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Chapter 540 Return

Chapter 540 Return

The sun rose and set, and the time came to noon three days later without even realizing it.

Qiu Tianhe and others, who had been playing on the isolated island for a few days, returned to the boat with some local products they found from the island. The young and old stood on the bow of the boat with their backs to the island, and asked Qingzhi, who had excellent calligraphy and painting skills, to help draw a picture. The family portrait is nostalgic.

Zhe Yunli remade the pirate flag and hung it on the highest point of the mast. He also carved a big bird out of wood and placed it at the front of the collision angle.

Under the canopy of trees that blocked out the sun, the small fenced courtyard was neatly tidied up.

Ye Jingtang put on a neat black robe, hung the Chilong knife on his waist, and packed various items in the kitchen so that he could use them when he revisited his old place in the future.

Xue Baijin also changed back to his Jianghu attire. After putting away the quilt on the wooden bed, he stood in the empty room. Although he had only been here for a few days, the experience was obviously like a lifetime ago.

After Ye Jingtang packed up his things, he closed all the doors and came to the main room. He found Bing Tuotuo looking at the bed in a daze, and walked behind him and called:

"Tuo Tuo?"

Xue Baijin retracted his thoughts after hearing the voice, regained his cold expression, and turned his head slightly:

"This is the last time you call me this name in your life. After you step out of this door, if you let me hear you again, you understand the consequences."

Ye Jingtang has practiced Bing Tuo Tuo no less than ten times in the past three days, and can feel that the closer she is to the time limit for leaving, the more complicated and depressed her mood becomes.

Seeing Bing Tuo Tuo firmly drawing the line, Ye Jingtang showed a smile and looked back at the door:

"We haven't gone out yet. Uncle Qiu and the others are drawing a family portrait. They probably won't be able to leave until later. Why don't we sit together for a while?"

It was already difficult for Xue Baijin to forget every bit of these days, and he didn't want to have to 'break up and repair' again, adding a memory inexplicably.

But she really didn't go out at the moment, and she would have to bury all her thoughts in the future and never mention them again. This might be the last time the two of them would stay together in their current relationship.

For this reason, Xue Baijin was silent for a moment, but did not refuse. He sat down on the edge of the bed and tilted his head to look at the tree crown outside.

Ye Jingtang sat down beside her and didn't say anything affectionate. He just held her hand, intertwined their fingers, and looked at the scenery outside together.

Xue Baijin's hand twitched slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything.


The breeze blew the tree crowns, making a thin sound.

Ye Jingtang felt the feeling of being a couple tacitly knowing each other. After looking at the scenery for a while, he asked:

"This is a treasured place for practicing Feng Shui. The speed is much faster than outside. Will you return to this island in the future?"

Xue Baijin's eyes moved and he responded calmly:

"I'll probably come back and have a look, but it has nothing to do with you."

"I will definitely come back from time to time. If we meet on the island again, will you..."

"will not."

How could Xue Baijin not hear that Ye Jingtang induced her to sneak back to the island every once in a while to have an affair, so he said seriously:

"Go out of this door, and things here will become a thing of the past. Even if we meet privately on the island in the future, I am still your elder. Do you understand?"

How could Ye Jingtang regard Bing Tuo Tuo as an elder, but Bing Tuo Tuo had always been tough, and there was no point in confronting him, so he smiled and said:

"I haven't gone out yet, can I still be a little bold?"

Xue Baijin blinked his eyes. He wanted to warn Ye Jingtang verbally, but it was already the last moment. Letting this little thief be bold once would be considered a beginning and an end, so he said in a deep voice:

"This is the last time. You have to stop thinking about it after you go out, and you are not allowed to have any wrong thoughts again."

Ye Jingtang nodded with a smile, then held Bing Tuo Tuo's shoulders, looked at each other, and slowly moved closer.


Xue Baijin had always been kissed suddenly in the past, and now her eyes met slowly. She was obviously not used to it, and refused to break her promise. It was obviously inappropriate to pout, so she turned her eyes elsewhere.


Ye Jingtang put her red lips in her mouth, put her hand through the crook of her leg, held Bing Tuo Tuo on her lap and sat down, gently stroking her back to let her relax.

Xue Baijin has been taught by Ye Jingtang many times. Although he hesitated, he finally forgot everything. He opened his teeth lightly and carefully understood the current feeling.

But just when Ye Jingtang wanted to push her down, Xue Baijin came back to his senses, turned his cheek slightly, and sat up again:

"We're leaving soon. We don't have time to practice, so let's stop here."

Ye Jingtang sighed secretly, holding his cheeks and popping for several more times before standing up and helping to tidy up the messed up clothes:

"Okay, let's go."

Xue Baijin stood up and walked out the door. When he stepped out of the room with his right foot, he paused suddenly. After secretly gritting his teeth, he stepped outside the door, and his expression returned to his usual serious smile.

Ye Jingtang did not break his promise. He walked out of the door, regained his stern and extraordinary expression, raised his hand and said:

"Master Xue please."


Xue Baijin looked at the shameless little thief who was holding her and chewing her just now, and she really regained her innocence. She felt a lot of emptiness in her heart, as if she had suddenly lost something.

But this is how the two of them should be, and this bad relationship has ended here.

No matter how complicated Xue Baijin's heart was, he could only put it behind him at this time and slowly walked towards the outside of the island, with Ye Jingtang following closely behind.

Tap tap tap~

After walking past the plants and trees that had been engraved in his mind, Xue Baijin's face was no longer calm, but his heart was still complicated. After walking to the outer woods, he looked back at the tree canopy and the fenced courtyard that blocked the sky. .

As the two left, the fence garden became vacant again and became a remote place off the beaten track, but one's heart was left here.

So much so that Xue Baijin felt that what was walking outside at this time was just a soulless body. The farther away he was, the more he missed every brick and tile in the fence garden.

However, after seeing the culprit walking behind him, Xue Baijin's soul was pulled back a little, and he quickly looked away and continued walking towards the seaside.

Ye Jingtang followed Bing Tuo Tuo's butt without making a sound. When he saw this, he also looked back at the fence garden, but he was not as nostalgic as Bing Tuo Tuo.

After all, no matter how special the memory of the island is, it is just a scenic spot on the two people's journey. As long as the Bingtuo Tuo people are by their side, they will definitely experience better scenery in the future.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang looked at it for a few times, then withdrew his gaze and asked:

"I'm going home soon. I promise to treat you as an elder from now on. Now I don't have to look for the last three pictures. Can you just say goodbye without saying goodbye?"

On the day when Xue Baijin's innocence was taken away, he left a letter saying that he would never see Ye Jingtang again. As a result, he was hooked out by the grilled fish, and then he was detained for so many days.

If we regress now, then the two people will become inseparable and their relationship will no longer be clear. Xue Baijin thought about it and said seriously:

"Crossing Beiliang may be risky. I will send you back to Xihai and then back to Nanxiaoshan. You don't have to come to me. I will come to visit Yunli and Ning'er from time to time during New Years and holidays. That's how our relationship ends. , don’t say anything else.”

Ye Jingtang knew that Bing Tuo Tuo was kind-hearted. After sending him back to the West Sea, there were always other things that could keep Tuo Tuo to help him. He didn't say anything about it, but took out a fruit core. The pendant was handed to her:

"This is made from the core of the longevity fruit. Crushing it for medicinal use can save lives at critical moments. Keep it as a souvenir."

Xue Baijin turned his head and glanced, and saw that the oval fruit core was pierced by a red rope. The surface was polished very smooth, and a picture was micro-carved, which was a small fenced courtyard under a big tree.

Xue Baijin's eyes moved, but she did not pick up the pendant that was destined to remind her of memories:

"I don't need it, just take it yourself."

"This is a pendant made for a girl. I carry it with you. If you don't want it, I can only take it back and hand it over to the treasury..."


Xue Baijin paused slightly when he heard this, showing a slight dissatisfaction. After all, if he handed over the core of the longevity fruit to the treasury, wouldn't that mean it was given to the empress.

Xue Baijin was not afraid of Hua Qingzhi, but he and the empress were really incompatible. She didn't want the things she gave her, and it was impossible for her to give the empress an advantage. She still took the pendant over:

"This is a treasure that you and I found together. I should have half of it. I won't ask you for the fruit. If you pick the leaves, you can only hand over half of it. You must ask the Pingtian Sect for the other half before you can dispose of it. .”

Ye Jingtang naturally nodded like a bird to this:


Xue Baijin put the pendant into his sleeves and walked forward faster:

"Don't get so close to me."

"Okay, I'll stay away..."



On the other side, there is Beifu.

When we got to Beifu, we were already in the Beiliang Pass. Going further south, we reached the hinterland of Beiliang. Because it wasn’t that long before the battle at Shuofeng City, people in the snow field were returning to various places. There were a lot of people from the rivers and lakes in the towns along the way, and they were all inquiring. The whereabouts of Night Terror Hall and even Beiyunbian.

At nightfall, Master Xuanji and Fan Qinghe rode fast horses to the foot of Huangyao Mountain and stopped in the small town at the foot of the mountain.

Huangyao Mountain is located on the southernmost side of Beifu. After passing the hills, there is a thousand miles of fertile land. It can reach Yanjing directly. It is regarded as a transportation hub on the rivers and lakes. However, the most famous one is Xinglinzhai on the mountain.

Xinglinzhai is a medical family in the martial arts world, similar to the 'Medicine King Li' in the Southern Dynasties. Although they do not teach martial arts, they specialize in martial arts business and can be considered a martial arts sect.

Before the Jiazi period, Xinglinzhai was not considered a wealthy family, but since one of its disciples was Wu Chengyuan, who was awarded the title of 'Medical Sage of Beiliang', his status has suddenly changed and he has directly become the top figure in the world of Beiliang.

After all, there are many masters in the world who can kill people, but there are only a handful of masters who can save people.

No matter how powerful the Jianghu people are, they only have one life. No one can guarantee that one day their life will be at stake and they need to ask for help from someone's miracle doctor. They have to pay three points of respect. This Jianghu status will naturally rise.

Fan Qinghe was traveling in Beiliang back then and came to Huangyao Mountain. He was looking for news about the Tianlang Pearl, but he unexpectedly ran into Xie Jianlan who had hanged himself. Coming back now was like revisiting the old place.

After the two arrived at the small town at the foot of the mountain, Fan Qinghe got off his horse, looked around at the crowd in the town, and asked:

"Witch, you must have been here before, right? What did you steal then?"

Real person Xuanji, wearing a curtain hat and leading the horse forward, responded calmly:

"Everything I did in Beiliang will be recorded on your head. If there are no rumors here, then naturally I won't get any money."

Fan Qinghe's title of 'Stealing Saint' is half due to Master Xuanji. Hearing this, he said displeasedly:

"You still don't take any money. It's as if you have done a great good deed. After all, you are still a monk. As a result, all the five precepts of the Taoist sect have been fulfilled. You are worthy of being a Taoist nun..."

"Aren't you also the high priest of the Dong Ming Department. If I remember correctly, the high priest is the incarnation of the gods, and his words and deeds are divine. In the end, you were lucky. You were picked up by Ye Jingtang's legs and arranged flowers from behind... …”


Fan Qinghe's face suddenly turned red when he heard the demon girl talking about the shameful thing about finding a new way:

"Why are you talking so freely? If you didn't try to fight against me, how could I have suffered so much? Didn't you do that yourself?"

Master Xuanji shrugged slightly: "I did it, it was quite interesting, and I'm a little bit greedy. Next time I see Ye Jingtang, I will draw a talisman for you and put it on the front..."

Fan Qinghe really couldn't stand listening, so he raised his hand and pushed the demon girl:

"Can you be more serious? This is a town, what if people hear your nonsense?"

Master Xuanji nodded slightly: "Okay, let's just say it. Let's talk about business." "Who told you this? Why should I accompany you to do this nonsense if you want to do it yourself?"

While the two were chatting in such low voices, they quickly crossed the street and passed by a wine shop.

Because most of the people in the town were coming back from the snowfields, the people passing by here naturally talked about the situation in Shuofeng City that day and the news related to the Night Terror Hall.

Fan Qinghe passed by the door of the wine shop and heard a conversation inside:

"I heard from people who came from Yanjing that the Night Devil was buried in a hidden pile in the Twelve Institutes. He was found by the court and put on death row. It seems that he was Cao Qiansui's apprentice in the Southern Dynasty. He should be being tortured... "

"Do you think the Night Demon will go to Yanjing to save people again?"

"Probably not. The big devil of the night has made such a big fuss. If he still dares to go to Yanjing to run wild and still come out alive, I will put the table... the big devil of the night on the table and offer incense to worship him every day."

"You said you wanted to eat on the table last time, but you haven't fulfilled it yet..."


After hearing a few words, Fan Qinghe frowned slightly and whispered:

"Is this happening?"

When Master Xuanji came out, Cao Aning had not yet been arrested, so he didn't know anything about it. After hearing this, he thought about it:

"It sounds true. Cao Aning is a very clever person, why was he suddenly exposed?"

"Well, hidden piles are hard work, and the secret will be exposed if you are not careful. What should we do now?"

Master Xuanji remained silent for a moment and said softly:

"If Ye Jingtang receives the news, they will probably go to Yanjing to rescue him. He has been in the world for so long, and everyone knows his behavior. If Beiliang takes advantage of this and deliberately releases the news..."

Fan Qinghe was very smart and asked:

"You mean to invite you into the jar and put a bait to lure the Night Terror Hall over?"

Master Xuanji nodded: "Beiliang is almost at the end of its rope and must deal with the Night Terror Hall as soon as possible. At this time, we have to think deeply about the actions related to the Night Terror Hall. Let's go to Yanjing to see the situation and find a way to remind the Night Terror Hall. Make a sound."

Fan Qinghe nodded, got on his horse, left the town with Master Xuanji, and galloped towards the south...

The ship's sails swelled, crossing the endless blue waves, heading towards the southeastern coast, the 'fold' flag on the top of the mast squeaking in the wind.

Sea-going ships were transformed from merchant ships. Although they were quite large, sailors used to sleep in large bunks and there were not many single rooms.

Because there were still women on board, the four women and little girls were allowed to live in the cabin after everyone boarded the ship, while Ye Jingtang, Qiu Tianhe and others were responsible for taking turns as sailors at the helm.

At nightfall, Ye Jingtang, with a sword hanging on his waist, stood on top of the ship building, looking out at the endless night scene. Fat Bird was squatting on the rudder, shaking his head and humming a tune:

"Chi chi chi..."

The cabins below were all occupied by female relatives. Alan and his daughter lived in one room and were already asleep at this time.

Zhe Yunli was originally in a separate room, but because he was worried that if she fell asleep, Hua Qingzhi and Ye Jingtang would start again. Since boarding the ship, they have been staying in Qingzhi's room, playing chess and practicing with her to relieve their boredom. We sleep together at night.

Xue Baijin lives at the stern of the ship, and the doors and windows are all bolted. He has not been out since he boarded the ship yesterday. He has been meditating on the bed and practicing. It seems that he is not showing up until he is ready to go ashore, so as not to encounter embarrassment with the Night Terror Hall.

But as the saying goes, "It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality." The sea is not a fairy island, and it is not even comparable to the ordinary mountains and fields that are not Feng Shui treasures. It is difficult for even Ye Jingtang to feel the aura wandering between heaven and earth. .

At this time, in the room with the doors and windows closed, Xue Baijin was sitting cross-legged with his back straight. Although he looked calm and relaxed, he was full of anxiety in his heart.

When they were on the island, Xue Baijin and Ye Jingtang were both cultivators. Their speed could be described as flying. Every day was a different state, and the growth of their skills could be felt firsthand.

At this time, while meditating on the boat, she felt as if she was suffocating. She tried her best to breathe out, but what she got was only a small gain. When it entered the body, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no trace.

From yesterday noon to now, Xue Baijin has meditated for two days and one night, but the results achieved are not as great as those she practiced in Ye Jingtang a few times.

And the Night Terror Hall was being repaired from morning to night on the island. This sudden huge gap and the reality of stagnant progress can be imagined how torment the martial artist was.

Xue Baijin was so restless and restless that he couldn't completely enter samadhi. He knew in his heart that this was a withdrawal reaction, and he wanted to hold it back and regain his former peace of mind.

But the combination of yin and yang is in accordance with the way of heaven. As long as you experience the feeling of flying into the clouds once, you can never give up...

After sitting for a long time, Xue Baijin felt that the whole room was stuffy, so he opened his eyes, stood up, opened the window at the stern of the boat, and blew in the sea breeze. After thinking about it, he pulled out the pendant sandwiched in the canyon and looked at it. A few glances.

But just when she was lost in thought, there was a sudden movement from above the ship:

"Uncle Qiu, you take the helm while I stretch my legs."

"Okay. Why not let Yaoji take the helm?"



When Xue Baijin heard the familiar voice, he quickly put the pendant into his collar, returned to the window, sat down, and continued to practice.

But just a moment later, she felt a breeze entering the room, as if something had entered the room.

Call ~

Xue Baijin opened his eyes and looked at the window, only to find Ye Jingtang, dressed in black robe, landing in front of the window.

? !

Xue Baijin was shaken all over, looking a little panicked to the naked eye, and quickly picked up the mace from the side of the bed.


Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand to signal, Zhengerba sat down on the stool and picked up the kettle:

"I just came in to have a rest. I told you that I treat you as an elder. You, as an elder, can't even let me take a sip of water, right?"

Seeing that Ye Jingtang did not squeeze onto the bed, Xue Baijin secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice:

"It's already dark and it's time to go to bed. Do you think it's appropriate for you to sneak into the female elder's room?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "The sea is not suitable for practicing martial arts. Seeing that you didn't sleep before you came in, I'm quite bored. How about I play chess with you?"

Xue Baijin's restlessness subsided a lot after Ye Jingtang came in. Thinking about it, he didn't kick Ye Jingtang out, but frowned and said:

"You said you wanted to move your legs?"

Ye Jingtang blinked and looked back at the sea outside:

"How about I go out for a run with you?"

Xue Baijin stood up and stood on the edge of the bed, tilting his head to indicate:

"Come here and lie down."


Ye Jingtang didn't think Bingtuotuo was inviting him to form a team to practice, and his expression froze obviously.

However, he couldn't bear to be trapped in his wife's body, so he stood up and went to the bed to lie down, looking at the charming Bing Tuo Tuo next to him.

In order to remind Ye Jing Tang to remember not to run into her room in the future, Xue Baijin showed no mercy at all. He knelt down on the bed, pinched his calf and rubbed it up to help Ye Jing Tang move the blood in his legs.


Ye Jingtang instantly felt that his right foot no longer belonged to him. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and took a breath, but he still forced a smile and said:

"so comfortable."

Xue Baijin didn't know if Ye Jingtang was really comfortable, but when she encountered Ye Jingtang's strong body again, her heart felt a little turbulent. Even her cheeks felt instinctively warm, and the restlessness she felt just now was gone.

Having already left the island at this time, Xue Baijin had to draw a clear line between himself and Ye Jingtang, but the elders helped the younger ones relax, which was obviously within a reasonable range.

For this reason, Xue Baijin pressed very carefully this time, pressing from the feet to the head, and then from the front to the back. When he finished touching from top to bottom, he put away his hands:

"Okay, let's go out."

Ye Jingtang broke out in sweat. He sat up and stretched his legs and feet. Instead of going out, he said:

"You've been in the house for two days, how about I relax for you?"


Xue Baijin's eyes immediately turned cold when he saw the tail of the fox in Night Jingtang was exposed:

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry, I won't be pressing around with my hands, I'm just sorting out the energy and blood. Uncle Qiu is still up there helping to steer the ship, so I don't have time to mess around."

Xue Baijin was very afraid of falling into the Ye Jing Hall's sorcery again, and would start practicing for no apparent reason later. However, Yunli and the others were nearby, and the Ye Jing Hall should not dare to mess around. After thinking about it, he asked:

"How do you relax?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang, like a junior who respects his teacher, half-squatted behind the head of the bed and signaled with his eyes:

"Lie down."

Xue Baijin felt that this opening statement was very familiar. After a moment of hesitation, he slowly lay down on the bed, put his hands on his waist, and closed his eyes:

"If you dare to say something that is not true, you will know the consequences yourself."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang wanted to melt Bing Tuo Tuo step by step and let her accept the future relationship. Naturally, he did not act too hastily. He placed his hands on the temples on both sides and gently pressed them to guide the flow of Qi and blood.


But in an instant, Xue Baijin felt that his tense brain relaxed a little, and he felt extremely comfortable. Both the initial anxiety and the anxiety just now were gone.

After being rubbed for a while, he even gradually became a little sleepy.

Ye Jingtang didn't say anything to disturb him, he just gently squeezed and looked at the cold cheek.

After a quarter of an hour of rubbing, Xue Baijin completely relaxed, his whole body was no longer tense, his breathing gradually became calmer, and he slowly fell asleep.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang gently let go of his hands. After looking at it for a few times, he silently lowered his head and tapped on his red lips.


Xue Baijin did not wake up with a start, but moved his lips. He seemed very relaxed and not at all wary of Night Terror Hall.

Ye Jingtang's eyes were filled with smiles. Because there were so many people on the boat, it was really difficult to mess around. He just lowered his head and kissed his forehead, then quietly got up and went out of the window.

Call ~

Wow, wow~

Outside the window, there was the gentle breeze and the sound of waves.

In the silent room, Xue Baijin lay flat against the pillow, sleeping deeply, and pursed his lips from time to time. It looked like he had returned to that unforgettable island...

(End of this chapter)

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