wait a minute

Chapter 573 Sit back and watch the clouds rise

Chapter 573 Sit back and watch the clouds rise

The arena of Tianshui Bridge was built outside a restaurant on the other side of the river. The restaurant has been purchased by Sanniang. The sign is now Kuixing Tower, and the plaque awarded by the court to the winner is placed in the window on the second floor.

At this time, in the newly built arena, two young men from the Yunzhou sect were sparring; and the people under the arena were all spectators, including martial arts warriors from all over the world, as well as ordinary people near Tianshui Bridge.

As the door god of Ye Mansion, Zhe Yunli had a bit of a master's baggage at this time. Instead of joining the crowd to chat as usual, he stood on the roof of the restaurant holding a long knife, imitating his master's example, being serious and unsmiling. Observe.

The fluffy bird, not very interested in fighting, slid down the snow on the roof, like a penguin, slid to the edge of the eaves, and peeked down:


There are several chairs under the eaves of the restaurant, and Hua Junchen, Xu Tianying, and Cao Aning sit among them as judges. Although the three people's martial arts may seem strange to the Night Terror Hall, but in the world of martial arts, they are actually top masters, serving as role models for young people. The referees are completely qualified and are still chatting with each other:

"This boxing technique is quite interesting. I haven't seen it in Beiliang..."

"It's 'Bao Yuan Jin'. Li Hunyuan, the head of Bao Yuan Sect, was punched by the King of Hell last year and survived..."

"No wonder, with such a record, he can be called a famous teacher and disciple..."


And while there was so much excitement up and down, Zhe Yunli suddenly spotted a figure jumping above the new house. He glanced this way and waved to her.

Zhe Yunli threw the bird aside and it flew by itself. He put his hands on his shoulders and asked:

"But cousin Jing is interested in sex, is he still tempted?"

"Are you anxious to get married?"

Ye Jingtang was actually thinking about this these days. He thought about it for a while, stopped and squatted in front of Yunli:

Ye Jingtang felt the soft pillow behind him, and his eyes looked a little strange:

Hearing these words, Zhe Yunli leaned forward, with the soft little Nanxiaoshan pressing on Ye Jingtang's back, and tilted his head to look at:

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, carrying Yunli on his back towards the imperial city, and asked:

"Then when you grew up, you slowly started to think wrong. I remember one time when I went back to the capital, I was living at Sanniang's house. I saw you at the window and suddenly realized that you were a grown-up girl too. I like Ning'er, but I don't dare to be too fond of you. I am so presumptuous that I try my best to treat you as my sister, but..."

As a rebel young master, Zhe Yunli definitely didn't like to enter the palace, but these days Ye Jingtang has been busy during the day, and disappeared directly at night. He has no time to walk with her, and he obviously doesn't want to go to the palace at this time. Minding where you were going, I walked beside you and asked:

"What's the matter? It's not a wedding, is it?"

Dongfang Liren had been busy all the way back, so he didn't have time to draw these, but he found that people in the Night Terror Hall had begun to go to the house to unveil the tiles, so he could only say coldly:

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll be out right away."


Night Terror Hall rose and fell on the house, thinking for a moment:


Ye Jingtang doesn't have much control in Benben's hands now, so naturally he was disobedient and even deliberately said:

They arrived at Cheng'an Hall by familiar means. Before they landed, Ye Jingtang found that Da Benben in a silver python suit was already standing outside the hall waiting. He was standing on tiptoes to look out, but when he noticed that he had fallen, he quickly raised his head. Her breasts were posed like a cold and stern queen.

Zhe Yunli was naturally overjoyed when he saw Ye Jingtang emerging. He immediately left the restaurant and led Niaoniao back to his new house from behind the crowd, and chased him to the wall:

"Cousin Jing, what are you doing?"

Satisfied, Ye Jingtang quickly put Benben down and helped arrange the python skirt:

"I was the one who offended you, so you must be honest next time."

"Why don't you surprise your cousin and go to the palace? I'll wait for you outside and take Niao Niao to buy a roast chicken."

Zhe Yunli didn't wait for Ye Jingtang's answer before chasing after Niao Niao.

Dongfang Liren was caught off guard and was picked up, his eyes naturally turned into shame and annoyance:


"I did propose marriage, and your master agreed. What are your thoughts? Tell me in private?"

"What? Your Highness has drawn me a new picture album. Why don't you tear it up if I don't obey?"

"and then?"

Ye Jingtang was a little funny. He walked up to him in an orderly manner and seemed to be bowing his hands in salute. But when he got closer, he changed into a bear hug and started spinning around in circles:

"Your Highness came out specifically to pick me up?"

"It's okay to stay a little longer. I'm not in a hurry. Cousin Jing is going to show his face. Don't be too quick to be disliked by the empress~"

Zhe Yunli knew that he was talking about Master's question, thought about it and said:

"I don't care. Anyway, I will come as Master arranges. Besides, cousin Jing took advantage of me while I was sleeping. If I don't obey, who else can I marry..."

"This is Master's arrangement. Why should I be anxious? I'm just afraid that you will arrange things quietly and then suddenly get married. If the date is set, you have to tell me first."

Ye Jingtang stopped outside the imperial city, put Yunli down, raised his hand and pinched his face:

"There's something going on in the palace. Let's go over and take a look. How about we go for a walk together?"

"The first time we met, you were only fourteen years old. At that time, you were not as tall as my shoulders, and your figure was not tall. You looked like a tomboy. At that time, you really regarded you as my little sister and didn't think about anything else."

Zhe Yunli blinked, feeling a little embarrassed about this:

"Cousin Jing took advantage of me, so he must be responsible. Master has agreed, what else can I say..."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were quite helpless, and without saying anything, he flew into the majestic palace wall and entered the silver-covered palace city.

Ye Jingtang was about to speak when he found the rebellious Bird Bird landing directly on top of his head. He raised his hand to take Bird Bird down:


Ye Jingtang responded: "Good looks are secondary, and the main thing is personality. We are about the same age and have similar hobbies. We have a lot of fun together. Over time, I can't let go. But later...well, it's mainly me to blame."

When Niaoniao heard this, he immediately became energetic, turned around and flew towards the chicken shop.

Zheyunli fell on the roof. He was obviously a little hesitant when he saw this scene. However, after looking around, he jumped up and landed on Ye Jingtang's back. He rubbed Niaoniao, who turned around to look at him:

"I am preparing to draw a painting. Since you are so ignorant of etiquette, just let it go."


Zhe Yunli said a few words and felt that the topic was strange, so he looked at it in a blink of an eye:

"Cousin Jing is quite good at pleasing girls~"

Dongfang Liren moved to the side: "I have changed my mind and there is no chance."

When Ye Jingtang saw Benben not painting, he must be unhappy, so he started to do something again.

Dongfang Liren couldn't defeat Ye Jingtang at all. Seeing Ye Jingtang being so shameless, he could only look back and say:

"If you keep doing this, I really won't do anything anymore. There is news from outside the customs. My sister is waiting. Let's go discuss business first."

Ye Jingtang gave up after seeing this, and pulled Benben into the study room in the hall. Yuhu could be seen sitting behind the desk, holding a letter in his hand and looking at it. Seeing him come in, he showed a smile:

"That arrives so fast?"


Ye Jingtang pulled Benben to the front. Since they were a couple, they didn't care about too many rules. They sat directly next to Yuhu and asked:

"Has the war at Tianlang Lake been hindered?"

When the empress saw Dongfang Liren standing beside her with her arms folded across her chest, looking unhappy at being teased, she raised her hand and pulled her sister down, letting her sit on Ye Jingtang's lap:

"Something unexpected happened. It's hard to figure out the truth. Take a look."

Ye Jingtang surrounded Benben who was about to get up, and took the letter and looked at it carefully. It can be seen that the letter written by the messenger, King Liang, contains quite a lot of content, ranging from logistics status to military deployment and marching direction, but the main purpose is to explain One thing - I lost the first battle in winter, and the loss was ugly.

Originally, the overall situation of the Northern and Southern Dynasties had been decided. The morale of the Northern Liang Dynasty and the public had collapsed and they had lost their will to fight. However, the Southern Dynasties were full of morale and thirsty for war. It can be said that as long as they push through, this war of annihilation can be fought. Win; as the main force of the court, King Liang sent his own troops to take the lead in this first battle in order to show his loyalty and take the lead.

As a result, not to mention the attack on the eastern defense line of the lake, the more than 10,000 vanguard troops had just left the Xihai Protectorate for more than a hundred miles when they were intercepted by Beiliang cavalry. There were only three thousand in number, but they were all elite heavy cavalry hidden in Beiliang. The horses were Yi Shui's famous horse from the West Sea, whose armor and horse gear were all of high quality, could not be beaten or outrun by King Liang's troops, so he was immediately scattered from the formation and had to retreat.

Furthermore, Beiliang's three thousand cavalry refused to retreat even after the battle. They pursued them directly to the vicinity of the Xihai Protectorate and began to clear out the scouts to pave the way for the follow-up troops. It was as if a large army was approaching the border and preparing to take the Xihai directly.

Originally, the troops assembled in the Xihai Protectorate were quite relaxed, thinking that they could capture Beiliang before the end of the month. However, when they suddenly encountered such a change, they were immediately awakened. They remembered that Beiliang was still the same Beiliang, and the masters were dead. , the main force is not injured. As long as it regroups and boosts morale, it is not afraid of the West China Sea Allied Forces attacking the homeland.

In the first battle, King Liang kicked the iron plate and was beaten. He must have been blamed for underestimating the enemy. For this reason, he wrote a letter to explain the situation at that time.

Ye Jingtang was quite surprised that King Liang could lose. After all, he didn't expect that even Northern Liang would be like this and still have the guts to fight to the West Sea.

At the end of the letter, the reason was also explained - the reason why Beiliang's morale suddenly boosted, and they were not afraid of his being the number one in the world who could control everything, was because a new Beiliang Imperial Master suddenly came to Beiliang.

The King of Liang could not be certain as he had not seen it with his own eyes, but the hidden stake hidden in Fengyan City had seen it with his own eyes calling for wind and thunder, breaking ice sheets with his palms, and said that he was no less than a living god like him.

The Beiliang army also regained its courage and began to launch a counterattack against the coalition forces because there were people holding down the formation from behind.

After reading the letter, Ye Jingtang frowned slightly and nodded slightly:

"No wonder……"

Dongfang Liren sat in his arms. Seeing that Ye Jingtang read the letter carefully and did not touch her, he stopped struggling and even hooked Ye Jingtang's neck:

"Who is this living god?"

Ye Jingtang put down the letter and held the fat-headed dragon in his hand:

"It should be the person behind the Green Bandit. Only this kind of person can teach a disciple like Beiyun Bian."

The empress was thinking about this just now and said:

"To untie the bell, you must tie the bell. The morale of Beiliang is low, but the national strength has not been damaged. If we really let go of the fight, although our government still has the advantage, there will be heavy casualties. This new national division must be dealt with. "

Although Dongfang Liren is not talented in martial arts, his intelligence is not bad. He thought about it a little and said:

"While Feng Lao Shen is here, no one can find him if he hides his head and face. As soon as Feng Lao Shen leaves, he comes out in a big way to confuse people. This shows that he is afraid of Mr. Feng Lao and is not as powerful as Feng Lao Shen."

The empress continued: "He can hide for so many years, he must not be stupid. Fengguancheng and Ye Jingtang did not use all their strength in the fight, and they did not even fight back. If there was a real life-and-death fight, Ye Jingtang would not have a good chance of winning, and he should just It is slightly inferior to Fengguan City, so it dares to take the lead at this time."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled at these words:

"It's true that Mr. Feng Lao didn't go all out, but do you think the 'No. 1 in the world' who has never lost in his life would be so happy to give up his position to an unworthy bastard?" Although Dongfang Liren believed in Ye Jingtang very much, , but still hesitated about these words:

"You mean you can really defeat Fengguan City?"

Ye Jingtang pinched the fat-headed dragon and said seriously:

"It's not like I've fought before. The ceiling in this world is so high. When Fengguan City entered the Hedao, it was already invincible and could regard everything as an ant. I was able to break free at that time, and a thunderbolt hit my head and stabbed the ceiling. He opened a hole and gained a slight advantage by relying on his realm.

"If both sides risk their lives in a fight, I will definitely escape death, but I do have a chance to win.

"Fengguancheng only left after seeing the door clearly. Otherwise, he knew that the demons from all directions were ready to move, and he still sent me to the top of the world, who was not qualified. That would not be 'after I leave, who cares about the floods'" ”

Dongfang Liren blinked, not quite understanding, and just moved Ye Jingtang's hand away from his chest.

Seeing that her sister was still coy, the empress pulled Ye Jingtang's hand down to her chest and asked:

"If the leader of the green bandits also joins the path, and his skills are deeper than those in Fengguan City, what are your chances of winning?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "It's impossible for him to join the Tao. If he could, he would have left long ago, so why hide and hide for so many years.

"As for the odds of winning, if my guess is correct, he has practiced the Nine Singing Dragon Diagrams for a few years, and his skill and physique are already comparable to those of gods and Buddhas. He is not that easy to fight, but his realm is so different, and he is not on the same level as Fengguan City. There’s no need to think about the odds, you’ll know it when you meet.”

The empress nodded slightly and looked out the window:

"When are you going to go there?"

After the night terrors passed by, he stood up and picked up a sword from the side of the desk:

"We finally waited until the leader of the green bandit showed up. We must go there early to prevent him from running away. You guys rest first while I go over and take a look."

"Going right now?"

Dongfang Liren knew that he had to go to Ye Jingtang as soon as possible, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. He hesitated and said:

"Why are you going there? Why don't you say hello and prepare yourself first?"

Ye Jingtang showed a sunny smile:

"It doesn't take much time to say hello."


After saying that, a strong wind blew up in the study room, and the Night Terror Hall standing in front of the window immediately turned into a black sharp arrow, shooting towards the flying snow in the sky, creating a whirlpool hole above the imperial city, and almost in the blink of an eye, it reached the sea of ​​clouds. Down.

Dongfang Liren was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up and went to the window to look out, and found that Ye Jingtang was riding away in the wind, his eyes were like looking at a god, and his eyes were full of little stars.

However, after Ye Jingtang flew out of the city, he paused for a moment and fell into the city again. A moment later, he turned into a black dragon again and shot toward the end of the sky. This time, there was obviously an extra girl in his arms.


Dongfang Liren was originally looking at the scenery with admiration, but when he saw this scene, his eyes darkened:

"Why doesn't this pervert take me with him?"

The empress crossed her arms and admired it, and responded:

"Yunli, this girl, hasn't come in yet today, and Ye Jingtang is also quite worried. Let them go out for a walk. When Ye Jingtang comes back, I will ask him to take you out alone for a flight."

Although Dongfang Liren was wary of Xue Baijin, he was really not wary of Yunli. After thinking about it, he gave up his jealousy. After hearing his sister's words, he politely said:

"I am following alone, and I have to be bullied to death by him. My sister also wants to run away, but she has not had the chance for so many years. When the war is over and there are no other government affairs, let's let him fly around with her."


The empress raised her lips and smiled softly, but did not respond. However, she obviously still longed for such leisurely time...

At the same time, above the nine heavens.

Boundless flying snow covers the white land, but it is quite quiet above the clouds. Between the sea of ​​clouds, a thin black line can be seen, slowly passing through the huge marshmallow-like clouds, approaching rapidly to the northwest.

"Chi chi chi..."

The bird spread its wings and followed Ye Jingtang to suck his wake. It kept cooing and grumbling, presumably meaning - why are you running so fast? ! I haven’t eaten the roast chicken yet…

It was also the first time in Ye Jingtang's life that he was flying on the road. Looking at the magnificent scenery like a sea of ​​clouds and a heavenly palace, his eyes were filled with emotion.

Under Ye Jingtang's left arm, Zhe Yunli, dressed as a heroine, was blown open by the strong wind and couldn't open her eyes. When she passed through the thick clouds and mist, she looked a little frightened and hugged Ye Jingtang's neck tightly:

"Cousin Jing, where are you going?"

After Night Terror flew out of the clouds and saw the sun again, he lowered his head:

"Go to Tianlang Lake and open your eyes."

Zhe Yunli's cheeks hurt due to the cold wind. After noticing the light and warmth, he opened his eyes and looked around, only to be surprised.

The two of them had already flown above the clouds. Under their feet was the endless sea of ​​clouds, and above their heads was the blue sky. There were some drifting clouds higher up. Apart from the sound of wind, there was no other movement in the world. It felt like walking on the sea of ​​clouds. In the heavenly palace.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly, blocking out the cold wind that hit his face, and asked with a smile:

"how do you feel?"


It was the first time in Zhe Yunli's life that he saw such a magnificent scene. He didn't know what to say. He turned around and looked around, looked at his feet, and asked:

"Is this what Mr. Storyteller said about walking with a sword?!"

Ye Jingtang has also heard of this kind of statement. After thinking about it, he took Yunli's five-foot-long sword and stood on the scabbard with his Qi sword.

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli also stepped on the scabbard, grabbed Ye Jingtang's belt from behind, and found that the knife would not sink, and said in surprise:



As a bird of prey, Niaoniao was already familiar with the scenery in the sky. At this time, he fell in front and stepped on Ye Jingtang's shoes, seemingly complaining about not having enough roast chicken.

The Night Terror Hall stood facing the wind. Seeing this, he lowered his head to comfort:

"What to eat roast chicken? Let's go directly to the sandbank to eat roasted hump."


When the bird heard this, he naturally became excited. He quickly released his big claws, turned around and flew out. This time the speed was much faster.

Zheyunli Daoxing was not high enough after all, so he went up to the sky to wander around. Mingming was still a little nervous in his heart. After grabbing his belt and looking around, he remembered something again and asked:

"Brother Jing, if you let me play like this, the Queen won't be angry if she sees it, right?"

Ye Jingtang smiled and said: "It won't take long for her to come back. Then I will take her to visit the overseas fairy islands. You have already been there, so I won't take you with me. Is that okay?"

Zhe Yunli had already gone to Fairy Island by wind and waves, and was not curious about that place, but he still responded with a faint resentment:

"Oh~ I know that Brother Jingtang has many confidantes, so I'll just wait at home."


When Ye Jingtang heard the familiar sour tone, a smile appeared in the corners of his eyes, but he did not respond. He just chased the busy birds and enjoyed the magnificent scenery.

Zhe Yunli stood behind him and looked at it for a moment. Perhaps he felt that the scenery in the sky was romantic and unforgettable. After thinking about it, his eyes moved to Ye Jingtang in front of him, and he thought for a moment:

"Cousin Jing, I have often heard that my husband said 'one kiss brings happiness', and those gentlemen laughed like birds. Isn't that kind of thing interesting?"


Ye Jingtang blinked, feeling that there was something in Yunli's words, so he turned around and looked at Yunli behind him.

Zhe Yunli was waiting for a response. When he saw that the night terror hall had turned into a face to face, his eyes naturally became nervous:

"Cousin Jing, what are you doing?"

"I think that kind of thing is quite interesting. Do you want to try it?"


Ye Jingtang looked at the energetic face and said nothing. He put his hands on his shoulders and slowly lowered his head and came closer.

Zhe Yunli tensed up and his eyes were obviously a little timid, but after struggling for a moment, he still didn't hide, so...

Lips meet!


The cold wind blew the black robe and skirt, and suddenly it was extremely quiet above the sea of ​​clouds.

Zhe Yunli's eyes widened a bit, and he felt the soft and warm touch on his lips. He was obviously stunned, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he didn't react for a long time.

Ye Jingtang pursed his delicate lips and wrapped his hands around his waist. Although he was a little confused before, he had made up his mind at this moment. Seeing that Yunli was confused, he even pulled his hand up and put it on his neck. superior.


After embracing each other for a long time, Zhe Yunli finally came to his senses, but his reaction was completely unexpected.

After Zhe Yunli came to his senses, he quickly moved away, his face turned red and he wiped his mouth:

"Eh~ It's not interesting, I thought it was so interesting..."

Ye Jingtang looked at Yun Li's evasive eyes and said with a smile:

"That means you didn't kiss well. I'll be more serious this time."

"Eh? No, no, no, I know what it's like. We're not married yet. Master will definitely break your legs if he finds out... Wu~"

After just a few words, the two hugged each other again.

Zhe Yunli stood on the long knife and had no place to move. In the end, he was hugged by the waist and kissed that handsome cheek. His face was already red to his neck. However, after squirming for a while, he still got used to it. His teeth were slightly open and raw. cater.

The sea of ​​clouds flew back, and the two of them flew like a bird in the clouds. Within a moment, they disappeared into the afterglow of winter and disappeared into the northwest sky...


After writing the next paragraph, it will be the finale. I need to take two days off to think carefully about how to write or2

(End of this chapter)

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