wait a minute

Chapter 574 The dust has settled

Chapter 574 The dust has settled

Under a silvery moon in the sky, tens of thousands of soldiers faced each other in the distance on the endless ice fields. The flags were fluttering in the cold wind, and the armor and weapons emitted a dark and cold light. From the clouds, they looked like two indestructible steel walls.

The King of Liang and the leader of the Wuma Tribe, Yao Cishan, stood with their spears drawn in front of the Western Navy soldiers. They looked at the elite Northern Liang troops in the distance with solemn expressions and did not look down upon them at all. The soldiers at the rear also felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Li Guangxian, who was accompanying the army on the Western Expedition, was among the Beiliang army. Together with his friend Lu Xingjun, he looked nervously at the densely packed troops in the distance, looking for that familiar figure.

After the vanguard army's victory, the main force of Beiliang, led by the commander, left the city and marched westward to the Xihai Protectorate.

King Liang, who commanded thousands of troops, could not stay in the city and wait for the imperial court to come to rescue him, so he quickly gathered troops from all walks of life and came to Tianlang Lake in winter, setting up a confrontation between the armies.

Now the two armies were less than ten miles apart, and simple structures were built on the ice field to withstand heavy cavalry charges. However, both sides invariably stood still and just faced each other across the ice field.

The King of Liang and Yao Cishan did not order the coalition forces to attack first because no matter how bad the Northern Liang was, it was still a big country that had accumulated national strength. At this time, it was betting on the national destiny to bring out all the elites. As long as there was no problem with morale, the Liangzhou army and the coalition forces from other ministries would A head-on collision can cause serious damage.

Moreover, there is a mysterious national master behind Beiliang. No one on the Xihai side can deal with it at the moment. If Beiliang comes to fight, it will turn the river upside down and spread rain and wind, and there will be chaos on the Xihai side.

As for the Beiliang side, although they were victorious and there was an old immortal behind them, which boosted the morale of the army, the Night Terror Hall was still the Night Terror Hall after all.

The soldiers of Beiliang didn't know whether the Great Night Demon could deal with the old god at the rear, but it would definitely not take much effort to deal with their group of ants. They only had one life. If they sent troops to fight, the Night Terror Hall would appear. Even the old immortals who had just arrived were wiped out, so wouldn't their fearless charge lead to death without thinking?

Then countless crystal ice particles floated up in the moonlight, and converged on the right hand stretched out by the Night Terror Hall. From short to long, they slowly condensed into a nine-foot spear!


"After the counterattack the day before yesterday, the news should have reached Yanjing. If the Night Terror Hall sets off immediately, it will be here tomorrow night at the latest. It may be here soon."

Lu Xingjun had seen with his own eyes the power of the new Imperial Master, but he had also seen Ye Jingtang gather his swords and become a dragon. He frowned and said:

"Which one of the two do you think has a better chance of winning?"

Li Guangxian immediately paused and turned his head, while King Liang, Yao Cishan and others in the distance also raised their eyes, only to see a black meteor falling from the sky and hitting the ice field three miles away from the Beiliang camp!


Seeing that Cousin Jing, who was so tactful just now, became stern and serious when he got to public places, Zhe Yunli still let out a vague "Humph~".


Zhe Yunli was walking behind. He was making a concave shape when he heard a strange noise and looked around. He was shocked to find that the ice on the ground had cracks.

While he was talking, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind in the distance.

But at this moment, a sharp cry broke through the long silent night on the ice sheet:


Li Guangxian had drinks with Ye Jingtang, and he and Hua Junchen were still close friends. Normally, Ye Jingtang would keep a hand, but with so many people in the army, if Ye Jingtang didn't look carefully, he would just shoot him down. He obviously Without a chance to beg for mercy, the risk is undoubtedly still quite high.

Li Guangxian always held the saber in his hand, and his eyes searched for that familiar figure in the army opposite:

"Li Guangxian, the chief instructor of the Daliang Forbidden Army, is here. Who is this person?"

Li Guangxian and Lu Xingjun originally did not want to come, but there was no one in the court and they still had their families, so they did not dare to disobey orders, so they had no choice but to go to the front of the army and wait.

Lu Xingjun turned around and glanced at the countless Beiliang soldiers:

"What will happen then?"

Step, step...

As Ye Jingtang moved forward, the ice spear slipped from his hand, and the tip of the spear hit the ground, drawing a white line on his side. When he was still a hundred feet away, his left foot slid forward and his body felt like a collapsed bow.

The sound of footsteps soon came from the churning water mist.

Hearing that there were acquaintances among the soldiers facing him, Ye Jingtang naturally paid some attention to his sense of propriety and did not take action directly. Instead, he walked forward facing the thousands of troops.

Night Terror Hall has come to this day, and the symbol of carrying a snow eagle has been spread all over the north and south. Countless soldiers just heard the cry from the sky and knew what was falling from the sky just now.

"The Night Terror Hall can't come over. Both of us are unsure. It looks like we won't be able to fight for a while."

In contrast, the Beiliang army, which was originally orderly, became chaotic and even showed signs of retreating in unison. Even the commander's flag in the army moved back a bit.

Lu Xingjun was also worried about this. After a long confrontation, he said:

Li Guangxian shook his head and said: "What else can we do? No matter how many ants there are, they are still ants. If the Night Terror Hall really comes, we'd better wait and see what happens and wait for the new national master to deal with it. If we can handle it, Xihai will fall apart by itself. There is no need at all. Hit it; if you can’t handle it, there’s no need to hit it, just shoot it.”

Ye Jingtang turned his back to thousands of Western Navy soldiers and looked at the Beiliang army in front. He didn't respond. There were still two miles away, so he raised his right hand.

Zheyunli opened his mouth and his eyes were full of surprise. If you look closely, you can see that the shape of the ice gun is exactly the same as that of the roaring dragon gun, even the pattern is not missing.

"It's King Tianlang..."

The figure in front was dressed in a black robe made of water brocade, with two weapons hanging on his waist. He looked like a young man out for a leisurely outing, but his terrifying aura, like an ancient evil beast, made it impossible for him to breathe. gas.



Because both sides were afraid to move rashly, the two armies, armed to the teeth, just stopped on the ice sheet, waiting for the high-level officials of Beiliang to force an attack, or for the West China Sea Allied Forces to attack first.

"You want me to come and see..."

The generals of Beiliang and even the masters accompanying the army seemed to hear the footsteps of the King of Hell coming to the door, and they involuntarily drove their horses back. However, after a moment, they saw two figures walking over the ice field.

On the ice field where the two armies were facing each other, Ye Jingtang fell straight into the air and landed in front of the main force of Beiliang. It was originally intended to scare the monkeys and show off its power.

call out--

There was no response from the distance, but this voice was obviously of some use.

Countless soldiers in the distance had obviously seen this scene. The enemy had no distracting thoughts at the moment, but retreated with horror in their eyes.

Although Li Guangxian and Lu Xingjun had not yet clearly seen the scene between the white mist, they already felt bad when they saw each other so close. They were afraid that Ye Jingtang would show off without saying a word, so Li Guangxian imitated Junchen without thinking and scolded loudly: :

Li Guangxian had already shouted. It was obviously wrong to run back at this time, so he plucked up the courage to speak again:

"Your Excellency, is the Night Terror Hall?"

The West Sea Allied Forces immediately showed joy, and the soldiers of each department headed by the four major departments immediately raised their weapons:

"King Tianlang is here!"

The soldiers from the north and south, who were facing a formidable enemy, immediately raised their eyes upon hearing the sound and looked towards the center of the foggy ice field, trying to see clearly what was falling.

Zhe Yunli was kissed all the way, and her face was still red. When she realized that she was in the right place, she quickly looked back and forth calmly, and found that there were many people there, so she quickly put on the appearance of a cold heroine.


The sound was shocking, resounding throughout the entire ice field, and like a huge stone, smashing into the hearts of tens of thousands of soldiers!

Li Guangxian faced the Night Terror Hall directly. His hair stood on end at the sight, and he immediately shouted:



But this reminder is obviously too late!

The muscles of Ye Jingtang's right arm were towering, and the nine-foot ice spear turned into a white arc under the moonlight, and hit the endless ice field from back to front.

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, the ice surface immediately dented and shattered, and water mist burst into the sky.

The broken ice mist was carried by the strong wind, and turned into a stunning white dragon almost instantly, tearing apart the ice field hundreds of feet in front, and in an instant it was in front of thousands of soldiers.


The strong wind carried the water vapor and ice crystals, and instantly knocked over a hundred people in front of them. Li Guangxian and Lu Xingjun, who flew up to try to avoid, were all thrown down. They rolled several times on the ice. The screams instantly turned the silent ice field into ice. For the hustle and bustle of the city.


The white dragon swept past, leaving a mess on the ground.

Li Guangxian and others stood up and looked up in horror, only to see a 100-foot crack that ended abruptly about a foot away from the front of the team, revealing the deep lake below.

Directly opposite the long and narrow rift valley is the black-robed figure standing with a gun, his cold eyes like the Nine Netherworld King of Hell, looking at thousands of lonely souls and wild ghosts:

"If you want to die for Beiliang, you can come here."


After one blow, the Beiliang army, which had been waiting in full formation, immediately fell into chaos. Most of the people dropped their weapons and fled back. Even the generals were retreating.

The morale of the tens of thousands of troops from the West Sea Alliance surged to its peak in an instant. Even King Liang was in awe and rushed out of the array with his soldiers and ran towards the back of Night Terror Hall.

When Yao Cishan saw the backbone coming, he naturally no longer feared Beiliang's chaotic masters, and shouted loudly:

"Kill me!"



The sound of the horn sounded from the ice field. The soldiers of the various tribes in the West Sea had a strong sense of honor and only recognized King Tianlang. Now King Tianlang took the lead in the battle. If they fell behind, they would probably become the laughing stock of the city. They immediately drove their horses and rushed away. out.


The sound of horse hooves was like rolling thunder, and the shouts of killing suddenly resounded across the wilderness.

The Beiliang generals who reacted wanted to maintain order, organize a counterattack or hold on, but the image left by Ye Jingtang in the past two years was too terrifying. Even the commander did not dare to step forward, so how could he maintain the army? Order of soldiers.

If thousands of troops from the West Sea are allowed to rush over, the chaotic formation of Beiliang, which is chaotic and timid before fighting, will inevitably be quickly divided and defeated one by one, and then abandon the armor.

But Beiliang pulled the main force out of the defense line and set up a formation, which was obviously not for free.

Ye Jingtang stood with a gun at the starting point of the rift valley, looking at the chaotic Beiliang military formation, and behind him were thousands of troops rushing quickly. Before the West Sea Allied Forces could rush out a mile, the rear of the Beiliang camp , and a voice came:

"It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Xiaoyou Ye is really good at it."

The voice was neither soft nor serious, just like an old man chatting casually, but it was like thunder, suppressing the chaotic sound of the entire ice field.

The panicked Beiliang soldiers naturally calmed down a bit when they heard this voice, and their retreating formation stopped.

The West Sea Allied Forces didn't care so much. As long as Ye Jingtang was in front, all the gods and Buddhas were just fish in their eyes. They were still rushing forward, hoping to get to the front and become the King of Tianlang. Tribal warriors remembered.

When Ye Jingtang heard this voice, he knew that the leader of the green bandits that had troubled him for the past two years had emerged. He was not ready to let ordinary soldiers come to help test the depth, so he raised his left hand on the ice field.


Yao Cishan and Liang Wang shouted loudly when they saw this, and the flag commander waved the flag. Thousands of soldiers ordered and prohibited, and gradually stopped on the ice field.

This was the first time Zhe Yunli saw the confrontation between the two armies, and he felt quite nervous. When he found that everyone had stopped, he moved closer and asked:

"The leader of the Green Bandits is here?"

Ye Jingtang Ruoyou seemed to be nodding, looking deep into the Beiliang camp:

"My methods are more than this. Why don't you come out and see me?"

"Ha ha……"

There was a chuckle from behind thousands of soldiers, and then the sound of footsteps could be heard.

Li Guangxian and others immediately stepped aside, revealing an aisle.

Zhe Yunli was naturally very curious about this mysterious person from the world. He squinted his eyes and looked carefully. He could see a figure walking out from behind thousands of troops.

The figure was not strange, just an old man in a robe, with snow-white hair and an ordinary appearance, even somewhat elegant. The only embellishment on his body was a small brand hanging on his waist.

Ye Jingtang's eyesight was extraordinary. When he saw the word 'Xiao' on the sign, all his past suspicions were swept away and he said:

"Ancestor Xiao Yuan, I didn't expect it to be you. You are a monster if you are too old to die. It is really not a joke."

"Xiao Yuan?"

"This is……"

When the words came out, there was a little noise in both the northern and southern camps. Most of the ordinary soldiers didn't know what was going on, but the martial arts masters or experienced generals had doubts in their eyes, which was a bit incomprehensible.

Zhe Yunli has been listening to books in the market all year round, and he knows a lot about the people in the world. He also looked in disbelief when he heard the words.

When mentioning Xiao Yuan in the arena, some people may not know who he is, but when it comes to 'Xiao Zu', anyone with some experience in the arena has basically heard of it.

After all, Xiao Zu was the number one in the world before Fengguan City. Although his achievements were not as high as those of Fengguan City and Ye Jingtang, he was still truly the number one in the north and south. The Xiaoshan Fort where he was born is still dominating Jiangzhou. One of the powerful families in the Wei Dynasty.

According to Jianghu, Xiao Zu was a late bloomer. He only came to prominence in his forties. He defeated all the invincible opponents in the world at the age of sixty and became the best in the world. Then, at the age of eighty, he saw through the world of mortals and went to the sea to seek immortality. In Jianghu, One said he died, another said he ascended to immortality. Anyway, there has been no trace since then.

Xiao Zu was born in the early days of the founding of the Yan Dynasty. When he left the country, he was already in the middle period of the Yan Dynasty. It was more than sixty years before he was born in Fengguan City. Now that the dynasties have long since changed, Lian Fengguancheng has ascended to immortality. It can be said that he is a very distant figure.

Zhe Yunli never thought that this person could appear, and he couldn't help but wonder:

"He is Xiao Zu? Why is he still alive?!"

Ye Jingtang was not sure at first, but when he saw Xiao Shanbao's waistband, he became convinced and responded:

"The last three pictures can prolong life, plus eating elixirs for food. It is not unusual to live for such a long time. However, my hair has turned white, and it seems that the end of life is not long away. No wonder I have moved so frequently in the past ten years."

Xiao Zu walked to the Beiliang military formation and stood at the other end of the rift valley, with his hands in his sleeves and a mature look:

"If you can't escape this world, you can't escape the cycle of life and death. After living for so many years, the end is indeed coming soon. Fortunately, God rewards hard work, and God is not so ruthless. He sent you to me before the end."


Ye Jingtang laughed, but didn't say much, just asked:

"The sword marks on the wine jar under the desert, the Buddha's head under Crescent Bay, and the phrase 'Senior mistaken me', are all your handiwork?"

Xiao Zu looked at the young and handsome Ye Jingtang and seemed to be recalling the path he had traveled in his life:

"I entered Xiaoshan Fort when I was six years old, and made a living by forging iron and swords. After more than ten years, I was just an outsider. Later I left the mountain to make a living on my own, and I ended up not returning to where I came from, and became a gold digger.

"I don't have the talent like you and Fengguancheng, but I'm better at hard work and a bit of luck. I accidentally bumped into the Daliang Palace and found some lost secrets and clues to Crescent Bay. That's the place where I leap over the Dragon Gate, and I often go there. Sit down.

"Relying on the stone tablets in the Crescent Bay Underground Palace, I learned the skills of the First Emperor and became the best in the world, but I found that the First Emperor's way was not as good as Wu Taizu after all.

"For this reason, I went to sea to visit the immortals. I spent more than ten years collecting all the pictures of the singing dragon. I want to live in seclusion on the immortal island to practice martial arts and learn the method of immortality."

Night Terror Hall nodded: "Then you found out it didn't work?"

Xiao Zu’s response was quite candid:

"The path of chess has never been the same throughout the ages, and the same goes for the techniques. Before I was born in Fengguan City, I entered the practice of Lianxu Hedao, but I always got stuck on the last step. It was the same after I changed to practice the Minglongtu.

"I can start over, but with my talent, not only Wu Taizu, but also the First Emperor is a problem. The pearls come first, and the crooked melons and cracked dates I have figured out are really hard to see, so I can only find another way out.

"In order to unite the Tao and ascend to immortality, I scattered the first six pictures all over the Wei Dynasty, and then had people practice them. The first six pictures are for body training, and it is not a big problem if you make any mistakes; while the last three pictures are for understanding the mysteries, and thousands of people have different faces. Let the martial artist realize it by himself, so I hid it and destroyed all the clues in the last three pictures..."

Ye Jingtang and many warriors present now understood why the last three pictures were lost, and why five of the six dragon pictures were in the Southern Dynasties, and there was only one in the Northern Liang Dynasty, which was snatched during the founding of the People's Republic of China.

When Zhe Yunli heard this, he felt that there was nothing wrong with Xiao Zu's original intention, so he interrupted and asked:

"Then when no one succeeds, you get angry and start stirring up trouble?"

Xiao Zu shook his head and responded:

"There are people with extraordinary talents from generation to generation, but they lack opportunities. I originally fell in love with the master of Yuxu Mountain, and I have carefully guided and trained him since he was a child. I hope that after he has mastered the Taoism, he can help me, who leads the way. senior.

"But it's a pity that when she grew up, she accidentally discovered my identity and regarded me as a heretic and wanted to eliminate harm from the world.

"I am indeed not a righteous person, but I finally managed to raise a seedling, and I couldn't bear to kill him. I could only wait and see what happened and think about countermeasures. As a result, when I was discussing with her one time, I met a young man named Wu, who later became Fengguan City's talents are unparalleled in ancient and modern times, and they are as unforgettable as Ye Xiaoyou.

"I changed my mind from then on and wanted to cultivate Fengguan City. Fengguan City was really overbearing. At first, the mud couldn't support the wall, and they did all kinds of stupid things, but they just didn't practice martial arts well. But after they calmed down, in just a few years, , he defeated the ten great masters of the Southern Dynasties and became invincible in the world.

"I am very satisfied with Fengguan City, but I have been told by my seniors in Fengguan City to practice kung fu first and then combine Tao. Don't take the last step if you are not completely sure of dealing with me.

"I have been waiting for decades for no chance, and feeling that the end is approaching, I formed the 'Green Bandits' and searched for good young people all over the world again. I used the technique of driving tigers and devouring wolves to stir up the situation and force these people to become successful and privately I also took Beiyunbian as my disciple..."

Ye Jingtang heard this and interjected:

"But before Beiyunbian was ready, you saw me and changed your mind?"

Xiao Zu nodded gently, his eyes as if appreciating a supreme treasure:

"Fengguancheng can rival Wu Taizu, but you can surpass Wu Taizu. When you see the mediocre flow of Beiyun, you can't catch your eye anymore."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, a little puzzled:

"You actually know this. You can't even control Fengguan City, so where do you have the confidence to control me?"

Xiao Zu shook his head: "Fengguancheng's skills are vast, but I followed the instructions of my seniors and practiced hard to reach the realm of Hedao. It's not that I can't beat him, but the odds of winning are 50-50, and the risk is too high.

"But you are different. With twenty years of skill, the difference is ten times that of me, and you have already entered the realm of harmony. I am like picking something out of a bag."

Ye Jingtang knew that Xiao Zu's skill was outrageous, but he had no fear and just said:

"What I teach is not much different from Wu Taizu's. Even if I teach you, if I don't help you adjust and guide, do you think you can follow the Tao?"

Xiao Zu showed a smile: "I really can't copy your Tao and use it myself, but after studying the Dragon Song Diagram for hundreds of years, I can turn myself into you. My body will be exactly the same, so the technique will naturally work."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he finally understood the meaning - Xiao Zu's own talent and physical strength were not good enough, and he couldn't realize his own things after learning the Dragon Song Tu. He didn't want to make up for his mistakes, so he could only steal from others.

However, if someone else's meditation technique is copied and it doesn't suit your body, you still have to digest it into your own, which is simply not possible with Xiao Zu's understanding.

For this reason, Xiao Zu simply went in the opposite direction, moved the basics together, and completely reproduced the opponent's physique, Qi meridians, movement routes, etc. through an all-round scanning method, thus skipping the "knowing why" The steps, whether you understand the principle or not, will work normally.

It is indeed possible to achieve this idea with the mystical means of changing one's destiny with nine pictures, but even if it works, it will still be stupid after it is achieved, and it is impossible to go any further.

And the reason why he had to wait until he was in harmony with the Tao before taking action was because if he was not in harmony with the Tao, the idea would only be in his mind and Xiao Zu could not take it away. After joining the Tao, the body will naturally change, and Xiao Zu can steal the master through various methods.

After Ye Jingtang figured out Xiao Zu's purpose, there was a strange color in his eyes:

"With nine pictures in hand, those who have practiced steadily step by step since the early days of Great Yan, even if they are fools, will be able to reach enlightenment and become immortals by today.

"It turns out that it's good for you. After such a big detour, you came up with this shortcut method.

"Even if you succeed, you will only be at my current level, or even worse than me. If you go outside and meet the geniuses who are also in the Immortal Class, you will not be the 'disgrace of ascension'?"

Xiao Zu didn't care about the sarcastic words and responded:

"I was born without the talents of you and Fengguancheng. It is human nature to take the wrong path, and it is difficult to turn back now. After taking away your way, although the talent is not enough, it is destined to be difficult to get close, but I can go out and see how high the sky is. It’s better than dying of old age in a cage of heaven and earth.”

Ye Jingtang held the ice gun in his wrist and looked at the somewhat ridiculous old bastard Shen Shui across from him. He raised his left hand and hooked:

"How can a frog in a well be worthy of talking about the world? Do you think this can work? Just come and give it a try. I have to go home to be with my wife, so I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here."


The cold wind blew the flags of both sides, and the ice field where the two armies were facing each other gradually became quiet.

The soldiers of Beiliang, who were not far away, retreated tacitly upon seeing this, leaving the battlefield for the two men who were about to start a battle.

Although Zhe Yunli wanted to help, she was really powerless in a fight of this level, so she immediately stepped back.

Xiao Zu folded his sleeves with his hands and stood on the other side of the crack in the ice field. He obviously felt the contempt in Ye Jingtang's eyes, and his originally peaceful expression gradually showed a hint of displeasure.

As the saying goes, nature is hard to change, but Xiao Zu was born at the bottom of the world. He did not have a handsome appearance and a rich family, nor was he proud of his talents or outstanding teachers. In his heart, he always dreamed of becoming one of those high-ranking geniuses, and he was most jealous of those high-ranking geniuses.

Because of his dull talent, he wanted to ask for advice and was often ridiculed by those geniuses, with the same eyes as the current Night Terror Hall.

Relying on his extraordinary luck, he eventually became the invincible "No. 1 in the world". No one in the world looked down upon him anymore. He thought he could be as proud as those geniuses, but he didn't expect to see such a look again today. .

Xiao Zu didn't understand why he still couldn't get the respect of Ye Jingtang despite being so tyrannical.

Even if Ye Jingtang has an arrogant character, Ye Jingtang's eyes never showed any contempt when facing Fengguan City in Yangshan.

Even when Ye Jingtang faced his enemies such as Xuanyuan Chao and Zuo Xianwang, his eyes showed no contempt. He would fight and kill him. No matter how harshly he scolded him, he still treated him as an opponent in his heart. Only when he looked at him now, he seemed to be looking at him. A bastard who is too shy to be around.

The look in Ye Jingtang's eyes at this time obviously evoked the emotions that Xiao Zu had hidden in his heart for many years. He had not revealed anything for many years. He originally wanted to say a few more words, but he stopped talking at this time. After looking at each other for a long time, he stepped forward. Take a step!


The entire ice field was shaken, and spider web-like cracks appeared from the soles of Xiao Zu's feet, spreading to all directions, instantly extending to where the two armies were, and directly covering the entire ice field.

Ye Jingtang raised his chin slightly, as if looking at people with his nostrils. He raised the nine-foot ice spear in his hand slightly, and the surrounding world suddenly calmed down. The momentum that Xiao Zu had just gathered to soar into the sky was gone. Even his robes that were fluttering in the wind were pinned down, almost becoming a wooden stake nailed to the ice.

Stepping into 'harmony' means becoming one with the surrounding world and making everything available to oneself. If both parties are in harmony, the one with strong skills has absolute control; but if one party is not in harmony, then he is an ant under his feet and can only rely on his own physical strength. Not to mention the use of Tongxuan magic, if he wants to hear the outside world clearly, he has to suffer from night terrors. Tang Yun does not allow it.

If it were an ordinary person, Ye Jingtang would be pinned to death on the ice with just a thought, without even thinking of raising his head.

However, Xiao Zu's physical strength and physical strength were too strong. Without the help of external forces from heaven and earth, he could compete with Ye Jingtang by relying solely on his strong physical strength. At this time, he strode forward. After taking three steps, his feet suddenly exerted force.


The ice surface with a radius of tens of feet turned into broken ice in an instant, and the lake surface below was pressed by the strong wind to create a huge depression like a sea bowl!

Ye Jingtang found that he couldn't hold it down at all, and Xiao Zu was already in front of him in the blink of an eye. He felt a little more solemn in his heart. Without seeing any movement, the ice spear in his right hand thrust forward, hitting the attacker's chest and abdomen directly.

call out--


Although Xiao Zu's talent is not good, he has practiced Minglongtu for several Jiazi, and his skill and physique are already comparable to those of gods and Buddhas. Facing the ice spear stabbed at him, his eyes did not change. He moved his palm forward to resist, and the palm of his hand touched The tip of the gun and the entire ice gun exploded in the air, and the aftermath of the energy was like an air cannon, hitting Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang had already made some predictions, but Xiao Zu's skill was still beyond the limit of imagination. There was no contact from above, and his tyrannical energy instantly shattered his upper body robe, and even his chest was shaken with large red blood streaks. Immediately it flew backwards, and a large area of ​​ice behind it was shaken out with a fan-shaped crack of nearly a hundred feet.

bang bang—

Xiao Zu followed him like a shadow, and blasted out his two palms again. There was no skill in the palm technique, it was just a pure force that could be reduced ten times, and he used his vast skills to pile up the killing power.

Under the bombardment of landslides and tsunamis, Ye Jingtang had trouble even touching Xiao Zu. Seeing Xiao Zu's palms connecting, he didn't give him any chance to breathe, and he lightly hooked his right hand in the air.

call out--

The dark gold emperor's sword hanging on his waist immediately came out of its shell and shot towards the oncoming Xiao Zu's chest.

Ye Jingtang has entered the stage of harmony. No matter how powerful Xiao Zu is, he cannot take away the control to control the sword through the air, but it does not mean that he cannot counterattack.

Seeing the unparalleled sharp blade coming towards him, Xiao Zu clasped his palms together and smacked them fiercely!


A loud thunderous noise was heard, and the ice field below was completely shattered, and the soldiers of the two armies in the distance felt deafening.

Ye Jingtang was directly opposite, and his chest felt tight from the shock, his mind was buzzing, and the Emperor's Sword that was speeding away was immediately unbalanced. When he regained his concentration, Xiao Zu had already grabbed the Emperor's Sword.

call out--

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and lightly hooked it, and the Emperor's Sword shot out into the distance, putting some distance between him and Xiao Zu.

But Xiao Zu failed to grab the sword, so he pressed forward again, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes:

"I was planning to forge a sword to kill the immortal. What do you think I would be stupid enough not to think about being robbed by Fengguan City?"

In a word, Xiao Zu pressed in front of him again and struck Ye Jingtang directly in the chest and abdomen with his palm.

Seeing that his skills were useless, Ye Jingtang stopped evading at this time. His feet fell into the ice field and he stepped on it again. His body was knocked out like a dragon and python, and he punched Xiao Zu directly in the palm.


This city-rushing cannon can be said to destroy mountains and seas, but the force of its force could not go out more than three feet before it was forced back by the palm wind brought by Xiao Zu. When the fist barely reached the palm, almost no one was wasted. How much strength is left.


Fist-to-palm contact, even though it was a fist to the flesh, the result was obvious.

All the energy in Xiao Zu's body exploded instantly, hitting his fist that had little strength left. Ye Jingtang was immediately knocked out, spinning several times in the air and creating a huge crack in the ice field.


The officers and soldiers of the two armies who were watching were all shocked when they saw this scene.

When King Liang and Yao Cishan saw that Ye Jingtang was being held down and beaten, their faces turned pale, and they even wanted to step forward to help, but how could they get involved in this scene?

And many Beiliang masters were not happy. After all, Li Guangxian and other strong men could still barely see the problem - although the two sides seemed to be in a big scene, to put it bluntly, it was still a one-on-one duel between martial artists. Except for the sword in hand, they could see everything else. Gotta understand.

In terms of fists and kicks, Ye Jingtang was flawless in attack and defense, while Xiao Zu relied purely on his strength. Although Ye Jingtang was beaten everywhere, it seemed like he was trying to test how domineering Xiao Zu was. He didn't show his true skills at all, and he didn't get hit hard.

And the facts were not what the experts present expected.

bang bang bang-

The Night Terror Hall was like a polo ball. After being beaten by Xiao Zu for a long time, he found that his physical strength was indeed far behind. He couldn't beat it with his fists and kicks. He no longer tried to be brave. When he landed, he leaped back. At the same time, he clasped his hands and pointed his sword. Point to the sky.


A thunder suddenly sounded in the sky where the moon was bright and the stars were sparse.

Thousands of soldiers didn't even see the dark clouds, but they discovered that a blue thunder column as thick as a water tank fell from the air and landed on Xiao Zu, who was pressing closer.


Xiao Zu, who was galloping forward, was hit by thunder without any time to react, and even his hair, crown, and robe were chopped into pieces.

However, although Xiao Zu was slightly stiff, he was not hindered much. He bounced up again after falling on the ice and punched Ye Jingtang in the chest and abdomen.


This punch came very fast. Ye Jingtang raised his left hand to block, but his arm was pressed to his chest until his whole body was knocked out and slid back again.

Xiao Zu took advantage of the victory and pursued him, his eyes showing pride:

"I have nine pictures to show you. Fengguancheng can resist this little trick. Do you think I can't handle it? What about the immortal..."

As he spoke, Xiao Zu was no longer arrogant, but instead raised his energy so that his chest swelled, and the energy in his body was instantly pushed to the extreme, with his white hair flying in the air. He jumped up and punched down in the air:

"Break it for me!"

This punch was obviously done with all his strength!

As soon as Ye Jingtang landed, Xiao Zu was already on top of his head. The heavy fist with his right hand was like a fallen meteor. With terrifying force, it crushed the ice below before he could even make a sound, until the surrounding lake gushed out.


Ye Jingtang raised his hands to block, but was punched directly into the bottom of the lake. The entire ice sheet seemed to be torn apart by brute force, and a huge hole appeared in the middle until the bottom of the lake was exposed.

Then a tsunami several feet high surged onto the ice and moved in all directions. The splashing water even landed on the heads of soldiers in the distance.

Although Xiao Zu's understanding was not good enough and he failed to ascend to the immortal path, this punch that accumulated several Jiazi skills was definitely the strongest punch in history. It was unprecedented and destined to be unmatched. After all, as long as a martial artist with a normal mind and a down-to-earth attitude, this punch would His level should have reached immortality long ago. No one would train his body to such an exaggerated level.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to block. It was like being hit by a meteor. Facing the absolute physical strength, his finger bones were shattered and his body was smashed into the mud at the bottom of the lake for several feet. He disappeared almost instantly.

If an ordinary martial artist received such a punch, it would be impossible for him to be beaten to pieces on the spot. Seeing this overwhelming scene, the Western Sea Alliance Army even suspected that Ye Jingtang was directly beaten to death.

But it is a pity that Ye Jingtang is no longer an ordinary martial artist. Although his skill is not enough, his level is enough to break out of the prison of heaven and earth.

No matter how strong Xiao Zu is, he is still deep in a cage, and his mortal body can kill immortals, unless the opponent is stupid.


After the punch fell, the ice field that was already in disarray was quiet for a moment.

When Xiao Zu wanted to catch Ye Jingtang's thief, he was a little worried about hitting him too hard and beating him to death, but soon he discovered that a figure rushed out from the lake that had just closed.


The human figure was like an eagle striking the sky. After breaking through the water, it soared into the sky. But in the blink of an eye, it was above the sky. Only a tiny grain of rice remained in the eyes of thousands of people.

Although his robe was shattered and there was still some blood on his right hand, Ye Jingtang's expression remained as usual. He looked down at Xiao Zu standing on the ice and said:

"Have you beaten enough?"

Xiao Zujiu Zhangtu was able to fly in the wind, but Ye Jingtang controlled everything around him with the state of He Dao. To prevent him from flying, he could only rely on his legs to jump. And the distance was so far that there was no way to chase after him. He didn't make any move at that moment, he raised his eyes and said:

"Don't you dare come down?"

The Night Terror Hall hangs above the nine heavens, with a bit of sigh in his eyes:

"It's really not unreasonable that I haven't understood the Dragon Singing Diagram for so many years.

"My only opponent is Fengguancheng. If I fight him, I will almost die. But if I fight you, no matter how powerful I am, you are just a barbarian who only knows how to punch. I have a hundred ways to kill you.

"It's the same thing if a person with a high official level can crush a human being. If you don't have the right way, you can't jump out of my hand. What can you use to fight me?"

Xiao Zu stood facing the wind and raised his eyes to the sky:

"That's true, but with your strength and body, more than half of it has been consumed in just these few attacks, and I haven't even damaged your fur. If you eat white lotus seeds as beans, you can only recover your injuries, but you can't recover your strength. How can you What can I do to you?"

The two military camps looked at each other from a distance. Their eyes were originally horrifying, as if they were looking at gods, but after the two sides exchanged a few words, they felt that the scene looked a bit like:

Night Terror Hall: "If you dare, come up!"

Xiao Zu: "If you have the guts, come down!"

Li Guangxian was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly became strange, he looked at the two living gods one above the other, and asked:

"Why doesn't Xiao Zu go up?"

"It's probably because he was held down by Demon Night, and he couldn't get up. However, Demon Night is really a bit tender. He can't move Xiao Zu, and it's hard to get down..."

"Then who wins?"

"It's probably Xiao Zu. He can't beat Ye Jingtang, but he can beat others..."

The facts were not what Lu Xingjun expected. Seeing that Ye Jingtang could no longer be reached, Xiao Zu turned his attention to the Western Sea Allied Forces on the opposite side. After all, with Ye Jingtang's character, it was impossible for him to let him kill and injure the coalition soldiers and horses wantonly. He had to come down. block.

But before Xiao Zu took action, words came from the sky again:

"It only takes one moment to kill someone. You have lived so long and you still haven't figured it out?"

Everyone looked up at the sky again.

After Xiao Zu changed to holding with one hand:


Ye Jingtang originally didn't want to try his best, but Xiao Zu was so shameless that he didn't prevent innocent people from being harmed, so he no longer held back at this time:

"Fengguancheng beat me and I didn't use all my strength. The same is true for me. After all, if we go all out, this world may not be able to bear it.

"You have lived for so many years and you still don't know how high the sky is. You are a poor person. If you want to know how high the sky is, I will show you."


As soon as he finished speaking, a cross wind suddenly blew on the ice field.

Night Terror Hall hung in the sky, with his hands spread out, but no thunderclouds appeared in the sky. Instead, there was an indescribable pressure that made people's breathing stagnant.

Xiao Zu frowned, originally looking at the Night Terror Hall with caution, but after a moment, his eyes moved to the northwest.

The end of the northwest is Tianya Mountain. No one knows what is behind the mountain. The back of the mountain where Emperor Shidi, Wu Taizu and others went is referring to that side. The Qinchi tribe has been migrating for generations, chasing that place.

As the cross wind became stronger and stronger, thousands of soldiers on the ice field gradually discovered that there was a glimmer of light in the northwest.

Looking around in the blink of an eye, I was shocked to find that a golden red glow appeared in the northwest sky, rushing towards Tianlang Lake like burning clouds, making the northwest sky red at night.


"This is……"

Thousands of soldiers saw this strange phenomenon in heaven and earth, and immediately there was a commotion.

Xiao Zu, who was well-informed, also had doubts in his eyes.

Xiao Zu's Taoism is profound and he can feel the changes in the spiritual energy of the surrounding world. Originally, the ice sheet was like a desert, but now it felt as if someone had pierced the northwest sky, causing a huge hole to appear at the end of the sky.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which is a hundred times richer than that of Immortal Island, pours down from the northwest like the Milky Way, pouring into this piece of heaven and earth, and then converges on the Night Terror Hall suspended in mid-air.

Although to the naked eye, the rays of light did not move very fast, but when they got closer, thousands of soldiers discovered that it was a raging torrent.

Countless golden and red rays of light visible to the naked eye instantly flooded the Night Terror Hall with its arms spread out, turning it into a scorching sun hanging in the sky at night.

Ye Jingtang's body changed accordingly, and the scars all over his body disappeared almost instantly, and his aura was no longer as aggressive as a wild beast, but like a real immortal. Although he could see it in front of his eyes, it seemed as if he was separated by several worlds. There is an ethereal feeling that is out of reach.

Ye Jingtang was hanging in the air, with his black hair flying, looking down at Xiao Zu:

"Martial arts has no limits, and so does the immortal path. There are more than nine dragon pictures, and there are naturally higher realms above the Hedao. Once you step into it, you can truly live as long as heaven, but the spiritual energy here is thin and you can't afford it. Only when you plant a big dragon do you have to go out.

"You have practiced Nine Dragon Diagrams. No one in this world can kill you, but you can outside. Now I let you take a look at the scene outside, and you will have no regrets in this life."

Xiao Zu knew that martial arts had no limits, otherwise he wouldn't have thought about running away and ascending to immortality, but he never thought that Night Jingtang could still climb higher in this cage of heaven and earth.

There have been so many sages throughout the ages, including Wu Taizu and Taoists, but they all only reached the stage of "integrating the Tao". In the end, they either left or died of old age. The reason is that this world cannot support such true gods.

What Ye Jingtang is doing now is obviously to force open the gate of heaven, use the power from the outside to climb up the Taoism, and forcefully create a 'god transformation realm' in a place where a higher realm should not appear. You don't need to think about it to know that you are a true god.

Xiao Zu didn't know if messing around like this would lead to divine punishment, but he would definitely face divine punishment next. He secretly thought that something was wrong, so he stepped heavily on it.


Everyone was still in a state of shock and confusion when the roar sounded again on the ice field.

Xiao Zu's body was like a powerful dragon breaking through the sea. Almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed into the air with boundless flying water. With an almost life-threatening punch, he attacked Ye Jingtang:


However, Ye Jingtang's head of black hair was flying, and he was not as painful as before. Even his eyes were filled with light. Seeing Xiao Zu rushing towards him almost madly, his eyes were like looking at an ant with a mantis arm as a cart. He just raised his right hand high, and then Press down with one palm!


The ice field below seemed to be suppressed by invisible hands, and the entire ice field sank more than ten feet.

Thousands of soldiers felt the strong wind blowing on their faces, and the entire glacier began to retreat. The ice layers collided with each other and instantly turned into a towering iceberg. Xiao Zu, who soared into the sky, was in the middle of the impact.

Xiao Zu knew that he had bumped into something that shouldn't exist in this world, and he had tried his best at this moment, but in the cage of heaven and earth, no matter how strong his body was, he could not be the opponent of the real immortal in this world.

With Ye Jingtang's palm pressing down, Xiao Zu felt as if he had hit an unshakable sky, his face instantly deformed; his five fingers were closed together, and his indestructible limbs were twisted accordingly. His eyes were about to burst, but before he let out a miserable howl, a sound came from mid-air:


Under the eyes of countless people, Xiao Zu, whose body was already comparable to that of a god or Buddha, exploded in the air like a crushed ant, turning into a red blood mist that spread out for tens of feet, but not even the bones were left behind. There wasn't even half a minute left, it was like disappearing into the air in an instant.


The sound of ice piercing and colliding still continued, but the earth-shattering storm just now suddenly stopped, leaving only a figure hanging in the sky.

"Chi chi chi..."

The birds were flying above Ye Jingtang's head, being blown around by the strong wind. They were all stunned and didn't dare to get close to them.

Zhe Yunli never expected that Cousin Jing had become so high that he could not reach him. He stood below and stared up in stunned silence for a long time without saying a word.

As for the remaining thousands of soldiers, they can't think of fighting now. They are just looking up at the gods in shock.

Ye Jingtang put away his right hand, his expression was normal, but when he wanted to calm down his energy, he found that he couldn't hold it back.

In order to completely pacify the world, Ye Jingtang first slowly descended from a high altitude, turned his back to the West Sea Allied Forces, and looked at the Beiliang soldiers:

"Xiao Zu is dead, who among you is still dissatisfied?"

When the two camps heard the sound, they immediately came to their senses. The soldiers of Beiliang immediately dropped their weapons and retreated.

As for the West Sea Allied Forces, they became agitated. All the young men raised their weapons and shouted loudly:

"King Tianlang! King Tianlang..."

If this were the case, then the disputes between the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and even all the struggles of the Night Terror Hall, would have come to an end at this moment.

But when Zhe Yunli saw Ye Jingtang falling, he was about to step forward to hug him, but he found another strange phenomenon in the sky.


The flight across the ice sheet began to turn.

The glow that had just appeared in the northwest sky had never disappeared. At this time, it also began to recede toward the sky. The speed was still extremely fast, as if it had been drawn away by something.

The Night Terror Hall was absorbing the power of heaven and earth just now, but now it was completely reversed, its robes were swaying, its black hair was flying, and its body was shaking violently, as if it was a wild and ferocious beast that was being forced out of its body by force.

"Cousin Jing?"

Zhe Yunli noticed something was wrong and wanted to run over to check, but found that Ye Jingtang, who was trembling slightly, seemed to have been suddenly pulled by something, fell to the ice, and then slid to the northwest with the glow of the sky. .

"Cousin Jing!"

Zhe Yunli's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately flew up and grabbed Ye Jingtang, but he felt as if Ye Jingtang was being pulled by a dragon python, dragging her out.

Ye Jingtang was calm just now, but now his face turned red, and his eyes were bloodshot. He grabbed Yunli with his right hand, pulled out the Chilong Sword with his left hand, and thrust it directly into the ice.

Stab la la...

Seeing this, Niaoniao also grabbed Ye Jingtang's trouser legs, flapped his wings and tried to pull Ye Jingtang, but this did not have any stagnation effect at all. In almost an instant, the two of them were dragged several miles away by the glow of the sky. , and the speed became faster and faster, and soon flew into the air again, shooting almost to the end of the sky, and even the mountains, rivers and fields on the ground began to blur.

Ye Jingtang struggled to break away, but it felt like he was staying under the water. Suddenly, a huge buoyancy appeared in his body, causing his body to forcefully float to the surface. He was unable to resist at all. He secretly thought that something was not good, and gritted his teeth and said:

"Get down quickly!"

Zhe Yunli couldn't open his eyes, and felt that his peripheral vision had become strange and strange, and he said anxiously:

"How do I get down?"

"Chi chi chi..."

Ye Jingtang realized that the speed was too fast, and he would probably fall to half death if he dropped Yunli. At the moment, he had no choice but to hold on to Yunli and try to break away from the suction.

Then thousands of soldiers on the ice field saw a black spot, chasing the glow of the sky, getting further and further away, until the last ray of glow disappeared and completely disappeared.


Countless soldiers looked at each other, obviously not understanding what happened.

Li Guangxian raised his eyes and looked at the sky. After not seeing him for a long time, Ye Jingtang came back and asked in a low voice:

"The King of Hell has also ascended to immortality?"

Lu Xingjun’s teaching is shallow and he doesn’t understand it well, so he said:

"It looks like it, but the King of Hell doesn't seem to be happy."

"Can you come back then?"

"Others may not be sure, but if the King of Hell wants to come back, Taozu probably won't be able to stop him."

"Then let's vote...His Royal Highness Prince Liang, I am Li Guangxian, and my friend is Ye Jingtang's father-in-law Hua Junchen..."

"I'm here, Lu Xingjun..."


(End of this chapter)

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