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Chapter 536 My husband is so awesome

Chapter 536 My husband is so awesome

There are only two rooms on the island, which obviously cannot accommodate eight people. After eating in the small courtyard, Qiu Tianhe and others returned to the boat to rest.

When Ye Jingtang came out after clearing away the dishes, he saw that Yunli was making the bed in the opposite room, with Bingtuotuo helping him. After taking a look in the yard, he turned around and came to the main house.

Oil lamps were lit in the main room, because the night was already dark, and Qingzhi was also making the bed.

When Ye Jingtang entered the room, he saw Qingzhi wearing a lady's skirt, kneeling on the bed, stretching out the sheets and quilts.

Although Qingzhi's figure is relatively slender, she is not emaciated where there should be flesh. At this time, her buttocks are lying outwards, and the light blue skirt draws a quite round arc behind her waist. She gently moves with her movements. Swaying, the back is indescribably attractive.

Ye Jingtang subconsciously slowed down his pace a little, quietly walked behind him, and held his small waist with both hands.

Hua Qingzhi didn't know martial arts, so she couldn't hear Ye Jingtang's footsteps. She was suddenly held in place by her waist, and turned into a familiar posture. She shrank slightly in shock, and then turned around and looked behind her:

"Mr. Ye, what are you doing?"

"Haha~ It was just a joke."

Hua Qingzhi was just stronger in front of Xue Baijin. She was still a gentle and scholarly lady. She couldn't withstand such a joke and wanted to get up and turn away.

However, thinking that Xue Baijin was outside and must have heard it, Hua Qingzhi's heart moved slightly, but she still suppressed her shyness, turned back and continued to arrange the bedding, and at the same time, she quietly shook the moon with her movements.

? ?

Ye Jingtang has a casual personality. When he saw Qingzhi doing a cat-like stretching pose to flirt with a man, his eyes naturally changed. He quietly looked out, then leaned over to his ear and held the hem of his clothes with his right hand:

"Miss Hua, what do you want to do?"

Hua Qingzhi's cheeks were flushed, but she still suppressed her shame and said softly:

"Whatever the young master wants, I will do~"

Faced with Qingzhi who suddenly became bold, Ye Jingtang was really a little embarrassed to deal with it. It was obviously inappropriate for him not to answer the words, so he raised his chin immediately:


Hua Qingzhi obviously understood the meaning. She turned around and leaned towards Ye Jingtang's lips. Then she turned over softly in her arms, lying on the pillow that had just been laid out. She hooked her arms around Ye Jingtang's neck and kissed each other deeply for a moment. He moved away, looked at Ye Jingtang's face, and said:

"This seems to be Miss Xue's room. I live here and behave like this with the young master. She won't be angry, right?"


Ye Jingtang was stunned by these words and felt that Bing Tuo Tuo would be angry.

And the fact was not what the two expected.

As soon as Hua Qingzhi finished speaking, clear footsteps could be heard outside the room, walking to the door of the main room, and then a cold voice sounded:

"Night Terror Hall, please come out."

Hua Qingzhi saw that Granny Xue was getting jealous, and felt extremely proud. She whispered in her ear:

"Do you believe she wants you to hurry up and practice?"

Ye Jingtang was a little amused. He lowered his head and kissed Qingzhi's lips:

"Go to sleep first. If anything happens, ask Niao Niao to call me anytime."



The door is closed.

Xue Baijin stood outside the door, with a straight back and an elegant temperament. When he saw Ye Jingtang coming out, he said:

"You don't want to practice?"

Ye Jingtang could actually feel that Bing Tuo Tuo was a little jealous, but he didn't point it out and looked at the room on the side:

"Getting ready to go, um..."

Xue Baijin naturally knew what Ye Jingtang was going to say. Yunli was already here, and she should not continue to be a sparring partner for Ye Jingtang.

But she has already learned four pictures, and she will be able to completely learn how to free herself in one more night; and both Ye Jingtang and she need to seize the opportunity on the island to improve their strength as soon as possible. If it is wasted, it will be in vain.

Because the sunk cost was too high, Xue Baijin hesitated again and again and said:

"You go first."

Ye Jingtang naturally didn't say much about this, turned around and walked outside the fence garden.

Xue Baijin watched Ye Jingtang leave, with a hint of complexity in his eyes, and turned around and returned to the hut.

The room on the side has been tidied up, and quilts have been put on the bed.

When Zhe Yunli saw that Ye Jingtang was preparing to practice Kung Fu, she was secretly looking around in the room, thinking about how to get her master to agree to let her follow Cousin Jing outside to practice Kung Fu in the middle of the night.

Seeing the master coming in, Zhe Yunli quickly lay down again, pretending to be ready to sleep, and turned around to ask:

"Cousin Jing, are you going to practice alone?"

Xue Baijin came and sat down. After thinking about it for a while, he asked straight to the point:

"Yunli, do you like your cousin?"


Zhe Yunli was stunned for a moment, then sat up:

"Master, what did you say?"

Xue Baijin looked at Yunli's expression carefully and was not sure what Yunli was thinking, so he continued:

"You are not young, and you have reached the age of marriage. You have to consider life-long matters. If you don't think about this now, in the future, the Night Terror Hall will be taken away by others. If you tell me this again, how can I help you?

"Master Jianghu's destiny is God. If you are interested, I will make the decision for you. Before Ye Jingtang has married someone, you can get married after you go out. In this way, you will be his legitimate second wife." A lady..."

Zhe Yunli didn't expect his master to be so resolute, he looked awkwardly and said:

"Master, Cousin Jing and I are not even close to each other, so how can we be so anxious. And even if I listen to Master, if Cousin Jing doesn't agree..."

"He must agree!"

Xue Baijin held Yunli's shoulders:

"As long as you are willing and my master makes the decision for you, neither the empress nor the queen can compete with you..."

Zhe Yunli was confused by the master who was suddenly eager to marry her off. After thinking about it for a while, he asked:

"Master, are you worried?"


Xue Baijin blinked his eyes. Because he was always straightforward, when faced with this question, his eyes instinctively dodge a little:

"What can I worry about as a teacher? I'm just concerned about your life-long affairs."

Zhe Yunli grew up with his master and knew him very well. Seeing this, he sat a little closer:

"When I came here today, I found that Master looked at me unnaturally, and now he is urging me to marry Cousin Jing. Could it be that Cousin Jing is secretly having sex with Master..."

? !

Xue Baijin's heart trembled and he said seriously:

"How is that possible? You don't know my teacher's character? How dare he be so presumptuous in front of me..."

Zhe Yunli frowned and said, "Since I haven't proposed marriage to Master, why is Master so anxious to make the decision for me to get married?"

Xue Baijin was stunned: "Propose marriage?"

Zhe Yunli nodded: "Yes. Otherwise, master, what do you think I said?"

Xue Baijin was stunned by this question. He thought about it for a while before responding:

"I thought you meant that Night Terror Hall privately asked me to be a lobbyist to enlighten you... Anyway, the meaning is similar."

Zhe Yunli nodded doubtfully and asked again:

"Since Cousin Jing didn't propose marriage to Master and didn't ask Master to enlighten me, why is Master so anxious to marry me?"

Xue Baijin is saying this now because Yunli and Ye Jingtang are similar in age and are of the same family, so they should be a couple.

She had done ridiculous things in private, whether voluntarily or forced, she was unworthy of Yunli. All she could do now was try her best to compensate Yunli so that Yunli wouldn't have to ask for it in the future.

But Xue Baijin couldn't express these things clearly, and in the end he could only say:

"Yejingtang is a talented man, and there are countless girls who admire him. As a teacher, I am afraid that you will not be enlightened, and you will be coy and afraid to show your feelings. In the end, you will be wronged for the rest of your life."

Zhe Yunli chuckled at this: "I'm not a three-year-old girl. It's a big deal in my life, so how can I be coy about it? Besides, with Master here, I won't be wronged at all.

"Actually, I'm more worried about you, Master. Master is about the same age as Aunt Lu, and you're still a boring gourd. If you don't consider life-long matters, you will really have no choice but to become a monk and practice Taoism in the future..."


Xue Baijin didn't expect that Yunli would urge her to get married, so she shook her head and sighed:

"What I want as a teacher is to become a great person like Wu Taizu. If you don't take things between men and women lightly, just consider yourself. Okay, go to sleep."

Zhe Yunli was too embarrassed to discuss these topics with his master, so he didn't say much at the moment. He leaned on the pillow, closed his eyes and looked sleepy.

Xue Baijin sighed secretly and lay down in front of him, thinking about the current messy situation. After a long time passed, the sound of breathing beside him gradually slowed down, and Xue Baijin opened his eyes again, turned his head to look, and then quietly got up and walked out...


On the east side of the island, on a rock.

Sitting cross-legged in the Night Terror Hall facing the sea, the whole person seemed to be integrated with the black reef. However, his spiritual thoughts followed the flying catkins gathered from the four seas, extending to the sky and the earth. He could even notice that the birds were looking for squirrels in the woods. Na Na and Qiu Tianhe were studying the big turtle on the beach...

After entering meditation for an unknown amount of time, the sound of shoes scraping against the beach was heard from the beach:

Cha, cha...

Ye Jingtang recovered his mind and looked to the side. He could see Bing Tuo Tuo wearing a white robe walking slowly along the seaside. The robe gently fluttered with the sea breeze, outlining the graceful outline of one side of his body. His expression was as cold as ever. Yes, his eyes are deep, and he seems to be hiding something on his mind.


Night Terror Hall jumped off the rock:

"Tuo Tuo?"

Xue Baijin kept looking at the sea under the moonlight. When he heard the call, he turned his eyes:

"What did you call me?"

Ye Jingtang came to the front and said seriously:

"Master Xue."

Xue Baijin took a breath and emphasized again:

"Whether you are coaxing me or being frivolous about me, it only concerns me personally. I don't have to hold you accountable, but I can't be ashamed of Yunli and Ning'er. After leaving here, neither you nor I can have any thoughts about what happened here. Everything must be forgotten. If you dare to mention it again, I guarantee that you will never find me again for the rest of your life."

Ye Jingtang stood side by side in front, shook his head and sighed:

"If you don't want me, I will definitely not mess around."

Xue Baijin didn't think he would think about the Night Terror Hall again after he went out. Seeing this, he stopped saying anything and said instead:

"I've almost finished learning the Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Kung Fu. Please teach it to me as soon as possible. You won't be able to stay in this feng shui treasure land for more than a few days. I promised to practice with you and I won't break my promise."

Ye Jingtang nodded, then raised his hands to hug his lower back, and lowered his head to the cold cheek.



Xue Baijin took a deep breath, causing the skirt of his clothes to bulge, but in the end he didn't say anything. He closed his eyes in the belief that long-term pain would be worse than short-term pain.

Ye Jingtang leaned over and hugged Bing Tuo Tuo's legs, hugged Bing Tuo Tuo horizontally, and walked to the woods behind the beach, because he knew Bing Tuo Tuo would definitely come over. A piece of grass had been cleared and covered with blankets.

Ye Jingtang sat down on the blanket and held Bing Tuo Tuo sideways in his arms. He did not start repairing directly, but asked:

"Since you have to forget everything after leaving this island, can we have a frank talk before leaving?"

Xue Baijin was trying to brush away distracting thoughts and relax his body. Hearing this, he opened his eyes and frowned slightly:

"What do you want to talk about?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the sea in the distance:

"I must have you in my heart, otherwise even if I suffered the pain of being cut into pieces, I would not have done anything wrong to you. At that time, you were willing to let me look at your chest, and you acquiesced when I kissed you. Later, when the arrow was on the string, you also I hesitated but did not stop. Do you also have me in your heart? "

Xue Baijin's eyes turned cold: "No. I just didn't want you to suffer, so I was forced to tolerate it. If you mention this again with wishful thinking, don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Jingtang hugged each other a little tighter and looked at each other:

"Really not?"


Xue Baijin felt that Ye Jingtang was not enough to take away her innocence, but also wanted her heart. She stopped talking and wanted to get up.


Ye Jingtang actually understood Bing Tuo Tuo's intentions a long time ago. If he didn't have the slightest affection for him, how could he endure it and do this? He didn't say much at the moment, and instead pressed Bing Tuo Tuo on the blanket:

"Okay, I won't ask anymore, just relax."

Xue Baijin bit her silver teeth, finally suppressed her emotions, began to relax her body and mind, and adapted to Ye Jingtang's touch.


Ye Jingtang untied her robe and chest wrap, lowered her head to hold her red lips in her mouth, and slowly moved them downstream to help Bing Tuo Tuo relax.

But Xue Baijin had practiced so many times that he no longer objected to Ye Jingtang's touch. When he found that Ye Jingtang wanted to kiss him from head to toe again, he quickly opened his eyes:

"I'm relaxed. You can teach me the skills directly. Don't kiss indiscriminately."

I had a sudden night terror and raised my head:

"You are just resisting, how can you be considered relaxed?"

Xue Baijin's cheeks were already red, but his expression was quite serious:

"Even if you are a dual cultivator of Taoism, it is a normal combination of yin and yang. What you are doing is... a deviant."

After saying that, he stood up and took Ye Jingtang's hand, pulled him down in front of him, and looked at each other:

"That's it. If I do something outrageous again, I will go back now."

"Okay, that's what I'll teach you, just relax first."

Ye Jingtang leaned forward again, blocking the words he wanted to refute. His hands moved along his waist and abdomen, and began to guide the energy in his body.

Xue Baijin was then satisfied. He closed his eyes and let his mind go to pursue the energy. After he memorized all the connections, he started practicing again.

Originally, Xue Baijin planned to make a big effort and finish all the studies tonight so that he could leave at any time.

But unfortunately, she overestimated her fighting power. She had already practiced three times during the day, and she almost rolled her eyes in the end. Although she had just rested for a while, but she continued now, she couldn't stand it for a moment.

After finally practicing once, seeing Ye Jingtang want to continue teaching the sixth picture, Xue Baijin's breathing was up and down, and he raised his hand to stop:

"Let's learn... tomorrow."

Ye Jingtang was actually just a newbie, but when he saw Bing Tuo Tuo, he even admitted his intimidation, so he didn't feel embarrassed. He just tilted his cheek and gestured:


Although Xue Baijin's body couldn't bear it, his strength was still there. Seeing that Ye Jingtang was getting more aggressive, his eyes darkened slightly, he turned over and sat up, grabbing Ye Jingtang's arm:

"You're tired too, let me relax your muscles..."

"Eh?! No need!"

Ye Jingtang was frightened for a second and quickly stood up, picked up Bing Tuo Tuo and went to the sea to help bathe.

Xue Baijin was then satisfied. After washing, he put on his clothes and went back first. He also asked Ye Jingtang to stay where he was for a while and not to go back to the house together to avoid misunderstandings.

Ye Jingtang naturally obeyed this and took a moment to enjoy the cold wind on the beach. He also caught a small fish and fed it to the bird admiring the moon at the top of the tree after returning to the center of the island.

When he returned to the hedge garden, all the lights had been extinguished. There were two steady breathings in the side room, and the same was true in the main room.

Ye Jingtang quietly came to the main room, not wanting to wake up Qingzhi, but as soon as he closed the door, he found Qingzhi lying on the bed, slightly raising her body;

"Have you finished practicing?"

Ye Jingtang came to him and lay down next to him:

"Yeah, why are you still up so late?"

"Can't sleep."

Hua Qingzhi sighed softly and whispered into Ye Jingtang's ear:

"We've been together for so many days, why is there no movement in my belly? If I can't get pregnant this month, it might be hard to have business with grandpa next year."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang held Qingzhi's wrist, took her pulse carefully, and said after a moment:

"Pregnancy is a metaphysics. The more anxious and anxious you are about a baby, the less likely you are to conceive. On the contrary, when you are relaxed and fully engaged, you have a great chance of winning the bid. You have to keep a normal mind and don't think about holding a baby. Something about this may suddenly happen one day."

Hua Qingzhi nodded slightly. She originally wanted to work harder and gain more, but she was afraid of disturbing Ye Jingtang's rest, so she huddled in her arms and closed her eyes.

Ye Jingtang hugged the gentle Qingzhi, thought for a moment and put his hand on his belly:

"I'll teach you the exercises, try it and see if you can remember it."

Hua Qingzhi was just a scholarly young lady. She was interested in Kung Fu. When she saw Ye Jingtang, she started to touch it. She thought that her husband wanted her to serve him, so she turned over slightly and approached Ye Jingtang very sensibly.


Ye Jingtang is really ready to teach the skills, but Qing Zhi is so considerate, he can't push him away. Thinking about it, they still keep their lips together...

And the other side.

The room was dimly lit, with only two steady breathing sounds.

Xue Baijin was lying on the bedside, his body had not yet recovered from the afterglow, and he had a strong sense of immorality in his heart. He had so many thoughts that he couldn't even think of what he was thinking about. When he was in a state of confusion, he suddenly heard, no Another familiar sound came from the distance:


Xue Baijin opened her eyes and found that this damn girl Hua Qingzhi was really messing around on her bed, and a flash of displeasure naturally flashed in her eyes.

Beside her, Zhe Yunli, who was already asleep, fluttered her eyelashes and raised her head sleepily:

"Master, you..."

dong dong~

Two muffled sounds.

Zhe Yunli looked blankly at the master next to him. Before he could say "did you hear that?" he fell asleep again.

Xue Baijin took a few deep breaths and endured it for a moment. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and gritted his teeth and said:


There was an obvious pause from the sound next door, but after a moment, a clearly audible voice came:

"Huh~ My husband is so awesome~"

"Eh? Shh~ Calm down, calm down."

"I don't, um~..."


Xue Baijin’s face turned dark! , stood up and grabbed the mace beside him, but after holding it for a long time, he still got up and left the house, flew up and disappeared in an instant...


I didn't sleep well, and my condition is a bit bad today or2!

(End of this chapter)

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