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Chapter 537: All over the world

Chapter 537: All over the world

The rising sun rises in the east, and the warm sunshine shines on the canopy of the trees.

The small fenced courtyard was quiet and quiet, with the doors and windows closed. As the sunlight passed through the canopy of trees and fell on the windows, there was only slight movement in the side room.

On the wooden bed, Zhe Yunli sat up sleepily, raised his hands and stretched:


Halfway through stretching, Zhe Yunli suddenly realized that he had slept so soundly, and he didn't even notice when the master went out.

Thinking back again, I seemed to be in a daze last night. I heard the cat meow again. As soon as I raised my head, Master clicked me to sleep...


Zhe Yunli woke up completely, but he still felt something was wrong - in the past, he had heard strange noises in Yanjing or inns, but there were no other small animals around the fence garden, so how could he still hear them?

There was a bit of suspicion in Zhe Yunli's eyes. He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the main room. He felt that the problem should be with Hua Qingzhi, so he stood up quietly, put on his shoes and opened the door.

As the door opened, there was rustling movement in the main room, which sounded like people were getting dressed.

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli quickly put on a polite look, came to Miss Hua's door, raised his hand and knocked:

dong dong~

"Miss Hua?"

There was no response from the room, but soon footsteps came to the door.

stomping on...

The footsteps were deep, sounding like they had sound limbs, and they were from a man...


Zhe Yunli was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes turned incredulous.


Ye Jingtang, who had just finished getting dressed, opened the door and looked up to see Yunli in white pajamas, with her hands folded on her waist and her bulging soft clothes standing in the doorway, looking at him with wide eyes. .

"Yunli, are you up so early?"


Zhe Yunli looked at Ye Jingtang, who was neatly dressed in robes, and his heart was full of suspicion. After pouting, he put his head into the house.


Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand, covered Yunli's eyes, and hugged her out:

"Why don't you wear clothes when you wake up? What if someone sees you?"

Zhe Yunli hadn't seen clearly what was going on in the room and her eyes were covered. Naturally, she knew that Ye Jingtang had something going on in her heart. She pulled her hand down and turned her head back:

"Cousin Jing, why are you in Miss Hua's house?"


Ye Jingtang couldn't explain what he did last night, so he could only vaguely say:

"I just finished practicing and took a rest in the house."

"Take a break?"

Zhe Yunli is not stupid, his eyes are weird:

"A man and a woman alone, resting in the house with the door closed... Cousin Jing, you are not... doing that kind of thing, are you?"

Ye Jingtang hugged Yunli and walked into the side room, Zhengerbajing asked:

"What kind of thing?"

Zhe Yunli opened her mouth. After all, it was a bit embarrassing for men and women to sleep together. She couldn't ask directly, so she snorted:

"This Chinese girl is a young lady from a scholarly family. Cousin Jing should not be like a libertine and bring disaster to this family."

Ye Jingtang was in a bad mood. It was really hard to say more on this matter, so he picked up the little skirt and put it in Yunli's hand:

"Hurry up and change your clothes. I'll cook. You go see if Uncle Qiu and the others are up. Come over and have dinner together later."

Although Zhe Yunli was full of suspicion, he couldn't openly ask if Miss Hua was sleeping in Ye Jingtang, so he could only ask instead:

"Where's the master?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Bingtuotuo had gone to the beach to meditate with Niaoniao in his arms. He looked like he was still angry with him and didn't want to come back, so he said:

"Practice at the beach, I should be back soon."


Zhe Yunli nodded dubiously, holding her skirt in her arms and waiting for Ye Jingtang to go out. Then she changed her skirt and fetched water to wash up. When she found that Ye Jingtang was busy boiling water in the kitchen, she headed to the beach first.

Not long after dawn, Qiu Tianhe and others, who had just arrived, were very interested in the island and were already aroused. Xuanyuan Tiangang and his wife were washing the face of the disobedient little girl and rubbing it vigorously.

When Zhe Yunli saw this scene, he couldn't help but think of the scene when his mistress helped her wash her face when she was a child. She shrank her neck and quickly ran to the big sea turtle on the beach.

Qiu Tianhe was squatting on the beach at this time, holding two fish in his hand to feed the big turtle. Zhe Yunli ran up to him with a long knife and looked at him curiously:

"Uncle Qiu, has this big turtle left yet?"

"I guess they came ashore to lay their eggs. It seemed that they were often fed before, so they weren't afraid of people at all."

"Did Uncle Qiu see the words engraved on its back?"

When Qiu Tianhe heard this, his heart moved and he turned around and said:

"I saw it, the handwriting looks a bit familiar."

"look familiar?"

Zhe Yunli's eyes were full of surprise: "Is it possible that Uncle Qiu still knows the person who carved the letters?"

Qiu Tianhe shook his head: "It's not that we know each other, it's just that I seemed to have seen such a handwriting somewhere when I was traveling in the mountains and rivers before, but I can't remember where exactly..."

Zhe Yunli knew that Uncle Qiu liked to read articles, but like her, he was a martial artist with poor literary talent, so he just regarded this as Uncle Qiu's nonsense. After thinking about it, he asked:

"Uncle Qiu, can you relieve the acupuncture points?"


When Qiu Tianhe heard this, his eyes were naturally a little confused. He turned to look at Yunli and explained with seriousness:

"Acupoint Kung Fu, also known as 'point tapping', is based on the principle of hitting important acupuncture points with your fingers to quickly make people lose their fighting power. It is an inner martial art that can move a thousand pounds.

"The acupuncture points are made up by the storyteller. If someone pokes an acupuncture point with a finger, it is almost like being hit in the chest with a fist. An injury is an injury. There is no way to untie the acupoints. If you can untie the acupoints, you can untie the fists and palms. This No more chaos.”

Zhe Yunli knew this truth, but she was always knocked to sleep when she heard strange noises. She was very suspicious in her heart about what noise she heard at night, so she still insisted:

"Hmm... is there any way to wake up quickly after being knocked to sleep?"

Qiu Tianhe said helplessly:

"You can be tapped on acupuncture points on your chest and spine. No matter you are in a coma or asleep, it is best not to wake up. You must know that these two places can kill people directly. Just tapping you down means that others I'm keeping my hand, I don't want to kill him. Instead of thinking about how to untie him, it's better to think about how to avoid it."

Zhe Yunli naturally knew this truth, but she could not hide from her master and mistress, so she could only find a way to secretly untie it, so she asked:

"I'm just curious. I can't even have a way to defend myself, right?"

Qiu Tianhe thought about it carefully: "It's easy to avoid being knocked to sleep. Just like the masters of anti-internal affairs, they raise the Qi in advance to fill the internal organs, making it difficult for the finger power to penetrate deeply into the body. However, this method is not safe, so we still avoid it. Better……"


After Zhe Yunli took note of it secretly, he didn't ask any questions. He chatted with Qiu Tianhe for a few more words before he got up and ran to play with the little girl...

On the other side, the South China Sea.

Under the scorching sun, a huge city stood at the mouth of the Qingjiang River. Thousands of sails gathered in the port. Buildings on both sides of the river were stacked on top of each other. Warriors with swords could be seen everywhere. On a cliff facing the sea, there were two large characters carved on it - Dragon Gate.

Longmen Cliff was originally just the name of a place at the mouth of the Qingjiang River, located in the southernmost part of the world. Like Haijiao Port, it was originally a must-visit attraction for people in Jianghu. However, since one person came here, the name of Longmen Cliff has become more and more important in Jianghu. It’s rarely mentioned above.

The hill where Longmen Cliff is located is called Yangshan. The Wuxian who "Zuiwo Yangshan opened the holy land and Qianqiu Fengyi Town Guancheng" drew the land on the top of Longmen Cliff as a prison. It has been used since the founding of the Wei Dynasty. There are a dozen.

From the day Fengguan City arrived here, there was an endless stream of people coming here to make pilgrimages and settle down, and then it gradually evolved into the current "Guancheng". The original Longmen Cliff became a threshold of Guancheng.

Being able to climb this cliff is like a fish leaping over the dragon's gate and transforming into a dragon for people in the world. If you can conquer this cliff, you can get the four words that hundreds of millions of warriors have been pursuing since ancient times. ——No. 1 in the world.

The whole world is usually divided into two dynasties, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, each of which has the ten strongest people. Therefore, it is difficult for both sides to agree with the title of "No. 1 in the world". For example, Lu Taiqing in the Southern Dynasty and Xiang Hanshi in the Northern Dynasty, no matter who claims to be " Even if you are the best in the world, it is difficult to convince the public.

If you want to secure this position, the first condition is to occupy the first level and have no opponents of the same level.

For example, Fengguan City directly defeated the ten great masters of the Southern Dynasty so that they did not dare to stand side by side; or Ye Jingtang, who defeated all the rivers and lakes in the north and south, and defeated no one in the world was unconvinced, so that he could be recognized as the best in the world.

For this reason, there are not many serious "No. 1 in the world" in history, and most of the time they are vacant. In the end of the Yan Dynasty, there were only two - Xiao Zu in the early days of the founding of the country, and Fengguan City in the late period. .

Before the Great Yan Dynasty, although there were some No. 1s in the world in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, they were only temporarily invincible. From a contemporary perspective, most people are just martial saints who have entered the realm of "returning to nature".

Because there is no stronger person, these people, like Lu Taiqing and Monk Shenchen, feel that they are invincible when they step into the Martial Saint. Naturally, they lose the sense of urgency to climb up.

But Fengguan City is different. It has been invincible for a hundred years since the previous dynasty, and it is still invincible today. It is truly the strongest warrior after Wu Taizu.

It was precisely because of such an insurmountable mountain that the martial arts warriors who believed in "Martial Arts No Second" began to engage in crazy involution. The most significant change among them was the change of their names. 'Martial Saint' means transcendental sainthood. Originally, it was because Fengguan City was so invincible that no one in the Southern Dynasties dared to stand side by side with him, so he was kicked out of the ranks of Wu Kui and specially named a 'Martial Saint'. This is also the name of 'Zuiwo Yangshan' The origin of Kaishengjing.

But in the end, challengers like Lu Taiqing climbed to the level of Fengguan City back then and secretly came to challenge Fengguan City, only to find that they were still hung up and beaten.

Wu Kui below had been ruthlessly crushed by the extraordinary saints Lu Taiqing and Monk Shenchen, and he did not dare to treat them as equals.

For this reason, the saying "One Immortal, Two Saints and Eight Great Masters" appeared, which divided the original ten great masters from the north and the south into three levels. Wu Kui, who was already the supreme master, was suddenly reduced to a third-rate master, and Beiliang also Gradually, the title of "Four Saints" was derived.

This kind of strong competition that has lasted for nearly a hundred years is obviously good for Jianghu. The contemporary Jianghu in the north and the south are undoubtedly the strongest generation in history.

And in this environment, he could leap over the dragon gate and defeat Fengguan City and become the new "No. 1 in the world". One can imagine his high honor.

Although people from the north and south, including Lu Taiqing, are extremely eager to take over Fengguancheng's class, the reality is that even if they jump up, they can't hit Fengguancheng's knees. After a period of sixty years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, 99% of the world's warriors They all gave up this idea and came to Guancheng simply to make a pilgrimage, seek advice, and become a disciple.

Of course, there are also old friends who come to reminisce about the past.



The waves hit the rocks behind Longmen Cliff. Although there were ships passing by on the distant sea, they all avoided this area.

On the reef, an old man in gray military uniform, holding a fishing rod in his hand, sat cross-legged on the reef, looking at the fish float falling into the sea.

Although he is over 120 years old, the old man has jet black hair and his face makes it difficult to tell his exact age. At first glance, he looks like an ordinary elder with a very simple temperament. If he were not sitting in a special position, he might be mistaken for someone who is fishing in his spare time. tourists.

On the side of the old man, Bian Yuanlie, who is in his nineties, is sitting in front of him with a net, waiting to lift up the pole to help catch fish.

Although they are about thirty years apart in age, they can call Fengguancheng uncle, but Bian Yuanlie's hair is gray and his face is old, and he looks more like an uncle from Fengguancheng.

Bian Yuanlie was only seven or eight years old when he first met Fengguan City. He often visited his home in Yun'an to ask for advice. It was not until the Jiazi period when the country was destroyed and the two left Yun'an one after another that they never met again.

Because he had been imprisoned in Qianfo Temple for more than fifty years, Bian Yuanlie's memory actually still stayed in front of Jiazi. Jiazi passed by in a hurry, and basically all the people he knew before were dead; people like Zhang Henggu and Eunuch Cao were still young children back then. , he has met but is not familiar with it at all, the only one who can be regarded as an old acquaintance. There is only one Fengguan City left in the world.

After being driven away by Lu Taiqing, he came here to visit Fengguan City.

Bian Yuanlie was only sent to Fengguancheng Mansion by the imperial court for advice, and the relationship was not actually very close.

Fortunately, as in previous years, Fengguan City did not dislike him as a lost wild dog and allowed him to live in Guancheng and enjoy his old age in peace.

Bian Yuanlie has lived enough in his life, thinking all day long about how to die so that his life will not be in vain. For this reason, he is very courageous. When he saw Fengguan City, he was not humble at all. He sat in front of him holding a copy net and said something about Qiu Tianhe before Complaints that I didn’t dare to speak:

"Mr. Feng, you have been fishing for half an hour and you haven't caught a single rod. This makes me look superfluous."

Fengguan City has gone through hundreds of years and is much more accommodating than everyone in the world imagined. It is unmoving and not at all anxious about this.

Seeing this, Bian Yuanlie thought again: "I heard that Beiyunbian also fell into the hands of Ye Jingtang. I fought against Ye Jingtang and was defeated. This kid has some real abilities. I estimate that he will be here in half a year at most. Here, do you think he is sure he will kill you?"

Fengguancheng answered this question, and his tone was like that of an ordinary old man:

"A lot of people come to my place. I just hope they don't follow the crowd. After sitting here for sixty years, I have long been tired of it."

Bian Yuanlie nodded, but after thinking about it for a moment, he said doubtfully:

"You've been here creating a prison for half your life just to wait for an opponent to pull you down?"


"Isn't Wu Taizu capable of becoming an immortal? You are already at this level, and you still can't follow Wu Taizu's path. Do you insist on defeat?"

Fengguancheng pondered for a moment and said something quite incomprehensible:

"I'm not asking for defeat, but I don't know how many people in the world will become monsters and how many will become demons after I leave."

Bian Yuanlie frowned, and after thinking for a moment, asked:

"What do you mean, there are still demons and monsters in this world, and you are suppressing them from taking the lead, so you have to have a successor to continue to keep an eye on them?"

Fengguancheng did not respond to this, but turned his head and looked behind.

When Bian Yuanlie saw this, he turned around and saw a man walking on the hillside path behind the reef.

The man looked to be in his fifties, wearing a coarse linen robe with an apron tied around his waist. He was dressed like a cook, but his face was quite elegant. When he came behind the reef, he bowed his hands and said:


Bian Yuanlie had been in Guancheng for a few days and recognized this man. He was one of the disciples in Fengguancheng, named Li Yiliang.

Fengguancheng was a pure martial artist with many apprentices. He had some of them in Yun'an before. Bian Yuanlie went to learn the art with him at that time, but Fengguancheng didn't take a fancy to him and took him as his apprentice.

As for the apprentices in Yangshan, there are more than a dozen men and women. While learning skills on weekdays, they also help the official city to receive those young people in the world who don't know their own weight. However, these apprentices do not have a big name in the world. The main reason is, It is because the master is so powerful that it is difficult for the apprentice to become a master.

According to the common practice in the world, if a direct disciple wants to go out and make a name for himself, let alone being better than his master, he must at least imitate 70% to 80% of his master's skills. Otherwise, if he goes out, he will be like a "famous teacher turning out a dog-disciple", which will purely embarrass his master.

The Night Terror Hall is already a top eight, and it is estimated that he can hit Fengguancheng's knees when he jumps up, but it is less than 30%. After learning Fengguancheng's 70% to 80% fire level, he can probably hold Lu Taiqing to death with one hand. You can imagine how difficult it is.

Some of the apprentices he accepted even went to school with Bian Yuanlie. Before his death, he did not learn the level of 30% of Fengguan City. How could he dare to go out and act like a disciple of Fengguan City? There were even guests who came to visit Yangshan. These people did not dare to say that they were apprentices. Instead, they said they were here to seek advice and were addressed as sir, not master.

According to what Bian Yuanlie has learned in the past few days, this Li Yiliang ranks sixth, but the first five senior brothers have either been tortured to death or have returned to their hometown to take care of themselves. Therefore, he is currently regarded as the eldest disciple of Fengguan City and has accompanied the fifty brothers in Fengguan City. For the past few years, I have been cooking for my junior brothers and sisters in the mountains.

Although Bian Yuanlie was twenty or thirty years older than Li Yiliang, they were considered peers. When he saw him coming, he said:

"Brother Li, are you ready to eat?"

Li Yiliang, who was standing behind the reef, bowed his hands to Bian Yuanlie, and then said warmly:

"No, an urgent message came from home just now. I need to go back to my hometown. I came here to say goodbye to my husband."

Bian Yuanlie nodded and was about to answer, but suddenly found Mr. Feng Wubo beside him, frowning.

Bian Yuanlie didn't think that Fengguancheng's frown was a trivial matter. He felt that something was wrong, so he thought about it secretly and asked in a low voice:

"Brother Li, where is your hometown?"

Li Yiliang did not hide anything about this and responded:



Bian Yuanlie was stunned when he heard this. He thought that the other party's surname was Li, and said half-believingly:

"Are you from the Beiliang royal family?"

Li Yiliang said about this: "It's just a sideline. When he was young, he entered the palace to serve as the prince's companion. Because of his martial arts practice, he had a conflict with the prince Li Kai and was bullied. He came here out of anger. Later, he was taken in by his husband and has kept his name anonymous to this day."

Guancheng is a holy land, and there are many pilgrims from the north. But Bian Yuanlie did not expect that there were people from the Beiliang royal family. He thought about it and said:

"You left home at a young age, and Beiliang didn't give you any benefits. Why are you going back?"

Li Yiliang sighed bitterly: "Master Xiang Han knew my whereabouts from somewhere and sent me a personal letter from Emperor Liang.

"The letter said that after I left in anger, the Empress Dowager often cared about me, punished Li Mace severely, and sent people to search for me. A hundred years later, my father and mother were buried generously with the honors of a duke, and she did not treat him half wrong.

"Although the letter didn't say that I should go back, the letter was delivered. If I don't come back when the country is ruined and the family is in ruins, it will be unkind and unjust. I will not have the dignity to stay in Yangshan and continue to follow my husband."


Bian Yuanlie opened his mouth and felt that this matter was indeed a bit tricky. Warriors all remember their kindness. If he stood idly by and watched this situation, he would not be able to overcome this obstacle in his heart in the future.

But Bian Yuanlie was not blind either. Beiliang Wusheng was almost killed by Ye Jingtang. At this time, he suddenly called back Li Yiliang, whom he had not contacted for decades. He simply had no way to go and tried every means to poach people to return as swordsmen. He thought for a while and said:

"You are no match for Night Terror Hall. If you go back now, you will most likely not be able to come back."

Li Yiliang obviously understood the consequences of returning to the north, but there were some things that he couldn't avoid when they came, so he still bowed and said:

"I hope sir can allow this disciple to return home."

Fengguancheng had been silent, and then he calmly said:

"In the past hundred years, countless young people have come to me, and there are many talented people who are expected to reach the top, but in the end, without exception, they all died young due to grudges and hatred in the world. You are one of my most successful disciples. Now you are out of the mountain. , is likely to follow in their footsteps.”

Li Yiliang looked at the teacher who raised him, and after a long silence, he still bowed his hands:

"Disciple understands. Thank you for your kindness in cultivating me for decades. I am really ashamed that I can no longer accompany you in the future."

After saying that, Li Yiliang knelt down and kowtowed three times: "Sir, take care, disciple, take my leave." Then he got up and walked along the mountain road.


Bian Yuanlie had nothing to say when he saw this, he could only shake his head and sigh...

(End of this chapter)

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