Huayu's I am destiny

Chapter 486 The Battlefield of 95 Flowers

Chapter 486 The Battlefield of 95 Flowers
This version of "Si Teng" starring Lin Qingyuan is different from the original time and space in that it has changed from the original multi-network broadcast on the third platform of Aiyou Goose to the current exclusive broadcast on Youku.

Although the playback data will be 100% affected by the exclusive broadcast on a single platform, after all, the daily activity of Youku is low, and the entire platform also reveals a weak atmosphere. The audience of passers-by is naturally less than those online dramas broadcast on Kiwi and Penguin Video A lot, but the first six episodes still brought a lot of heat and discussion to "Si Teng".

So after twelve o'clock tonight, when most of the viewers finished watching the six episodes that were updated today, they all ran to the Internet to share their feelings about watching the drama.

[I love this kind of powerful and arrogant hostess so much!And it is worth mentioning that although Jing Tian and Lin Qingyuan are nine years apart, the CP is surprisingly good. Lin Qingyuan is worthy of being the god of the next generation of domestic entertainment!In addition, the atmosphere of the real scene is also very well shaped. So far, it is a TV series with excellent quality. 】

[The director's mirroring is amazing!From the very beginning of the TV series, Da Tiantian came out, leaving behind a graceful and graceful figure walking through the fireworks-filled alleys of the Republic of China, this scene has immediately felt a sense of substitution.Afterwards, the scene of Lin Qingyuan falling off the cliff also made me cry. It was the first time I saw someone die so beautifully hahaha! 】

[A little spoiler for those who haven’t watched the drama yet, the rhythm is 4 minutes for the heroine to die, and 26 minutes for the hero to die. Can domestic dramas have such a fast pace?Praise to the staff of the crew and the two actors Lin Qingyuan and Jing Tian, ​​there are dramas to follow in the past two months. 】

[Da Tiantian's appearance in the Republic of China is really a peerless beauty!Her appearance can be both cold and glamorous, but also gentle and elegant. It is indeed admirable to play Si Teng with her appearance!At first, I felt that there was no actor in China Entertainment that fit Qin Fang's personality, but now I find that Lin Qingyuan's acting as Qin Fang doesn't seem to be good at acting, and his acting skills are amazing! 】

[Although it is a web drama, the quality is good, the real scenes are beautiful, some high-distance shots are also very atmospheric, and the actors are well suited. I feel that the age difference between Lin Qingyuan and Jing Tian matches the master-servant relationship of the characters in the drama. There is a great chemical reaction, this drama is really a fairy casting! 】

[Qin Fang's cute character adds a lot of lightness to this slightly weird drama. Lin Qingyuan's acting skills are very good, and his micro-expressions are very good. 】

[Obviously, from the plot, actors, Fu Huadao to the production team, "Si Teng" is full of hard work that can be seen with the naked eye, especially the live-action shooting in the play. The air environment is so beautiful that it can be compared with documentaries, but many people are still baffled Bad news, compared to the status quo where Dangai is easy to score, it is really too difficult to present a romantic drama.]

The negative reviews basically focus on the dubbing problem of the heroine to make people play. There are too many meaningless and redundant scenes, that is, the plot is too watery, and the director can't tell the story clearly.

Who would let someone make their talent show debut with a large number of enthusiastic fans, relying on Kiwifruit and Cehua, and the second generation of a wealthy family, so they don't have to worry about food or clothing?

Wang Churan: [#Si Teng Premiere# Si Teng looks good!The boss is so handsome! 】

"Oh, don't talk nonsense, you hurry up!"

There was no other way, the assistant could only do as he was told.

After all, Lin Qingyuan treats each of his works with great care. He very much hopes that every drama he acts in can achieve good broadcast results, at least better than Yuan Shikong, so if there are no special circumstances, naturally he will not be absent. Activities that are conducive to the popularity of TV dramas.

"But didn't you say before that you wanted to find an opportunity for me to tie up Xiao Zhan, who was at a low point in his career? Why did you suddenly change to Lin Qingyuan now? And there was no sign at all, and I haven't made any mental preparations yet."

"He is very Buddhist, so it doesn't matter if he has a masterpiece or not." Lin Qingyuan asked casually, "But do you have such confidence in this drama?"

Although he is Yu Shuxin's manager in name, in fact he doesn't have much to do with Yu Shuxin.

"But I'm still not reconciled." Yu Shuxin blinked her big innocent eyes and turned to look at the manager, "Do we have any other ways to divert people?"

Because she often posted Weibo content related to Lin Qingyuan before, she was scolded by Lin Qingyuan's fans for being shameless for rubbing her popularity, and she can't walk independently, so this time it's rare to experience the righteousness of Lin Qingyuan's popularity, and she was also called After all kinds of praise and praise from netizens, it really made her a bit addicted to shaking m.

He is still extremely responsible and conscientious, and cooperates with the drama crew and Jing Tianfang in the follow-up business promotion. He is quite professional and generous.

"Didn't you say that ancient puppet is boring and you don't want to play ancient puppet again? So I took the time to pay attention to some projects that suit you." Lin Qingyuan turned sideways and opened his hands to Reba as he said: "How is it? Are you moved? Should I be rewarded?"

Of course, if Yu Shuxin doesn't produce a hit drama with good results for half a day, then this is the only way to barely gain traffic and maintain popularity.

"It's really boring, I won't post this kind of Weibo again next time!" Yu Shuxin was in a very unhappy mood now.

"So what can Lin Qingyuan do? I'm sleepy now and I want to sleep. Brother Liu, you should go back first." Yu Shuxin yawned pretendingly, and issued an order to evict the guest.

"I hope so." Reba's smile returned to her face, and then she pecked Lin Qingyuan's side cheek with her soft pink lips, "This is also the reason why I haven't been accepted into the group. "

"You will have it too." Lin Qingyuan comforted.

From different angles and different positions, the views on and handling of this matter are also completely different.

To be honest, Zhao Lusi didn't really want to post this Weibo that inexplicably attracted the popularity of strangers.

To put it bluntly, the two 95 flowers with the best resources and the easiest way to get started in domestic entertainment are Xinxinzi and Rousi.

Zhang Jingyi: [I want to go to Shangri-La. 】

One is backed by the Goose Factory, the other is backed by the Peach Factory, especially Zhao Lusi, whose popularity has been exaggerated many times compared to that of Lin Qingyuan, who was slowly picking scripts and developing by herself. .

Even if it is the main heroine, Lin Qingyuan has to be supplemented with roles until it is basically equal to the heroine.

"That's all right, I'll listen to you." Zhao Lusi thought about it for a while, and it seemed to be the same reason, so she stopped talking.

"Okay, okay, you go back first, I know what's in mind, don't interfere with my reply to their comments!" Tian Xiwei waved her hand, indicating that the assistant can go out.

Liu Haocun: [#司藤首流##林清原姆芳# Is Brother Yuan’s new drama launched?Great! 】

Before, Mingming and Lin Qingyuan's fans scolded each other so harshly, and there were even a lot of Tibetan words to be silenced, why are they suddenly reconciled now?

"Who is this Tian Xiwei? She's not popular, but she likes to rub, and this Zhao Lusi, does she know you? You just rub here, and you don't want to lose your face"

"Is it okay to just leave them alone?" The assistant obviously couldn't understand his boss's brain circuit.

This is really surprising.

Zhao Lusi: [The advantage of finishing work early is that you can lie on the bed happily and watch dramas ~ happy finishing work! 】

If there are no special circumstances, it is unlikely that Lin Qingyuan will go back to continue filming idol dramas in the next few years.

"Then why do you still understand these things?" Reba couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that she couldn't get along with Lin Qingyuan.

Moreover, the quality of the drama "Si Teng" itself is not good enough. There are many flaws in plot logic and shooting details. Therefore, it is necessary for the two leading actors to work together to win over CP fans who are doing data in order to win for this drama. to better playback results.

Reba nodded, looked at Jing Tian who was wearing a cheongsam and walking catwalks on the TV screen, and said with a smile: "It's time for her to have a masterpiece."

All those words before co-authoring were all scolded in vain?

Yang Chaoyue: [The consolation of painful Monday. 】

Because even if Li Muge's aesthetics tends to be feminine and feminine, and no matter how much he prefers actresses, he dare not treat Lin Qingyuan, a super big coffee, casually.

So during the few months of filming, he devoted no less energy to the male lead Lin Qingyuan than the female lead Jing Tian. It can be said that he forcibly trained his ability to shoot handsome men and beautiful men. The first of its kind in his personal directing career.

"It's not that I have confidence in this drama, but I have confidence in you." Reba turned to look at Lin Qingyuan, "After all, I am still very convinced of your ability to carry the drama."

Lin Qingyuan thought for a while, then shook his head, "The second one is a bit difficult, but it's not completely impossible."

The agent could only sigh helplessly.

The 95 flowers and 00 flowers who have just appeared and have not yet appeared, as if they had made an appointment in advance, they all picked up the popularity of the leading actor Lin Qingyuan on the night of the premiere of the TV series.

But what is certain now is that the CP of Lin Qingyuan and Jing Tian with a nine-year age difference has been recognized to a great extent, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

After Lin Qingyuan hung up the phone, Reba leaned over and frowned and asked Lin Qingyuan, "I heard a woman's voice, was it Jing Tian who called just now?"

Because the relationship between her and Xiao Zhan was not bad, at least much better than that Lin Qingyuan whom she didn't know at all.

While ordinary audiences were discussing constantly on the Internet, the group of post-95 Xiaohua who wanted to gain popularity also joined the battlefield at the behest of their respective teams.

The manager said helplessly, "Luth, although you and Xiao Zhan are both from Goose Factory, you must at least understand the most basic pros and cons! , and then say that the account has been hacked, you see how many people will believe it, and there is no benefit in getting in touch with him at this stage."

Indeed, Li Muge is influenced by his personal aesthetics, so he really doesn't know how to shoot male protagonists, so his male protagonists have basically encountered a trough in their careers, and the effects they shoot are comparable to the female characters in the same play Compared, it is obviously not satisfactory.

"There's no reason to be sullen!" Reba was in a very upset mood right now, and said forcefully, "I'm just wondering if we'll have another chance in the future."

And on the other side of the magic capital.

"But Lin Qingyuan is different. He is developing very well now, and he is taking over dramas and movies. In the future, there is a high probability that he will not stay in the idol drama circle to compress the living space of other actors, so don't hurry up now. There will be no chance in the future.”

"It always feels like you're catching me as a coolie"

He thinks very clearly that hype is just a means to temporarily maintain traffic exposure. If he really wants to gain momentum, he still has to rely on real works.

The praise basically focused on the stunning makeup of the heroine Jing Tian, ​​the contrasting acting skills of the actor Lin Qingyuan, and the beautiful scenery of Shangri-La.

Yu Shuxin: [#司藤首流##林清原秦芳# Wow!Brother Yuan's new drama chased me so hard that I couldn't stop!Lin Qingyuan is really handsome! ! 】

And somewhere in Hengdian Film and Television City.

Lin Qingyuan looked at Reba amusedly: "Why did you blow me up all of a sudden? Aren't I still sulking when I saw Jing Tian and I flirting in the play just now?"

"Sister Wei, it's already 01:30, are you not going to sleep tonight? It seems that you still have a scene to shoot tomorrow morning." The assistant reminded weakly.

"Are you going to act in this drama?" Reba asked.

Not only does it take three or four months to shoot, but even if it becomes a hit after it is broadcast, the help to him on the road of actor is quite limited, and the cost performance is low.

"The premiere of "Si Teng" tonight was very well received. Of course, she, the heroine, was very happy, so she called me and congratulated each other."

In fact, no director in the idol drama circle would dare to use Lin Qingyuan to carry the sedan chair for the heroine.

"Ah? Why are there so many people posting on Weibo? I thought we were the only ones posting on Weibo. Why is this happening?" Yu Shuxin complained with her voice between.

Zhou Ye: [Congee Congee is also approaching completion, Senior Brother Lin's new drama is on the line, this is a double blessing~]

The evaluations given by these negative netizens are fairly pertinent, because many people did comment on the director of "East Palace" in this way:

After all, there had never been so many new-generation florets calling for Lin Qingyuan's new drama at the same time before, so it soon appeared on Weibo's hot search list and aroused heated discussions among netizens on multiple platforms.

Lin Qingyuan shook his head, "I don't think I have a schedule."

Reba pursed her lips, and said in a helpless tone, "That's right, you've been acting in dramas and movies."

What's more, surprisingly, when the topic discussion among passers-by was slightly suppressed by the heroine Jing Tian, ​​Lin Qingyuan, who was more famous, did not release any signal of dissatisfaction with the status quo.

So it can be regarded as mutual benefit and win-win.

It's not because I think idol dramas are low, but because I simply feel that it's a waste of time to continue acting in idol dramas.

"Shu Xin, think about it clearly, this is Lin Qingyuan, you don't want to rub more than people line up to rub."

"Brother Hao, why did you suddenly ask me to post this Weibo? Lin Qingyuan and I obviously don't know each other, and we haven't dealt with each other before." Zhao Lusi was puzzled.

"Just be obedient, don't ask so many questions." Zhao Rusi's agent is busy making a plan to attract her follow-up marketing, and now has no time to talk to Zhao Rusi.

The agent shook his head, "Not yet, this kind of thing is too easy to be backlashed."

Lin Qingyuan smiled, "By the way, in the first half of next year, Kiwigo will start a police-themed TV drama project. You can ask your manager to pay attention to it."

Hu Lianxin'er: [#现婚之神# You can always trust Lin Qingyuan's idol!The boss rushes the duck! 】

Although this is a very common and low-end operation in the entertainment industry, their behavior of rubbing heat has added a lot of heat to "Si Teng" to a certain extent, and at the same time brought a group of new audience.

Song Zuer: [#东藤首流# Today’s fun after get off work is to watch Si Teng! 】

"Li Muge's directing level is actually quite good in idol dramas. Although many people complained that he has problems with the rhythm of the plot and that he is not good-looking when shooting male leads, his aesthetics for women is at least very good. He can give many female stars Contribute beautiful shots, and the most important thing is that the filming does not have a "net drama feel", it is more atmospheric."

Tian Xiwei tapped the phone screen quickly with both hands, and replied without raising her head: "There is no way, there are too many comments and private messages, and now I can't get back."

"Forget you have a heart." Reba was very moved, so she suddenly thought: "But before I give you a reward, you have to wash the dishes first, and then take a shower!"

If Lin Qingyuan could be called Lin Huang, then Zhao Lusi should also be called Zhao Huang.

"Are you stupid? You are now in the rising stage of your career, and Xiao Zhan is now a street rat. Even if he can come back later, he is destined to be crushed by Lin Qingyuan. How can there be any value worth binding?"

"It's okay. Although they shunted us away, it can also prove from the side that there is nothing wrong with our decision-making." The manager didn't feel that it was a pity.

In general, this fair-quality Pipi fantasy idol drama has received far more positive reviews than negative reviews.

Under the influence of the popular atmosphere of the premiere day of Lin Qingyuan's new drama, the masses of melon-eaters and fellow actors were discussing things related to #司藤开始# and #林清原秦芳# both openly and secretly.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Lin Qingyuan put the phone into vibrate mode and put it back in his pocket.

Tian Xiwei: [#司藤首流# Brother Yuan is really nice in private, I have worked with him twice, and I have never seen him play big or put on airs. 】

But this time it's obviously not the same as before.

As a result, when Lin Qingyuan finished washing the dishes, took a shower, and finally returned to the bedroom wrapped in a bath towel, he realized that the reward that Reba had mentioned before was really not a joke.

She even wore a cheongsam dress with lace long sleeves and black embroidery with high slits that was found out of nowhere.

Moreover, in order to match this outfit, she also specially painted an extremely beautiful and delicate makeup. At this moment, she was looking at Lin Qingyuan who was at the door with extremely charming but pitiful eyes, as if she was longing for something.

Lin Qingyuan couldn't help laughing in his heart, and said that he was not jealous, and that he was not sullen, this cheongsam can already explain a lot of problems.
So under Reba's kind invitation, Lin Qingyuan happily accepted this unexpected and thoughtful gift. That night, he experienced the joy of lifting the high-fork skirt and holding the weak and boneless slender waist.

(End of this chapter)

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