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Chapter 548 Troubled Times

Chapter 548 Troubled Times


After closing the door, Fan Qinghe lit the candlestick and placed it on the table. Then he came to the bed and sat down. He put the small pillow on his lap, pressed Xue Baijin's wrist, and relied on the Ming Shen Diagram to carefully sense the undetectable pulse in the early stages of pregnancy. .

Hua Qingzhi was sitting on the other side, saying with a sour voice:

"It is a great joy to carry on the family lineage, why are you still in despair? What if I...well, die of drought or waterlogging, it is really not a joke. If you want to be a bit joking, what if I have fetal gas..."

Xue Baijin sat upright between the two of them. She was so confused that her expression could no longer be maintained. Her eyes were full of panic. When she saw Fan Qinghe and the female doctor who was caring for her, she thought about it and explained:

"I have nothing to do with Ye Jingtang. It's just that he was injured and I helped him treat his injuries and practice martial arts, so that's why I did that kind of thing. Now... now it's just an accident..."

It doesn't matter?

Fan Qinghe shook his head secretly when he heard this, feeling that Xue Baijin and Ning'er were really a couple, they had similar personalities, one was as tough as the other, yet they dared to say it didn't matter when they were both pregnant.

However, sensing that Xue Baijin was in a bad mood, Fan Qinghe did not refute, but just comforted him softly:

"No matter what the cause is, it is a fact that you are pregnant now. You can have nothing to do with Night Terror Hall, but you can't have a child and have nothing to do with Night Terror Hall, right? Women are going through this, listen to my advice, relax and don't think too much , then just take good care of the baby..."

Xue Baijin knew that Qinghe was telling the truth, but in the current situation, how could she accept and raise her baby safely?

"I am Master Yunli and sister Ning'er. How could I do such...such a ridiculous thing?"

Hua Qingzhi was sitting next to her, and her molars clenched when she heard:

"Now that things have come to this, what else do you want? We have a baby, and we still don't know how to deal with it. If something happens, what will you do with such a big family..."

Fan Qinghe quickly raised his hand: "Bai Jin is the leader of a religion, so he understands the truth. Let's stop talking."

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi pursed her lips and said no more.

Xue Baijin does understand the truth, but she knows that she must not let the first child of Ye Jingtang go wrong, and she also knows that she must not disgrace Yunli. In a dilemma, she really doesn't know what to do now.

After the three people communicated like this for a while, footsteps sounded outside the room, and there was a conversation between a man and a woman:

"How can I break what Qinghe promised? How about I call her over now..."

"Haha, let's talk about it later..."


When Fan Qinghe heard the enchantress seducing the man again, his eyes darkened and he said:

"Night Terror Hall, please come in."

outside the room.

When Ye Jingtang heard Aunt Fan calling, she turned around and came to the outside of the lighted room, opened the door and looked inside.

He found the three of them sitting side by side on the bed. Qinghe was still checking his pulse. Ye Jingtang looked a little confused and walked in to ask:

"What's wrong? Are you injured?"

"No, Master Xue..."

Xue Baijin noticed that Master Xuanji was looking from the door, and quickly held down Qinghe's hand. Seeing this, Qinghe hesitated to speak.

Master Xuanji was just looking around casually. When he saw the two people in the room sandwiching Xue Baijin to protect him and assuming such a mysterious posture, he joked casually:

"Why can't I even listen to it? Is Master Xue happy?"


Ye Jingtang was afraid that Shui'er would cause trouble by talking nonsense, so he quickly raised his hand to stop it. However, he immediately noticed that Qing He's eyes turned cold:

"What are you doing so loudly? What will Yunli do if he hears it?"


The room suddenly fell silent.

Master Xuanji's cynical expression condensed slightly, and then she became serious. She quickly walked up to him and wanted to hold Xue Baijin's hand and feel her pulse.

Ye Jingtang was suddenly stunned and looked at Bing Tuo Tuo, unable to react for the time being.

Seeing that the matter was revealed, Xue Baijin's cold expression turned into annoyance. He hid his hands so that Master Xuanji could not feel his pulse. He stood up and walked to Ye Jingtang and grabbed his collar:

"You little thief!"


Fan Qinghe was shocked when he saw this, and rushed forward to hold Xue Baijin:

"Don't be excited, don't be excited..."

Faced with such a big matter, Master Xuanji naturally restrained his usual casualness. At this time, he also hurriedly stepped forward, pulled Xue Baijin and said seriously:

"Be careful if you have fetal irritation. If you want to beat him, I'll help you..."

When Hua Qingzhi saw that Xue Baijin had grabbed the jackpot, she was unhappy and wanted to beat her man. Naturally, she was not happy, so she got up and ran to the Night Jing Hall to protect the man.

Ye Jingtang was obviously a little confused. Looking at Bingtuotuo, whose face was red and angry, he recovered after a while, held the hand holding the collar, and said softly:

"My fault, my fault, don't be angry..."

Xue Baijin was not angry, but anxious. Although he wanted to beat the culprit a few times, what would be the use of beating Ye Jingtang? After staring at this for a long time, Master Xuanji and Qinghe pulled him back to the bed. He took a deep breath and tried his best to be calm:

"You guys go out first and I'll talk to him privately."

Fan Qinghe knew that it was best for the two of them to discuss this matter in private, so he stood up and said:

"You guys have a good chat and we can discuss everything. Don't get angry."

Master Xuanji winked at Ye Jingtang and asked him to coax him, and then pulled Qingzhi out of the house together.


The door closed and the room became quiet.

Ye Jingtang came to him and squatted down, raised his hand but didn't know what to do, so he took Bing Tuo Tuo's hand:

"How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Xue Baijin was pregnant not long ago, and there was nothing strange about her body. If she hadn't practiced Ming Shen Tu, she might not be able to feel her pulse, so how could she feel anything else. She looked at Ye Jingtang's face and gritted her teeth:

"You hurt me like this, what do you want me to do in the future?"

Ye Jingtang stood up and sat in front of him, holding his hands and looking sincerely:

"It's all because I didn't pay attention. I'll accept whatever you want to do with me, but my health is still important right now. I'll take care of the other things. I'll marry you when I get back. You don't have to worry about anything. You can just raise your baby at home..."

How could Xue Baijin be so reassured? After struggling for a long time, he said coldly:

"I want to go back to Nanxiao Mountain, and you are not allowed to stop me again."

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"What are you doing with me?"

Xue Baijin pulled his hand away and looked seriously:

"The matter has come to this, and it is indeed irreversible, but I will not accept it, just like this with you... I will go back to Nanxiao Mountain, and when the child is born, I will bring it to you. You can name whose child it is, I will visit Ning'er and Yunli as usual in the future..."

Ye Jingtang was a little speechless when he heard this, and then pulled his hand over and held it:

"How can this be done? You are pregnant, can I rest assured that you can hide in Nanxiao Mountain alone to give birth to a child? And the child must have a mother, right? Do you still expect our baby to be treated like a father like me? Raised by my father, I could only drink goat's milk since I was a child..."

"You have so many confidants around you, and you have a high position. It's not easy to find a nanny? Ning'er and I are a couple in name only. She will naturally treat my child as her own..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Bing Tuo Tuo had just heard the news, and it was difficult to accept it. He was very excited. He sat down a little closer and put his arms around Bing Tuo Tuo's shoulders:

"These are things for next year. How about we wait until we see Ning'er when we go back to talk about these? Don't think about it first, just pretend it's nothing. Getting angry will hurt your body, and being upset is not good for your body..."

Xue Baijin knew that she would not have a child until next year, but her belly became obvious around the new year. How would she explain it to others then? She twisted her shoulders:

"I want to go back to Nanxiao Mountain anyway, and I really can't let Ning'er go back with me. You don't have to worry about me. With Yunhuo Tu by my side, nothing will happen to the child. Just focus on Yunli next time. I treat Yunli as my own child, if you make me a bad disciple and a bad person in marriage, I will never see your child again for the rest of my life..."

Ye Jingtang sighed softly and gently held his back:

"Yunli has his own ideas. I will handle these matters. You don't have to worry about it."

Xue Baijin took a few deep breaths, but couldn't do anything to Ye Jingtang. In the end, he could only say:

"You go out and accompany Qinghe and the others. I'll be alone."

How could Ye Jingtang dare to leave Bing Tuo Tuo alone now? He might disappear in a blink of an eye. He said softly:

"I will stay with you today. Whether you hit me or scold me, I will admit it. Come on, let me help you lie down."

Xue Baijin was lying on the pillow with his shoulders supported, his eyes slightly cold:

"I'm like this, why don't you still want to practice?"

Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and helped take off his shoes:

"I'm not a pervert. How can I not distinguish the seriousness of things? Don't worry, from today until next autumn, I will be honest and will never mess with you."


When Xue Baijin heard this, the annoyance in his eyes paused slightly, his mind calmed down a bit, and he remembered a very crucial question.

If she is pregnant, Ye Jingtang will definitely not practice with her. She can only sit cross-legged and practice hard by herself. From today to next year, including confinement, she will have to endure it for a year...

It was only three days since last time, and I began to feel restless. Hua Qingzhi caught me and forced me to continue practicing. The feeling of emptiness was gone. Now I suddenly encountered this situation...

Xue Baijin shouldn't have thought about this, but after discovering this problem, the inner demons began to linger in his mind again, and he didn't know how to live the next days.

But this time she wanted to compromise, but it was impossible for Ye Jingtang to agree to it, so her expression became a little depressed and she leaned on the pillow in silence.

Ye Jingtang naturally noticed the change in Bing Tuo Tuo's expression. He lay down next to her and covered her chest with a thin quilt:

"Want to practice?"

Xue Baijin's expression turned cold in a daze: "Who wants to practice Kung Fu? I just promised you and don't want to break my promise, but in this situation, I can't help you."

Ye Jingtang figured out the Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Kung by himself, and his current understanding is quite deep, so he said:

"Pregnancy is a kind of body function. Within the protection scope of the Bathing in Fire Figure, it is difficult to think of anything wrong. But I still have to ask Qinghe about this matter. Qinghe said it is okay. If not, other methods can be used... …”

"Other ways?" Xue Baijin looked a little confused: "What other ways can I practice?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Bing Tuo Tuo actually wanted to be intimate, and there were too many ways to be intimate, but at the moment it was easy to get beaten, so he just smiled and said:

"I'll ask you clearly first. Anyway, if you want to practice, you can definitely practice."

When Xue Baijin heard this, she felt a little more at ease. However, with so many people here tonight, she was not interested in starting a group like Ning'er. After thinking about it for a while, she said:

"I will send you back as promised, and then return to Nanxiao Mountain. Before that, if you can practice, I will not refuse you. Tonight is not suitable. I want to be quiet. You can go to sleep in another room. I said If you don’t know how to leave, you won’t leave.”

Ye Jingtang believed that Bing Tuo Tuo would never tell lies, but it was still inappropriate to go out like this, so he stood up again and lowered his head to his cheek.


Xue Baijin froze, turned his head and pushed Ye Jingtang's shoulder:

"what are you doing?"

"Relax, I'll give you a kiss, otherwise you won't be able to sleep well at night."

"Who can't sleep peacefully... ugh~"


Ye Jingtang hugged the tight Bing Tuo Tuo, kissed her with her lips, and gently stroked her back and Man Yue with her hands, letting her slowly relax.

Xue Baijin was in a state of confusion, but after being kissed for a moment, the distracting thoughts were put aside. She closed her eyes and quietly experienced the moment of peace after her mind wandered.

Ye Jingtang gently comforted Bing Tuo Tuo and untied Bing Tuo Tuo's robe and took off her breast wrap. Although she rubbed Nan Xiaoshan for a long time, she did not cross the line after all. He just hugged Bing Tuo Tuo and coaxed her to sleep...

outside the room.

Fan Qinghe and Hua Qingzhi stood in the corridor. Although they wanted to listen to what was going on inside, they couldn't hear the sound from the wall, so they both stayed away from the door and waited quietly.

Finding that Master Xuanji was still listening attentively like a curious baby, Fan Qinghe stepped forward to pull Master Xuanji back and lectured in a low voice:

"What are you listening to?"

Master Xuanji didn't listen to anything, she just wanted to see Xue Baijin's current attitude and whether they would start a group together in the future. Xue Baijin was not very polite to her in the past, but now that she is on the ship, she naturally has to find an opportunity for him to call her sister sincerely.

Seeing that Qinghe was blocking her from listening, Xuanji didn't pay attention and turned to look at Qingzhi who was standing next to her.

The complexity of Hua Qingzhi's heart was not much weaker than that of Xue Baijin. At this moment, she touched her belly absentmindedly and almost had 'hate her not to fight' written on her face.

Master Xuanji came to the front, looked at Qingzhi's expression, and asked softly:

"Do you miss the doll?"

The last time Hua Qingzhi toasted in Pingyi City, she guessed that the fairy-like Sister Lu was actually Mr. Ye's beauty because they had a good relationship with each other. Seeing that Sister Lu noticed it, she confessed:

"Of course I think so. The last time I returned to Chengtian Mansion, my grandpa was seriously ill. He felt that his time had come and refused to use the bathing in fire diagram to cure his illness. So I lied to grandpa and told him that I was pregnant. I will report my grandson back next year..."

"Then you had sex with Ye Jingtang every day, but you didn't make any move and Miss Xue got pregnant first?"

Hua Qingzhi's face turned red: "It's not like Tiantian... But I am very attentive, but Bai Jin is reluctant. Who would have thought that God would be so unfair..."

Fan Qinghe came to the front and held his wrist to feel the pulse: "You can't say that. As long as you prepare well, if you are lucky, you will win the bid once. If you are not lucky, it will only take two or three months. You will definitely get pregnant. Just don't worry."

Master Xuanji also said: "You must be too shy and nervous because you can't be happy. I'll let Qinghe show you later..."


Fan Qinghe's face turned red when he heard this, and he pinched Master Xuanji's waist:

"Why aren't you finished? You're such a young girl, don't do all those things later..."

Hua Qingzhi and Xue Baijin had a group tour together, but at that time it was purely to compete for publicity and they didn't think about anything else. Sister Lu, who had witnessed the emergence of fairy spirit, sent out an invitation for a team fight. Sister Fan had not yet refused, so Rouya's cheeks naturally became embarrassed, her lips moved and she didn't know what to say.

After waiting for a while, the three of them saw that Ye Jingtang had not finished talking, so they went back to the room to wash up.

After waiting for about half an hour, the door opened.

Ye Jingtang came out of the house, quietly closed the door, and listened for a while, then quietly walked outside the room of the three of them, and glanced briefly:

"Where's Yunli?"

Master Xuanji was sitting at the table drinking a small drink. Seeing this, he shrugged slightly:

"I was afraid that Qingzhi would cause trouble for her, so I took Niaoniao to the pub opposite to listen to a book. I'll ask her to come back and sleep." Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled. After watching Shui'er go downstairs, he came to the room and sat down, and looked at Xiang Qinghe:

"You have all practiced bathing in fire. After you become pregnant, can you..."

Fan Qinghe stood nearby and poured tea for Ye Jingtang. When he heard this, he frowned and lightly poked Ye Jingtang's forehead with his finger:

"Why do you think about this all day long? She's pregnant."

Hua Qingzhi sat next to her and helped explain:

"Bai Jin has a stubborn personality and insists on getting along with Young Master Ye in the name of practicing martial arts. If she can't practice martial arts, she might run away."

Fan Qinghe blinked his eyes and then thought carefully:

"Normally speaking, you can't mess around in the first three months, but you are all warrior saints, and you have the Dragon Song. As long as you are gentle and take your time, nothing will happen. I heard that the Dayan Palace would let you go in the past. The concubines who got pregnant learned the painting of bathing in fire, and the concubine never had a miscarriage..."

"That's good……"


Fan Qinghe hadn't seen Ye Jingtang for a long time. Although she didn't talk about it all day long like the enchantress, she still missed her husband a little. During the chat, she was secretly thinking about what she should do if Ye Jingtang took action. How to say it to avoid Qingzhi's embarrassment.

Hua Qingzhi knew what she was going to do next, so she was very nervous. She sat upright and didn't speak much, for fear that her husband would tease her if she disagreed.

But what surprised the two of them was that after Ye Jingtang sat down in the room, he did not hold each other in his hands. Instead, he chatted softly and rubbed his fingers gently. He looked extremely decent.

After Fan Qinghe chatted for a while, he was naturally a little confused when he saw this. He sat down in front of him and asked:

"Is there something on your mind?"

Ye Jingtang blinked and realized that the two girls were looking at him doubtfully, then he realized and said with a smile:

"I'm suddenly going to be a father, so I'm a little uncomfortable with it..."

Fan Qinghe suddenly realized after hearing this - Ye Jingtang realized that his identity was different, and he was subconsciously paying attention to his words and deeds to make himself look like a serious father.

Fan Qinghe was a little amused by this. He got up and came to the bed and started making the bed:

"You haven't even reached the age of 18. You are just a child. You can take care of the baby wherever you are. You don't have to carry it deliberately. If the baby is born in the future, I will help you carry it. You can just take it away at night... …”

Hua Qingzhi was very polite, and Sister Fan would not stand idle while she was busy with her work, so she came to help and said:

"Bai Jin's baby, let me help take care of it from now on. She has a bad temper, and she can't even be beaten three times a day if she takes care of her."

Ye Jingtang looked at the gentle and gentle appearance of the two good daughters-in-law, and thought for a moment that he had to be a good husband-in-law first, so he stood up and came to them.

Fan Qinghe's figure is different from that of women from the Central Plains. Her skin is extremely white and her curves are bold and bold. Her willow waist and plump buttocks are very impactful. At this time, she bends down to spread the quilt. The round curves behind her waist are as alluring as the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

As for Qing Zhi, who also belongs to the generation with the character "Qing", as a young lady from a scholarly family, she is definitely not as good as Qing He in terms of dimensions, but she is slim and slender with a strong bookish air.

The two of them stood together, looking a bit like a mature and intellectual elder sister from the back, and a young and graceful little sister.

After Ye Jingtang looked around, he raised his hand:


Two soft sounds came out at the same time.

Fan Qinghe shrank slightly, stood up quickly, glanced at Ye Jingtang, but didn't say anything, just whispered:

"The demon girl hasn't come back yet. You should go and wash up first."

"Ha ha……"


After a long time.

Footsteps sounded again in the corridor. Real person Xuanji and Yunli dressed as a chivalrous woman came up from the stairs with Niaoniao.

Master Xuanji had just had two drinks with Yunli in the tea shop. Now when he returned to the inn, facing the upcoming battle, Xinhu couldn't help but feel a little unsteady. He raised his hands and slumped:

"It's getting late and your master is asleep. You should go to bed early too."

Zhe Yunli saw that the corridor was quiet, with only one room with a light on, and asked suspiciously:

"What is Cousin Jing doing?"

Master Xuanji blinked his eyes and responded:

"It's just practice, what else can he do? Do you want to go over and practice together?"

Zhe Yunli didn't think that Cousin Jing was practicing Kung Fu now. When he heard Master Xuanji's words, his face suddenly turned red:

"Hey~ Aunt Lu, what are you talking about..."

When Master Xuanji saw that Yunli had a clear heart, he naturally did not hide it and said softly:

"Why are you asking if you don't dare to go? It's an adult's business. Children, don't talk too much. Go to sleep."

Zhe Yunli felt a little sour in her heart and sighed softly:

"Oh~ Okay. I can't sleep at night, otherwise Aunt Lu, you'll kill me."

Master Xuanji naturally did not refuse this proposal. He raised his hand and gently put Yunli down. Then he carried Yunli into the house and turned around and said:

"Fat Concubine, go watch the night outside. I will reward you with a roast leg of lamb tomorrow."


When the birds saw this, they immediately got the order and flew out of the window.

Master Xuanji helped Yunli cover Yunli with a thick quilt, then turned and went out. He came to the lighted room, opened the door and looked around, but saw Ye Jingtang sitting at the table drinking tea, and Qinghe and Qingzhi sitting at the round table. sitting, absent-mindedly eating melon seeds.


Master Xuanji closed the door, walked up to him with a fairy spirit, and his eyes were very surprised:

"You are so polite, but you still wait until I come back before you use the stick?"

Hua Qingzhi knew that Sister Lu had always been cynical, but she still didn't react to these words and was a little confused:


Fan Qinghe's eyes darkened slightly and he turned around and said:

"Jingtang, you deal with her first, and I will chat with Sister Qingzhi for a while."

Ye Jingtang was a little amused. He stood up and came over, wanting to carry his wives one by one.

But Master Xuanji raised the Acacia Sword and stopped Ye Jingtang. Then he sat at the round table, poured himself tea slowly, and sighed softly:

"Hehe, you don't want Miss Qingzhi to see you playing with jade carrots, right?"


Fan Qinghe was stunned for a moment, then his eyes became a little panicked, and he sat up straighter:

"Witch, are you trying to do something random? If you dare to torment me, you won't be able to escape!"

Master Xuanji shrugged slightly: "What am I afraid of? In the worst case, let's open the eyes of Qingzhi girl together."

Hua Qingzhi asked hesitantly with her eyes hooded;

"What is a jade radish?"

"The jewelry looks particularly good when paired with He He's figure..."

Fan Qinghe knew that the enchantress was brave and could do anything. How could she dare to play so fancy in front of a Chinese girl from a scholarly family? Seeing that the enchantress was starting to fan the flames, he could only grit his teeth and ask secretly:

"What do you want?"

Seeing that Qinghe had softened, Master Xuanji was quite satisfied:

"What can I do? I'll just let you teach Qingzhi how to please a man."

After saying that, Master Xuanji waved her sleeves lightly, hung two white ribbons on the beams, then hung them down again, signaling with her eyes:


Fan Qinghe took a deep breath, wishing he could give this tempestuous witch a shot.

But at this time, she was afraid that the enchantress would mess around, so she had no other choice. After enduring her blush for a while, she stood up and started to perform the performance of Flying Fairy from Heaven, just like before.


When Hua Qingzhi saw the three-foot white silk, she thought she was going to let Sister Fan perform a hanging. However, she soon discovered that Sister Fan had taken off her red and yellow gauze skirt, revealing a red hollow coat and bow-knot pants, as white as sheep. The fat figure also appears in the eyes.


Hua Qingzhi's face suddenly turned red, and she was too embarrassed to take a closer look. She found that Sister Fan's eyes were full of sorrow and anger and she started to dance with the ribbon, so she bit her lower lip and took a few glances.

Master Xuanji leaned close to Qingzhi’s ear and asked;

"How is Hehe's figure?"

Hua Qingzhi thought it was pleasing to the eye. Her buttocks were white and big, and her clothes were not much worse than those of the Fierce Wife. She was hanging on a ribbon and dancing gracefully. Her manners were very beautiful. If she wasn't wearing too little and was a bit embarrassed, she would be enough to be included in the painting. But she didn't have the nerve to comment, she just smiled shyly.

Fan Qinghe was already angry, but when he saw the witch, he started to comment. When he was hanging upside down in the air and leaning back, he looked at the Night Terror Hall that he had been admiring:

"Jingtang, you just want to see my jokes, right?"


Ye Jingtang always had a bowl of water that was fair, so how could he allow Shui'er to keep bullying Qing He? He immediately stood up, pulled Shui'er over and started teaching...

On the second floor of the inn, the lights flickered on and off.

After rescuing Cao Aning, this trip to Beiliang should have ended completely. Ye Jingtang suddenly met Shui'er and Qinghe, and at the same time they were delighted to have a son. The good mood is self-evident. If nothing happens, Qinghe can teach Shui'er nine The picture of the phoenix rising to the sun was taught until daybreak.

However, the world is uncertain, the chaotic world and the surging undercurrents of the two dynasties will not calm down just because one person stops. This August is destined to be an eventful month.

Yanmen Town is the transportation hub to Yanjing, with caravans coming and going at any time, and most of the shops in the town are open all night.

Time passed in the middle of the night, in the tavern opposite the inn.

Cao Aning sat alone at the window, with a few cold dishes and a wine bottle in front of him. Because it was dark in the dungeon and his sleep schedule had not returned yet, he still couldn't fall asleep at this time, so he spontaneously acted as a secret sentry and helped the Night King of Hell to keep tabs on him outside the inn.

And the big fluffy bird, because he had nothing to do, also sat on the stool, eating and drinking while chatting with Cao Aning:

"Chi chi chi..."

Cao Aning couldn't understand half of it, but Lord Bird couldn't stop talking. He kept nodding thoughtfully, and then he looked like he was enlightened and enlightened.

After one person and one bird chatting like this for a long time, no matter what time of day it was, a Pegasus suddenly ran over from outside the town, came to the notice board at the entrance of the town, pasted a piece of paper on it, and then galloped away.

Notice boards are normally a place where edicts or reward orders are posted. Cao Aning saw the people from the Beiliang court walking in such a hurry, so he naturally felt doubtful. He got up and left the tavern, and came to the notice board at the entrance of the town to look at the brand new paper.

There were many writings on the paper. First, they wrote about the achievements of Mrs. Hua in governing the country and the merits of the Hua family in the past. Then, Emperor Liang felt deeply sad and said that during the turbulent times, an unfilial son was born in the Hua family. He was favored by the imperial court, but he had an affair. The Southern Dynasty colluded with the Night Jingtang. The Liang Emperor cared about Mrs. Hua, her childhood mentor, but the law was merciless. At three quarters of noon tomorrow, they beheaded her in Tianjie...


When Cao Aning saw the end, he was slightly shaken and understood the meaning of this notice - the Hua family was the head of the Hudong clan, and now it was confiscated and exterminated. The entire Beiliang family would be saddened by the death of the fox, and there would be chaos on the spot. Therefore, in order to mention the merits and feelings, first Pick out the Hua family, and then kill the traitor Hua Junchen on a case-by-case basis.

But the purpose of Beiliang issuing this notice at this time is obviously not as simple as killing traitors.

Ye Dayan, the King of Hell, even saved him. It was impossible not to save his father-in-law. As long as he saw the news, he would definitely go back; and this time he went back, from the enemy in the open and we in the dark to the enemy in the open. The Beiliang court had enough time to prepare. It must be a disaster but a misfortune.

Cao Aning secretly thought something was wrong, he was completely sober from the drunkenness, and quickly called to Niao Niao who was also looking at him:

"Quick! Go ahead and call Master Ye over..."

Before Niaoniao could fly back to the inn, Ye Jingtang, who had extraordinary perception, had already noticed Cao Aning's strange movements, jumped out of the window, and landed in front of the notice board wearing a black robe.


Cao Aning didn't have time to notice that Ye Jingtang was only running out in clothes, but he frowned and said:

"How could Mr. Hua be exposed? He came to visit the prison every day a few days ago, and he seemed to be fine..."

When Ye Jingtang saw the handwriting on the notice, the joy he had just received from his son and the comfort he felt from Qi Ren's beauty were all washed away, and his eyes visibly turned cold.

Cao Aning understood Ye Jingtang's character, and when he saw this, he said anxiously:

"Sir, calm down. Beiliang must be fully prepared now. It is impossible to give you even the slightest chance. You must be extremely cautious about this matter. Don't...eh?"


Ye Jingtang tore off the notice and folded it into a ball, tore off a piece of fabric and tied it to Bird Bird's leg:

"Go find Yuhu."


The bird had already realized that something was wrong, so it immediately spread its wings and flew towards the west.

Seeing this, Cao Aning frowned and said: "There is no time. Master Bird flies back to the West Sea. If people come over again, even if they don't stop, they won't be able to arrive at noon tomorrow. I don't know if Master Pingtian can..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Bai Jingang was pregnant, so how could he let her go to war? He just said:

"Beiliang is seeking death. Why does my Night Terror Hall need help from others? Calling the Holy One over is just to help me and others afterwards."

Cao Aning was shocked by Ye Jingtang's words, but after noticing the murderous aura of the Nine Netherworld Yama in Ye Da Yama, he still didn't say anything.

At the same time, in the inn room.

Fan Qinghe and Hua Qingzhi pressed the naked Shui'er between them, and Ye Jingtang suddenly pulled away, obviously a little confused.

Master Xuanji, on the other hand, had lost the momentum he had just now and was lying weakly. The crook of his leg was hooked by Qinghe, causing a sliver of pink and white to be exposed in the candlelight. He was unable to resist. He only half-squinted his eyes and panted softly.

The three of them could only wait for a moment before they saw the window open again, and Night Terror Hall flew in from the outside. The lustful appearance just now disappeared, and some of them were just cold and solemn. After landing, they picked up their robes and sabers and quickly put them on.

Fan Qinghe saw this hurried look, sat up and covered his heavy plumpness with a thin quilt, and asked:

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the shy and confused Qingzhi, thought for a while and just said:

"Something went wrong with Xu Tianying. I have to go and deal with it. You guys have a rest first. I'll be back when I'm done."

Master Xuanji woke up a little. Just by looking at Ye Jingtang's expression, he knew that something was serious. He immediately got up from the bed and said:

"I'll go with you."

Ye Jingtang held Shui'er down: "Take care of Bai Jin, she has a bad temper, and don't let her get impulsive. I can take care of other things."

After saying that, Ye Jingtang held the knife and prepared to go out, but before leaving, he lowered his head and kissed the three of them on the cheek, and then jumped out of the window.


Hua Qingzhi noticed that Ye Jingtang's expression was not right, so she thought for a while and whispered:

"Did something big happen?"

Fan Qinghe felt that something was wrong with Hua Junchen, otherwise Ye Jingtang would not show such a murderous look, but before the matter was confirmed, she did not want Hua Qingzhi to worry blindly, so she calmly said:

"Don't worry, even big things can be handled. Just put on your clothes first and we'll be ready to go at any time."



This is the last battle related to the situation between the two dynasties. It may be written slowly. If the update is late or broken, please understand or2

By the way, name it:

I recommend a book called "Cultivation as an Immortal, Start by Marrying a Wife". If you are interested, you can read it~

(End of this chapter)

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