Versatile Mage Undead Fire

Chapter 208 Protection

Chapter 208 Protection
"I have carefully analyzed that such jellyfish maggots can be divided into two forms. Their first form is the parasitic hatching form described to you just now. The jellyfish maggots of this period are actually very weak. As long as there is a little It is possible to die if you touch it, and the survival rate of this thing in the human body is not particularly high, so even if there are jellyfish and maggots swimming into the human body, it does not necessarily cause people to be cursed by drowning, nor does it It will definitely die, but the jellyfish maggot that has successfully reached the level of manipulating the mind is equivalent to the terminal stage of cancer, and there is no cure. If the maggot is killed, the body of the cursed person will be emptied instantly. Dead maggots will run to the ocean and commit suicide."

"And the second form is the form after they control and kill a host and enter the ocean. At this time, they are still equivalent to a child who has just hatched from an egg. They need to gradually hunt and grow before they can grow up. Can become a full form..." Lingling said.

"Then what are their complete forms?" Mo Fan couldn't help asking.

"That's what I'm doing now. I've analyzed the jellyfish maggot larvae, and they don't have any vaccine tissue on them yet, so I guess, it may only wait for them to undergo a second form and become a full body." , there may be a vaccine organization." Lingling said.

"If the vaccine tissue can be extracted, and the International Association of Magic can immediately use this vaccine in major countries, then no one will be parasitized by this evil maggot in the future, and will not die due to the drowning curse?" Suddenly Mu Ningxue said with a bit of brilliance in her eyes, this nightmare is finally coming to an end.

Mu Ningxue knew very early that Lingling was very powerful, but she never thought that Lingling could analyze such a complicated international drowning curse incident so clearly, which made her sigh very much, this Lingling is really super powerful.

Just when Mu Ningxue was sighing, Lin Ran's hand was gradually placed on hers.

Mu Ningxue wanted face, so she opened Lin Ran's hand.

"You let that guy go just now, just to let it grow in the ocean?" Mo Fan couldn't help asking.

Lingling nodded, she shook the small tablet in her hand, and then said: "I have already marked it, no matter where it goes, I can find its location exactly..."

"Then what are we going to do next, just quietly wait until that little devil becomes a perfect body?" Mo Fan asked.

"Now we have to do the hardest part." Lingling said with a smile.

"Tracking?" Bobby asked.

"Compared to this, tracking is much simpler. Next, we must ensure that the evil maggot we are tracking can grow up healthy and healthy. As I said before, this evil maggot is terrible, but once it leaves the host The body is actually very fragile. This kind of evil maggot that swims into the ocean by itself has a very high mortality rate, and very few can evolve into a full body... So, we will not only track it down, We must also protect it and make sure it grows up safely!" Lingling said with a smile on her face.

Mo Fan rubbed his head and said, "Damn it, you still want to protect this thing?"

Lin Ran sighed and said: "There is no way, after all Lingling needs it."

Mu Ningxue also stared at her big beautiful eyes.

The errand that Lingling gave... really broke through the sky.

"Not only did we not kill this thing, but we even cared for it to grow up like a nanny, sister, are you sure you're not kidding me?!" Bobby's jaw almost dropped.

"As I said before, we can obtain vaccine tissues only after they become complete. The current maggot is the only one we can trace and the only specimen on hand. We still want to catch it like this time." It is very, very difficult to get one, because we don't know who will have the Drowning Curse at all, and we can't detect who has this evil maggot, and the final death period is also very sudden, we can't 24 hours Waiting at the seaside, even if we are at the seaside, as soon as these transparent little things touch the water, they will disappear without a trace, it is impossible to control them perfectly like this time." Lingling said seriously.

"That... Linglingyou let us digest it first, this matter is a bit unacceptable." Mo Fan said.

"Let me ask, is this thing growing fast? If it takes months or even years to become a full body, then don't we have to spend so long protecting it?" Bobby raised the question.

"It's not necessary. In fact, this thing has been brewing in the human body for a long time, so they will grow very fast after they swim into the ocean. According to my prediction, if it grows smoothly, it will change in half a month. To be perfect, by the way, Lin Ran, you guys have to ask the government to take a leave of absence, in this half month, I hope you will do the task well."

"How difficult this job is, you all know very well, if it succeeds, then we will not only get a huge reward, but also get the attention of the International Hunter Union, and save more people who will die tragically under the curse of drowning in the future." People in the middle, I checked some information before, and the survival rate of the drowning curse is getting higher and higher. Like this kind of evil maggot species that can survive in the human body, it must be solved no matter what, but it is necessary to completely eliminate them. It is almost impossible, so the only solution is a vaccine." Lingling said to the three seriously this time.

Mo Fan was very clear about the seriousness of the matter. He nodded and said, "We will try our best to solve this matter."

"Then count me in as well. I'm very familiar with the ocean. No matter what, I won't let this kind of little devil proliferate like this. I will definitely... er, anyway, I will keep an eye on it!" Bobby said.

Bobby is also very difficult. He wanted to trample this poor thing to death, but now he still wants to be the bodyguard of this little thing, although he is very angry.

However, reason told Bobby that what this little girl with a high IQ said was right, it was meaningless to trample this cursed maggot to death now, all he needed to do was to find a solution to the global Curse of Drowning.

In this way, I believe that my younger brother Noko will be relieved in heaven.

"Now it has swam more than a kilometer out of the sea area, but it is still in the Anjie sea area, so there will be no monsters. When it goes out of the Anjie sea area, we must always be vigilant." Lingling said.

"I'm going to prepare a fast boat now, you wait for me at the beach." Bobby said.


Soon, several people boarded a fast boat and chased in the direction pointed by Lingling.

The cursed maggot's speed is not particularly fast, so their boats always keep a distance of 500 meters from this guy. If it dives into the deep sea, Bobby, the water mage, will also dive with him.

Bobby is a mage majoring in water, but he is an ordinary middle-level water mage, he doesn't even have a spirit seed, but he is obviously familiar with water, so he is the one who follows the cursed maggots the most. It couldn't be better.

Lin Ran and the others were on standby on the ship. Mo Fan called Zhao Manyan in his free time and asked him to inform the national team that Mu Ningxue, Lin Ran, and him would be leaving the team for a while.

The national government allowed them to leave the team, but this meant that they could not get the resources that should have been allocated.

The three of them weighed it up, and they felt that the rewards from the bonus pool were better.

"Hey, where did you go, you don't care about the big skeleton?" Zhao Manyan asked.

"You may not believe it when you tell it," Mo Fan said.

"How can I not believe what you said." Zhao Manyan couldn't help but said.

"It's like this, we want to protect a killer insect... I'll wipe it, Lin Ran will save some for me!" Mo Fan roughly told Zhao Manyan about the Drowning Curse, and then took the beer away.

Zhao Manyan didn't know much about the Drowning Curse. He only heard that Mo Fan was going to protect a worm and watch it grow. His tone became weird. He deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Did you get fooled by the executioner? Something went wrong too??"

"Fuck off, I'm telling you for nothing! In short, Lin Ran and the rest of us will leave the team for more than half a month." Mo Fan said.

"Lin Ran and Mu Ningxue are going on their honeymoon, what the hell are you doing with them?" Zhao Manyan also convinced Mo Fan, the sixth child.

"Mo Fan, stop chatting, there is a situation now!" Suddenly, a red light flashed on the screen of Lingling's tablet computer, and it seemed that this evil maggot was in danger!
"Underwater, I can't use my fists." Mo Fan said helplessly.

"Whoever it is, hurry up and get rid of its natural enemies!" Lingling said unceremoniously.

Mu Ningxue quickly entered the water, her graceful and graceful body was swimming skillfully in the soft sea water, her slender legs hit small waves, her delicate buttocks were raised sometimes, and her small waist was swinging at other times, which made people feel refreshed rippling.

Mo Fan also got into the water, Lingling pulled Lin Ran and said: "Don't kill this sea monster, or it will cause more trouble, just drive it away, I don't need too many variables now."

Lin Ran nodded and then dived into the water. At this time, he saw Mu Ningxue releasing ice thorns, and Mo Fan also releasing spatial rhythms. It seemed that he was going to kill the sea monster.

Lin Ran used the power of space to control Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue, and then, under the surprised eyes of the two, he said that this sea monster could not be killed.

But because it was in the water, Mo Fan still didn't understand, so Lin Ran had no choice but to bring the two of them back to the boat.

Lingling said: "It also has a very good sense of smell, and I like the smell of blood very much. As long as you kill it, you will soon be surrounded by other sea monsters, so you just need to expel it."

At this time, Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue suddenly realized, no wonder Lin Ran wanted to stop them before.

Suddenly several people saw blood floating in the sea.

"Oops, Bobby!!!" Lingling said hurriedly, forgetting to tell Bobby.

At this time, Bobby came out of the sea, and he said happily: "I solved a guy who was close to the little thing."

However, he found that Lin Ran's expressions were not very good.

"What's wrong?" Bobby swallowed and said, the eyes of these people are so terrifying.

Lingling sighed and said: "Get ready to fight, remember not to let it die, or we will fall short."

"What happened?" Bobby asked.

"Next, a large number of sea-monsters attacked, because you killed their companions." Mo Fan said angrily.

"I'm sorry." Bobby swallowed and said, he didn't expect this to happen, he just wanted to protect the evil maggot.

"It's okay, the battle is just starting now." Lin Ran patted Bobby's shoulder and jumped into the sea.

With a glance, he saw a large number of sea monsters, which are a kind of sea monsters with sharp swords on their noses.

"Space Rhythm Crack!!!" Space power flickered on Lin Ran's body, and a silver space crack appeared in the next second, and a large number of sea monsters were torn apart in an instant.

Mu Ningxue's palms fluttered.

"Crack!!!" The sea monster that rushed towards Mu Ningxue was frozen for a moment, and then fell towards the deep sea.

Mu Ningxue's hair looked very unique in the sea water, she was a little dazed, this woman is so beautiful.

Bobby felt a little paralyzed in the next second, and then he saw a large number of thunderbolts flying out, electrocuting these sea monsters to death.

Bobby originally planned to help, but gradually he realized that he couldn't help at all!

Although there were a lot of sea monsters, Lin Ran and the others killed them faster, and the sea monsters were eliminated in a short while.


The sky is light blue, but the color of the ocean has gradually darkened. Looking around, you can feel that this ocean is a bit unusual.

"The sea here is getting darker?" Mo Fan didn't know anything about the ocean, so he looked back at the sea.

The swordhedgehog and sea-monsters did not chase them any more, probably leaving their territory.

However, as the sea water got darker and darker, Mo Fan thought that they might have entered the territory of another sea monster.

"This evil maggot has already transformed once, and it should have gained a lot of benefits from the sword hedgehog and sea monster before." Lingling watched and said.


"There seems to be a reef ahead," said Bobby suddenly.

People who are often at the seaside can judge the reef through experience.

A few people looked over there, and it seemed that the color of the sea water over there seemed to be much lighter.

When the clippers gradually approached, they realized that the hidden reef was actually very large, and it was obviously a reef island covered by sea water.

The sea water was not too deep, and the ship approached there very quickly. Lin Ran could even jump on it and stand there, the water probably only reached his knees.

"This seems to be a reef cave." Bobby observed carefully, and then said: "There will be a lot of monsters living in the reef cave, and it should come here to look for food."

(End of this chapter)

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