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Chapter 576 The wings are hardened

Chapter 576 The wings are hardened

The fierce horses galloped under the stars and the moon, and gradually arrived at Dongming Mountain. As long as they climbed over, they would reach the range of the Sunset Peaks, and they were still thousands of miles away from the Northern Wasteland.

Xue Baijin and Luo Ning, who had been running around day and night, could still hold on, but the horse under their legs had reached its limit and had to jog on the snow.

Although Xue Baijin was riding the empress's horse, he did not dare to run to his death. Seeing this, he also got off the horse and led the horse forward on foot. Luo Ning was wrapped in a fox fur and walked behind.

Although Ye Jingtang disappeared, the morale of the Beiliang army was indeed defeated. On the way here, the two of them heard about the surrender of the Beiliang army. The West Sea Allied Forces entered the customs with almost no obstacles, and they entered the pass with the support of the leading party. Having already occupied Anxi Prefecture, it can be said that it is only a matter of time before they take Yanjing.

After the Western Sea tribes were subjugated, they were enslaved by Beiliang for a generation. Now that their great revenge was avenged, they were naturally very excited. Before the New Year was over, the tribes started to celebrate by beating gongs, drums and setting off firecrackers.

Xue Baijin came to the vicinity of Dongming Mountain. Standing on the snowfield, he could see the firelight everywhere in the mountain, the laughter and the aroma of wine and meat, floating directly to the bottom of the mountain in the wind.

Luo Ning raised her eyes to look at the mountain, considered for a moment, and asked:

"The little thief won't be a local emperor and bully the girls of the Qinghe family, right?"

These words are obviously a beautiful yearning. After all, it is better for Ye Jingtang to mess around in the wine pool and meat forest on Dongming Mountain than to disappear and never be heard from again.

At this time, Xue Baijin also hoped that Ye Jingtang would hide somewhere to hook up with the new girl, but Ye Jingtang was obviously not such a person. He shook his head and sighed:

"If Qinghe is not here, how can Ye Jingtang stay here? According to the people in the West Sea, the glow disappears behind the sunset peaks, and Ye Jingtang follows the glow. I don't know now...sigh..."

Luo Ning was filled with uneasiness, but had no solution. Seeing that Bai Jin was also worried, she held Bai Jin's hand:

"It must be fine. The little thief is so powerful. Even if he is in a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, he will still hold Yunli and crawl out. Nothing in the world can stop the little thief..."

Xue Baijin knew that it was useless to talk about worries, so he didn't say any more. He pulled Ning'er up the mountain road together, preparing to climb over Dongming Mountain overnight and continue to the Northern Wilderness.

The Dongmingbu Dazhai was filled with laughter and laughter. Countless young girls in colorful clothes held hands around the fire in the center, singing and dancing. There were also many young men joining in the fun.

When Xue Baijin walked up the ridge, he glanced across the valley at the walled city opposite. At first he was just looking at it casually, but unexpectedly, he suddenly saw a handsome young man in black robes among the colorful girls.

The black-robed young man held Yunli with his left hand, and held a girl from an unknown family with his right hand. They were circling and kicking around the bonfire. There was a big bird next to the fire, with its wings spread out and jumping around...

? !

Xue Baijin was shocked, but before he could speak, Ning'er beside him, his face turned ashen, and a scolding sound that penetrated gold and cracked stone pierced the night sky:

"Night Terror Hall——!"

The sudden sound even suppressed the laughter in the village on the other side of the hillside. Everyone stopped immediately and became silent. The bird in the middle also shrank its neck and turned its head:



After Ye Jingtang left Tianya Mountain, he took Yunli and Niaoniao and turned back to the southeast.

The Northern Wilderness was too vast, and it was completely blocked by ice and snow in winter. There was no scenery to speak of on the road. It was just driving during the day and practicing with Yunli at night.

After two days of trekking like this, Ye Jingtang's Qihai had basically recovered. He was afraid that his wives would be worried, so he flew with Yunli Yudao and headed directly to the West Sea.

Originally, Ye Jingtang planned to fly directly back to Tianlang Lake to see the fighting situation between the two armies, but when passing by Dongming Mountain, he found that the village was brightly lit and people were singing and dancing to celebrate.

Based on the principle of staying close, Ye Jingtang came down to ask for information from Jiang Laojiu and other acquaintances. As a result, Dong Mingshan was very excited when he saw his grandson and contemporary Tianlang King coming, so he directly pulled him along. Celebrate together.

Ye Jingtang has overcome all difficulties and brought peace to the West Sea. Naturally, they will not refuse this kind of family celebration. In addition, Yunli is also very interested in the bonfire party, so he pulls him together in the square with The people enjoy together.

As a result, before jumping twice, a familiar cold voice came from the distant ridge, which sounded very angry.

Ye Jingtang quickly turned his head with surprise in his eyes, only to see a charcoal-red horse parked on the mountain road opposite, while two familiar figures were rising and falling on the hillside, and they had already arrived here in a moment.

"Master's wife?"

When Zhe Yunli heard the angry voice of his wife, he shrank his neck in fright, but he was immediately pleasantly surprised. He quickly pulled Ye Jingtang through the crowd of people looking back and arrived at the gate of Dazhai:

"Master and Master, why are you here?"

Luo Ning was brought to Dazhai and found the heartless thief coming towards him with a smile. She immediately pulled out the soft sword from her waist.



When Ye Jingtang realized that Ning'er was about to chop him, his expression suddenly changed. He rushed forward, grabbed Ning'er's right hand, and comforted him with a friendly expression:

"I was wrong, I was wrong. We are all Dongming tribe members here, please save some face for me..."

Luo Ning had been worried these past few days, fearing that Ye Jingtang would run away to the fairy world or have an accident. When she passed by the Dongming Department, she saw Ye Jingtang dragging the girl to dance, and she was naturally very angry.

However, seeing countless tribesmen looking at her blankly, she lowered her sword:

"You little thief, Bai Jin and I have been frightened and frightened for so long. You are here..."

Ye Jingtang took Ning'er's hand, nodded repeatedly, and explained softly:

"I accidentally went to Tianya Mountain in the past few days. I can't send a message to the outside world. I have just arrived. It's hard to refuse such hospitality. If you don't believe me, just ask Yunli."

Zhe Yunli also noticed that the master's wife was very angry. She was probably worried because she had not heard anything in the past two days, so he quickly explained:

"Yes, Cousin Jing and I have been running behind Tianya Mountain for the past two days. We finally came back. We just got here..."

Although Xue Baijin was a little annoyed that Ye Jingtang was really playing around with the girl here, but seeing that Ye Jingtang was safe and sound, he was still relieved. Seeing the large number of people, he walked closer and interrupted:

"As long as everyone is fine, let Ye Jingtang be busy first, and we can talk about it later when we get back to the house."

Luo Ning was not angry, but was really worried these past few days. She put away her soft sword, hammered Ye Jingtang on the shoulder again, and then pulled Yunli to ask:

"You haven't been injured these days, have you?"

"No, except that it's a little far away, it's quite interesting. We also went to Qian Chibu's hometown to visit..."


Ye Jingtang coaxed his wife, regained his stern expression, and turned around to let Niaoniao continue dancing.

The Dongming tribe members also saw that it was King Tianlang's beloved concubine who had arrived, so they did not disturb them too much and continued to liven up around the bonfire.

Seeing Bingtuotuo walking towards the back of Dazhai and Ye Jingtang walking in front of him, it was not easy for the public to hug him, so he just asked:

"Why are you here?"

"There is so much commotion in Tianlang Lake and you are missing again. Ning'er is naturally worried, so she just came with her to find you. What happened that day?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Bing Tuo Tuo must also be worried, but he couldn't say it clearly. After walking into the buildings behind Dazhai, he put his arms around Tuo Tuo's waist and squeezed the big moon of Nanxiao Mountain:

"It's nothing. I just entered the tenth level. This world does not allow such powerful people to exist, so I was expelled. I lost my strength and lowered myself to the level halfway. I'm fine now..."

Xue Baijin hadn't reached that point yet, so naturally he didn't quite understand the process. At this time, he just nodded slightly and noticed that Ye Jingtang was secretly pinching, but he didn't say anything, and looked at Yun Li who was walking in front:

"When you went out this time, did you..."

Ye Jingtang naturally understood what Tuo Tuo meant and whispered softly into his ear.


Xue Baijin was naturally surprised when he heard that Yunli had already worshiped heaven and earth in Qianchibu's hometown, and he felt a little bit like, "This girl has finally achieved her goal."

However, Yunli has already boarded the ship. According to their relationship, she, as the master, should draw a clear line decisively.

But last time in Guancheng, she had made a promise that she would not run away if Ye Jingtang won the first place in the world, and would give Ye Jingtang a chance...

How to give this a chance...

Xue Baijin's lips moved. He didn't want to ask how the four of them would live together in the future, so he casually looked at the mountains and rivers under the moon, listening to the Ye Jingtang's inquiries.

The two people in front of them, mother and daughter, were actually chatting about similar topics.

Ye Jingtang is Qinghe's man, and now he has returned to the Dongming Department. Although Qinghe is not here, his place of stay is obviously still in Qinghe's house.

Zhe Yunli held Luo Ning's arm and accompanied them to Aunt Fan's residence. After entering the house, she went to the Night Jing Hall to boil water to catch the wind and wash away the dust. Zhe Yunli pulled Luo Ning into the back room and whispered:

"Master's Wife, Cousin Jing and I are here to worship."


Luo Ning was stunned for a moment. Although she was embarrassed to talk about this, she still looked surprised and sat down beside the bed:

"Really? This is a good thing. Your master and I are worried about this matter..."

Zhe Yunli noticed that his wife's eyes were flickering, and she was a little afraid to face the reality. At this time, she stopped being secretive and leaned a little closer:

"From now on, externally, I will still call you Shi Niang. In private, I will call you sister, otherwise you will be very weird..."


Luo Ning felt ashamed in her heart. She could no longer maintain her calm and cold image. She wanted to say something, but after holding it in for a long time, she couldn't find the right words. She just nodded vaguely.


Zhe Yunli knew that Luo Ning was thin-skinned, so he did not embarrass his wife and continued:

"Then sister is not allowed to punish me for copying books or deduct my pocket money from now on..."


Luo Ning was indeed at a disadvantage, but her character was quite tough. She heard the voice and said seriously:

"Even if you are married, you are still a little girl. If you don't discipline yourself, with your temperament, you are still not allowed to go to the house to reveal the tiles?"


When Zhe Yunli heard this, he was naturally unhappy:

"I'm not married, so my wife doesn't care about me. If I'm married, I still have to care about me. So, didn't I get married in vain?"

Luo Ning looked serious: "One code is the same. On the surface, I am still your master's wife, but I have to take care of it. If you dislike my lenient control, then I won't say anything."

Zhe Yunli saw that the master's wife was using these words to manipulate her, and now she was not ready to give in. She sighed softly:

"Okay, Master Wife is also doing it for my own good, so I just have to be obedient. It's already dark now, and it's not easy for Master Wife to rush here. I'll rest here after washing up later. Let's talk to Cousin Jing about the future... …”


When Luo Ning heard this, her beautiful peach blossom eyes almost widened. She looked at Xiao Yunli beside her and said hesitantly:

"Yunli, you...what did you say?"

Zhe Yunli was actually very ashamed at the bottom of his heart, but in order to let his wife know that her wings were hard and that she could no longer be punished to copy books, he still looked innocently at this moment and said:

"Let's lie down and chat together. Doesn't the mistress also like cousin Jing..."


Luo Ning's face suddenly turned red and she wanted to pinch Yunli twice, but she was too embarrassed to bite Yunli.

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli shrank his neck and felt a little aggrieved:

"Is it possible that the master's wife dislikes me?"

"This...isn't a matter of disgust or disdain."

Luo Ning had always been a cold and dignified good teacher's wife in front of Yunli. She didn't dare to think about being picked up and bullied by a thief in front of her. She wanted to say a few words to Yunli, but she had been in a group of eight people. At this time, there was no shame in pretending not to live in the world. After holding it in for a moment, he could only get up and walk out.

Seeing that his wife was timid, Zhe Yunli smiled with satisfaction:

"Then I'll clean up the house first. Remember to come over later, Master."


Luo Ning walked out of the room, stamped her feet out of embarrassment, and then followed the sound to the kitchen not far away.

Xue Baijin was too embarrassed to see Yunli, so she stayed alone in the yard, pretending to be watching the scenery, but in fact she was also eavesdropping. She also looked strange at this time, and wanted to teach Yunli a lesson, but she was acting recklessly, so how could she have the confidence? I used to talk about great principles, but now I just pretend I didn’t hear anything.

Ye Jingtang was heating hot water in the kitchen because his wife came over and was in a good mood, still humming a little tune.

"Uh huh huh~uh huh huh..."

"Little thief!"


Ye Jingtang heard the hurried footsteps and turned around to look around, only to find Little Watermelon's trembling Ning'er walking in with a flushed face, raising her hand and preparing to draw her sword.


Ye Jingtang was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to hug Ning'er, and said with a pleasant expression:

"Didn't I apologize just now? Why did you cut me again..." Luo Ning was almost crying. Unable to pull out the soft sword, she hit Ye Jingtang several times with her hand:

"You shameless little thief, how did you teach Yunli?"

Ye Jingtang was a little confused: "I just taught some exercises, but nothing else? What happened to her?"


Luo Ning opened her mouth, finding it difficult to speak, so she turned around and ignored Ye Jingtang.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang knew that Ning'er had encountered something very difficult. After thinking about it for a moment, he put his arms around his shoulders to comfort her:

"We are all a family, sooner or later we have to..."

"What morning and evening? You..."

When Luo Ning saw that Ye Jingtang was stubborn and actually wanted to be together, her eyes naturally felt aggrieved, and she raised her hand and pinched her waist a few times.

Bang bang~

Of course Ye Jingtang wouldn't mind, he put his arms around his shoulders and said softly:

"Yunli has just entered the house, and we will be a family from now on. She is actually embarrassed in her heart, but she is sensible and knows that you are embarrassed to speak, so she told you this and made it clear earlier. How embarrassing would it be if she didn't make it clear that we would live together in the future?"


When Luo Ning heard this, she felt that it was indeed the case. She couldn't let go of Ye Jingtang at all, and she couldn't kick Yunli out. From now on, if they live in the same house and see each other without looking up, they have to talk about it. If she is coy, how can it be difficult? Could it be that in the end, Yunli was asked to persuade her, the mistress who was acting secretly?

Luo Ning's lips moved, but she had nothing to say at this time, so she stepped on the tip of Ye Jingtang's toes:

"You little thief, you really did a lot of harm to people."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

Ye Jingtang didn't dare to shrink his legs. He waited for Ning'er to go out with a smile on his face, then raised his legs to shake, and then continued to cook and boil water.

Luo Ning walked out of the kitchen, rubbed her forehead, and took a deep breath to calm down. She looked up at Yunli's room and did not go in. Instead, she came to her husband who pretended to be fine.

"Bai Jin."


Xue Baijin clasped his hands behind his back and seemed to be thinking about the great road of heaven and earth. When he heard the voice, he turned around:

"what happened?"

Luo Ning knew that this hurdle must be passed, otherwise her relationship with Yunli would continue to be strained in the future, and she would never let go.

But she obviously didn't dare to pass this level by herself. At this time, she came to Xue Baijin and thought about it for a moment:

"Yunli is already married to Ye Jingtang. From now on, we will all be a family. We have to talk about some things. How about we talk about it tonight..."

Xue Baijin was filled with reluctance and frowned slightly:

"I will tell Yunli about my matters, you can just talk about it yourself."

"How can I talk alone?"

Luo Ning pulled Bai Jin's sleeve:

"It's not like you don't know my temper. If you let me go alone, you might as well let me jump off the cliff. You just accompany me once. It's not like we haven't been together before. You have done something wrong too. We know each other so well." for many years……"

Xue Baijin whispered: "I can help you with other things, but how can I help you with this? You are at home, and eight people dare to get in. Why are you so coquettish now!"


Luo Ning was obviously wronged, so she turned away and remained silent.

Xue Baijin was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, but she was also reasonable. She had indeed done something wrong. Ning'er was so wronged. She had no choice but to say after a moment of silence:

"I'm pregnant, so I'll sit with you, but I won't do those things..."

"You have to take off your clothes."


Seeing that Ning'er was pushing the envelope, Xue Baijin took a deep breath, turned around and went into the room to drink tea...

Unknowingly, the night was getting darker and the fun in the village was getting quieter.

After Ye Jingtang ate, drank, and took a hot bath, he felt like he was alive again. After tidying up the room, he sat down in the room and started making tea.

Zhe Yunli sat in front of him. He didn't say anything because he was thinking wildly in his mind. He just helped put the tea leaves and glanced secretly outside.

Soon after, the sound of water splashing in the room in the distance stopped. Luo Ning, who had put on a long cyan dress, walked out as usual. After walking a few steps, she found that Bai Jin was not following, so she turned back and pulled her back. Then the two of them came slowly. inside the house.

Xue Baijin glanced at Ye Jingtang and Yunli, sat down at the table, and was about to speak when he heard from behind:



Xue Baijin was stunned and turned back to look at Ning'er at the door:

"What are you doing with the door closed?"

Luo Ning paused for a moment and wanted to speak but couldn't find the words to say, so she explained with a flash in her eyes:

"It's cold..."

Ye Jingtang saw that the three of them looked weird, and their expressions became weird. He put the teacup in front of Tuotuo:

"It's really cold. Come and sit."

Luo Ning couldn't help but come to Ye Jingtang, so she came to Bai Jin, picked up the tea cup, lowered her head and sipped lightly, but she was burned:

"Hiss~ Whoo..."

"Be careful of the burn."

Upon seeing this, Ye Jingtang quickly moved forward, snatched the tea cup away, and raised his hand to touch his red lips to see if anything was okay.

Luo Ning dared to be so intimate in front of Yun Li, so she quickly pressed Ye Jingtang's hand down.

Zhe Yunli originally wanted to drink tea in silence, but seeing that the atmosphere was quite awkward, and the master was watching his nose and heart, he smiled and said:

"It's really cold sitting there, why don't you sleep."


Xue Baijin's eyelashes trembled slightly, but she still held the teacup like an ice sculpture, and just lightly kicked Ning'er with her foot.

Luo Ning felt like she was being roasted on a fire. Even though both of them knew it well, she didn't know what to say. She got up silently and sat down beside the bed, and started to make the bed:

"From now on... we will be a family from now on, and we don't need to be too public in private. Well... Yunli, Bai Jin is pregnant, did you know?"


Zhe Yunli was about to help, but when he heard these words, he was shocked again. He turned back to look at the master who was as cold as an iceberg, then quickly ran up to him and held his wrist:


Xue Baijin felt that Ning'er was going too far and actually pushed her out as a shield, but he couldn't defend himself at this time, so he nodded calmly:



Zhe Yunli held his wrist. Although he was shocked, such a big thing was still mostly a surprise. He thought about it and said:

"This is a good thing. How about... how about Master go back to the room first? I will just have a chat with Master Wife."

"it is good."

Xue Baijin stood up and wanted to leave without saying a word.

But Luo Ning definitely refused to agree when she saw this. She quickly ran to the door and blocked it, her eyes begging with three points:

"It's just a family chat, why are you leaving?"

Seeing that Ning'er was about to burst into tears, Xue Baijin could only sit down again:

"Then let's chat, I'll just watch from the side."

have a look?

Zhe Yunli really wanted to talk things out, but it would be so embarrassing for her and his wife to mess around, with the master watching from the side...

Zhe Yunli didn't know what to say at this time, so he looked at his father-in-law.

Ye Jingtang was originally looking at his eyes, nose, and heart, but the three of them couldn't let go. It was obvious that he couldn't do anything if he didn't do something. After thinking about it for a while, he raised his finger lightly.

Call ~

The candlestick originally placed on the table was immediately extinguished, turning the room into a dark place.

Luo Ning was stunned for a moment. Before she could realize what was going on, she found that she was being carried by a whirlwind and flew directly to the soft quilt. Words came from beside her:

"Night Terror Hall, you..."

"Why did you turn off the lights? Hey, hey..."


After a few soft sounds, the room suddenly became quiet again.

Luo Ning was lying tense in the middle. Although she couldn't see it, she could tell from the touch that Yunli was on the right, and Tuotuo on the left was holding her breath as if she was in a coma, and there was no movement.

Luo Ning wanted to ask the little thief to stop messing around, but she didn't dare to say anything at this time. She just held her hand tightly and waited. The next moment, she found that her lips were kissed.


Luo Ning trembled all over, but she didn't dare to breathe out. She immediately noticed that Bai Jin also trembled, and then Yunli...

Xue Baijin's face was as red as blood, but there were no lights in the room, they couldn't see each other, and no one was talking, so she was able to resist. When she found Ye Jingtang pulling her belt, she quickly held her hand quietly and moved it to Ning'er's waist.


Zhe Yunli actually had to be more relaxed, because they couldn't see each other. After being a little reserved for a moment, he stopped being nervous. He found that the mistress next to him didn't even make a sound of breathing. Maybe to ease the atmosphere, he quietly raised his hand and squeezed her.


Luo Ning bit her lower lip and was so nervous that she found that her clothes were unbuttoned and her little watermelon was pinched. She didn't want to speak at first, but she soon discovered that the size of her hands was not right.

After realizing this, Luo Ning was so embarrassed that she wished she could dig a hole to bury herself. She raised her hand and patted her moving little hand:



As soon as the laughter came out, it stopped suddenly.

Luo Ning was a little satisfied when she saw that Yunli had been dealt with. Perhaps out of fairness, she took Yunli's hand and placed it on Nanxiao Mountain on the left.

Xue Baijin noticed something was wrong and trembled as if he was electrocuted. He quickly pushed his hand away. He was also annoyed by Ning'er and turned sideways:

"Ning'er, you know a lot. Please teach Yunli some things."

Luo Ning looked slightly confused: "What should I teach?"

Seeing that the two of them were finally willing to talk, Zhe Yunli also whispered:

"Is it inconvenient for Master to be pregnant? Master, just be aggrieved and let me learn from you."


There was nothing Luo Ning could do, but the little thief didn't help her and even changed places with her. She had no choice but to lie on her chest in silence, then slowly sat up and began to familiarize herself with the door. Familiar conditioning.

Ye Jingtang leaned on the pillow with one hand in each hand, watching Ning'er's movements. To be honest, he was a little nervous because of the atmosphere between the three of them. He didn't dare to talk nonsense, he just acted as a hard-working tool man.

Xue Baijin rested on his arm, and could vaguely see Ning'er sheathing her sword. Her face was very hot. She glanced at Yunli inside from the corner of her eye, and then tilted her head to look outside.

Although Zhe Yunli remained silent, his eyes were wide open. He looked carefully at the usually dignified and quiet Ning'er, and said halfway:

"Master Wife is really good at playing."

"Oh~ you call me sister."

"If you don't punish me for copying books from now on, I will scream."


Luo Ning took a breath. Although she was ashamed, she didn't give in...

My parents are about to go on a long journey, so I have to accompany them around. I have to go back to my hometown for a feast during the Lantern Festival. I was told to go see if there is a girl I like in the village. Although I can't get it, my parents urge me to go, but I still have to go. I'm not polite, otherwise it would be rude. If there is no update in the past few days, please understand or2

(End of this chapter)

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