Huayu's I am destiny

Chapter 487 Money War

Chapter 487 Money War
After the long-lost night of tenderness, Lin Qingyuan will continue to work hard for his career.

On the second day after "Si Teng" aired, Lin Qingyuan flew to Changsha to participate in the recording of Happy Camp, and struck while the iron was hot to expand the influence and popularity of this super web drama, dubbed "the savior of Youpants" by fans.

And the flight guest list of this program is all the male and female leading actors of several recent hit dramas:

Lin Qingyuan and Jing Tian from the crew of "Si Teng", Song Weilong and Tan Songyun from the crew of "In the Name of Family", Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan from the crew of "Liu Li", and finally Tang Xiaotian from Xie Na who made up the list.

Speaking of which, the other flying guests in this issue, rather the two dramas "In the Name of Family" and "Liu Li", have more or less connections with Lin Qingyuan.

"In the Name of Family", which just ushered in the finale on Mango TV last week, first of all, the heroine is Tan Songyun who has worked with Lin Qingyuan. In addition, the production team has also cooperated with Lin Qingyuan in "The Next Stop Is Happiness". If it wasn't for Lin Qingyuan's rejection of Ling Xiao's invitation to play the role, Song Weilong wouldn't have had the chance to take the cake.

Then the director of "Liu Li" is Yin Tao, who is also the director of the blockbuster "Under the Brocade" half a year ago. Lin Qingyuan has a good relationship with him.

As for Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan, two famous "CP unbundling negative teaching materials", he is not very familiar with them.

However, he knew that the traffic data of Cheng Yi's later generations mixed with water was not bad, and there was a group of diehard fans, who could be regarded as a small half of the top stream at certain times.

"Youku is a bit interesting to play."

"The co-authors are going to organize a money war, right?" The stone in Lin Qingyuan's heart fell, and he couldn't help being happy, "When am I going to fight and record?"

Regarding this, Lin Qingyuan can only say: People of different levels really have different ideas. If super-top class is so easy to be sucked into blood, then it is not called super-top class.

The two of them had already made an agreement when they talked on the phone last night. During the promotional period of the drama, they will open their business generously and will not deliberately avoid suspicion, so He Jiongweijia and others were taken aback by the sweet atmosphere created today.

"As soon as you say this, you get excited." Yan Jun couldn't help but knowingly asked: "Are you so disgusted with her?"

Lin Qingyuan smiled, then turned his head and signaled Jing Tian beside him to take over the process with his eyes.

"Welcome! Welcome to "Happy Camp", which is broadcast on VIVO mobile every Saturday night. Hello everyone, we are a happy family!"

At this time, his team was already secretly planning related operations after he and Yuan Bingyan CP were unbound, so he naturally couldn't understand Lin Qingyuan's current behavior.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Qingyuan, and today I'm playing the Hou Xiaoyi who shot the sun."

Today, after all the guests finished their part, the happy family headed by He Jiong returned to the stage.

"Okay, next, the two leading actors of our hit drama "Si Teng" are here, please introduce yourself!"

So he changed the subject: "We haven't seen each other for more than half a year, don't you think I've changed?"

"After half a month's rest, I have to join the group."

This is the artist lounge with the largest area and the most luxurious facilities on Mango Terrace, and it has been refurbished in a hurry.

"Hengdian, Ciwen's "City of Flowing Light"."

Under their guidance, Lin Qingyuan soon came to the private lounge prepared for him by the program crew.

Then everyone chatted happily on the stage for a while, and then entered today's game session.

After all, the Nuquan has been extremely rampant in recent years, he doesn't want to accidentally offend the Nuquan fighter while taking revenge.
At one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Qingyuan, who suddenly became in a particularly good mood, arrived at the TV building of Mango TV.

Although it was agreed to do business openly, Jing Tian still felt a little shy inevitably.

"Little Wolf Dog is because of Yuan Song in "The Next Stop Is Happiness", Little Rabbit is because of Yu Tu in "You Are My Glory", and Yuan Bao is a nickname often used by his fans." Jing Tian acted very understanding Lin Qingyuan.

Although Lin Qingyuan's team behaved quite friendly and friendly, and would not take a ruler to measure the lounge area and compare the size of other female stars like a big flower's manager sister, but Mango TV still did not dare to neglect this person casually. An important partner of the TV station.

Then artists who have a good relationship with the TV station will get extra bonuses, such as Wang Yibo and Zhang Yixing.


However, Tang Xiaotian expressed his dissatisfaction. He stubbornly believed that his actions had brought the couple closer, so everyone booed and asked Lin Qingyuan and Jing Tian to demonstrate.

She knew that Lin Qingyuan said this on purpose. After all, when chatting was not frequent, exchanging gifts was conducive to maintaining the friendship between the two.

Because not every protagonist will cooperate with the show's promotion as generously as Lin Qingyuan after his personal role popularity and topic discussion are suppressed by the supporting roles of the same play.

"Could you explain that?"

"We haven't seen each other for more than half a year." Jing Tian, ​​who has finished her makeup, walked over with a smile, and an assistant behind her helped her lift the skirt.

Ning Jing made her debut this summer with Mango TV's "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" and successfully became popular, so the popularity is quite high at the moment and has great commercial value.

"Youku has launched a reality show to experience celebrity boxing. Many celebrities have been invited to boxing. The recording has already started this week and is expected to be broadcast next month."

"The joke is that Zheng Yuxun is the resident guest of this show, and then they even sent you an invitation to be a flying guest. Do you think Youku will play?"

The white sheer gauze dress that Kuaiben prepared for Jing Tian today is very beautiful, and the details such as hairstyle and hair accessories are also well designed, and the whole person is full of fairy spirit.

"Then I feel like I might have to find time to practice boxing during this time." Lin Qingyuan was worried that he would not be able to control his strength at that time, and it would be ugly to injure someone.

Song Weilong asked Jing Tian to name Lin Qingyuan three very sweet nicknames within five seconds.

The theme of this program is "Romance De Amor". As the name suggests, it is to bring up the recently popular screen CP and make sweets for CP fans.

"What's so funny about this?" Lin Qingyuan was puzzled, he didn't think this level would make Yan Jun laugh like this.

The first pair of CPs to appear is Tang Xiaotian and Wu Xin from "I Want to Say I Love You Loudly". Their cosplayers are obviously Hanamichi Sakuragi and Haruko Akagi.

Their song is Zhang Jie's "Watch the Moon Climb Up", and the COS characters are Houyi and Chang'e.

"As long as the money is in place, it is said that she just bought a villa recently, and she is short of cash on hand, and wants to get a job that pays quickly, so Youku offered her a high price, and of course the price for you is not low, 600 million for the first installment , has basically reached the top standard before the salary limit.”

Jing Tian sat on the sofa and ate the fruits on the table. He took a mouthful of sweet and fragrant cherries, beautifying the skin and delaying aging. He was in a happy mood.

Teacher He and the hosts of the Happy Family have been waiting here for a long time, so when they saw Lin Qingyuan getting off the car, they immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

After everything is ready, the official recording of today's program will almost begin.

Jing Tian's singing is a little out of tune, but it's not important, after all, the most important thing for a couple to sing is the picture.

To the surprise of the fans who were lucky enough to come to the scene, the two held hands with each other very naturally as soon as they appeared on the stage, and they didn't even let go when they were singing. The two then sprinkled sugar crazily.

"Flirtatious." Lin Qingyuan walked to the dressing table and sat down, and began to accept makeup from the team's own makeup teacher, "How are you doing recently? Are you resting or filming?"

"It shouldn't be an illusion, because you are not the only one who said that." Reba and Nazha both said this to him.

"That's not clear." Jing Tian walked to the sofa and sat down cautiously, "Maybe they think you don't need nice clothes to be on camera."

This is really rare for internal entertainment.

Seeing this scene, the guests on stage and the audience in the audience let out all kinds of screams and laughter.

As soon as Teacher He finished speaking, Lin Qingyuan who picked up the microphone hadn't had time to speak. In order to vent their excitement, the fans in the audience were already screaming. Obviously, many Irene got tickets.

The second pair of CPs on the stage are Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan from "A Chinese Ghost Story", and their cosplayers are Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian. The appearance of this pair is a little ordinary.

And an artist like Lin Qingyuan who has both a top celebrity and a good relationship with the TV station is undoubtedly a big guest with the highest level of treatment in the hearts of Mango TV.

The day of Zheng Yuxun's retirement is getting closer and closer. If Lin Qingyuan doesn't seize the opportunity to take revenge on her now, he will never see Zheng Yuxun again.

The third pair appeared on the stage were Song Weilong and Tan Songyun in suits and leather shoes. Their cosplayers were Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

After all, logically speaking, Lin Qingyuan is now going to tie up the CP business promotion with the actress of the same drama, purely sacrificing himself to drain and suck blood for others. It is impossible for his team not to know this, but he still did it.

Jing Tian smiled, and readily agreed, "Okay, I'll give you the whole set when the time comes!"

Jing Tian thought carefully for a while, and then expressed his first impression after seeing Lin Qingyuan today, "It seems to have turned darker, is it my illusion?"

Of course, she is also very happy to continue to maintain the friendship with Lin Qingyuan like now.

"Fuck me on the show, scold me after the show, do you know that I already want to fight... Well, I have been sparring with her for a long time! But will the show crew allow men and women to fight each other?"

Mango TV has its own set of rating standards for internal entertainment stars: first, coffee rank first.

He Jiong, Wei Jia, Wu Xin, Hai Tao and others crowded around Lin Qingyuan walking and chatting like stars.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you are an actor, and now you don't make idol dramas, so tanning is actually not bad for you, anyway, it will come back for nothing in a few months."

The first game link is "Bang bang bang, please answer". The rules of the game are: the field is divided into two sides, one side asks the other side to ask questions, and the other side must answer within five seconds. If it is unreasonable, a colored rope will be torn off, and the balloon hanging above the head will explode, which means the game will fail.

"Didn't we just meet on TV last night?" Lin Qingyuan joked: "Why do I feel that the clothes they gave you are better than the clothes they gave me?"

Lin Qingyuan saw that Yan Jun had been murmuring smirking at the phone since getting in the car, and couldn't help asking curiously: "What makes you smile so happily?"

Lin Qingyuan had never heard of this name at all, so there was a high probability that this drama was a hit, and it was a very thorough one, so it was not suitable as a chat topic.

And at the end, the guests who made their final appearance against the roar of the audience were Lin Qingyuan and Jing Tian, ​​the leading actors and actresses of "Si Teng", which was broadcast last night.

As a result, just after Lin Qingyuan sat down, there was a knock on the door of the lounge.

The little assistant walked over and opened the door.

When Lin Qingyuan was singing, he made eye contact with Jing Tian who was beside him from time to time, and Jing Tian also stared at him affectionately, how sweet it looked.

Lin Qingyuan, Jing Tian and Cheng Yi Yuan Bingyan are on the team, Song Weilong, Tan Songyun and Tang Xiaotian are on the team.

"I'm sweating, this is too cruel." Jing Tian turned to look at Lin Qingyuan, the two of them laughed and got stuck again.

Then it was Jing Tian and Lin Qingyuan's turn to pose a question. They asked Tang Xiaotian and Wu Xin to do three sets of fitness exercises that could make the relationship between couples closer.

"As long as there is traffic and it is profitable, the capital will always find a way to do things that ordinary people don't expect. It is said that Ning Jing seems to be within the scope of their invitation."

Jing Tian picked up the microphone and also showed a smile: "Hello everyone, I am Jing Tian, ​​and today I am playing the role of Chang'e flying to the moon."

"Yes, Chang Xiao'e and Hou Xiaoyi are all from the miniature generation. This is Si Teng and Qin Fang from our "Si Teng", welcome our Tian Tian and Qing Yuan! Welcome!"

Yan Jun suppressed a smile and shook his head, "I don't know, maybe next month. The program team hasn't arranged a specific time yet, and they will notify us when it is set."

After several pairs of partners introduced themselves one by one, it was the turn of Lin Qingyuan and Jing Tian who stood in the middle.

This topic is really difficult. After all, normal people generally don't study this pair of fitness exercises, so they ended up failing as expected.

"Today, there are four groups of sweet partners who make us feel very sweet and eye-catching. First of all, please introduce yourself and welcome them!"

Several show hosts dressed in different clothes, dressed like cosplay at the comic exhibition, sang and danced lively in a dynamic opening song and dance show.

"The night of insomnia is drifting away, and the heart of missing is not hindered. It seems that I heard that you are also suffering from insomnia recently. I am alone in a daze. I like you smiling like a child. I want to stick to you every day."

"But after Zheng Yuxun got the news, she shouldn't just leave and stop recording, right? She has a criminal record." What Lin Qingyuan was worried about was that he happily ran to record the show, but he couldn't see Zheng Yuxun in the end.

This sugar content is simply excessive!
Cheng Yi, who was sitting next door, had his entire perception subverted by Lin Qingyuan and Jing Tian's generous business.

Lin Qingyuan's eyes widened, and he sat up straight, "Really? Is there such a good thing?"

There was no other way, Lin Qingyuan could only lie on the floor, let Jing Tian hug his legs and let him do sit-ups, and when they got up, the two of them still kissed each other.

The makeup artist was highlighting Lin Qing's already tall nose, he closed his eyes and said casually, "Remember to recommend me some skin care products then."

Of course, she was only shy for a short while, and then quickly gave her answer: "Little wolf dog, little rabbit, and Yuan Bao!"

Is the big guy who has developed to this level still so dedicated when CP is in business?
Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get rid of your partner, and will be forcibly tied up and sucked by a low-popular woman?

And in the next few interactive game sessions, Lin Qingyuan and Jing Tian still maintained this kind of generous business attitude, from time to time they contributed a few CP fans with their own filters so sweet that they got tired of it The famous scene of eating sugar, so looking at the whole issue, the business results of the two are undoubtedly very good.

It is estimated that after this episode of the fast book is broadcast, it will bring a lot of enthusiasm to the TV series.

In the early six o'clock, the recording of this episode finally ended.

Because he had to catch the evening flight back to Ningxia to continue filming, Lin Qingyuan could only decline the proposal of a regular dinner party organized by Mr. He, saying that he would meet again when he had time.

(End of this chapter)

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