"Hahahahahahaha!!!" Seeing the growing stamen of the earth, Shi Qianshou showed a crazy smile, and at this time, there were already corpses strewn all over the place around him.

But soon he felt an extremely huge vitality.

what is itShi Qianshou turned around and found a young man walking over. He looked only about the same age as Zhang Xiaohou, and this person looked familiar.

Frowning, he soon recognized Lin Ran.

"Oh... it's you, Lin Ran, who is known as the strongest of the younger generation. Although you are all-powerful in the national competition, it's just a competition for high-level mages. I'm a super-level mage. You think I'm weak Is it?" Shi Qianshou said, he felt that as long as he swallowed Lin Ran, he could completely fill the core of the earth.

Lin Ran didn't like to flirt with people. He looked at Shi Qianshou fiercely, and thousands of flames erupted from Lin Ran's body in an instant.

These flames that have been tempered are extremely ferocious.

The ferocious flames made Shi Qianshou a little unbearable, and the breath alone was enough to make people shudder.

But the greater the risk, the greater the reward, and the poisonous insect he controlled launched an attack.

Lin Ran didn't even bother to defend, the flames would automatically burn these disgusting bugs.

Bright fire-type planets appeared beside Lin Ran, and these planets quickly connected to form a gigantic palace of stars, and the breath of destruction rushed towards him.

Shi Qianshou could feel the huge energy condensing, unable to stop or resist.

Why is this Lin Ran so powerful? Shi Qianshou is already a leader in the super class, but when facing Lin Ran, he feels like a baby.

He ran towards the Core of the Earth like crazy.

Lin Ran said disdainfully, "You're going to die, are you still thinking about it?"

The Gate of Hell! ! !

The super-level magic descended, and everything was dissolved under the high-temperature roasting.

Seeing the incoming flames, Shi Qianshou screamed, he grabbed the core of the earth and screamed: "Don't forget that I brought you back to life, lend me strength!!!"

The Pistil of the Earth seemed to respond to Shi Qianshou, releasing huge power.

The flames collided with the power of the Pistil of the Earth.

A violent explosion occurred in the next second, and Lin Ranshi Qianshou was completely covered by the explosion. This terrifying explosion completely destroyed the underground cave.

Lin Ran was also blown away by this terrifying force, and he used teleportation continuously to pull away.

The energy turbulence made him unable to perceive Shi Qianshou.

Lin Ran looked at the huge collapsed hole below in the air. There was no breath of Shi Qianshou, nor the core of the earth, so he fled.


"Hahahahahahaha!!!" Shi Qianshou hugged the core of the earth and laughed wildly. He survived, even though Lin Ran severely injured him with one move, but he survived. As long as he survives, he will have a chance to start again Pass.

At this time, several monsters found him, Shi Qianshou waved a few poisonous insects and devoured them, and then the poisonous insects returned to him.




The poisonous insects exploded one by one, and the life they produced fell on Shi Qianshou, and the burns on his body healed quickly. As long as he had the core of the earth, even Lin Ran might not be able to kill himself.


After several days of fleeing, Mo Fan and the others finally arrived at the outskirts of the desert. It is not known whether Lin Ran has dealt with Shi Qianshou now.

Lin Ran still can't make everyone feel at ease. After all, Shi Qianshou will never let them go. Now that he has the Pistil of the Earth, he will definitely replenish energy for the Pistil of the Earth. The fastest way is to Crazy killing.

The Tarim Fortress is completely made of gray-white rocks. It is a tall fortress city, and there are at least tens of thousands of people living in it. With the entire Tarim Fortress City as the center, there are many people in the basin with a radius of 10 kilometers. The towns based on mines, stone factories, wind source power bases, and light source bases are all within the security range. The Tarim Fortress City will replace troops every week to guard these towns to prevent deserts, plateaus, and caves. The demon attack in.

This area is very dangerous. There will be at least two or three attacks in a month, so every small town has an enchantment like the Tarim Fortress City. Workers and mages are all active within the enchantment. It is also safe from demon attacks.

They went directly to the Tarim Fortress City. Zhang Xiaohou is a soldier, so it is relatively straightforward to enter the military headquarters. Now everyone else is exhausted, but they are all waiting outside the gate of the military headquarters. I hope the military can immediately issue a warrant to arrest Shi Qianshou!

Zhang Xiaohou directly entered the military camp. Every town here has a military commander guarding it. After all, a city requires a huge amount of energy. The mines and energy bases of a town within the Tarim Fortress City It can provide energy support for five or six second-tier cities, even including the operation of the enchantment!
"General Commander, Qinling Commander Zhang Xiaohou asked to see him. He said he had something important to report." A communications officer stood in front of the camp and said.

At this time, there was only one military commander on the long table of the military commander's battalion, and all the others were military commanders, but most of them were in command and communication, and most of them were not combat military commanders.

At this time, the two staff officers were sitting next to the army Simu Da, with extremely serious expressions on their faces.

"We haven't found out the reason. The top priority now is to rescue some workers, townspeople, soldiers, and mages trapped in the emergency shelter. Now they have been trapped for three days, and their food and water are in serious condition. Not enough, there are still many injured people inside, if there is no medicine, they will surely die." One of the female staff officers said immediately.

Dajun Simuda couldn't help but snorted coldly and said: "Save people, don't I want to save people, but if we don't find out the reason and don't expel these dust storm konjacs, then no matter how many people we send to Anjiao Town Going to die, it has been three days now, there is still no clue, no news can be sent out, and no news can be sent in, are you all a bunch of idiots!"

"Dajunsi, Zhang Xiaohou, the commander of the Qinling Mountains, is asking to see you outside." The communications officer repeated.

"What's the fun coming here from the Qinling Army at this time, I don't have time to talk to him now!" Dajun Simu Da said angrily.

"But he said something important..."

"Can there be anything more important than the 1 people trapped in Anjiao Town now!!"

"This...Okay, then I'll let him wait first."

Outside the gate of the military headquarters, Mo Fan and the others were waiting for news from Zhang Xiaohou, but they soon saw Zhang Xiaohou walking out with a sullen face.

"Why, the people in the military department here don't believe what you said?" Mo Fan asked immediately.

As a military commander, Zhang Xiaohou's words must have some weight. It stands to reason that such a matter should be dealt with by the military court immediately. Even if it is not completely sure that Shi Qianshou did it, it will bring people to investigate first.

"It's not that they didn't believe what I said, but that I didn't have the opportunity to speak. Now the Tarim Fortress has encountered more difficult things." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"What's more difficult?? Is there anything more difficult than encouraging the devil who got the Pistil of the Earth? Shi Qianshou is now completely insane. He even killed all his subordinates without mercy. If he is allowed to walk out of the desert, it will Knowing how many innocent people were about to die, and Lin Ran didn't come back, there must have been some accident." Ge Ming said annoyed.

Jiang Shaoxu glared at Ge Ming and said, "Lin Ran will be fine!"

Mù Nujiao also stared at Ge Ming.

Lingling is very aware of Lin Ran's strength. Lin Ran is very strong and can kill Shi Qianshou, but if he hasn't come back now, he probably let Shi Qianshou run away, and he is looking for it, but it is very difficult for one person to find it. I hope Lin Ran Come back quickly.

"Hey, this can't be blamed on the military headquarters here. I just asked about it. Anjiao Town has been invaded by Dust Storm Demon Grasshoppers. Now the entire town and the surrounding land are surrounded by Dust Storm Demon Grasshoppers. Fortunately, a The patrol found out in time, and he let all the people in the town and the mine escape to the underground shelter, which prevented a large number of deaths. However, tens of thousands of people were trapped in the underground shelter. , medicines are very scarce, and the food and nutrition tanks on the ground that have not been brought to the shelter in time have been wiped out by the dust storm konjac." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"Really, isn't every town here protected by a powerful barrier? Why is it broken so easily and without warning? A town falls as soon as it says it falls... Could it be because Shi Qianshou??" Xu Pingdong asked.

Zhang Xiaohou shook his head and said: "This was born three days ago. At that time we were still in the desert, and Shi Qianshou hadn't obtained the core of the earth yet."

"This is really making matters worse. The problem of Shi Qianshou has not been resolved yet, and the dust storm konjac has begun to act as a demon again. These dust storm konjacs are completely invincible. Even if the military sends troops to wipe them out, it will be regarded as saving people. , then the entire army may be wiped out." Ge Ming said.

The dust storm has always been the biggest threat to the west. The original city barrier construction has greatly reduced the harm of these dust storm magic energy. I thought it would be able to expand and expand the city in a safe and stable manner, but suddenly such a terrible thing happened. matter.

If the dust storm is not resolved, then there will never be a truly standing city here, and the barrenness will spread throughout the entire Tarim Basin and surrounding areas like a plague of locusts. The more dangerous and barren, the less people will set foot here, so It will enter a vicious circle.

Obviously, the Tarim military wants to use the Tarim Fortress City as a foundation, and then gradually connect some towns that can provide a lot of resources and energy, and then cast a prosperous industrial magic city on this land , but the attack of the dust storm konjac broke through their so-called impregnable safety barrier in an instant, and their efforts for so many years will probably fall short!

"But fortunately, there were not many casualties, but if the people in the town die, then this Tarim fortress city will probably be evacuated, and then this area full of resources will be officially listed as a monster. The land is no longer suitable for human survival. The Western military has invested a lot of manpower and financial resources here. In order to reclaim the land here, many soldiers have sacrificed their lives, but now they are about to be completely destroyed by the dust storm konjac. It's gone." Zhang Xiaohou sighed.

"Are you alright?" Lin Ran appeared with silver light.

Seeing that Lin Ran was fine, Mo Fan breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Is he dead?"

Lin Ran shook his head helplessly and said: "He activated the power of the Pistil of the Earth to force me back, and then I lost his line speed. I searched for two days without any clues. I guess I went in the wrong direction. So I'm coming here."

"It's a pity." Mo Fan sighed.

Jiang Shaoxu and Mù Nujiao squeezed to Lin Ran's side, checking if Lin Ran was okay.

Lin Ran smiled and said, "I'm fine."

Suddenly footsteps came from the gate of the military headquarters, and a female soldier with an astonishing bust came out from it. She walked out together with a woman wearing a staff uniform, and behind them were several officers of different ranks. Low military command.

The two female soldiers were discussing something, the one with the tall bust glanced at the door casually, and found that Mo Fan and Zhang Xiaohou standing there looked familiar, and then couldn't help but glanced a few more times, and then she saw Lin Ran She froze for a moment, Lin Ran! ?

"Sister, wait for me." The proud female soldier said to the staff officer, and then walked towards Lin Ran and the others.

When Lin Ran and the others saw someone approaching, they all looked there...

I don't know why, but Mo Fan thinks the big breasts are a bit familiar, at least Mo Fan thinks so. When he saw that stern but feminine face, Lin Ran and the three of them couldn't help showing a look of surprise. color.

"Why are you!" Mo Fan spoke first.

Lin Ran also said, "Long time no see."

"It's been a long time, you three brothers and sisters." The hot female Juntong also smiled. She spent a good time with Lin Ran in the cave in Dongting Lake, at least she thought it was very good.

"Li Man, aren't you in charge of Dongting Lake? Why did you come to the Western Army Headquarters?" Zhang Xiaohou said.

"Dongting Lake has basically stabilized, and the military city is a routine business. It is more likely to make achievements when you come to the west, so I applied for a transfer. I have been here for a year and a half. I didn't expect to meet him here." You guys..." Da Juntong Li Man glanced at Zhang Xiaohou and Mo Fan, and immediately fell on Lin Ran with those beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "Little pervert, you are famous now."

Mù Nujiao: "..."

Jiang Shaoxu: "..."

Lin Ran was a little embarrassed. At that time, he belonged to the period when he could even pierce a steel plate. Naturally, he couldn't hold back when he saw a plump woman like Li Man. Understand, he will no longer be as impulsive as before, at least he will not be easily seduced.

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