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Chapter 550: It’s still unclear who will win.

Chapter 550: It’s still unclear who will win.


Thunder resounded across the earth, and heavy rain swept over the mountains and fields with the force of the Milky Way.

On a mountain ridge more than ten miles away from Yanjing, Xue Baijin, dressed in white robes, held a pair of cold iron maces in his hands. Raindrops kept sliding down his chin. He raised his eyes and looked at the majestic city at the end of the field of vision. His eyes were full of shock. and surprise.

Black clouds cover the sky in the distance, and thunder can be seen tearing apart the sea of ​​clouds. The wind and rain in the sky almost appear like a whirlpool. Thousands of weapons show their cold light under the lightning, pointing at the imperial city in the capital of Beiliang.

In front of the endless edge, there was a figure with arms spread out and long hair flying in the air. Although he could only see a black dot from too far away, Xue Baijin could still tell who it was after sharing the same bed so many times. man.

Xue Baijin once tried her best to imagine what Wu Taizu was like back then, and she also guessed how noble Fengguancheng's all-out attack was. However, until this time, she realized that she was still limited by the poor imagination of ordinary people. Those previous guesses were just like guessing. Whether the emperor cultivates the land with a golden hoe is nothing compared to what he sees before his eyes.


The roar that destroyed the city and shook the mountains came from the city in the distance. The scene was like the Milky Way leaking to the north and the sky collapsing thousands of miles away.

A few miles behind Xue Baijin, Xuanji Zhenren and Qinghe Yunli, who were chasing after them in a hurry, also stopped on the spot, dumbfounded. The emotions in their eyes were hard to describe in words. Only Hua Qingzhi, who did not understand the situation, was filled with eyes. Frightened inquiry:

"What's wrong? Earth Dragon turned over?"

After Ye Jingtang left in the middle of the night, Xuanji Zhenren and others were waiting. After the news of Hua Junchen's noon inquiry came on the street, Xue Baijin couldn't sit still and insisted on coming over to prevent any unexpected events.

Although Master Xuanji was worried about the safety of Ye Jingtang, he did not want the pregnant Xue Baijin to make a big move, so he could only advise him to be calm and wait together in the mountains and fields on the outskirts of Beijing.

But just now there was a strange movement in the direction of Yanjing, Xue Baijin rushed over without any explanation, and they could only follow.

As a result, as soon as I ran here, I saw the scene of Night Terror Hall overwhelming the whole city.

At this time, Master Xuanji was holding Hua Qingzhi, his eyes filled with disbelief. Hearing the question about whether it was an 'earth dragon turning over', he sighed:


When Zhe Yunli saw such a shocking scene, he was naturally shocked beyond measure. He wanted to run over and take a closer look, but he was afraid of dragging down his cousin Jing, so he just stood there with the knife in hand and stood on tiptoes to look out.

Although Fan Qinghe was also shocked by his husband-in-law's mighty power, as an elder, he still did not act like a nymphomaniac at the moment. He quickly chased after Xue Baijin and grabbed her wrist:

"Don't go there, be careful with yourself."

Xue Baijin stood there blankly, seeing the power of heaven and man in the distance, even the arrogance of being invincible under the mountain was gone. Hearing this, he sighed helplessly:

"What use can I have in the past? Alas..."

This statement has the meaning of "it's a man's business, so what do women have to do with it".

Cao Aning's martial arts skills were not as good as Yunli's. He chased after him from behind a step later. Seeing the earth-shaking scene in Yanjing City, he was filled with surprise and doubt. However, before he had time to sigh, he saw three figures galloping out of Yanjing City. Coming in this direction.

"Master Ye and Mr. Hua are here!"


Hua Qingzhi still didn't understand what was going on, but when she saw three people rushing out of the capital, and there seemed to be traces of her father among them, she became nervous and hurriedly followed Master Xuanji to greet them.

stomping on...

Under the heavy rain, the three of them flew towards the south.

Although the realm of Ye Jingtang is high, his physical strength is still too weak compared to the realm of Jiujiu Guiyi. He just made one move, but it drained everything in an instant. The side effects were much greater than the time at sea. He has not yet left the city. I felt like the world was spinning.

Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying were initially carried by Ye Jingtang, but after leaving the city, Ye Jingtang obviously lost strength, so it was changed to two people, one on the left and the other on the right.

Because they were still in Longtan Tiger's Den, Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying were terrified, fearing that the rear would react and a large number of pursuing troops would appear.

Fortunately, not long after the three people left the city, they saw several figures appearing in the mountains and fields.

When Ye Jingtang saw Bingtuotuo and Qinghe flying towards him, the tense strings in his heart relaxed. Then the sound of heavy rain and calls gradually became distant thousands of miles away, and his vision quickly dimmed, as if his soul was being sucked out. Leaving the body.

The moment before he lost consciousness, he seemed to have bumped into someone's arms. Although he could tell from the tight touch of the chest that it was ice lumps, he was unable to think and only said: "I'm fine..." His consciousness was completely Fell into darkness.

Xue Baijin flew over and hugged Ye Jingtang who fell in his arms. When he saw that his upper body was naked, bruises and bloodstains could be seen everywhere, he threw away all the messy thoughts, and just shouted softly with heart-wrenching eyes:

"Night Terror Hall? Night Terror Hall?"

Fan Qinghe grabbed Ye Jingtang's wrist from the side and noticed the pulse like a candle in the wind. He stamped his feet anxiously and quickly searched for useful medicine in his wallet.

Seeing that there was backup, Hua Junchen and Xu Tianying finally breathed a sigh of relief. After the disaster, they all sat down on the ground and gasped for air.

Tap tap tap~

Soon, Master Xuanji came over with Hua Qingzhi in her arms, followed closely by Yunli and Cao Aning.


When Hua Junchen saw his daughter, his eyes naturally became excited, and he sat up from the ground again, wanting to say hello and say that daddy was okay.

But when Hua Qingzhi saw that her father was intact, but Ye Jingtang was covered in bruises, she didn't have the thought to take care of her. She turned pale and ran past Hua Junchen and came to Ye Jingtang:

"Young Master Ye?"

"Cousin Jing?!"


In the blink of an eye, Night Terror Hall was surrounded by five girls, anxious and concerned.


Hua Junchen stood alone in the heavy rain, still raising his hands to greet his daughter, and he looked obviously a little embarrassed when he saw this.

Cao Aning ran up to him and saw Hua Junchen hesitant to speak, so he consoled him:

"The female student is not in charge, Mr. Hua wants to be more liberal. Are you two injured?"

Xu Tianying stood up and came to the front, raised his hand to wipe the rain from his face:

"Follow Master Ye, what can happen to us is that we have been hit by Beiliang's Ruanjin Powder. Do you have the antidote?"

Fan Qinghe was looking for medicine. When he saw this, he took out the antidote bottle and threw it to Hua Junchen. Then he took out the leaves of the longevity fruit and put them into Ye Jingtang's mouth.

Zhe Yunli finally ran forward. Because Ye Jingtang was surrounded by four sisters, she couldn't squeeze in. She could only blame her standing behind Hua Qingzhi for being anxious. As she was looking around in fear, she suddenly realized that something was wrong:

At this time, Cousin Jing fell in Master's arms, his cheek resting on his chest. Because there was blood on his face, blood-red marks could still be seen on the skirt of Master's white robe.

The master, who has always been as cold as an iceberg, doesn't seem to mind this. He even naturally puts his arms around cousin Jing. His eyes are not much different from those of Aunt Fan and Miss Hua who are worried about their lover...


Zhe Yunli glanced at her master, feeling a little weird in her heart, but at this moment, her cousin's life was in danger, and she couldn't think too much, so she just stood on tiptoes and looked at him nervously.

After Hua Junchen watched for a while, he found that Ye Jingtang could not wake up in a short time, so he turned back and looked in the direction of Yanjing:

"This place is not stable. Be careful of pursuers. Let's take Jingtang away first."

Seeing this, Xue Baijin didn't say much, and carried Ye Jingtang on his back, and then the group of people quickly flew towards the south...


The heavy rain hit the city walls and buildings, quickly washing away the few blood stains on the ground.

Broken walls and ruins can be seen everywhere on Tianjie. Nearly ten thousand unarmed imperial troops stood there blankly. Because they were leaderless, they did not know where to go after a long time.

On the street, the martial arts warriors who were watching on the sidelines had not recovered from the shock. After the rain gradually subsided, they began to whisper:

"it's over?"

"Why not?"

"My sword seems to have fallen into the palace, what should I do?"

"You still carry a sword? Master Ye lends you a sword and you can brag about it for a lifetime. I don't even have a chance to borrow it..."

"Ye Daxia borrowed it, so I wanted to take it back as a family heirloom. Who asked you to use a crutch as a weapon..."


In the alleyway of the side street, Li Guangxian and Lu Xingjun stood side by side, looking at the direction where Hua Junchen and others were leaving. They were silent for a long time before Lu Xingjun sighed:

"Junchen is worthy of being the legitimate son of a noble family. His vision and courage are one step ahead of others, which is really unmatched..."

Li Guangxian's eyes were filled with pity, and he muttered to himself:

"Last time in Yanjing, I wanted to take the Night Demon as my apprentice. If I had known, I would have been more ruthless and sent my daughter to my door like Junchen..."

"That daughter of yours is not an ordinary fierce one. She always counts to three. How can she be like a handsome minister who gave birth to the most talented girl in Yanjing..."

"Well, warriors like women who are brave and courageous. Maybe the Night Demon would be like this..."


And in a restaurant not too far away.

Wang Jiwen, the legitimate son of the Wang family, stood in front of the window holding a folding fan, looking at the completely smashed walls of the imperial city, his open mouth never closed until now.

The third prince, who was dressed in a brocade robe, originally came to see the imperial master to encircle and suppress the big devil, but when he saw that Beiliang was gone, his expression turned into one of despair, and he was pacing back and forth in the room alone, muttering in his mouth:

"How to do how to do……"

Although Wang Jiwen was very rough in his work, he was not stupid. He knew that today's battle, although it did not severely damage the soldiers and horses of Beiliang, it demoralized the people of Beiliang. Not to mention the ordinary warriors and major families, I am afraid that even the Li family The royal family was already devastated.

Wang Jiwen is the direct grandson of the aristocratic family. At this time, he did not lose his mind, but quickly turned around:

"This is an opportunity. We won't fight for the throne. You secretly contact Liu Shangshu and others and say that you have obtained the Night Terror Hall's promise to give them stability after the war. I will contact the Qinglong Society in your name and fight with the Night King of Hell. The boss said that you instigated many important ministers to surrender. Afterwards, you can guarantee that you will be an An Le Gong..."

The third prince was stunned when he heard this, and then said angrily:

"You persuade me to surrender to the enemy?" Wang Jiwen spread his hands:

"You're not a prince, so you still want to die for the country? Do you think the prince won't kill you after he becomes the king? You don't even have the courage to treat your father as an abandoned son, so you still want to be in power?

"You are still useful now. If you don't find a way out, when the Night Terror Hall breaks into Hudong Road, do you know what will happen to you? If you are lucky, you will be a slave for the rest of your life. If you are unlucky, you will die without a complete body..."


The third prince opened his mouth, and after holding it in for a long time, he said in a deep voice:

"Are you sure Liu Shangshu and others will believe it?"

"Don't worry about whether they believe it or not, as long as you bring the words to them, they won't be able to figure out the truth and they will definitely not dare to report you now. When the Southern Dynasty comes and they are desperate, they will naturally find you. You can then take them to the King of Hell. …”

While the two were discussing quietly, similar conversations were actually happening all over Yanjing City. After all, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. The situation has been clearly stated. At this time, we still don’t know how to take sides. We can only It is said that he is not worthy of surviving to the end in troubled times.

But just when Wang Jiwen was moved to persuade his cousin with emotion and Xiaozhi persuaded his cousin with reason, a sudden roar sounded again from outside the imperial city:


The sound was like thunder on dry land, resounding almost throughout the city.

The tens of thousands of imperial troops who were looking at each other in shock, before they could recover from the impact just now, discovered that a figure had fallen from the sky and hit directly outside the imperial city, smashing a huge circle into the already devastated ground. pit.

The sudden movement caused the entire Yanjing to fall into panic. Li Guangxian and others thought that the Night King Yama had made a comeback, so they all turned around, only to see a golden-armored figure falling outside the imperial city.

The figure was wearing a dark gold unicorn armor, holding a spear that was more than ten feet long, and wearing a visor on his face. He looked like a god general of the Tianmen. He stood in the rain, his whole body steaming with sweat. When he landed on the ground, he looked around:

"Night Terror Hall?!"

And the next moment!


Everyone looked up and saw another figure descending from the sky and landing on top of the shield chariot outside the imperial city.

The figure was dressed in a black and white wide robe, with a three-foot-long green tip pointing diagonally at the ground. His figure was elegant but had an extremely tyrannical aura. When he landed, he spoke in a rich voice that could be heard throughout the city:

"Li Zhi, do you really think that the only person in the Wei Dynasty is Ye Jingtang?"

Li Zhi is the real name of Emperor Liang, and his voice has to be said to be very aura, like a real immortal on the mountain asking the earthly emperor.

But the reaction of the tens of thousands of imperial guards around them was, 'Are you worthy of being compared to the Night Terror Hall? ’, after looking at each other for a few times, they continued to look at each other.

After Wang Jiwen looked back, he turned his face back to his cousin and continued to mutter:

"Did you see that the master of the Wei Dynasty is not only Ye Dayanwang? Although he is not smart, his hard power is here..."



The autumn rain fell with the wind, and there was a strange atmosphere inside and outside the imperial city.

When Lu Taiqing received the news in the early morning, he and the empress rushed thousands of miles from the West Sea. Before they arrived, they found a thundercloud moving in the direction of Yanjing.

Lu Taiqing knew that this was a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth caused by the forced return of ninety-nine, and thought that Master Xiang Han was exchanging lives in Heyejingtang. He squeezed his body to the limit and almost lost half of his life before he rushed to Yanjing, but he did not expect that he was still alive. A step slower.

Seeing that the Imperial City of Yanjing was in a mess, but there was no trace of Master Xiang Han and Ye Jingtang, Lu Taiqing thought that the two of them had been beaten to ashes, so he said this.

After he finished speaking, he found that no one in Yanjing took him seriously. Lu Taiqing couldn't help but look a little embarrassed, and he searched among the ruins on the ground to see if there was any body from Ye Jingtang.

The empress tried her best to rush over, she had reached her limit, but she was worried about Ye Jingtang's life and death, so she couldn't care too much at this time. She glanced around and couldn't see Ye Jingtang's figure, and no one in Beiliang paid attention to her, so she could only lift her horse. He pointed at a eunuch standing stunned near the shield chariot:

"Where are the people from Night Terror Hall?"

Eunuch Jianzhan had seen the shocking scene just now, and he didn't have much impression of these two stupid young men. When he saw Shuo Feng pointing at him, he said feebly:

"Going south."

"Where is Master Xiang Han?"

The eunuch raised his hand, and his look probably meant - Are you out of your mind? Now that everything is like this, can the Imperial Master drink tea at home?

The Empress's eyes blinked under her visor, and it was only then that she realized that the Night Terror Hall had finished its work.

Although the empress didn't believe that she single-handedly destroyed the capital city of Beiliang, she couldn't help but believe it when she saw the desperate battle in the city. She turned around and chased south.

Lu Taiqing stood with a sword in his hand, his eyes a little strange, but Ye Jingtang could handle it alone. It was good that Ye Jingtang died here and he needed revenge. At that moment, he coughed lightly, pretending that nothing had happened, and followed the empress. ask:

"Ye Jingtang alone beat Yanjing like this?"

"The whole Yanjing was stunned. It should be so. Let's find the person first and then talk..."


The two exchanged only a few words before an eagle's cry came from high in the sky:


The empress raised her eyes and saw the birds flying towards the mountains to the south. She immediately accelerated and after chasing for a while, she found a group of people traveling in the mountains.

When she found Ye Jingtang covered in tatters, lying on Xue Baijin's back, and being carried away, the empress' heart naturally tightened, and she landed in front of her:

"How is he?"

When Master Xuanji noticed that his apprentice brother had arrived, he calmed down a little and responded:

"He is seriously injured and needs to recuperate. Let's go quickly."

The empress found that Ye Jingtang was extremely angry and had no time to greet them politely. Together with Lu Taiqing, she followed the team behind to avoid any pursuers catching up.

Although there are no apparent strong men in Beiliang, there are still thousands of troops under the jurisdiction of an enemy country, and the medical conditions are not convenient. For this reason, the group did not stop along the way, but took turns carrying night terrors. Tang, speeding directly towards Tianmen Gorge...


As time went by, the rain slowly stopped. Some of the imperial troops gathered outside the imperial city quietly dispersed because they were leaderless, but most of them still stayed in place and were on standby.

The discussion in the market gradually arose, like a turbulent wave, quickly spreading throughout the streets and alleys, and then extended outwards to all parts of Beiliang.

And deep in the imperial city, there is a secret room isolated by the sealing stone.

Because the outside was not yet completely stable and the door sealing stone had not been opened, Zhong Sunjin still stood at the door to explore what was going on outside, but his expression had turned into helpless melancholy.

Emperor Liang was sitting on the chess couch, his expression also gloomy, and he had not said a word for a long time.

As long as today's news spreads, the military morale in Beiliang will be in chaos. As a person in power, it stands to reason that he should hold on to maintain the situation and find ways to stabilize the morale of the military and the people.

But in this situation, Emperor Liang really couldn't think of what to say to stabilize the panicked Northern Liang Dynasty.

The main local forces in Beiliang have not moved, and the national foundation is still there, but it has no meaning in this case.

Once Xiang Hanshi died, the whole army of Beiliang masters was wiped out. The most important thing was that the morale of the people was directly shattered. The entire government and opposition parties lost the confidence to fight against the Southern Dynasty.

Even if a strong man emerges from Beiliang, who can regroup his morale and dare to fight the Southern Dynasty head-on, if he encounters Ye Jingtang on the battlefield in the future, and Ye Jingtang is like today, who will be able to deal with it?

As long as they can't cope with it, Ye Jingtang can come and leave whenever they want, without any worries. And with the willpower of Beiliang soldiers, how many times can they resist?

The king and his ministers were so silent. Even though they had thought of thousands of ways, it was still difficult to find a way to restrain the night terror hall, and they gradually began to feel discouraged.

Now, unless Fengguancheng is crazy and comes to Beiliang to work for them, the current situation will be unsolvable. But Fengguancheng doesn't even help Dayan, how can it help Beiliang, which has nothing to do with him?

Zhongsun Jin sighed secretly in his heart. After thinking for a long time, he wanted to say something to persuade Emperor Liang, but before he could formulate the words, a sound suddenly came from the sealing stone behind him:


The horizontal bolt behind the door-sealing stone slid open on its own, and then the huge stone lifted upwards. In the blink of an eye, the door opened, revealing the light outside.

Zhong Sunjin quickly turned around, but was shocked to find that a figure appeared outside the door at some point. The figure was wearing a cloak, with its back to the light and only its outline could be seen.

? !

Zhong Sunjin didn't have any perception in advance. When he suddenly saw this scene, he thought it was Ye Jingtang or Lu Taiqing coming to kill him. His expression suddenly changed and he immediately wanted to intercept them.

But unfortunately, before he could raise his hand, his limbs suddenly shook, as if being held by a dragon python, and then slid back.


It wasn't until he sat on the Taishi chair in the dark room that his body stopped.

Zhong Sunjin's eyes were stunned, and he gritted his teeth and struggled, causing veins on his forehead to bulge, but he could not move even half an inch.

Emperor Liang was sitting on the tea couch. Because the light was suddenly bright, his eyes had not yet adapted and he could only squint and look towards the entrance.

Seeing Zhongsun Jin's strange movement, Emperor Liang knew that a shocking and powerful dragon was coming. However, he did not lose the emperor's calmness. He just sat upright, showing a bit of sigh that "time is also fate, crime is not alone" , asked:

"Are you the Night Terror Hall?"


Calm steps came from the door.

Emperor Liang looked carefully and saw that the figure walked into the dark room, with his hands folded and his sleeves looking old-fashioned. Due to the light, he couldn't see the face under the cloak. However, through the light, he could see a small sign hanging on his waist, with a faint logo on it. Engraved with the character 'Xiao'.

Although Emperor Liang had never seen Ye Jingtang with his own eyes, looking at his appearance, he did not look like the living King of Hell who was in full swing just now, nor did he look like Lu Taiqing, so he spoke again:

"Your Excellency, are you here to take my head?"


The figure with his hands and sleeves folded stood standing about ten feet away from Emperor Liang, and his voice was calm and gentle:

"No. It's still unclear who will win. I'm here to help Your Majesty."


The dragon energy on the edge of the clouds gathers in Beiwei, scattering like August thunder in Cangming.

Volume 11: Cangming Dragon Roar (End)

Final Volume: Eternal Eternal Current

Whoever achieves enlightenment will be the eternal flow, the wind among the flowers will determine the peace of ten phoenixes.

Stay tuned...

(End of this chapter)

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