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Chapter 575 Running in both directions

Chapter 575 Running in both directions

The rising sun is rising in the east, golden morning glow is shining on the mountain wall, and the snow in the walled city at the foot of the mountain is a little thicker.

The white-haired bird squatted on the roof of the stone house, almost blending in with the snow, because there was nothing else around except the heavy snow, and it had already fallen asleep.

In the stone house below, the old wooden door had been closed and the stove had been extinguished, causing the temperature to drop rapidly and add a hint of chill.

Ye Jingtang was lying on his robe, holding the slender Yunli in his arms, covering both of them with their robes.

Maybe it was because it was a little cold, but Yunli, who was still asleep, leaned tightly in his arms, with his cheek pressed against his chest, and there was still a little blush on his face.

Ye Jingtang held Yunli in his arms and did not fall asleep at night. After making Yunli his bride, he held her in his arms and practiced silently to restore his empty body.

Realizing that the sky was getting brighter and the room was getting colder, Ye Jingtang opened his eyes and lowered his head to look into his arms:



Zhe Yunli agreed in a daze, but immediately noticed something was wrong, his cheeks visibly stiffened, and then he opened his eyes.

Their eyes met each other, and the familiar handsome cheeks came into view.

? !

Zhe Yunli might not have woken up yet, so his first reaction was to widen his eyes, roll up his head and hug his chest, with a look of embarrassment in his eyes.

But immediately, Zhe Yunli remembered that he had worshiped yesterday. It was only natural for the two of them to sleep together. His expression changed to one of embarrassment again, and he pulled up his skirt to wrap around his body:

"It's already dawn..."

Ye Jingtang sat up and helped Yunli pull up his collar:

"are you hungry?"


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a muttering from the roof, and then something fell from the roof and started kicking in the door:

Da da da……

Zhe Yunli was newly married, and she was obviously as embarrassed as the bride who had just entered the house.

Hearing the movement of birds, Zheyunli returned to his usual expression, turned around and said:

"Okay, okay, we'll be out soon."



Ye Jingtang knew that Niaoniao must be starving after a night of wandering, so he shook his head and smiled, and quickly put on his clothes without any further delay.

After Zhe Yunli put on her clothes, the embarrassment in her heart gradually subsided. She glanced at Ye Jingtang, whose clothes were in tatters, and coughed lightly:

"Hmm... Cousin Jing, shall we go back now?"

Ye Jingtang picked up the weapon and hung it on his waist, looking slightly dissatisfied:

"You still call me cousin Jing?"

"Brother Xiangong."


Ye Jingtang thought this title was quite good, so he didn't correct it. He turned around and opened the old wooden door. The dazzling morning glow came into view, and he blocked it with his hand:

"Not a drop of the power was left after yesterday's exercise. The spiritual energy in this place is very thin. I guess I have to walk a little first and recover before I can fly back."

Ordinary people are exhausted, eat enough, drink enough and rest for a night, and they will almost recover.

But Ye Jingtang is so powerful that it can destroy mountains and seas. According to the laws of heaven of conservation of energy, recovery is obviously not as simple as sleeping. It also has to absorb so much essence of the sun and the moon from the heaven and the earth.

Zhe Yunli understood, but he still looked concerned and asked:

"Brother Jingtang, were you tired last night? Why don't you lie down for a while?"


Ye Jingtang felt that Xiao Yunli was really naughty. He even dared to tease him when he first entered the door. He didn't get used to it now. He hugged Yunli's waist, lowered his head and gave two mouthfuls:

"Okay, let's sleep a little longer."


Before Zhe Yunli could react, Bird Bird, who had been hungry all night outside the door, became anxious. He jumped in, bit Ye Jingtang's trouser leg, and pulled it out with force.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang had no choice but to give up and took Yunli out together, starting to search for his food and water sources in the endless snowfield while heading southeast.

Zhe Yunli carried the long knife and walked out of the walled city. He looked back at the towering mountains and the buildings below. Finally, he took a few steps forward, jumped on the back of Ye Jingtang, and asked:

"Brother Xianggong, did you often stay with Aunt Lu, the Queen and others at home..."


Ye Jingtang didn't expect Yunli to ask about this, so in order to maintain his image, he said gently:

"We don't always get together, but occasionally when big events happen, we will drink together to celebrate, and then rest together."


Now that Zhe Yunli has come a long way, she doesn't dare to think about how embarrassing it would be for so many people to mess around together. However, except for Aunt Lu, everyone else in the family seems to be more reserved than her. After thinking about it, she still said:

"Then I'm afraid I have to celebrate when I go back this time. I'm curious about what it would be like to celebrate together with the master's wife, who is usually so polite and polite."


Ye Jingtang felt a little embarrassed after being told by Yunli. Seeing that Yunli was curious, he even explained for Ning'er:

"Ning'er behaves the same on the outside. We drank and celebrated together, but she actually disliked me. I was the one who forced her to participate..."

Zhe Yunli felt that the master's wife was indeed such a bad character. He originally wanted to ask the master, but talking about the master behind his back was not a good behavior. In the end, he forgot about it and asked instead:

"What about Aunt Lu? Are you particularly good at playing?"

"Uh... you'll find out later."

"Aunt Fan always said that Aunt Lu is a witch and is not serious all the time. But in front of me, Aunt Lu always looks dignified and steady. I'm afraid the three of us will have to talk together when we go back this time. I would like to see how bad it is. through……"


Ye Jingtang felt that Yun Li let go immediately after entering the door. He seemed a little unable to resist, and even felt that the lawless Shui'er might suffer in the future.

However, these things are obviously inappropriate now that I think about it. Ye Jingtang just shook his head and smiled, and seriously took the birds to find prey on the snowfield...

On the other side, Liangzhou.

Hoof-tapping hoof-tapping...

A charcoal-red horse galloped across the endless snowfield, galloping towards the west sea.

On horseback, Xue Baijin wore a bamboo hat to protect himself from the wind and frost, his eyes filled with anxiety.

Behind her, Luo Ning was wrapped in a silver fox fur. She hugged Xue Baijin with her hands and wrapped him in the fox fur. She put her chin on her shoulder and her eyes were full of worry.

The vision of heaven and earth caused by the Night Terror Hall is not only visible to Tianlang Lake, but the thousands of miles of red clouds directly illuminate the entire northern Xinjiang land. You can see the northwest sky turning into golden red as far away as Yashan. Xue Baijin and others entered the martial arts Saint's master also sensed an unknown movement in the northwest.

In the entire Northern and Southern Dynasties, the only person who could cause such exaggerated celestial phenomena was Ye Jingtang.

Xue Baijin was raising her baby in the capital. Although she didn't know what was going on in the northwest, she still felt that something was going on in Ye Jingtang. Without thinking, she snatched the empress's BMW and traveled day and night from Yunzhou to come here.

The rouge tiger under his crotch is the king of horses outside the Great Wall. His explosive power and endurance are astonishing, but the distance to the West Sea is still too far. After running for a day and a night, he has not reached the border yet, but the news of Tianlang Lake has already spread.

Although Luo Ning believed in Ye Jingtang's ability, she was still worried at this time and asked while running:

"The little thief won't become an immortal like Fengguancheng, right?"

Xue Baijin knew that Ye Jingtang had the ability to become an immortal, but he also knew that Ye Jingtang cared more about his family. If he had to leave all his confidante in the mortal world to become an immortal, even if he had become an immortal, he would probably give up his immortality and run back.

Hearing Ning'er's worried inquiry, Xue Baijin remained calm and responded:

"It is unheard of to cause such a strange phenomenon in the world. He must have become an immortal. However, Ye Jingtang is very perceptive and smart. He will definitely come back, so don't worry."

How could Luo Ning not be worried? Wu Taizu or the First Emperor, as long as they are immortals in history, they have never come back. This shows that there must be resistance to immortals who want to go down to earth. Even if Ye Jingtang can come back, he has to overcome these obstacles. Resistance, I'm afraid it will take many years to practice.

As the saying goes, 'a day in heaven and a year on earth', if...

The more Luo Ning thought about it, the more frightened she became, even a little anxious:

"What if he doesn't come back?"

Xue Baijin was as domineering as ever and responded:

"I'm a Martial Saint, and I'm only one step away from becoming an immortal. If he doesn't come back, I will take you out to find him and beat him to death..."


Luo Ning blinked her eyes and felt that Bai Jin really had this ability. She felt a lot more at ease at the moment. After thinking about it, she said:

"With the temper of the little thief, if he really goes out, he will harm many immortal women... We are all mortals, if we are looked down upon..."

"Then let's just come back, whether he wants to stay or not..."

"With the little thief's temperament, I guess he will still try to keep us..."


The couple talked nonsense like this and sped away outside the pass.

But far behind, on the post road, there was a different scene.

Following the incident at Tianlang Lake, the news of a strange phenomenon in the northwest quickly spread throughout the north and south. The Empress and others obviously guessed that something might have happened to the Ye Jingtang who said, "Go back as soon as you go."

Having reached the end of the Jianghu Road, the Empress was obviously worried that Ye Jingtang would overturn her car at this juncture. She even took her weapons and wanted to go to the West Sea to help, but when she went out to see - where is my horse? !

When she discovered that Xue Baijin, a female bandit, had taken away her unique BMW, the empress was naturally furious, but she had no choice but to chase her through the inn. Although the horse speed was slower, there was no need to stop when changing horses along the way, and the overall speed was not much different.

At this time, on the post road conveying military information, the empress was galloping with a spear, and Master Xuanji and Dongfang Liren were following behind. After running for a long time, Dongfang Liren, who was much inferior in martial arts, was obviously a little tired, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted. The empress was worried about the safety of Night Terror Hall, and was a little annoyed after running so far. She said along the way:

"This damn bitch can even obey my horse. When the child is born, I have to hang her up and beat her for three days and three nights..."

Master Xuanji noticed that something was wrong. At this time, he no longer had any evil spirit. He noticed that the lips of the person beside him were blue from the cold. He frowned and said:

"The situation in Ye Jingtang is not right this time. It may be behind Tianya Mountain. There is no use for you to go there. Yuhu and I can just go there. Sanniang and the Queen Mother will definitely come here when they hear the news. You are in Honghe The town is waiting for them and tells them not to run around so as not to get into trouble. Yuhu and I will go have a look and come back."

Although Master Xuanji has not accomplished anything big, his experience is quite astonishing. He has not only been to the East China Sea, but also climbed Tianya Mountain, and even visited the endless sea of ​​clouds behind the mountain.

However, the environment behind Tianya Mountain was very special. Clouds and fog covered the sky and the sun, making it impossible to see the road and no one knew how far it stretched. If she walked too deep and lacked supplies, she would probably starve to death, so she had to turn back.

This time, knowing that Ye Jingtang might have gone to the back of the mountain, Xuanji Zhenren also brought a large bag of food pills, which was enough for her to last for several months. However, she still had no idea whether she could get out of Tianya Mountain. Obviously, she could not let Benben Follow.

Although Dongfang Liren was worried about the safety of the Night Terror Hall, she only knew how to use her martial arts skills. Her three-legged cat skills were of no use except to hinder her master and sister. At this time, she could only follow her master's orders and warned:

"Be careful. If you can't do it, don't look for it. Ye Jingtang is very capable. Even if he is captured by the gods in the sky, he can kill him back."

The empress also believed in Ye Jingtang's ability. In order to comfort her sister, she responded:

"I'm mainly worried that Xue Baijin, a bitch, is running around and getting pregnant. You go to Honghe Town and wait. I'll come back after I catch up with Xue Baijin."

Hoof-tapping hoof-tapping...

While the three of them were talking, the horse galloped away and disappeared at the end of the official road.

Not long after, Sanniang Qinghe chased her from behind with the Queen Mother Qingzhi, who refused to wait at home, and followed the tracks on the snow towards Heishiguan...

While many wives were worried about the safety of Ye Jingtang and rushed towards the West Sea, as the head of the family, Ye Jingtang was obviously much more leisurely at this time.

As the name suggests, Beihuang is a large wilderness in the north. It is full of no-man's land. Although it is not suitable for human settlement, many animals still survive.

At night, a bonfire was lit by the glacier in the northern wilderness snowfield.

The corpses of more than a dozen wolves lay scattered on the snow. Ye Jingtang screamed at the white mist, squatting on the ground and dividing the wolf meat with a knife.

The bird stood in front with its beak open, motionless, like a little snowman, waiting to be fed by the night terror hall.

Zhe Yunli put the dead branches he dug out on the fire, and put a piece of meat through the branches and put it on the fire to bake. After thinking about it, he asked:

"Brother, is wolf meat delicious?"

Ye Jingtang skillfully cut the meat and responded to the sound:

"I've eaten it in Liangzhou before, but the jackal there was just as big as a dog, didn't have much meat, and wasn't very tasty. This snow wolf looks like a calf, and the meat is probably more woody, so it's okay if it's stewed. It shouldn’t be too bad if grilled... let’s try it.”


Niaoniao quickly caught the piece of meat that was handed over to him, swallowed it whole, and then shook his head like a rattle, signaling——.

It has already entered winter, and Ye Jingtang has not found any other prey. No matter how ordinary the taste is, it is still more delicious than grain pills. At that moment, he took several kilograms of meat, sat down by the bonfire, put it on a stick and started roasting it, and then said Beside the frozen river, use a knife to break the ice.

Zhe Yunli was a little cold, so he hugged Niao Niao who came over to warm himself up by the fire. Seeing this, he said in confusion:

"What is this doing?"

"Build a house."

"Build a house?"

Ye Jingtang didn't explain too much. He just used a knife to cut the ice cubes into cubes, moved them piece by piece, and placed them on the snow. Then the ice cubes were taken out and piled up around the bonfire, gradually forming a semicircular igloo.

This project may not be possible for ordinary people, but with Ye Jingtang's strength, it didn't take long to break the ice and get the bricks at your fingertips.

Zheyunli was gradually enveloped by the ice wall, raised his eyes and asked hesitantly:

"Are you sure this won't melt? Do you want to put out the fire?"

"No need. In the past, roads were blocked by heavy snow in winter, and I couldn't go anywhere. I built an ice house next to the Red River. It was very strong and wouldn't melt until spring..."

Night Terror Hall was afraid that the smoke would not be able to escape, so he drilled a few ventilation holes on the top, then came down and got into the igloo through the small hole left at the entrance. At this time, the meat was almost cooked and shiny. The water is bright and exudes a seductive fragrance.

Zhe Yunli moved to the side to make room for Ye Jingtang, his eyes full of surprise:

"Cousin Jing knows so much."

"That's natural."

Ye Jingtang sat down by the campfire, picked up the roasted meat, tore off a piece and fed it to the bird, and then ate with Yunli.

Tianya Peak is literally thousands of miles away from Yun'an. It is impossible for the two of them to go back immediately. Now they are rushing to the roadside to restore the Qi Sea, and when it is fully restored, they can fly back in one go.

Since there was no urgent matter in the future, the two of them were obviously not in a hurry and were ready to eat and drink until dawn before continuing on their way.

With the igloo as a barrier, the heat flow would not spread with the wind, so the room was naturally much warmer. After eating a few kilograms of wolf meat, although the taste was not good, my stomach was obviously still full.

After Ye Jingtang had eaten and drank enough, he obviously had some other ideas. He turned his head and looked at Yunli, who was still eating. He didn't want to be too proactive, so he looked around:

"I'm going to take a shower."


Zhe Yunli looked at the ice and snow outside:

"Aren't you too cold?"

"I'm invulnerable, how can I be afraid of the cold?"

Ye Jingtang said as he got out, and then there was a "plop" sound from the broken glacier outside.

Zhe Yunli was actually very comfortable last night, but it was difficult to show it due to the girl's status.

Hearing the sound of water splashing outside, Zhe Yunli looked around the igloo, and his mind naturally began to have random thoughts. After pondering for a moment, he lowered his head and looked at the bird eating meat slowly:

"Isn't it delicious?"

Bird Bird may be used to eating big fish and meat, but the taste of wolf meat is really not to his taste. Hearing this, he nodded:


"Then you go catch a rabbit and I'll bake it for you."


The bird raised its head, looking very shocked, a bit like "If the bird can catch it by itself, why does it need to be fed?" 'the meaning of.

But for a majestic bird of prey, it would be too embarrassing to say that one does not know how to hunt.

For this reason, Niaoniao hesitated for a while, but still got out through the door hole, and began to look for Rabbit in the snowfield of the Northern Wilderness.

Zheyunli waited until Niaoniao went out, and his expression looked a little strange. After adjusting his clothes a little, he continued to warm himself by the fire.


After waiting for a while, Ye Jingtang, who was naked from the waist up and wearing only thin pants, came in from the outside. Although he was not afraid of the cold and heat, he still had ice skates in his hair, which made him look cold.

Zhe Yunli stood up, rubbed Ye Jingtang's arms, and asked him to sit by the fire:

"Is it cold?"

"It's okay. What did Niaoniao do?"

"Wolf meat doesn't taste good. I went to catch rabbits. I'm going to wash them too. You're not allowed to peek."

After Zhe Yunli finished speaking, he also got out.

Ye Jingtang wanted to stop him, but with Yunli's body, he could not get cold even after taking a bath, so he didn't say anything after thinking about it, and just rubbed his hair to dry it.

But what he didn't expect was that not long after the sound of water splashing outside came, there was the sound of water coming out, and then he ran over quickly.

Tap tap tap~

Ye Jingtang turned around to check, and found a slender figure with white flowers coming in from the entrance.

Tuan'er's body shivered wildly, and the pink jade tiger suddenly appeared.

Ye Jingtang opened his eyes a little, and before he could see clearly, he got into his arms:

"Hiss~ I'm freezing to death. Why is it so cold..."


Ye Jingtang was flattered. Seeing this, he naturally hugged Yunli and let her sit in his arms to warm herself up by the fire. He looked up and down:

"The river is frozen. If it doesn't get cold, hurry up and get some heat. Don't catch a cold."

Although Zhe Yunli had other thoughts, the cold was so cold that he couldn't even care about being shy at this time. He was shivering while hugging Ye Jingtang. He looked up and saw that Ye Jingtang was looking down at him, so he covered his eyes:

"What are you looking at?"

"Haha, let me rub it for you. You won't be cold in a while..."

Saying that, Ye Jingtang raised his hand and rubbed Yunli's body.

And this method was obviously effective. Within a moment, Zhe Yunli's face turned red and his breathing became unsteady:

"Brother Xiangong."


"Are you trying to cause trouble?"

"How come? I'm just rubbing it for you."

"Where did you rub it? You..."

"Ha ha……"

Zhe Yunli was too embarrassed to speak clearly, so he stopped talking. He just bit his red lips and his eyes flickered, and finally he came closer and hooked Ye Jingtang's neck...


(End of this chapter)

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