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Chapter 532 Passing on the Kung Fu

Chapter 532 Passing on the Kung Fu

stomping on...

Xue Baijin walked slowly to the outside of the fence garden with his mace hanging on his waist. When he saw the dim light in the window, he could not help but recall that ridiculous night in his mind. Thousands of thoughts that had been suppressed came to his mind again, and his footsteps All a bit slower.

However, she turned back at this time. If Ye Jingtang continued to be evil and used force on her, it would completely disappoint her, and she would definitely leave without looking back. With Ye Jingtang's character, he probably wouldn't do such an excessive thing.

After Xue Baijin hesitated for a moment, he suppressed his distracting thoughts and went to the main room to put down his weapons.

There are a lot of daily necessities in the fence garden. Ye Jingtang has dug out thin quilts and spread them on the plank bed. He also found tea sets from the kitchen and is heating hot water.

After discovering that Bing Tuo Tuo was back, Ye Jingtang smiled brightly as before. He carried a kettle and came to the house to make tea in front of the square table:

"This should be last year's old tea, but I added a leaf. It should be refreshing to drink..."

When Xue Baijin saw the wooden bed, he would recall all kinds of unbearable scenes, so he sat with his back to the bed, his mace in hand, and his expression was neither happy nor angry:

"Don't talk about these irrelevant things. Just teach me quickly. After you finish teaching me, I can leave."

Ye Jingtang chuckled. In order to open Bing Tuo Tuo's horizons first, he waved his right hand lightly after pouring the tea.


The white porcelain tea cup moved without any wind and slid to Xue Baijin's hand at a constant speed. The steaming tea in the cup did not show any ripples, as if it had always been still.

Although this move does not seem as shocking as the Hundred-step Flying Sword, martial arts have always been more stable than fast. The current state of Ye Jingtang can only be described as "easy to do, smooth and flowing".

The gap between Xue Baijin's realms was too big and he could no longer understand Ye Jingtang's methods. Seeing this, his eyes became serious and he asked:

"Can you teach me how to do this?"

"That's natural."

Ye Jingtang sat down at the table, and after thinking for a while, he explained:

"Whether it is the Minglong Diagram or the Nine Arts, there is no essential difference from Jianghu Kung Fu. It's just that the knowledge in it is so profound that ordinary people can't understand it at all. That's why it looks like immortality. In other words, this is immortality, and immortality is People from the mountains.

"The Singing Dragon Diagram can be taught to others, but there are thousands of people with different faces. What the master teaches must be thoroughly understood and used for one's own purposes before it is learned, so no one can learn it at all.

"If you don't learn the master, you won't be able to teach. Therefore, in the end, learning Minglong Tu will inevitably lead to a dead end. Well... you just can't 'comply with the Tao'. The Tao is not your own, so there is no such thing as combining the Tao... "

After Xue Baijin finished listening, he frowned and said;

"Then when you practice the Singing Dragon Picture, aren't you walking into a dead end?"

Ye Jingtang picked up the teacup, blew on it, and said with a smile:

"So I walked out."

"walk out?"

"The road is endless. As long as the road has no end, then the martial arts will naturally have no end. The Minglong Tu is just the most perfect technique that has ever appeared. Just like the Eight-Step Crazy Sword, it was fastest before, but it does not mean it will always be the fastest. .

"Wu Taizu was just a pathfinder, and he left the Singing Dragon Picture as a reference for future generations, telling them, 'Have you seen, the road can still go like this?' instead of letting people use their brains and just follow his footsteps.

"In the past few days, I have customized a new set of exercises for myself based on the principles and effects of the Minglong Diagram. I named it "Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Gong". It is not clear whether it is better than "Nine Nine Guiyi" It's like calling the dragon to be strong, but I know the basics and I guarantee that I will make absolutely no mistakes and I can safely teach it to others.

"And I'm here as the founder. Even if you don't understand your own way in the future, I can still help you correct it..."

"Nine Phoenixes Chaoyang..."

Xue Baijin felt that the name had a deeper meaning, so he didn't care much about it and just asked:

"If I learn how to do it, I can be like you and make waves and change the sea?"

When Ye Jingtang saw Bing Tuo Tuo asking for advice seriously, there was no resistance or distance in his eyes, so he sat a little closer:

"Just knowing it is not enough. It's like a six-year-old child learning the eight-step mad sword. He understands how to use it, but his physical strength and skill can't support it. No matter how well he learns, it doesn't have much power."

"Does that mean that even if you learn the Nine Singing Dragon Pictures, you won't be considered powerful if you don't practice?"

Ye Jingtang thought about this for a while, shook his head and said:

"You can't say that. It's basically impossible for a grandmaster to defeat Wu Kui, who is one of nature and man. His realm is high enough to see through you. Even if you are more powerful than others, you can only get beaten.

"The last three pictures are one step at a time, and the effect is the same. Monk Shenchen practiced for about six pictures, but when I touched him, he still vomited blood on the spot. And if I hadn't touched the threshold of the eighth picture, Bei If Yun Bian touches me from the air, I will be seriously injured on the spot and cannot be beaten at all.

"So with nine pictures in front of you, even if you sharpen your gun in battle, as long as you can maintain it for a moment, you will kill whoever you see, unless the other party also returns to the same level..."

After Xue Baijin listened carefully for a moment, he finally understood the meaning and put down the teacup:

"Teach me."

Ye Jingtang stood up and motioned to the bed next to him:

"Lie down."


When Xue Baijin heard this, his body stiffened slightly, and then the hundreds of emotions he had put aside came to his heart again. He held his mace and said coldly:

"What do you mean?!"

Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand:

"You know how complicated the Minglong Diagram is. There are no words to transmit it at all. My "Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Kung Fu" is similar to the Minglong Diagram. I am not advanced enough and don't know how to create the Minglong Diagram, so I have to teach you step by step. It is slowly guided within you, allowing you to remember.'

Xue Baijin understood the teaching method of Ye Jingtang, and after a little consideration, he asked:

"Don't you know how to channel Qi and blood through the air?"

Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly and said:

"This is not about disrupting the opponent's energy and blood. A slight difference in the veins of the technique will make the difference a thousand miles away. Are you sure you dare to let me hang a silk thread to diagnose the pulse?"

Xue Baijin couldn't refute this, so he stood up with his mace and sat down on the bed covered with sheets:

"I believe you for the last time. If you dare to push your limits..."

Ye Jingtang came to the front, squatted down, held Bing Tuo Tuo's ankle, and helped take off his shoes:

"Although I'm a bit thick-skinned, I'm not the kind of heartless person. If you don't agree, how can I do whatever I want..."

Xue Baijin's body obviously tensed up, but he didn't say anything. He just asked:

"Can't you just sit down?"

Ye Jingtang said frankly: "Some places are inconvenient to touch while sitting, but it is easier to lie down."

Xue Baijin has been touched before, so he naturally knows which places are inconvenient to touch.

After hesitating for a moment, she lay down on the pillow, put her hands flat and closed her eyes.

Ye Jingtang sat down by the bed and didn't look around. He just put his hand on his Dantian:

"I'll teach you the first level of the technique first. The effect is similar to that of the Dragon Elephant Diagram, but the context is completely different. You feel it carefully, and your heart follows the Qi..."

Xue Baijin didn't interrupt, she just closed her eyes and felt the changes in her body. But what she didn't expect was that after Ye Jingtang touched her stomach a few times, she frowned slightly and said:

"Can you take off your clothes?"

Xue Baijin froze, opened his eyes, and there was murderous intent in his eyes!

Ye Jingtang raised his hand: "I don't mean anything else. I may not be able to touch it accurately through my clothes, and there is no correction like the Singing Dragon Picture. If I touch it wrong..."

"Then I won't study."

Xue Baijin has already lost her virginity, and now she has to strip naked and let Ye Jingtang touch her. Doesn't it mean that she came back and gave it to her for nothing?

As she spoke, she sat up and wanted to get out of bed.

Ye Jingtang held his shoulders, took another piece of cloth, and wrapped it around his eyes:

"You cover your body with a quilt, and I just guide you with my hands without looking. Is that okay? If you don't learn how, I won't worry about you leaving alone. Even if you get angry, I have to stop you..."

Although Xue Baijin felt that this move was too much, it was always easier to accept it when Ye Jingtang covered his eyes. After a slight silence, he compromised:

"If I find out that you have evil thoughts..."

"How can I do two things with such an important thing? Just don't worry."

Xue Baijin was dubious, but after hesitating for a moment, he untied his belt, took off his robe, hesitated, and then unwrapped his chest.



Soon, a tall and fair figure appeared in the candlelight. The inverted sea bowl stood tall in front of her, and her two jade legs were tightly joined together, forming an extremely attractive arc...

Xue Baijin lay on the pillow again. Despite his extraordinary intelligence, there was still a hint of blush on his cheeks. After making sure that Ye Jingtang was not peeking, he forced himself to stay calm and cover himself with a thin quilt:

"All right."

Ye Jingtang had been sitting with his back to him. Although his perception was extraordinary and he could sense every detail of Bing Tuo Tuo's body, he did not show it. He waited for the sound to come, then turned around and put his hand under the thin quilt. .


Xue Baijin felt the hot palm, and his whole body trembled slightly, and the tension was clearly visible in his eyes.

Fortunately, Ye Jingtang was indeed teaching his skills and didn't make too many small moves, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As Ye Jingtang began to exert its power, she soon noticed changes in her body, and a stream of energy began to circulate uncontrollably.

Xue Baijin's mind fell into concentration, and his mind followed the energy, trying to remember every step of the way. This process seems very serious, but the core of Qi refining is the Ren and Du meridians.

The place where Ren and Du meet is very private...

Xue Baijin had just fallen into trance for a moment when he realized something was wrong - that big wandering hand...

? !

Xue Baijin quickly closed his legs and clamped his fingers, looking at the Night Terror Hall, wanting to question him.

As a result, the blindfolded Ye Jingtang, who had never thought about it, frowned and said to her fiercely:

"Why are you distracted? Relax your body and follow your mind. If you don't remember, we have to start over."

Xue Baijin saw that Ye Jingtang's expression was focused and serious, without showing any good intentions, so he naturally suppressed his words. After gritting his teeth secretly for a moment, he still suppressed distracting thoughts, closed his eyes and continued to follow his heart.

Ye Jingtang actually has a sense of touch and knows where he is touching, but he is really focused and does not make fun of passing on the skills.

After touching it carefully, Ye Jingtang turned the Bing Tuo Tuo over again and began to swim from between the moon petals to his back.

Xue Baijin's eyelashes trembled slightly, feeling that this feeling was even worse than that night. With great perseverance, her spiritual thoughts were still wandering everywhere.

Suo Suo~

Before I knew it, two quarters of an hour passed.

After Ye Jingtang finished drawing the context of the first picture, he withdrew his thoughts and asked:

"How do you feel about this technique?"

Xue Baijin is gifted with extraordinary understanding, and with such step-by-step instructions, he can completely remember it while his mind is calm.

But at this time, Xue Baijin was being touched everywhere by Ye Jingtang, and Xue Baijin was so confused that he couldn't write down all the extremely complicated details.

Hearing Ye Jingtang's inquiry, Xue Baijin's face showed a rare embarrassment:

"This technique is too complicated and I can't remember it very deeply..."

"Don't remember?"


Xue Baijin noticed that Ye Jingtang's tone was surprising, and quietly turned around to look at her from the corner of her eye. As a result, she could see that Ye Jingtang was sitting in front of her with her eyes covered, and her brows clearly showed a bit of complexity. Well... it was just like the one she taught Ning'er back then. Sword, as a result, Ning'er didn't learn anything for a month, and she looked at Ning'er with the same expression.

Hey~ How can you be so stupid? You can't even teach me anything. It's so annoying...

? ?

Xue Baijin was once the "invincible under the mountain". His talent was so high that even Fengguan City praised him. When had he ever received such treatment?

Seeing Ye Jingtang's speechless look, Xue Baijin took a deep breath, but could not refute. His cheeks were red to the root of his neck, and he felt even worse than when he was scorned by Ye Jingtang.

"You...you teach it again, I will definitely remember it."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang turned Bing Tuo Tuo over again and said softly:

"It's okay. It's normal to not remember everything the first time. I'll be slower this time."

As he spoke, he placed his hand on his stomach again and began to guide the energy in his body.

Xue Baijin closed his eyes, trying to relax his body and mind and feel it carefully.

But the speed of Night Terror Hall has doubled, which makes it easier to remember, and the time the palms stay on the body has obviously doubled.

As the hot palm touches the fingers again...


Xue Baijin's toes were slightly arched. Not only did he remember things, but he also had a strong mind if he could not hum.

Halfway through the guide in Ye Jingtang, I found that Bingtuotuo wasn't following at all. I didn't know where my mind was wandering. I could only stop and sigh softly:

"Oh~ you have to relax and calm down..."

Why does this make me so sad?

Xue Baijin pursed his lips, because it was indeed the reason for his unstable heart, and it was not a bad night terror, so he just whispered:

"I...I can't learn this technique, so let's forget about it."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "I can teach you, and I teach you seriously. If you can't stabilize your mind and remember it, then I'm not lying to you. If you can't learn it in seven days, I won't let you go." , when the time comes, don’t say that I don’t keep my word…”

Xue Baijin opened his mouth, but had no words to refute. He could only say truthfully:

"I am a woman. If you touch the meridians and acupuncture points with your hands, it is inevitable that your heart will be disturbed. This cannot be blamed on my weak will. The worst... the worst is that I will stay for a few more days."

Ye Jingtang said earnestly: "You are too tight in your heart and can't let go. If you don't change this, it will be useless for you to stay for a few more years. How about you listen to my arrangement and I will help you relax. I promise You can learn it before dawn."

Xue Baijin blinked: "I have been listening to your arrangements, what else do you want?"

Ye Jingtang sat a few minutes closer and said seriously:

"If you want to relax, you must first get used to my hands. I won't reject anything.

"Now, you put aside our identities and origins. You are just a woman who has nothing to do with the outside world. Learning a skill here and doing anything will have nothing to do with the future. You will not go back after leaving this island. recall……"

Xue Baijin was obedient, took a breath, put aside all the things outside the island, tried to forget everything, and only focused on the present.

After Ye Jingtang whispered a few words, he put his hand on Bingtuotuo's thigh. As a result, Bingtuotuo's just relaxed body immediately shrank and opened his eyes.

Ye Jingtang said helplessly: "Relax, don't think about things outside yourself, and adapt seriously."

Xue Baijin pursed his lips and didn't say much. He tried not to think about all the messy things. He just relaxed his body and tried to accept the man's touch.

As a result, my heart didn't panic anymore, but my body started to react. As Ye Jingtang's hands slowly moved away, I gradually began to feel...

After the night terror lasted for a while, he slowly slid to Nanxiao Mountain. He found that Bing Tuo Tuo was still retreating, and lowered his head to his ear:

"Don't be defensive about me, just treat it as a natural thing and follow your feelings."

Xue Baijin moved his lips, keeping his breathing rhythm, and followed his instinct to feel the feeling of being touched.


As he completely put aside all distracting thoughts, Xue Baijin gradually immersed himself in it. A tidal wave of shock slowly came to his heart, his cheeks turned red, and his breathing became clearer.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang slowly moved closer to the red lips like a spring breeze blowing on his face.

This time, Xue Baijin did not tense up, but naturally connected with his lips.

Ye Jingtang was quite satisfied. He hugged Bing Tuo Tuo, who had softened into a puddle of spring water, slid his hand to his abdomen, and began to slowly guide the energy in his body.

Xue Baijin noticed the change, and his mind began to chase the energy, while his body no longer resisted Ye Jingtang's touch.


Soon, two quarters of an hour passed.

Ye Jingtang once again finished drawing the context of the technique, and Xue Baijin was no longer disturbed by the panic caused by the touch. He pursued the context seriously and apparently remembered it.

But after it was over, Xue Baijin, who had already entered the state, did not come out. He still hugged Ye Jingtang's neck and secretly reviewed the exercises.

When Ye Jingtang saw that Bing Tuo Tuo didn't resist, he naturally wouldn't take the initiative to let go and continued to gently rub Nan Xiaoshan.

Xue Baijin, on the other hand, had given up everything and had already adapted to Ye Jingtang's touch. He did not resist it and just concentrated on reviewing the context of the technique...

After being so lingering for a long time, Ye Jingtang was afraid that Bingtuotuo would wake up and get angry, so he didn't mess around directly. Instead, when the atmosphere was almost coaxed, he spoke softly:

"I have been mainly thinking about how to practice Qigong faster these days. Taoism has a method of dual cultivation for men and women. Men are yang and women are yin. The combination of yin and yang is closer to the natural state of inaction. It is faster than sitting in meditation, and the yin and yang can complement each other. , how about I continue to teach you and you can see how it feels for you and stop if you don’t like it?"

Xue Baijin was reviewing the situation secretly. When he heard that the exercises were being taught, he nodded softly without thinking about the meaning behind his words.

When Ye Jingtang received permission, he naturally stopped adding any unnecessary extravagance and moved closer to the red lips, continuing to soothe her while placing his hands on his lower back and guiding her slowly.

Seeing this, Xue Baijin took it upon himself to follow it seriously, but this time the technique was obviously not the 'Nine Phoenixes Chaoyang Diagram'. It was much simpler. It was probably about men and women connecting with each other to form a great heaven with yin and yang in harmony.

Xue Baijin completely relaxed and followed his feelings, and did not resist Ye Jingtang's touch. As a result, under Ye Jingtang's silent guidance and without any resistance, Ye Jingtang slowly entered the room.

Even after becoming one, Xue Baijin didn't think about whether this move was right or wrong. He just followed his instinct, adjusted his breathing gently, and practiced with Ye Jingtang...


Many thanks to [Sword Fairy Ye Linyuan] and [Gupan Liuyunjian] for being the leader of the alliance for the reward!

It's been a bit slow in the past few days, so I can only update less or2

(End of this chapter)

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