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Chapter 581 Xiaojiabiyu

Chapter 581 Xiaojiabiyu

The warm sunshine shines on the white walls and blue tiles of Wende Bridge. You can see ladies and ladies walking around on the streets everywhere. Because they are all members of wealthy families, their quality is surprisingly high. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as beautiful as clouds.

Ye Jingtang was wearing an ordinary black robe, standing near the Wang Family Medical Center with his arms folded across his chest. Because his status was different now, he was afraid of rumors outside. At this time, he just stared at the flowing clouds in the sky, and suddenly felt that he should Get some sunglasses, otherwise it will be inconvenient to stand on the street and look at big girls...

The fluffy bird was pacing back and forth by its feet, cooing and chirping. From Ye Jingtang's understanding, it should be saying - Men are always fickle. I think back to when you came to Beijing last year and you only had two taels of silver in your body. , and didn’t forget to buy a roasted chicken for Niaoniao; but now that the family is rich, they don’t know how to take Niaoniao to eat roasted chicken...

It's not that Ye Jingtang is stingy, but that Bird Bird has indeed gained a little weight from eating and drinking freely during this time.

Because of his obvious features, Ye Jingtang used to have to cover up the bird when he went out, but now that he is famous, many people imitate him by wearing black clothes and carrying a snow eagle.

Other snow eagles have black hairs on their wings and are not very spiritual, but they look majestic. And when people look up when Niaoniao goes out, their first reaction is - Hey? Is this guy out of his mind? How can he carry a snowball on his way? Oh, it's a big white chicken...

Ye Jingtang thought that Niaoniao was cute like this, but he wouldn't be able to survive anymore, so he started to urge her to diet more and exercise more. Naturally, she turned a deaf ear to Niaoniao's complaints.

After waiting for a long time, there was a movement from the Fan family mansion not far away:

"Miss Pei, walk slowly..."

"Miss Fan is being polite, come in quickly..."

While the three of them were chatting and laughing, they arrived in front of Pei's house.

Pei Xiangjun hadn't seen Ye Jingtang for many days, so she naturally missed her very much. However, since there was a street outside, she couldn't just start rewarding her. She just opened her clothes a little and let Ye Jingtang take out the big balls and play with them, keeping her eyes on them. Watch what's going on outside.

Ye Jingtang said hello at the door, then turned and walked towards the alley, but not far away, he heard Uncle Hua ask again:

"Jingtang can take back the first place in the world, so it's embarrassing for you to get the top prize?"

"Xiangjun, you really didn't say hello until you arrived at the door of your house. It's not like you don't know who Jingtang is now. You didn't clean up the house..."

The old escort Yang Chao was an old man who worked hard with his adoptive father. When Ye Jingtang was first picked up, Yang Chao was present. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he watched him grow up, because he was a bit old and had night terrors. Tang also persuaded Lao Yang to retire and take care of his old age, but Lao Yang was accustomed to wandering around in the world all his life, so he had nothing to do after he retired. Now he still stays in the escort agency as an old bodyguard. What he does every day is to talk about the night terrors of Tang when he was young. Various feats.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang walked out from the corner and came to the carriage parked on the street. He said with a smile:

Gulu gulu~

The carriage moved along the street, and birds kept jumping outside, chatting with Xiuhe for food. After walking for a long time, they returned to Tianshui Bridge.


"I don't know, but I just saw the saying 'skin is like cream, eyes are like silk'..."

Because the current status of Night Terror Hall is indeed a bit exaggerated, Pei Luo was still a little nervous and did not speak. When he saw that Night Terror Hall was no different from the past, he stepped forward and said:

"Cousin Jing, you are so awesome. Don't you know that my classmates in the academy now know that we are cousins ​​and are fawning over me? Many young ladies in their mid-teens and sixteens hope to let me introduce them... "

"Cough cough..."

The two people who were secretly intimate in the car restrained their movements when they saw this. Pei Xiangjun blushed, straightened his clothes, and then got out of the car pretending to be a dignified lady again.

"Yeah, you guys continue chatting, I'll go to Pei's house to have a look."

"I'm a big man. I don't know how to arrange these things. Sanniang can just make arrangements..."

"What book is Jingtang reading?"

Ye Jingtang entered the carriage and saw Sanniang preparing to sit by the window, so he directly pulled her onto his lap and looked down at the small package:

Aunt Zhang received the news and was already waiting in front of the door. When she saw Ye Jingtang coming, she stepped forward and said:

Pei Xiangjun hid the small package in his sleeve:

"What's the hurry? I'll show you when I go back and put it on."

Pei Xiangjun was quite harsh in front of Pei Luo. He frowned and said:

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you don't go to school, if you don't pass the exam next year, your pocket money will be deducted for a year."

Ye Jingtang couldn't defend himself, so he pinched Xiuhe's cheek:

"There is nothing else in the town. It would be nice to have a book to read. There is no point in worrying about what is serious and what is not. Go back quickly."

While talking, the two got into the carriage together, while Xiuhe and Niaoniao were driving outside.

When Ye Jingtang came to the door of the escort agency and took a look, he found Lao Yang sitting under the eaves with a brazier at his feet, warming some wine. After Uncle Hua came out of the house, he ran over again and was listening to Chen Biao:

"Although the young master is only nine years old, he is already capable of both civil and military skills. One time when I was immersed in reading in the accounting room, I thought that the young master's martial arts training was too much for his talents and that he should take the No. 1 exam. But when I took a closer look, guess what?"

Ye Jingtang paused for a moment, his face a little tense, and he wanted to turn around and make a few excuses, but this was the real thing. Lao Yang said it plainly that his uncle was afraid that his adoptive father would find him reading miscellaneous books, and Lao Yang helped him You have covered it up, what excuse can you make?

Pei Xiangjun was walking in front of him, pursing his lips and wanting to laugh but fearing that he would be embarrassed in the middle of the night and not being funny, with a very strange look on his face. Xiuhe came closer and asked in a low voice:

"Young master, you started reading that kind of book when you were nine years old?"

"what is this?"

Sanniang was wearing a goose-yellow winter skirt and holding a small package in her hand. She was dressed like a young lady from a wealthy family. After saying a few polite words, she led Xiuhe to the carriage and looked around along the way.

The twelve old team members that Ye Jingtang brought over from Liangzhou are now working in the Pei family. They used to be bodyguards, but after Ye Jingtang became successful, they naturally did not forget these old brothers who came from Liangzhou together. Now They all had a good life, some went to other places to work as bodyguards, and some changed their careers to other professions. For example, Liuzi took over the position of the head of the grain store and now manages several grain stores and has children.

Ye Jingtang stopped outside the alley of Pei's house and stopped by the escort agency.


"No, am I worthy of being compared with Cousin Jing? Third aunt, no matter how demanding you are, if you have a baby in the future, don't blame me, the second uncle, for reciprocating your love and asking for your baby like this..."


When Pei Xiangjun saw Ye Jingtang, his eyebrows were naturally full of smiles. He didn't want to be too affectionate on the street, so he just responded softly:

"The New Year is coming soon. I just came to order some New Year clothes. I also ordered a set of robes for you. Do you want to take the time to take a look?"

"Sanniang, have you bought new clothes?"

Ye Jingtang glanced around and saw that one of Fan Jiuniang's daughters was seeing off guests in front of the door.

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he naturally didn't worry anymore. He put his hands in Sanniang's arms to warm them and gave her a few mouthfuls of pops on his face.

The second young master, Pei Luo, stood behind my mother in a young master's robe. He also held a folding fan in his hand, but it was a bit cold in winter and he was too embarrassed to fan.

Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand and saluted: "We are all one family, and I am still the junior. Why are aunties being polite to me? Pei Luo didn't go to school today."

"You still need uncle..."

Yang Chao immediately stopped talking, and Chen Biao turned around in surprise:

"Young master, are you back?"

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he coughed twice.

"Ah?! Third aunt, do you really think highly of me? Is it so easy to get the top prize?"

When Pei Xiangjun heard this, his face turned red. He picked up the broom at the door and tried to clean up Pei Luo. Pei Luo was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

Night Terror Hall was a little amused. He waited for Pei Luo to disappear, then chatted with Mrs. Zhang for a few more words, and then entered the house together.

Mrs. Zhang knew that a little separation was better than a wedding, so she didn't bother her too much. After greeting each other, she returned to the courtyard in the name of supervising Peluo's study.

Ye Jingtang and Sanniang came to the boudoir where they lived together. Although Sanniang has lived in the new house most of the time since it was renovated and rarely spends nights here, the furnishings are still exactly the same as before.

After Pei Xiangjun asked Xiuhe to take Niaoniao to play, he pulled Ye Jingtang into the house, then put down the small package and came to the bed.

Ye Jingtang made a miscalculation last time, but this time he was quite serious. He turned on the mechanism before reaching the bed, and jumped into the tunnel below with Sanniang.

Arriving in the tunnel, Ye Jingtang raised his eyes and looked at the bed board above. He couldn't help but recall that he forgot the time when he burned incense in Qinglong Hall, and turned off the switch. As a result, the naked Sanniang fell off and accidentally sat on his face. matter. Pei Xiangjun wanted to go inside, but when he saw Ye Jingtang's expression, he understood the reason and made a fuss to transfer the link back:

"What are you thinking about? Tell me honestly, did you catch it with your face on purpose that time?"

Ye Jingtang felt that it shouldn't be the case, but based on his reaction, he was indeed able to avoid it at that time. He thought about it and said:

"I'm just afraid that Sanniang will fall."

"I was afraid that if I fell, I would catch it with my hands or my face. As you can imagine, I couldn't sleep well for months. I almost died of embarrassment. I was also afraid of being rejected by you..."

Pei Xiangjun said a few words, and when he arrived in the Qinglong Hall, he stopped saying inappropriate words, took some incense, lit it, and placed it in front of the spiritual table where the memorial tablet and the Overlord's Spear were placed.

Ye Jingtang also lit incense sticks, looked at the memorial tablet of his adoptive father placed with his family, and thought for a moment:

"Now that everything is done, I can have more leisure in the future."

Although Pei Xiangjun looks optimistic and cheerful, it was obviously not easy growing up. When her eldest brother was around, she just practiced martial arts and did business. But since her master passed away and her eldest brother was killed by Duan Shengji, the entire Honghua Building collapsed.

As an apprentice, she had to shoulder the burden of Honghua House and protect Pei's family inside and outside. When she was at her lowest, even Yunzhou sects like Baoyuanmen dared to take away her property. There were countless robbers from Lei Ming, and there were many disagreements within the sect, almost to the point of falling apart.

Pei Xiangjun is just a woman. Although she is talented, she still can't control her position. She has suffered a lot of arrogance over the years. She talks to the master's memorial tablet, but no one can talk to her. She even has to comfort Zhang in turn. Madam, hall master, incense master, etc.

Pei Xiangjun doted on Ye Jingtang so much that he even gave Xiao Hua'er to her first without hesitation, because Ye Jingtang was a beam of light in her life. When she couldn't bear it and was about to collapse, he took care of everything. She went over and raised the Honghua Building beyond expectations without letting her contribute any more.

In fact, Pei Xiangjun is also thin-skinned, otherwise she would not try her best to drag others into the water, but when facing Ye Jingtang, no matter how much she pampers her, she feels that it is not enough. As long as Ye Jingtang wants it, she will do anything embarrassing, The only wish in my heart is that Ye Jingtang can be safe in this life and never have to experience storms again.

Now that the Night Terror Hall has ranked first in the world, there will be no more danger in the future. Pei Xiangjun's heart has completely calmed down. Originally, he had many things to say to his ancestors, but as he stands here, all he wants to do is take care of himself. The reward was shocking. After a moment of silence, he turned around and said:

"Yes. Come on, let me show you the new clothes I just bought."

Ye Jingtang coughed lightly, but still maintained a stern expression in front of the ancestral tablet, and followed Sanniang out of the tunnel.

Back in the boudoir, Pei Xiangjun pushed Ye Jingtang to sit down next to the bed, then turned around and ran behind the screen, "Rustling~" and sighed softly:

"Oh, now that I think about it, it's such a pity."


Ye Jingtang was looking forward to it, and he said seriously when he heard this:

"what happened?"

Pei Xiangjun untied her skirt and put it on the screen, and responded:

"When you first took the traditional Chinese medicine, why did I lose my mind and hide away, and let Ning'er get a big advantage. As a man, you should have been more decisive at that time, and carried me and Ning'er into the house. Ning'er You must have gritted your teeth and endured the humiliation, and I won’t say anything to you..."

At that time, Ye Jingtang was still a Qinggua single, and the relationship between Ning'er and Sanniang was not in place. How could he dare to do such a good thing as "one shot, two hits"? Seeing that Sanniang was regretting it, he comforted her:

"Isn't Sanniang the first..."

"Pfft~ I shouldn't have believed Ning'er's lies. She got the jackpot and tricked me into doing that shameful thing. Then she didn't do it herself. She laughed at me all day long and didn't even remember the kindness I gave her in the past..."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud. After waiting for a while, he saw Sanniang walking out from behind the screen.

The original goose-yellow skirt has faded away. At this time, there is not much fabric on Sanniang's body. Her lower body is covered in black pantyhose that reaches below her navel. The serious black silk stockings look very elastic and perfectly outline the curves of her buttocks and legs. Flawless, the outline of the camel toe on the crotch is also clearly revealed.

On top is a hollow coat of the same color, which wraps up the heavy tuan'er. Because Sanniang has a round and plump figure, and with her hair pulled back in a bun, she looks mature and intellectual. No matter how she dresses or looks, she stands out. The word 'desire' makes people unable to look away.

Because it was the latest model I just bought, Ye Jingtang's eyes lit up, he opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

When Pei Xiangjun saw the slightly shining eyes, he knew that Ye Jingtang liked him. He immediately turned around in a circle, showing off his huge peach with astonishing tension:

"This dress is so weird, so pretty?"

"Beautiful, absolutely stunning."

Ye Jingtang couldn't find an adjective, so he stood up and came to it. He squatted down and touched it along his waist. He felt the silky smooth and delicate feel and couldn't put it down.

Pei Xiangjun bit his lower lip lightly, seeing Ye Jingtang pretending to admire her back and forth, he said softly:

"Okay, I'll show it to you tonight. It's a bit cold, so I'll put on my clothes first."

"What else are you wearing..."

Ye Jingtang couldn't wait until night, so he immediately picked up the mature and beautiful San Niang and put her on the bed. She lowered her head and kissed her lips, and then patted the moon.


Pei Xiangjun was already very familiar with it. When he saw the Nightmare movement, he turned over and lay on his stomach, assumed a cat-like stretching posture, tilted his head and said:

"Isn't it enough to stand and watch?"

Ye Jingtang felt that watching her for a lifetime was not enough. He touched and pinched her back and forth, and even held and played with the feet wrapped in black pantyhose.

Pei Xiangjun felt that Ye Jingtang really liked this body, so he didn't stop him immediately. He lay on the quilt and continued to let Ye Jingtang indulge in her unbridled sex. As a result, he was kissed from head to toe, and was licked through the thin pantyhose.


Pei Xiangjun couldn't bear the reunion after a long absence, his face gradually turned red, and he even took the initiative to tease his husband with his feet, but in the end something was wrong.

"Hey?! Is this thing made of silver silk?"

Pei Xiangjun noticed something was wrong and quickly turned over to protect his shirt:

"What are you doing tearing it apart?"

"Why don't you tear me apart..."

"I can just take it off. Don't tear it apart. I bought it for more than three hundred taels of silver. I feel so bad..."

"It's boring to take it off, I'll buy you another one..."

"Fan Jiuniang took a long time to make it, and you just tore it up when we met. No matter how big a family fortune is, you can't ruin it like this. How about I talk to Fan Jiuniang and let her get something that can be torn apart?"

Ye Jingtang saw that Sanniang was very concerned about the valuable equipment, so she could only do the next best thing. She slipped it from the waistband of her pants to her legs, and the full moon like a shelled egg was immediately revealed.

Ye Jingtang pressed in front of Sanniang and spat on her face:

"You really need to talk to Fan Jiuniang. Isn't this kind of food that can be seen but not eaten tortured?"


Pei Xiangjun's cheeks turned red and he responded:

"Why don't I just tell you that you asked for something that can be torn apart?"

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, feeling that saying what he asked for would be a bit of a bad image. Feeling the muddy tightness when entering and exiting, he hesitated for a moment and finally responded:

"That's okay..."

Pei Xiangjun saw that Ye Jingtang had put aside his image for the sake of clothes. He couldn't help but secretly shook his head and raised his hands to hug his neck:

"How can this kind of thing be done in your name? I just said that if Ning'er wants to dress randomly, please ask Fan Jiuniang to get something that can be torn, or just open her mouth..."


During the soft whisper, there was a soft sound inside the curtain, and then it slowly turned into a strong wind and rain...

(End of this chapter)

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