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Chapter 561 Mountain Tour

Chapter 561 Mountain Tour

The drizzle is like silk in the mountains, and the mist gathers and never disperses.

Walking in the Night Terror Hall on the path dug close to the cliff is like a mountain man walking among the clouds and mist. Sometimes you can see steep corners at the end of the cliff, and there may be arrow holes above it. Judging from the structure, it should be that one man is in charge of the pass. It is a defensive pass, but because there has been no war for decades, no one is stationed there, and many places have been covered by weeds and dead leaves.

Zhe Yunli grew up in Nanxiao Mountain since childhood and was already familiar with the surrounding area. At this time, he was like a junior sister of the mountain sect, carrying a long knife on his shoulder, walking upside down on the steep cliffs, and pointing from time to time. Surrounding trees and rocks:

"When I was six years old, my master's wife asked me to practice calligraphy. I didn't want to learn, but I was afraid of being beaten, so I ran and hid behind the tree. As a result, my master ran over and caught me. I went back and was trained by my master's wife for three days... Cousin Jing, were you ever naughty when you were a child?"

Ye Jingtang strolled around the courtyard wearing a bamboo hat and responded with a smile:

"When you were six years old, I was only eight years old. I couldn't practice martial arts at that time. I was beaten three times a day. I didn't dare to be naughty. The only time I had free time was to catch fish in the river in the afternoon. Once at the gate of Honghe Town, I saw a very A beautiful chivalrous woman passed by, and after giving some directions, I was given a lecture by my adoptive father, saying that when traveling in the world, one should be careful about women, especially beautiful women..."

Zhe Yunli was very curious about this: "Cousin Jing started hooking up with girls when he was eight years old?"

"It's not really a hookup, just a normal guide."

"What happened to the heroine next?"

She became my wife, and she was spoiled by all kinds of frivolous things...

Ye Jingtang recalled that he had met Shui'er when he was eight years old, and he sighed in his heart. However, it was obviously difficult to describe the process of ruin, so he just said:

"The heroine eventually became the Eight Great Leaders and stayed on the ship."

"Aunt Lu?"

"Okay, okay, not small."

"This is my first time coming to Nanxiao Mountain, and it's not quite what I expected."

Zhe Yunli, who was walking in front, found Zhang Henggu standing at the top of the city as in previous years, so he waved from a distance:

Ye Jingtang also nodded, and in a blink of an eye he glanced at the fortress that was full of masonry buildings:


"This is the pass of the former dynasty. It is difficult to renovate, so we have not changed it. Yunli, you go back and clean up first. I will have a chat with the Night Guardian."

Above the cliff is the fortress that Dayan of the previous dynasty spent a lot of effort to build. However, today, the fortress has basically become a sect residence. All the people living in it are family members or elderly people of the Pingtian Sect. Even Dayan Longqi , were picked off decades ago and replaced with the flag of Pingtian Sect.

Ye Jingtang walked up to him, a little inexplicable:

"I recently received a letter from Eunuch Cao. What was the specific situation back then?"

"Are you still young?"

Zhe Yunli placed his chin on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, fearless:

"So what if you see me? I am the young master of Nanxiao Mountain. Who dares to say that I am not? Tell me carefully, how do I look like a little girl?"

Every time he can stand here and wait before the guests arrive, it's not that Zhang Henggu, who is known as the 'Nanshan Iron Trigram', has all his plans, but that in order to defend against the enemy, the fortress can clearly see the situation on several mountain roads, as long as someone goes up the mountain. , you will know it when you are at the foot of the mountain.

Zhe Yunli raised his chest slightly: "Who do you think this little girl's family is?"

From the corner of his eye, Ye Jingtang noticed that the skirt of his clothes was high and it must be difficult to look down, so he just said:

"Fifteen or sixteen years old, she was originally a little girl...eh?"

"Grandpa Zhang, why did you come out?"

"We have reached Nanxiao Mountain. What should we do if Protector Zhang and the others see us?"

"Yunli, is this the Night Guardian?"

"Uh huh huh~..."

When Zhe Yunli heard this, he was naturally unhappy and stopped on the path.

Ye Jingtang came here to do something. When he saw this, he knew that Zhang Henggu was going to have a private chat with him, so he didn't stop him. After Yunli left, he asked:

Zheyun Li also landed on the top of the city and said with a smile:

"Cousin Jing is one of our own, there's no need to be presumptuous, Grandpa Zhang is too polite."

Zhang Henggu can be regarded as an old man in the world, but compared with Sun Wuji and Fengguancheng, he is nothing. How dare he accept the courtesy of Ye Jingtang? He returned the favor and sighed:

"I am an old man from the previous dynasty. In this area of ​​Nanxiao Mountain, I have taken the liberty to call you Ye Da Xia as a protector. I hope you don't mind."

Ye Jingtang hugged his legs, shook his head and chuckled, without saying anything, and continued walking towards Nanxiao Mountain...

Compared with famous mountains such as Hongshan Mountain and Tianzhu Peak, Nanxiao Mountain is not high, but it is extremely steep. It is surrounded by high mountains and ridges. The river passes through the canyon between the two mountain walls, and there is almost no place to stand on both sides of the river.

"Junior has a night terror in the hall and has seen Mr. Zhang."

Zhe Yunli still respected Zhang Henggu very much. After agreeing, he quickly ran towards the back mountain.

When Ye Jingtang saw someone greeting him, he speeded up and landed on the city wall with a few ups and downs:

Zhang Henggu walked with Ye Jingtang on the city wall and sighed:

"I really didn't expect that Eunuch Cao could summon all the night guardians. Even if Zhao Hongnu really killed the person, it would be too much of a fight to let you deal with it with your dragon-slaying knife."

Because Zhe Yunli knew that Aunt Lu and his apprentice were serving the same husband, his eyes suddenly became strange:

"So Cousin Jing finally abducted the heroine back home and ruined her?"

At noon, the fortress built against the mountain was shrouded in drizzle. Protector Zhang Henggu stood on the city wall again, looking at the mountain road below.

"Why do you ask this little girl?"

"what happened?"

Before he finished speaking, Yunli, who was standing in front of him, walked behind him and landed on his back with a small jump, resulting in two soft lumps that were not too small in size. They were pressed firmly on his back, and his smart voice Also came from my ears:

Ye Jingtang wanted to talk about his figure, but it was inappropriate to talk about this with Yunli, so he shook his head and said:

Only then was Zhe Yunli satisfied. He looked at the handsome face close at hand, and then looked at the misty and rainy mountains. He put his chin on his shoulders and hummed a ditty leisurely:

After Zhang Henggu waited for a moment, he found two figures turning out from the cliff.

"Then how does Cousin Jing know to be beautiful?"

Zhang Henggu looked at Yunli, who had grown into a grown-up girl, with a sigh as time passed by in his eyes. After replying, his eyes fell on the handsome young man in black behind him:

Ye Jingtang was suddenly shocked by the meat and balls. He felt that Yunli was indeed not young anymore. He straightened his back:

"Oh, how can I say it's a waste? Fairy Lu was wearing a curtain hat at that time, and I didn't even see what she looked like."

"Come out and get some air."

"Oh, I can't afford it."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "This matter has something to do with Yunli, so I should come."

After Zhang Henggu said a few polite words, he said:

"Back then, my eldest disciple was walking around the Cangsha River. He didn't know his location at first. It wasn't until his body was discovered by Jianghu people that I learned the news. According to my inspection, my eldest disciple was hit by the soul-leaving needle, and his injuries were 'Six Sects' Nothing else is known about what the Crane Captor left behind, and his belongings and weapons have not been lost..."

After holding it with one hand, Ye Jingtang thought about it based on many months of experience in handling cases:

"If you don't take anything, it's not robbery. I wonder why you went to Tiannan? Traveling or..."

Zhang Henggu shook his head: "At that time, the leader had not yet become famous and was short of manpower. I and even his apprentices were secretly recruiting people to work for the Pingtian Sect. I speculated that it was my apprentice who accidentally discovered Zhao Hongnu and knew that he was being taken over by the imperial court. He was wanted, so he came forward to recruit. Zhao Hongnu committed the major crime of killing the nine tribes. He was afraid that his identity would be exposed, so he killed and silenced..."

Ye Jingtang nodded: "This motive makes sense. Is there any sect near the Cangsha River?"

"The Cangsha River area is under the control of Baifo Song Chi, the second head of Honghua House."


Ye Jingtang was stunned. He didn't expect that something happened on his own territory, so he asked:

"What did Song Chi say at that time?"

"Hall Master Song is also a real person. He helped to check the contact list. However, in Tiannan, there are too many heroes coming and going every day. Because Fengguan City is here, most of them don't dare to be too public. It is difficult to check..."

"Is the crime scene still there?"

Zhang Henggu's eldest disciple and a descendant of Dayan died suddenly outside, but the real culprit was not found. It is impossible to hastily destroy the crime scene. He said in this regard:

"The incident happened in an inn in Cangshahe Town. Since the murderer was not found afterwards, the church took over the inn and handed it over to the care of the believers. All the items were preserved. However, there are not many traces there. Sixteen years have passed. , the blood stains are all gone, the leader and Eunuch Cao have both looked and found nothing..."

When Ye Jingtang heard that the place where the crime occurred was still there, he breathed a sigh of relief:

"As long as there was a fight at that time, there must be traces. Others can't see it, but it doesn't mean I can't see it. What was the condition of the body back then? Can the coffin be opened for an autopsy?"

Zhang Henggu shook his head: "I did an autopsy and found that there were no fractures at that time. Sixteen years later, there are no traces on the body. I clearly remember that it was a needle inserted into the water point, and there was a bruise on the right elbow joint. The fatal injury was A sword in the throat..."

After listening for a while, Ye Jingtang stood up straight:

"How tall was the deceased? Was he sitting or standing before the incident? Was the joint bruise caused by the left hand or the right hand? Where was the sword mark?"

Zhang Henggu noticed Ye Jingtang's unexpected professionalism, and immediately became serious: "Excuse me for being presumptuous." He raised his finger and raised Ye Jingtang's eyebrows:

"Height is about eyebrow level; the table was broken. We should have been sitting facing each other in the room before the incident; the bruise on the joint was caused by the left hand. The sword mark was two fingers under the jaw, one inch deep, from right to left..." "Swallow looks back..." ?”


Zhang Henggu was stunned for a moment, looking at his fingers that had not finished gesticulating, and felt a little confused:

"At that time, the experts speculated that it was a 'white snake sweeping its tail'. How could you guess that it was a swallow turning back just based on your oral description?"

Ye Jingtang said unexpectedly: "How could you expect White Snake to sweep away its tail?

"The deceased was sitting before the incident, and the needle had water in it. It is possible that the needle was administered secretly from under the table, otherwise it would not have been so easy to hit the stomach.

"The deceased sensed something was wrong and drew his weapon. The murderer did not draw his sword immediately, but pressed down and clasped his elbow to disarm him.

"The murderer grabbed his right hand with his left hand, and the sword in his right hand must have been used against another person. Then the deceased retreated and broke free. He should have retreated after being hit by the needle, but it should be because his companion was attacked and chose to pursue angrily. The other party found the opportunity to turn back and seal his throat with a sword.

"The scars caused by White Snake's tail sweep are similar to this, but this move is used from the front, and is mostly used for superior pursuit. It cannot cause front wounds, unless the deceased and the murderer are both confused, and they hit each other blindly.

"At that time, the Jianghu people must have seen the murderer fighting one against two and sealing his throat with a sword. They felt that the murderer had a great advantage, so they speculated that the White Snake was behind him."


Zhang Henggu was silent for a long time, secretly deducing Ye Jingtang's statement in his mind. Although he thought it was extremely credible, after pondering for a long time, he still didn't understand how Ye Jingtang guessed the fighting process just by dictating it. After thinking for a while, he said:

"Based on the position of the body, it should be pretty much the same as what Master Ye said. However, turning around like a swallow is also a common move in the world, so it's hard to see too much..."

Because Ye Jingtang was talking empty words, he could only judge these things. He thought about it and said:

"Zhao Hongnu's appearance has been recorded by the court, but his height was measured when he entered the Forbidden Army at the age of eighteen, which may not be accurate. It is difficult to find other clues after more than ten years. This matter really depends on luck. The Cangsha River is far away from here. Far away? How about we go there and take a look now?"

Zhang Henggu must be worried about his apprentice's revenge, but it was a bit inappropriate to rush to let others handle the case just after the Night Jingtang arrived, so he responded:

"It's not too far. After leaving Zhennanguan, it's more than a hundred miles downstream along the river. The visitor is a visitor, so why don't you rest for a day first..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "With traces, there will be no accidents in sixteen years, which does not mean that there will be no accidents tomorrow. They have come, so it is best to get over as soon as possible. I will call Yunli."

Zhang Henggu nodded when he saw this, turned around and said:

"Then I will go get the weapon I used back then. Your Excellency, please wait for a moment."


The Pingtian Sect's station is not too big, because it used to be a military fortress, and the buildings are all connected together. With the increase in population, some shantytowns have even been built.

The Xue family has guarded this place for generations. There is a general's mansion on the mountain, which is Bingtuotuo's ancestral home. However, after Emperor Yan Gong escaped from Jiazi, he let the family members and ministers brought by Emperor Yan live in it. Now it has become the platform sect. The chief rudder, Zhang Henggu and other elderly people all live there.

As the leader of the cult, Bing Tuotuo's residence was not too luxurious, just in a watchtower beside the cliff behind the fortress.

The circular watchtower is two stories high, and you can directly jump over the mountains and see the situation in the towns of the Wei Dynasty; the reason why it is called the "rear area" is because the people who built the Zhennan Pass Defense were Tiannan rebels, and the front is on the Tiannan side. Behind it is Da Wei.

When Night Terror Hall came to the vicinity of the watchtower, we could see a small river passing by the road, flowing down the side of the watchtower and turning into a small waterfall.

Although the two-story watchtower does not look like a residence, there are couplets pasted on the door, the interior is also paved with wooden boards, and there are tables, chairs, tea tables and other furniture. Except that it is round, it is not much different from the living room.

Ye Jingtang heard a noise upstairs, so he entered the living room and walked along the stone steps to the second floor. It can be seen that the second floor is divided into two rooms with an aisle in the middle.

The one on the left should be the master bedroom. There are many books and files in it. There are also some weapons hung on the wall. There is a makeup mirror but no rouge jewelry can be seen. At first glance, it is where Bing Tuo Tuo lives.

The room on the right has a completely different style of painting. Although it is also regular, it has more things. There are musical instruments such as piano, pipa, flute, etc. on the cabinet, and there are various ornaments on the desk. It looks like Like souvenirs, there are various rouges and gouache on the dressing table.

At this time, Yunli was standing in front of the wardrobe, looking for clothes inside. It could be seen that there were several skirts inside, all of which were long cyan skirts. Although the styles were different, the colors were similar, and they all seemed to be Ning'er's skirts.

Ye Jingtang looked around and saw that Yunli didn't respond, so he said:


Zhe Yunli didn't hear Ye Jingtang's footsteps, and was caught off guard and trembled with fright. He quickly turned around and found Ye Jingtang standing behind, and then he breathed a sigh of relief:

"Why is there no movement at all while walking? I want to peek at the girl changing her clothes. I should come later. I haven't taken off my clothes yet..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, but did not answer the words. He came to the room and looked around:

"Is this your house?"

Zhe Yunli continued to look for things in the closet:

"This is Master's wife's room. I lived with Master's wife when I was a child, and Master lived alone. Ping'er lives in the big house outside."

"Your master and mistress still sleep in separate beds?"

"Why not?"


Ye Jingtang thought about it. The two daughters-in-law didn't polish mirrors, so it was normal for them to sleep separately. He then picked up the big-headed doll ornament on the table:

"Did you collect these?"

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli came over quickly and put the ornaments back to their original places:

"You can't run around with these. I bought them from my wife's travels in the past. She often told me that she has traveled to many places. I am so young and I only went out with my wife last year. How could I have the chance to buy these."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, thinking that Ning'er was quite cute before, and of course she is very cute now. When he saw Yunli running back to the closet to rummage, he asked:

"What are you looking for?"

Yunli rummaged in the closet for a long time, and finally pulled out a letter from the bottom of the closet and handed it to Ye Jingtang:

"Don't tell my wife, it was the first time my wife and I came back. She secretly wrote it at night, but she didn't dare to give it to the master."

Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, subconsciously looked around, then picked up the letter and looked at it, and saw that it was a 'divorce agreement', with the general content:

I have been working as the leader's wife for so many years without ever receiving any remuneration. Now that I am quite young, I have to spread the word of incense to the family, so I left Nanxiao Mountain to get married. I keep records of our past feelings in my heart, and will come back from time to time to see if you can find a good man to marry as soon as possible, etc...

Ye Jingtang looked at the hesitant handwriting on it and knew that Ning'er had already had the idea of ​​marrying him when she came back for the first time, but she couldn't bear to betray the sisterhood, so she didn't give this letter to Bingtuo in the end. lump.

After Ye Jingtang glanced at it a few times, he folded the letter:

"Don't dare to look at this thing. If your wife knows, we will be punished to copy books together. Come on, let's go to Cangsha River to do something."

When Zhe Yunli heard that he was doing something, he naturally became energetic and quickly put away the letter:

"To be a killer?"

"As a police officer, we must eliminate harm for the people. Let's go back to the ship to say hello."

"That's okay, let's go, let's go..."


Not long after, a large ship floated slowly through the steep canyon.

Yuhu and Shui'er were still playing chess on the boat. Maybe Yuhu lost too badly. Qingzhi also ran forward and made suggestions with Sanniang.

Although Qingzhi is the younger sister in the boudoir and can be bullied by anyone, when it comes to music, chess, calligraphy and painting, she is the only one who can make two moves. She helps the empress with suggestions, so the pressure naturally falls on Shui'er, who is so focused that she doesn't even drink. .

The Queen Mother had taken a few glances, but she couldn't understand the chess moves at all, and she couldn't say a word, so she went back to her room to rest on the pretext of being tired.

Li Ren was diligent, practicing martial arts secretly in his room alone.

Ye Jingtang brought Yunli down from the mountain. He was planning to go to the back to say hello. When he passed by the door, he noticed some movement in the house, so he opened the door and took a look.

As a result, when I looked up, I saw that Da Benben was in a posture with his hands spread out, looking like a mountain fairy.

The big bird, which was full, flapped its wings and hung in the air. If it pushed to the left with its clumsy hand, it would fly to the left as if it was out of control, and if it pushed to the right, it would fly to the right...

? !

Zhe Yunli poked his head out from the door and saw the posture of this 'flying bird in the air', his expression instantly became strange. If he wasn't afraid of offending the Queen, he might have laughed out loud.

Ye Jingtang was also very uncomfortable holding it in. He opened his mouth but said nothing. He felt that Benben had at least rewarded him with a roast leg of lamb, otherwise Niaoniao would not have acted so realistically.

Dongfang Liren, who was learning how to control objects through the air, froze slightly when he heard the sound of the door opening. Then he changed into the posture of a wild horse parting his mane and turned around slowly:

"Why are you back so soon?"

Ye Jingtang didn't dare to laugh, so he walked into the house and caught Niao Niao, who was still cooperating with Ben Ben's performance:

"If you are going to Cangsha River to investigate Zhao Hongnu's case, you have to go first. You continue walking along the boat. I will wait for you at the dock."

Dongfang Liren was extremely bored on the boat, so he stood up straight when he saw this:

"I met Zhao Hongnu back then, why don't we go over together and give you some advice?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Benben wanted to go out and have fun together. It was not a fight to see the crime scene, so he naturally said happily:

"Let's go then."

Dongfang Liren was immediately delighted when he saw this, and quickly ran behind the screen and began to change his clothes.

Ye Jingtang was originally going to look around, but Yun Li pulled him out and closed the door. He had no choice but to give up. Waiting for Benben to change into the costume of a chivalrous woman, he went to the back of the ship building to say hello, and then Let's go downstream together...

(End of this chapter)

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