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Chapter 539 Listen to Qianggen

Chapter 539 Listen to Qianggen

As the sun sets in the west, the sunset glow embellishes the island in golden red.

There were waves on the beach, and Ye Jingtang sat with his back against the rocks, looking at the sunset on the horizon. After practicing all day, his eyes were not tired, but rather relaxed and happy.

As a sparring partner, Xue Baijin did not have such a high level of resistance. His mind had already flown to the clouds. At this time, he had not yet regained his composure. He lay face to face on his chest, with the white tender full moon perfectly embedded in the roots of Ye Jingtang's legs. He was breathing softly and slightly weakly. .

Xue Baijin was very fierce beforehand and wouldn't let Ye Jingtang watch, but now he was exhausted from all the hard work and obviously couldn't be fierce anymore.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang rested for a moment, and then turned his eyes back to Bing Tuo Tuo's face. After a generous mouthful, he held the moon in his hands and squeezed it slowly, and also measured the altitude of Nanxiao Mountain with his hands.

Xue Baijin was not lost, but was a little dazed. After being teased for a moment, he gradually came back to his senses. Perhaps he was afraid that Ye Jingtang would get angry again, so he grabbed the hand on his chest:

"It's getting dark, let's go back."

Ye Jingtang chuckled and asked in his ear:

"Have you remembered everything I taught you today?"

Xue Baijin was busy practicing. Although he had memorized it, he had not tried it. Hearing the words, he concentrated again and put his hands on Ye Jingtang's waist and abdomen, trying to guide the restless Qi and blood in Ye Jingtang's body.

As a result, the villain immediately surrendered and could no longer be fierce.

? !

Ye Jingtang was stunned and quickly pulled Bing Tuo Tuo's hand away:

"What are you doing? Don't dare to play around with this kind of thing. If you mess up, how will you practice in the future..."

Xue Baijin found that it was indeed useful. He opened his eyes, his flushed cheeks showing a hint of coldness:

"If you dare to be arrogant again in the future, I will make you unable to act arrogantly. Do you understand?"

Ye Jingtang can actually stabilize the energy and blood without being disturbed, but Tuo Tuo has been ruined like this, so naturally he can't fight against it at this time, so he nodded in a submissive manner:

"Understood. Pack up and go back early."

While talking, Ye Jingtang stood up with Yue in his arms, jumped off the rock directly with Bing Tuo Tuo in his arms, and jumped into the sea.


Xue Baijin's hands and feet were weak and she had no strength. Ye Jingtang insisted on washing her, but she couldn't stop her, so she didn't say anything in the end.

After finishing cleaning up, Xue Baijin jumped onto the rock and put on his clothes. He took a deep breath and calmed down, then calmed down the aftermath in his heart and returned to his usual appearance. He said, "I'll go back later." Then he turned and walked into the woods. .

Ye Jingtang naturally didn't say anything to this, and instead took a walk along the seaside.

Xue Baijin did not stop along the way. When he came under the canopy of trees that blocked the sky, the sun had completely sunk into the sea and the sky gradually darkened.

Xue Baijin came to look around the fence garden and saw that there were lights on in the main house and a shadow was dangling inside, not knowing what it was doing.

Xiao Yunli ran to the top of the tree to meditate. It looked like she had been practicing all day long. When she came over, she poked her head out of the small nest made of wood, then leaped left and right, landing in front of her:

"Master, you are back. Where is Cousin Jing?"

When Xue Baijin saw Yunli, he felt a little panicked. He thought about it for a while before responding:

"He's practicing at the beach and won't be back until later. How do you feel about your practice today?"

Zhe Yunli and Xue Baijin walked to the room together:

"I feel like this place is very special. I feel like I have a sudden enlightenment while meditating and practicing, but I can't tell you the specifics..."

Xue Baijin knew that this was because of the "rich spiritual energy" in this place. She was practicing martial arts outside and walking fast, leaving Yunli here to work hard, and she felt a little bit regretful.

But she couldn't practice dual cultivation with her apprentice. She could only practice dual cultivation with her apprentice and son-in-law. This kind of thing couldn't help. As for teaching the skills, she herself hadn't learned it thoroughly, so how could she dare to mess around with her apprentices? Teaching the skills still caused night terrors. It would be better to come in person later.

For this reason, Xue Baijin didn't say anything. After chatting with Yunli for a few words, he returned to the room and started doing homework together before going to bed.

After Zhe Yunli meditated on the bed for a while, footsteps and familiar words were heard again outside the fence garden:

"Still eating? Do you think I don't know that you spent the entire day on the boat eating?"



When Zhe Yunli saw that Night Jingtang was back, her suspicions from last night naturally came to mind again. She immediately looked tired and leaned her head on the pillow, preparing to sleep.

Xue Baijin's brows were slightly cold, as if she was worried that this damn girl Hua Qingzhi would anger her again.

However, Ye Jingtang has been punished today, and this pervert should not change his ways. As long as the pervert Ye Jingtang doesn't act randomly, Hua Qingzhi won't be able to slap her.

For this reason, Xue Baijin did not go out to warn, but secretly listened to the movement next door...


After Ye Jingtang circled the island, he returned to the fence garden again. The sky was completely dark. The side room was dark and there were two breathing sounds, while the main room was still lit, and Qingzhi could be seen. The shadows were shaking.

Ye Jingtang knew that Qingzhi was bored in the fence garden, so he immediately asked Niaoniao to go to the kitchen to find something to eat. He came to the main house with a smile on his face, opened the door a crack, and looked inside.

The room was neatly tidied, with an oil lamp placed on the small table. Several paintings were hung on the originally bare earthen walls, depicting big trees, whales and other scenery. Although they were not framed, they still made people feel. The room feels a little more elegant.

Qingzhi was still on the bed at this time, but she didn't make the bed. Instead, she was wearing a white dress and thin trousers, performing a horse on the quilt and pressing her legs sideways.

Although the movements are quite standard, the clothes are very thin, and the flesh color can be seen under the candlelight. The movements of the horse are also very seductive...


Ye Jingtang saw this posture as soon as he entered the door, and his eyes changed obviously. He closed the door, came to look at it carefully, and asked:

"Why did you suddenly lift your legs?"

Hua Qingzhi was not pressing her legs, but following the method in the book, she was seriously flirting with Xue Baijin.

However, despite having such thoughts, Miss Shuxiang still had to be dignified. Hua Qingzhi pressed her legs seriously and responded softly:

"I used to sit in a wheelchair and didn't move much. This way my legs will recover faster. How about you help me press on?"

Ye Jingtang naturally had no choice but to refuse this request for help and sat down by the bed:

"It hurts a little when I press my legs. When I was a child, I cried for father and mother when I was pressed..."

Hua Qingzhi was just teasing her husband, but she didn't want to be made to cry and make Xue Baijin laugh, so she added:

"Just be gentle and take your time."

"Okay. How do you want to press it?"

Hua Qingzhi lay down on the quilt, raised her legs, and then parted her left and right sides like a peacock spreading its tail, posing in front of Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes and tried his best to remain calm. He pressed his two long legs with his hands and slowly pressed them to the left and right.

With the movement, the outline of the camel toe was naturally revealed, right under the nose.

Hua Qingzhi saw Ye Jingtang's eyes looking where they shouldn't, and whispered:

"Mr. Ye, where are you looking?"


Ye Jingtang really wanted to be serious, but in front of him was his girlfriend, so it was really difficult to think without thinking, so he joked:

"Where can I look, and I can't see with my pants on."

When Hua Qingzhi heard this, her face turned red and she answered:

"Master, do you still want me to take off my clothes?"


Ye Jingtang has played this fun with Sanniang before. To be honest, it is very interesting, but now, I am afraid that it is a bit playing with fire...

Seeing the night terror, Hua Qingzhi hesitated and did not let her husband speak. She sensibly closed her legs and closed her knees, taking off her white thin pants from underneath her body. The full moon, like a shelled egg, suddenly appeared in the candlelight.



Ye Jingtang looked at the white and pink figure so close at hand, and was obviously a little unable to resist. He helped pull down his thin pants, then pressed his legs and continued to make a straight line in front of his eyes.

Hua Qingzhi was gentle and shy by nature. She was actually very shy. But compared with revenge, she could still hold back her shame. After a moment of silence, she asked again:

"Does it look good?"

Ye Jingtang has already seen that Qingzhi is deliberately teasing him and making him make mistakes.

Ye Jingtang wanted to look away and retain the integrity of a gentleman, but his eyes did not listen to his brain at all. After struggling in his heart for a long time, he finally obeyed his heart, smiled softly, pushed Xiaoyi up, and started to do it. Business. "Woo~"

Hua Qingzhi was suddenly touched randomly, and her body trembled slightly, but she did not resist, but naturally hooked her neck:

"We've done this many times, but why is there still no movement in my stomach?"

Ye Jingtang first held his wrist to feel his pulse, and then counted the time:

"It didn't take long. It's possible that you can't feel it because you were just pregnant. Don't worry, the more urgent it is, the less likely it is to happen..."

Hua Qingzhi has already drawn a plan for her grandfather to take the baby back next year. How could she not be anxious? But there is no point in being anxious about this kind of thing. She still cooperates seriously at the moment...

Meanwhile, in the next room.


However, within just a few words, a familiar voice came again. Xue Baijin clenched his fists visibly, and his face turned completely cold.

Behind the scenes, Zhe Yunli, who seemed to be sleeping soundly, had suspicion on his face. He listened carefully, trying to figure out what the neighbor was doing.

After Ruoyouruowu groaned, Zheyunli raised his energy and filled his internal organs, and then stood up as usual with a sleepy look:

"Why again..."

dong dong~

Two small sounds.

After being tapped twice on the back, Zhe Yunli made a dazed look, fell down and lay down again, and closed his eyes again.

After Xue Baijin put Yunli to sleep, his eyes became more and more unhappy. He wanted to say something about shameless Hua Qingzhi.

But Hua Qingzhi, this damn girl, was already at loggerheads with her. If she dared to speak at this time, Hua Qingzhi would dare to accuse her of being jealous and provoke her, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Anyway, she has been practicing with Ye Jingtang for a day, and Hua Qingzhi just took a sip of soup at this time. No matter what, Hua Qingzhi suffered the loss.

Xue Baijin endured this for a moment, but still didn't take the initiative to open his mouth. He stood up and quietly left the room, grabbed the bird from the kitchen, and walked towards the seaside.


As Xue Baijin left, the movement in the main room became obviously louder, and a clearly audible hum began to appear:


Zhe Yunli was lying on the pillow, clenching his little fists and grinding his back molars. At this moment, he finally understood what the strange noises he heard before were.

How could Hua Qingzhi, a scholarly young lady, do such a thing with her cousin Jing before marriage...

Cousin Jing is the same. Master is still here, so he doesn’t know how to avoid it...

It must be Hua Qingzhi who hooked up with cousin Jing. Even the Queen said she was Beiliang Hu Meizi...


As he was thinking wildly, Zhe Yunli's face gradually turned red, and there was still a strong sour smell between his eyebrows. He had a strange feeling of being jumped up and chopped with a knife that he was reluctant to use.

The sound continued next door and Zhe Yunli couldn't sleep at all. At this time, he finally understood Uncle Qiu's instructions.

If I had known earlier, I would still have been knocked unconscious. Wouldn’t it be a torture to be awake?

Silent all night.

The next morning, the sky turned white, and then the red sun jumped out of the sea.

In the main room, Ye Jingtang sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed, practicing the self-created Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Kung Fu.

Hua Qingzhi was already asleep, with a blush still remaining on her cheeks. She put her hands on her belly, looking like she was dreaming that she was pregnant.

And just when Ye Jingtang was completely absorbed in concentration, a voice suddenly sounded in the fence garden outside the door:


Ye Jingtang's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and then he opened his eyes and heard a slight step coming out of the side room and walking towards the outside of the fence garden.

Yunli's sleep quality was very good in the past. She usually didn't get up until it was already dark. It was obviously a bit early to get up today.

Ye Jingtang frowned slightly, covered Qingzhi with the quilt, then got up and put on her shoes, and came to the door. When she raised her eyes, she saw Yunli carrying a long knife and walking towards the beach, kicking the ground as he walked. small stones.



Ye Jingtang was a little confused when he saw this, so he walked out of the fence garden and chased after Yunli.

Zhe Yunli, who was originally depressed, found that Ye Jingtang was running over, and his expression immediately returned to normal. He stood upright and turned around and said:

"Good morning, cousin Jing. It's not comfortable to live in the yard. I'll live on the boat."


Ye Jingtang felt that something was not right about Yunli, so he came and looked carefully, and found that Yunli was indeed a little out of energy, so he asked:

"What's uncomfortable? Is the bed too hard?"

Zhe Yunli didn't feel well anywhere. She listened to Qiang Gen all night last night. The books she listened to in the past ten years were not as exciting as last night, and she felt quite aggrieved.

But it was not easy for Zhe Yunli to point out this kind of thing to his face, so he just said:

"I kept hearing strange noises and feeling like there was something dirty in the house. I couldn't sleep well and wanted to find another place to sleep."

Ye Jingtang naturally knew what the strange noise was. Seeing that Yunli couldn't sleep well due to the torment, he felt a little ashamed and responded:

"I'll go back and take a closer look. I'm sure there won't be any more in the future. Just sleep peacefully... eh?"

As soon as he said a few words, Yun Li, who was beside him, suddenly walked up behind him and jumped on his back.

Ye Jingtang was pressed by two soft balls on his back, his heart was full of confusion, he raised his hands to hug his legs:

"Why did you jump up again? Be careful if your master sees..."

Zhe Yunli heard last night that Hua Qingzhi was riding on Ye Jingtang's head and was acting wild. What happened if she let him carry her? If she were not embarrassed, she would want to jump on his neck and ride a big horse.

After hearing Ye Jingtang's words, Zhe Yunli first looked around and found that the master was not nearby, so he put his chin on his shoulders and asked:

"Cousin Jing, when will we go back?"

Ye Jingtang saw that Yunli couldn't come down, so he had no choice but to walk among the woods with Yunli on his back:

"I have no contact with the outside world. If I don't show up for a long time, your wife and the others must be anxious. I'll probably only stay for two or three days. What? Are you bored?"

It's not that Zhe Yunli is bored, but he can't see anyone from the Night Jing Hall here during the day, and he has to listen to the wall at night. He feels so useless. Think about it and respond:

"There's nothing to do here, but it's more interesting to go out and work. We haven't collected the reward from Qinglong last time. For three masters, that's more than a hundred taels of silver..."

Ye Jingtang smiled softly: "Don't worry, the money will definitely be indispensable. We will collect it when we get out. We can also pick up a few more errands by the way. When the time comes, I will let you do it all. We will fight all the way back."

When Zhe Yunli heard this, the depression in his heart dissipated a little:

"It's agreed. Cousin Jing, hurry up and finish your work. I'll clean up the boat in the next few days. We'll disembark directly from Haijiao Port and I'll take you to see Yangguan Temple..."



Under the morning light, a man in a black robe was walking in the woods, carrying a young lady of fifteen or sixteen on his back, talking and laughing along the way.

On the outskirts of the island, Xue Baijin stood alone among the tree crowns, while dead sleeping birds squatted on the tree branches.

Through the dense branches and leaves, he saw two figures walking in the forest. The look in Xue Baijin's eyes was obviously complicated. It was hard to tell whether he was happy or confused.

Yunli and Ye Jingtang were of the same age, with not much difference in talent. They had similar personalities and were childhood sweethearts. They even had similar origins. One was a down-and-out descendant of the ruined royal court, and the other was the only remaining descendant of the Great Yan lineage.

They are a perfect match for each other. If they can really become a couple, it will undoubtedly be what she and Ning'er want to see the most.

But it happened that she and Ning'er, the two elders, tasted the forbidden fruit first, making the current relationship extremely difficult.

If Yunli's matter really comes to pass, wouldn't she and Ning'er, the nominal father-in-law and mother-in-law, have to feel guilty for the rest of their lives? But if it doesn't come true, the guilt will probably only get deeper.

After Xue Baijin stared at it for a long time, he could only think of one sentence: "This little thief is really doing a lot of harm to people."

Then he sighed quietly, carrying the bird and falling back under the tree...

I have been writing this chapter since yesterday afternoon, and I can’t continue without the main plot, so I have to enter the plot or 2.

(End of this chapter)

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