Chapter 346
Bei Jiang just detected that someone touched Leng Qing and was infected by dark matter. He looked at a certain position, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he felt that it was time to end.

But suddenly the black shadow beside him squirmed.

Bei Jiang is a master of shadows and immediately discovered the clues. Just when he was vigilant, a handsome black wolf slowly walked out.

Bei Jiang's pupils shrank suddenly, how could such a creature appear here?

Dark Wolf The top creature of the dark plane, this guy can be said to be the born king of darkness. He subconsciously wanted to escape, but suddenly he found that he had lost control of the shadow power.

He knew in an instant that he had been deprived of his shadow power by the Dark Wolf.

The dark wolf is not in the mood to play peek-a-boo with Beijiang. If he is a super-level mage, it may be a bit troublesome, but he is only a high-level mage, and he can easily solve it.

Blocking Bei Jiang's soul to prevent him from committing suicide, the dark wolf took him away.

Otherwise, Lin Ran would reprimand it again.

Xiaoping waited anxiously. Seeing that Lin Ran was on the phone with someone, she immediately became annoyed, and laughed whenever she came.

Just when she was in a hurry, the dark wolf appeared. It took away some dark matter, and Mo Fan took the rest.

Lin Ran looked at Bei Jiang and couldn't help but said, "I'm not as arrogant as you, who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?"

At this time Xiaoping asked suspiciously: "Who is Liang Jingru?"

"A singer." Mo Fan said casually, his shadow system has become much stronger.

"I'm going to start looking for traitors, I should be able to send wrong messages to Leng Jue." Lingling said, her eyes were very firm.


On the colorful pool seat, a beautiful woman in a bathrobe was lying on it. Her bright light golden eyes were staring at the somewhat gray sky of Guangzhou.

"Hmph, is this the unprecedented master in the Hall of Assassins? It really impresses me!" A boy with purple eyes walked down, looking very angry.

"He's dead??" The woman with golden pupils said in surprise, "It seems that there is a reason why Sa Lang stumbled here."

"But it's a good thing that Leng Qing is dead, otherwise my event will be ruined!" said the purple-eyed boy.

"That's good. If it wasn't for the fact that it was extremely difficult for the people of the Black Vatican in Huaguo, we wouldn't let the people from the Hall of Assassins handle it for us," said the lady with golden pupils.

"My lord, if you entrust this matter to me, Leng Qing will be dead before she arrives in Guangzhou. After all, Bei Jiang is too young and too proud..." At this time, a burly man said.

This skin color is quite strange, as if it will change with the different spotlights on the swimming pool.

"Our people shouldn't act lightly here. I don't want to think that the plan has not been implemented yet, and there will be fewer available men." Leng Jue said.

After Sarang carried out the catastrophe of the ancient capital, Huaguo has become the most difficult area for the Black Vatican to infiltrate. If they want to come to this country, they will be like tourists at most, absolutely not Dare to commit crimes here, or you will be wiped out by those bloody trials and revenge mages in minutes.

"My lord, can I just use it?" Suddenly the burly man pointed to his nose, looking a bit simple and honest.

"Yes, it works."

"Hehehe, what about me, Lord Leng Jue?" At this time, the beautiful woman laughed and pointed at herself.

"Which aspect do you want to ask?" The purple-eyed boy immediately put his hands inside the woman's robe, and then raised his eyebrows and asked.

"What do you mean?"

"It won my heart."

"Is that all?" The golden-eyed woman slowly leaned forward, and then she put her slippery tongue on the purple-eyed boy's palm.

The purple-eyed boy rushed forward very directly. There was nothing inside the bathrobe he tore open, but the soft sea of ​​flesh was so delightful to roam.

Suddenly, the purple-eyed boy turned his head, looked at the burly man and said, "Are you going to help me hold down this snake woman?"

"No, no, Lord Leng Jue alone is enough to surrender." The burly man said.

"Then get out!" The purple-eyed boy snapped.

"Yes, yes!" The burly man hurriedly fled at this time.

"If you have a brain, it's not just useful!" The purple-eyed boy said looking at his back.

Under the boy, this plump woman twisted her body, completely looking like she wanted to be raped. While teasing the purple-eyed boy, she made a soft voice, but asked some distracting words in her mouth : "My Lord Leng Jue, are you still unwilling to tell me what you and Sa Long stole from the Temple of Liberty?"

"You don't need to know that, bitch!"

"Ah... I like that you call me Nujia."


Lin Ran looked at Ye Xinxia who was leaving and the experts around her. He called Ye Xinxia to help treat Leng Qing last night. He originally planned to get along with her for a while, but the old woman beside Ye Xinxia was extremely difficult, so he couldn't help it. It's really speechless to start with Ye Xinxia, ​​don't the couples want to discuss each other when they meet?

"I want to dig out Leng Jue." Suddenly, Lingling's voice came in.

Mo Fan was taken aback, he didn't know when Lingling also learned to be elusive.

Lin Ran looked at Lingling, he agreed with this idea.

"Bei Jiang is just a killer. The person who really wants my sister to die is the cardinal Leng Jue, and what my sister brought back at the price of her life this time must be very important. Every cardinal is so insane. To the extreme, I guess my sister must have discovered and had a premonition of something terrible." Lingling said with a serious face.

"However, let's discuss this matter with your grandfather first, otherwise it will be difficult for us to compete with a cardinal." Mo Fan said.

"My grandfather won't be returning to China in a short period of time. There must be something big going on in the world." Lingling said.

"Then let's find Zhu Meng and the others. Unless your sister can wake up right away, we don't have any clues at all." Mo Fan said. After the treatment, Leng Qing was in a deep sleep, repairing herself bit by bit.

Lingling shook her head and said, "We have clues."

Mo Fan suddenly looked at Lingling with a puzzled expression.

Leng Qing didn't reveal any information.

"Do you still remember that we used that traitor to send a message to Leng Jue?" Lingling said.

"Remember, this matter is scary when you think about it carefully. I didn't expect that there would be the eyes and ears of the Black Vatican in the dignified trial meeting." Mo Fan said.

Mo Fan remembered that Leng Qing said before that there was a traitor from the Black Vatican in the trial meeting, but this traitor may not necessarily be a member of the Black Vatican, he may be an upright judge, and he may not know that he is betraying For the matter of colleagues, he may exchange information with some organizations to achieve a win-win situation, and then the Black Holy See will get it, so there may not be people from the Black Holy See lurking in the Tribunal, but the information of the Trial Council is definitely not safe. Even the special cipher text including Leng Qing, the presiding judge, could be grasped by some people with bad intentions, and fell into the hands of the Black Vatican in an instant.

However, it would be passed to Leng Jue so quickly, that person with bad intentions has a big problem.

"When I asked my sister to send the ciphertext to the headquarters, I did some different processing. I processed the ciphertext into multiple lines, and then told them to pick us up in different places. The address is that road, but the city is Foshan, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Kunming...these cities all have the same road address as Guangzhou." Lingling said.

"You are talking about the wrong place??, I see, Leng Jue, they also know that we are in Guangzhou, so if we want to meet the ciphered informant with the presiding judge, then it must only be in Guangzhou, When they see the wrong place, they will definitely think that we are suspicious." Mo Fan said.

"This traitor knows that we are in Guangzhou, and also knows about my sister's situation. He even knows that we don't know anything. He also knows that the purpose of our nonsense about the meeting place is to create suspicion." Lingling said.

"But in this way, we still can't be sure who is the traitor, because every city has different ciphertext contacts." Mo Fan said.

"So after I released the ciphertext, I issued rewards in Foshan, Xiamen, Shenzhen, and Kunming as a master hunter, and then asked a hunter to meet the local presiding ciphertext... I just want to go fishing and see if the traitor will be negligent." Lingling said.

Mo Fan was stunned when he heard this.

Lingling's move is absolutely perfect!
Where she said something wrong, the opponent thought that those were suspicious formations, but in fact Lingling really sent someone there!

"The hunter in Kunming told me last night that he didn't see the cipherman, so the person who received the secret message from the presiding judge in Kunming was a member of the Black Vatican, and his negligence also exposed himself. And he I probably don’t know that I’ve been exposed. This person’s status should still be very high. My original intention was to get someone to pull him out, but thinking about what my sister mentioned about Leng Jue’s plans, I think we should take a long-term view. Maybe we can see the true face of this cardinal!" Lingling's eyes were shining brightly.

"Lingling, you are really a genius! Very good, then we won't be so clueless, and we won't be so passive anymore...We can even take the initiative to attack and completely defeat this cardinal!! " Mo Fan said a little excitedly.

Lingling's move is really amazing, especially the trick that can get people to talk about it despite publishing wrong information. Of course, if the traitor is more cautious and really makes people go there to talk, then this time There is no gain.But there is no one in Kunming, which shows that the guy is now immersed in the pride of killing a presiding judge!

Normal magical technology equipment is easy to be stolen and intercepted. Because many of the courts are engaged in latent work, most important messages will not be transmitted through normal equipment, and in order to ensure that some orders It will not be misrepresented. Some instructions are issued by the presiding judge himself, and each presiding judge has his own ciphertext.

If the ciphertext is attached to the message to be transmitted, then this indicates that this is important information transmitted by the judge, especially in the struggle against the Black Vatican, many members of the Black Vatican are by our side, unless he exposes himself, otherwise In general, it cannot be recognized at all, so the existence of ciphertext becomes particularly important.

The whole process is extremely complicated, but it can be the safest and most important means to deal with the Black Vatican and secretly transmit information.

The ciphertext is constantly changing, and only the ciphertext responders in the area will know what the ciphertext is every day. When the presiding judge needs to transmit important information and at the same time cannot be intercepted and eavesdropped by people with ulterior motives, the presiding judge can Identity initiates a ciphered subpoena, which then calls a ciphered correspondent in the area.

As long as you meet with the cipher text correspondent, then the matter is very simple. No matter what information is obtained, it will be transmitted back to the headquarters in the cipher text voice, basically it will only be passed to the members of the councilor level, and it is absolutely impossible in the middle. If it is wiretapped or intercepted, if it is some special evidence, list, object, etc., then the cipher text responder will also open the transmission secret array, and then directly deliver these important evidences to a special place, only members of parliament can get it.

Most of the information is sent directly back to the Judgment by the judges through normal means of communication. After all, this is the era of magic technology, and it is no longer as complicated as the flying pigeons in ancient times, but the existence of ciphertext transmission is quite significant. Necessary, especially in the fight against the Black Vatican, you can never be sure that the person you inform is a member of the Black Vatican, and the information stealers of the Black Vatican are always the most difficult to expose!

Lingling also knew the ciphertext process, so when she asked her sister Leng Qing to initiate a ciphertext subpoena, she was not only using the traitor, but also completely pulling out the traitor who had been lurking in the trial for a long time!

"Most of the traitors lurking in the Tribunal are Leng Jue's people. We didn't pull out this thorn when we wiped out all the followers of Sa Lang." Lingling said.

Sa Long's influence in the country has been cleaned up quite cleanly, from as low as the gray-clothed believers to as high as the blue-clothed deacons. In the catastrophe of the ancient capital, Sa Long has used all her power. She awakened almost all the hidden people in the ancient capital for She celebrates, which means that her influence will be completely cut off.

However, what Sa Long mastered was her member of the Black Vatican as the archbishop in red, so what about the other red clothes?
"My sister always thought that the traitor was Sa Lang." Lingling said.

"Yeah, I didn't think of that, and I don't know what this Leng Jue is?" Mo Fan asked.

Suddenly Mo Fan looked at Lin Ran and said, "Be more serious this time, after all, you are facing the Black Vatican, and you know how terrible the catastrophe of the ancient capital was last time..."

"I know, they are all crazy." Lin Ran said.

(End of this chapter)

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