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Chapter 551 Golden Wind and Jade Dew

Chapter 551 Golden Wind and Jade Dew

The sun shone through the window paper on the head of the bed, and a faint scent of cinnamon drifted from the window, and some sounds in the distance could be vaguely heard:


"Don't move, the painting will be done soon..."


My mind was in a blur, and I don't know how long it took for my spiritual thoughts to regroup, but my thoughts had not yet returned to my mind, so I didn't know when and where I was, and I even forgot who I was.

Fortunately, after resting for a long time, the memories before fainting flooded into my mind, and my thoughts gradually regained consciousness.


Ye Jingtang let out a soft breath. His limbs were numb and he could barely exert any strength. However, the place where he lay was very soft, and the temperature was neither cold nor hot. It was extremely comfortable. Moreover, his hand seemed to be held, and the back of his hand could be touched softly. Delicate cheeks, but I can’t tell who it is.

"Tuo Tuo?"

Ye Jingtang vaguely remembered leaning into Tuo Tuo's arms before fainting, and called out slightly while trying to open his eyes.

As a result, the first thing you see is a gorgeously carved eight-step bed, with a bead curtain hanging in the middle of the room, and an open window outside. You can see various flowers outside. Judging from the layout, it is a new home that I bought with Ning'er Sanniang.

And now he was lying in the large bedroom in the Plum Blossom Courtyard, covered with a thin silk quilt, and his arms were flat on the side of the bed.

Yunli, who was dressed like a lady, was lying on the edge of the bed, holding his hand and resting her cheek on the back of it.

Perhaps hearing the call, Yunli immediately started playing, looking at him with surprise, and then frowned slightly:

"Tuo Tuo?"


Their eyes met, Ye Jingtang's eyes were obviously a little blurred, but he quickly came to his senses and closed his eyes with a labored expression:

"Hiss...how long have I been sleeping? Why did I come back all the time?"

Zhe Yunli knew that 'Bingtuozi' was his master's nickname, and when he woke up from night terrors, he screamed, which made him feel strange.

However, Ye Jingtang finally woke up, and she was still mostly surprised. She stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, helped Ye Jingtang up and leaned against the head of the bed:

"You have been in coma for almost half a month. We were originally going to wait for you to wake up in Jingjie City, but Aunt Fan said that you were recovering and would probably need to rest for a long time, so the empress sent you back. Lu Taiqing stayed in China Just in case something unexpected happens, don’t worry. Master’s wife and the others have received the news and are on their way back from the West China Sea. They will probably arrive in two days..."

Ye Jingtang listened to the soft whispers and found that nothing happened. The chaotic thoughts in his heart gradually calmed down. He opened his eyes again and looked at Yunli who was sitting in front of him.

Because she had gone home, Yunli also took off her attire of a knight-errant and changed to a green and white skirt. Her hair was also tied into a delicate and smart double bun with colorful butterfly jewelry on her lips. She also put on vermilion rouge, and she looked like a lively and lovely lady.

Seeing this pretty appearance, Ye Jingtang recalled the poached egg heroine when he first met, and he couldn't help but sigh that a woman has changed into a woman. After thinking about it, she asked again:

"Your Majesty, are they all back?"


Zhe Yunli has been taking turns staying with the bed these days. He finally woke up from a night terror. He had endless things to say in his heart. After saying a few words, he also put his legs on the bed and leaned together:

"The empress comes to visit every night. She has gone to court now, and Aunt Lu is accompanying her. She will probably come here in the afternoon. Aunt Fan is dispensing medicine in the backyard, and Miss Hua is painting birds in the study opposite..."

Ye Jingtang could hear the movement in the study opposite, but with Qingzhi's skill, she probably didn't notice that he was awake. After looking up, he asked again:

"Where is your master?"

When Zhe Yunli heard about her master, she felt a little weird in her heart, but as a child, she couldn't care about adults' matters, so she put the distracting thoughts aside at the moment:

"Master said he didn't want to meet the empress, so he went to live in Shuanggui Lane. He should come over every day to check on her, but I didn't notice..."

Ye Jingtang smiled softly, and then looked at the neat and clean bedroom.

This big house was purchased by Sanniang and Ning'er after the incident in Shuiyun Jiantan. It has been a long time since they moved, but they have only lived in it for a few days in total.

At this time, returning to the warm and elegant house again, Ye Jingtang really felt like he had finally returned home after working outside for a year, and even his heart felt a lot more peaceful.

Zhe Yunli leaned forward and chatted for a while. Seeing that Ye Jingtang seemed to be fine, he couldn't restrain his excitement and turned around:

"Cousin Jing, what kind of kung fu did you use last time in Yanjing?"

Ye Jingtang saw Yunli's eyes full of admiration and thirst for knowledge, and his brows also showed a certain amount of pride:

"The Jiu Feng Chaoyang Kung Fu is just a nine-nine return to one, but the skill is too shallow and can only be sustained for a short time. If someone has decades of skill and then enters the 'He Dao', then he will probably become a true immortal..."

Zhe Yunli has been dreaming every day recently, and the dream is the same as that of Ye Jingtang, floating in the air and shooting thousands of arrows. After listening to Ye Jingtang's words, she made a pitiful look:

"Brother Jing, you can also teach me the Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Kung Fu~"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "It's not that I didn't want to teach before, but it was more troublesome to teach. You have to touch...touch..."

Halfway through his words, Xiao Yunli, who was sitting next to him, took his hand and held him in his arms.

? !

Ye Jingtang's words suddenly stopped, and he noticed something wrong with the soft touch on his palm, and felt a little embarrassed:

"Yunli, what are you doing?"

There was a hint of blush on Zhe Yunli's cheeks, but his spirit was still lively. He straightened up slightly and said confidently:

"You have touched it. If you don't teach me, I will tell the master about it. See if she can break your legs..."

Ye Jingtang felt that Xiao Yunli was really crazy about learning magical powers, so he said helplessly:

"I mean 'in the past' it was more troublesome to teach. At that time, my level was low and I had to touch slowly with my hands. It's different now. I can teach without touching everywhere."


Zhe Yunli's expression was slightly dull, and then his eyes showed a bit of complexity. He quickly released his hand, presumably meaning - then didn't I let you touch it in vain?

Ye Jingtang shook his head and chuckled, pretending that nothing had happened, and put his hand on Yunli's vest:

"I'm starting to teach. Remember it carefully."

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli didn't think much about it. He quickly calmed down and began to feel carefully.


The autumn wind blew the branches and leaves outside the window, and the soft sound made the bedroom become more and more quiet.

Ye Jingtang leaned on the head of the bed, closed his eyes and put his hand on Yunli's back, carefully guiding his breath.

Zhe Yunli was sitting upright, although he wanted to learn the exercises like Xin Ru Zhishui, but as long as he calmed down, his mind would always have random thoughts like these days.

After being quiet for a long time, Ye Jingtang found that Yunli was a little distracted, opened his eyes and asked:

"Why are you distracted?"

Zhe Yunli couldn't say that she was thinking about the adults. After turning her head and looking at Ye Jingtang, she muttered:

"Cousin Jing, if you can teach me this way, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I just figured it out that day in Yanjing. Didn't I just wake up?"

Zhe Yunli acted like he was at a disadvantage, then he raised his hand and touched Ye Jingtang's exposed chest muscles, then got up and ran:

"Let's settle the matter. Cousin Jing, please take a break first. I'll learn Kung Fu when you have some free time."

dong dong dong~

Before he finished speaking, he ran out of the door with his skirt in hand and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ye Jingtang looked down at his naked chest, shook his head and sighed, lifted the quilt, stood up, and picked up his robe from the bedside.

The robe is a black robe made of Shuiyun Brocade. It is the same as the one Sanniang bought for him last year. The size is just right and it is very comfortable to wear.

Ye Jingtang dressed neatly in front of the bronze mirror and tied up his hair. He felt slightly that his physical condition was not very bad, but he was just a little hungry.

Ye Jingtang touched his stomach, picked up the Chilong Knife and hung it back on his waist. He turned around and walked out of the bedroom and came to the main hall of the main house.

The plaque of 'Linghan Pavilion' is hung above the main hall. The Luohan couch is neatly tidied and there is a chessboard on it. It seems that Yuhu often comes here to play chess with Qingzhi.

On the east side of the main house is the tea room and study room. In the study room, there are many more pictures, including whales on the sea, fairy islands, and Yanjing's one-man-city, but the "Hunter Selling Chicken Picture" in the hand warmer , still hanging in the most conspicuous position.

At this time, Qingzhi was wearing autumn clothes, sitting upright behind the desk, with pen, ink, paper and inkstone in front of her, using the jade turtle as a paperweight, and was painting seriously.

Birds and birds stood on Bishan Mountain, posing like a roc spreading its wings as a model.

Ye Jingtang came to the door and found that Qingzhi was very focused on painting and did not notice any movement in the bedroom, so he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

dong dong~


Niaoniao immediately turned his head behind him. When he saw Ye Jingtang, he flew up and landed on his shoulder, rubbing hard on his neck.

When Hua Qingzhi heard the sound, she raised her eyes and saw her lover, who was dressed in black robe and stern and extraordinary, standing at the door. Surprise appeared in her eyes. She quickly put down the brush, stood up and came to the front:

"Ms. sir, are you awake? How is your health?"

"much better."

Ye Jingtang rubbed the sticky little broken bird, hugged Qingzhi again, lowered his head, kissed her lips, and asked:


Hua Qingzhi's face turned red, she raised her hand and hugged Ye Jingtang's arm, and walked to the desk:

"I have nothing to do at home, just draw whatever I want. Dad is here too, but the Holy Father comes often. He is more frightened and hangs out all day long..."

Ye Jingtang sat down on the Taishi chair and pulled Qingzhi to sit on his lap. After listening for a moment, he held his wrist and took the pulse.

When Hua Qingzhi saw this scene, her brows showed a hint of melancholy:

"I've checked Sister Fan's pulse many times, but there's still no movement. Bai Jin came in late, why should she be there right away? I've been waiting for so long and there's still no response..."

Ye Jingtang touched his belly and comforted him:

"Don't be anxious about this matter. The more urgent it is, the harder it will be. You have to relax and enjoy each other's love..."

Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes and asked in a low voice:

"It means that Bai Jin, on the surface, rejects others, but secretly she still enjoys it?"

Although there was a bit of a contrast, Tuotuo really enjoyed it after he devoted himself wholeheartedly.

But Ye Jingtang couldn't say this clearly, he just said:

"You can't say that. Just relax and don't think about things outside your body, so that your body can enter the state..."

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi wanted to give it a try, but she had just woken up at night and had not even taken a bite of food. She began to imitate Sister Lu as a fox demon that absorbs yang energy. It was obviously a bit inappropriate. She was still concerned at the moment:

"Are you hungry? Sister Fan has some food warmed in the backyard. I'll bring it to you?"

The night terror hall saw that the picture of the fat bird spreading its wings had not been finished yet, and he laughed and said:

"I haven't moved around for too long. My whole body is sore. I just want to take a walk to relax. You can continue to draw it. To be more realistic, the drawing is not round at all."


Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi didn't say much. She helped Ye Jingtang stand up and carried her to the backyard, before returning to the study with Bird Bird, who wanted to settle a score with Ye Jingtang.

The backyard is where the maid and the cook live. It is very spacious, but because there are not many people in the house, it seems a bit empty. After Qinghe came over, in order to facilitate the tossing of medicinal materials, he changed one of the small courtyards into an alchemy room.

Many newly purchased wooden shelves have been placed in the yard, and various medicinal materials are cooling on them. There is a faint fragrance of medicine floating in the house.

When Ye Jingtang came outside the open door, he could see that there was a medicine refining furnace as high as a person inside, and there were medicine rollers, medicine pounding jars and other items on the surrounding tables. At this time, Qinghe was standing in front of the small case, using a small copper scale to distribute various ground medicinal powders. Although her posture was very much like that of a female doctor, her figure was too hot, with a slender waist, plump hips and beautiful shoulders. The figure-hugging autumn skirt is particularly flattering, and the back looks very attractive.

After Ye Jingtang took a look, he quietly came to the back and raised his hand to squeeze.

Fan Qinghe, who was weighing the medicine, was caught off guard and trembled slightly. He quickly turned around to protect his back. He looked fierce, and he was ready to lecture the witch who had been dishonest all day long.

However, when I discovered that the person standing behind me was my good husband, my shame and anger disappeared and turned into surprise:

"Jingtang? When did you wake up?"

"Just woke up."

Ye Jingtang lowered his head and took a sip on his cheek, then looked at the pill boxes neatly placed on the table:

"What medicine are you preparing?"

Fan Qinghe took his pulse first, and after making sure that Ye Jingtang was fine, he turned around and continued working:

"The prescription we used to grab in Beiliang has been researched. We can give Yunli and the others Tianlang Beads. With our Snow Lake Flower harvest, it will be fine for each person to have one.

"There is also the matter of Xie Jianlan and his wife. I used to tell Xie Jianlan that the medicine mixed with longevity fruit, snow lake flower, and white lotus can save lives. Now that I have found them all, I naturally have to get one to try. Alas, it will be troublesome if it doesn't work. …”

Ye Jingtang hugged his waist from behind and comforted:

"It doesn't matter if it's useless. When I become a master of Taoism in the future, as long as I'm not completely exterminated, I can save you. Then I'll just go with you and take a look."

Fan Qinghe was dragged down the heavy Dongming Mountain, and his cheeks naturally turned red:

"Are you still thinking of a frivolous girl? Tianguang has fed you some porridge these days. Aren't you hungry? There is food in the kitchen. Let's eat something to warm your stomach first."

Ye Jingtang was indeed a little hungry, but he was not so frivolous that he had no strength to feed his wife. Seeing Qing He's shy expression, he pecked on his cheek:

"I want to warm myself more. Last time you and Shui'er came here, what were you talking about about the water-avoiding charm..."


Fan Qinghe didn't expect Ye Jingtang's memory to be so good that she would do such a big job right after waking up. She twisted her shoulders slightly:

"Last time I danced, Miss Hua was still watching. It didn't matter that you didn't help me, but you were still watching with gusto... This matter has already passed. If the enchantress messes around again, you are not allowed to agree."


Ye Jingtang put his chin on his shoulder and pretended to be serious:

"I've already agreed, how can I not count it out? Why don't my husband open a small stove for you..."


Fan Qinghe has been looking forward to waking up from the night terrors for this period of time, but when he finally woke up, he was a little unable to resist this pervert, his face turned red and he twisted his shoulders:

"That's what the witch said, what does it have to do with me? Go find her, I'm preparing the medicine, kids, don't mess around..."


When Ye Jingtang heard this, he became even more excited:

"Kiss me and I won't mess around."


Fan Qinghe had no choice but to put down the object in his hand, turned around and chewed it seriously, and then sent the Night Jingtang out:

"Go and eat quickly. Bai Jin is pregnant and hasn't seen anyone these days. Go and see her as soon as possible. Don't hold it in for too long and feel depressed."

After Ye Jingtang was kicked out, he did not forget to pinch Qing He until he was locked out. Then he gave up and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

There was a lot of food warming in the kitchen, with all kinds of flavors, probably because they were afraid that he would wake up and lose his appetite.

Ye Jingtang made a bowl of mutton soup and picked up a few big steamed buns. Originally, he just ate some casually, but before he knew it, he had to eat three bowls of mutton soup and seven or eight steamed buns to fill his stomach. The appetite was really a bit big. amazing.

After eating and drinking enough, most of the physical fatigue disappeared, and I even felt a little full and warm.

But just after waking up, he started bullying his wife without even saying hello, which was inevitably a bit inappropriate.

After Ye Jingtang cleaned up and washed, he went to the stable and took out the big black horse that had gained many pounds.

The big black horse was Ye Jingtang's mount when he entered the capital, and was also his only asset besides the sword and the bird. It was considered a good horse in Liangzhou, but compared with those horse kings, it was obviously a bit mediocre.

However, Ye Jingtang has been riding this horse around Liangzhou for several years, and has experienced countless scenes of licking blood from the knife edge. It is obvious that he will not dislike it at this moment. He is looking back and forth to see how many kilograms of fat the fat horse has gained. Suddenly, he found that Yunli, who had just run away, emerged from the back house again and poked his head outside the stable:

"Cousin Jing?"

Ye Jingtang touched the horse's neck, turned around and found that Yunli's expression was as usual, and seemed not to take what happened just now to heart, so he smiled and said:

"what happened?"

Zhe Yunli ran over because she found Ye Jingtang preparing to go out. She came to ask:

"Are you going back to Shuanggui Lane to visit Master?"

"Yeah, how about we go there together?"

Zhe Yunli naturally had to go with him, and now he helped hold the horse:

"Let's go. I haven't been back these days. I don't know if Ping'er has taken care of Master Niang's flowers and plants."

Ping'er is Xue Baijin's maid. She came to Yun'an last year to work as a supervisor to supervise Ning'er and Yunli. However, she was ruthlessly left behind by Ning'er. She went to Tianshui Bridge and Shuanggui Lane to help look after the house. It seems that she has been there for nearly a year. It's not easy to say.

Ye Jingtang didn't say much. After leading the horse out, he got on it. Yunli, because it was inconvenient to wear a skirt, sat sideways behind him, grabbed Ye Jingtang's belt, and the two of them walked slowly together. Came to the streets of Tianshuiqiao.

Tianshui Bridge was placed in Yun'an City, an area where merchants gathered. It was not comparable to Wende Bridge, where princes and generals gathered.

But as Night Terror Hall became more and more famous, this situation naturally changed.

Ye Jingtang is the young master of Honghua Building, and after the Pei family successfully landed ashore, they no longer conceal their identity. Nowadays, the number of pilgrims who come every day can almost block the traffic of Tianshui Bridge. Land prices have also risen, and any shop can make a living. Doujin.

The street run by the Pei family has become the main financial support of Qinglongtang, and the items sold have changed from miscellaneous department stores to snow lake powder, weapons and other martial arts paraphernalia.

The Pei Family Escort Bureau managed by Chen Biao immediately rose to the top and became the number one escort bureau in the entire Northern and Southern Dynasties. Although it was not the largest, it was definitely the safest.

After all, Night Terror Hall is still the young master of the Pei family, and the escort bureau wants to use his name when going out. The security performance is so high that the escort feels that his existence is meaningless.

At this time, there was a sea of ​​people on the banks of the Tianshui Bridge. People from all corners of the country came to pay homage to the majesty of the King of Hell, chatting endlessly:

"With one move, the entire Yanjing population was disarmed. It is said that even the kitchen knives were not spared..."

"Afterwards, there were a few ruthless people who took advantage of the chaos and ran into the palace and picked up the weapons. Because they had been borrowed by Ye Daxia, they sold them for a sky-high price on the black market..."


When Ye Jingtang heard these words, he was afraid of being recognized, so he slightly covered his face.

Zhe Yunli, who was sitting behind him, was thinking wildly. When he heard these random conversations, he slowly turned into Yourongyan. He quietly hugged Ye Jingtang's waist and whispered:

"Cousin Jing, when Fengguancheng lived in Yun'an, was it similar to this scene?"

Ye Jingtang thought carefully and shook his head:

"Feng Lao Shenxian is indeed powerful, but if we look at the matter, the scene should not be as big as mine. Fengguancheng directly penetrated the ten great masters of the Southern Dynasties, and then became invincible. He should have just entered the Martial Sainthood at that time, and then in Yang I used the mountain paintings as a prison to discuss with Lu Guoshi, Monk Shenchen and others in private, and the outside world did not know..."

Zhe Yunli nodded, thought about it and said:

"I went to Yangshan with the old god. He is already sixty years old. If he was a martial saint at that time, wouldn't it mean that his talent is far worse than that of cousin Jing?"

Ye Jingtang waved his hands quickly: "Standing on the shoulders of giants, how dare you mock the inferiority of those who came before you. When Fengguan City came out of the martial arts world, Wu Kui was the top figure in the martial arts world. There was no such thing as a martial saint in the northern and southern dynasties. The last martial saint was It is estimated that he is still Xiao Zu in the early days of Great Yan.

"After Fengguancheng became the best in the world, I had no seniors to ask for advice, and I didn't learn the Dragon Song Diagram. I just relied on myself to explore higher, and naturally I couldn't go any faster.

"When I came out of Jianghu, there were already six martial saints in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. I know there is still a way beyond Wu Kui. I can also ask Lu Taiqing and other seniors for advice. There are countless adventures. The environment cannot be compared."

"The reason why there were so many masters in the Northern and Southern Dynasties is inseparable from the fact that people who came to Fengguan City refused to give guidance to their descendants. Lu Taiqing and Monk Shenchen were all taught by Fengguan City, and these people in turn gave guidance to their descendants, and then they Slowly summarize the most correct way to climb up the martial arts.

"Wu Taizu also did this kind of thing back then, but it was a bit crude. I didn't expect that the descendants of later generations would be so stupid. They couldn't understand it even after leaving the Minglong Diagram. But Fengguan City was more detailed. It didn't teach the exercises, but only taught the 'Tao'. Let the warriors figure it out for themselves. This is indeed the most correct way.

"I just killed a river and lake with countless strong people, and Fengguancheng brought out a river and lake with countless strong people. I am the beneficiary, so why bother to compare them together; wait until that day I get the best sign in the world , begin to pave the way for the younger generations in the world, and become a true 'first-generation master', only then can they be qualified to sit on equal footing..."

After Zhe Yunli listened carefully, his heart was a little excited:

"If Cousin Jing and Feng Guancheng take over as leaders for Jianghu, will Jianghu still turn from the Eight Great Leaders to the Eight Great Sages after a hundred years?"

"It's possible for all the Eight Immortals. Martial arts are endless, and there are geniuses from generation to generation. As long as someone is willing to teach the real thing, there is no one who can't become successful..."



The two of them were chatting so casually that they walked through the familiar streets before they knew it and arrived outside the Pei's Escort Agency.

Ye Jingtang looked up and saw that Uncle Hua and Xu Tianying were also in the escort agency. They moved a small bench and sat under the eaves. Next to them was Chen Biao who was helping to make tea.

The old escort Yang Chao, holding a purple clay pot, said with relish:

"As soon as my boss brought Shaodong's family back, I knew that Shaodong's family would become something great in the future."

"Oh? How did Mr. Yang see that?"

"The bird is big..."

"Pfft~cough cough..."


Ye Jingtang, who was lamenting that martial arts has no limit, suddenly smiled when he heard these words.

Zhe Yunli didn't hold back, his eyes were strange, and he leaned forward slightly, looking at his daughter's house at a place he shouldn't have looked at, but his forehead was immediately pushed back.

"What are you looking at?"

"I didn't see anything... Is what Lao Yang said true or false?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of helplessness, and he couldn't say "Don't listen to Lao Yang's nonsense, I'm not a big bird at all." He could only pretend that nothing happened and led Yunli in the direction of Shuanggui Lane. Let’s go…

Thank you [Book Friends 160526151719962] [Qiuqiu My Qiuqiu_] [My Heart Looks North丶], the leader of the boss, for the reward!

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(End of this chapter)

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