Soon, Lingling came here.

When Bobby saw a cute girl walking in, he hurriedly stood up and said, "Little girl, don't come in, or you will be frightened!"

Lingling still walked in, her eyes looked very bright.

Lingling moved closer, and then stirred the pot of blood that looked a little sticky with her fingers, and then lifted the dead Noke's face slightly, and examined it carefully.

Bobby is stupid now, he looked at Lingling in astonishment, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Don't notify the police and the people from the Magic Association, otherwise we may not be able to find the information we want when they come." Lingling confessed at this time.

Lin Ran nodded and said, "I see."

"What is this?" Suddenly Lingling pointed to some strange debris on the edge of the iron basin, and asked with some doubts.

"I don't know, but it looks a bit like dander," Mo Fan said.

Then Lingling carefully put the skin flakes sticking to the iron basin into a vacuum bag, so that she could take it back for research.

"Call a skilled master over here, I want to dissect his body." Lingling said.

"Explain... anatomy??" Bobby on the side immediately objected.

This is his own younger brother. He must be buried properly and must not be dissected.

"If you think it's more important to give him a good funeral and bury him in a decent place than to find out the real cause of death and find the real culprit, then you can call people from the Magic Association over now, these mediocre people will only tell You, just in case, we have to cremate him." Lingling said righteously.

Bobby didn't seem to expect a little girl to say such a thing, so he just stared blankly at Lingling.

"If you want to know what killed your brother and your brother, then follow what she said." At this time, Mo Fan patted Bobby and said earnestly.

Bobby is not a very emotional person, so he nodded, and now he has to hand over his brother to Lingling.


Afterwards, Lingling and the invited teacher performed an autopsy inside, while Lin Ran and the others sat in the yard.

"How did your elder brother deal with it, is it on fire?" Mo Fan suddenly asked.

Lin Ran and Mu Ningxue also looked at the man.

"Well, it was burned on the same day. An old pharmacist from the Magic Association said that it is likely to be an epidemic and it is contagious, so it must be burned immediately. Even if I stopped it, they still executed it directly." Bobby said .

"Then when did your younger brother Nuo Ke become...become..."

"A little delirious?"

"Yes, when did you notice that he lost his mind?" Mo Fan asked.

"Well, about a week ago, at that time Norco became very bad-tempered, and I thought he became like that when he knew about his brother." Bobby said.

"Then before that, are there any abnormal symptoms?"

"Not seems normal, if the appetite becomes particularly good," Bobby said.

"The appetite has become particularly good??"

Lin Ran thought of the family members of the deceased whom he had visited before, and it seemed that some of them had mentioned similar problems.

"My Lubi used to be very picky eater, but recently he likes to eat everything. At first, I thought that his body would become stronger because of this, and his minor ailments of weakness would disappear quickly, but who knew he would die like this suddenly... "

Mo Fan still remembers what the mother of one of the deceased said!
"Why don't you go visit the houses we walked through before and ask the deceased about their appetite before death," Mo Fan said to Lin Ran.

Mu Ningxue nodded, immediately took action, Lin Ran got up and walked out together.


The visit between Mu Ningxue and Lin Ran was also quick, and they returned to the yard not long after.

From the expressions on the faces of Mu Ningxue and Lin Ran, Mo Fan probably knew the answer.

"The appetite has greatly increased, and it is one to two times the usual amount, without exception." Mu Ningxue said seriously.

"The police and hunters probably won't ask about such details, and they may not think there is any problem, but maybe it has something to do with this matter." Mo Fan opened Lingling's database computer, and then just Searched again on Appetite for Death.

"Appetite, what does this thing have to do with the curse?" Bobby asked very puzzled.

"Maybe, after all, everyone's food intake has increased." Lin Ran said.

"A large increase in appetite may not necessarily be a good thing, especially since none of the dead have changed their body shape due to a large increase in appetite," Mo Fan said.

Just when several people were talking about appetite, Lingling suddenly came out of that room.

She looked at the few people sitting in the yard with some luster in her eyes.

"There are some discoveries." Lingling said.

"So are we."

Afterwards, Mo Fan explained to Lingling how the deceased's appetite increased greatly during his lifetime.

Lingling thought for a while, and then said the result she found: "Nuoke's body is extremely weak, just like a person who hasn't eaten much for more than ten days. What is the difference, that is the illusion of swelling due to excess water in the body."

" is this possible??" Hearing this, Bobby screamed strangely.

Nuo Ke obviously ate so much food, how could his body be like a water-filled shell? This is completely against common sense!
"It's really getting more and more headache." Mo Fan smiled bitterly.

"Do you think it's possible that something ate up the nutrients?" Lin Ran couldn't help but said, eating too much is not the same as not eating, so we can only guess that something has ate up the nutrients in the body.

"Well, I think we already have a clue." Lingling nodded.

After finishing speaking, Lingling ran into the house, and then took away the blood-soaked pot.

Several people are very confused.

Lingling quickly found a filter, and she asked Mo Fan to help hold it.

Mo Fan did as she said, holding the filter, and then Lingling poured the pot of blood towards the filter.

The viscous blood quickly flowed down the slits of the filter, which made Bobby beside him feel indescribably complicated. This little girl must be amazing. A mage like him would be terrified to see this bloody scene. , Why does this little girl look like nothing at all.

The blood was still pouring down, and just when Mo Fan was wondering to ask, he suddenly found something wriggling on the filter.

This thing looks a bit like a blood clot, but it is also very soft, as if it can be softened through the filter with a little force.

"I wipe, what is this?" Mo Fan couldn't help asking, pointing at the squirming blood clot.

"Don't touch it, this thing is very fragile, as long as it leaves the liquid, it will die soon." Lingling confessed.

At this moment, Lin Ran also looked over.

"Lin Ran, go get some water." Lingling said.

"Yeah." Lin Ran nodded, and took some water in a hurry.

After getting the water, Lingling poured water on the wriggling blood clot, cleaning the blood on it little by little.

As the viscous blood was washed down, the wriggling blood clot seemed to melt, and it actually disappeared on the filter.

"How did it disappear?" Mo Fan asked in surprise.

"It's still there, look carefully." Lingling said.

Several people lowered their heads and observed carefully. They found a completely transparent small maggot on the original position of the filter!
The body of this thing is as soft as a jellyfish, but it is more transparent than a jellyfish, almost invisible to the naked eye, and its shape looks like a maggot, even bigger than a thumb.

"I've never seen this kind of thing before." Mu Ningxue said.

Mu Ningxue is also a well-read person. This is the first time I have seen such a thing. The most important thing is, why does this thing appear in the blood? Is it possible that all people who died due to the drowning curse actually have it in their blood? This transparent maggot? ?
"It's normal that you haven't seen it. It's just a larval form now. It will grow into its true appearance after reaching the ocean and using enough water as nourishment." Lingling said.

"What's the real face?"

"It's hard to say. The real scary thing about jellyfish maggots is that they are equivalent to a freely plastic embryo in the form of young eggs. Basically, as long as they are entangled with something, they can slowly grow into something." Lingling said .

"You mean, this guy can grow into any creature? For example, if you meet a red monster, you will grow into a red monster, and if you catch a sea monster, you will become a sea monster?" Mo Fan couldn't help but said.

"Almost, it's the first time I've seen a living jellyfish maggot, so I can do some research tonight!" Lingling said.

"What about the Drowning Curse?" Mu Ningxue asked.

"Didn't I just say that this jellyfish maggot can grow into anything, which naturally includes people." Lingling said.

Several people were stunned, Lingling's conclusion is also creepy, right? ?
When Bobby heard this, he flew into a rage and said, " are talking nonsense, my younger brother and my older brother, could it be that this kind of strange transformation! This is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"It's just speculation now, I have to do some research and research first." Lingling couldn't help but said.

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated? Could it be that all the people who died due to the drowning curse were such evil maggots? Just such a transparent water bug, it can really transform into a human being, and it can also talk and act like a human? "Mo Fan felt that Lingling's thinking was too scattered.

Lin Ran looked at the sky, feeling that his brain was not enough, after all Lingling's words were too terrifying.

"Speaking of which, not long after I arrived here, I heard that a giant bone appeared by the sea?" Lingling asked.

"Well, there is such a thing." Mo Fan replied.

"I hope it's not the work of these things, otherwise the city is going to have a big accident." Lingling said in a calm voice.


After that, Lingling took the jellyfish maggot back, and until late at night, Lingling called Lin Ran and the others to the beach. At this time, she had a very small tablet computer with a red color on it. The point is exactly in the center.

"What are you doing?" Bobby couldn't help but said after finding Lingling opened the box and put the completely transparent jellyfish maggot into the sea water.

This jellyfish maggot is already transparent to the naked eye when it is placed in the hand, and now once it is placed in the water, it will completely merge with the sea water!
"The reason why no signs of poison, parasitic demons, or curses were found on the people who died because of the drowning curse is that once the jellyfish maggots are put into the water, ordinary people can't see them at all!" Ling Ling Ling said.

"You mean to say that every person who died of drowning in the curse has such evil maggots in their bodies. They were subjected to mental control, and then ran to the sea to drown, and soon these evil maggots disappeared. Swim out of these dead bodies, and then enter the ocean??" Mo Fan said.

"That's right, in fact, many evil maggots are much larger than this one. People who died due to the curse of drowning will become wilted in a short period of time because these evil maggots that absorbed a lot of nutrients left Their bodies have completely emptied the nutrients in their bodies." Lingling said.

Lingling understood that several people were still puzzled by this matter, so she explained it carefully to them again.

"This kind of evil maggot is a very terrible parasitic monster. They usually live in sea water, and they are as small as some plankton. They can easily enter the body of living things, such as from the mouth, nose, and ears of people. Enter, it should be in an earlier period, this kind of evil maggot has not yet appeared in the species that can survive in the human body, it is only in recent decades that this evil maggot that lurks in the human body has gradually evolved, this evil The maggots enter the human body, and then they will stick to the stomach, and then consume human nutrients and food crazily. Therefore, those who are under the curse of drowning will start to increase their appetites. After all, they not only need to absorb the energy they consume , but also to feed the evil maggot embryo in the body."

"Afterwards, the evil maggot embryos will become more and more mature in the human body, and then they will not be satisfied with food, not satisfied with this kind of sneaky energy intake in a small human body, it needs to go to the vast ocean At this time, the evil maggots began to eat away at the human body, and then absorbed most of the important bodily functions of the human body into its own body, which can be regarded as a stock for a trip to the sea. After that, these terrifying little The thing exerts a kind of mind control on the person under the drowning curse, forcing them to go to places with water, especially the ocean..."

"Hiss, once we reach the sea, these things will completely take away human nutrition?" Lin Ran understood.

"It's such a scary thing, it's impossible to prevent it." Mu Ningxue couldn't help but said.

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