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Chapter 534 Shocking Cousin!

Chapter 534 Shocking Cousin!

It was noon, and a faint smoke emerged from under the canopy of trees that blocked the sky.

Ye Jingtang was cutting the fish quickly in the kitchen and putting it into the pot. Within a moment, the aroma of the food could be heard in the garden.

As a woman, Xue Baijin should have gone in to help, but after experiencing the joy of fish and water continuously, she was inevitably a little confused. After cleaning up, she sat upright on the bed with Ziwu Jue in her hands, practicing the skills taught by Ye Jingtang.

Jiufeng Chaoyang Kung Fu, although it is more effective to practice it in Ye Jingtang, the reason is that it is completely consistent with the body.

For Xue Baijin, neither the Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Kung Fu nor the Ming Long Tu were tailor-made for her. Practicing it alone is not much different from practicing the Ming Dragon Tu before. They are all crawling like a tortoise, and she is completely unaware of her progress. .

Xue Baijin has already experienced the efficiency of last night's training. At this time, he is naturally restless and restless. He even feels that it is a complete waste of time. It is a bit difficult to calm down like water and enter concentration.

Xue Baijin knew that this kind of impetuous mentality was not good, but he couldn't avoid it. After he came in with the boiled fish in Ye Jingtang, he stopped and stood up to help arrange the dishes and asked:

"If I touch the realm of refining qi and becoming a god, and meditate and practice, will it be faster?"

Ye Jingtang sat down at the table and served Bing Tuo Tuo fish soup:

"Refining Qi to transform into a god is not enough. You have to touch the threshold of refining a god to become empty. Only then can you feel the Qi that is everywhere in the world and guide it. Only in this way can you practice faster.

"In addition, if you want to be as fast as me, you have to master this set of exercises and figure out a way for yourself. Well...that is, apply what you have learned and excel. This is more difficult, but I will keep explaining the principles to you. Its use is much easier than trying to figure out the Dragon Song Diagram by yourself..."

How could Xue Baijin be willing to let Ye Jingtang stay by her side and teach her by example? He said decisively:

"After we go out, we will never see each other again. I will understand these things by myself. If I can't understand them, I have no connection with the Tao. I shouldn't force it."

Ye Jingtang took a sip of the fragrant fish soup and sighed:

"Cultivating Taoism pays attention to 'enlightenment' and 'destiny'. Enlightenment is one's own talent, and predestined relationship is external opportunity. Only with both can you achieve the Tao. I can obviously guide you to achieve the Tao, but you don't force it. This does not mean that you are not destined to the Tao, but It’s because the Taoist heart is not strong.”

If Xue Baijin follows fate, won't he be completely trapped by Ye Jingtang? Naturally, he didn't respond to this and just lowered his head to eat.

Although there are not many seasonings on the island, the best thing is that the ingredients are fresh. The two of them have really not eaten well in the past few days, so this meal is quite delicious.

Xue Baijin didn't help when cooking, and the food was very comfortable. He couldn't keep his aloof look, and finally praised softly:

"Your cooking skills are really good."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang naturally took advantage of this. He picked up the dishes and went back to the kitchen to clean them.

Xue Baijin has always been outspoken and soft-spoken. At this time, she couldn't just sit in the room. She got up and went to the kitchen:

"I'll wash it, you take a rest."

Ye Jingtang shook his head at this and gestured to the tree crown outside:

"It's just a few bowls. I'll finish them in two. You go to the top of the tree and wait. I'll be up right away."


Xue Baijin frowned slightly and looked up at the sky outside:

"It's only noon, you..."

Ye Jingtang turned around and said, "What else will you do during the day?"


Xue Baijin's lips moved, and it was really difficult to refute this.

She had agreed at first, but it was obviously not appropriate to be coy at this time. Thinking about it, she decided to keep her cool look, went out, flew up, and reached the top of the tree canopy.

The tree canopy covers the sky and the sun, and is the commanding height of the entire island. Looking far away, you can see all the seas, which really gives people a feeling of relaxation and joy.

Xue Baijin stood at the top of the tree crown and took a deep breath. He felt that this was indeed the best place on the island for feng shui, but practicing here...

Xue Baijin looked at the few fruits hanging nearby and the tree branches that had been gnawed bare by Ye Jingtang, and he didn't dare to think about how embarrassing it would be to practice in broad daylight.

Because he had to take off his clothes to teach her the exercises, Xue Baijin thought for a while and returned to the yard first, found a few pieces of cloth, and made a small tent on the canopy of the tree to cover the surrounding area.

While Xue Baijin was busy, Ye Jingtang had already packed up the pots and bowls, went to cut a pile of wood in the surrounding woods, held it in his arms and moved around in the canopy, until he reached the top of the canopy.

Xue Baijin stood on a tree trunk not far away, hesitating to speak, but in the end he did not speak, just looking at the surrounding scenery.

dong dong~

Ye Jingtang took the wood and built a small nest for sitting cross-legged under the small tent in Bing Tuo Tuo. Then he sat down in it and opened the curtain:

"bring it on."


Xue Baijin's eyes were obviously a bit complicated, and he gritted his teeth secretly. He did not look at Ye Jingtang, but walked slowly into the small space and looked around:

"How can I practice if I can't lie down in this place?"

Ye Jingtang sat cross-legged among the tree crowns, raised his eyes to look at the cold beauty just around the corner, and opened his arms:

"Come on, take off your clothes first."


Xue Baijin felt that Ye Jingtang was becoming more and more conscious, but this was not the first time. It was meaningless to say those contradictory words. He just said coldly:

"Cover your eyes."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say anything. He covered his eyes with a cloth and waited quietly.


Xue Baijin untied her robe and hung it on a nearby branch. Then she took off her thin trousers, revealing Nanxiao Mountain and Willow's waist and plump buttocks in the warm sunshine.

Because it was impossible to lie down on the tree crown, Xue Baijin could only stand in front of Ye Jingtang. The white jade tiger was almost facing Ye Jingtang's face. It was difficult to move around, so she had to cover it with her hands:

"and then?"

Ye Jingtang opened his arms and signaled:

"You sit face to face on my lap. You still need to relax your body and don't think wildly, otherwise you won't be able to do anything."

Xue Baijin struggled for a long time, and finally sighed sadly, sitting face to face in Ye Jingtang's arms.

Because each other's cheeks were so close that their breath could blow onto each other's faces, she turned her gaze elsewhere.

Ye Jingtang raised his arms and hugged his lower back, pressing Bing Tuo Tuo against his body, and placed his hand on the moon...

Xue Baijin's whole body trembled slightly, but immediately Ye Jingtang's words came from his ears:

"Relax, just like last night."

Xue Baijin's cheeks were already flushed, but she finally suppressed her chaotic thoughts and began to feel the contact between them.

After Ye Jingtang caressed her gently for a moment, he held his lips again. This time Bing Tuo Tuo performed extremely well and quickly entered the state. His body and mind had relaxed and he no longer resisted.

Ye Jingtang felt quite satisfied, and kissed him for a while longer, until Bing Tuo Tuo's body softened, and then moved his hands along his waist, slowly guiding the energy in his body.

After Xue Baijin entered the state, he temporarily forgot about the rights and wrongs under the tree. He put his hand on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, relaxed his mind and body to follow the thread drawn by Ye Jingtang, and carefully recorded it in his mind.

After the second picture guide is completed, it is natural to try to exercise your skills.

Xue Baijin was hesitating whether to practice with Ye Jingtang again, when he found two hands holding the moon, then slowly falling down.


Xue Baijinxinhu was obviously confused and opened his eyes:


"Relax and have good luck."

Xue Baijin also wanted to emphasize that she couldn't make her own decisions without her nodding, but the connection was successful, and a torrent like a big river flowed into her body again along her Qi veins. She even felt like she was holding her breath for a long time and was finally able to take a big breath. The feeling of pleasure.


Xue Baijin's emotions that he finally got back were washed to pieces again. In the end, he couldn't say anything and was immersed in the profound skills that had immediate results...

After a long time.

Ye Jingtang held the moon in his hands and slowly shook it. He found that the ice had turned into a spring spring, so he took off the blindfold and looked at the crimson face carefully in the sunlight.

When Tuotuo got better, Ye Jingtang paused again, panting slightly, and looked like he was a little tired from exercising for a long time.


Xue Baijin was practicing seriously, and his mind had already drifted to the clouds. He suddenly paused, and his eyebrows naturally showed some doubts.

She opened her eyes slightly and looked at the Night Terror Hall, which was very close at hand. Then she closed her eyes and waited. After a while, she opened her eyes again.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang remained motionless, Xue Baijin hesitated for a long time and asked:

"Why don't you practice anymore?"

Night Terror Hall was a bit funny, but he still had a serious expression on his face:

"My arms are a little tired, I'll take a rest."

Xue Baijin didn't think Ye Jingtang would be tired, but she urged Ye Jingtang to continue quickly, something was obviously wrong.

After hesitating for a moment, Xue Baijin closed his eyes and began to shake slowly, practicing his own...

Before you know it, the sun is rising and setting, and the moon is hanging on the top of the mountain.

The sea breeze blew through the crown of the tree, and the top branches swayed slightly in the sunlight. Although the curtains blocked the view of the interior, one could hear the soft humming of orchids and honey.

Both of them entered a state of selflessness. Xue Baijin studied and practiced at the same time. At the end of the day, he has now memorized four pictures. Although his body is already a little overwhelmed, he still wants to learn the long-term pain rather than the short-term pain. He can learn it in one go and master the refining of Qi as soon as possible. God's realm.

Ye Jingtang didn't need to teach the skills, so he could keep practicing, and naturally he didn't have any secrets about it. But when he was seriously practicing the skills, his ears twitched slightly, and he looked towards the outside of the island in a blink of an eye.

Xue Baijin wanted to finish learning in one go. After flying into the clouds several times, she almost forgot her last name. She found that Ye Jingtang was lazy again, so she secretly gritted her teeth and started practicing on her own. As a result, she just moved twice and was suddenly held down by Ye Jingtang. Shoulder.


Xue Baijin opened his eyes blankly, then opened the curtain to take a look, and found that there was a looming bright spot on the sea more than ten miles away, which looked like a ship.

If you look carefully, it seems that there is a familiar white bird flying towards the island.

? !

After Xue Baijin was stunned for a moment, his cheeks suddenly turned white and he quickly urged:

"Hurry up……"

Ye Jingtang didn't expect that Bird Bird was so powerful that he could even find such a blind place. Hearing Bing Tuo Tuo's urging, he quickly picked him up and killed him quickly.   Pah, pah, pah...

A gust of wind and rain caused the treetops to tremble violently.

Xue Baijin was caught off guard and almost lost his breath. In anger, he lightly hammered Ye Jingtang on the shoulder:

"You little thief, are you crazy? Ugh~..."

Although they were extremely nervous, at least they both rushed to the clouds and completed a practice.

Xue Baijin hugged Ye Jingtang's neck and twitched a few times, almost rolling his eyes, but he didn't have time to breathe. He gritted his teeth and stood up, pulling his robe over.


The two people quickly put on their clothes. Before they could clean up the scene, they noticed a white shadow falling on a nearby branch. They tilted their heads and looked at the two people who were covered by the cloth:


Xue Baijin's forehead was still covered with sweat, but at this time he had to act calm and calm, and opened the curtain:

"How did you come?"


The bird squatted on a bare branch, spread its wings and gestured. Seeing that the two of them were fine, it turned its attention to the two green fruits hanging on the branches and opened its mouth to taste them.


Ye Jingtang knows the power of this fruit. If Bird takes one bite, even if he is gifted and can survive the poison, he will still be in high spirits for half a month. Seeing this, he quickly came out from the curtain and held down the birds that he caught and ate:

"This fruit is poisonous, don't eat it randomly."

While talking, Ye Jingtang looked out from the branches and leaves. It could be seen that the boat in the far distance was running slowly, but there was a figure on the sea, rushing across the water and waves, and began to shout from a distance:

"Yaoji! Are cousin Jing and master here?"


When the birds saw this, they immediately let out a sharp and explosive sound that could be heard for several miles in the night sky.

Zheyunli, who came from the sea, became excited when he heard the voice and said loudly:

"Master? Cousin Jing?!"


Xue Baijin didn't even have time to clean up. Hearing Yunli's voice, he couldn't hold on. Seeing that Yunli was going very fast and was coming soon, he was so anxious that he could only wink at Ye Jingtang, then pull down the curtain and fly down. The crown of the tree, got into the house and quickly cleaned up.

To be honest, Ye Jingtang was also disheveled, but in order to cover Bing Tuo Tuo, he still flew down with the bird in his hands, landed outside the tree canopy, and walked towards the beach:


"Cousin Jing!"


Tap tap tap~

Under the stars and moon, Zhe Yunli, wearing a bamboo hat on his head, was flying across the sea with a knife, causing a line of straight ripples.

As they approached the island, they found cousin Jing in black robes flying out from the 'hill' and landing near the beach. Surprise flashed through Zheyunli's eyes, and he rushed up to the beach with a few strides. It was a flying swoop, and he crashed directly into his arms:

"Cousin Jing!"

Ye Jingtang had just suppressed the energy and blood in his body, and before he could prepare his emotions, Yunli was hit by a body bomb. He quickly raised his hands and hugged his waist:

"Hey, eh, your master is behind you..."

Zhe Yunli was very excited when he saw the gods fighting in Shuofeng City a few days ago. In the past few days, he went through all kinds of troubles in order to find Ye Jingtang. When he saw Ye Jingtang again, he was naturally excited.

Hearing the reminder, Zhe Yunli remembered that her master was also there. He was afraid that he would have to marry her to Cousin Jing immediately if he saw her. At that moment, he quickly loosened Ye Jingtang's neck, slid down and stood in front of him, pulling Ye Jingtang with him. Looking at the sleeve robe:

"Brother Jing, are you not injured? Why are you so sweaty?"

"I was practicing just now. This place is the legendary Fairy Island. Look at how big that tree is."


Zhe Yunli lifted up his bamboo hat and looked at the hill pointed by Ye Jingtang. He was a little confused at first, but when he noticed that the branches and leaves were swaying in the wind, his eyes widened with shock:

"Wow——! This is actually a tree?!"

As he said that, he ran over there, wanting to find out.


Ye Jingtang quickly pulled Yunli back, holding his shoulders and looking around:

"How did you get here? Were you not injured on the way?"

Zhe Yunli's eyes were full of surprises, and she had no intention of asking for help. However, seeing the concerned look in her cousin Jing's eyes, she still straightened up her bulging skirt:

"What can happen to me? It's just that I'm useless, leading the way randomly, wandering around for a few days, and the boat almost capsized..."


Niaoniao, who was squatting in front of the tomb bag on the beach, suddenly became unhappy after hearing this, and began to complain about the poor performance of the poached egg boat.

After chatting for a few words in the Night Terror Hall, he turned to look at the approaching ship:

"Is Qingzhi also on board?"

"Here you are, my cousin is worried about what I'm doing..."

Zhe Yunli was anxious to see what the big tree looked like. He really had no intention of chatting. After saying a few words, he pushed Ye Jingtang overseas and at the same time turned around and ran towards the Immortality Tree:

"Brother Jing, please go over first to make sure it's safe. I'll go see how big the tree is."

Ye Jingtang estimated that Bing Tuo Tuo was almost sorted out, so he no longer forced himself to stay. He rose up without wind, his feet rising and falling on the blue waves, and he arrived at the big ship on the sea in a moment.

The ship that a few people snatched was a pirate ship under Yao Shangqing's command. It was converted from a cargo ship. It was quite large. There was a piece of cloth hanging on the top of the mast with the word "Zhe" written on it. It was probably because Yunli had nothing to do. Did it.

At this time, Qiu Tianhe was controlling the rudder at the stern of the ship, while Xuanyuan Tiangang was running back and forth, adjusting the sails.

Hua Qingzhi, dressed as a scholarly lady, was holding a little girl in her arms, like a young lady from an official family. She stood on the bow of the boat facing the wind and looked towards the island. When she saw him coming, she hurriedly waved happily:

"Young Master Ye!"

"Brother Jun~"

The girl who was held in his arms also raised her little hand to say hello.

Ye Jingtang landed on the boat with a smile on his face. Seeing that although Qingzhi was a little haggard, she was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to touch the heads of one big and one small:

"I'm fine, and so is Master Xue. I heard from Yunli that you were frightened by the big waves when you came here?"

Hua Qingzhi followed her out to sea and was really scared along the way. However, when she saw Ye Jingtang again, she felt that the whole world had become more peaceful. She said:

"It's okay. In fact, everyone on the boat was a little frightened, but luckily there was no danger. We were still on the sea in the morning and saw a strange fish that was almost as long as the boat..."

Hearing this, the little girl raised her hand to the maximum extent and gestured:

"So big!"


After Ye Jingtang joked for a while, he helped Qingzhi back to the cabin. Seeing Aunt Lan packing her things, she raised her eyes and looked at Qiu Tianhe at the helm:

"Uncle Qiu, why don't you sail the boat over?"

Qiu Tianhe turned the rudder back and forth, feeling helpless when he heard this:

"This is a headwind, Gangzi is thinking of a way..."

Xuanyuan Tiangang stood on the mast pulling the sail and heard the words:

"You deflect the boat so that its side is facing the island..."

"You can do it!"


Seeing the appearance of this rookie sailor, Ye Jingtang was a little shocked as to how they could bring such a big ship here. No wonder it took them four or five days to arrive.

However, Ye Jingtang can only drive a small boat. It is estimated that only Sanniang can handle the sixteen-sail ship. Seeing the big ship spinning back and forth, she just won't run forward. Ye Jingtang thought about making a hand gesture with his hands and used the energy from his heart. To guide, drive the Qi that spreads between heaven and earth.


Soon, waves appeared in the surrounding sea, and the sail began to swell in the direction of the island, slowly carrying the ship forward.

When Qiu Tianhe saw this scene, his eyes were astonished. He jumped down from the stern of the boat and looked around the Night Jing Hall:

"Hey! It's been a while since I last saw you. You've become a god on the mountain."

Ye Jingtang stopped his hand and said with a smile: "It's not even a god. Uncle Qiu will definitely be able to understand it in the future."

Qiu Tianhe still knew himself and waved his hand quickly:

"I'd better forget it. I have to take advantage of the sword master. After practicing to this point, I won't be able to live until the age of 150. Moreover, if I become an immortal, who will go to chat with your father under the Nine Springs in a hundred years? Did you hear your father praise you for your abilities?"

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he was also very sorry that his adoptive father could not see today, but after thinking about it, he still said:

"Uncle Qiu has been able to reach this point. He is already considered a great person, but no one shows him the way. When I understand the realm of Lianxu Hedao, I will tell Uncle Qiu how to go. It will not be easy to become an immortal..."

When Qiu Tianhe heard this, his eyes showed a bit of sadness:

"Sigh~ When I first met you in 'Room No. 1,' I was worried that you would turn around and give me advice in the future. Now it's fine, my dream has come true..."

"Ha ha……"

Qiu Tianhe sighed a few words, remembered something again, and asked:

"By the way, it is said that the 'Two Kings of Yanzhou' live in my room. Are you coming out now?"

"The two kings of Yanzhou?"

There were so many masters killed in Night Terror Hall. Hearing this name, he was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"I remembered, those two professional killers hired by Zhou Huaili. I haven't been back for a long time, I still don't know..."

"That's right. You're locked up in the dungeon, but you can't know what's going on outside. I remember when they went in, you weren't Wu Kui, were you?"

"At that time, I had just emerged from Shuiyun Jiantan, and I was still known as 'Ye Silang', and I had just become a grandmaster..."

"They climbed really fast. I just want to see what these two fools' expressions will be like when they come out to find out."

"Haha, let's wait until we get the 'No. 1 in the World' sign..."


While chatting and laughing, the group slowly sailed towards the island...

(End of this chapter)

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