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Chapter 560 South of the Mountain

Chapter 560 South of the Mountain

In mid-September, the weather gradually turned cooler, and a cold rain fell on the river.

The passenger ship went down with the waves. Ye Jingtang stood on the bow of the ship holding an oil-paper umbrella, looking at the mountains and rivers on both sides of the bank, while the birds squatted on their shoulders and kept cooing, probably muttering - the clear river water under Yugutai, How many birds shed tears in the middle...

The Qingjiang River starts from Tianlang Lake, passes through Tianmen Gorge, Yun'an, Xiwang Town, Shuiyun Jiantan, passes through Nanxiao Mountain, then enters the Tiannan boundary, traverses the entire Wei Dynasty, and enters the sea at Guancheng.

At this time, the position of the ship has reached the end of the Central Plains area. Rugged mountain walls appear along both sides of the river, while endless mountains block the front of the river. From a distance, it seems as if the ship has sailed into a landscape painting, although the scenery can be said to be the best in the world. , but the roads are rugged and the transportation is inconvenient, and it is indeed poor. There are basically no decent towns along the coast.

Ye Jingtang was admiring the misty landscape at the bow of the ship. Before he could see the Nanxiao Mountain that he had touched many times, a call came from behind the ship:

"Yaoji, come here!"


The birds turned their heads when they heard the sound, and then flew to the back of the ship building.

Ye Jingtang looked back, then thought about it and walked towards the ship building.

The ship was an official ship of the imperial court. It could carry three hundred soldiers and was quite large. In addition to the wives living in the ship building, there were also Uncle Hua, the chief arrester of the black yamen, etc. on the ship. Even Cao Aning came.

After Yun'an received the news from Eunuch Cao, Ye Jingtang rested for two days until his body recovered, and then prepared to continue to Tiannan.

Originally, during this trip to Ye Jingtang, he planned to take Yunli back quickly, but he was going to visit Feng Guancheng, the best person in the world. Although he felt that the chance of winning was not good, if he was lucky, this would probably become a great match between him and Feng Guancheng. Guancheng met for the first time in history, and it was also the last time.

Da Ben Ben loves martial arts like crazy. If he misses it, he will regret it for the rest of his life. For this reason, he tried every means to please him and wanted to go with him. Not only did he give him the album, but the majestic Queen even agreed to let him go behind.

It’s not that Ye Jingtang wants to bully Da Benben with the jade carrot, but he has promised before that he will take Benben all over the world. Going to Beiliang and Xiandao is a fishy trip. He can’t even take care of it. He really can’t take him. If you don't take it with you when you go to Tiannan, then it will be considered as a broken promise, so I still agreed.

As a result, this promise obviously cannot be balanced by a bowl of water. Most of the wives are warriors. Who doesn't want to make a pilgrimage to Guancheng? There is also Qingzhi who wants to have a baby, and Hand Warmer who is depressed when he is not around...

After much fussing over this, Sanniang finally got a big boat and set off for a trip together. Even Yuhu temporarily handed over the government affairs to his ministers and planned to go back for a quick trip.

The only pity is that Bingtuotuo and Ning'er did not follow him on this trip because they were embarrassed to see Yunli. Qinghe, as the chief doctor, also stayed with Bingtuotuo in order to take good care of the next generation.

Ye Jingtang stood on the deck to look out for the wind in broad daylight, because there were also black guards, Uncle Hua and others on the ship. Spending all day among the wives, it really damaged the glorious and majestic image.

Ye Jingtang put away the oil-paper umbrella outside the ship building, and after making sure that no guards were paying attention, he quietly came to the second floor where the female family members lived. When he looked up, he saw several painting tables placed in the room.

The jade-faced young man dressed clumsily stood in the middle, holding a seal in his hand and stamping on the painting. The gentle Hua Qingzhi has finished the painting and is standing by to observe it carefully.

Huaiyan, who was dressed as a housewife, was a little anxious and leaned over to sketch on the scroll. Hongyu and Lvzhu were still holding hands beside her.

Ye Jingtang came to a few people and glanced at the painting table. It can be seen that the paintings are all landscape paintings, and the center of the perspective is the young man in black standing with an umbrella. Although the scene is the same, the style is completely different.

Qingzhi's paintings are very freehand, with hazy clouds covering the mist, but also revealing divine intentions. They are considered traditionalists, and if you are not good at it, you may not know how to do it; Benben's paintings are famous for their realism. Take a closer look at the jumpsuit. The texture can be felt, which makes ordinary people know how powerful it is at a glance, and experts feel even more powerful after seeing it.

As for the painting of hand-warmers, Ye Jingtang looked at it carefully - well... the black buns should be mountains, the two curved lines should be the river, there is a boat on the river, and there is a mushroom growing on the boat...


Ye Jingtang blinked, and said that he still likes the paintings of hand warmers. After all, he is almost the same as him, and he can find a sense of resonance. It is not like the two talented women who make people feel like an uneducated person. waste.

After Dongfang Liren stamped the seal, he looked at it with satisfaction, turned around and asked:

"Ye Jing Tang, which of these three paintings do you think is more beautiful?"

The Queen Mother was writing furiously when she heard this and said:

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished painting yet."

The red jade behind him felt that there was no need to compare, and it didn't matter whether he finished the painting or not. However, due to his identity, he still didn't say anything to displease the empress.

Faced with three wives, Ye Jingtang definitely couldn't judge who was better and who was worse, and he couldn't even judge based on his level. He just smiled and said:

"They're all good, just different styles. If I like it, I still like Huaiyan. Hmm... very spiritual."

The Queen Mother knew that Ye Jingtang was deliberately taking care of her, and her cheeks turned red with a hint of secret joy in her eyes.

Naturally, Dongfang Liren would not be jealous because Ye Jingtang praised the Queen Mother's paintings. He just turned around and glanced at her:

"Since you like it, how about I draw you according to the queen mother's painting style in the subsequent album?"


Ye Jingtang's expression froze slightly before he could think of how to answer. Huaiyan next to him raised his hand and pinched Benben:

"Li Ren, what do you mean? You are happy because Ye Jingtang said he doesn't like my paintings?"

Dongfang Liren was just teasing her. Seeing that the Queen Mother was unhappy, she gave up angrily:

"It's just a joke, Queen Mother, don't take it seriously."

"I know my paintings are not as good as yours, but... but it still looks like a painting, right? Jingtang, look at it, does it look like you?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the mushroom pole, nodded and said:

"Like, quite charming."

Hua Qingzhi also praised:

"The Queen Mother doesn't need to underestimate herself. Although her painting skills are a little bit raw compared to Prince Jing's, but God knows, with a little polishing, she can catch up with most scholars in a year or two."

"is it?"

The Queen Mother felt that her lover would tell lies to coax her, but no matter how much Hua Qingzhi flattered her, there must be a grain of truth in his words, so she picked up the 'Picture of Mushrooms After the Rain' to appreciate it carefully.

After Ye Jingtang chatted with them for a while, he saw Benben walking to the window to admire the scenery, so he quietly came to his side:

"Did your Highness forget something?"

Dongfang Liren looked at the distant mountains, and when he heard this, his face showed a look of confusion:

"whats the matter?"

Ye Jingtang saw Benben pretending not to know, and then he leaned into his ear again:

"When we came out, His Highness said that as long as I take you with me, you will..."

In order to follow him to Guancheng to watch the excitement, Dongfang Liren did promise to let Ye Jingtang handle it as he pleased or find another way. But at that time, she thought she was going to Ye Jingtang alone, but now that the whole family is following her, wouldn't her reward be in vain? For this reason he said seriously:

"I came here with my sister, not you. I'm already giving you an advantage by giving you the album."

Ye Jingtang said helplessly: "As a warrior, you must practice what you preach. I am here to ask for advice. I may not be able to survive the fight. I may have to come many times in the future. I will go out next time..."

Dongfang Liren also felt that there was little chance of success in Ye Jingtang's trip, and he did not dare to say too much. After thinking about it for a while, he squeezed his erotic lover with his shoulder:

"Okay, what if you go out first and stand here so that the people below can see you?"

"Then you agreed?"

"Who agreed..."

Ye Jingtang saw that Benben was not very forceful in his words, so he knew that he was still going to keep his word. With a smile in his eyes, he gave Benben a kiss on his face.

Dongfang Liren quickly moved aside, turning his back to stop the kiss.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang turned around angrily and found that both Hand Warmer and Qingzhi were peeking at each other. Naturally, they did not care about one thing or the other, and came to them, one by one.


Hua Qingzhi comes from a scholarly family and has been a well-educated young lady since she was a child. However, after marrying into the family, she spends all day drinking or partying. She also fights wits and courage with Bai Jin. Her personality is much more cheerful than before, but in private Still relatively shy, I quickly lowered my head and continued looking at the painting.

The Queen Mother stood on tiptoes and slapped Ye Jingtang on the face, then picked up the 'Mushroom Picture after the Rain' and handed it to Hong Yu:

"Fram it and hang it in the study room of Jingtang." "Okay, my dear."

Ye Jingtang quite liked Huaiyan's calligraphy, so he naturally had no objection to it. After chatting for a while, he came to the room at the stern of the ship.

The room at the stern of the ship is relatively large and is where Yuhu sleeps. In order to facilitate large groups, a large bed is also provided. However, there are guards on the ship, so they are of no use after boarding the ship.

At this time, in the hall, Shui'er was leaning on a small couch, with a chessboard and wine glasses beside her, playing chess and drinking a glass of wine leisurely.

Yuhu, in a red dress like a fiery red dress, was sitting opposite, holding a sunglass and frowning in thought. Sanniang was sitting in front of him, acting as a military advisor to help and advise.

But Sanniang is also a martial arts warrior. Although she is talented in literature, she is just good enough. She is obviously no match for Shui'er in playing chess. Not to mention Yuhu, who is both talented and fun-loving. The two of them together may not be able to do it. He forced Shui'er to use half of his strength, so that Shui'er was a little bored. When she saw him coming, she raised her eyebrows and motioned to the bed next to her.

Night Terror Hall actually wanted to indulge, but after all, it was inappropriate to go out and mess around in broad daylight, so he just walked up and asked:

"Why don't you ask Qingzhi Benben to come over and play together?"

Real person Xuanji was a bit bored when she saw that the Night Terror Hall was full of lust but lacked courage:

"I can't win. Yuhu went to Qingzhi yesterday to discuss. Qingzhi originally wanted to give in, but she didn't like others to give in. She said, 'If you lose, you start the next time you drink.' Then she understood what was going on. It’s called not knowing how deep the sky is and how deep the earth is…”

The empress likes to play chess very much, because she always wins and loses when she plays chess, and she has always felt that her level is not bad. But when she plays chess with the stubborn Qingzhi, she understands that those "national players" want to make her, the emperor, happy. Without chopping off the head, the performance is so heart-breaking and soul-stirring.

Hearing that the master was still exposing his shortcomings, the empress frowned and said: "In chess, there are losses and wins. Losing once is normal, but it's okay to win again next time."

Then he looked towards the Night Terror Hall:

"What are you doing here? Do you want to help me with some advice?"

Ye Jingtang is really not good at this kind of things that cannot be done violently. Seeing that Yuhu didn't want him to see the joke, he looked around:

"Where did Yunli go?"

Pei Xiangjun gestured to the window: "Fishing in the back. By the way, we are almost at Nanxiao Mountain, right?"

Ye Jingtang looked out the window and said, "It's probably still some distance from Zhennanguan. Let's go up the mountain together and take a look?"

The empress was interested, but the Pingtian Sect had not officially surrendered yet. It was obviously inappropriate for her, an empress, to go to the hilltop to inspect the rebels, so she just said:

"You can just go and have a look. When Bai Jin bows down one day, I will go over and have a look."

Ye Jingtang did not force this, and immediately turned around and jumped from the window to the deck behind the ship.

There were a lot of people on the ship, and the black yamen agents were patrolling around the deck, while Uncle Hua, She Long, Cao Aning and others were sitting in the hall on the first floor of the ship building, apparently discussing martial arts.

Zhe Yunli was dressed as a knight-errant. She was holding a fishing rod on the edge of the deck and holding a two-foot-long carp in her hand, showing off to the birds:

"That's that~..."


Just now, Niaoniao saw that Yunli couldn't catch any crabs, so he ran to accompany Ye Jingtang to have fun. Now when he saw that the fish was really caught, he couldn't help but feel very regretful, and jumped around Yunli, wanting to help him take a bite.

When Ye Jingtang came to him, Zhe Yunli stopped his childish behavior and lifted up the big fish:

"Is it big?"

"so big."

Ye Jingtang replied, and suddenly found that something was wrong with this conversation. He shook his head and smiled to brush away the distracting thoughts, and raised his eyes to look at the mountains in the south:

"Where is Nanxiao Mountain?"

Zhe Yunli returned to his hometown immediately. He was in a good mood. He raised his hand and pointed to the depths of the mountains:

"Have you seen that mountain top? If you turn around from there, you can see Nanxiao Mountain. How about we go there and take a look?"

"I am the chief protector of the Pingtian Sect. There is no way I can be incompetent."

Zhe Yunli had long been bored on the boat, so when he saw this, he put the fish down:

"I know a shortcut, just in front. I'll take Cousin Jing for a walk."

There was no one in Ye Jing Tang, so he didn't refuse. Seeing that Niaoniao couldn't take his eyes away from the big fish, he gave the fish to Xiuhe, who came with Sanniang, and asked him to help Niaoniao cook a meal. , and then together with Yunli, he jumped out of the ship and headed towards the mountains...

At the same time, dozens of miles away, among the thousands of mountains winding around the river.

Xue Baijin wore a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, pretending to be an ordinary traveler. He stood on the rugged mountain road and looked at the buildings on the mountaintop in the distance with a telescope.

Not far behind, Fan Qinghe and Ning'er were riding on a horse together, holding an oil-paper umbrella on top of Luo Ning's head. Even though he was always good-tempered, he also complained at this time and scolded Ning'er:

"I asked you to take a boat, but you insisted on going and said you wanted to stay in the capital. But as soon as the boat left, you chased me. You were afraid of being discovered by Jingtang, so you insisted on avoiding the river and taking a long way. What's the point of this?"

Luo Ning came down from running around for days, her brows showed a bit of fatigue, and she was obviously a little ashamed in the face of Qing He's scolding.

The reason why she didn't board the ship with her was not because she and Bai Jin were being pretentious, but because she was exposed, and she was too embarrassed to see Yunli with her head down, so she could only hide away.

And the reason for following her out again was simpler - Ye Jingtang was going on a pilgrimage to Guancheng. Even she couldn't bear such a big event. How could Bai Jin, who loves martial arts and is crazy about martial arts, miss it?

Since they didn't feel comfortable boarding the boat and going together, but they couldn't miss it, the couple's only option was naturally to follow them secretly to watch the fun, and then secretly go back.

Luo Ning couldn't explain these complicated reasons to Qinghe, so she said:

"Why don't you rest on the boat? Bai Jin and I will be safe and nothing will happen."

Fan Qinghe definitely wanted to stay on the boat. Like the enchantress, she would chat with her husband during the day and be driven by him at night. But unlike other girls, she was a doctor. Hearing this, he responded:

"Bai Jin is pregnant, and Jingtang told me to take good care of her. How could I leave my post without permission? I didn't stop you from sneaking out, which is already a dereliction of duty. If you leave alone again, how will you explain to Jingtang in the future?"

Luo Ning knew that Qinghe was suffering, so she comforted her softly: "Okay, it's my fault. Next time Shui'er bullies you again, can I help you deal with her?"


When Fan Qinghe heard this, his eyes softened a bit, and he changed his words:

"I actually want to visit Guancheng. As long as you don't cause trouble, it won't be a big deal. If Jingtang finds out, I'll just explain it to you."

After Luo Ning rested for a while, she saw Bai Jin turning back and asked:

"Should we go back to Nanxiao Mountain to rest for a while, or?"

Xue Baijin got on his horse beside him and glanced at the mountain top in the distance:

"Yunli seems to be dragging Ye Jingtang to the mountain. Let's go around."


Xue Baijin ran out on her own, probably feeling ashamed of Qing He who had been taking good care of her. After thinking about it, she asked with concern:

"Does Master Xuanji often bully you at home?"

That's not...

Fan Qinghe has lost count of how many times he has been humiliated by the enchantress. Although she returned the favor, she couldn't stand the enchantress's many tricks. She always gave her new tricks in the boudoir, which made her extremely embarrassed and angry. .

However, Fan Qinghe obviously couldn't talk about this kind of flirting in the boudoir with the innocent Bai Jin, so he quickly shook his head and said:

"No, it's just a joke."

Xue Baijin nodded slightly and drove his horse along the mountain road:

"If this happens, whether it's Master Xuanji or the Empress, just tell me and I'll make the decision for you."

Fan Qinghe felt that Bai Jin might not be able to be the master. In the boudoir, Shui'er would be the living king of hell. Only Sanniang in the family was not afraid of him. Who else wouldn't be afraid of him? With Bai Jin's irresistible temper, he would probably have to rely on his wife to protect him once he entered the house.

However, Bai Jin obviously meant well, and Fan Qinghe nodded and smiled, and then they continued walking towards the south together...

(End of this chapter)

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