wait a minute

Chapter 526 The dragon energy on the edge of the cloud gathers in Beiwei

Chapter 526 The dragon energy on the edge of the cloud gathers in Beiwei

There was a lot of noise outside the mountain, and even the disciples and servants in the city lord's palace ran to the window facing the square and looked at what was going on outside.

In the mountain forest on the side of the city lord's palace, Xue Baijin lurked alone and quietly. He waited until Beiyunbian showed up and jumped from Yun Pavilion before sneaking into the building complex silently.

Yunge is Beiyunbian's residence. Outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering the darkroom, but there must be people patrolling and guarding the outside.

Xue Baijin had just seen that Beiyun was unfathomable. Naturally, he did not dare to be careless at this time. He hid all sounds, followed the deserted place, and touched the right side of Yun Pavilion. Before he got close, he heard a conversation:

"This Qinglong Society is really domineering. Where do you think this 'Dragon King' ranks among the great masters?"

"Beyond Shi Daoyu and Yin Shicheng, but I shouldn't be able to defeat Xi Tianshang. The sword is flexible, fast, and easy to carry. It is suitable for assassinations. It does not give you an advantage in a head-on fight... Mr. Xing doesn't want to watch the fun and runs away. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just wandering around the city yesterday and met a young woman who was having fun. Her breasts were bigger than my head and she had more water..."

"Ouch! Really?!"


? ?

Xue Baijin suddenly heard this conversation and his eyes darkened. Although the guard at the entrance of Yunge was indeed held back according to Ye Jingtang's statement, he still couldn't help but mutter in his heart:

"Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together, what kind of thing are you looking for..."

Although he was ashamed of being in company, Xue Baijin was still very efficient in doing things. After careful observation, he quietly sneaked into the Cloud Pavilion from behind the three people who were talking together and headed towards the rear.

Yun Pavilion is a building with its back against the mountain wall. It is not small in scale. Outside are the living room, study room, etc., and the decoration is quite gorgeous. At the deepest part is a door. Judging from the layout, it leads to the inside of the rock wall, which is a secret room.

Xue Baijin came to the door, checked briefly to confirm the hidden weapons and ambushes, then gently pushed the door open and glanced inside. It can be seen that there are no windows, there are tables, chairs and tea tables, and candlesticks are lit around them.

The left and right walls of the darkroom were filled with bookshelves filled with books, while directly behind was a white screen, blocking the details behind it, and only a vague table could be seen inside.

Xue Baijin came to the bookshelf first. It can be seen that the books on it are very miscellaneous. There are anecdotes and five elements alchemy, as well as historical materials and county annals of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, military and political deployment, trade route distribution, etc., covering various fields, but martial arts is very related. There are few books, and some only introduce the historical inheritance of various sects.

Seeing this, Xue Baijin was naturally confused. After all, Wufu had no need for these. It felt more like a database of those in power. With Beiyunbian's sphere of influence, there was no need for these.

Xue Baijin didn't think about the reason, so he came to the back of the white screen first. As a result, he saw a map on the small case with several small figures on it. One of them was engraved with the word "Xue" and placed in Nanxiao. Mountain, obviously refers to her.

The little figure with the word "night" engraved on it is placed alone in front of the futon. Judging from its position, it often sits here and stares.


Seeing this, Xue Baijin secretly thought, after all, this detail alone is enough to show that Beiyunbian has always regarded Ye Jingtang as his primary target, and even people like Fengguancheng and Xiang Hanshi have been temporarily put aside.

She came to the small case and looked carefully, and found a drawer on the wall, so she opened it carefully, but unfortunately there was no longevity fruit in the drawer, only a pile of papers.

What was written on the paper was a summary of intelligence from last year. King Wu began to refine elixirs, Prince Yan asked experts to serve as assassins, and the empress moved to the summer resort...

Xue Baijin read the two pages carefully and was secretly shocked, knowing that this was the Green Bandit's command room. After all, no one except the leader behind the Green Bandit could obtain so much confidential information at the same time.

Is Beiyunbian secretly controlling the Green Bandit?

Xue Baijin thought about this and quickly looked for other papers to see the latest deployment of the Green Bandits. It turned out that the latest information was only available in September last year and disappeared after that.

Could it be that Beiyunbian always carries it with him...

Xue Baijin thought it was possible, but she couldn't go to Beiyunbian to get it, so she still searched carefully in the darkroom.

But unfortunately, not long after the search, a thunder suddenly came from the sky:

boom -

Thick black clouds seemed to be pressing down on the heads of tens of thousands of people, black flags hung on the city lord's palace, and the noisy square gradually became silent.

Beiyunbian sat on the main seat in the middle, Yin Shicheng sat beside him with his right arm covered, and on the other side were senior officials from Beiliang.

The dozens of leaders who were invited, along with their disciples, sat on the left and right sides of the square with gang flags erected around them.

Ye Jingtang was wearing a green cloak and was sitting on the Grand Master's chair. His sword was placed on the tea table at hand. Although he was alone and not eye-catching, he had become the focus of the audience since the episode just now.

Canglongdong, who was sitting on the left, and Bai Gang, who was sitting on the right. From the leader to the disciples behind him, they all sat upright, even breathing carefully, for fear that if something went wrong, the number one killer of the Qinglong Society in the middle would start spinning their wheels.

However, Ye Jingtang had no intention of dealing with these miscellaneous fish at this time. He just entered an overload state and closed his eyes to think about the problem of interfering with the opponent's breath through the air. If he looked closely, he could see the faint smell of sweat on his cloak.

Fortunately, he had just fought a bloody battle with Yin Shicheng. The amount of exercise was already huge, and sweating was normal. This abnormality would not attract the attention of the people around him.

After waiting for a long time, everyone who was invited entered the venue. Although Yao Shangqing and Huo Zhiyun were absent, everyone present understood why they did not come. Shuofeng City also pretended not to see it and started the hero banquet directly.

Next to Beiyun was the city lord. Naturally, there was no need for him to say polite words, and everyone present couldn't bear it. The one who spoke was still the second master, Fang Xinggu.

Fang Xinggu was positioned as a white paper fan in the gang. He was not good at force, but his status was not low. He was standing in front of the square and said loudly:

"The rivers and lakes and the imperial court have always been in harmony with each other. If you usually seek refuge in the imperial court, in our opinion, you are a scum of the rivers and lakes.

"But a great hero serves the country and the people. We can usually disobey the court's control, but we cannot turn a blind eye to the national crisis. Now that the Southern Dynasty's army is pressing on the border, Ye Jingtang relies on force to be aggressive, and we, Daliang, have reached the point of life and death.

"As warriors, if we still stand idly by, we will be disregarding the life and death of tens of millions of people. This is obviously a loss of justice..."


Although Fang Xinggu's "Pleading against Thieves" is a bit too beautifying the people present, it cannot be said to be hypocritical.

After all, the positions of the two sides are different, and since the two countries are at war, it is appropriate to call on the country's military personnel to contribute.

Dozens of experts present listened carefully, knowing deep down what Shuofengcheng meant, and were just waiting for the final stand.

After Fang Xinggu said a lot of beautiful words, he came to the main topic:

"In the current national crisis, the city lord was ordered to face the danger and was awarded the title of 'Chongguo Gong'. He will rush to the border soon to guard the country's gate.

“You can’t have generals without generals, so I’m holding a special banquet this time to invite you all to come and discuss strategies to protect the country and fend off enemies.

"Fang knows that many of you have betrayed the criminal record and are even wanted by the court. He is afraid that if you want to serve the country, the court will not give you a chance.

"Everyone can rest assured that the imperial court is in the midst of recruiting new people. The city lord and even Mr. Liu of the imperial court can promise you that as long as you are determined to serve the country, your past crimes will be wiped out today.

"From now on, under the city lord's command, all of you will also have official status. In the future, if you make great achievements, it is possible to be promoted to an official position, be promoted to a noble title, be granted the title of marquis and become the prime minister.

"We are all warriors in the world. This is the only chance in this life that we can clean up our past and rise to prominence. I wonder if you are willing to follow the city lord and fight against the powerful enemies of the Southern Dynasty together?"

After Fang Xinggu finished speaking, he turned to look at the dozens of heads sitting on the left and right, waiting for their answers.

Beiyunbian sat upright on the chair, tapping the armrests with his fingers, scanning everyone's expressions.

Although Guo Shubao was not the most powerful, he had a large social network and had actually negotiated it before he came. He was responsible for taking the lead and was the first to stand up and make an impassioned speech.

But as the saying goes, 'Plans can't keep up with changes.' In the past, there was not much difference between them. It didn't matter that he was the first to stand up and take the lead because of his popularity.

But now, sitting next to him was such a big Dragon Prince, who was obviously the strongest among all the people. He didn't say anything. He, a second-tier leader, got up first to seize the dragon's first power, which was obviously a bit ignorant.

For this reason, Guo Shubao looked around a few times and then looked at the Night Terror Hall sitting next door:

"I and others speak lightly. If one person is missing or one is missing, it has nothing to do with the overall situation. This matter still needs to be decided by truly capable people. I wonder what the Qinglong Club thinks about this?"

Ye Jingtang sat motionless on his chair, deducing the context of the technique and responded:

"Mr. Fang's words are indeed reasonable. As warriors, no matter whether we are gangster or white, we must keep the righteousness in mind."

When Fang Xinggu and many heads heard this, they all nodded slightly.

But before they could laugh, they heard the Dragon Prince continue:

"But righteousness is not foolish loyalty. When we serve the country, we serve the people of Daliang, not the family name."


Everyone in the square stiffened slightly when they heard this.

Beiyun's movement of knocking on the armrest also stopped at this time, and then said:

"What does Qinglonghui mean?"

Ye Jingtang responded: "The only way to prevent the people from suffering from war is to fight quickly and unify the world as soon as possible.

"Before Jiazi, Fengguan City saw that the destruction of the Yan Dynasty was the general trend. He could defend Yun'an but not defend it, which prompted more than 100,000 Yunzhou troops to surrender without a fight, and countless soldiers were saved from being slaughtered by the war. Although this move was a small loss of justice, He did justice to Dayan, but he did justice to the people of the Southern Dynasties.

"The general trend of the world will be reunited after being separated for a long time. Now the Northern and Southern Dynasties have already unified the general trend. If we gather together to help the court resist, it will only delay the war and cause more common people and soldiers to be slaughtered by the war..."


The senior official of Beiliang, who was sitting in front of Beiyunbian, was furious when he heard this and slapped the table:

"You are presumptuous! You..."

Beiyunbian raised his hand slightly, stopped the official's words, and turned to look at the Night Terror Hall:

"It is natural for Fengguan City to stand by and watch the civil war in the Southern Dynasty. But now our Beiliang is being invaded by the Southern Dynasty and Xihai. I'm afraid your theory is untenable."

Ye Jingtang said: "The Three Kingdoms are originally one body, and the First Emperor and Wu Taizu are the unified emperors. What we want to hope for is that there will be another emperor in the Southern and Northern Dynasties that will last forever and completely end the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms.

"If Daliang has the power to dominate the world, we will be duty-bound and stand on the side of the imperial court.

"But who is qualified to rule the world now? Think about it clearly. If we want to think about the people of the world, we should follow the trend and not block the general trend. Do you think so or not?"


Dozens of sect leaders present, and even countless warriors in the square, were all stunned when they heard this, and how could they dare to reply to this.

Now in the whole world, who can't see that Ye Jingtang, who unified all the tribes in the West Sea, is likely to become the third unifying king after Wu Taizu? Even if she is not the Night Terror Hall, she is definitely the Empress of the Southern Dynasties.

If not, why did Beiliang rush to recruit Beiyunbian to hold this hero's banquet?

The scene now is not about the two sides debating what is right, but Shuofeng City asking the warriors present to take sides!

The views of Beiyunbian and Qinglonghui are actually the methods of Confucian debate. No matter what you say, it can be said to be righteous. If you want to argue who is right, it depends on which side is the victor.

Beiyunbian has obviously already given some steps. If the Qinglong Club still wants to argue, isn't this looking for death?

Everyone present was silent, looking at Lord Long sitting alone in the banquet, with their hearts in their throats.

Guo Shubao originally wanted to be humble, but Qinglong Hui said such ruinous words. He felt regretful in his heart. He wanted to smooth things over but didn't dare to speak.

The huge bluestone square fell into wordless silence.

Beiyunbian saw that Qinglonghui couldn't understand people's words and refused to go down the steps, so he said directly:

"I am a commoner of Daliang, and I have been highly rewarded by the imperial court. I should dedicate myself to the imperial court. Your Excellency feels that my actions have hindered the general trend of unifying the world. So based on your character, should you eradicate this stubborn person like me now? To prevent the common people from being subjected to unwarranted war?”

Everyone present knew that the Qinglong Club was over when they heard these words.

Next to him, Yin Shicheng had his head lowered, but now he raised his eyes and showed a bit of murderous intent. He wanted to say a few words of provocation, but before he could speak, a voice came from the square:

"So what?"

? ?

In the silent square, there were obviously a lot of gasping sounds.

Many heads turned their heads in shock, even Beiyunbian was stunned for a moment!

Originally, Beiyunbian thought that the number one killer of the Blue Dragon Society had an extreme personality, but now he understood that this guy was completely out of his mind.

With this kind of virtue, he can still live to this day and practice such good martial arts?

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what the Qinglong Society was thinking. Some even wanted to say something nice to make Beiyun Bianbie feel like a fool.

But before everyone could recover from the disbelief, their eyes were shocked!

Beiyunbian found that the number one killer was mentally abnormal and had lost his patience in recruiting. He turned to look at the crowd in front and raised his right hand slightly.


Before everyone could see what was going on, the tea cup placed on the right side of Beiyun suddenly turned into a white line and shot towards the seated 'Dragon King' with the force of thunder.

There was no starting movement at all in this move, and the teacup wasn't even touched. However, the speed at which the teacup exploded was astonishing. Even Qiu Tianhe, Yin Shicheng and others could only see an afterimage.

As soon as this move was made, the death sentence of the 'Dragon King' had been pronounced, and Beiyunbian didn't even bother to turn his head to look.

But the next moment, there was an explosion from the side of the square:


The teacup, which was as fast as thunder, instantly hit the cloaked swordsman sitting in front of him, and should have smashed his head before he raised his hand.

But when it was still three feet away from the head, the tea cup seemed to hit a wall, and its speed suddenly stopped. The strong impact instantly shook the tea into water mist. The white porcelain tea cup was intact, but hung in front of the cloaked swordsman, shaking rapidly. .


"Ah this?"

"This is……"

The expressions of dozens of sect leaders around him were momentarily dull. Even the eyes of Yinshi turned into enemies and Tianhe turned blank, and they did not understand at all.

Beiyunbian frowned suddenly and turned to look at the number one killer of the Qinglong Society again. His calm expression turned serious. After observing for a moment, he said thoughtfully:

"Good trick."


The teacup fell without warning and shattered into pieces on the ground.

Ye Jingtang, who was motionless at first, grabbed the sword at his side, stood up slowly, and walked towards the center of the field. His voice turned into a calm and unscrupulous voice:

"You are not bad at it. I sat here and thought about it for two quarters of an hour before I figured out the whole story. Who taught you?"

Beiyunbian tapped his fingers on the handrail and looked at the figure walking directly in front:

"Are you a Night Terror Hall?"


"The Nightmare Hall?"

"The big devil of the night..."

As soon as these words came out, Death Square exploded instantly.

The onlookers in the front row looked blank, while the dozens of leaders around stood up in shock and quickly backed away.

After all, the title of 'Night Demon' was not chosen randomly by Beiliang Jianghu.

When you meet other people, you can still think about how to live; but when you meet the Night Terror Hall, if the body can be put together completely, it will be considered as someone's kindness. This bustle is not something ordinary people can watch casually.

When Yin Shicheng heard the words "Night Terror Hall", his face suddenly turned pale. His first reaction was that the journey of the world had come to an end and he could no longer think of running away.

However, after a moment of panic, Yin Shicheng remembered that he had a backer around him, quickly regained his composure, and shouted:

"Quick, come together, kill him and the Southern Dynasty will be over!"


Many sect leaders who were retreating hastily were shocked when they heard this. They looked at Yin Shicheng. Although they did not speak, their eyes clearly meant - do you think I am stupid?

This is a fucking night terror hall. Why don't you go up and try it?

Not only the many heads, but also the senior officials of Beiliang noticed something was wrong. They quietly stood up and walked away without any hesitation.

Naturally, Ye Jingtang didn't care about these irrelevant fish. He just looked at Beiyunbian, pulled down his cloak and kerchief, and exposed his cheeks:

"The six pictures of the Ming Dragon are scattered all over the place. Considering your age, I can't collect them all. You have never been to Shazhou. I'm very curious, how did you reach the threshold of 'Refining God and Returning to the Void' at such a young age?"

Beiyun was sitting on the big chair, because the master had regarded him as an abandoned son, so he responded frankly:

"Master taught me step by step."

Ye Jingtang has no doubts about this statement, but the apprentices who can teach them to 'refining qi and transforming into gods' usually have the same level, such as the old master of Yuxu Mountain, otherwise it will be difficult to show the apprentice the way.

And 'Refining the Gods to Return to the Void' is equivalent to the realm in the eighth picture, which is one level higher than Lu Taiqing. There are only one famous teacher in the world who can teach to this point. There is only one Fengguancheng. No one else has reached this point. It must be Can't be taught.

Ye Jingtang thought about it for a moment and asked:

"Who is your master?"

Beiyunbian actually didn't know the master's identity or even his name, so he just replied:

"If you survive today, you will know later."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly and answered quite simply:

"That's good."


These words seemed to be calm, but in fact they were quite crazy. I didn't even think that I would die today.

Seeing this, Beiyunbian was silent for a moment, then slowly stood up:

"You deduced the seventh picture but did not die. It seems that you have learned some tricks. But unfortunately, the Dragon Song Picture is not your own way after all. You are not the only one in this world who is favored by nature and has extraordinary understanding. I am ahead of you. After walking for more than ten years, today, your journey has come to an end."

Ye Jingtang raised his chin slightly:

"After traveling for more than ten years, Your Excellency must have realized many magical powers. Can you let me, an ordinary person, see them?"

Beiyunbian has been hidden for decades. Due to the special nature of the Green Bandits, it has never been exposed to outsiders.

At this time, Ye Jingtang has arrived. If he wins, he will be the third person favored by nature. If he loses, everything will be in vain. Naturally, there is no need to hide.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang wanted to see the magical power, Beiyunbian was not stingy. His eyes were filled with arrogance. He raised his hands, made a Taoist hand seal, and began to mutter a curse:

"Five emperors and five dragons, descending the light and moving the wind, spreading moisture widely, assisting the Thunder Lord, from all over the world, the water gathers in the imperial clan, the divine sky talisman..."


As the sound came out, a cross wind slowly blew in the square.

The clouds hovering above the Black Mountain were gradually moved by the strong wind, and soon there was a sound:

boom -

A twisted electric snake sprang out from the sea of ​​clouds, instantly tearing the sky apart and illuminating the dim city as white as snow!

The vast power of heaven pressed down in the air, causing countless warriors under the Black Mountain to be instantly frightened. Even Qiu Tianhe, Zhe Yunli and others in the distance could not conceal their shock and took a few steps back:


"Oh my god, the storyteller didn't lie..."


Compared with thousands of panicked warriors, Ye Jingtang's reaction was surprisingly calm. After all, he had just figured out the doorway to Beiyunbian.

The seventh 'Mountain Moving Picture' corresponds to 'Refining Qi and Transforming God'. It guides all things with the power of the body from the inside out. Although it seems powerful and mysterious, its power will not exceed the upper limit of the person. For this reason, he can control at most one person. Flying the sword around, touching his chest in the air and so on.

But the eighth picture is not the same. It corresponds to "refining the spirit and returning it to the void", starting from the "outside to the inside", that is, jumping out of the scope of the body, using the spirit as the medium to guide the power of heaven and earth for one's own use.

Beiyunbian could control the qi and blood in his opponent's body from a distance, but he couldn't do it because Beiyunbian had touched the threshold of 'Refining God and Returning to the Void' and could feel the 'qi' in the void world.

In the past, he could only feel it with his hands, so naturally he couldn't control the interference from the air.

But just as the first six pictures are not perfect and the seventh picture cannot be controlled, the eighth picture is even more so.

The vast power of heaven is so tyrannical. Whether it is him or Beiyunbian, with their current Taoism, all they can do is to 'open their horizons', guide them with all their strength, and finally become like those powerful Zhu Zong and Taoist priests in history. Rain bombs' ask for a rain, Zheng'erba Sutra controls the heaven and earth, and the mortal body cannot bear it at all.

Seeing Beiyun pretending to be a magician and performing to summon the wind and thunder, Ye Jingtang said calmly:

"It's just a rain-praying spell from the Taoist sect. The old master of Yuxu Mountain knows it. It's useless except for rain. Are you planning to use the rain to drench me to death?"

Beiyunbian was not surprised when he saw that the Night Terror Hall could not be restrained. He stopped his hand angrily and walked towards the Night Terror Hall:

"Just to open your eyes. I can touch the spirit of refining, and I have already mastered it. You are just a young boy who has just glimpsed the secrets of heaven. How can you compete with me?!" The words ended, Beiyunbian Raise your left hand and squeeze it with five fingers!

From a distance, it looks like the Nine Heavens God-man, unable to see anything, grabbing the tiny ants standing in the square from the air.

Yin Shicheng was already extremely shocked by Beiyunbian's divine magic. When he saw this scene, he looked at the Night Terror Hall with sinister eyes, and he was probably still thinking in his heart - be afraid! Be miserable! Howl...

But it's a pity that Night Terror Hall didn't react at all.


Beiyunbian's arrogant eyes narrowed, he shook his left hand again, and then frowned.

Tick ​​tock~

The wind and rain fell from the sky, hitting the bluestone floor tiles, causing little splashes of water.

Ye Jingtang stood quietly in the rain, inserted the Wheel Sword on the ground, and stretched out his left hand:

"I learned this unique skill of yours when I beat Monk Shenchen. It's just that I can't disturb the opponent's energy and blood from a distance. Since I know it, how can I not know how to counterattack?

"If you don't have any new tricks, I'll open your eyes instead."

call out--

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sharp sound from the outside of the square.

Everyone looked out of the corner of their eyes and saw a black line drawn above the crowd, crossing the Qingshi Square, and accurately falling into the hands of Ye Jingtang.

Everyone thought there were still masters and threw weapons from behind. They all turned around to look. However, they never thought that Qiu Tianhe's startled exclamation sounded from behind:

"What the hell...what the hell is this?!"

"Oh my god, why didn't Cousin Jing teach me this..."


Ye Jingtang did not respond to the words in the distance. He just hung the Chilong Saber on his waist and looked at Beiyun, waiting for his response.

When Beiyunbian saw this hand, he knew that Ye Jingtang's understanding of 'Refining Qi and Transforming God' was no longer inferior to his. His face slowly darkened and he raised his right hand.


A sharp spear placed behind the seat immediately shot out of the air.

But unfortunately, as soon as the nine-foot spear flew halfway, there was an explosion in the square.


The violent storm that poured down was blown away by the sudden burst of energy, clearing a huge semicircular hollow directly above the bluestone square.

Swept by the energy, the bright silver gun that flew halfway was like a kite with a broken string that lost control and was stuck directly on the ground.

And the bright sword light also lit up between heaven and earth at the same moment!


The green bricks at the foot of the Night Terror Hall were torn apart, and a layer was cut off abruptly. The whole person was like cyan lightning, flashing in front of Bei Yunbian. The knife in his left hand was slashed under the ribs, and his right hand was holding the empty hand and twisting it at the same time.

Beiyunbian's skills were deeper than Ye Jingtang's, and his academic skills were not bad. When he saw a knife coming close to him, he reacted extremely quickly. He clasped his hands horizontally and tried to twist off the Chilong knife; at the same time, he guarded his Qi Palace to prevent Ye Jingtang from disturbing him. Qi and blood in the body.

But when Beiyunbian's hands were about to touch the blade, he was shocked to find that the energy and blood in his body were not disturbed, but the green bricks on which he stood suddenly rotated!


After all, Beiyunbian and Yejingtang are not immortals. When both feet are on the ground, they are digging into the earth, and the place they stand on turns around. There is no reason why people can't move.

The moment before the two sides reached enemy territory, Beiyunbian suddenly faced Yin Shicheng. The result can be imagined!


The Chilong Sword hit the unprotected back without any hindrance, instantly drawing a bloody hole in the white robe's vest!

But Beiyunbian was quite strong. This killing blow was as fast as thunder, but it barely broke the spine.

Bei Yunbian was injured on the back, but he did not choose to evade. Instead, he swung his left arm back and punched Ye Jingtang's head. He jumped up with his feet to avoid being disturbed again. At the same time, he raised his right hand slightly, trying to turn Ye Jingtang around. The blue bricks underfoot.

But if your feet leave the ground and can't fly, you'll be back to the martial artist's most primitive state.

Ye Jingtang succeeded with one strike, but there was no chance for Beiyunbian to interfere. He immediately turned sideways like a fierce tiger and hit Beiyunbian's back with his shoulder.

boom -

Bei Yunbian, who was flying in the air, felt as if he was suddenly hit by a battering ram in the back. His whole body instantly transformed into a straight line and shot out, smashing the tables, chairs and walls at the main entrance, until several buildings behind him were destroyed, bringing down the whole body. Dust and smoke rise into the sky.


Night Terror Hall's offensive was flowing smoothly. He stepped on the ground with both feet and stabbed forward with a knife in his right hand!


When Bei Yunbian landed and barely stopped, he saw that Ye Jingtang's knife was thrust forward in the air. He immediately wanted to put his hands together and catch the blade with his bare hands, but he saw Ye Jingtang twisting his left hand again!


As the saying goes, every step of the way leads to wisdom. Beiyun's secret path was not good. Almost at the same time, he retracted his legs and volleyed into the air. But this time, his footing did not change!

? ?

Beiyunbian's heart sank, and he hesitated between retracting and retracting his legs, but Ye Jingtang had already crashed into him like a wild dragon, with a knife piercing his waist and abdomen!


Beiyunbian's physical and mental abilities were a little better than those of Night Terror, but his spirituality was clearly inferior. He was completely taken away. The knife entered his abdomen but failed to penetrate him. His feet did not even touch the ground, and he was knocked out. Almost flattening the building behind it until it hit the rock wall.


Ye Jingtang succeeded with one strike, then he stepped on the ground with both feet, dragging the bright sword, the light was like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, flew into the air, then turned around and slashed with the sword, slashing down in the air with the force of splitting Huashan Mountain:


boom -

Amidst the loud shouts, the high-walled building that had already been torn apart instantly turned into a rift valley.

Wherever the powerful sword wind passed, everything was turned into powder, and a straight groove more than ten feet deep appeared on the foundation of the city lord's palace.

This is the third form of the Eight-Step Crazy Sword, and it is also the most powerful sword since the advent of the Eight-Step Crazy Sword.

The blade carried the vast power of heaven, and seemed to split the city lord's palace and the black mountains behind it.

Beiyunbian shot back, and just as he hit the mountain wall, the powerful wave of air that shook the mountain and destroyed the city was already in front of him.

He raised his hands to try to resist, but his whole body instantly fell into the mountain for more than ten feet. His clothes were shattered in an instant, and a red blood streak appeared directly from the center of his eyebrows to his waist and abdomen!

boom -

The city lord's palace was shaken, and the smoke, dust, and rubble raised up instantly covered half of the mountain wall.

Ye Jingtang struck the ground with a shocking knife, and also had high veins on his forehead, his face turned red, and he let out a muffled cough.

But the eight steps of the mad sword were intertwined with each other. The moment it landed, Ye Jingtang had already dragged the sword with both hands and struck with large strides. Before the energy dissipated, he rushed in front of Beiyun and slashed out from bottom to top:


Beiyunbian connected with three swords. Both his body and aura were completely disrupted, and he had no chance to stabilize his position!

Seeing Ye Jingtang slashing his abdomen with a knife like a shadow, Bei Yunbian raised his right leg to block the blade. The result was:


The three-foot blade struck instantly, more than two inches into the flesh, and almost cut off the right leg!

Beiyunbian has reached the threshold of refining the gods and returning to the void. His body is not as abnormal as the golden scales and jade bones, but at this level, the strength is not far behind.

At this time, the knife struck into the leg bone, and the black rope wrapped around the handle was instantly broken. The wooden handle also cracked, and the entire knife almost disintegrated.

And Beiyunbian himself, under the inhuman impact, shot diagonally upward, breaking the suspended corridor above the city lord's palace, and tearing a series of gaps in the roof of the pavilion.


Ye Jingtang's eight-step mad sword has reached the realm of transformation, and with one successful strike, Beiyun Bian can be killed.

But at this time, he also understood why there is a magic weapon like the Emperor's Sword in the world - the killing power is as strong as his, and no matter how stable the control of the force is, it has exceeded the limit of what a mortal weapon can withstand. , even if it is not parried by the opponent, it can still be broken by its own energy.

Seeing the handle of the knife crack, Ye Jingtang immediately sheathed the knife and pulled the bright silver gun from the square.


And Beiyunbian was by no means an ordinary person. He caught the break in rhythm caused by his concern for the weapon, and when he hit a cornice, he stepped heavily on the beam.


Amidst the explosion, the entire pavilion collapsed from it, and Beiyun Bian rushed out like a detached cannonball, heading towards the mountains and forests behind.

But as soon as he rushed out of the city lord's mansion, it was like a powerful dragon falling from the world, and there was a thunderous roar:

boom -

Countless warriors looked up and saw that the wind and clouds above the mountains seemed to be driven by the spear point.

A huge dragon carrying wind, rain, gravel, and smoke crashed down from the sky, instantly flattening the forest on the left side of the city lord's palace, creating a huge groove of nearly a hundred feet.

In contrast, Bei Yunbian's figure was like an ant pressed by the mountain. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately stepped on the ground with one leg and turned back, avoiding this devastating blow.

But in the next moment, the nine-foot spear tip was already at his side!


The Ye Jingtang was like a violent thunder, and a spear pierced Beiyun Bian's chest and abdomen. With the burst of energy, the nine-foot spear exploded instantly, almost breaking in the air.

And the vast energy gathered into one point by the spear also exploded after entering the flesh, causing a muffled sound behind Beiyun Bian:


Blood mist splashed, even though his body was comparable to golden scales and jade bones, under this indestructible shot, a hole as thick as two fingers was punched out, and the aftermath rushed out into a fan-shaped open space of tens of feet in the dense forest behind.


Seeing that he could not escape, Beiyunbian was also determined to fight for his life. He bounced up again at the moment of decline, and punched Ye Jingtang directly in the chest and abdomen:


Ye Jingtang smashed the spear and was reluctant to break the Chilong Saber. Without hesitation, he rushed out of the cannon and blasted Beiyun Bian.

But as the saying goes, "Every saint will make mistakes after all his considerations." Night Terror Hall is not absolutely rational and will never get ahead of itself.

The Ye Jingtang gained an absolute advantage at the beginning by relying on its superior understanding to understand the opponent's details, and then learning and applying them flexibly, relying on the control of details to achieve the purpose of seizing the opportunity. The weak defeated the strong, and it was not a push through brute force.

Whether it was the skills learned by both sides or the physical strength, Beiyun side actually had the advantage.

Ye Jingtang started to exert a suppressive effect, but in the middle the heartache weapon stopped the rhythm, which gave Beiyun Bian a chance to breathe. At this time, there was a head-on punch exchange, which was obviously a short attack and a long attack.


The fists collided in the air, and the cloth strip hanging on Beiyun's upper body disappeared instantly under the impact of the energy, and the silver hair crown exploded.

Ye Jingtang's right arm sleeve was also shattered, using Zhongsun Jin's magical power to relieve the force, but the force of Beiyun Bian's punch was so heavy that the phalanges made a crisp sound on the spot, and waves of flesh surged up his arm. , until it passed to the back shoulder, leaving a hole in the robe, and the exposed skin turned black instantly.

boom -

The energy exploded in the air, Beiyun Bian thrust his left foot hard into the ground and slid back a few steps.

Ye Jingtang flew out upside down, hit several water ladles on the exposed soil mountain, and flew dozens of feet.

bang bang bang...

When the thunder sounded, Xue Baijin had already rushed out of the dark room. He wanted to sneak around and attack, but before he found the chance, he saw the knife in the middle of the attack. He was able to outwit and try to hit him head-on. He couldn't help but said urgently:

"What are you fighting?!"

Bei Yunbian punched Ye Jingtang away, but he was actually stunned for a moment. He had just been beaten mercilessly, and he was ready to risk his life. Only then did he remember that his skill was deeper than that of Ye Jingtang, but he just didn't have the chance to use it.

Upon discovering that Ye Jingtang was blown away, Beiyunbian immediately pursued the victory and tried to suppress it.

But after Ye Jingtang punched him and gave him internal injuries, he had calmed down. Seeing that Beiyun Bian still dared to counterattack, he pretended to be crazy:


Amidst the loud shouts, Ye Jingtang flew up and attacked again, punching away.

Bei Yunbian's eyes showed murderous intent, and his whole body was agitated to the extreme. He took the last step and stepped hard. The veins in his right arm bulged, and even his long hair was stretched straight in the air:

"Death to me!"

If this punch is carried out, even if it does not break Ye Jingtang into pieces, the energy contained in it will still be enough to blast Ye Jingtang from halfway up the mountain to the other end of Qingshi Square, but...


Beiyunbian violently attacked and concentrated all his energy to the extreme in order to rely on his physical strength to severely damage Ye Jingtang with one punch.

But before he could even take out the heavy punch with the energy gathered to the extreme, Beiyun Bian found that the energy and blood in his body were disordered, and it was moving around strangely!

This interference is extremely subtle, and usually makes people feel short of breath and soreness for a moment at most. It may not even have any real impact. Beiyunbian can also be as vigilant as Ye Jingtang.

However, Ye Jingtang has never shown any signs of touching the threshold of "refining gods and returning to the void". Beiyunbian thought that Ye Jingtang would not be able to do so. At this time, in order to turn the tables with one blow, his blood boiled all over his body and was pushed to the extreme, as if the power of the explosion was being suppressed. The bomb was compressed to the extreme, leaving no room to stabilize the Qi Mansion.

Some energy and blood did not follow the original route, and the result was just like a normal martial artist's burst of energy. The body immediately had a chain reaction, with veins all over the body bulging, bloodshot eyes appearing, and blood spurting out from the mouth and nose!


The two sides met the enemy for only a moment. Beiyun Bian made a mistake, causing the punch to suddenly stop and backfire on himself. Ye Jingtang's punch came right in front of him!

boom -

A bowl-shaped round pit suddenly appeared halfway up the mountain, more than ten feet deep.

Mud and gravel splashed towards the surrounding area, forming a circular shock wave that instantly tore apart hundreds of feet of forest leaves in the surrounding area!

Ye Jingtang's fist landed on Beiyun's face, and his second punch landed on the opponent's eyebrow.

boom boom-

After three or five punches fell, Beiyun Bian's head did not explode, but he was already bleeding from all his orifices and he felt a strong dizziness. Seeing Ye Jingtang land another punch, his mouth was full of blood and he shouted:

"Stop! Stop..."


The raging fist wind halfway up the mountain suddenly stopped!

Ye Jingtang grabbed Bei Yunbian's neck with one hand and pressed him into the mud puddle. He raised his right fist high, sweating all over his body, and his eyes were as cold as Yama.


The broken walls and ruins that were blown up into the air, and even the rainwater that was blown up into the air, fell from the sky at this time, hitting the city lord's palace and the bluestone square that were in chaos.

Countless warriors stood in the square, staring blankly at the city lord's palace that had been reduced to ruins in the blink of an eye, as well as the two people in the pit in the middle of the mountain, with unparalleled shock in their eyes.

As for the major leaders, Yin Shicheng and others, because they could barely see the details clearly, their livers and gallbladders were trembling with horror, and they didn't know what to say at all.

After the noise and thunder fell silent for a moment, Qiu Tianhe, Zhe Yunli and others outside the square recovered from the shock. Qiu Tianhe muttered in disbelief with eyes filled with disbelief:

"Mr. Storyteller really didn't lie... What the hell is all this?"

Xuanyuan Tiangang responded with blank eyes:

"The realm is too high for me to understand. Anyway, the knife is very fast..."

Zhe Yunli analyzed it and said: "It should be the display of the Baizhang Golden Body Dharma. It's normal that we can't see it in our mortal bodies..."

"is it?"


As exclamations and noises resounded from everywhere, the warriors and even many sect leaders in the square gradually came to their senses. Various exclamations and surprises suppressed the thunderstorm in the sky.

Above the Cloud Pavilion, Xue Baijin had already jumped out with his mace in hand. When he saw Ye Jingtang, he stopped and reminded:

"He's the leader of the Green Bandits."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he looked at Bei Yunbian, whose mouth was full of blood:

"Did you arrange for the assassination of Prince Jing and the Empress and incite the kings to rebel?"


Beiyunbian was bleeding from his seven orifices. He looked at the cold face above him, his eyes full of unwillingness, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"I will take you to find the longevity fruit. I know where it is. Without me, you will never find it!"

Ye Jingtang's eyes darkened: "The green bandits have killed countless people, and you can't survive. Why don't you give up and look for a chance to make a comeback?"

"Cough cough..."

Beiyunbian coughed out blood with a ferocious look in his eyes:

"So what? No one knows where the fairy island is. If I escape, I can only hide on the fairy island to avoid pursuit. If you have the ability to catch up with me, you can find the location. Such a great opportunity, I can't It’s easy for you to kill me now, I won’t spit out a word!”

Ye Jingtang stared at Bei Yunbian and saw that he was indeed unconvinced. He seemed to have a back-up plan. After a moment of silence, he let go and stood up in the rain, tilting his head to gesture to the mountains in the east:

"The opportunity is given to you, don't let me down."


Beiyunbian didn't expect Ye Jingtang to dare to let go. Immediately, his eyes rekindled with life. He got up from the mud pit and ran towards the east. He was still staggering at first, but after running a few steps, his speed suddenly accelerated. Start running at full speed.


Ye Jingtang stood on the top of the mountain and did not immediately pursue him. Instead, he turned to look at the tens of thousands of warriors in the square below:

"The general trend of the world will be divided for a long time. What I just said is from the bottom of my heart. If you can listen to it, you will be able to live in dignity in the future. If you can't listen, and you want to be a loyal and loyal man who serves the country, I will not stop you. The world will be unified. A group of stubborn and restless people will always have to die, otherwise there will be no lasting peace."

clap la la...

The rain fell in torrents.

Countless warriors stood at the foot of the mountain, listening to the clear voice above, with only awe and fear in their eyes, how could they dare to say a word.

Ye Jingtang glanced at the crowd at the bottom of the mountain. When he saw that no one dared to raise his head, he turned and walked towards the black mountains.

When Xue Baijin saw this, he jumped down from the Cloud Pavilion and followed him into the depths of the mountains.

Under the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion, Yin Shicheng had long been heartbroken, fearing that Ye Jingtang would call his name. At this moment, he found that Ye Jingtang had left, so he took a breath and wanted to slip away quietly.

But unfortunately, Tian Wuliang nearby, his eyes already full of killing intent, dropped his long stick in front of Yin Shicheng, and said coldly:

"I am a member of the King of Hell, Ye Da. If anyone dares to help him, you will understand the consequences!"


Then the square, which was full of messes, roared again.

But the child's play-house activities were no longer able to attract the attention of those present.

Everyone inside and outside the square looked at the black mountains that had fallen silent, and no one spoke for a long time...

I have been suffering from insomnia these past few days, alas or2!

(End of this chapter)

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