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Chapter 533 Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves

Chapter 533 Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves

Deep in the East China Sea.

The strong wind stirred up huge waves on the sea, like an ancient beast roaring madly, swallowing up everything in the world. It was obviously daytime, but the sky was as dark as night.

An island ship with a "folded" flag was struggling to rise and fall in the strong winds and waves. The temporary flag had been washed away by the heavy rain, and the deck was creaking.

Zhe Yunli was wearing a raincoat and struggled to turn the rudder in the wind and rain. It was the first time he encountered such vast power, and his face showed a bit of anxiety:

"What kind of broken road are you leading? If the ship sinks, we all have to go to the sea to feed the Dragon King..."


Niaoniao was blown away by the strong wind and could no longer stand still. He could only hide at Zheyunli's heels and murmured with his head. The meaning was probably that Niaoniao was only responsible for leading the way. If the ship sank, it was not human beings. What did he have to do with Niaoniao? relation?

Because the wind was high, the rain was strong, and the waves were strong, the voices could not be heard very far.

Xuanyuan Tiangang and Qiu Tianhe jumped back and forth on the mast, furling the sails that were about to blow out; while Alan had already begun to collect supplies in the cabin in order to survive after the shipwreck.

Xuanyuan Tiangang brought his wife and children with him on this trip. Seeing that the ship was spinning out of control, he was naturally anxious and shouted at Qiu Tianhe:

"Can't you be more sensible when doing things? You just want to put an end to violence and keep peace. You killed a whole ship of pirates and didn't even know how to leave a helmsman behind..."

"You have been fishing in Huangquan Town for thirty years. How did I know that you can't even sail a boat?"

"The fishing boat I drove in Huangquan Town only had one sail. This damn sea-going boat has three masts and sixteen sails. Even if I can sail it, not a dozen people can do it?"

"Then you told me earlier, I've been floating for a few days, what's the use of yelling at me now..."


In the ship building at the rear, Hua Qingzhi was holding the little girl, who was already knocked down and could not stand still. She could only hold on to the pillar and watch nervously. She missed her good husband who was omnipotent and safe.

However, there was still a little girl in her arms, so Hua Qingzhi couldn't help but look panicked. She forced herself to calm down and coaxed the frightened little girl:

"It's okay, it's okay. If the ship sinks, let's row the boat back. Your father and Uncle Qiu are both masters, so it must be okay..."

The big ship was bumping violently in the waves, and from time to time, big waves would hit the hull and rush onto the deck. If Qiu Tianhe hadn't been extremely skilled in martial arts, he might have been photographed off the ship.

Although the situation was very dangerous, fortunately, the quality of the pirate ship under Yao Shangqing's hands was not too bad. Several people worked together to control the ship, and it did not fall apart and sink in the end.

Zhe Yunli controlled the rudder and kept trying his best to sail in the direction guided by the birds. After drifting for an unknown amount of time, the noisy wind and rain began to gradually decrease, and traces of sunlight appeared at the end of the sky.

When the ship gradually stabilized, Zhe Yunli breathed a sigh of relief. He took out the small compass from his arms and looked at it, trying to determine the current position. He accidentally discovered that the compass seemed to be damaged, and the pointer was spinning randomly, making it impossible to tell the difference between east, west and north.


Zhe Yunli picked up the compass and shook it. While he was studying it, the bird, which had turned into a drowned rat, suddenly jumped to the edge of the deck and gestured to the sea in the distance:


The frightened Hua Qingzhi, after the storm gradually subsided, had already walked out of the ship building with the little girl in her arms. Seeing the startled birds, she thought she had found the fairy island and quickly turned around.

As a result, he looked up and saw a long black shadow floating on the sea not far from the ship. It was estimated to be nearly ten feet long.

Qiu Tianhe and others thought it was a reef and came to the edge of the deck to look at it. Unexpectedly, the next moment, a column of water rushed up from the sea:


Then the black shadow began to stir on the sea surface, and the light blue body emerged from the sea water and dived in. The fish tail and tail fin on one side were estimated to be as tall as two people, and it also let out an ethereal and distant cry:


Qiu Tianhe was caught off guard and gasped in shock, quickly pulled out his saber and retreated.

Hua Qingzhi was also shocked and hurriedly hugged the little girl and hid in the house; the little girl's eyes were bright and she said:

"Wow! What a big fish!"

Although Zhe Yunli has never been to the sea, he is well-informed by listening to stories all year round. At this time, he quickly ran to the edge of the deck to look at:

"There really is such a big fish. I thought Aunt Lu was lying. Don't be afraid, this kind of fish doesn't eat people..."

Qiu Tianhe found that the strange fish did not attack the ship, so he breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear and responded:

"Even if he doesn't eat people, his body is estimated to be able to overturn a boat. How can there be such a big fish? It can feed the entire town for a year..."


When Niaoniao heard about eating, he immediately became energetic. He raised his head against Zhe Yunli, obviously hoping that Zhe Yunli would catch the fish and roast it to taste it.

Although Zhe Yunli knew that this big fish didn't eat people, its size was there. If it opened its mouth, it could be used as a house for her. How could he dare to run over and disturb her? He said:

"You still want to eat, so hurry up and find Cousin Jing. Cousin Jing has raised you and you haven't seen him for so many years. Why don't you worry about it?"


Seeing this, the birds had no choice but to give up and spread their wings and took off into the sky, speeding towards the depths of the sea...


The other side.

After the violent wind and rain in the middle of the night, the sky gradually brightened, and mottled light and shadow were once again cast between the tree crowns.

Ye Jingtang lay on his side on the pillow. Although he was still unfinished after a night of practice, Bing Tuo Tuo was not made of iron after all. He stopped in the early morning and fell asleep hugging each other.

Xue Baijin relaxed his mind and body to adapt. In the end, he was so intoxicated that he forgot everything and did not know when he would fall asleep. At this time, his back was to Ye Jingtang and he was leaning in his arms, his cheek resting on his arm, and the two of them were tightly connected.

As the sun shined through the window and onto her cheeks, Xue Baijin's eyelashes fluttered, and then she opened her eyes amidst the soft aftertaste all over her body. Her cheeks became a little more moisturized.

Originally, Xue Baijin wanted to take a breath, but her chest was slightly bulging and her whole body was warm, as if she was leaning on the man's arms...

? !

Xue Baijin froze slightly, and then the memory of last night came to her mind - she came back to learn the exercises, but she couldn't, so Ye Jingtang let her relax.

Later, her body and mind really relaxed and she learned the exercises. Ye Jingtang struck while the iron was hot and said that he would continue to teach her the method of dual cultivation. She agreed by some strange coincidence, and then she was taught until dawn...

Recalling what happened last night, Xue Baijin's eyes immediately showed mixed feelings, and finally turned into shame, anger and coldness. He stood up and pulled out the Chilong Knife from the bedside.


Ye Jingtang was sleeping soundly when suddenly his arms were empty and the sound of drawing a sword sounded in his ears. He woke up immediately and instinctively raised his hand:

"The heroine and..."

But before he finished speaking, Ye Jingtang's eyes froze and he glanced up and down.

Before Xue Baijin's thoughts were completely clear, he stood up angrily and drew his sword. At this time, he was standing beside the bed, his back straight and his eyes cold, and the three-foot blade pointed at Ye Jingtang, looking very imposing.

But it's a pity that Xue Baijin didn't have time to put on the white robe. The two heavy soft balls were exposed to the early morning sun. The whiteness was dazzling. Because of the too big movements, it was bumping up and down, showing a wave-like figure. Touching rhythm.

And going down Yingying's waist, the perfect arc and the pink lips of the white jade tiger are also reflected in Ye Jingtang's pupils...

The first two times I had night terrors were at night. Although there were lights, the light was not sufficient after all. Now I was looking at such a flawless figure through the sunlight. I was obviously stunned for a moment. I wanted to look away, but my eyes didn't listen at all. Brain command...


Xue Baijin noticed something was wrong in Ye Jingtang's eyes, and realized that he was feeling cold all over. He quickly picked up the robe he had thrown aside and put it in front of him. He didn't know how much perseverance he used to suppress the embarrassment in his heart, and asked in a cold voice:

"What did you shameless little thief do to me last night?!"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were obviously a little innocent and he responded:

"I'll teach you the exercises, what else can you do?" "You're still making excuses?"

Xue Baijin's eyes were full of disappointment:

"Thankfully I still trust you so much. You promised not to push yourself too far, but in the end you used the excuse of teaching other skills to take the opportunity to do such an excessive thing to me..."


Ye Jingtang raised his hand to interrupt the conversation and said seriously:

"Conscience of heaven and earth, I have been teaching the exercises seriously and helping you relax just to make you adapt, but I have no evil intentions. Why don't you think about it carefully first, what exactly happened last night?"

Seeing Ye Jingtang, Xue Baijin felt confident and frowned, secretly recalling the process before the gun went off:

Ye Jingtang held her in his arms and comforted her gently. She gradually became addicted to it and no longer resisted, and then she seriously learned the art of dual cultivation.

After learning, the night terror hall turned into lying on the pillow.

She learned the technique and naturally wanted to try it, but Ye Jingtang kept touching her and stopped moving after teaching her...

She was confused and confused at the time, and didn't know what she was thinking. She seemed to wait for a moment, and then...

Only then did Ye Jingtang begin to cooperate with her in practicing and asked her if the exercises were effective. She nodded...


Xue Baijin recalled all the details and found that he was the one who took the initiative. His cheeks naturally turned red, his eyes were in disbelief, and the blade in his hand was trembling slightly. After secretly gritting his teeth, he said in a deep voice:

"You must have used witchcraft! If you didn't follow the temptation, how could I do that?"

Ye Jingtang definitely didn't use magic, and Bing Tuotuo definitely couldn't do such a thing, but he was still good at tempting.

Seeing Bing Tuo Tuo's embarrassment, Ye Jingtang realized what was going on and hurriedly said:

"I know you're not that kind of character. It's normal to be too immersed in each other's skills and forget about external things. I was also distracted at the time and forgot to stop... You first see how the skills go and whether they have any effect."

Xue Baijin found out that the problem was that he was acting strangely and weak-willed, so naturally he couldn't talk about what happened last night in detail, so he began to feel secretly about his physical condition.

Last night was ridiculous, but Ye Jingtang was indeed teaching the exercises seriously. She learned the first level of "Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Kung Fu". Although the luck and context were very different, the effect was similar to that of the Dragon Elephant Diagram, both of which were practiced. The method of physical brute force.

And the yin and yang dual cultivation method taught at the end gave her a deeper feeling.

In the past, Xue Baijin also often meditated and practiced Qigong. Although he knew that doing so could increase Minglongtu's skills, he just followed the exercises step by step. He didn't know the exact principle, and he couldn't touch the ubiquitous Qi in the void world.

But last night, the two people's yin and yang were in harmony, and she and Ye Jingtang formed a big circle, and as a result, they directly entered a new world.

Although she still couldn't feel the aura of heaven and earth, she could detect a torrent pouring into Ye Jingtang's body from the outside world, and flowing along the energy veins throughout her body.

That feeling is like a person who has been guarding a small stream to store water, and suddenly discovers a vast river with inexhaustible supplies. Finally, he feels filled up, and the increase in skill is clearly visible, and the speed is so fast that even She became afraid.

The fear is not that the body cannot control the speed of the practice, but that one will become obsessed with this feeling.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Sitting in Nanxiao Mountain for three months may not be enough for this day. After experiencing this kind of practice method, who can adapt to the days of sitting cross-legged and practicing hard every day?

She has already experienced this kind of fast and flying training method. Even if she is as stone-hearted for the rest of her life, facing the long road of hard training, how can she not think about the rapid progress made this night?

But even if Xue Baijin knew that he would suffer in the aftertaste for the rest of his life, he still had to use perseverance to let go of the desire in his heart.

After all, if she indulges in it and accepts this cultivation method, won't she become the partner of Night Terror Hall, and she will have to accompany her to do such things in her life, and she will never be able to leave Night Terror Hall again?

Xue Baijin's mood was full of complicated emotions, but what Ye Jing Tang taught was indeed good, and the results were incredible. To blame Ye Jing Tang for this was obviously a bit unreasonable and ignorant of good people's hearts.

For this reason, Xue Baijin was silent for a moment, then put away the knife and said softly:

"There is indeed nothing wrong with the technique, but you are not allowed to practice like this in the future. Just teach me a few other pictures."

Seeing Bingtuotuo's tone softening, Ye Jingtang sighed softly:

"It's actually my first time to try this practice method. It's so fast to practice in this place. One day is equivalent to several months outside. I killed Beiyunbian, and the news must have spread. Master Xiang Han and Zhongsun Jin , it is very possible to block the road in the snowy field. If you have more skills, you will naturally have a greater chance of winning when we meet. But if you think it is not suitable, I will definitely meditate and practice by myself. "


Xue Baijin frowned slightly. When he heard this, he remembered the current situation - Yunli and the others were still in Shuofeng City. Although Qiu Tianhe and Niaoniao were also there, it was not difficult to hide, but she and Ye Jingtang must rush back as soon as possible.

And Master Xiang Han found that Ye Jingtang was in the snowy field, and there was a high possibility that he would come and block the road. Even if Master Xiang Han didn't come, Master Xiang Han would be the only opponent in Beiliang now, and the two of them would definitely have a battle.

Master Xiang Han's talent is higher than that of Monk Shenchen, and he already knows how deep Ye Jingtang's background is. If he doesn't find a way to target him, he will not be worthy of the name of "One Lu, Two items, Three Shenchen". If you encounter the Night Terror Hall when you go out, the risk is obviously higher.

And with her skills, she can't help at all. Now that she has the opportunity to not practice, wouldn't she become a woman with long hair and short knowledge...

Xue Baijin felt that Ye Jingtang was trying to trick her, but it was so reasonable that it was impossible to refuse. After thinking about it for a while, he still said in a deep voice:

“Teach me the other pictures first, and we’ll look at the practice later.

"After you leave this island, you must forget everything here. If you continue to mess around, you and I will not have our feelings broken, but our friendship will be broken!"

Ye Jingtang knew that Bingtuotuo was kind-hearted and would definitely agree when the time came. He did not add any more words at the moment and sat up to get dressed:

"I'm going to go fishing and get some food, and then I'll go to the top of the tree to teach you the exercises. It's a geomantic treasure there..."

Ye Jingtang was actually not wearing any clothes, just a thin quilt covering his waist. At this moment, he sat up and put on his clothes, so naturally he could see everything.

Xue Baijin was in a complicated mood when he suddenly saw the scenery below the man's waist. His eyes were obviously confused and he turned his head hastily. Then he quickly turned around and walked out the door with his head lowered.


However, Xue Baijin held her robe in her arms to cover her, but her back was still bare.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang turned his head and looked around, and saw that the white full moon trembled slightly with the steps...

But as soon as she took a look, Bingtuotuo reacted, quickly wrapped her robe around her body, walked quickly to the kitchen, and started fetching water for washing.


Ye Jingtang certainly didn't dare to laugh out loud. After putting on his clothes, he went out to the beach, jumped into the sea, and caught fish while swimming.

After taking a bath in the kitchen, Xue Baijin was neatly dressed. He stopped and looked out in the yard. He saw the Night Terror Hall fluttering in the sea. He shook his head secretly. Then he looked around the undisturbed fence garden. Suddenly, he felt that the current situation was very much like living in the world. A couple living in seclusion.

However, Xue Baijin quickly brushed this thought away from his mind and began to work back and forth in the yard, boiling water, sweeping the floor, clearing weeds, etc.

After working for a while, Xue Baijin saw the book "Xia Nv Yuan" hanging on the table to dry. A few days later, the book wet by the sea water had dried.

Xue Baijin's eyes darkened slightly, and she wanted to stuff the miscellaneous books into the stove and burn them, but this childish behavior of taking things to vent her anger without daring to clean up the night terror was obviously not in line with her status.

For this reason, Xue Baijin did not burn it in the end. Seeing that Ye Jingtang had not returned yet, he quietly opened it and looked through it.

The resulting text and pictures were unsightly, and it really opened her eyes.

"This pervert..."

Xue Baijin just glanced at it, quickly closed the book, threw it away, and continued to clean the inside and outside of the room...

(End of this chapter)

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