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Chapter 582 Heroine

Chapter 582 Heroine

Pah, pah, pah, pah!

On a winter afternoon, the elegant courtyard echoed with subtle sounds and sometimes soft words. Because he knew what his boss was doing, there were no maids around to disturb him.

But after this kind of movement lasted for an unknown amount of time, the sound of horse hooves was heard outside the door of Pei's house. Then Xiuhe, who was playing with the birds in the front house, quickly ran outside the yard and looked inside with curious eyes.

In the room, Pei Xiangjun was leaning on the pillow, with his black pantyhose pulled down to his legs. He was holding his legs with his hands. He was already a little confused. When he heard the movement, he pressed Ye Jingtang down and turned around to pretend to ask normally. :


Xiuhe knew what the young lady was doing, so she held Niaoniao outside the yard without coming in. She just reported:

"Someone came to the palace just now and said that the Holy One has decreed that Mr. Ye and all his confidants will be invited to the Taihua Palace for a banquet tomorrow night. Mr. Ye is also allowed to enter the palace when he has time."

When Pei Xiangjun heard "Go to the banquet", he knew that the big one was coming. After agreeing, he turned to look at the Night Terror Hall:

"You'd better be patient. Don't come back and be squeezed dry every time you meet. There will be a banquet to celebrate tomorrow night and you won't be able to have fun..."

Seeing that Sanniang still doubted his strength, Ye Jingtang was naturally unhappy and straightened his back slightly: "I am already the best in the world. I can stay here for seven days and seven nights. How can I not be able to play?"

"Okay, you know how good you are, right? I just came back, so I'd better say hello to everyone, especially Bai Jin, she's not happy about it. You've been staying here all the time, and they know better than to be jealous and say I'm a solitary eater..."

"Ha ha……"

"Okay, okay, the food is going to be burnt."

Ye Jingtang looked at the tree stump, recalling how ignorant he was when he first arrived, and sighed in his heart. He raised his hand and rubbed the bird, and continued to the alley.

Ye Jingtang hugged Ning'er, grabbed the soft sword first, and put it aside:

When Ye Jingtang saw this scene, he couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth. He walked into the kitchen silently and came behind Ning'er. Seeing that she hadn't noticed yet, he raised his hands, passed under his arms, and suddenly pinched the little watermelon.

Niaoniao smelled the smell of stir-fried pork and immediately became energetic. He wanted to rush in to taste it, but was stopped by Ye Jingtang.

These things happened not long ago, and traces of that time can still be seen on the street. When they walked to Jintang Street, Ye Jingtang even found a wooden stake on the side of the road.

Because he didn’t say hello before coming back, most of the wives were not at home, and there wasn’t much going on in Ye Jingtang anyway. Naturally, he didn’t have any arrogance to ask his wife to come back to see him. After coming out of the alley, he walked towards Shuanggui Alley in a familiar way. Let's go, meet my wife, and discuss with Tuotuo about the banquet tomorrow.

Ye Jingtang put on a brand new Shuiyun brocade robe and rode a big fat horse out of the Pei's alley. Birdie, who was impatient to leave, also squatted in front of the saddle because Ye Jingtang didn't feed snacks and was a little listless.

Only then did Ye Jingtang let go of his hand and asked:

"Where are Yunli and Tuotuo?"

"I'll take you to wash up."

In the kitchen, Luo Ning, wearing a long blue dress, stood alone by the stove, holding a spatula in her hand and wearing an apron in front of her, cooking. Her temperament was still fairy-like, but her attitude was that of a good wife and good husband. The posture of the mother looks like a stunning fairy who has fallen into the mortal world and has followed the local customs.

Although Pei Xiangjun was very powerful in combat, he could not withstand the fierceness of the Night Terror Hall. He covered his red lips and did not dare to speak too loudly. After being hit by such a burst, he immediately transformed into a dragon king. After a few twitches, it took him a long time to recover:

"You are really... go and do your work."

"If you haven't eaten it, make it yourself."

The sound of cooking was accompanied by humming, and the aroma of stir-fried pork was also heard.

Ye Jingtang got off his horse, told the birds to be silent, and then quietly jumped into the yard.

Suddenly there was a scream in the kitchen!

Luo Ning was cooking slowly, and she didn't notice the elusive Ye Jingtang coming behind her. The skirt of her apron was suddenly pinched. She was so shocked that her whole body trembled and she even dropped the spatula.

"Eh?! Wait a minute, Heroine!"

When Ye Jingtang first arrived in the capital, Shuanggui Alley was considered a deserted place in Yun'an City. There were no merchants nearby, and the rent was only twenty taels of silver a year. No one rented it at all, so it was difficult for a Jianghu man like him to see the light of day. Only if you breed a pauper will you settle down there.

Luo Ningqi's face turned red, but cooking was still important. He turned around and picked up the spatula to stir-fry, asking angrily:

"When did you come back?"

There are flowers and bonsais in the yard, and the three houses are also in good order. Under the windows of the main house, there are still white brocade and Yunli skirts hanging.


"Uh huh huh~..."


Luo Ning calmed down for a moment, and the lingering fear in her heart also dissipated. She must be very happy to see Ye Jingtang after a few days apart, but because of her presumptuous behavior just now, she didn't want Ye Jingtang to use the slope to condense, so she handed the spatula to Ye Jingtang. inside:


Ye Jingtang definitely wanted everyone to say hello, but he didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, he hugged Sanniang and felt pity for a while.

"not yet."

Ye Jingtang naturally did not refuse this. He took over the cooking skillfully with the spatula and asked:

The wooden stake was originally an old locust tree in Ranfang Street. On the day Ye Jingtang and Ning'er Yunli met, they went out to buy chicken soup. As a result, they came here to become enlightened and realized the first form of the 'Eight-Step Crazy Sword'. The locust tree became the first achievement on the way to the top, which is also very memorable.

Luo Ning's heart was pounding with fright. Seeing that she couldn't cut it, she stepped on Ye Jingtang's feet with her embroidered shoes:

"let me go."

She originally thought it was Shui'er who was causing trouble, and was about to turn around to scold him, but in a blink of an eye she saw the tall and handsome little thief. His annoyed eyes were slightly startled, and then turned into anger, and he immediately pulled out the Blue Water Soft Sword from his waist!

"No need...oh..."

"You're out. Have you eaten?"

Ye Jingtang rode a big fat horse through Dongzheng Street and other places, and his mind was thinking about every day he had gone through in the past - coming to work at Pei's house, being blocked by black and white, catching Xu Bailin, a green steel mace...

The alley is already full of people, and the walls are painted with white paint. They are clean and tidy. When you walk to the center of the alley, you can still faintly hear:

But now, because of Da Benben’s big wave of his hand, the surrounding area of ​​Shuanggui Lane has completely changed. Dyefang Street has become Jintang Street. Because its reputation has grown rapidly, its prosperity is now not much worse than that of Wutong Street.

Niaoniao squatted on the saddle, saw a tree stump on the street that had been transformed into a stool, and turned around: "Chichichiji..." It should be referring to the Nightmare Hall here, almost familiar.


Not long after, on the street.

"You little thief!"

"Just came back not long ago."

"Why don't you live in the new house?"

When Ye Jingtang saw Ning'er slashing him without saying a word, his expression suddenly changed. He quickly grabbed his wrist and said kindly:

"It's just a joke, don't be angry..."

Luo Ning saw that Ye Jingtang was wearing new clothes, so she took off her apron and helped put it on from behind:

"This is my home too. Can't I come back and stay for two days?"

Ye Jingtang chuckled and was hugged by Ning'er from behind. The little watermelon was pressed against his back. He felt warm in his heart. He thought about it and sighed:

"When we first came here last year, I was a pauper from Liangzhou, and you were a female rebel who was not good at martial arts and was hiding in Tibet...hiss~"

Before he finished speaking, his waist was twisted.

Luo Ning put her chin on her shoulder, her eyes slightly cold:

"Who are you saying is not good at martial arts? Who taught you martial arts in the first place and now you have forgotten it?"

"How could I forget? Let's just discuss the matter..."

"It's not good to just talk about the matter. I was still the master of my family at that time. You were not even a master at that time. How do you have the right to say that I am not good at martial arts?"


Seeing that Ning'er was not allowed to say that she was not good at martial arts, Ye Jingtang would definitely have stopped mentioning it and continued:

"We evacuated here together at that time. Those days are truly unforgettable. I came back from work every day, and you would just cook at home and wait for me. Well... It was the first time I experienced the feeling of home, being with my adoptive father. Although the relationship is very good, there is no woman in the family. It is more like the father and son are making a living in a distant place..."

Luo Ning is reluctant to sell this yard because she will never forget the days when her family of three lived here. Even after buying a bigger and more beautiful new house, she still feels that her heart is still here and she has to look at it every day. I felt like I was back home at the last glance.

Listening to Ye Jingtang's story, Luo Ning didn't let go of her hand that was helping to tie the apron. Instead, she hugged her waist from behind and hummed softly:

"That's nice to say. Now that you have more confidants, you like the new house even more. You don't care about this little courtyard. If you weren't looking for Bai Jin, I'm afraid you wouldn't come here."

Ye Jingtang put the fried vegetables on the plate, then turned around and looked at Ning'er who was looking away:

"The vegetables are cooked, would you like to have a drink with me?"

Luo Ning's eyes moved and she looked unhappy, but she honestly let go of her arms and picked up the plate, then turned and walked towards the main room.

Ye Jingtang picked up the bowls and chopsticks, entered the main room together, and placed them on the square table where they used to eat together every day.

The main house has changed a lot from the bare walls when we first came here. The house is fully furnished and there is a canopy bed against the wall. Originally, the plank bed was placed by the window, but the canopy bed was moved to the inner corner, where the window was originally. It was replaced by a dressing table, with rouge and gouache on it, and a patched-up palm mark could be seen on the side.

After taking a look at it, Ye Jingtang squatted down by the dressing table and put his hand on the palm mark for comparison. He also remembered the scene where Ning'er was sitting by the bed teaching kung fu, and he learned how to scare Ning'er on the spot.

Luo Ning took the good wine she had prepared from the cabinet and put it on the table. When she saw Niaoniao sneaking her head out of the door, she took Niaoniao into the house again:

"Come for dinner, what are you looking for?"

Ye Jingtang stood up and sat down at the table, picked up the wine bottle and looked at it:

"Ha~ Lie Nuchou, this is a good thing, specially prepared for me?"

Luo Ning picked up the stir-fried meat with chopsticks and let the impatient Niao Niao taste it. Hearing this, she said lukewarmly:

"You're thinking too much. You prepared it for Shui'er." Ye Jingtang didn't believe this at all. After all, with Shui'er's drunken personality, he knew that there was a jar of good wine, so how could he keep it intact until now? Ning'er still had hidden it. In the cupboard, obviously afraid that Shui'er would find out, she secretly drank the wine she had prepared for her husband.

However, Ning'er didn't admit it, and Ye Jingtang didn't point it out. He poured a glass of wine for Ning'er, moved it to the side, and patted the bench where he sat:

"Sit over here."

Luo Ning took a breath, but didn't say anything. She stood up and sat on the right side of the Night Terror Hall:

"Yunli and Bai Jin don't know when they will come back. You...you'd better pay attention."

Ye Jingtang knew that Yunli was secretly working as a policeman. According to the off-duty time of Hei Yamen, it would be too early to come back, but Tuotuo couldn't say for sure.

Ye Jingtang picked up the wine glass, hugged Ning'er's moon, moved her to his side, and asked:

"What did Bai Jin do?"

Luo Ning didn't drink much, so she clinked glasses with Ye Jingtang and just took a sip:

"Qiu Tianhe has also come to the capital, as well as Xuanyuan Tiangang and his wife, with their little girl. Bai Jin... um..."

Ye Jingtang blinked and leaned a little closer: "Go find this little girl and learn how to take care of a baby?"


Bai Jin Shenlong was nowhere to be seen, and Luo Ning didn't see it either. But through her understanding of Bai Jin, she felt that Bai Jin might be teasing the little girl to secretly learn from her experience in the name of visiting Qiu Tianhe.

Although the person who asked about it was her lover, Bai Jin was also her husband. Luo Ning guessed it and didn't say it clearly. She just said:

"You have to ask Bai Jin about this, how do I know?"

Ye Jingtang smiled brightly, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then brought it to Ning'er's mouth:


Luo Ning knew that drinking with Ye Jingtang would inevitably result in being touched and kissed. She had no choice but to go and pick her up, but she found that the birds were looking at her eagerly and felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang took half a bowl of meat in a small bowl and placed it on the windowsill.


Niaoniao felt that Ye Jingtang was a little heartless and didn't even let it go to the table. However, because the stir-fried pork was so delicious, he jumped onto the window sill and buried himself in the rice.


Ye Jingtang closed the doors and windows, sat down in front of Ning'er again, put his arms through the crook of his legs, directly picked up Ning'er and sat on his lap:

"We're already an old married couple, are you still shy?"

When Luo Ning heard this, her eyes were slightly cold:

"Who is old and married to you? We are not married yet, we just got engaged in front of our parents' graves."

"That's right, I'll get married to Yunli, and you'll still be my fiancée and mother-in-law...hiss~"

Luo Ning's face turned red and she raised her hand to twist Ye Jingtang's waist:

"You try talking nonsense again?"

Ye Jingtang quickly straightened his face, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and then put it in front of him again:


Luo Ning was helpless with Ye Jingtang. After hesitating for a while, she still acted reluctantly, moved forward and pressed her lips together, and tried to pull away Ye Jingtang's hand from her arms, but obviously failed.


As he drank two glasses of wine, Gan Chai Liehuo's emotions were obviously aroused.

Luo Ning was afraid that Yunli Baijin would suddenly come back and find that she was secretly laughing at her, and she was still a little resistant. Seeing Ye Jingtang squeeze the meatballs on her hands and keep kissing them, she tilted her head and said:

"Stop touching it, can you eat some food?"

Ye Jingtang couldn't help laughing when he heard this, but he was really not very hungry at the moment, and still felt that Ning'er smelled good, so he picked him up and put him in the canopy bed:

"Let's eat later. I hurried back from thousands of miles away. I feel a little tired and want to recuperate."

Luo Ning didn't believe it at all and pushed Ye Jingtang's chest:

"Didn't you go see Sanniang when you came back?"

"See you, Sanniang went to Fan's shop to buy new clothes and brought you a set."

Ye Jingtang said as he took out a small purse from his arms.

The purse is only the size of a baby's fist, and it is embroidered with colorful phoenix patterns on the surface. You can tell from the packaging that it is expensive, but the size is definitely not big.

When Luo Ning saw this thing, she understood that Ye Jingtang had not had good intentions since entering the house, so she pushed the small purse away:

"I do not want."

"Put it on and take a look. It's Sanniang's wish anyway."

"What do you mean? It's obvious that this little thief likes you, but she has to drag me with her to do anything... ugh..."

Luo Ning couldn't push it through after a few pushes, so she could only take the small purse and open it to check.

As a result, I unexpectedly found that the small purse does not look big, but the clothes inside are quite long, and feel like cloud-white soft gauze. When unfolded, it is as long as from the toes to the waist. It looks like a pair of pants, but it basically has no function of covering up the shame and keeping out the cold. , completely transparent.


Luo Ning looked back and forth:

"How do you wear this?"

Ye Jingtang unbuttoned her skirt and made Ning'er naked, then held her ankle and pulled it down:

"I'll help you put it on, don't shrink your legs..."


Luo Ning's face turned red and she bit her lower lip lightly, covering her vital parts with her hands. Finally, she asked Ye Jingtang to help put them on, because the silk pantyhose were very close to the body, and you could see a ray of pink through the white stockings.

Ye Jingtang looked at Ning'er who was shy and endured humiliation with quite satisfied eyes, and then started kissing everywhere.

Luo Ning felt more embarrassed wearing it than not wearing it. While twisting left and right to avoid it, she also commented:

"This thing is more suitable for Bai Jin. Did Sanniang buy it for her?"

"Fan Jiuniang has just made it, and only took these two pieces. There will be improvements in the future; Sanniang has already passed. If you hurry up, you can see the improvements tomorrow and the day after tomorrow..."


Luo Ning was listening to the words, and suddenly heard the sound of tearing fabric, and it felt a little cold somewhere. She quickly lowered her head:

"Why did you tear it? How much money did you pay for it? You just put it on..."

"Uh... I don't have much money..."

It's not like Luo Ning has never bought anything at Fan's shop. For clothes like this, the cheapest one costs dozens of taels. Seeing the prodigal lover Ye Jingtang messing around, she felt heartbroken:

"Really, no matter how powerful you are, you can't forget your roots. When you first came here, you couldn't find two taels of silver in total on your body. You are usually very frugal. But now, you can tear up such a valuable thing at the drop of a hat. If Sanniang knew about it, she would have to say that I was a prodigal and failed to take care of you..."

After tearing a gap in the Night Terror Hall, the rest became much easier. While tasting it carefully, he responded;

"I can't help myself. I won't do it next time."

Luo Ning felt as embarrassed as if she were wearing crotchless pants. When she had no choice but to hide, she closed her eyes and tilted her head and stopped talking.

But Ye Jingtang is obviously not someone who can be easily satisfied. After a moment of frivolity, seeing that Ning'er didn't resist, he turned over and lay on the pillow, letting Ning'er move on top:

"I'm really tired after running all the way back, um..."


Luo Ning had nothing to say, so she could only sit up and sit on her waist to help herself.

There was a gap in the pantyhose, so Luo Ning naturally didn't need to take them off anymore, because the skirt had been untied, and the trembling little watermelon could be clearly seen on the upper body, while the lower body was wrapped in white pantyhose, with a perfect curve of the snowy skin. Extremely seductive.

Ye Jingtang may have been a little distracted, but he held the back of his head with both hands, looked at it carefully, and asked:

"Ning'er, when we met in this room for the first time and I took the opportunity to bully you, did you ever think that today would..."


Before she finished speaking, Luo Ning's confused eyes turned cold, and she raised her hand to pick up the saber leaning on the bedside.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand: "Hey! You were just kidding, pretend I didn't say it."


Luo Ning originally shook her waist a few more times, but she felt that this was too cheap and acted recklessly, so she lay down on the inside, turned over and turned her back to him, and ignored him.

Ye Jingtang felt a little regretful for talking nonsense. Seeing this, he leaned behind Ning'er and said softly:

"Nvxia Luo?"


Luo Ning closed her eyes and did not respond, but following Ye Jingtang's movements, she bit her lower lip and raised her neck. When she noticed that Ye Jingtang was staring, she pulled up the thin quilt to cover her cheeks...

Name it:

I recommend a book called "Who Can You Scold? It's all about women to pass the level". It should be the last sacrifice. If you are interested, you can read it~

(End of this chapter)

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