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Chapter 549: Sometimes the trapped dragon turns into rain and washes away the hot blood flow in the

Chapter 549: Sometimes the trapped dragon turns into rain and washes away the hot blood flow in the world

The autumn wind is blowing the imperial flag, and the sun is shining on the thousands of streets and hundreds of squares in Yanjing. The bustling streets and alleys in the past have lost much joy today, and almost the entire city is shrouded in the depression of the impending mountain rain.

stomping on...

A large group of Beiliang Imperial Guards wearing Mingguang armor were running on Tian Street with guns and shields. Whether they were literati, traffickers, or people traveling from south to north, they were all crowded in the houses on both sides of the broad street. During this time, they looked towards the direction of the imperial city and whispered to each other:

"How could Hua Jianxian have an affair with the Southern Dynasty..."

"This posture is obviously conclusive evidence. No wonder Sword Immortal Hua has been able to escape unscathed from the Night Demon several times..."


The main street in the center of Yanjing is called Ziwu Street, but both the north and the south inherited the beams created by the First Emperor, so the street is still commonly known as Tianjie.

At the end of Tianjie is Beiliang Imperial City. At this time, the nine gates of the imperial city are tightly closed, and densely packed imperial troops can be seen on the city wall.

Outside Ding'an Gate in the center, a high platform had been set up overnight, and the eunuchs and executioners were standing beside the high platform.

Master Xiang Han hung the famous sword 'Taiping' on his waist and stood behind the wall stacks below the city gate, overlooking the thousands of streets and squares in the capital. To this day, his eyes are also filled with the desolation of time passing by.

Jiazi passed by in a hurry, and the few-year-old boy who had been kneeling under the city wall and looking at his master's body had unknowingly stood on top of the city and became a powerful person who could control the general trend of the world.

The road in this life is obviously difficult to walk, from the winter training of Sanjiu in the Imperial Prefecture and the summer training of Sanfu, from the cold window of the Imperial College to studying hard and writing tirelessly, from the cautiousness and caution when first entering the official city, to the exhaustive consideration of holding the power.

It can be said that he has been walking on thin ice all his life. He has no wife, no children, and even no servant house of his own. He has never lived for himself for a moment.

The reason why Master Xiang Han lives like a penance is not to avenge his country and his family, but because he heard the last words his master said to him before he died:

"Three dynasties of conquest lasted for thousands of years, Master Han, this world needs peace..."

Master Xiang Han knew that his master did not die at the hands of the Northwest Royal Court, but died in troubled times where life and death were not life-and-death. They may have never met each other, and they might still be close friends in peacetime, but the chaos of the Three Kingdoms each has its own master. You have to kill them when you meet them.

Xiang Hanshi has been practicing to end this situation since he was a child. He regained the territory thousands of miles northwest, rectified the political and political affairs of the Northern Liang Dynasty, helped the Liang Emperor recuperate and accumulate national power, and also laid countless secrets in the Southern Dynasty.

As long as he is given another ten years, until all the elders of the tribes in the West Sea die, until the emperors in the Southern Dynasties fight for the throne, and until he becomes the number one person under Fengguan City, no one will be able to stop him in this chaotic world. With this sword of peace, even if he died before he achieved fame, this fierce momentum could push Beiliang towards a prosperous age that swept across the world and brought all nations to court.

But it's a pity that God's calculations are not as good as those of man.

It can be said that he made a mistake once in his life. In the final battle of the prairie fire, Chen Yanying, who had just given birth to his son, should not have been allowed to chase the carriage that struggled to break through.

That carriage carried the last fire of the Northwest Royal Court, which was also the root cause of today's situation.

He wanted to kill Chen Yanying back then because he calculated that as long as the orphan of King Tianlang grew up, the rebellion in Western Xinjiang would be endless.

He has been searching for the whereabouts of the orphan in various tribes in the West Sea for these years, but he never expected that the only remaining fire in the northwest royal court would go to the Southern Dynasty, and meet a benefactor whom he regarded as his own. Make it the sharpest knife in the world!

The three dynasties each had their own origins, and it was impossible to completely surrender to other countries. However, Chen Yanying's dereliction of duty directly created an unprecedented opportunity.

The empress of the Southern Dynasty inherited the imperial line as a daughter, which would have inevitably caused a bloodline dispute. However, with the appearance of the orphan of King Tianlang, it turned out to be a match made in heaven. The Southern Dynasty and Xihai, who originally hated each other, merged into one without any hindrance. one.

Such a drastic change in the situation made all the efforts he made in the past come to nothing. It looked like a joke played by God on him.

Master Xiang Han knew that God was not on his side, but since he had come this far, he believed that man could defeat God, so he laid a plan today.

If he could kill this big dragon raised by God today, the situation would be back to the past - Western Xinjiang would immediately turn into a piece of loose sand, and the imperial struggle in the Southern Dynasties would still happen, so everything would be back within his plan.

And if the slaughter cannot be carried out today, then it means that everything is done and planned by God, and everything has been spent. This is the will of God, and it is irreversible.

Li Yiliang stood beside Master Xiang Han. Because he knew that Night Terror Hall would definitely come, his eyes searched for all kinds of people around Tianjie. After a long silence, he said:

"I'm coming back from this trip. Actually, sir, I don't approve of it. The general trend is irreversible. The North and the South will probably be reunited soon and the world will return to peace. This is what you want to see. My coming here has added a variable to the general trend. If This battle was a success. If the war between the North and the South lasted for at least thirty years, I am afraid that an entire generation would die.

"But I'm still back. Not everyone in the world is as righteous and selfless as Mr.. If the current situation were to change to our dynasty's advantage and the Southern Dynasty be in danger, I don't think Ye Jingtang would give up the Dongfang clan for the sake of righteousness. Please calmly surrender and surrender."

Master Xiang Han knew what Li Yiliang meant. He was not talking about Fengguan City and Night Terror Hall, but about him.

He keeps saying "peace", but now that the way to peace is in front of him, he sticks to the opposite side. To put it bluntly, he is still selfish. He is not protecting the people of the world, but the Daliang family.

After Master Xiang Han was silent for a moment, he responded:

"Not everyone in the world is a saint, and I am the same. I walked with difficulty for a while, but in my heart I still pretended to be the revenge of killing my master and the kindness of raising me."

"Ha ha……"

Li Yiliang sighed softly and looked up at Tian Zhinan:

"I didn't understand before that why you had to be imprisoned in Yangshan for sixty years. Now I understand that when you stood at the top of Yun'an City, facing the overwhelming rebel army, your mood may be similar to ours now - you know in your heart what righteousness is. But it is not easy to truly let go of old grudges and go with the flow and stand on the side of righteousness.

"Sir, what you have received is just a drop of insignificant kindness, and you will feel guilty for it for the rest of your life. What we are facing is the invasion of an enemy country, and what we have received is the gift of childbirth. How can we let go? If this battle fails, we will die."

As they chatted softly to each other, time passed by a little bit, and the autumn wind in the city seemed to be a little more desolate.

Behind the two people were two iron cages, containing Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying.

Hua Junchen's hands were tied with heavy shackles, and he was sitting with his back against the railing. His eyes did not show timidity and fear of rushing to the execution ground, but only anxiety from the bottom of his heart. He stared straight at the end of Tianjie, not expecting the night terror to come, but I was worried that this life-threatening boy would really come.

Although Hua Junchen is not very capable, he is not unable to see the situation clearly. The imperial court has been forced to have no way out and can only fight to the death. He and Xu Tianying are the bait, and this capital is the dragon-slaying formation carefully built by Beiliang.

The Night Terror Hall is powerful, but how can one person defeat a country alone? As long as he comes here today, he will die together with his father-in-law.

As long as Ye Jingtang is alive, no one in this world will dare to touch the Hua family, and his daughter will be happy for the rest of her life, and will not live a miserable life for a long time. With Ye Jingtang's ability, there are ten thousand ways to avenge him.

And if he comes today and dies outside the imperial city, everything he has done in the past will become a basket of water. The Hua family will definitely be liquidated afterwards, and his daughter will have to remain a widow for the rest of her life. This is what he should do Dad would rather die than see this situation.

The atmosphere up and down the street was almost dead. Most people were focused on the Night Demon that might appear at any time, but some were also concerned about the cage in front of the city gate tower.

On the side of Tianjie, Li Guangxian, the instructor of the Forbidden Army, and Lu Xingjun, the son-in-law of a wealthy family in Yanjing, were quietly watching at the street entrance, their brows full of sadness.

Li Guangxian and Lu Xingjun are both close friends of Hua Junchen, and their martial arts skills are not bad. If their brothers are in trouble in the arena, they will go to rescue them without saying a word.

But now Hua Junchen is involved in liaison with the enemy and is caught and executed by the court. Li Guangxian and Lu Xingjun both have their own families. They dare to run to rob the court. With their strength, they can't do it. At this moment, they can only do it. in a hurry:

"Confused, really confused. How could an unlearned and unskilled person like Junchen dare to do the stupid thing of betting on both ends of the country during a time of national crisis? He thought he was Master Hua, and that he could stay behind the scenes and have all the plans?"

"Oh, Junchen actually made the right move. At this point, even if he dies today, he can still keep the Hua family's wealth for another three hundred years. I'm afraid that Ye Jingtang really comes. If Ye Jingtang dies in In Yanjing, the situation is completely chaotic. The imperial court is afraid that the major families will betray themselves, so it is difficult to touch the Hua family now, but as long as the situation stabilizes, it will definitely settle accounts with the Hua family in the future..."

"It's right to call yourself a chess player until you kill yourself..."

In the restaurant on the other side, Dragon King and Deacon Lao Liu of the Qinglong Club, as well as Twelfth Floor and Liang Shangyan who were released from the Southern Dynasties, were all gathered in the window.

The Dragon King's real name is Jiang Yuanju. As the head of the Qinglong Club, he has always been very dignified in the past years, but at this moment he still showed a bit of anxiety:

"I told him that he shouldn't come. As long as he doesn't save Cao Aning, he won't be able to end up in a situation where the enemy and the enemy are clearly aware of each other. Now the imperial court backhands the general and doesn't give him any time to plan. But what should we do?"

Old Liu knew that the entire Qinglong Society had placed its treasure on Ye Jingtang. If Ye Jingtang collapsed, the Qinglong Society would be liquidated by the Beiliang court and even the world. At this moment, he was full of sorrow and responded:

"Night Terror Hall is not a reckless person. If he finds that there is no chance of death, he will definitely not show up and die in vain."

Twelfth Floor and Liang Shangyan were pardoned and released by Ye Jingtang, so they naturally had to remember their favor. The twelfth floor thought for a moment and commented:

"We are of no use in robbing the law field from the hands of the imperial master. The only thing we can do now is to attack in the east and in the west to divert the attention of King Ye Dayan. If he really comes later, I will enter the palace and assassinate Emperor Liang. I don’t believe that Master Xiang Han can even disregard the emperor’s life.”

Old Liu shook his head at this. After all, he had analyzed the situation with the leader many times. In the current situation in Beiliang, the death of the emperor was not as important as the death of the Night Terror.

Emperor Liang was assassinated, and as long as Ye Jingtang died and the courtiers supported the crown prince to ascend the throne, Northern Liang would continue to function as usual and no major chaos would occur.

And if Ye Jingtang had not been killed, the alliance between Xihai and Southern Dynasty would have been unbreakable. If Beiliang had not been defended, what would the use of Emperor Liang be if he had defended it?

And they can all think of this way to break the situation, how could Emperor Liang and Ye Jingtang not think of it?

"Compared with the Tribulation Field, it is much simpler to directly and secretly hold Emperor Liang as a hostage in exchange for Hua Junchen's life. If Emperor Liang could be exploited, he would not be worthy of being the emperor for so many years. He must be hiding in the In the secret room, if Ye Jingtang dares to arrest him, he will still be surrounded by Master Xiang Han..."

"Is it okay to capture the prince?"

"It concerns Liang Guozuo. The Night Jingtang stewed the prince in public, and Emperor Liang would not even frown..."


And just as Old Liu said, at the same moment, somewhere in a dark room in the imperial city.

The room was extremely claustrophobic, surrounded by thick stone walls. Emperor Liang sat on the chess couch, turning a chess piece between his fingers, quietly waiting for news from outside.

The gray-haired Zhong Sunjin stood at the entrance with his hands in his sleeves, eyes closed and listening carefully to what was going on outside.

Seeing that the time was approaching noon and it was still calm outside, Emperor Liang gradually frowned:

"Only by encircling three and missing one can we induce the enemy to flee and annihilate them. Now that we have laid out a dragnet and left no chance of survival, the Night Terror Hall may be scared away and dare not come to the scene."

Zhongsun Jin had dealt with Ye Jingtang and shook his head slightly:

"If the Night Terror Hall were normally a person in power, he would never come today. However, although he has a high and powerful position, he is a pure charlatan and believes in 'chivalry.' If his loved ones are in trouble and he is not afraid of death, he is not worthy of living again in this life. Lift the knife. Even if he can't save him, he will at least show his face and try."

"Ye Jing Tang sneaked into the death row yesterday and was not discovered in advance. Mr. Zhongsun is sure that today, the whereabouts of Ye Jing Tang will be discovered in advance?"

"There are many traps around Tianjie and even inside the Imperial City. Even if the Night Terror Hall can be completely dismantled, it will take a day to reach Ding'anmen, unless he is like the last time in Bishui Forest..."

While the monarch and his ministers were discussing, Zhongsun Jin suddenly stopped talking and turned his head to look outside.

Emperor Liang frowned and was about to ask when he heard the sound of drums outside the stone wall:

dong dong dong-

The sound of drums was like muffled thunder, spreading throughout all the streets and alleys of the capital, and also reaching the hearts of thousands of people talking about it.

On top of the city, Master Xiang Han stopped talking, put his hand on the hilt of his sword, and looked up at the end of Xiangtian Street.

Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying who were locked up, Li Guangxian and the Qinglonghui people who were hiding on both sides of Tianjie, and even the countless three sects and nine schools who were watching in secret, all turned their eyes towards the straight sky after hearing the drum sound coming from the direction of Zhengyang Gate. The other end of the street.

The sudden change caused the capital to almost impose a curfew on its own, and no one was walking around on the streets.

Although it is extremely far away, people with excellent eyesight can still see a faint black spot outside Zhengyang Gate at the end of Tianjie, facing the autumn wind and coming from the bleak sky.

The figure is dressed in black, wearing a bamboo hat on his head, and an old sword hanging on his waist. His robes rustle in the autumn wind. From a distance, he looks like an ordinary ranger traveling from afar on the rivers and lakes.

But the aura exuding from the body is like a wild beast coming up from the Jiuyou Underworld. Every step closer seems to step on everyone's heart, making people's breathing freeze. Although the sound is extremely far away, but Looking at his movements, I can still feel the heavy footsteps in my heart:

Step, step, step...


"Just one person?"

"Just one person."


All the three sects and nine schools on both sides of Tianjie did not see the face of the visitor clearly, but they all knew who was coming. Although they were expected, they still did not expect that the other party would walk into this building from outside the city step by step like this alone. Dragon-slaying formation.

Master Xiang Han stood facing the wind, and did not immediately run outside the city to intercept him. Instead, he stood in front of the iron cage with his sword hilt in hand, looking calmly at the figure approaching from far away.

But the black shadow at the end of the field of vision, facing the majestic and majestic city at war, seemed to have entered a deserted land, and even its gas state did not change much.

Step, step, step...

The countless soldiers who guarded the city gate looked at the black-robed swordsman who was about to enter the city gate. Although they were alone, they felt as if they were facing an army of thousands of troops.

According to their duties, they should have stopped him for questioning, but when they heard the footsteps knocking at the door of their hearts, they still obeyed their instincts and stepped away in unison, leaving the straight road leading to the imperial city.


The autumn wind inside and outside Yanjing was bleak, and the entire city seemed to be dead silent, leaving only the sound of unhurried footsteps.

The figure quickly came to the Sky Street and did not stop. He just raised his eyes to the end of the Sky Street and looked at the two iron cages below the city gate.

"Night Terror Hall! What are you doing here? Leave quickly!"

At this time, Hua Junchen did not care about covering up. He stood up from the cage and shouted angrily against the fence, trying to prevent Ye Jingtang from coming to die.

Although Xu Tianying hoped that the King of Hell would come to save him, he also knew that this place was an Immortal Killing Formation, and anyone who entered would die, so he shouted loudly:

"Don't come here. There's an ambush here. You'll definitely die if you come..."

Master Xiang Han, who was standing behind the battlements, did not stop despite the shouts and warnings from behind.

And the black shadow from far to near did not stop there.

Step, step, step...

Under the gaze of thousands of people, as the black-robed swordsman walked through Tianjie, the city gate behind was slowly closed with a combined force.

In the streets and alleys on both sides of Tianjie, there was also the sound of dense footsteps.

stomping on...

Nearly ten thousand Imperial Guards wearing Mingguang armor poured out from the streets and alleys, holding powerful crossbows and large shields, blocking the rear of Tianjie. There were also dense soldiers on both sides, with their shields and spears tied up, surrounding the entire Tianjie. It became a rectangular cage and followed the footsteps of the black-robed swordsman as it advanced towards the former imperial city.

stomping on...

The footsteps advanced in unison, and the cold light displayed by countless armored weapons exuded a murderous aura that towered over the heads of everyone in the city.

Li Guangxian, Lu Xingjun, and even everyone in the Qinglong Society felt chills all over their bodies when they saw this scene.

After all, these forbidden troops are all loyal soldiers of Emperor Liang. They may not pose a threat to Ye Jingtang, but they are definitely not afraid of death. It would take a long time for Ye Jingtang to kill a row with one sword. Under the suppression of Master Xiang Han, even if it is hard, The consumption can exhaust the Night Terror Hall to the point of exhaustion.


As the journey passed halfway, there was action again in front of the imperial city.

The frightened Sanjiaojiuliu turned around and saw several giant shield carts with the same height as the city wall, pushed out from the left and right of Ding'an Gate, covering the execution platform, and then pushed along both sides of Tianjie, quickly covering the area outside the imperial city. The streets inside were all surrounded by a huge square urn, leaving only a gap waiting for the black-robed swordsman to walk in.

Eight thousand elite Imperial Guards, armed to the teeth with cold light armor and holding large guns, were waiting behind the shield vehicles. From the sky, they looked like dense ant nests.

With such a terrifying formation, and many top warriors including Master Xiang Han pressing the formation at the top of the city, even if a demonic dragon really came to the world, it would probably be surrounded and killed.

But the swordsman in black robe was alone, as if he was strolling in a court, defiant, and under the frightened gaze of countless forbidden troops, he walked slowly into the huge urn city built by the shield chariot.


The gap in the rear immediately closed, and the street for a mile was completely transformed into a dead place where no life was allowed. The sound of densely packed crossbows being cocked was heard from behind the shield wall:


Then countless arrows with a dark green color poked out from the arrow holes and pointed at the figure in black surrounded by them.


As the shield cart closed, the sound of breaking wind could be heard from everywhere in the city. Countless people in the world who wanted to see the situation ran out and jumped to the highest point of the building, regardless of being dealt with by the court, and looked into the empty urn city.

It was discovered that the arrows on the strong bows and crossbows had the wrong color, and some people even yelled:

"The imperial court, surrounded by thousands of troops and horses, uses poison. How shameless are you..."

The densely packed Forbidden Army around them obviously had no intention of taking care of the little loaches outside. They just stood neatly behind the shield car, holding their crossbows tightly as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

Step, step, step...

Ye Jingtang walked to the center of the urn city, then stopped, slightly raised his bamboo hat, glanced at the surrounding urn city built with black shield vehicles, and spoke in a clear voice:

"This urn looks nice, but it seems a bit short."


Master Xiang Han and Li Yiliang flew down from the city gate tower and landed in front of the shield wall.

Although the surrounding area was surrounded by a dragnet that was sure to kill him, Li Yiliang still had a serious look on his eyebrows when he saw that Ye Jingtang dared to go to the meeting alone. After all, Ye Jingtang didn't look like a reckless man who would die in vain.

Master Xiang Han stood directly opposite the Night Terror Hall with the Taiping Sword in his hand. There was not much joy or anger in his eyes, and he just responded:

"Master Ye is really courageous. The Beiliang family is very poor, and they can only make up this big jar at the moment, but catching Master Ye should be enough."


The black robe on Ye Jingtang's body moved with the wind. He first glanced at the two people in front of him, then raised his eyes to look at the majestic imperial city behind the shield wall:

"Beiliang has put on this posture and is at the end of the road to fight to the death. If it succeeds, everything will remain the same. If it fails, the country will be destroyed and people will be destroyed.

"Before I take action, I will give you a chance. You release Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying and let them leave. When we break into Hudong Road, I can accept your begging for surrender.

"If you don't listen to the advice, you will know how difficult it is to pay off the old and new grudges when the army comes to the city. You should have heard of my style of conduct, but I will not give you three feet of white silk to give you the dignity of the king of this country."

The voice was clear and loud, and could be heard throughout the capital. Everyone knew who he was talking to.

Deep in the imperial city, Emperor Liang was sitting in a dark room. He obviously frowned when he heard these words, but as a king of a country, how could he be frightened by a few words and ignored them.

On top of the city, Hua Junchen saw Ye Jingtang and was about to let him leave first. He was angry and anxious in the cage:

"Are you stupid? Find a way to break out of the encirclement. My life is worthless. If you die, the whole world will be in chaos..."

Although he shouted this, when Hua Junchen saw the formation below, he knew that it was impossible to escape the Night Terror Hall, and his eyes were full of pain and sorrow.

Master Xiang Han waited for Ye Jingtang to finish speaking before calmly responding:

"If you survive today, Hua Junchen will survive. If you don't survive, he will not escape death even if he runs to the ends of the earth. Now it is impossible to escape. How many abilities you have, just use them. Why bother to say these tricks?" language?"

Ye Jingtang waited for a while, and seeing that Emperor Liang never showed up, he stopped talking and turned his attention to the two people in front:

"Since I dare to come, I naturally have the confidence. When I say this, I just want Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying to leave first so that they can have more fun. The opportunity has been given to you. If you don't believe it, come on."

After finishing his words, Ye Jingtang raised his hands and calmly faced the thousands of troops around him.

There was silence in front of Ding'an Gate where tens of thousands of people gathered, leaving only the imperial flag flying in the rustling autumn wind, making a soft sound of 'Puff~'.

Master Xiang Han couldn't see any timidity or nervousness in Ye Jingtang, and his heart was naturally full of solemnity. However, the situation had reached this point. If he could kill Ye Jingtang, the dead end would be solved. If he couldn't kill him, then everything would stop. What to do now Any concession is meaningless.

For this reason, after looking at Ye Jingtang for a moment, Master Xiang Han raised his left hand and said in a deep voice:



As soon as he finished speaking, thousands of feather arrows poured out from the surrounding shield wall, forming a black ring in mid-air and shooting toward the tiny figures between the shield walls.


Master Xiang Han's body suddenly rose up at the same time, and the Taiping Sword suddenly came out of its sheath, pressing it before the rain of arrows in the sky, forcing it towards the Night Terror Hall in front.

Li Yiliang unsheathed his sword and followed closely to attack the flank of Night Terror Hall.

Hua Junchen, Xu Tianying in the iron cage, and even the people on the twelfth floor of the tall building in the distance all felt their hearts sinking when they saw this scene, but in the next moment, shock appeared in their eyes again!


I saw that Ye Jingtang, who was surrounded by thousands of troops and horses, faced the overwhelming rain of arrows and the surprise attack of two peak powerhouses. Instead of retreating, they actually came in behind and stepped out with both feet.


Amidst the explosion, the floor tiles under the Night Terror Hall were instantly shattered. A bright cold light came out from his left hand, and his body was like a thunderous thunder, approaching Li Yiliang on the left wing, while his right hand was raised at the same time.

Master Xiang Han took the lead. Although he showed a sure-kill attitude, he knew who his current opponent was and his style of play was not rough or reckless.

Master Xiang Han had already reviewed the battle in Shuofeng City. When he saw Ye Jingtang's actions, he stabilized his energy and blood, jumped up, and stabbed Ye Jingtang's forehead with a sword in the air!


But what Master Xiang Han didn't expect was that even though it had only been more than half a month, the Night Terror Hall was already different from what it used to be.

Before Master Xiang Han reached three feet in front of him, he noticed that the airflow around him was instantly turbulent, and arrows flying all over the sky turned around and shot towards his side!


Because there were so many arrows, and they were shooting in one direction at the same time, from a distance, it looked like an ink dragon suddenly gathered between the shield walls!


When Master Xiang Han saw this, he swung his sword in the air and shattered the countless arrows that were fired. Debris flew across the sky street in an instant, but there were too many arrows. The arrow was knocked back hard and pushed to the edge of the shield wall in an instant.

And at the same time.

Ye Jingtang knocked back Master Xiang Han without stopping for a moment. He held the Chilong Saber upside down in his left hand and drew a straight silver path on Tianjie, instantly hitting Li Yiliang's side.


Li Yiliang has been practicing hard in Guancheng for nearly fifty years. Although his natural talent and skills are weaker than Master Xiang Han, his training is unrivaled in the world and is not as ordinary as ordinary people imagine.

Realizing that Ye Jingtang had used him as a breakthrough point, Li Yiliang showed no fear in his eyes. He just held the sword in his right hand to counterattack, and at the same time made a secret gesture with his left hand.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang immediately stepped on his feet and pushed his knife forward to slash, not giving the opponent any chance to interfere with his position.

But what he didn't expect was that Li Yiliang's posture was not to interfere with him, but to interfere with himself!

Boom boom boom——

Ye Jingtang slashed out with his sword, only to find that the ground beneath Li Yiliang's feet was shaking violently as he rushed towards him, and his body moved strangely laterally, turning into a zigzag. It was impossible to judge his position from his movements.


Ye Jingtang's sword was as fast as thunder, and he slashed through the air from Li Yiliang's side. He reacted very quickly, and immediately thrust the knife horizontally, piercing the opponent's throat, and at the same time turned the bricks under the opponent's feet.

But Li Yiliang was beaten by Fengguancheng since he was a child. Not to mention his skill and understanding, he has definitely been honed to perfection in technique. He can know the next best solution for Ye Jingtang without using his brain.

Although his body was moved by the street bricks, the three-foot green sword in Li Yiliang's hand did not deflect even a little. He followed the sword and pointed directly at Ye Jingtang's armpit.


When Ye Jingtang's knife was halfway out, he found that the angle was stuck. He stabbed it and exchanged injuries for injuries. In the situation of one against two, he immediately drew the knife and flew back, pulling away a position.

At the same time, Master Xiang Han, who had been knocked out, stepped on the shield wall and turned back again, stabbing straight into the air with the Taiping Sword in his hand. boom--

Ye Jingtang has always been on guard against Master Xiang Han, but the depth of Master Xiang Han's skills is still beyond ordinary people's expectations.

I saw Master Xiang Han make a move with his sword, and the energy in front of the Taiping Sword vibrated, and instantly turned into an invisible dragon python, instantly tearing a groove several feet deep on the street, reaching towards the back of Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang reacted very quickly. He and Li Yiliang opened their positions, then spun in the air and struck out with his sword, slashing the Huashan Mountain with force.


Two terrifying energies that destroyed mountains and seas collided in the air, and dust and mist rose up in front of the imperial city.

The movement was so loud that it was difficult for the miscellaneous fish masters on the city wall to stand still, while the soldiers on the shield wall were thrown away and screamed in agony.

Boom boom——

Ye Jingtang's swords were connected in a series of attacks, without giving the opponent any chance. After the first strike, his figure had already sidestepped through the dust and mist in the sky. The next moment, he was at Master Xiang Han's side, and he struck straight at the waist and abdomen with a cunning sword.

Master Xiang Han's skills are as deep as the sea, but his physical explosive power is not more powerful than that of Ye Jingtang, and there is not much difference in speed between the two.

Seeing Ye Jingtang attack with all his strength, Master Xiang Han felt like flying leaves without roots, following the direction of the sword, and the Taiping Sword in his hand connected.

Ding Ding Ding ~

A series of crisp sounds of gold and iron clashing suddenly erupted outside the imperial city.

Ye Jingtang fired three swords in a row. Although they were all accurately intercepted by Master Xiang Han without causing any damage, they still relied on incredible explosive power to push Master Xiang Han to the edge of the shield wall.

If the two sides kept fighting at this level, even if they were one against two, Ye Jingtang would be able to use the terrifying explosive speed to swerve left and right until they caught one of them to break through.

When Hua Junchen, Twelfth Floor and others saw that Ye Jingtang was evenly matched against two enemies, their eyes even showed ecstasy, feeling that today's situation might not be unsolvable.

But soon, a pot of iceberg that was cold to the bone was poured directly on everyone's heads, making Hua Junchen and others feel deeply chilled!

There is a level gap between Li Yiliang and Xiang Hanshi and Ye Jingtang. If they just compete with Ye Jingtang, Ye Jingtang will always have the first mover advantage, and it will be difficult to completely surround them two against one.

But now the three of them are not competing in martial arts, but Xiang Hanshi and Li Yiliang are gambling on the fate of the country and fighting to the death against Ye Jingtang!

ding ding ding...

The sky street was covered by the light of swords and shadows, and everyone's minds were affected by the two figures rushing back and forth in the urn city, and even their breathing was stagnant.

But just when Ye Jingtang and Master Xiang Han were fighting each other in danger, a cross wind blew inexplicably on the sky street, and billowing clouds gathered in the sky, covering the sky in the blink of an eye, and then there were thin and dense raindrops, It fell from the sky and drifted towards the Wengcheng with the wind.



The horrified soldiers around Tianjie, and even Hua Junchen and others, did not notice the subtle differences between heaven and earth.

But with the realm of Ye Jingtang, he could really feel that there were boundless flying catkins coming from all directions and converging into the Wengcheng, and even the breath in his body was being affected uncontrollably.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the mysterious swordsman who had distanced himself was not attacking, but standing under the shield wall. He held the sword in front of him, pressed the sword with his hand, and his whole body moved greatly, and his whole body became a After reaching the giant tree in the sky on the Immortal Island, everything in the surrounding world is moving closer to it. A vast power gradually spreads, soars into the sky, and also presses on the hearts of thousands of people around it!

Almost the next moment, thousands of soldiers around them noticed Li Yiliang's change. They all turned their heads in horror and saw the wind and thunder stirring the sky. They instantly felt that Master Xiang Han and Ye Jingtang, who were fighting next to them, had turned into small figures. Children play house.

"This is……"

"what happened?"


Ye Jingtang has already had his first glimpse of the secret. Just by looking at this posture that is comparable to that of an immortal Buddha, he knows that the other party is forcibly entering the realm of 'nine-nine returns to one'.

Nine-Nine Returning to One is "Refining the Void and Combining the Dao". To put it simply, it means transcending the mortal world and becoming an immortal, becoming one with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Once you enter the path of refining the void, everything around you becomes the hands and feet extended from the body. The stronger the skill, the stronger the control. Unless the opponent is also the same, even if he has thousands of magic skills, he will still be locked when he encounters him. With death all over his body, he can only use his mortal body to fight against the gods.

At this time, Li Yiliang forcibly entered the realm of refining the void and combining the Tao. Although the veins on his face were bulging and he looked extremely painful, it was obvious that he still relied on his mortal body to hold up the world.

Ye Jingtang felt the oppressive force of a god and demon coming into the world, and his heart immediately sank a little. He forced himself away from Master Xiang Han. He held the knife in both hands and reached the extreme speed, slashing Li Yiliang's chest and abdomen with one knife.

But it's a pity that once you step into the 'Nine-nine Returns to One', as long as your body can hold up, even if your flaws can only last for a moment, it will make a difference compared to other people!

Seeing Ye Jingtang's full force attack, Li Yiliang's eyes were blood red and his face was bulging with veins, but his eyes were extremely sharp. With his big sleeves fluttering, he pressed down with his left hand and let out a thunderous roar:



Above the sky, a thunderbolt sounded!

The crowd of soldiers and soldiers for several miles around felt the earth shake suddenly.

The fine raindrops that were originally free-falling suddenly accelerated and turned into a hail of thousands of arrows, shooting toward the ground and making the armor and shield walls crackle.

Ye Jingtang, who was stabbing with knives in both hands, felt as if a mountain suddenly hit his shoulders. His whole body was immediately pressed to the street, and the bricks he was holding on with his hands shattered in an instant.


The swirling dust mist and arrows in the urn city were all pressed to the ground in an instant, so that several feet around Ye Jingtang turned into a spotless vacuum zone. The next moment, it was enveloped by the raindrops pouring down at an accelerating speed, making it almost impossible to see the figure of Ye Jingtang. .

Ye Jingtang's feet dug into the ground, and the muscles all over his body were bulging, but it was difficult to straighten his back. The qi and blood in his body were disordered and he could hardly hold it down. His limbs were trembling visible to the naked eye, as if they were ants stepped on by a void god.

Master Xiang Han saw a look of horror in his eyes when he saw this kind of power, but his movements were not slow.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was like a shoulder against a mountain, unable to straighten his back, Master Xiang Han immediately exploded at full speed, piercing the dense rain curtain with a sword and stabbing Ye Jingtang straight into the back.


Ye Jingtang held the knife in his left hand. Seeing this, he stepped hard and tried to move to the side.

But unfortunately, Li Yiliang, who was already bleeding from the corners of his eyes, did not give Ye Jingtang a chance. He just moved his left hand slightly, and the street bricks at the feet of Ye Jingtang were turned into powder.


Ye Jingtang exerted his strength with both feet, but his calves sank directly into the ground for two feet, as if he were stepping on quicksand. He didn't exert any effort at all, and it was naturally difficult for his body to move.

Seeing a sword hitting the back of his head, Ye Jingtang immediately drew his sword and slashed back, trying to deflect the sword's edge.

But when he pulled hard with his left hand, he found that the Chilong Sword that had been with him for many years seemed to be held by an empty god and Buddha, firmly nailed in the air without moving at all!

Ye Jingtang's reaction was astonishing. Even though his body and weapons were completely restricted, he still released his hand in an instant and grabbed the Taiping Sword thrust from behind with his bare hands. Before Master Xiang Han's energy could explode, he shook his left hand fiercely.


The 'Taiping Sword', known as the most famous sword in the Northern Dynasties, instantly shattered the skin and flesh of Ye Jingtang's palm. However, under the violent shock, the sword's body was broken inch by inch and turned into metal shards.

But at the same time, when he took out the Chilong Sword, he turned the blade in mid-air and stabbed Ye Jingtang directly in the chest and abdomen!


The Chilong knife could not penetrate more than an inch, and was caught by Ye Jingtang with both hands.

Although the Chilong Saber was forcibly stopped, the force on the sword was like a surging river.

Ye Jingtang's arms locked the Chilong Saber forcibly, but his feet felt like stepping on quicksand, unable to do so at all, and his whole body was pushed back and slid quickly.


Two long grooves more than a foot deep suddenly appeared on the street that had long since been reduced to dust.

Master Xiang Han had already let go of the hilt of the Taiping Sword when it broke. Seeing Ye Jingtang being pushed towards him, without any hesitation, he made a fist with his right hand and used all his energy to the extreme, punching Ye Jingtang directly on his back.

Originally, Master Xiang Han thought that even if Ye Jingtang had difficulty moving, he would shatter the Chilong Saber, leaving his hands free to try to parry behind him.

But what he didn't expect was that the Chilong Sword was as brittle as a wooden sword in Ye Jingtang's hands, but he refused to break it until he punched his vest.


The rain curtain pouring from the sky, under the earth-shattering punch, was instantly shaken out of a semicircular cavity, and a layer of gravel on the ground was lifted away!

The violent energy instantly shattered half of Ye Jingtang's robes, and even the hair crown exploded. The black hair on his head was stretched straight in the air, and the energy passed through his body. Even if there was a person separated, it still shocked Li Yiliang in front of him. His robe clung to his body, and even the shield wall behind him was half a foot away.

Such a terrifying punch made everyone present feel horrified. Not surprisingly, even a peak martial saint would be severely injured on the spot if hit in the middle of his vest.

And the fact was not what everyone expected. A punch hole appeared directly on Ye Jingtang's muscular back, and blood gushed out from his mouth and nose. His body slipped and was pushed forward half an inch by the force of the blow, while the Chilong Saber Then the meat was eaten three-thirds.

Li Yiliang was bleeding from all his orifices, and his face was almost ferocious, but he still pressed Ye Jingtang tightly, turning Ye Jingtang into a sandbag that was difficult to move.

Master Xiang Han punched out, and found that Ye Jingtang's body was incredibly strong and did not fall down, so he tried his best and punched Ye Jingtang three times in a row on the back.

Puff puff——

The three punches were like battering rams, punching three dents in the muscular back. Even the shield car on the edge of Tianjie was repelled by the force and crashed into the houses on the street. You can imagine the terrifying force. .

Ye Jingtang's cheeks were bruised and he was coughing up blood from the corner of his mouth. Although he seemed to be able to stand still, he could resist Master Xiang Han's all-out bombardment with his back. No matter how strong his body was, how many times could he withstand it?

"Night Terror Hall!"

Hua Junchen was locked in an iron cage. When he saw this scene, he was like a madman. He tore the shackles with all his strength and tried to rescue him.

But when he was locked in, his energy had been locked, and he could not break free from the thick shackles. At this time, he could only watch Ye Jingtang being beaten down with one punch.

On the outside of the shield wall, the people on the 12th floor were very anxious when they saw this, and they had already raised their swords and were preparing to go up to rescue the siege.

But the momentum is so earth-shattering, not to mention Li Yiliang who is already comparable to the immortal Buddha, even Master Xiang Han, I am afraid that the current punch can smash the four of them together. How can they get close?


The bombardment from fist to flesh continued to be heard, and the rain curtain that was blown away by Qi Jin directly turned into a sharp arrow, which made a crackling sound on the shield wall.

Hua Junchen, Twelfth Floor and others were heartbroken. Seeing the punches falling, their expressions gradually turned into despair.

Countless Beiliang warriors watching from a distance also had complex expressions in their eyes. After all, they did not expect that the King of Hell, who was at the height of the sun, would really be beaten to death here today.

Martial arts people all believe that "Martial Arts is No Second". If Master Xiang Han defeated the Great Night Demon in single combat, they, the people of Beiliang Jianghu, would be so excited that their eyes would burst into tears. However, currently it is two against one, and Master Xiang Han is still No matter how young the people in the Beiliang Jianghu were, they didn't think it was a glorious thing worth bragging about when they had enough strength to fight off the big demon of the night who couldn't fight back.

Currently, only the commanders of the surrounding Imperial Guards and the few remaining masters in Ouchi could not conceal their excitement upon seeing this, and even intervened and shouted:

"Head up!"

Master Xiang Han used both palms to strike continuously. It was not that he was stupid and didn't know how to start, but that Ye Jingtang's legs were unable to use his strength, but his head was obviously able to move. With Ye Jingtang's reaction, he was able to deflect the attack. The most correct one at the moment Decision is to bombard the vest until the bones and internal organs are shattered.

Boom, boom, boom——

In just a moment, more than a dozen punches landed on his back. Despite his golden scales and jade bones, Ye Jingtang's back was still bloody and bloody, and countless blood beads burst out from each punch.

Ye Jingtang's mouth and nose were bleeding profusely, and he looked like a candle in the wind. His internal organs could be shattered by a punch at any time and completely extinguished. However, his shaky body refused to fall down, and he even kept holding the Chilong knife with both hands.

And Li Yiliang forced Minglongtu to achieve the 'Nine-Nine Return to One', almost at the cost of burning his lifespan. However, in an instant, the skin and flesh on his face had dried up, and blood gushed out from his mouth and nose, staining his collar red. His left hand began to tremble slightly.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang had not been beaten to death for a long time, Li Yiliang roared with blood almost mixed with foam:


Master Xiang Han has already bombarded Ye Jingtang with all his strength, but Ye Jingtang's physical strength is indeed beyond ordinary people's imagination. After more than ten punches were hit, even if the skin and flesh on the back were smashed, the spine was not broken, and the body was like a pine tree. , shaking violently but not falling down.

Master Xiang Han knew that Li Yiliang couldn't hold on for long, and his eyes, which had been dull all his life, showed a bit of bravery at this time. The blue veins on his forehead suddenly popped up, pushing his energy to the extreme, so that the clothes on his right arm were instantly shaken. Broken, a punch hit Ye Jingtang's spine again:



The vast energy exploded, instantly clearing the rain curtain in front of them. Even the three shield trucks on the street were overturned, and the roofs of the houses were directly smashed.

But this time, there was no more touching sensation from the fist to the flesh!

Master Xiang Han punched out, but was shocked to find that the wind, rain around him, and even the sand and gravel under his feet were all moving backward at the same time, forcefully carrying him several feet away.

The heavy punch he took also exploded in the air, breaking away from the boundless wind and rain, and rolled up Ye Jingtang's flying black hair.

Ye Jingtang held the Chilong knife in both hands and stood in the wind and rain. His back was bloody and his mouth and nose were full of blood, but his unyielding and brave eyes turned cold, just like the Nine Netherworld Yama, looking ahead. Li Yiliang, who was already shaking all over and bleeding profusely from his mouth and nose, spoke hoarsely:

"Do you know why I didn't fight back?"

As soon as the voice came out, the whole city immediately fell into dead silence. All the emotions in everyone's heart disappeared, and they just looked at the scarred Night Terror Hall with eyes full of surprise.

Li Yiliang's body was almost torn apart by the vast power of heaven. Seeing that Ye Jingtang had not fallen down yet and even started to fight back, his eyes revealed a bit of despair:


"Because the two are one, I can't beat them."

Ye Jingtang looked at Li Yiliang, who was about to run out of gas, and slowly raised his body as if he was trying to hold up a mountain:

"Since you are risking your life and risking your life, you should have the courage to do it no matter the cost. Now that you have come to this point, you still want to 'abandon the chariot to save the commander', save Master Xiang Han's life, and only let you, a pawn, trade with me. . With your flawless Nine-Nine Guiyi, can you exchange for my Night Terror?"

After saying that, Ye Jingtang turned to look at Master Xiang Han who was pushed to the edge of the shield wall:

"Or do you think that you can shake the gods and Buddhas in the sky with just your fists and feet?"


Li Yiliang coughed up a mouthful of blood and wanted to grit his teeth and continue to suppress Ye Jingtang, but his whole body was like a sack full of holes. He couldn't muster the slightest strength and fell to his knees directly on the ground.


When Master Xiang Han saw Ye Jingtang standing up, his muscles bulging all over his body, and the scars on his back recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, he already thought something was wrong. He immediately jumped onto the shield chariot, holding the moon in his hands, and his robe was bulging, and his momentum was visible to the naked eye. Climb quickly.


Ye Jingtang turned around, standing like a pine tree in the rainstorm, looking at Master Xiang Han, whose robes were fluttering, with cold eyes like a death sentence:

"The two 'Nine-nine Returns to One', working together, can really kill me, so I have to give you the illusion that you can beat me to death without having to fight hard.

"Now that he has run out of gas, you are the only one left. You can deduce the Singing Dragon Picture on your own. Even if all nine pictures are correct, they still don't fit your body. A six-foot-tall man wears the armor of an eight-foot strong man. You How much strength do you think you can exert?"

As he spoke, Ye Jingtang's upper body was naked and he spread his hands in the rain.


The city, which was already shrouded in rain, gradually picked up cross winds, picking up broken arrows of sand and gravel on the streets.

The rolling black clouds in the sky covered the sky in the blink of an eye, turning into black clouds that overwhelmed the city, almost directly overwhelming the city gate tower.

The soldiers and the crowd around Tianjie were filled with horror. They all raised their eyes to the sky, and the next moment they discovered:

Da Da Da~

The bricks and stones on the street, and even the green tiles of the houses on both sides, were shaking violently under the strong wind and rain.

Then, the feet of the night terror hall between the urns slowly left the ground, and the wind and rain from the sky were gathering around him. His whole person seemed to have transformed into a god and Buddha who came to the world, and a vast force of heavenly power pressed down in the air, directly It fell on everyone's head!


Hua Junchen, Twelfth Floor and others had horror in their eyes. They looked up at the Night Terror Hall that leapt above thousands of people, just like mortal ants looking up at the gods of the nine heavens. Even their thoughts stopped at this moment.

The tens of thousands of soldiers in the surrounding area also involuntarily retreated under the vast power of heaven, and even the surrounding shield walls were in chaos.


Thunder shakes the blue sky, wind moves and clouds gather.

Suddenly, twisted electric snakes emerged from the billowing black clouds, tearing apart the churning sea of ​​clouds, illuminating the majestic city that had just darkened, and also illuminating the figure that looked like a god.

Ye Jingtang's long hair was flying in the air, and the rain curtain turned into a whirlpool around him. He looked down at Master Xiang Han who was standing on the shield wall. Although the veins on his forehead were bulging and his black hair had lost its luster to the naked eye, his eyes were sharp and unparalleled. The sharp blade speaks calmly in the wind and rain:

"This is called 'Nine-nine Returns to One'. You, a mortal idiot who pries into the secrets of heaven without authorization, what can you do to fight me?"


Master Xiang Han stood on top of the shield wall, his robes bulging, and he was soaring into the sky like a dragon and python entrenched, which already made the soldiers around him terrified. However, compared with the Nine Heavens Yama in the sky, it was still like a trapped beast under the feet of a god. Rao Even though he roared and struggled with all his strength, he could still only look up and be incomparable.

But even so, Master Xiang Han still couldn't avoid his eyes, and just said in a cold voice:

"The trend of the times is destiny. It is a pity that I have not been able to visit Fengguan City in this life, but if I can fight with you, my journey in this world will be in vain. Drink!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Master Xiang Han let out a roar of thunder, and then stamped his feet.


The shield wall below was instantly torn apart, and Master Xiang Han soared into the sky, breaking through the wind and rain, and punched directly towards the Nine Heavens Gods and Buddhas.

At the same time, Ye Jingtang opened his arms and took a deep breath, causing his chest to swell and the wind and rain around him to move violently:

"Wake it up for me!"


The thunderous roar turned into August thunder, which resounded throughout the city in an instant.

Whispering rustling...

Tens of thousands of soldiers were watching in horror, but they were shocked to find that the weapon in their hands was pulled by invisible brute force, and it was instantly released from their hands, shooting towards the sky of rolling thunderclouds.

As for the thousands of warriors in the city including the twelfth floor, their swords and swords were also removed from their scabbards. From a distance, it looked like a dense rainstorm from bottom to top in Yanjing City.


The heavy rain, with a dark and cold light, all shot into the air and appeared behind the Night Terror Hall. The tips of the spears and swords were pointed at Master Xiang Han who was rising into the sky!

Such vast divine power fell in the eyes of Master Xiang Han, who had just leaped into the air. It was like a mortal facing a monstrous tsunami, and the bravery in his eyes turned into unattainable despair.

But Master Xiang Han didn't pause at all, and he still attacked the Night Terror Hall with his determination to die.

Everyone in the direction of the imperial city was terrified. Even Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying, who were locked in cages, woke up instantly. They looked at the thousands of weapons that almost covered the sky and were pointing this way, and they uttered several sounds:

"Eh eh eh?!..."

Ye Jingtang's long hair was fluttering in the wind and rain, and almost everything in his body was squeezed out in an instant. Even his hair was withered and yellow, but his eyes were like Yama's coming from the world, and he waved his hands forward fiercely:



The thunderclouds were moving violently. The people on the twelfth floor looked up and felt that the entire sky was pouring towards the imperial city.

Countless swords, spears, swords and halberds, wrapped in twisted thunder, gathered into a silver dragon amidst the loud shouts, until they crashed into Master Xiang Han who was rising into the air.

Master Xiang Han is so powerful that he can suppress thousands of warriors in the world with one person's power, but in front of the silver dragon coming from the sky, he is still as small as a grain of rice.


But there was no fear in Master Xiang Han's eyes, and his muscles were all taut, like a dragon slayer trying his best. He used his fists with both hands to bring out the overwhelming energy, and directly smashed into the thousands of weapons that hit him.

Boom boom boom——

There was a deafening roar in the sky, thousands of weapons shattered in the air, and countless silvery debris scattered in the air. Just under the light of lightning, the sky outside the imperial city became crystal clear.

But the silver dragon falling straight from the sky was not shaken in the slightest.

Thousands of weapons instantly engulfed Master Xiang Han until they hit the Sky Street, making an earth-shattering roar, and then moved forward against the ground, punching out a huge groove.


The shield wall that was originally erected in front of the city gate tower was like a piece of paper in front of thousands of sharp blades, and was instantly smashed into pieces.

The silver mad dragon enveloped Master Xiang Han, who had already been swallowed up, and crashed into the city wall behind it.


A big hole instantly appeared in the six-foot-high city wall. The mad dragon passed through and crushed the white stone square behind it.

It wasn't until it hit the Panlong Royal Road in the main hall of the imperial city that the torrent of thousands of weapons turned into stasis and scattered.

Ding Ding Dang Dang~


Above the sky, a muffled thunder sounded again.

The city was still stormy, but the earth-shattering turmoil in Yanjing City suddenly stopped amidst the sound of weapons falling to the ground like raindrops.

Countless unarmed soldiers stood there blankly, staring blankly at the imperial city filled with broken walls and ruins. The huge capital city was so silent that there was no sound of breathing.

Ye Jingtang made a move, and his long hair lost its color, and the scars on his back did not heal on their own. He fell straight from the sky and landed on the top of the city. He just cut open the iron cage with a knife, and then turned around to look To the countless soldiers and warriors below the city:

"I was able to kill all of you, but I didn't do it. It's true that the two countries have their own disputes, but I don't want to cause more killings.

"You can see the situation clearly. It's time to go home and be with your wife and children now. I will soon give you a peaceful and prosperous age where you don't have to lick blood with a knife.

"If you insist on dying for your country like Master Xiang Han, I respect the heroes and martyrs and will not advise you. Next time we meet, I will give you the same pleasure and dignity as I did to Master Xiang Han."

The clear voice spread throughout the city, and even fell into the ears of Emperor Liang deep in the imperial city.

Thousands of soldiers stood there blankly with their bare hands, even breathing cautiously. Even though they were die-hard loyalists of Emperor Liang, they still had no fighting spirit under such power.

After Ye Jingtang glanced at them, he grabbed Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying and sped away outside the imperial city.

When Xu Tianying and Hua Junchen saw this magical scene, they were dumbfounded. They were carried and flew over the shield wall before they came back to their senses.

Hua Junchen fought out alive when he saw the truth. He was so excited that he couldn't express his emotions. He wished he could send his nieces to the Ye family as dowries, but it was too far to think about this at this time.

Seeing the deathly silence in the city, Hua Junchen originally wanted to remind Ye Jingtang to give a few words. He could take the opportunity to order the Imperial Army to rebel and seize power. As long as Emperor Liang was captured and stationed in Yanjing, he would persuade the Manchu civil and military officials to surrender in the name of the head of the family. Beiliang It was over on the spot.

But Hua Junchen looked around and realized that although Ye Jingtang had a stern expression and seemed to be in full swing, his eyes were already a little erratic, and his escape speed was not very fast. It is estimated that ordinary young masters can catch up, and he was obviously trying to maintain his momentum.

? !

Hua Junchen was shocked when he saw this. At this time, Zhongsun Jin was frightened and did not dare to take the lead. There were countless imperial guards and Beiliang warriors around him. He and Xu Tianying had no fighting power. If the Beiliang people slowed down, even if they were He really deserves to die without a burial place.

For this reason, Hua Junchen did not dare to express his anger. He raised his hand to support Ye Jingtang and ran out pretending to be calm, for fear that someone would accidentally see his mistake.


In just a moment, the three figures ran to the end of the field of vision. Although there were countless soldiers and warriors along the way, they did not react at all. They just looked up and watched in the heavy rain until the three people completely disappeared at the top of the distant city...

(End of this chapter)

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