Versatile Mage Undead Fire

Chapter 297 Not Afraid of Fire

"Li Man, our time is very tight, so don't waste time reminiscing about the past." The middle-aged female staff officer said indifferently.

"Sister... Oh, Staff Officer Shao, my manpower is limited, so I hope they can assist, and they are all strong." Li Man said to this serious female staff officer.

The position of the staff officer is at the same level as the military commander, and the staff officer is also qualified to handle Shi Qianshou's affairs. Zhang Xiaohou did not expect to meet the staff officer Shao of the military fortress here, and the staff officer Shao seems to be Li Man's sister.

"Are you the one who reported Shi Qianshou's rebellion before?" At this moment, Staff Officer Shao came over and asked.

"Yes, he has already betrayed, and he also obtained the Earth Core, and now he is replenishing the energy of the Earth Core with his innocent life. Before that, he personally killed three or four hundred people..." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"I know that this matter is also very urgent, but we must deal with Anjiao Town first, but don't worry, we will not let the traitors go." Staff Officer Shao said.

"Li Man, how can you expect them to be outsiders? If you want to waste time here, you can do whatever you want, but let's take a step ahead, Staff Officer Shao, let's go to the front camp as soon as possible." A person behind Staff Officer Shao The male military commander left and said.

Staff Officer Shao immediately nodded and didn't say anything more to Lin Ran and the others. He turned around and led the others out of the gate of the military headquarters. It seemed that he was about to go to the front line of the disaster-stricken command.

Li Man hesitated for a while, looked at Lin Ran and said, "The situation is very urgent this time, and I am also ordered in a crisis. If you are willing to help me..."

Lin Ran said, "No problem."

Li Man breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'll treat you to dinner when I have time."

Jiang Shaoxu on the side rolled his eyes and ate?I think it is to mate!

Zhang Xiaohou glanced at Mo Fan at this time, he obviously wanted to be decided by Mo Fan.

Mo Fan said helplessly: "If the matter of Anjiao Town is not resolved, it is impossible for the military to send someone to deal with Shi Qianshou. It will be very troublesome if the time is delayed. If Shi Qianshou runs away, the matter will be even more troublesome. Yes, we can help you, but I hope you will mention it to the staff and military commanders here, this Shi Qianshou is a huge hidden danger, and we must not let it go!"

"Well, then you all come with me." A smile appeared on Li Man's face.

"They are also with us, and they are all very strong." Mo Fan pointed at Mù Nujiao, Jiang Shaoxu, and Lingling at this time.

"Well, both of them are also members of the national government." Li Man said.

The members of the Golden War Hunters did not join. They were already very miserable. After being captured before, they are probably exhausted now.

Ge Ming's situation is not very optimistic. He has a high cultivation level, so he has been taken care of by Shi Qianshou. It may take a few days to recuperate before he can recover some combat power. However, Ge Ming also promised that as long as he recovers his magic power, he will Will come to help immediately.

"Li Man, please tell us what is going on first. I remember that every town is protected by a barrier, which is very safe. The dust storm konjac should not be broken so easily!" Zhang Xiaohou said. Walk around and ask about the situation.

"This is where we are confused now. It is impossible for the dust storm konjac to ignore the town barrier." Li Man said helplessly.

"It seems that we have to go to the field to investigate." Mo Fan said.

"Well, it's just that the dust storm konjacs are overwhelming the sky now, and it's very difficult for our people to enter the area they occupy, and the communication is completely cut off now... Sigh, my sister has been here for more than ten years, and she wholeheartedly wants to turn this place into a safe world , the city of Tarim, but I didn’t expect such a big change to happen overnight... If something happens to the people in the town, then everyone’s efforts will be in vain.” Li Man said.

Jiang Shaoxu said beside Lin Ran, "Did you sleep with this military commander?"

Lin Ran: "Don't talk about tigers and wolves like that."


"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"

The sky is filled with dark brown dust, and the sound of destructive vibrations makes the ground tremble non-stop. Countless dust storm konjacs are like a curtain. If this is a storm with low pressure, people will be more afraid. But it exists a thousand times more terrifying than a storm! !

The town is not very big. On the main streets, there are some concentrated houses, factories, and buildings. These are all made of very hard stone in the west, so there is no food for dust storm konjacs for the time being.

However, these houses have no windows anymore, because the powerful earthquake has shattered the glass, floor-to-ceiling glass walls, and shop windows of the entire town, and the streets are now in a mess...

Underground refuges are built under the buildings at the corners of every street. Now the entire building has been filled with dust storm konjacs, and there is no gap at all. The dust storm konjacs seem to smell the breath of humans hiding underground. , is now trying to break through the gates of the sanctuary.

"Why don't they leave? Are they really going to peel us to the bone?" Behind the underground stone gate, a middle-aged man said with a tired face.

There are military mages near the underground stone gate. They guard here in rotation, while others sleep on the spot. Everyone saves their energy as much as possible. There are only more than 100 military mages behind this gate. Doubling, ten thousand times the magic grasshopper to contend?

In the dark underground refuge hall behind the more than 100 military mages, there are many shivering workers and residents, their eyes have been tortured by fatigue and fear, and they are almost lifeless!

"Can we still go out?"

"I don't know yet." The military mage replied.

With his answer, there was a burst of crying in the hall, including children, women, and even some men.

"Li Qing, you idiot, can't you say something nice!" the soldier at the side said a little angrily.

"I just don't like deception. Even the military is very difficult to contend with the endless dust storm konjacs. It's been three days now, and they can't even get in touch with us. Everyone knows how terrifying the dust storm konjacs are." , Although the military department will not give up on us, but I believe that the military department cannot save us, as long as the dust storm and konjac remain, then we will not be able to survive." Li Qing said anxiously but pretending to be calm.

"Is what you said true?" an old man asked.

All the soldiers fell silent.

"I'm an old man, so I'll die if I die, but my granddaughter is only eight years old, please find a way to keep her alive no matter what, I beg you!" the old man begged.

"Old man, I guess we can't survive by ourselves."

"The food and water won't last for two days, we can only pray that the dust storm konjac will leave on its own."



Behind a natural rock formation fifteen kilometers away from Anjiao Town, the soldiers are quickly setting up a temporary combat command camp.

The command battalion here is very simple, but it is to avoid being discovered by the surrounding dust storm konjacs.

There were four armies dispatched, each with 1000 men, led by four military commanders, and the command authority was in charge of Staff Shao.

Li Man belongs to the Special Operations Battalion, but it has not been long since its establishment, and there are only more than 50 personnel, mainly composed of mid-level and above mages, and Li Man is the general manager.

When Lin Ran and the others followed Li Man to the frontline combat command camp, they saw an army in dark red uniforms heading towards Anjiao Town.

The location where they are located is slightly higher, and they can have a panoramic view of Anjiao Town located in the basin at a glance. These black dust storm konjacs are like a black wind from the outside world, covering the entire Anjiao Town and The land with a radius of ten kilometers was completely covered in it, and Anjiao Town was as small as a lone rock island in the black ocean, easily swallowed by the surging waves! !
"This... is more than what we encountered in the desert at that time!" Mù Nujiao said looking at this extremely shocking and terrifying scene.

"The mage legion of 1000 people looks like a small leaf boat in a black tsunami. Will they be okay if they enter the range of the dust storm konjac like this?" Zhang Xiaohou said.

"There is no way around this. The food and water in the shelter in Anjiao Town can only last for two or three days at most, so Staff Shao must take action. However, the situation should not be too pessimistic, because the 1000 people are all Composed of fire mages, they also wear fire armor and have star track nodes. If they activate the magic energy together, they can form a fire shield similar to the town barrier. This fire shield will approach Their dust storm konjacs are burnt to death, this is the only reliable way we can think of in the military headquarters camp, we need to let these 1000 people enter the town first, then bring food and water in, and then find the town enchantment The reason for the failure." Li Man said.

"They are about to enter the range of the dust storm konjac."

"Well, but is the barrier of fire really useful?"

Mo Fan watched these troops stepping into the devil's lair step by step, and his heart gradually sank. He looked at Lin Ran and found that Lin Ran was also thinking about something.

Mo Fan couldn't help but glanced at Li Man, and asked, "What's going on with your town barrier, tell us about it."

"If a city is to be built, it must be enchanted. If there is no enchantment, a city cannot exist on a land where demons walk. After the dust storm came, this basin has been listed as a red alert zone. , the council had asked everyone, the city, and the army to evacuate before, but Army Commander Muda created a flame barrier, which can completely isolate the dust storm konjac from the fortress city, precisely because there are With this kind of flame enchantment, the Tarim Fortress City can develop so many surrounding towns, and then exploit the huge resources here as much as possible..." Li Man narrated.

"Duststorm konjacs are afraid of fire, aren't they?" someone said.

Li Man nodded and said: "The thing they fear most is flames, so these flame barriers can become an absolute guarantee of safety, and also allow this area that was already classified as a dangerous place to be classified as a human territory again. But……"

As Li Man spoke, he couldn't help looking at Anjiao Town, which was covered in dark brown by the dust storm konjac.

Lin Ran looked at Lingling, the konjac that he met in the Flaming Demon Mountain.

"Is there a dust storm konjac that is not afraid of fire?" Lingling suddenly asked.

"It's impossible, the dust storm konjac is most afraid of fire!" Li Man said with certainty.

After listening to Lingling's words, Mo Fan couldn't help but shudder, and he immediately took out the rock crystal from his space storage.

This piece of rock crystal was given to them by the mutated dust storm konjac before parting. From the very beginning, Mo Fan felt that something was wrong, but now that he thought about it carefully, a chill spread all over his body!
"Hey, Mo Fan, your spar is not bad, why is there something in it?" Li Man said.

Mo Fan didn't speak, he crushed the spar violently.

The spar of the big goose stone shattered instantly, revealing the contents inside. It was a very deformed worm. It seemed that it had been dead for a long time, but it could still be discerned that it was a dead fetus. Creatures in eggs! !
"This this!"

"Is this a dust storm konjac here? It is a dust storm konjac that has not yet been born, and it has no life..." Li Man said with a face full of surprise.

"Brother Fan, why do you have eggs of this kind of dust storm konjac?" Zhang Xiaohou asked.

Mo Fan didn't answer, but looked at Lin Ran nervously and said, "Is it too late?"

Lin Ran nodded and said, "It's too late!"

In the next second, Lin Ran left here flickering.

Li Man said, "What's wrong?"

The advancing soldiers spotted a konjac eating their flame armor, and before he could react the konjac pounced on him.

"Ahhhh!!!" He was bitten on the arm.

In the next second, the silver radiance fell, and all the konjacs stopped moving in an instant.

This space is stagnant! ! !
The number of these konjacs was huge, and Lin Ran couldn't hold it for long. He said, "They are no longer afraid of fire. Get out of here in 30 seconds, or you will all die."

These soldiers do not plan to retreat without an order to retreat.

Lin Ran also found this place.

"Stupid." Lin Ran cursed, and let the silver flash throw these people out of here.

The next second, the konjacs rushed towards Lin Ran.

Naturally, Lin Ran was not afraid. The Immortal Fire devoured the konjacs unceremoniously, but there were too many of them.

Lin Ran knew that now was not the time to fight these konjacs, so he used teleportation to return to Mo Fan and the others.

"No one died, but several people were seriously injured." Li Man said.

Lin Ran sighed and said, "I have tried my best."

Li Man looked at Lin Ran and said, "We have to retreat, because they are no longer afraid of fire."

"Well, you can leave the material transportation to me." Lin Ran said.

Li Man looked at Lin Ran and said, "Don't die."

After speaking, Li Man even kissed Lin Ran.

Jiang Shaoxu: "..."

Mù Nujiao: "..."

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