegant face.

"Hero Beiyunbianbei?!"


Discovering that the Lord of Shuofeng City had revealed his head, the crowd suddenly became excited.

Yin Shicheng seemed to have seen a life-saving straw. He quickly flew up and landed near Beiyunbian. He covered his shoulders with his hands, his face was pale and his eyes were full of fear, and he said:

"Why didn't the North City Lord take action earlier?"

Beiyun didn't even look at Yin Shicheng, but looked at the cloaked swordsman below:

"The Qinglong Hui is right. We, Shuofeng City, are hiring heroes and righteous men. We don't need dead people or trash. I shouldn't have blocked this sword.

"But Yin Shicheng is not under my control, but a member of the Liang court. Now that the Southern Dynasty is facing a powerful enemy, the court asked me to contribute to the country. I agreed, so I have to consider the overall situation. Yin Shicheng can finally send some It's useful, so he has to keep his life for the time being.

"For the sake of the current enemy, can the Blue Dragon Society wait for the war between the two countries to calm down before continuing?"

There was silence in the square, and they looked at the cloaked swordsman on the suspended corridor again, waiting for his answer.

Ye Jingtang held the Wheel Sword and his face was covered by his cloak. He did not raise his head to look at Bei Yunbian, and his brows furrowed secretly.

When he met, he chopped Yin Shicheng, not to kill people, but to force Beiyunbian to start a fight, so as to find out the depth of the opponent.

After all, Beiyunbian must protect a person like Yin Shicheng, and it is impossible to watch him kill.

He had been suppressing his strength and only attacked at the level of a normal Wu Kui. He thought that when Yin Shicheng couldn't beat him, Beiyun Bian would step in to stop him.

But he didn't expect that Beiyun Bian took action after he was almost beaten to death, and the way he did it was beyond his expectation, directly interfering with his thrusting sword through the air.

This technique was the same as the magic technique he used to fight swordsmen with Shen Chen and Lu Taiqing, but Beiyun Bian used it in a very special way. It seemed that it also caused his aura to flow, causing the sword to miss the mark.

Ye Jingtang's energy was so powerful that no one in the world could match it. He could completely withstand this kind of interference. At that time, he just didn't want to be exposed, so he didn't take precautions.

But the problem is that he can be on guard, but he can't interfere with his opponent in the same way. He tried it yesterday, but the result was just touching the ice lump chest from the air.

In a sword fight with Lu Taiqing, although Lu Taiqing was very strong, the techniques he learned were all within the scope of his understanding, and he could counterattack as long as he refined and adjusted them.

And what Beiyunbian realized seemed to be a bit higher than him...

Ye Jingtang frowned, aware of the difficulty of this battle, but he did not show any timidity. He was thinking anxiously about the reasons and countermeasures, and on the surface he spoke loudly:

"Our Qinglong Club only recognizes money and not people. Once we take the money, we have to do things. Whether we kill or not is not up to me."

After saying this, he looked down at Tian Wuliang.

When Tian Wuliang saw that Yin Shicheng was almost beaten to death, he was not surprised at all, and he knew that something might happen to Beiyunbian today.

To this end, Tian Wuliang cooperated very well and directly put on a righteous and awe-inspiring look:

"Now that the Lord of the North City has spoken, Tian will naturally have to give face to the Lord of the North City and the imperial court. After the war between the two countries subsides, Tian will settle this old score with Yin Shicheng."

Ka Ka Ka ~

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang returned the wheel to zero, put away his sword and bowed his hand in salute, then flew down from the city lord's palace and sat down on the seat prepared for the Qinglong Club.

The silent crowd in the square finally came to their senses and began to discuss:

"Domineering and arrogant! This is the first time I have seen such a crazy person."

"As expected of the Qinglong Club, this style of conduct is outstanding. No wonder it has become so big..."

"If the North City Lord doesn't stop him, Yin Shicheng will be dead. Just now he dared to speak nonsense..."

"It seems that the ranking of the top ten grandmasters is going to change again. I just don't know who is more powerful, Dragon Prince or Hua Junchen..."

"Hua Junchen is still more powerful. Hua Junchen and the Night Demon of the Southern Dynasties fought from Yanjing to the desert. They fought in several battles and survived. This achievement is unique to the Northern and Southern Dynasties..."


There was a lot of noise outside the city lord's mansion.

Seeing that Tian Wuliang and Qinglong gave in, Beiyunbian naturally stopped talking and jumped lightly, landing outside the city lord's palace. He bowed his hands and suppressed the words in the audience:

"All of you heroes have come from afar. I hope you will forgive me for not being able to welcome you from afar. Please take a seat."

Yin Shicheng's face turned pale and he didn't dare to fart. He covered his shoulders and jumped down, landing behind Beiyunbian...

In the last chapter, some plot changes were made to make the connection between the previous and later chapters more reasonable. However, because it already contained sensitive words, it was reviewed and the editor could not release it until work or2.

(End of this chapter)

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